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Hickory Dickory Dock | Nursery Rhyme For Kids | Childrens Songs | Baby Rhymes For Babies | Kids Tv - Duration: 43:35.Tick! Tock! Tick!
Tick! Tock! Tick!
Hickory Dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one The mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck two And down he flew,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck three And he did flee,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Tick! Tock! Tick!
Tick! Tock! Tick!
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck four, He hit the floor,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck five, The mouse took a dive,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck six, That mouse, he split,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Tick! Tock! Tick!
Tick! Tock! Tick!
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck seven, 8, 9, 10, 11,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
As twelve bells rang, The mousie sprang,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Hickory Dickory dock,
"Why scamper?" asked the clock,
"You scare me so I have to go!
Hickory Dickory dock."
Tick! Tock! Tick!
Tick! Tock! Tick!
Hickory Dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one The mouse ran down,
Hickory Dickory dock.
Peril Mudwash | CryptoTrucks Videos | Fighter Jet Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 2:11.Peril Mud Wash
Перевозчиков заставят возить льготников, в случае отказа штраф или лишение лицензии - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 122PK 7-DSG 5D Highline | Climatronic | Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Innovation Edition S tronic | Virtual Cockpit | - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Wheels On The Bus | Monkey Rhymes | Nursery Songs For Children | Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:03:44.Let's all hop on the board on the jungle bus.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round. Round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
All through the town.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish.
Swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish
All through the town.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep beep..
Beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep..
All through the town.
The windows on the bus go up and down,
Up and down, up and down
The windows of the bus go up and down..
All the through the town.
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Round and round. Round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
All the through the town.
Did you enjoy the jungle bus ride!
Come back soon for another trip.
Kia Carens 1.6 GDi 135pk Business Pack met trekhaak en 7jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Audi A4 Avant 1.4 TFSI 150pk S Line Edition S tronic - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
H Σίσσυ Χρηστίδου δείχνει τα σημάδια στο σώμα της και αποκαλύπτει την ηλικία της - People Greece - Duration: 0:53.Ακομπλεξάριστη η αγαπημένη μας Σίσσυ Χρηστίδου δημοσίευσε ένα βίντεο στο κανάλι της στο You Tube και αποκάλυψε πώς απέκτησε όλα τα σημάδια που έχει στο σώμα της
Παράλληλα, αποκάλυψε την ηλικία της. Η γνωστή παρουσιάστρια είπε στους διαδικτυακούς της φίλους πως μια μέρα που ήταν στην παραλία κοιτούσε το σώμα της και είδε πως έχει αρκετά σημάδια
Έτσι γεννήθηκε η ιδέα για αυτό το video. Δείτε όλα όσα αποκάλυψε παρακάτω.
ERIMANAおすすめの日本のカフェ♡ - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Words You're Saying Wrong LEARN ENGLISH LIKE A NATIVE - Duration: 7:25.Hello everyone Anna English here and
Little Baby English and today we are discussing five very simple
very common English words that many of you
Before we get started
This video has been very kindly sponsored by Skillshare a learning platform that provides
thousands of different types of courses and we're going to be giving away lots of free subscriptions at the end of this lesson.
So to find out more about Skillshare and that giveaway stay to the very end.
Let's have a look at those
mispronounced words. Number one
the or
This is the most common word in the English language
and even the most advanced English speakers will make the mistake of when to use the and when to use
thee. now bear in mind it is a TH so both versions have to be pronounced with the tongue between the teeth
always when you see a TH stick that tongue out
With this word we have THE or
the alternative THEE
We use THE when the following word begins with a consonant
sound, the
post-office, the television, the teacher,
the student, and
we use THEE when the following word begins with a vowel sound for example, the
orange, the astronaut, the engineer.
Okay, so try to bear that rule in mind and make sure you're using the correct version of this word.
Number two
It's pronounced exactly the same as this word
you have that SH beginning Shh and we have this O R sound in the middle or
Anna are you sure it's pronounced like that? I'm
Absolutely Sure
It's pronounced like that. So
practice making that big round vowel sound or
Not curling into the R and giving me a nice SH fricative at the beginning
Number three is the word of
what I often hear is this Vvvv
This voiced fricative sound
being reduced into an
unvoiced fricative sound, a fff
Sound so I hear off off
instead of of of
always make it nice and strong so a cup of tea
a cup of tea please, not a cup off tea
Piece off cake would be wrong. We'd have a piece of cake, a piece of cake
It doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be stressed. It just has to be voiced
vvvv, okay, so not breathy
Vvv and for those of you who struggle with that V sound make sure that your bottom lip is clearly touching your top
It was a day of adventure
She was a teacher of English, it was a piece of cake
Number four some
This has a brighter vowel sound than many of you use. I often hear some
Som it's a very subtle difference but to a native ear we will hear it
So a and o, this is the difference. We're looking for. We want a nice bright. A, o
It sounds very close to a, but don't go that far. Oh, it's like you're about to say up
Up. Um
That's the vowel sound we're looking for so you might use the same vowel sound in mum
Mum gave me some. mum gave me some yummy food.
