Mr Luong's House In Vietnam Is Very Warm And Happy
Absolutely Beautiful Tiny House on wheels, 28 ft long for sale - Duration: 2:31.Absolutely Beautiful Tiny House on wheels, 28 ft. long for sale
Donald Trump colours in US flag, gets it wrong - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
Raonic, Shapovalov enter U.S. Open facing their own challenges - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
Jemele Hill Leaving ESPN - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Jemele Hill Will Reportedly Leave ESPN In September - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
A&T, perfect in 2017, beats Jacksonville State 20-17 to open new season - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
Fortnite God's Plan Montage 😱🔥 - Duration: 2:53."MUSIC"
Shooting Nude using Single Light | Nude Photography Tutorial #19 | 1 Minute Promo - Duration: 1:26.Hello Everyone,
This is Ryan,
I am a Photographer specialised in Fashion and Nude.
In this video we are talking about Single Light Nude Portraiture.
You can see I have set one light here and all other lights are off.
So, I am just using this light and you can see modelling lights falling on her face.
I am using a Sony Entry Level Camera with 55-200 mm lens.
This is a very basic entry level camera and I am using this because most people wont be
having a expensive cameras and I can assure you that you don't need an expensive camera
to take a good quality picture.
And the settings which I use is also pretty basic.
That is shutter speed 1/125, Aperture f8 and ISO is 100.
I am not a big fan of low key photography and I prefer more exposed images.
So, model is ready in her chair and we are taking a picture.
It's a very good picture but I think her pose could be better.
The Complete Moderate's Guide to Immigration - Duration: 20:50.So, what makes you think you're entitled to citizenship?
What have you done to earn it?
…This sounds awfully familiar.
Citizenship is a privilege, we don't grant it to people because they think they deserve
What have you done for the United States?
Join the Mobile Infantry today and save the world.
Service guarantees citizenship.
Would you like to know more?
This video is brought to you by Brilliant.
The Constitution gives Congress the power to make rules about who is allowed to become
a citizen, in a process known as naturalization.
The first law to address this was the Naturalization Act of 1790.
You had to live in the United States for two years, live in your current state for one
year, and… be a free white person of good moral character.
That's how we started.
So when the Constitution says We the People and guarantees them certain rights, they're
talking about free white persons of good moral character.
Over the centuries that definition has been expanded, but there have always been people
who want to keep it restricted.
And when you're talking about expanding or restricting, you're talking about immigration.
I am a US citizen, I didn't have to do anything to earn it.
Were you in the military like my dad and grandfather?
Yes… but, luckily for her, we don't live in a semi-fascist military Starship Troopers
republic-dictatorship federation… so that doesn't matter.
My parents were citizens and I was born in the United States.
You only need to meet one of those requirements to be considered a naturally-born citizen.
Meaning you were naturalized as soon as you were born.
The Fourteenth Amendment, quite possibly the most important and overlooked amendment, guarantees
birth-right citizenship.
It was part of the Recontructrio, a term I just made up for the three amendments passed
after the Civil War that made all recently freed slaves citizens.
Thirty years later, a landmark Supreme Court case reaffirmed that any child born on US
soil to parents who are current residing in the US are citizens.
This is where the term anchor baby comes from, but we'll get to that.
Wong Kim Ark was Chinese, which the US has a very long history of excluding from citizenship
and immigration.
Most notably with the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
Which banned all Chinese immigration in response to white people on the west coast complaining
about depressed wages… this story repeats itself several times.
In 1917 we created the Asian Barred Zone, which also banned immigration from all of
these countries.
But all of these were somewhat rolled together into the Asian Exclusion Act, which was part
of the larger Immigration Act of 1924, which is where our story really begins.
Before 1924, we pretty much had open borders, anyone could come in, which is why there were
immigration scares over Chinese people, then the Irish, then Italian…
You can project this forward, we're having the same fears over Mexican and Muslim immigration
The Immigration Act of 1924 created the Border Patrol and the current visa system, including
putting quotas on certain countries.
