Adorable Cottage Tiny House with Land in Shelton, Washington For Sale
Audi A6 Avant 40 TDI Sport Pro Line S 204 pk S tronic (vsb 21572) - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Cosmo - 5deurs - Airco - Cruise - Vol opties - Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V50 1.6 D2 S/S Sport - Airco - Elek. pakket - Vol opties - Navi - Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
New trial date set for man accused of tossing daughter from bridge - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
My secret failures - JR Fisher - Duration: 9:51.guys JR Fisher here I know I gave
no warning and I just went live just
like that and the reason I did that is I
was thinking about something and I was
thinking about all these people I talked
to who are trying to avoid failure
they don't want to pick the wrong
product they don't want to run the wrong
ad they don't want to do anything wrong
because they don't want filled and I am
here to tell you that you need failure
you need it if you're gonna be
successful depending on if you want to
be successful or not if you want to be
successful you should be looking for
failure that's insane why would I say
that well I I it's something that I kind
of just stumbled on and I didn't realize
how true it really was but every time I
got successful in something it was right
after a failure and I want to share a
quick story with you about my company
and what happened with us because you
know when I started my company they sold
all kinds of different products I mean I
just sold sunglass cases and little
survival tools a little hand saws that
you could use the woods and a bunch of
silly stuff but I guess I wouldn't sell
him and they were products I didn't make
much money at it and then one day a guy
called me and he said I've got survival
food I subscrible food what's that he
said well we've got these dehydrated
meals and buckets which what you do is
you just add water to them and this
stuff lasts for years and you can sell
it to people who want to stock up on
foods and I said well that sounds kind
of cool and they had these little
pouches in these plastic buckets and I
said well I'll try you know I'll try to
sell it and I put it on ebay matter of
fact that was my main place I really
didn't have a website I had built a
website kind of like through eBay but it
would really would much of a website and
so you switch lanes here pay attention
and so I started to put these products
on eBay and they started to sell and I
really did have the money to buy them so
what I would do is I would do the you
know sale and then once I got the money
I would send the money to the company
then the company would send me the
product and then we should have the
customer and I know you're saying that's
really a terrible distribution method
and it was believe me it wasn't terrible
one but pretty soon I got to where I
could buy a whole bunch of them in
advance and I'd put them in my garage
and I'd put him in these cardboard boxes
and I would ship them out and I started
doing like $4,000 a month you know to me
at the time that was a lot of money you
know I went nonprofit that was my gross
sales and then I started doing like
10,000 then 20,000 and I think I got up
to like $80,000 one month and I was like
oh my god I found it you know I've got
the golden goose right there's so maybe
thousand dollars worth of survival food
I didn't have to do anything but buy it
and ship it out that was pretty good and
then it happened I said you know what
I'm gonna quit my job so I did I quit my
got a little warehouse a little bad
neighborhood where else would much to it
but it was enough to store the food and
I put that food in the warehouse and I
started selling it I started selling it
in a big way and I noticed you know
because what I was doing at that point
is that company was actually shipping
some out for me and then they were
sending me some but all of a sudden I
wouldn't get my shipments from them and
the ones that they were supposed to ship
out they weren't shipping out either and
this went on for like a week or so and I
started good like these really bad
reviews on eBay
you know eBay doesn't like that I mean
they're even more strict about it now
but back then they did like it so the
only people would send the emails and
then I would contact the company and
they would say well yeah we're a little
bit behind it's gonna be like a week
it's gonna be maybe two weeks so I were
trying to tell the people and some of
the people would want to refund and
others would go along with it and it say
okay that's fine
but then it got to three weeks I've got
three weeks this a long time right give
some of your money anything and then it
got to four weeks and then I got a phone
call guess who I got a phone call from
eBay themselves yeah
now they were interested they're saying
okay so you're taking money from people
and you aren't shipping out products
what's going on and I had no control
over it so I'm calling the company
that's making this so called survival
so what's going on they're like oh it's
gonna be about you know 30 days I'm like
30 days that's a long time and then all
of a sudden I woke up one morning and I
had several hundred listings on eBay for
basically the same product over and over
that used to let you do that all of a
sudden all my listings were gone they
were gone cuz I had spent you know
months putting these listings online and
they they disappeared so I contacted
eBay to find out why it turns out that
they had stopped my account and they had
taken over $20,000 out of my bank
account okay now that's not good for
business okay and and I had quit my job
my type my job so I'm sitting in this
little warehouse with no inventory
missing over twenty thousand dollars in
my account and thinking what do I do now
what do I do you know and then I get the
idea that maybe I could get my own brand
so I figured that out made some of my
own survival food which was much better
by the way I will tell you that a much
better flavor tasted better better
pricing that you know the artwork look
better I worked on it all myself I
thought well I just put it on my site
and it'll sell and little did I know
that nobody knew about my site so I put
all these products on my site nobody
showed up and I sat there and I wondered
and I tried to learn how to do SEO and
all that stuff and that takes months to
do that so that wasn't working and then
all sudden I got the idea one day I said
well what if what if these other sites
they got a lot of traffic had my product
on their site so I started to call these
people say hey I got this product just
put on your site you can sell it I'll
ship it out you collect the money and
guess what they said and they said no
we're not interested and I called and I
called and I called I made hundreds of
phone calls and then finally I got one
or two people to carry it on their site
and they sold a little bit of it and
then I got one or two more and now if
you search
number one thing you can learn is when
you quit your job you better have plan B
which I did not but the thing I learned
was that I would never have the brand cats not a
commercial for this but I have to you
know give you an example so if you want
to go look this up online you're welcome
to do so I would have never had that
brand if I hadn't had some really bad
problems because my problems were so bad
that there was no money there was no job
I had to do something
those were some pretty big failures you
know what I've had failures since then
and yeah I think I'm gonna have some
more afterwards but now the way I look
at a failure is if something goes bad
right if something goes bad it is
probably just before something that's
really good so if you're trying to avoid
failures number one don't do it you need
failures you need to figure out what's
not gonna work you need to have those
things that are gonna kind of shake you
and say hey you gotta do something else
and as long as you're not the type
person who says well I quit I give up
I'm gonna go get me a job again as long
as you're not that that mentality then
pack you can do pretty well and here's
the funny thing this is funny thing I
now teach people how to find products
develop products and sell products
online matter of fact I even teach
people how they don't even have to have
a product they can actually do drop
shipping and not even invest in
inventory now that wasn't even available
when I started I mean that wasn't
available you could do that now you can
actually go out and find some products
the manufacturer will ship them out for
you and you can sell it for four or five
times which you pay for it's insane
right it's all about e-commerce I you
know think about these problems if that
company had just screwed up and couldn't
send products out for me I would have
never had my own products and I never
would have been able to teach people how
to do the same thing if I didn't have
those failures so those failures have
actually brought me to the point where I
now have courses I have people who pay
me this is crazy
thousands of dollars a month to get on
the telephone with them and tell them
what they need to do but you know what
it's worth it because when I tell them
what to do and they make a lot of money
they go well let me give you some more
so you know a lot of businesses will
approach me now and say hey here's
thousands of dollars why don't you show
us to do what you are doing show us how
to do this stuff show us how to market
online how to build sales funnels and
all this you know I show you the steps
if you want to quit work in the job and
you want to actually go out there and
make money on your own and not be
dependent on somebody else
you know hey it's it's possible you know
what is are you and me listening to me
you know it's possible right you can
look me up online you could look up jr.
Fischer you can look up survival k-food
you can see I do this stuff every single
day of my life now we've got oh my god
we've got a lot of websites now I don't
want to think about it
and I have a lot of courses and I have a
lot of training got another book coming
out I already have one book out actually
two books out if you include that one I
wrote for the survival industry that was
another one room and I would have never
done any of this it's all because of
failures so here's the deal if you have
some failures rate job because if you
have failures that's gonna motivate you
to do something else and you're gonna
figure out what doesn't work that's the
only way to do it
it's an only way to do it you need
failures to be truly successful thought
I'd share that with you have a good day
Jonas: SA needs to 'engage more' with countries who received state capture cash - Duration: 4:34.Jonas: SA needs to 'engage more' with countries who received state capture cash
Jonas: SA needs to 'engage more' with countries who received state capture cash.
Former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas says South Africa needs to engage more with the countries who allegedly received large amounts of state capture cash "around their role in advancing and deepening state capture in this country".
Jonas was speaking at the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation 10th anniversary gala dinner‚ where he interrogated the mechanics of state capture‚ and evaluated how state-owned enterprises were the perfect conduits for such corruption.
"State capture cannot succeed without externalisation of money‚" he said.
