welcome to my channel
in this video
i'm showing bougainvillea bonsai re-potting
it's a two years old bougainvillea bonsai
bougainvillea needs to be repotted once every two-three years in springtime
now i'm going to repot this bonsai
removing the old soil with a bonsai tool
carefully remove the soil and do not hurt the root system
root pruning
removing only the outlying and long roots
do not prune main root system
and also do not prune more than 40% of all roots
potting the bougainvillea in bonsai pot
i just place a piece of coco husk to cover the drainage hole
then put the new bonsai soil
place the plant in center of the pot
bonsai pot that will hug the root ball as closely as possible while still allowing some soil for watering
add the bonsai soil and completely cover the root ball with bonsai soil
remove air pockets using a chopstick or any thin stick
making sure to fill all the air pockets around the root system
next pruning
to maintain and refine the existing shape of a bonsai
prune the branches that have grown out of shape
i just add the stones on top of the soil to keep moisture
now continuing leaf pruning
prune long shoots using a twig shear
remove about 80% of all leaves
to grow thicker branches or a thicker trunk remove the flowers at all times
but do not prune the branches
removing the tips after each blooming cycle will encourage the growth of multiple new shoots
this increasing ramifications
keep in shade for few days
after few days place it in full sunlight area or sunny window site
use sprayer to watering
spray water completely for three days in a week
misting is recommended as the tree likes high humidity
thanks for watching
For more infomation >> Bougainvillea Bonsai | Bougainvillea Bonsai Repotting //GREEN PLANTS💚 - Duration: 10:09.-------------------------------------------
Chạy Xe Gia Đình ChọnToyota Vios G 2019 Hay Honda City Top #ThếSơnToyota - Duration: 9:16.
Dessert Vegan : le flan à la vanille ! (CHALLENGE) - Vlog 67 - Duration: 4:29.
Hello guys, this is serious stuff.
I have been challenged by a fellow youtuber,
to cook and this is going to be...
Yes, this is true.
A few weeks ago, I was challenged by a fellow video creator.
Roll the tape!
Here are the names of the next challengers.
This cooking task might seem like an easy-peasy task for you.
I do not cook at all, like NEVER... EVER.
And now I've got to make this vegan dessert,
which means that I cannot use ingredients,
coming from animals such as...
normal milk or even eggs.
So let's try something simple for you, not for me.
ICeline, as you said before: challenge delivered
And on that note I'll see you...
And of course,...
Taylor Swift, Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Sing 'Tim McGraw' in Nashville: Watch - Duration: 1:23.
China's Didi suspends Hitch service nationwide after female passenger killed - Duration: 1:14.
Colorado State football team fails to rally, gets upset by Hawaii - Duration: 3:59.
McDonald leads Hawaii past Colorado State 43-34 - Duration: 3:08.
16 cars involved in I-65 crash near Whiteland - Duration: 1:54.
Hawaii outlasts Colorado State in 43-34 thriller - Hawaii News Now - Duration: 1:52.
Jake Ellenberger announces retirement after 13 years, 21 UFC fights - Duration: 2:53.
全個体電池を採用した「アウディPB18 e-tron」の0-100km/h加速は2秒未満 - Duration: 6:25.
Necaxa vs Tigres 1 1 goles y resumen liga MX jornada 7 apertura 2018 - Duration: 2:12.
How to HARMONIZE a scale with chords - - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 8:28.