To oversee all of this, in 1933 they created the Immigration and Naturalization Service,
the precursor to ICE.
Look, you let me in right now or I call the INS, comprende?
Back in the day, the INS were the ones who rounded people up and deported them.
In 2003, the INS was split into three agencies under the Department of Homeland Security:
Customs and Border Protection, US Citizenship and Immigration Services, and Immigration
and Customs Enforcement, more commonly known as ICE.
So when you say you want to abolish ICE because it was only created in 2003, you're technically
But we had something for decades before that which did the exact same thing.
We have the most secure border we've ever had.
We all know that's a complete lie.
Is it though?
We used to have basically no border and now we have three agencies with several tens of
thousands of agents overseeing several hundred ports of entry and several hundred miles of
rather ineffective fencing.
She doesn't say it's completely 100% secure.
She says it's the most secure we've ever had, which is objectively true…
I don't think you can have a completely secure-
Common sense tells us that securing our borders would help to stem the tide of individuals
entering our country illegally.
China began construction of their Great Wall as early as 600 BC and finished roughly around
1600 AD.
Which meant, it has secured China's borders for over 2600 years.
Here's just a small list of times China has been invaded over the last 2600 years.
Including the Mongols which were the primary people they wanted to keep out.
So unless you're proposing building something even more-
This is America's Great Wall.
And it will be fully manned from coast to coast.
35 feet high and 20 feet wide and 2000 miles long.
Along the border wall we'll have underground sensors that are so sensitive that we could
hear a mouse dig.
We'll also have motion detectors and infrared cameras along the south side of the wall.
We'll have guard towers every 25 miles with a border patrol and sheriff's station with
quick response airports.
Okay, even Trump isn't proposing having something that over-the-top.
What he's actually proposing is just more fencing, like what we already have along several
hundred miles of our border.
What is the problem with the wall anyway?
The problem is that a wall, especially one like what they're proposing, would be crazy
expensive and attempt to solve a problem that isn't really as bad as you think.
Whenever the economy turns bad, without exception, we blame immigrants.
Politicians stoke fears of job loss and crime in order get votes.
Over 94 million Americans not in the work force.
The number one reason?
Illegal aliens.
Drug and human smuggling, home invasions, murder.
We're outmanned of all the illegals in America, more than half come through Arizona.
Have we got the right plan?
Plan's perfect.
You bring troops, state, county, and local law enforcement together.
And complete the danged fence.
It'll work this time.
Hah, sure it will buddy.
That was 2010, illegal border crossings have gone down, but it's not because of the still
incomplete fence.
There are a lot of subtle misconceptions in that ad that make the problem seem much worse
than it really is.
The total from 1987 to 2015 is 70 to 120 million illegals crossing our borders in the last
28 years.
Wow, that's more than a third of the country then.
The US Census Bureau counts illegal immigrants, as of last year, there are 325 million people
in the United States and of that, there are an estimated 11.5 million "illegals."
Also known as unauthorized or undocumented immigrants, which is the term I will be using
from now on.
That number has been falling since 2007 and only half of them crossed the border illegally.
They're suggesting that there's an additional, phantom 50-100 million people living in the
US without anybody noticing.
You can go to any public school in the United States where you'll see who is responsible
for new baby boom.
It's not Americans.
Holy racism batman!
How could we be white supremacists if most of the 2 million that the president wants
to give amnesty to are not white?
Did she really just play the how can I be racist if I have a black friend card but for…
We've since granted six additional amnesties to date.
With our government pushing for another amnesty called DACA.
Alright, that we've waded through the muck and discussed some of the background, we can
start talking about actual policy.
Here in America, there are citizens and a…
second class of citizen…
Second class citizens?
There is no such thing as a second class citizen, you're either illegal or a citizen with
all the rights and privileges that go along with it.
Including the right to vote and the right to pay taxes like the rest of us.
I honestly don't know how she can say that with a straight face.
She used to be a judge, she should know that there are citizens who can't vote and non-citizens
who pay taxes.
There are also legal residents of the United States who are not citizens.