"In other words‚ without money leaving the country‚ there can be no state capture.
Because‚ if you keep money under your mattress‚ we'll find it.
"So in all countries where state capture has been effective‚ it has been effective precisely because there have been powerful instruments of externalising resources that are stolen.
"State-owned companies‚ all of them… they have service providers all over the world.
That explains why Hong Kong‚ Dubai become crucial‚ and some countries that we embrace very well at the moment need to be engaged more around their role in advancing and deepening state capture in this country." China and Dubai have both emerged as powerful role players in alleged state capture at Trasnet and Eskom‚ and the National Prosecuting Authority is currently seeking information from the UAE about the transfer of millions allegedly linked to the Estina Dairy Project scam.
China South Rail scored a R25-billion locomotive deal with Transnet‚ with Gupta-linked shell companies allegedly scoring R5-billion in kickbacks from that deal.
"State-owned enterprises are very useful in that sense‚ because they make it easy to externalise resources‚ and that's why the state capture project‚ almost 80% of it‚ focused on state-owned enterprises‚ the Transnets‚ the Eskoms etc‚" Jonas said on Saturday.
He added that SOEs were also effective conduits for state capture because of their governance practices.
"Every new minister can appoint a board whenever he or she feels like it‚ and for the longest of time there have been no clear guidelines about how this is done.
So‚ in state-owned enterprises‚ once you appoint a pliable board‚ it will be at your service." While the boards of companies in the private sector typically saw their role as serving the interests of the companies‚ he said‚ the boards of SOEs would be focused on serving the shareholder - the minister.
"So if your have a mad shareholder‚ you are likely to have mad objectives.
If you have a shareholder to advance state capture‚ you are likely to be doing exactly that.
"So part of the agenda should be about changing those things." Jonas‚ who testified at the Zondo Commission about how a Gupta brother had offered him R600-million to become finance minister and advance the family's interests‚ will face cross-examination about that alleged bribe from former president Jacob Zuma's son‚ Duduzane‚ and controversial arms deal advisor Fana Hlongwane in the coming weeks.
The Kathrada Foundation on Saturday honoured Jonas‚ former and current government communications heads Themba Maseko and Phumla Williams‚ former SARS Commissioner Ivan Pillay and Independent Police Investigative Directorate head Robert McBride for their roles in opposing state capture.
23-09-18 16:26 (Leeuweriklaan 34, 2691 CK 's-Gravenzande,) - Duration: 0:12.-------------------------------------------
"Devil May Cry 5" | Dante New Abilities | Sparda Sword & New Weapons Gameplay Breakdown - Duration: 13:38."I've got a score to settle with that son of a bitch!"
"Devil May Cry"
What's up guys? My name is RBG, and we are back with more coverage on Devil May Cry 5.
If you guys have been following news regarding this year's Toko Game Show you know it's been somewhat of a tumultuous time for Capcom.
All of the news revolving around DMC5 seemed to be going smoothly until that momentum was stifled after fans voiced their disappointment with Dante's new theme, Subhuman.
Before we get into the recent commotion I'd like to remind you that this video was sponsored by Mallknow.
Since you guys have supported this channel I've linked up Mallknow to give you their brand new gaming mouse.
It features a high FPS Rate, 7 different switches such as the back and forward buttons.
An adjustable DPI, micro switches backed with LED lights, and much more.
The shipping and handling averages around 5 dollars depending on your location.
The link will be in the description box below so make sure you jump on that while the offer last.
But as I was saying after the immense backlash the newly unveiled theme song for Dante, Capcom immediately took the video down.
Or so I thought.
While my video on this topic was rendering, word came out that fans brought up credible reports to Capom's attention regarding Suicide Silence's lead singer's sexual misconduct with a minor.
When contacted about these allegations, Capcom issued a statement saying this.
"The music was recorded for the game before the incident came to light and we were unaware of the incident until now."
"However, as we are now aware of the current situation, Capcom has decided that moving forward, we will not further highlight the Dante battle theme for promotional purposes at this time."
"We are also currently evaluating what options are possible for the full game at this point, which is dependent on various factors such as resources."
So yeah I just wanted to address that issue before I segued into the more exciting news.
Thankfully after this unfortunate mishap, Capcom was able to revamp the enthusiasm of the fans by releasing a gameplay trailer for Dante.
And man does it deliver.
For weeks we have been getting little snippets of how the legendary demon hunter will play in this game.
It wasn't until the gamescom trailer that we found out that the peculiar motorcycle we saw Dante riding in the reveal was actually a devil arm.
It was nothing short of awesome.
18 hours ago the official Devil May Cry 5 Japanese twitter account revealed the names of all the armaments that have been showcased in the trailer.
Thanks to google translate we were able to see what each weapon entails.
But since certain words in Japanese have a different connotation in English there are a few grammatical errors.
1 of the 1st weapons to be expounded on was obviously Dante's Rebellion.
A sword which has been a trademark weapon for Dante since it's inception in Devil May Cry 2.
As we all know the magically imbued blade was given to him by his father, Sparda and is mysteriously linked to his demonic powers.
It's said to be very easy to wield by Dante and enables him to perform a small number of quote on quote ren slashes.
I'm not sure what ren properly translates to in Japanese but it sounds like it allows Dante to perform a wide variety of moves.
As you can see by the footage most of the techniques we've come to love are present and accounted for.
We see Dante performing things from his standard 3-hit slash to a trickster teleport followed up by a helm breaker.
And the million stab looks more brutal than ever before.
What I love the most is how each animation has been given a good level of detail.
Specifically the lighting and particle effects.
Of coarse this is nothing new because we've seen the Rebellion give off red glows of ferocity in earlier entries.
But in this game you notice some of the more subtle details like heat and debris emanating from the blade as it cuts enemies.
Everything seems to be meticulously crafted especially Rebellion's design.
Since we're on the topic of it's aesthetic I'd like to briefly mention that it bares a closer resemblance to it's DMC2 version.
Which is ironic since the executive producer Matt Walker has confirmed that this entry takes place after the event of Devil May Cry 2.
Which for the longest time was said to be at the tail end of the DMC timeline.
And this really shows that the team is trying to show consistency.
If you look closely you'll notice that the Rebellion has become darker as opposed to having it's dark greenish hue.
Upon further observation I've noticed that unlike it's earlier incarnations the grip has a rough exterior that creates the illusions of veins as opposed to the usual smooth look.
And the spine going down the cross guard extends even further than before.
These are all aesthetics that aimlessly insinuate that this an advanced version of DMC2's Rebellion.
A double edged claymore that's constantly evolving as Dante's demon powers do.
Speaking of demonic powers this brings us to our next ability, the Devil Trigger.
I originally stated in my breakdown of the leaked footage that I had a minor issue with it's design.
It felt lackluster compared to other versions which visually displayed how power Dante has become in each game.
The overall look felt like it had been lifted from Devil May Cry 4.
He has the same sculpt and cracks on his chest that create the illusion that he's a walking furnace.
Many agreed with me but there ware a few who pointed out that the form was way more different than I thought.
Unbeknownst to me at the time Capcom had art book that featured DT concepts that didn't make into DMC4.
And 1 of them was the perfect/ultimate devil trigger.
It seems like the design team took some those aesthetic elements and sort of streamlined them into the version we have now.
Besides the absence of the long horns and tail everything is there, mainly the wings.
Which have these cool looking patterns on them.
If this is the same DT form from the unused concepts it's gonna be very O.P.
According to the art book the Perfect Devil Trigger is so powerful it surpasses that of the Dark Knight Sparda.
So that says a lot about how far Dante has come.
Hell the Majin form was already considered one of the most powerful.
But now we have a form that's even more bad ass.
As you see by the trailer all of Dante's moves are amplified from his stinger which enables him to strike multiple enemies.
To his invulnerability.
Upon making this video I noticed in new footage that you can now fly for a short amount of time without the aid of any devil arms or amulets like previous entries.
But moving on the next thing on the list is Dante's trademark duel pistols, Ebony & Ivory.
A standard issue sidearm that was made in the year 1911 hence the name M1911.
Unlike the original 1911, Ebony and Ivory are designed for rapid fire with bullets imbued with Dante's demonic energy.
As mentioned in previous videos these advanced weapons were made by legendary gunsmith, Nell Goldstein.
In the official Devil May Cry manga Nell ran a shop called 45 caliber works.
She worked with Dante during his early tenure as a Demon Hunter.
What's ironic is that Nell and Dante shared a very snarky trash talk friendship similar to Nico and Nero.
In the trailer it shows that this is the first time Dante has met with his late friend's grandaughter as she introduces herself and explains the history of his trademark guns.