Hi, Clément here
in this video I will show you how to harmonize a scale with chords
harmonize the scale with chords means that we will play each notes of the scale
but with chords
for example in C
we will play a chord for C
one for D, one for E, etc
to understand which chord goes with each note
there is a theory behind all that
to understand the basics I advise you to read the article called gypsy jazz theory on my website
you can click on the i for info in the top right corner
that way you'll understand a bit better what I'm explaining
what you have to know is that a chord
is built by staking thirds
if we take one key
for example the C key
we have the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C
if we stack thirds
which is every other notes
so C, E, G
we get a C chord
if we stack thirds from the next note
C, E, G, we have a C chord
if we stack from D
we have a Dm chord
why is this chord minor
because the third is minor
a minor third correspond to 4 frets on the guitar
a major third would have been 5 frets
so, we have C, E, G
here C is a major third thus the chord is major
and G which gives us a C chord
then we have D, F which is a minor third and A
resulting in a minor chord
then continuing on
staying on the C scale's notes
we have E
we have a Em chord because the third is minor
we can stack thirds on each notes of the scale
which gives us a sequence of chords
so we have C, Dm, Em
and there is a whole sequence like that
and this sequence of chord
there is two ways of doing it, either you take the scale and stack thirds
to know which chords to play
another simpler method
is to learn... the structure of the harmonization of the scale
when we harmonize a major scale, we have always the same chords
so we will have a major chord, then a minor chord
C, D, then a minor chord, Em
then a major chord, F
then another major chord, G
then a minor chord, Am
then a minor chord with a flat fifth
the Bm7b5, to come back on C
you can learn that by heart
first degree is major
second degree is minor
third degree is minor
fourth degree is major
fifth degree is always a seventh
if it's a chord with 3 notes will be major but with 4 notes it'll be a seventh chord
it might be a bit complicated but you can read about it in the article gypsy jazz theory
I explain how to build 3 and 4 note chords
the fifth degree will be seventh
the sixth degree will be minor
the seventh degree will be a minor seventh chord with a flat fifth
and then we come back meaning that the 8th degree is the 1st degree
which will be major
if you learn by heart this chord sequence
major minor etc
it will allow you to harmonize a major scale
if we apply all of that with chords
we obtain a C
first degree
Dm, second degree
Em first degree
F, fourth degree
G, fifth degree
Am, sixth degree
Em7b5, seventh degree
to then come back on C
I played 3 note chords with the barred notes
that's what allows you to harmonize a scale
what's interesting in all of that
you have the notes of the scale
the corresponding chords
and these chords as a whole make a key
all of that will be useful when you will improvise
using scale because you'll have to know the key
you will be able to use the chords
figure out key of the piece depending on the degree of a chord
to then be able to use scale, etc
I talk about it too in the second part of the gypsy jazz theory article
again, you can click on the i for info in the top right corner of the video
it explains keys and how to use them to improvise
to come back on the harmonization of the C scale
I showed you the simple harmonization with 3 note chords
we can also play 4 note chords by adding a seventh for example
we will have maj 7 chords for the major chords
and min 7 for the minor chords
if we harmonize the C scale with 4 note chords we get a C7
and we come back to C
so there you have the harmonization of the C scale
and since all these chords are part of the C key
you can play them in any orders
and there will be no false notes
it's interesting if you want to play a sequence of chords
you can pick among these chords and it won't sound false
I'll make a small summary PDF
and you'll have the chords diagrams as well as the tablatures
to better understand it and manage to play it on the guitar
if you're on Youtube there is a link in the description leading to the article
and at the end of the page you'll be able to download the summary PDF
and if you already are on the website there's already everything at the end of the page
if you have questions of these notions, because it was a bit complicated
ask away in the comments on Youtube
if you want to know more about chords, harmonization and scale, etc
you can subscribe to receive a free excerpt from my formation: Master voicings
I'll put on the website apprendre-le-jazz-manouche.com a link under the video or at the end of the page
you'll access videos in which I talk about chords in more details
if you enjoyed the video think about liking it on Youtube
and that's it for today, see you soon for an upcoming video
Hey! Did you like the video?
So think about liking it, it's always appreciated
You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there
And if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar
with videos, PDF and many really amazing things
In the right corner there, it's free
See you soon for an upcoming video
Mary Blige Breakthrough Era Performances - Duration: 29:18.
✅ 「食用を目的としたセミの幼虫等の捕獲はやめてください」――。埼玉県内の複数の公園に貼り出された注意書きの内容に、ネット上で「えっ...」「食べるの!?」といった驚きの声が相次いでいる。いったいなぜ - Duration: 4:04.