This is a green card and it's given to lawful permanent residents and it only lasts ten
years, which I guess is… permanent.
It's also referred to as a "path to citizenship" since holders are usually going through the
process of naturalization.
Most people who have these, get them from the family-sponsored path rather than the
employment-based, but we'll get to that.
Amnesty is when we tell a certain group of people who are here illegally that they can
apply for a legal permanent residency and get a green card with the assumption that
they will eventually become citizens.
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, is a kind of amnesty program for
a very specific set of undocumented immigrants.
So you say c'mon, have a heart, the DREAMers were born here, this is the only country they
No, they weren't, if they were born here they'd be citizens and that would be the
end of it.
They're sometimes referred to as dreamers because of the DREAM Act, which had the same
general purpose and was proposed in 2007 but didn't pass.
These are children who were brought here illegally by their parents.
They have to have entered the United States before their 16th birthday, are currently
under the age of 31, and entered the country before June 2007.
They also have to prove all of that which is somewhat difficult for someone who arrived
as a child illegally.
The DACA narrative though of young high schoolers about to go to college, in college, or recently
graduated looking to contribute to society… when in point of fact, dreamers are not a
highly-educated segment of the US population.
According to a study by Harvard researcher Roberto Gonzales, 21% DACA recipients have
dropped out of high school.
Yeah, there's something about being an undocumented immigrant who can't legally work that makes
people shy away from government sponsored education.
But that doesn't change the requirements for DACA.
In addition to the age and timeframe requirements, they also have to be currently enrolled in
school, have completed high school or a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the
There's the answer to that "did you serve" question from earlier.
If they dropped out before DACA, in order to receive DACA, they have to be enrolled
now – but are still counted as that 21% who had previously dropped out.
This is her source, I didn't have to jump through many hoops to find this information.
I hope you're catching on to the mental gymnastics taking place here.
DACA supporters say that dreamers are no more likely to commit crimes than US citizens,
but according to Crime Prevention Research Center, illegals in Arizona commit crimes
double the rate that US citizens.
Okay, first of all, she's conflating DACA recipients with all undocumented immigrants.
Secondly, depending on your source, undocumented immigrants are just as or less likely to commit
crimes than citizens.
The only way for what she said to be true is if you factor in the illegal entry into
the country, in which case they all start off with one, she's putting her thumb on
the scale a bit.
But that doesn't matter, because in order to be a DACA recipient, you also cannot have
committed any felonies or serious misdemeanors.
The standards for DACA along with the $495 application fee, are fairly high, which is
why there are currently only 600,000 people in the program.
Here we have President Trump willing to give almost 2 million illegals amnesty in exchange
for a border wall, an end to chain migration, and the end to the visa lottery.
Yet instead of being grateful, they're indignant.
That 2 million number is an estimate of how many people might be eligible for DACA, but
she's still inflating things a bit.
This was her opening monologue after Congress and the White House failed to make a deal
on immigration reform and the budget in January 2018.
Note that I said Congress there, not just Democrats – Republicans control every branch
of government, they could have done it if they had the votes.
Trump was offered $25 billion for his border wall in exchange for DACA, but then he wanted
those two other pieces, which caused the deal to fall apart.
Federal courts have ordered that current DACA recipients be allowed to continue under the
program because you can't go back on deals made by previous admini… get out of here
They were offered a legal status, you can't just take it back.
One of the things Trump wanted to eliminate that caused the deal to fall apart was the
visa lottery, officially known as the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program.
It was started by Bush Senior in 1990 and grants lawful permanent residency to 50,000
people each year.
In order to be eligible, your country cannot have sent more than 50,000 immigrants in the
last five years.
Here is a list of all the countries ineligible for the visa lottery… there should be one
or two that stand out to you.
It's designed to promote diversity by saying we have enough immigrants from those places,
so let's mix it up a bit.
I hate to draw this comparison, but you know how whenever someone suggests banning assault
weapons again and the common response is that assault weapons only account for some small
percentage of all gun deaths each year?
The Visa Lottery only accounts for 4% of all legal immigration.