Woah! You are the infamous Dante!
My grandmother is Nell Goldstein.
The gunsmith that made all your fancy weapons.
As Dante looks down his weapons you'll notice the names Ebony & Ivory engraved on them in cursive along with piano keys.
And you have the faces of the characters on the handles.
But the most interesting detail is what engraved on the outward sides of each pistol.
Although it's somewhat blurry in the trailer you'll notice that it says "For Tony Redgrave" and "By 45 Art Warks."
For those outta the know, Tony Redgrave was a secret alias Dante went by to mask his true identity.
Ironically enough Redgrave is the name of the main city the DMC team will be adventuring in.
But anyways it seems like all the common weapons we know will make a return including Dante's sawed off shotgun which looks to have undergone modifications.
I'd like to elaborate on the newer weapons because this is where things get really insane.
The 1st 1 we gotta go over are the newer Devil Arm gauntlets.
Because there seems to be a bit of confusion regarding them.
Now we all know that gauntlets have been a thing since Devil May Cry's inception.
We've had devil arms like Ifrit which allows Dante to perform fiery kicks and punches.
And Gilgamesh that allows the wielder to deliver devastating attacks by charging them up.
This new Devil Arm seems to have both of those skill sets.
What I found weird was how the aesthetics changed depending Dante's action.
If he performs punches these spiky shoulder pauldrons appear.
But when he performs kicks they're gone.
This leads me to believe that the developers have probably integrated technique switching for each devil weapon.
For the longest time all of the gauntlet's attacks have been mapped to the triangle button.
Which in my opinion made the variety and kicks rather limited at times.
With the exception of a few more being accessible while the Sword master style is in use.
But now it seems like we're able to perform punches and kicks at our leisure.
And it also looks like you can perform specific dodges.
If you look at the trailer footage you'll notice that Dante swiftly dodges attacks from these demons shortly before he attacks them with capoera style kicks.
I'm not sure this will work.
But my guess is that all 4 devil styles will now attribute to the devil arms you use as opposed to only just having extra moves through Sword master.
According to the DMC twitter page that gauntlets are called Balrog.
It says that this weapon will feature 2 different modes, 1 being kicks & the other being punches.
Each mode is pretty self explanatory.
Kick mode enables you to perform powerful kicks.
While the blow mode is said to emphasize speed with a wide array of punches.
The next armament we have is the transformable bike, Cavalier.
Now this weapon has arguably been 1 of the most talked about devil arms in the DMC community.
Because there were so many speculations going around regarding it's origin.
Many have theorized that it could possibly be the same bike Dante drove into the underworld at the end of Devil May Cry 2.
And others were assuming that it was another form of the transforming briefcase, Pandora.
All of those were pretty awesome speculations but completely wrong.
Thanks to the TGS Dante Demo we now know that the powerful weapon is attained after defeating the Voltaic Black Knight, Cavalier Angelo.
A pretty epic battle featuring an even more epic demon.
I don't think I can show the footage since Capcom doesn't wanna spoil the cutscene.
But there's this moment when Cavalier Angelo's armor breaks off and pieces of it forge with this beat up motorcycle.
Transforming it into the powerful weapon we've seen throughout all the trailers.
The twitter bio says it's a special armament of weight grade born from the material that Cavalier magic.
The rotation of the wheel part gives intermittent damage by the shape like the motorcycle.
The handle is divided into two axes, and can be treated like a giant twin swords.
It can also be used to run over demons with sharp RAM and wheel blade.
In addition, the blade of the wheel rotates like Chainsaws.
This is definitely gonna be 1 of those weapons that has a huge emphasis on speed and power.
The last weapon I wanna talk about is a big 1.
Dante's once again wielding the awakened Force Edge also known as Sparda the sword.
This is the 2nd game we've seen him use the weapon with it's unlocked potential.
We saw Dante used it to stop the the powerful emperor of darkness, Mundus in DMC1.
But nowadays it's sort of become an afterthought and is mostly used by Trish.
And I absolutely hated that.
If this arguably the most powerful weapon your arsenal why give it a demon who already has electric powers along with her own dual pistols?
The last time I checked Sparda chooses the individual who uses it.
So why Trish?
It just boggles my mind.
Thankfully the sword has returned to the hands of it's rightful owner.
In some of my more recent videos I mentioned that Dante may have been seen with Sparda in the gamescom trailer.
Many viewers shot the theory down since the mysterious item on his back looked completely different from the Sparda we're use to seeing.
But the different look seems to be deliberate.
Sparda looks to have gone some drastic changes.
Although it still has that fleshly organic tissue along the top of the blade.
It now has these bones protruded out of it.
Seeing Dante using it pretty much confirms some of my theories I came up with in my analysis on the leaked footage.
I won't delve into that since I don't wanna spoil the story.
But let's just say it's quite impactful once you see it.
What I will say is that all the shape shifting techniques are back and look more brutal than ever.
I specifically like how the organic demon flesh has this disgusting look to it when the sword transforms into a scythe.
But with that out of the way I'd like to elaborate on a certain character who we've been waiting to see since the announcement.
And that is the newly introduced protagonist, V.
The DMC twitter account mentions that he's a key component to the story but his motives are a mystery.
At the end of the trailer Dante's business partner, Morrison introduces V as a client.
And right off the bat you'll notice that he's a rather enigmatic character.
He puts me in the mind of previous characters like Arkham and Agnus especially with the mysterious book he reads from.
"He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence."
"So it is written."
A quote from famous Poet William Blakes book, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
It's ironic that William Blake's works keep making their way into my breakdowns and theories.
Just the other day I was discussing how the King of Demons Urizen may be a reference to Blake's prophetic book entitled "The Book of Urizen."
Seeing that this makes me think that I may be onto something.
I wanna delve deeper into what V's purpose is but I'm afraid it'll have to be for another video.
So far we've gotten a lot of awesome announcements like online multiplayer which I'm guessing will be for Dante, Nero, and V.
And then there's the official reveal for Lady and Trish.
I gotta admit while I love their overall designs I do have minor gripes.
Like how Lady seems to look more de-aged compared to her Devil May Cry 4 look.
She has this weird baby face and her voice sounds like that of a teenager.
I know that she's had a different voice actress for all of the entries and I didn't necessarily mind since each voice was fitting given her age.
But I really feel like they should've kept the voice actor from part 4 to stay consistent.
As far as Trish is concerned the only issue I have with her is weird looking face.
It just looks off.
Like what the hell?
I'm pretty sure the creative team picked a beautiful model to base her on.
But sometimes scanned up faces don't translate well to video games.
Especially when facial captures are performed by a different person.
I'm not sure if that's the case but Capcom really needs to fix that issue.
I'm just saying.
But with that I'd like to end this video.
I know Nero had a few moments in the latest trailer but I think we've seen enough footage and coverage on him.
But I'd like to hear your thoughts if you have any.
What do you think of Dante's gameplay?
Do you like the newly introduced Devil Arms?
And how do you think the new character V will play.
Lemme know in the comments below.
As always I ask that you Like or Dislike the video.
It doesn't have to be a thumbs up it can be a thumbs down.
Any feedback is good feedback and will only help me improve on future content.
But if you really enjoyed the video it would help me tremendously if you shared it on social media platforms with all your friends and followers.
I love what I do and I do it all for you guys.
Once again this was your boy RBG signing out on another video.
I'll catch you guys later.
Peace out.
Últimas notícia de hoje : FOLHA RECONHECE: HADDAD FOI PREFEITO EXEMPLAR - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
Coconut and Raspberry Muffins with Coconut and Lupine Flour - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Stromae papa pour la première fois... Et il s'agit d'un très beau gaillard - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Tydzień na bitcoinie - QnA - Duration: 5:56.I'll try to make sure the agreements allow me to share with you
how much I've earned on each cooperation.
Now the other questions, briefly...
Why Luno?
Because I've got to know them and I think the app is very good.
I was surprised at how nice the people were. You've had no problems asking about crypto.
Well, there were also people who were not that nice.
We simply tried not to show them in the videos.
What for, right?
There were a few very nice situations.
Perhaps we'll manage to show them.
Let me give you an example...
It was very hot and I walked up to a newsstand.
I managed to convince the shop assistant to let me pay for water in Bitcoin.
He didn't even have a wallet.
I just texted him the Luno download link
and that's how I transferred a piece of Bitcoin to him.
He was smart enough to
double the price of my bottle of water.
Can I pay in Bitcoin?
Can I pay you so that you can pay for me?
Not really...
Not really, no.
Unless there's a big profit for me in it...
Okay, I like this approach.
Fine. A profit for you, no problem.