「食用を目的としたセミの幼虫等の捕獲はやめてください」 ―。埼玉県内の複数の公園に貼り出された注意書きの内容に、ネット上 「えっ...」「食べるの!?」といった驚きの声が相次いでいる
いったいなぜ、わざわざ「食用」と限定して注意を呼び掛け いるのか。J-CASTニュースが、こうした注意書きを掲出している 口、蕨(わらび)両市の担当課に取材すると...
話題の注意書き。画像はMiyahan(@miyahancom さんの8月18日のツイートより 注意喚起は英語と中国語でも。画 はMiyahan(@miyahancom)さんの8月19日のツイ トより 市民から複数件の「通報」が 話題の発端は、ある イッターユーザーの2018年8月18日の投稿
川口市西部にある青木町公園に、セミの幼虫を食用のために捕獲する行 を止めるよう注意する貼り紙があったことを、写真付きで紹介したもの 。 公園内の立て看板に貼られた注意書きでは、「食用」「セ の幼虫等」「やめて」といったフレーズを赤字で強調している
日本語だけではなく、同じような文言を英語と中国語で記した貼り紙も った。 こうした注意喚起は、ネット上でたちまち大きな注目 集めることに。ツイッター上では、 といった驚きや困惑の声が相 ぐ騒ぎとなっている
J-CASTニュースが8月20日、この貼り紙を製作した 口市公園課の担当者に事情を聞くと、 と説明。掲出を始めたのは 月からだという。 わざわざ、「食用」とだけ限定して注意を び掛けた理由については、 と話した
セミの幼虫「等」と書いた部分については、「市民から連絡があったの セミでしたが、他の虫が大量に捕獲される可能性も考えられたからです としていた。
How to determine if a molecule is POLAR or NOT | SUPER EASY way | Must Watch – Dr K - Duration: 3:18.
In this video, we're gonna go through how to determine if a molecule is polar or not.
The way it works in figuring out if an overall molecule is polar or not
starts with the Lewis structure. Then, based on the Lewis structure we figure
out the geometry using VSEPR theory. Within a molecule, we'll need to then
investigate all the bonds that exists. We determine the type of bonds whether they
are polar or nonpolar covalent bond and then putting together the bond
polarities and the geometry and a little bit of vector knowledge we can then
determine if the molecule is polar as a whole or not. Sounds like a lot of
work, doesn't it? What if I tell you there's an easier way to find out the
molecular polarity? You'll be interested to know? Well, here it is. Basically we
deem the molecule as polar if there are different terminal atoms or there's lone
pair surrounding the central atom. Notice, if either one of the statement is true
then the molecule is polar. It doesn't have to fulfill both statements.
Then, what if both statements are not true? Well, in that case then the molecule is
classified as nonpolar. Sounds easy, right? Let's try out with
some examples. CF4, our first example. Before we start, let's just make sure
that we know which is the terminal atom and which is the central atom. So in this
example, carbon is the central atom since it is at the center of the molecule and
fluorine, F is the terminal atom because it surrounds the carbon. Terminal because
it is at the end and lone pairs are a set of electrons like this. So are there
different terminal atoms in CF4? Nope. All of our terminal atoms are fluorine,
therefore there are the same. Alright what about the next statement? The lone
pair surrounding central atom. Well, do you see any lone pair surrounding carbon?
Nope. Since both statements are not true then
CF4 is a nonpolar molecule. Let's look at our second example, HCN.
So, are there different terminal atoms in
this molecule? Yep. We have hydrogen and nitrogen. These two are two different
terminal atoms and since this statement is true therefore HCl is a polar molecule.
Moving on to our final example, NF3. As usual, our first question,
are there different terminal atoms in this molecule?
Nope. They are all fluorine. What about lone pairs surrounding the central atom?
The central atom in this case is nitrogen. Yep, there's actually one lone
pair on nitrogen. Since this statement is true therefore
NF3 is a polar molecule. That's all I have for this video. I hope the three
examples helped to explain how to easily decide if a molecule is polar or not.