Mum some yum. mum gave me some yummy food
number five a very common word work
Now this sound is problematic for so many of my students at least
90% of my students struggle with this sound and this particular vowel sound
Appears in many words that we often see like her girl
shirt world word
The trick to this long vowel sound is a relaxed tongue and almost a relaxed jaw as well
It's a very flat
relaxed vowel
Look how my mouth is doing nothing
My tongue stays completely relaxed I
Don't pronounce the letter R. I just make the sound
Okay, so try this sentence for me. I'll do some of the work
I'll do some of the work
trying to learn a skill by yourself can be
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So there you go five commonly mispronounced words which you will no longer
mispronounce. If you liked it give it a thumb and don't forget to subscribe. See you soon.
Elite: Dangerous Important Community update Fleet Carriers Cancelled and More - Duration: 19:44.Hello its Ricardo and welcome back to
elite dangerous and this time it's a
special report I think is a special
report and it deals with the community
update that came out on the frontier
forums last night and I'll put the link
to the full update in the comments
now this update is going to touch on a
couple of things it's gonna touch on
what is going to be included in Chapter
four what it means to have paid content
paid premium content and what it means
for some of those like myself who are a
lifetime expansion pass owner now they
start off with basically thanking the
community for all the support they've
had over six years of the development of
the game right the way through from the
kick start and they say we started our
elite dangerous journey over six years
ago and today hundreds of thousands of
commanders log in regularly to continue
their epic space journey that's the
important point hundreds of thousands
anyway they are overjoyed with all
what's going on within the community to
community groups and they're bowled over
by the enthusiasm so they're very happy
with how successful the game is so as I
mentioned we're gonna get started with
the chapter four content and what
they've released in their update here
now they state as you know our largest
update of the year for the Beyond series
is in final development and will be
available for players to get their hands
on in just a number of weeks well okay
sometime in q4 they haven't distended
waning Hulme for this will be the final
update of 2018 and indeed the beyond
season the Beyond season was always
about something that they wanted to do
in order to bring even more enhancements
to the core experience of elite and
able to dedicate a full development team
over a hundred people an army really for
a full year of free content specifically
to gear themselves up to support a
long-term vision of the game now some
would say perhaps fixing everything that
was broken in the game so that they
could start charging for it with paid
content just my point of view that's all
I'm gonna say what do you think put it
in the comments in fact we're gonna hold
a poll let's have a poll on this now in
the top right hand corner of the screen
by the Ricardo section you're gonna see
a little icon that says poll click on
their vote now were they fixing the game
dynamics to support paid content were
they getting their house in order so
that everything that been put in that
had bugs in it was gonna work I see your
comments in the comment section let's
take the old vote button and vote now
now the writer also mentions on a
personal note squadron's is some think
I'm most excited by seeing our payer
groups grow and the stories they've
created that has been incredible and now
being able to see them take that to the
next level formalize their groups
in-game tag up and team up is something
I'm really looking forward to they write
there's also a huge group of players who
are most excited by the new additions to
exploration I also know from talking to
so many of you online and in person that
is this is a huge moment and the
development team of working really had
deliver new content
and mechanics to give explorers that
thrill of venturing out into the black
as opposed to going out skimming a
planet and not finding anything else and
there's even more with additions with
significant mining enhancement mining
well there you have it everybody
significant mining enhancements I'm not
really a miner
now some people are and it is something
I'd be meaning to get round to I just
can't be bothered rolling up to an
asteroid getting the old mining laser
out and shooting a rock in space and
then getting my ass shot off by somebody
else then because you know I'm
concentrating on a floating piece of
rock I know I've got to do it to get
these hell upgrades and it's certainly
I'd be meaning to do I just can't bring
myself to do it it was a miner any when
a miner here put your mining and your
mining tips in the comments I'd love to
hear him join the discord and the
discord is here for all of us I might
put a little section there for mining
because it's something I've got to get
into anyway they're continuing so
they've mentioned mining they continue
to talk about a full game visual upgrade
this could be to support the new
graphics cards the next generation of
graphics cards that are coming out now
I've got a 1070 GTX I'm very happy with
that card I didn't have enough major
spring for the 1080 in a way I wish I
had wishing I'd waited a little bit you
know because the frame rates and all the
rest of it and the rendering is
fantastic but the to 0 X X models are
coming up now from Nvidia and they're
going to be an absolute arm no leg ok so
they say that it's also gonna be a codex
which they state will bring even more
richness to the game experience and
depth of the way
and it's apparently it's certainly an
update they're all very excited to see
so I went on to the community I look
around for comments and not really
enough the codex is where my most highly