I can hardly believe it but I did it.
This lunch will be more like breakfast, but still...
I'm impressed how smart that assistant was.
He charged me nearly double
but that's fine because now I can eat.
He'll also be happy about it because he made some extra money as well.
Thank you. I recommend this place.
How much money have you spent so far?
You can find out somewhere here.
We'll put it somewhere.
As you know the price of Bitcoin has been changing and so has the amount.
About money...
I've also received several e-mails with comments
that it's a bit unfair that's it's all for me and that the consumption is excessive.
That's why you'll see something in another episode that will calm your conscience
and show you how to make a different and more reasonable use of Bitcoin.
You'll see it in a different video.
There were also a few shop assistants that didn't know what Bitcoin was.
They mistook it for Blik.
Can I pay in Bitcoin?
Is that an app or something?
It's a cryptocurrency.
This one time, I was on one of the barges on the Vistula
and I ordered something to drink.
I also managed to convince the bartender to accept payment in Bitcoin.
I texted him.
What I really like about Luno is that you can pay by e-mail or SMS.
I'd like to pay in Bitcoin.
We don't accept it yet.
Why not?
Is it possible at all?
Yes, it is. I paid in Bitcoin in a few places.
I propose this: I'll pay you and you will pay for me...
12 zlotys is about 3 euro. Let's say I'll pay you 6 euro.
That's how I also paid for tickets.
He didn't have a wallet at all. I texted him.
The message contained a link.
After downloading the app the agreed amount of Bitcoins was already there.
It's a bit far-fetched. You can't do your everyday shopping using cryptocurrencies
you can't travel from one city to another or refuel the car.
It's like you're walking around the city with a sack of potatoes, looking for someone
to barter with you and exchange their services for your potatoes.
You can put it that way, but I thought it would make this experiment interesting.
I wanted to see if it works at all
or if it's just virtual.
Some use it as an investment, some speculate. Can you pay with it?
Yes, but it's not that simple.
Have you really moved out of your home for the duration of this project?
Yes, I moved out and stayed at a hotel.
You can say it was like taking a holiday.
You withdrew cash already on the second day. Why not cash out as much as you'd need? Or just end the challenge because you failed.
In general, you're right. I couldn't buy trousers.
I was really in a hurry.
Perhaps I would eventually manage to convince someone to barter with me
but I was unsuccessful.
Again, it's difficult to rely only on Bitcoin.
Where did you sleep? We only saw one hotel in your videos.
That was the only one I stayed at, Polonia Hotel in Warsaw.
I stayed at a different hotel in London, which I really recommend.
You will find a link in the description and a referral link to the booking feature, because why not.
What was nice about the hotel in London was the Polish staff.
I've stayed there before a few times and I really recommend it. The location is attractive.
When and where did you record the videos?
In Warsaw and London, in early August.
You saw it was 1 August
and the last days of July as well.
You also saw the 'W' hour celebration, which surprised us.
There was no point in continuing the series after you used the ATM.
It wasn't a cash machine but a 'Bitcoin machine'.
You think it was pointless to carry on, I don't.
I thought it was a good idea to show that Bitcoin ATMs exist.
I thought it would be interesting for you to know
that there is such an option, and that you can quickly exchange Bitcoin for cash and the other way round.
Okay, that concludes the Q&A part.
If you have any other questions or suggestions, or if you'd like to watch a different series
similar to this one or entirely different, please let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for watching and see you next time. Bye!
Últimas notícia de hoje : FOLHA FAZ MATÉRIA PRECONCEITUOSA SOBRE ELEITOR NORDESTINO MAIS UMA VEZ - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
A 19 ans, il SURVIT 49 jours À LA DÉRIVE dans l'océan ( Teen survives 49 days adrift in Pacific ) - Duration: 2:12.Hi it's SAI, today I will tell you an incredible story.
Aldi, a 19 year old teenager had a solo job, he worked on a rompong, a floating wooden platform used to catch fish.
He was in charge of lighting lamps to attract them
and every week, the owner sent someone to collect the fish and bring back provisions, water and fuel so that he can cook.
For 6 months, everything was fine on the coast of Manado, Indonesia,
until a storm on July 14, cut off the rope which immobilized his place of work.
Aldi was then swept away by the waves,
it was dramatic,
he had no possibility of reversing the situation: he had nothing to row.
Quantity of food loaded on board was only enough for one week,
he had to improvise to survive.
This odyssey lasted 49 days in the pacific ocean, and no ship came to rescue him.
He was rescued on August 31 in the waters of the island of Guam by a cargo ship which was heading to Japan.
Its shipwreck totaled a distance of +1600 miles.
He was sent home on 9 September in good health after identity verification at consulate.
What a story my friends ! It could be a film !
See you later on the channel and i challenge to put in the comments section : "I speak english my friend" if you are here ! Bye bye ;D
Nuovo banner e Yugioh Duel Links! - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Breathedge PL #1 [Napisy PL] | Wsadziłem ptaka do prądu D: - Duration: 38:41.-------------------------------------------
Récupération d'une Technologie Extraterrestre (Révélations du New York Times) - Duration: 10:33.-------------------------------------------
You won't BELIEVE what wifey has in the trunk! | Family Feud - Duration: 0:56.UH...RUSHINDA?
Stromae papa pour la première fois... Et il s'agit d'un très beau gaillard - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
The Truth About Passive Income? 💰 - Duration: 8:14.You want me to hire some models for the afternoon and get a boat in some sunny freaking place
and be like this is it!
You want me to show you the people on Instagram who take all the money they own in the world
in hundred dollar form and throw it on a bed and take a picture then put it back in the
I'll show you that.
I'll show you the front of this passive income dream of the internet.
Is that right?
You're happy I-
Oh Gary.
Always making trouble.
So, wheat's going on guys?
Gary Vaynerchuk uploaded this video earlier this week and it's really been doing the
round on social media.
Everybody's talking about this and everybody has their own opinions.
You know, if passive income actually bullsh*t?
Is it real?
Is it plausible?
Can you actually make something like that and all this stuff so I figured I would just
shoot this quick video and make my own response to it based off of my personal experience.
Now let's get right to it with the core question.
Does passive income really exist?
Well, yes.
You know, I mean Gary even addresses it in this video.
A lot of people by the way are taking this out of context.
Gary even says a little bit earlier on that most of his income probably is passive or
whatever way he phrases that in the video.
So I just wanted t make this quick one and just go over my personal experience with passive
income, is it real and what my opinions of it are.
Now, I lot of the stuff you're going to be hearing from Gary about is passive income
bullsh*t and all that stuff, he is addressing the people in the internet marketing community
which in my last video I also addressed, and they really kind of disgust me at the same
time too because even though it's sort of dying off and time is the great equalizer
and a lot of these people are kin of being exposed, there is a community out there of
people who teach you that, oh, you setup this thing this one time, you press a magic little
internet button and money just flows into your bank account for the rest of your life.
Well that's absurd obviously, that don'ts exist.
But, passive income certainly is a real thing I can say that from personal experience.
For example the very first website that I ever made online, my first ever online business
type of thing, it was an Amazon affiliate website.
And that website until today, I kid you not, this is something I built 7 years ago.
You know, back then once I started it up and started driving traffic in the old like SEO
days when that was like the go-to make money online thing.
I set up this website and it probably started making around $500 a month.
From Amazon affiliate commissions.
Just from people who found it on Google and once I set it up and wrote those articles
on there I didn't really put much more work into it and it stated making me money.
And here's the crazy thing.
That was around 7 years ago and today I still get a check from Amazon for about 100 bucks
from that website.
And I haven't touched it in about 7 years.
Now, yes, I could probably log into it and I can kind of optimize it and kind of get
it back up to where it was just as a fun like side project or something, but what my point
is, is yes, passive income is real.
Not working on a website and still getting a check from it every single month for seven
years, I think is pretty passive.
Now here's the thing though.
A lot of people…
There's a lot of semantics involved intros conversation.
You know, what would you define as passive income?
You know, like I said can you press some magical button by buying some guru's course after
he made a video on a yacht with some models or whatever an it's just going to, you know,
flood your bank account with money for years to come.
It doesn't work like that.
But, you can put in the work up front and then reap the benefits for a long time.
You know some examples that come to mind are email funnels.
Once you get an email funnel to really convert and start generating some sales for you once
you get lead in there, you just keep buying traffic to that email funnel and it's going
to make you sales for a long time.
Uh, auto-webinars are another great example, on average an auto-webinar funnel, or an auto-webinar
itself, converts pretty well for about two years.
So, I mean right there another great example.
Putting in two hours of work to record a video that's going to make you money for two years
on auto-pilot basically?