The next smallest piece of the immigration pie comes from refugees at 13%.
Remember the Travel Ban from last year?
Does the ban have anything to do with religion?
How did the president decide the seven countries?
I understand the permanent ban on the refugees- Okay.
Okay talk to me.
I'll tell you the whole history of it.
When he first announced it he said Muslim Ban, he called me up, he said put a commission
together, show me the right way to do it legally.
I don't want to get into whether it was a Muslim Ban or not, that's what he called
it, and it was definitely targeted at specific people from specific countries.
But yeah, it didn't ban all Muslims from everywhere… even though that's what he
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the
United States.
What he did accomplish, after a few court rulings and executive orders, was to stop
all immigration from seven countries, halted the refugee program for 120 days, and reduced
the number of refugees we would accept into the country to 50,000.
A refugee is someone who is displaced due to an ongoing war or violence or is fleeing
political persecution.
Do you at this time have any fear of returning to your own country?
Establishing fear of return in the first step in obtaining refugee status.
The second requirement in the US is that you belong to one of five protected groups: race,
religion, nationality, political opinion, or a particular social group.
That last one is a bit of a catch-call as you might imagine.
Gender or sexual orientation don't appear on this list and historically fall into that
last category.
And third, the government must be involved in or unable to control that persecution.
Refugees are probably the most vetted group of people on the planet.
A refugee is someone who has already been determined to have ticked all three boxes
by either the UNHCR, which oversees refugees around the world, or the receiving country,
in this case the US.
An asylum seeker is someone who flees to a country first and then requests refugee status.
Once someone has been accepted as a refugee or asylum seeker, they cannot be forced to
go home, but they do have the choice to go home if they wish.
That's part of international law that the United States has ratified and agreed to,
you can't send them back.
By far the largest portion of the immigration pie comes from Chain Migration, officially
called family-sponsored immigration, accounting for 67% of all legal immigration.
If you are a citizen and you go to another country and marry someone, they get to come
back with you.
If you have a kid with that person first, and then come back, that kid is automatically
a US citizen, because you are.
But if you divorce your spouse, your spouse can stay because of their relationship to
that citizen.
So now we're back to talking about anchor babies.
If you come to the United States illegally and have a child, that child is a US citizen,
and by your relationship to that US citizen, you can stay.
Two thirds of all family-sponsored immigration is due to a direct, immediate family relationship
to a US citizen.
When people complain about Chain Migration, they make it sound like aunts and uncles and
cousins all get to come over too, which just isn't the case.
There are a few rare exceptions, but it's not as prevalent as you might think.
Spouses and children are a given, we all understand that part and that's the vast majority.
Parents make sense if you're under 20 or they're elderly dependents.
But these people don't automatically become citizens, they get a green card and can go
through the process if they choose.
That process is not easy, by the way.
Among many requirements, they have to have had a green card for five years and they have
to be able to read, write, and speak English.
This is a country where we speak English, not Spanish.
This is Alabama, we speak English.
If you wanna live here, learn it.
English, mother f**ker, do you speak it?!
It's already a requirement that if you want to be a citizen, you have to know English,
I don't know why this myth persists.
They also have to take a test in US History and Government, which includes this question…
which one third of US citizens cannot answer…
What the f- 12% of our immigration comes from temporary
nonimmigrant visas.
This is also where the other half of our illegal immigration comes from, people who entered
the country legally, went through passport control and customs and everything, and then
just stayed.
No border wall is going to stop them.
If you're coming from one of these countries, you don't need a visa at all if you're
only staying for less than 90 days.
But if you do need a visa, there are currently 88 different kinds.
For just about every letter of the alphabet and several combinations of letters.
A is for diplomats; A1 being the diplomat, A2 is their family, and A3 is anyone who works
for them.
B is for temporary travel for business or pleasure…
I'm not going to through all of them, but the ones you probably care about most are
student visas, which are F class, and temporary workers who are H class.
The most popular of which is the H-1B visa, which allows US employers to hire foreign
workers in specialty occupations.
These aren't temporary migrant farm workers, that's a different visa.