Want to try out on your own? Here are a few questions. I'll place the answers in
the description box. I hope you find the video helpful. Do subscribe.
Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.
Police say man was killed by train while trying to roll under it - Duration: 1:58.
这款手机高通710处理器卖到4299? 其实一点不亏! - Duration: 2:41.
Come fosse una trama che nel tempo prende forma, nella complessa vicenda che ha coinvolto Asia Argento si aggiungono ogni giorno nuovi personaggi
Ieri, è stata la volta di Jeff Leach, comico inglese e ex amico dell' attrice. Il rapporto tra i due si è interrotto - ha rivelato il Daily Mail - dopo che Argento gli avrebbe inviato, alcuni mesi fa, dei suoi video in topless, nonostante non solo non fossero voluti ma lei sapesse anche che era fidanzato
A dirlo è stato proprio l' attore nel programma Legion of Skansen, in un podcast dello scorso giugno recuperato però solo ieri
«Penso all' ironia di qualcuno che si lamenta per aver ricevuto attenzioni sessuali non richieste e che poi fa la stessa, identica, cosa», ha aggiunto, spiegando anche che di fronte alla sua rabbia per quei filmati inopportuni, Argento si sarebbe innervosita a sua volta, spiegando di mandare video e foto in cui compare nuda a tutti i suoi amici «e loro sanno che non c' è niente di sessuale»
Un confronto che non si è fermato lì. Leach, indispettito, avrebbe anche fatto presente di quanto un atteggiamento simile stridesse con i principi del #MeToo, ancora una volta non trovando cenni di pentimento nell' attrice
Nel suo intervento, l' attore ha anche voluto precisare che il comportamento dell' ex amica non nega le sue dichiarazioni su Weinstein
Non la renderebbe meno credibile. Ma, di sicuro, una portavoce sempre più imperfetta di un movimento tanto importante
Questo il nuovo risvolto di uno scandalo imprevedibile e dai contorni ancora sfuocati
Fino ad ora, nelle seconde file era rimasto anche Gordon K. Sattro, il legale di Jimmy Bennett, l' uomo che l' ha seguito nella scelta di chiedere dei danni all' attrice per delle presunte violenze subite quando era minorenne
Al termine di una trattativa che sarebbe dovuta restare fuori dai riflettori, Sattro era riuscito a ottenere per il suo cliente 380 mila dollari
Solo che - come è ormai noto - questa cifra sarebbe stata coperta da Anthony Bourdain
Ed è qui che succede qualcosa che non torna del tutto. Una coincidenza, ma piuttosto assurda
Perché l' avvocato era per certo un grande fan dello chef. Il sito di Vanity Fair lo ha definito «ossessionato» da lui
Per capirlo, bastava fermarsi alla biografia del suo profilo Instagram Bastava, appunto
Perché ieri l' avvocato non solo l' ha modificata, ma ha anche deciso prima di eliminare altri apprezzamenti sul cuoco americano e poi di chiudere il suo account, rendendolo privato
Solo due giorni fa, a scandalo esploso, Sattro si definiva un uomo «costantemente ispirato da Bourdain»
Una descrizione che ora è diventata di altre quattro parole: «Avvocato, viaggiatore e occasionalmente buongustaio»
Prima di chiudere il suo profilo, inoltre, Sattro aveva cancellato il suo commento a un ritratto di Bourdain, pubblicato da lui lo scorso giugno, dopo la notizia della morte dello chef star
Che diceva: «Quest' uomo, che non ho mai incontrato, ha avuto una grandissima influenza su di me da giovane
Mi ha ispirato e mi continua a ispirare. Il mondo ha perso il suo più grande ambasciatore
E io ho perso una grande fonte d' ispirazione». 2 Un caso davvero bizzarro, quello dell' avvocato fan che si trova a confrontarsi col suo mito, ricavandone cifre importanti
Ma nella confusione di tutta questa storia, in fondo, si tratta solo di un capitolo in più
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