That's pretty passive.
S other short answer is does passive income exist?
Yes, it absolutely does.
It's just that a lot of people, like Gary says in this video, they are sold the dream.
You know they're sold this thing where oh, you can just make millions of dollars by doing
absolutely nothing.
I mean passive income like a lot of other core fundamental pillars of business has been
around since the beginning of time.
If you want to go back a hundred years, if you're a farmer…
Well farmers exist today, I don't know why I'm using this particular analogy, but if
you plant a seed, that's all the work you're going to do and if you take care of that and
nurture it here and there, you're going to get a good harvest from it.
I mean even something where as let's say, you work a couple hours a month on something,
in my opinion that's still very passive.
Uh, you post a YouTube video and that YouTube video for the next couple of years generators
you ad revenue or leads or conversions or sales or whatever.
I think that's pretty passive income too.
So yes, passive income does absolutely exist.
You know, if you are an investor once you're really on that higher tier and you're starting
to invest your capital into other businesses, that's going to get you a return in the
same exact way.
By the way guys, please start with an actual business.
For some reason I'm starting to see all these comments like hey, what should I invest
my money in?
What do you invest in?
And this and that.
Technically I have invested in the traditional sense in two businesses right now, but yeah
that can be a do as I say and not what I do kind of thing…
Guys unless you have some serious capital to throw around I wouldn't recommend "investing"
in something in that sense.
You know get a good income for yourself then later on.
Actually, you know what?
There you go.
When people hear about investing like in the capital investment sense, people thing that's
a form of passive income.
They see all these investors, they watch Shark Tank and all this stuff and they think that's
going to be passive income.
They think you put money into a business and then all of a sudden because they see it's
succesful you get a check from it every month.
I mean if you really want to over simplify it, I guess that's kind of how it works
in a sense later on down the road and this and that.
But, that's another idea or example of people being sold the dream of this fake kind of
passive income.
This very dramatic sense of it.
So, that's another very good example.
But yes, so I just wanted to shoot this quick reply.
I'm curious what you guys think.
Speaking of passive income I'm going to be making a couple more videos in the next
couple of weeks.
I have one in the works and I'm actually going to show you guys some things you can
set up for yourselves.
So one is a kind of like a passive income kind of thing and the other is something that
if you really want to put in the work and you want to grind it out it's kind of like
a guaranteed service you can offer people so a lot of cool things in the works.
But anyway, I just wanted to shoot this quick video for you guys if you want to see more
videos like this please check out my other videos I just posted my "Why I do what I
do video" to get some things on the record for you guys so you can check out how I got
started, how I got my first mentor and a lot of great stuff.
Also hey, follow me on Instagram as usual.
I post stuff like this every single day.
I do almost daily Q&A sessions right now along with live streams so if you guys like videos
like this let me know.
Click the like button down below.
I'm always answering your guy's comments and uh, yeah.
Let me know what you think.
You know what are some examples?
Leave them in the comments below.
What's an example of a passive income stream that you guys have generated and just your
opinions on it in general.
And let me know what you think Gary's video.
I'm going to link Gary's video down below too.
Please watch the full context.
I think some people, because I watched a lot fo replies, they're kind of, they're very
extreme like clickbait kind of… replies to this.
So, I don't think Gary really got the credit the deserves here.
But anyway guys, my name is Matthew Sabia.
Yes, passive income is absolutely a thing.
I have a decade now of personal experience to back that up.
It's just depends what your'e definition of it is.
So, I'll talk to you guys next time.
Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D 173pk 5D Aut,Navi,NWST - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Orphaned kitten with sad eyes found his happiness! - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
My Lovely But Terrifying Halloween Look - Duration: 4:12.Hi everybody and welcome to my Unruly Housewife Channel good Lord it's a long
time since I have updated isn't it and that's because I've been really busy at
the moment I've just started a college course and oh dear going back to school when
you're sixty is a bit of a challenge I've had some tummy trouble with the
nerves we're not gonna go into that and you know it's just been a bit... it's a
long way away from here so I have to get a lift with Dave in the morning and
that means he gets pulled into a load more traffic it's been a challenge but I
figured out how to use the computers in the library I figured out how to print
my pictures and generally I'm doing a design course and jewelry course so yeah
I'm really looking forward to it a lot of people thought I was the tutor! The
man on the desk I arrived on the first day and I said oh I'm looking for
the jewelry room the course for the jewelry room and he said are you the
tutor and I said no darling I'm a fresher so I made a good start anyway
I thought to myself even though I haven't got a polymer clay video for you at the
moment why don't I subtly adjusting my camera
why don't I show you my Halloween outfit or at least one part of it which I
ordered and I think you're just gonna love it now a lot of people (ladies) go
as sexy things on Halloween don't they really like um I don't know
sort of a sexy nurse or a sexy maid or something and a bit of an
excuse to look good some people go as frightening things
zombie is a good one isn't it? I've been a zombie before or a witch but some people
like to go with "cat" don't they? and I thought this year I'd go with "cat" and I
thought I'd give it a little bit of a Hello Kitty look maybe now I haven't got
bow to go on on top but I have got a slightly Hello Kitty esque kind of thing
going on so I'm gonna show you it now
and I think... you can tell me if you think it's sexy...
(I hope not!) anyway without further ado here it is now... now be honest
tell me what you think lol isn't this gorgeous darling? let me put my
glasses on it's... it really it works!
*humming* a little bow up the top there and I
think that's going to make a really lovely Hello Kitty (I am gonna caption its video)
look at it it's mental I bought it on Amazon and it was the last one I don't wanna
upset anybody in the UK it was the last one but I dunno if anybody else would
want it! oh these are the eye holes you see oops hang on there and it's
gorgeous and now I'm gonna put it on again and then I'm gonna say goodbye
this may be a short video but goodness knows (gosh it's only 3.5 mins)
may be a short video but I think it's gonna be you know one of your favorites
and do share it with your friends don't feel shy... And Like and
Subscribe and leave any comments and questions down below so let's give this
a go again I really do think it's a lovely lovely mask okay bye bye thank
you so much for watching I love you all
Quand David Hallyday nargue Laeticia Hallyday en musique -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
АСМР ✂ Уход за твоей бородой 🧔🏻| ASMR I'm courting your beard 🎧 - Duration: 26:58.Hello
And you to us?
Your beard
cut it, huh?
Well, yes, I see it from you
not as well-groomed as could be
When did you last cut your beard?
Care for her?
In fact, this is the whole art
I can put your beard in order
More beautiful and beautiful view
And yes, the beard must be constantly monitored
so that you have it
Will I touch?
well yes
I'm getting a bit of shape
your beard
here we fake it and I think it will be
Under your face shape is better and more beautiful
We will comb it well
slightly cut
and grease with beard oil
so that she would drink
and was beautiful, healthy
And then
then I recommend to you
or on our website
or when you come in, there the catalogs are lying. You can see
and then think about a stronger
Yeah, a stronger change in your beard
Yes, the beard can be dyed
dye your skin to make it stronger
if not a lot does not get their hair out
To look better, of course it's all to your taste
someone just prefers
well-groomed haircut
Here we are now just pourable and equals all
Take a seat
make yourself comfortable
because now
your face and your beard
will be completely in my hands
here to us just a new batch of care and funds came
It is completely sealed all
and now we will look after your beard
and I'll give it to you with me
there is a comb
greased the beard
very nice pouch
I think you will find him a place
It contains oil
butter for your beard
100% natural
here also
goes wax
for the beard
for its better styling
there will be such a brush
and here's a scallop
first your beard
I'll come even closer
how much did you grow such a beard?
that's how it is
Then I'll be very careful with her
I will not cut anything hard
and then if you want
in more detail when decided
what do you want from your beard
and we will make sure to you
Whiskers are different people do
Someone sometimes grows a beautiful, beautiful beard
and then she shaves it all
someone on the contrary
for every millimeter the cut off is going through
as well as with hair
all as well as with hair
yes you need to cut it again
antennae, because I see that they climb into your mouth and get in the way
you probably do not feel comfortable eating
No ? Fine ?
But still if you make a smooth contour
will look more aesthetically
do not mind ?