There are about 250,000 approved each year, and by far the most people who receive them,
more than all other countries combined, are from India.
Most of these people work in the tech industry.
But there's another class that you may have heard of, the O class, for people with exceptional
ability in the sciences, education, business, or athletics; OR the arts, motion picture,
or television industry.
Olympic athletes, musicians, actors and actresses, all classify as having extraordinary ability.
Along with scientists and Nobel prize winners.
How can you increase your chances of getting an extraordinary ability visa?
By going to
Brilliant has a number of courses in math and science that could help you understand
these concepts and increase your chances at getting that genius visa.
Knowing Better is not an immigration lawyer… but it couldn't hurt.
Want to know how solar energy works?
That's a growing field that could use a few more brilliant minds, heh get it?
Or maybe you're a politician who needs to be swayed on the idea.
They also have courses in computer science if you want to get one of those H1-B visas,
or maybe you're already a citizen who doesn't want your job to be outsourced.
What have you done to earn it?
So go to to get started, the first 200 people to use this
link will get 20% off, and you'll be supporting the channel when you do.
Knowledge guarantees citizenship.
Again, Knowing Better is not an immigration lawyer… but it couldn't hurt.
Immigration is a rather hot button issue in America and around the world.
And it has a lot of racist undertones and dogwhistles.
We've all heard the quotes by our current president, so I won't repeat them here,
but when he talks about ending chain migration or the visa lottery, the people listening
to him have a specific skin tone in mind.
Despite the fact that family sponsored migration mostly only applies to US citizens and no
country in Central America is eligible for the lottery.
Only 74% of DACA recipients are from Mexico or Central America, which about the same percentage
of the total undocumented immigrants.
I somehow doubt he wants to expel the 26% that come from other countries.
Despite what you may have heard, illegal immigration has been on the decline over the last ten
years, especially when it comes to crossing the border.
Unless you believe in some sort of conspiracy…
Engaged in a campaign to mislead the American people into believing that our borders were
secure and manipulated the data on the border patrol apprehension chart from 2000 to 2016.
Instead of arresting 1.6 million illegal aliens per year, they have only been arresting 333,000
per year.
Yeah, it's definitely not because after 9/11 we changed things and created several
new agencies or anything…
The requirements and costs of legal immigration, along with the fact that people from several
countries can't even apply, should help you understand why some people choose to take
the more dangerous, illegal path.
Regardless of what you think of these people, they are still people.
So let's have this debate with a little more understanding of what these programs,
their limitations, and their numbers actually are, because now, you know better.
I'm not going to ask what program or issues you think we should end because I know you're
going to tell me already, along with reassuring yourself that you're not racist.
I'd like to give a shout out to my newest legendary patron, Joseph.
If you'd like to be on this list, head over to, and don't
forget to naturalize that subscribe button, follow me on twitter and facebook, and join
us on the subreddit.
A Big Tour in Occitanie 🛣 #Ride 60 [EN SUBS] - Duration: 10:51.Hi guys, this is Julien for a new motorcycle ride
8 hour-drive, 400 km
so the program is part of the Haut-Languedoc
that's what I'm doing around Lac du Salagou
then towards Aveyron in the footsteps of Roquefort, the cheese, next, Millau and the viaduct
and then we will enter in the gorges
Gorges de la Dourbie, Mont Aigoual
and gorges of Hérault
a big tour in Occitanie
back on a main road
on a slightly more conventional road I would say
first impression about curvy routes from my GPS
finally I just realize that there
I almost drove for 20 to 30 minutes
in small villages, in small roads, with lots of gravel
not much visibility and finally there was nothing to do
it was just access to villages
but actually it was very curvy
but curvy at 10 km/h so not very interesting
while there, look
it's a major road, wide
there are still some nice turns, nice landscape, not many vehicules
but because it's early in the morning
but it's more pleasant here
than in the small roads where I was
Look closely at the motor-home
he was completely in the left line, it is not possible!
