Science experiment project at school - How to make Free energy with light Bulb very Easy
No. 14 Aggies Beat No. 6 Jackonsville State In FCS Kickoff - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Phim Cung đường tội lỗi tập 12,Bà Tuyết cứ tưởng bí mật sẽ ngủ yên ở quá khứ. - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 2:31 (서울특별시 광진구 자양4동 동일로 102) - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 23. 오후 9:48 (서울특별시 화양동 건국대학교 산학협동관) - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오후 12:41 (경기도 고양시 일산동구 장항2동 850) - Duration: 5:28.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오후 12:19 (서울특별시 마포구 망원동 232-3) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 1:38 (서울특별시 강남구 압구정동 12-1) - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오전 11:59 (서울특별시 성동구 성수1가1동 679) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오후 12:14 (서울특별시 마포구 현석동 151) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 1:23 (서울특별시 광진구 화양동 4-12) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 1:33 (서울특별시 강남구 압구정동 497) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오전 11:46 (서울특별시 동대문구 장안1동 456-13) - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오후 12:09 (서울특별시 용산구 이촌동 300-308) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오후 12:31 (경기도 고양시 덕양구 현천동 771-23) - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오후 12:04 (서울특별시 용산구 보광동 39-4) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오전 11:02 (서울특별시 동대문구 장안1동 장한로 48) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오전 11:07 (서울특별시 동대문구 장안1동 438-3) - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 1:54 (서울특별시 서초구 서초1동 1421-16) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 25. 오전 11:51 (서울특별시 성동구 송정동 76) - Duration: 7:12.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 1:59 (서울특별시 서초구 서초3동 725-2) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 1:44 (서울특별시 서초구 잠원동 50-22) - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
18. 8. 24. 오후 2:04 (서울특별시 강남구 도곡1동 959-30) - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
TWO DAYS in our LIFE ! SUMMER mini Road Trip! - Duration: 13:51.Hello everyone and welcome to this new video !
Today we are going on a week end trip
we are going on a 2 days trip in France
I hope you'll enjoy the video
Let's go !
we are here !
it looks like Disneyland
here we are after two and a half hours journey
we just arrived and we are in Troyes
we are going to start our stay with a little shopping time
there is a lot of shops, a lot of different brands with discounts prices
let's see how it is but first we're gonna eat something I am starving
are you hungry ?
I am starving
as always in all of our videos we are hungry !
we can't see you because I am too short..
because I am a giant
I am 2 meters...
2m80 right ?
oooh you're not 2m80 tall ? I am disappointed..
let's go right away to Nike store
it's here and we're here, it's over there
let's go
how much are the shoes you are trying on right now ?
what ?
20 euros
it's nice with these trousers
20 euros ??
I love them
it fits perfectly, it's from the child section
it's the price of the road toll we didn't get !!
it's crazy
it's been five minutes we're here and Clem already found a pair of shoes
20 euros can you imagine
she had bought the same one in Osaka in Japan
they were not exactly the same but
and it had cost her a lot more than this
20 euros ..
And I am heading the the nike store
you created a new trend
it's a little too big there
take the medium one then
I think this one is good
no it's good
are you hungry ?
always hungry
you're a gremlins
it's time to eat
it looks delicious
i'm telling you that going here you're gonna fall
it's dangerous shopping with you !
you have to be an adventurer in your life sometimes Seb !
like you were an adventurer..
it's nice
we found a lot of things in Adidas
but for now it's Calippo (ice cream) time
calippo's are the best ice cream ever
cola flavour
only 90 kcal
we finished our shopping
we bought a few little things
not a lot of things
but really interesting & original things
so if you're interested on the address
it's in Troyes
and it's called McArthurGlen
it's like a mall with different shops
apparently there is other places like this in Troyes
But this one is the best
really nice
you can see this shortly
but there is a lot to see
and bargains
a lot of bargains
now we are heading to the hotel
we are going to look for place to swim
we are going to look for place to swim
god bless you
thank you
we just arrived at the beach, it's called "la plage de Lusigny"
we are going to rest a little bit
because it's already pretty late
the sun is going to go down
so let's see how it looks like
do you want to come ?
is it cold
no it's not cold
really ?
no really it's okay
I promise you
this is the struggle moment
what do you think we are going to do right now ?
Sushis !
the lake was so beautiful
it feels so good
now that we moved to Paris we don't have the beach anymore
even if you were not going to swim everyday because the sea was really cold
here the lake was 26°c
ramen, ramen, ramen
I slept so well
it has been like six months I didn't sleep that well
here we are
the night went well
we slept really well
because the bed was 1m60 wide
it's Clem size in width for the bed
the bed is even bigger
today we are heading to a new beach
and this morning we are going to find something to eat
and then we'll come home
in Paris
I broke his balls..
see you !
see you !
it's time to eat !
we are really hungry !
we didn't eat anything
and here we are in front of a beautiful lake
it's beautiful
look at this
and what's crazy is the water is so hot
it's 26°C
it's like a pool !
it's almost hotter in the lake than outside
and wer'e going to tan
bon appetit
this is how we are ending these two days !
we're home !
here we are !
we had a great week end
it was awesome
I hope you enjoyed the video !
see you next week
for new adventures !
don't forget to like the video, write a comment
and subscribe !
and subscribe if it's not already done
subscribe, subscribe !
I'm kidding, you won't put this in the video !
look at my collection
see you next week !
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