Well, here we combed our beard
already looks prettier
take care of it
it is no worse than your hair
it adds to you a certain charm
now I'm here to clean up
and here with scissors
we will trim
there is no pain will not be
You cut hair on your head, do not you hurt?
here is the same
I do not pull your hair out
do not worry
look first we will walk
that all your beard to straighten
because the hair grows unevenly
freeze and rest
and now we will align the contours
I trimmed
circuit itself
where does
where your beard begins to emphasize it
so that the outlines are smooth and beautiful
now with scissors straighten
neatly sponges
here and so do
I will not cut your lip, do not worry
everything is fine
I did not cut you
from this side
lift your chin
looks great
literally a pair of trimming movements
and it is already well-groomed
and very beautiful
yes you are very well
there are sometimes
people with a beard
well, you know, it does not go at all
but you
you are very beautiful
let's comb
and rub it with oil
she will better lay
hair to the hair
so here
from this side
like this
and here with this
now take the oil
and miss all your
Yes, yes we miss it all
it will help and from redness
that the beard was more alive
how do you have hair and better
and some people have healthy shiny
but now we will make your beard
was the standard
but if you use
your beard will be even thicker
and very very beautiful
such an oil
it's here
we will put on your beard
and here it is
this oil
yes it's nice
I would say an invigorating smell
your whole beard
we missed
still a little bit like this
massage movements
even so
now I'll take a napkin
and we will all oil
and wipe off excess
and the rest will be absorbed
so what?
you have everything here, nourished and moistened
we pruned
so you now have
very tidy beard
in our form everything was as it was
just a little trimmed
on this she looks a little different
and so
beard as it was
only more accurate
I would call her so
yes, I give you this set
care for, comb
be sure to cut yourself
align, direct
or come to us
that's what I said
You can look at the choice and we'll think it through and change how you say it
can under a hairdress as a string that it was harmonious
or for some kind of event
Yes, we have an expert with whom you can all discuss and think over
all is well
can go
look at oneself
I hope you enjoyed it.
and that you like what you see in the mirror
all the best
I will be glad to see you again
see you
Renaud hospitalis.é : le chanteur dans un état préoccupant -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Feinstein's Latest Move Against Kavanaugh PROVES This Was the Plan All Along - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Busloads Of 'Special Trained' Attackers Headed To DC NOW – All Hell To Break Loose On Monday - Duration: 11:18.Radical anti-Kavanaugh activists from multiple national leftist progressive groups are planning
to bus protestors and hold a protest-training program in Washington, D.C. on Sunday as Hail
Mary accusations from Democrats continue unabated in an effort to prevent the confirmation of
Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Investigative journalist Paul Sperry tweeted on September 21, 2018, of plans to "stage
massive protests and disruptions next week on Capitol Hill to intimidate senators"…
BREAKING: Radical anti-Kavanaugh activists from several national leftwing groups planning
to bus in protestors and hold protest-training program in DC on Sunday & then stage massive
protests and disruptions next week on Capitol Hill to intimidate senators ... details to
come ... It seems the left is joining forces with professional
agitators in an effort to spike Kavanaugh's confirmation, led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein
She chose to sit on a letter from the committee's Republican majority accusing Kavanaugh of
sexual misconduct until the very day the panel was prepared to vote to confirm him, allowing
nearly two months to pass after receiving the letter and well into the vetting and hearing
process and Feinstein said nothing.
Chaos erupted within minutes Tuesday morning as the hearings got underway and hecklers
interrupted with loud shrieking.
The hearing itself began on a contentious note when Democratic Senators began interrupting
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) one after another intent on
demanding the hearings be adjourned.
Numerous protestors were arrested, some of which are now being charged in federal court
with "Unlawful Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct.. on Capitol Grounds" under Title
40, USC Sec. 5014(e)(2)(D) and (G) NEW: One of the protestors who disrupted Sept.
6 #BrettKavanaugh hearings in US Senate has been charged by the feds.
"Unlawful Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct.. on Capitol Grounds" Just filed in federal
court in DC.
Grassley angrily stated the 11th-hour accusations were deployed specifically for political gain
and wrote in a September 19 letter addressing Feinstein's antics, stating – "You chose
to sit on the allegations until a politically opportune moment.
I cannot overstate how disappointed I am in this decision.
It has caused me to have to reopen the hearing."
Feinstein only response was predictable – "We should delay this hearing."
This has clearly been the goal from the outset in an effort to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation
until after the 2018 midterm elections in November.
Yet it seems additional chicanery is afoot as well.
Sperry reports in the New York Post – "This spring, Hillary Clinton's former
campaign press secretary Brian Fallon hired one of Feinstein's top aides on the Judiciary
Committee to help tank President Trump's Supreme Court picks from the outside.
Together, he and Feinstein's aide — former deputy general counsel Paige Herwig — launched
a liberal non-profit group called Demand Justice to lead the left's attack on GOP nominees.
Worth noting that this is exactly where we were on Monday morning— without agreeing
to a date, time, and terms we are no closer to hearing from Dr Ford then we were when
her lawyers said Dr. Ford was willing to testify during their media tour.
In early July, after Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the high bench, Fallon stated
that their primary goal was to "delay" confirmation hearings for him.
Meantime, he outlined plans of attack, including ginning up questions about what Kavanaugh
"knew and when he knew it" about allegations of sexual misconduct by a federal judge he
once clerked for.
Later that month, a letter alleging Kavanaugh was involved in an "attempted rape" while
in high school was hand-delivered to Feinstein's office.
Curiously, Feinstein did not raise the accusation during confirmation hearings earlier this
Throughout the hearings, however, Demand Justice dispatched protesters claiming Kavanaugh sought
to deny women rights, while running attack ads warning he planned to "overturn Roe
[v. Wade] and criminalize abortion."
The ads appeared in Alaska and Maine to try to sway those states' moderate pro-choice
Republican senators to vote against Kavanaugh.
The scare tactics did not work.
Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) sent strong signals they
would back Kavanaugh, prompting Demand Justice to concede it might be unable to stop the
Senate from confirming him.
Then, just days before the committee planned to vote for Kavanaugh, the letter that was
handed to Feinstein was, in turn,
"Devil May Cry 5" | Dante New Abilities | Sparda Sword & New Weapons Gameplay Breakdown - Duration: 13:38."I've got a score to settle with that son of a bitch!"
"Devil May Cry"
What's up guys? My name is RBG, and we are back with more coverage on Devil May Cry 5.
If you guys have been following news regarding this year's Toko Game Show you know it's been somewhat of a tumultuous time for Capcom.
All of the news revolving around DMC5 seemed to be going smoothly until that momentum was stifled after fans voiced their disappointment with Dante's new theme, Subhuman.
Before we get into the recent commotion I'd like to remind you that this video was sponsored by Mallknow.
Since you guys have supported this channel I've linked up Mallknow to give you their brand new gaming mouse.
It features a high FPS Rate, 7 different switches such as the back and forward buttons.
An adjustable DPI, micro switches backed with LED lights, and much more.
The shipping and handling averages around 5 dollars depending on your location.
The link will be in the description box below so make sure you jump on that while the offer last.
But as I was saying after the immense backlash the newly unveiled theme song for Dante, Capcom immediately took the video down.
Or so I thought.
While my video on this topic was rendering, word came out that fans brought up credible reports to Capom's attention regarding Suicide Silence's lead singer's sexual misconduct with a minor.
When contacted about these allegations, Capcom issued a statement saying this.
"The music was recorded for the game before the incident came to light and we were unaware of the incident until now."
"However, as we are now aware of the current situation, Capcom has decided that moving forward, we will not further highlight the Dante battle theme for promotional purposes at this time."
"We are also currently evaluating what options are possible for the full game at this point, which is dependent on various factors such as resources."
So yeah I just wanted to address that issue before I segued into the more exciting news.
Thankfully after this unfortunate mishap, Capcom was able to revamp the enthusiasm of the fans by releasing a gameplay trailer for Dante.
And man does it deliver.
For weeks we have been getting little snippets of how the legendary demon hunter will play in this game.
It wasn't until the gamescom trailer that we found out that the peculiar motorcycle we saw Dante riding in the reveal was actually a devil arm.
It was nothing short of awesome.
18 hours ago the official Devil May Cry 5 Japanese twitter account revealed the names of all the armaments that have been showcased in the trailer.
Thanks to google translate we were able to see what each weapon entails.
But since certain words in Japanese have a different connotation in English there are a few grammatical errors.
1 of the 1st weapons to be expounded on was obviously Dante's Rebellion.
A sword which has been a trademark weapon for Dante since it's inception in Devil May Cry 2.
As we all know the magically imbued blade was given to him by his father, Sparda and is mysteriously linked to his demonic powers.
It's said to be very easy to wield by Dante and enables him to perform a small number of quote on quote ren slashes.
I'm not sure what ren properly translates to in Japanese but it sounds like it allows Dante to perform a wide variety of moves.
As you can see by the footage most of the techniques we've come to love are present and accounted for.
We see Dante performing things from his standard 3-hit slash to a trickster teleport followed up by a helm breaker.