I saw that there was a motor-home I slightly take the outside
more than usual
how would you have reacted?
and back in landscapes
so rustics and farming
I think we're on the border of
Hérault / Aveyron, I already saw a sign with the direction of Roquefort
so this is the right road
Meeting with my fan club in Aveyron
oh come on!
always in the roads in Aveyron, we arrive in a few kilometers
on the sector of Roquefort and the sun is up, it's nice
because earlier I had a little cold
there was a very wet climate not very nice
Roquefort sur Soulzon here, or I do not know what is the name of the village
Towards Millau and the viaduct
and to my right, I'm riding along the Tarn and just behind the hill
is the Viaduct de Millau over the Tarn and we already see some pylon of the viaduct
entering the village of Peyre with the label of the most beautiful villages in France
this is certainly not the most populated village in France
The Viaduct of Millau (2004) is the highest road bridge in the world
the bike made me a V
then we will also greeting him
going higher and leaving the town of Millau
and I did something
I do not often, I crossed the city completely
it was not voluntary
I had changed the route last night to make me
pass in front of a gas station and finally it has not taken into account
so it made me a shortcut through the city, I could see
the city, as usual I'm always trying to avoid it
but I do not tell you
it is a Saturday morning
So there was a lot of cars waiting to refuel
and here, the Causse Noir
I stopped exactly at the same place, this is nice when you do
the same rides, you know where you can stop
still notice the garbage, which is not very aesthetic
but rather look at this view
with this forest landscape
chaos of Montpellier-le-Vieux is what we see in front but
check my video about Montpellier-le-Vieux and Causse Noir
I like this sign: for cars only
no vans
no motor-home, no larger craft
it's fantastic these small roads
and it is true that being on a motorcycle enhances the pleasure
because with a car here, it is not very wide
we will not cross, it would not really
a fun ride, as with a motorcycle
no worries, you know you can go anywhere
the bike is so fast
the village just below, it looks pretty
nice, in heights
with this little turret, this small tower
it was the Roque Sainte Marguerite if you have reminded on my right
it's Dourbie and then I'll enter the gorges de la Dourbie
by small roads
here, is also gorges de la Dourbie but
we will say that it is the major road
in quotes
up to the gorges de la Dourbie
lunch ended and as you see, I took the opportunity
to set-up the gimbal on the handlebars
from where I am I see a lot of vibration
So normally it is the goal of a gimbal to remove it
it's the first time I put it here
We'll see what happens
not terrible
in fact, it's simple, you see the ball
I put it up
then I put inclined in his little hole
So it can not move and the gimbal is vertical
it captures in front so it's perfect
then I think it will work better
what a disappointment this stabilized view!
GPS curvy mode
I'm a little scared
Do I continue?
GPS, I think he is stoned
thank you my GPS and the curvy mode, because even a car
could not pass it was barely 1 meter wide
very complicated especially since we can not go back with a motorcycle
so if it was a closed road
I was really pissed off
last stage of the tour
the tour continues
I will enter the gorges of Hérault
to find some freshness
and now slowly the ride ends
there was the gorges of Hérault
just before we had seen the gorges de la Dourbie, the Causse Noir
around Millau and the Viaduct
the Larzac plateau and Roquefort
Haut-Languedoc, it's a great ride
400 km and 8 hours driving
but I feel that I forgot to tell you something
here here here gravel, it is not stable
I nearly lost the front wheel and I am not going so fast
to be continued...
【新車】全個体電池を採用した「アウディPB18 e-tron」の0-100km/h加速は2秒未満 - 日産物語 - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오후 12:24 (경기도 고양시 덕양구 대덕동 425-34) - Duration: 7:03.-------------------------------------------
Horóscopo Semanal Geminis Elevación Espiritual | 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre + Amor - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
Horóscopo Semanal Leo Energías Positivas | 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre + Amor - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
Horóscopo Semanal Cancer Sal de la Rutina | 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre + Amor - Duration: 7:38.-------------------------------------------
TABBERT is Safety - Part 2: Driving Safety - Duration: 1:17.Travel safe - anytime, anywhere.