anticipated features in the upcoming
update of the year it's been say a
number a posts have come into it and
they think you know it'll be you know it
will be very low-key but a huge game
changer into how players get invested
and they're immersed with their you know
everyone got about immersion right in
the game and I think it's very important
as opposed to like looking at gaol net
and trolling through and we all know I
followed the lead of reparation for like
10 or 12 weeks and that just ended in
the community goal and then the person
got rescued supposedly to be continued
in somewhere else I mean we need more
than just a community goal where you go
jump into a system into a combat zone
and shoot the other ships there needs to
be more than this and if this can flesh
this out right you know I mean it would
be great you know if it's gonna be great
to have a place where you can collect
and organize or trade data market
changes a place where you can look at
players and characters who you've
interacted with or you know even just to
collect jurisdiction information or
local information in systems I mean you
know even all those threads and
breadcrumbs on trying to find a mystery
or law within the game as opposed to
trolling the internet keep everybody in
the interface as opposed to one on
Twitter or or on hey dare I say on
give people a quintessential than
definite place as to where to find all
this lore in game and make it official
so people are not being led down the
garden path
let's talk about an ambiguity point of
view here there's a statement that says
we do have one exciting piece of news as
if the rest wasn't exciting enough to
share that to date we have not shared
with our community okay well we've all
known something is coming
a while ago our development team went
from pre-production into full production
on our next major milestone of elite
development now what that means in the
simplest terms we'll break it down to us
make it simple is that the team are
actively working on the next major
landmark which takes us to our next era
for elite we aren't going to be ready to
a talk about this or announce any
details for quite a while yet so I'll be
next year then it's early in the
development and there's still a long way
to go but I can say that this is
something that will be scheduled to be
to release a considerable time after the
final update of beyond so if the update
of beyond this chapter for this is a
considerable time after that update so
nothing you've got to worry about in the
immediate future they also continue we
will have more details on exactly what
this means and how the era will roll out
after the release of beyond chapter four
this is not Matt but this does mark some
exciting next steps and a continued
commitment to the long term vision for
the game in our community now they say
as well naturally there'll be community
questions that might come up from this
information and they're not going to be
ready to talk about what method or
mobile the content will be or what they
can say is it's expected to be a major
milestone so you've got it a major
milestone and here it comes and will be
paid content paid content so something
bigs coming but get your wallets out
because you know we're gonna charge you
more than that now I myself have a
lifetime pass I spent 100 British pounds
on that and I think of a good value for
many for it however we were promised
some things
jacquimo a little bit later about the
lifetime expansion pass now
like if they stay here lifetime
expansion owners will obviously receive
the content as part of their plans which
is good because I was wondering about
this now this it kind of contradicts a
little bit by itself here because as I
go through the notes with welcome to it
says the lifetime expansion owners will
obviously receive the content as part of
their past brilliant fantastic right so
I haven't got to pay for it lifetime
pass owners have not got to pay for it
right sorry everybody who hasn't got the
lifetime pass you're gonna have to get
your hands in your pocket but then
further on down they do say that some
content that is not included you know
paid content is not going to be included
you're going to be compensated for by
some sort of in-store development we'll
get to that in a minute but jumping
ahead is we're going a little bit off
message so they continue as part of
pre-production the team investigates all
areas of the content and scope them out
thoroughly it is important to take time
to be clear on what the vision for this
is and how we imagine the content
working now area during this process we
have made a decision to adjust the focus
of content that were previously planned
for the chapter for update now here
that's one what adding significant new
gameplay but it also means and here it
other aspects will have to change this
means that some aspects of content such
as ice planets which everyone saw it
lake on earlier this year and here it is
fleet carriers four squadrons will not
be coming now I think the ability to
launch your friends into space in a
squadron Battlestar Galactica like from
a fleet carrier was one of the most
anticipated things never mind this codex
we've got gala net for that never mind
visual upgrades I think it's visually
spectacular enough but this thing with
the squadrons they've got that fleet
carriers being canceled I think this is
one of the biggest blows to the game
what do you think let's have another
Paul do you think the emission of fleet
carriers in pre content is a
deal-breaker for the game yes or no I
mean they do continue to say that
however we wanted to be aware that these
two elements specifically would be
out of the upcoming beyond chapter four
update but what does this mean well it
means you can now have to pay for it
and as a result get your pounds out the
chapter four update still has the same
if not biggest scope and continues to
promise the largest updated the beyond
season well we haven't really seen that
much in beyond if we we've seen cup of