And the million stab looks more brutal than ever before.
What I love the most is how each animation has been given a good level of detail.
Specifically the lighting and particle effects.
Of coarse this is nothing new because we've seen the Rebellion give off red glows of ferocity in earlier entries.
But in this game you notice some of the more subtle details like heat and debris emanating from the blade as it cuts enemies.
Everything seems to be meticulously crafted especially Rebellion's design.
Since we're on the topic of it's aesthetic I'd like to briefly mention that it bares a closer resemblance to it's DMC2 version.
Which is ironic since the executive producer Matt Walker has confirmed that this entry takes place after the event of Devil May Cry 2.
Which for the longest time was said to be at the tail end of the DMC timeline.
And this really shows that the team is trying to show consistency.
If you look closely you'll notice that the Rebellion has become darker as opposed to having it's dark greenish hue.
Upon further observation I've noticed that unlike it's earlier incarnations the grip has a rough exterior that creates the illusions of veins as opposed to the usual smooth look.
And the spine going down the cross guard extends even further than before.
These are all aesthetics that aimlessly insinuate that this an advanced version of DMC2's Rebellion.
A double edged claymore that's constantly evolving as Dante's demon powers do.
Speaking of demonic powers this brings us to our next ability, the Devil Trigger.
I originally stated in my breakdown of the leaked footage that I had a minor issue with it's design.
It felt lackluster compared to other versions which visually displayed how power Dante has become in each game.
The overall look felt like it had been lifted from Devil May Cry 4.
He has the same sculpt and cracks on his chest that create the illusion that he's a walking furnace.
Many agreed with me but there ware a few who pointed out that the form was way more different than I thought.
Unbeknownst to me at the time Capcom had art book that featured DT concepts that didn't make into DMC4.
And 1 of them was the perfect/ultimate devil trigger.
It seems like the design team took some those aesthetic elements and sort of streamlined them into the version we have now.
Besides the absence of the long horns and tail everything is there, mainly the wings.
Which have these cool looking patterns on them.
If this is the same DT form from the unused concepts it's gonna be very O.P.
According to the art book the Perfect Devil Trigger is so powerful it surpasses that of the Dark Knight Sparda.
So that says a lot about how far Dante has come.
Hell the Majin form was already considered one of the most powerful.
But now we have a form that's even more bad ass.
As you see by the trailer all of Dante's moves are amplified from his stinger which enables him to strike multiple enemies.
To his invulnerability.
Upon making this video I noticed in new footage that you can now fly for a short amount of time without the aid of any devil arms or amulets like previous entries.
But moving on the next thing on the list is Dante's trademark duel pistols, Ebony & Ivory.
A standard issue sidearm that was made in the year 1911 hence the name M1911.
Unlike the original 1911, Ebony and Ivory are designed for rapid fire with bullets imbued with Dante's demonic energy.
As mentioned in previous videos these advanced weapons were made by legendary gunsmith, Nell Goldstein.
In the official Devil May Cry manga Nell ran a shop called 45 caliber works.
She worked with Dante during his early tenure as a Demon Hunter.
What's ironic is that Nell and Dante shared a very snarky trash talk friendship similar to Nico and Nero.
In the trailer it shows that this is the first time Dante has met with his late friend's grandaughter as she introduces herself and explains the history of his trademark guns.
Woah! You are the infamous Dante!
My grandmother is Nell Goldstein.
The gunsmith that made all your fancy weapons.
As Dante looks down his weapons you'll notice the names Ebony & Ivory engraved on them in cursive along with piano keys.
And you have the faces of the characters on the handles.
But the most interesting detail is what engraved on the outward sides of each pistol.
Although it's somewhat blurry in the trailer you'll notice that it says "For Tony Redgrave" and "By 45 Art Warks."
For those outta the know, Tony Redgrave was a secret alias Dante went by to mask his true identity.
Ironically enough Redgrave is the name of the main city the DMC team will be adventuring in.
But anyways it seems like all the common weapons we know will make a return including Dante's sawed off shotgun which looks to have undergone modifications.
I'd like to elaborate on the newer weapons because this is where things get really insane.
The 1st 1 we gotta go over are the newer Devil Arm gauntlets.
Because there seems to be a bit of confusion regarding them.
Now we all know that gauntlets have been a thing since Devil May Cry's inception.
We've had devil arms like Ifrit which allows Dante to perform fiery kicks and punches.
And Gilgamesh that allows the wielder to deliver devastating attacks by charging them up.
This new Devil Arm seems to have both of those skill sets.
What I found weird was how the aesthetics changed depending Dante's action.
If he performs punches these spiky shoulder pauldrons appear.
But when he performs kicks they're gone.
This leads me to believe that the developers have probably integrated technique switching for each devil weapon.
For the longest time all of the gauntlet's attacks have been mapped to the triangle button.
Which in my opinion made the variety and kicks rather limited at times.
With the exception of a few more being accessible while the Sword master style is in use.
But now it seems like we're able to perform punches and kicks at our leisure.
And it also looks like you can perform specific dodges.
If you look at the trailer footage you'll notice that Dante swiftly dodges attacks from these demons shortly before he attacks them with capoera style kicks.
I'm not sure this will work.
But my guess is that all 4 devil styles will now attribute to the devil arms you use as opposed to only just having extra moves through Sword master.
According to the DMC twitter page that gauntlets are called Balrog.
It says that this weapon will feature 2 different modes, 1 being kicks & the other being punches.
Each mode is pretty self explanatory.
Kick mode enables you to perform powerful kicks.
While the blow mode is said to emphasize speed with a wide array of punches.
The next armament we have is the transformable bike, Cavalier.
Now this weapon has arguably been 1 of the most talked about devil arms in the DMC community.
Because there were so many speculations going around regarding it's origin.
Many have theorized that it could possibly be the same bike Dante drove into the underworld at the end of Devil May Cry 2.
And others were assuming that it was another form of the transforming briefcase, Pandora.
All of those were pretty awesome speculations but completely wrong.
Thanks to the TGS Dante Demo we now know that the powerful weapon is attained after defeating the Voltaic Black Knight, Cavalier Angelo.
A pretty epic battle featuring an even more epic demon.
I don't think I can show the footage since Capcom doesn't wanna spoil the cutscene.
But there's this moment when Cavalier Angelo's armor breaks off and pieces of it forge with this beat up motorcycle.
Transforming it into the powerful weapon we've seen throughout all the trailers.
The twitter bio says it's a special armament of weight grade born from the material that Cavalier magic.
The rotation of the wheel part gives intermittent damage by the shape like the motorcycle.
The handle is divided into two axes, and can be treated like a giant twin swords.
It can also be used to run over demons with sharp RAM and wheel blade.
In addition, the blade of the wheel rotates like Chainsaws.
This is definitely gonna be 1 of those weapons that has a huge emphasis on speed and power.
The last weapon I wanna talk about is a big 1.
Dante's once again wielding the awakened Force Edge also known as Sparda the sword.
This is the 2nd game we've seen him use the weapon with it's unlocked potential.
We saw Dante used it to stop the the powerful emperor of darkness, Mundus in DMC1.
But nowadays it's sort of become an afterthought and is mostly used by Trish.
And I absolutely hated that.
If this arguably the most powerful weapon your arsenal why give it a demon who already has electric powers along with her own dual pistols?
The last time I checked Sparda chooses the individual who uses it.
So why Trish?
It just boggles my mind.
Thankfully the sword has returned to the hands of it's rightful owner.
In some of my more recent videos I mentioned that Dante may have been seen with Sparda in the gamescom trailer.
Many viewers shot the theory down since the mysterious item on his back looked completely different from the Sparda we're use to seeing.
But the different look seems to be deliberate.
Sparda looks to have gone some drastic changes.
Although it still has that fleshly organic tissue along the top of the blade.
It now has these bones protruded out of it.
Seeing Dante using it pretty much confirms some of my theories I came up with in my analysis on the leaked footage.
I won't delve into that since I don't wanna spoil the story.
But let's just say it's quite impactful once you see it.
What I will say is that all the shape shifting techniques are back and look more brutal than ever.
I specifically like how the organic demon flesh has this disgusting look to it when the sword transforms into a scythe.
But with that out of the way I'd like to elaborate on a certain character who we've been waiting to see since the announcement.
And that is the newly introduced protagonist, V.
The DMC twitter account mentions that he's a key component to the story but his motives are a mystery.
At the end of the trailer Dante's business partner, Morrison introduces V as a client.
And right off the bat you'll notice that he's a rather enigmatic character.
He puts me in the mind of previous characters like Arkham and Agnus especially with the mysterious book he reads from.