Keeping track, overtaking or gusts of wind. No worries with our AL-KO quality chassis.
The anti-sway hitch balances out any rolling and pitching movements.
Additional safety provides the electro-mechanical anti-skid system 'AL-KO Trailer Control'.
Ball-bearing-mounted sensors continuously monitor all driving states and help to keep you back on track.
The AL-KO AAA premium brake is self-adjusting and reduces braking distances by up to five metres.
The attractive rear and clearance lights keep your caravan visible - even at night and from afar ...
... and you stay safe on the road.
Fortnite God's Plan Montage 😱🔥 - Duration: 2:53."MUSIC"
K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ - Duration: 0:47.The cringiest youtube event to ever exist.
JHKTV]홍대댄스다이아나 hong dae k-pop dance diana HANN (Alone) - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
Russian Folk Song - Farewell Of Slavianka (Прощание славянки) - Duration: 2:36.The march did not cease on the platforms
when the enemy eclipsed the horizon.
With him our fathers in smoky cars
The trains took them to the front.
He defended Moscow in forty-one (1941),
In the forty-fifth (1945) - walked on Berlin
As a soldier, he passed along to the victory
On the roads of the difficult Godin.
And if the campaign
The country will call
The edge of our own
We all go into the holy battle!
And if the campaign
The country will call
The edge of our own
We all go into the holy battle!
Noise in the fields of grain.
Stepping my Motherland
To the heights of happiness,
Through all the bad weather -
Dear peace and labor.
To the heights of happiness,
Through all the bad weather -
Dear peace and labor.
And if the campaign
The country will call
The edge of our own
We all go into the holy battle!
러블리즈(lovelyz) 예인 - 권진아의 '이별뒷면' cover [가사추가] 자막 키세요 - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Away in Europe dagur 4 - Hopp með Daníel - Duration: 7:16.Hey, goodddd..
That's much more energetic than I am
Good day
just waken up
Yesterday was good
Took the bus downtown
to meet Daníel who is an Icelandic guy living here in Copenhagen
He's learning...
in a stunt school
and is in a company and stuff
Went out jumping with him
Ok, I'm getting the bus now to meet Daníel
and we are going out to train somewhere
I've no idea where
Oh, look! An Icelander! upside down and down?
I know right!
I think you have to move your feet as close as you can
and the other foot
Oh shit!
Then about 2 o'clock..
..called Dröfn and met the guys downtown
Went to an instrument store
and Kormákur played a bit on..
..on the piano
(non audible talking)
... a lot of bicycles in Denmark
After the instrument store we went back home
just chilling around there until dinner
and then we went..
..out for dinner
Elli, should we get something to eat?
(Strange woman speaks in German)
Went to a food market somewhere..
..ways away from..
..our apartment
This market was made so
there are just a bunch of shipping containers all about
that have been changed into small restaurants
for all kinds of food culture
So, there's food from Italy..
Mexico and Greece and Thailand
and basically the whole world
(non audible stuff)
Me and Lóa had some
Pad Thai from the Thai one
Elli started talking with a guy at some Pita place
(strange grunts)
the guy asked him
hey do you have any vegan friends
And he was like: "yeah"
got Dýrleif and Dröfn and then they got some free falafel
which was pretty good, tasty hummus
Then in the evening..
(pause word)
..we called Elli's dad
because it was his birthday
sang the birthday song for him
Wait, I'm going to talk a bit to him
Hi! I'm just, wait a moment..
(Birthday song)
Happy birthday!!
Then we finished our meal and started walking back
then just so random
we saw a climbing wall
This is just, like, in the middle of nowhere
yeah, c'mon!
c'mon! just two hands on the last one!
Oh, shit!
just get the left hand..
Bjarki noo!!
When we couldn't climb more
because everyone were way, way to tired
and a bit cold
we just took..
the bus to our apartment
and then just chatted until about 2
But yeah
the plan today
is to go with the guys to Christiania
which is
some kind of legal grey area here in Copenhagen
I'm not entirely sure what rules apply there
and then I'm leaving tomorrow
So yeah
See you!!
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