ships we've seen some guardian bases
nothing that really sort of like stands
I think you know that's amazing so it
promises of the largest update with a
bigger scope it's that as the same if
not bigger scope with this the same
scope all that would be included
wouldn't it anyway depends what the
scope is and they don't really define it
another area that we've got a number of
question or is the premium content
coming in 2018 la I got take some time
to talk about premium content now they
state as many of you will know
previously mentioned that preview
content paid for content as if you
didn't know what that was
would also be coming within the beyond
season of updates and a lifetime
expansion past holders would be getting
this for free now I am a lifetime
expansion pass holder however as we went
through the early stages of what the
next era for elite dangerous would be we
decided that it would be better to spend
that additional time on future content
rather than bringing new types of
purgable content out this year well
eight I'm all for delaying purchasable
content as long as it's purchasable
content right does not mean you have to
pay to win I don't like this pay to win
stuff pay to win right well why should
you do this but that is that is
discriminating against people who
haven't got a lot of money
who haven't got the money to spend on
you know the best weapons and that sort
of thing the game is grindy enough and
we all complain about the grind they say
this is a big positive for the long-term
future of the game and its content but
there we go
however we also understand that there
are people with lifetime expansion
passes me who haven't received paid
content for this season hey whatever
because beyond as being free to all
owners have horizons and it has been and
you know you buy horizons what was the
point of ever enough anyway
we truly appreciate the support and
commitment of those owners who have put
in when they purchased the lifetime
expansion pass lifetime expansion pass
anyway we will be making sure that there
is a form of free store content going
out to them me lifetime expansion pass
owners by the end of the year what
that's going to be I don't know it
better not be a bloody paint job for the
ship the most important thing they say
in closing we would like to thank the
community to take from this that there
are some incredible things coming on the
horizon it's been a journey and there's
gonna be questions and a feel free to
share that the questions
hey I've looked through the forum people
have mentioned the Kodak's yes they have
the fleet carriers are gonna be a huge
blow for in tier changing or moving the
goalposts on this to what effectively
has been you know a roadmap that's being
published and what's been coming it's
also sort of geared an awful lot of
anticipation throughout the year prior
to chapter four now with some of this
stuff now I'm gonna be included within
paid content where does that leave the
community I mean if people are going to
be they think slighted by this they
think they're not gonna get their value
from any are they gonna lose some player
community is this game gonna go the way
of World of Warcraft or something like
that I mean let's take a little bit of
time talk about no man's sky
no man's sky and its second coming
recently we've all known this I've put
some things about an old man's sky it's
okay you know I like it it's it's it's
similar but not the same and I do like a
little bit of exploration now
they had a small scrappy team of devs it
was released it had more it it was
released and it had more content than
deleted anyway right you can't argue
with that it did
it wasn't the content people wanted and
it was buggy and they've continuously
released updates all the way through
Atlas into what's now next is a huge
amount of content with only dangerous a
huge amount and you know for the new
player and even the seasoned player like
I've set myself I haven't done any
mining yet so that's something I still
go out and do and you know there's more
engineers and I can fly around the
galaxy can go to the gym gnosis you know
I can explore Guardian ruins as the
third boys and you know go through the
ship grind and all the rest of it but
let's face it these two games are always
going to be compared now I don't know
why but they are a lot of people in the
community are saying that no man's sky
is embarrassing elite dangerous I don't
think that's that that is exactly true I
mean the graphics are different yes it's
procedural I think it's more
realistically dangerous I think it's
more open world I don't think it's a
but then some people think that is a
negative I don't know I'm a little
disappointed with these fleet carriers I
have to say graphical updates are always
welcome even though I think it looks ok
by itself and to recap
well this is just another change paid
premium content what's that gonna come
ask is it gonna come as a never pass for
the next section are you gonna play a
yearly subscription to play the game I
mean I've already bought the game I've
already bought the lifetime pass I
really don't want to be paying something
on a monthly basis on whether I pick up
or whether I don't whether it'll come
like that or whether you buy a season
who knows anyway this is being Ricardo I
have been talking about the important
community update that came out on
frontieres' web page I hope you've all
stuck with me if it's been a bit Randy I
do apologize please put your comments in
the comment section keep it clean with
all friends here we've got a discord
going as well join the discord you've
all been invited I can invite you to the
discord and the link is in the comment
section you'll find a great community of
like-minded people there and we keep
everything clean there's no trolling and
if there is any trolling then you're out
but there you go thanks for watching and
we still with me fly safe and enjoy
Chapter three because apparently Chapter
four is coming really soon
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