"He who desires but acts not, breeds pestilence."
"So it is written."
A quote from famous Poet William Blakes book, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
It's ironic that William Blake's works keep making their way into my breakdowns and theories.
Just the other day I was discussing how the King of Demons Urizen may be a reference to Blake's prophetic book entitled "The Book of Urizen."
Seeing that this makes me think that I may be onto something.
I wanna delve deeper into what V's purpose is but I'm afraid it'll have to be for another video.
So far we've gotten a lot of awesome announcements like online multiplayer which I'm guessing will be for Dante, Nero, and V.
And then there's the official reveal for Lady and Trish.
I gotta admit while I love their overall designs I do have minor gripes.
Like how Lady seems to look more de-aged compared to her Devil May Cry 4 look.
She has this weird baby face and her voice sounds like that of a teenager.
I know that she's had a different voice actress for all of the entries and I didn't necessarily mind since each voice was fitting given her age.
But I really feel like they should've kept the voice actor from part 4 to stay consistent.
As far as Trish is concerned the only issue I have with her is weird looking face.
It just looks off.
Like what the hell?
I'm pretty sure the creative team picked a beautiful model to base her on.
But sometimes scanned up faces don't translate well to video games.
Especially when facial captures are performed by a different person.
I'm not sure if that's the case but Capcom really needs to fix that issue.
I'm just saying.
But with that I'd like to end this video.
I know Nero had a few moments in the latest trailer but I think we've seen enough footage and coverage on him.
But I'd like to hear your thoughts if you have any.
What do you think of Dante's gameplay?
Do you like the newly introduced Devil Arms?
And how do you think the new character V will play.
Lemme know in the comments below.
As always I ask that you Like or Dislike the video.
It doesn't have to be a thumbs up it can be a thumbs down.
Any feedback is good feedback and will only help me improve on future content.
But if you really enjoyed the video it would help me tremendously if you shared it on social media platforms with all your friends and followers.
I love what I do and I do it all for you guys.
Once again this was your boy RBG signing out on another video.
I'll catch you guys later.
Peace out.
Kevin (N'oubliez pas les paroles) avoue avoir reçu « beaucoup » de lettres d'amour - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Mental Omega 3.3.4 Red Alert 2 - Allied Mission GRIDLOCK [On Mental, yup] - Duration: 45:45.Mental Omega 3.3.4 for C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge, Allied Mission Gridlock
Mental Omega 3.3.4 is next part of mods for Red Alert 2, after Mental Omega 1.2, Mental Omega 2.0 and Mental Omega 3.0
Music from Frank Klepacki, Pr0metheusMusic and KKnD KrossFire
Mission Location - Sao Luis, Brazil
For the best comfort, it is recommended to watch the video in Fullscreen (1920x1080)
You haven't expected it to be played on Mental right... well, if I'm able to somehow pass 15FPS TIER1 ONLY AGAINST STOLEN TECH, let's do it
Okay, so our objective here is to prevent Epsilon from gaining enough fuel for their nuke tactical missile made from the rocketship
The mission has a small disadvantage for the player, the mission is timed and it depends from the difficulty - of course on Mental, we don't have so many time as on other difficulty levels
On the Mental difficulty level, we also have the lowest amount of cash to start the level - 50000, while on Easy we have like 75000 as I remember and much more time
There are 4 Heavy Kamaz Trucks in the city, together with multiple Nuclear Reactors inside the city - they move from the rocketship to these Reactors to get fuel
When the Kamaz Truck reaches the rocketship, the times goes down much faster than normal - but luckily for the player, this is the end of bad news
If you destroy the Kamaz Truck or any Nuclear Reactor, you get more time so happy hunting in search for these Kamaz Trucks and Nuclear Reactors, good for you they are not so hard to find
But on the Mental difficulty you must focus first on something much worse than these Trucks and Reactors - constant Epsilon attacks at your base from EVERYWHERE
Just keep your head cool and don't panic when you are attacked by tons of basic infantry units, Masterminds, Basilisks and Magnetrons - just don't waste too many units at them
The air units like Rocketeers or Warhawks are great against them, lots of them are just a grinder against Epsilon units - meanwhile focus your ground attack to the east with Athenas and tanks
Focus on pushing through the Epsilon buildings and capture as many buildings as possible (Derricks, Machine Shops, Hospitals etc.), don't forget about Iron Curtains - then capture the buildings near rocketship
If you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe to it (REMEMBER ABOUT BELL), you can also join my Discord!
HOW TO FIX FACE ID NOT WORKING and FACE ID NOT AVAILABLE on iPHONE! - Duration: 5:40.What's up everyone, my name is Ben and today I'll be talking about and showing you guys,
how you can fix the face ID not working on iPhone or maybe iPhone X, whenever you are
watching this video.
So this face ID problem is quite common, there are a few different issues that can occur,
maybe face side the camera connection issues, face ID camera not available when you try
to use your face ID.
True depth not working, something along those lines, those three are usually the main face
ID errors that you will experience on your iPhone, iPhone X and basically today I'm going
to be showing you a few solutions and fixes that will work for you that will enable you
to fix the face ID not working on your iPhone.
So let's jump straight into the video.
So the most common three problems are face ID not available, try setting up face ID later
and there has been an error connecting to the camera, something lost along those lines.
Now the most common fix for this is that, either if you're using maybe a third party
case that may be covering your display or even the border of your iPhone or maybe you're
using just a really, well thick or something screen protector.
What I ask you to do is to try removing the case from your device then if that doesn't
work to try removing the screen protector from your device and then that you basically
do a little wipe down of your phone, basically clean it up a little bit with some microfibre
cleaning cloths, make sure that everything is okay and well maybe this will work for
But if it doesn't we have a full list of solutions that will help you fix face ID not working.
What you want to do first is check your phone for basically liquid or water damage and how
you can that is, basically iPhones this little indicator and what you want to do is take
your SIM ejection tool and basically take out the SIM card tray and if your iPhone does
have liquid or water damage, I believe that there we will with little discoloration on
that tray.
Now if your iPhone does not have liquid or water damage then we can proceed to the next
What I want you to do next is double tap or actually no on the iPhone X it's swipe up,
I believe to access the multi tasking app switcher.
What I want is the next is close up all the applications or apps that you have open in
the background and then perform a full reset of the device and what I mean by reset is
to power off your device, wait a little bit of time and then power the device back on
and that will basically clean out all the background processes and that should help
Face ID to start working again.
However if that doesn't work what I recommend doing is going into settings, going into Face
ID and passcodes, clicking on that and then basically toggling off Face ID, basically
you will be turning it off, then you will do a reset of your device and what I mean
by that is that you will power off your device, wait a little bit like 10 seconds and power
your device back on, then you will go into settings again, go into face ID and passcodes
and you will click reset face ID and then you will enter a new face ID and that should
help to make face ID work again.
This is one of the solutions that works about 95 percent of the time I believe and it works
for most people and I really believe that this also works for you.
However if that doesn't work you can still try a few of other things, what I want you
to do is go into settings > general > reset and click reset all settings, this will not
wipe any of your images, photos, music whatever, it will only do a full reset of all your settings
on your iPhone, now this also works for some users so it's definitely worth giving it a
There is one more thing that you can try yourself and that is plugging your phone in into iTunes
and doing a full restore from your computer.
That will basically wipe out your entire phone and make sure that you do a backup before
you do that and that we possibly also solve the issue, if all the previous solutions did
not work for you and if that one still does not work, I recommend that you take your iPhone
into the Apple service center, where they will possibly fix it or give you a temporary
replacement, whatever.
Apple is really good with their Apple care and they usually know how to work their things
So basically this were all the possible solutions to fix the face ID not working on your iPhone
if this video did help you out definitely consider dropping a like down below, comment
down below if there's any other solution that maybe I missed and I'll see you all next time.
Renaud hospitalisé à la clinique du Parc près de Montpellier, dans un état préoccupant - Duration: 8:56.-------------------------------------------
A 19 ans, il SURVIT 49 jours À LA DÉRIVE dans l'océan ( Teen survives 49 days adrift in Pacific ) - Duration: 2:12.Hi it's SAI, today I will tell you an incredible story.
Aldi, a 19 year old teenager had a solo job, he worked on a rompong, a floating wooden platform used to catch fish.
He was in charge of lighting lamps to attract them
and every week, the owner sent someone to collect the fish and bring back provisions, water and fuel so that he can cook.
For 6 months, everything was fine on the coast of Manado, Indonesia,
until a storm on July 14, cut off the rope which immobilized his place of work.
Aldi was then swept away by the waves,
it was dramatic,
he had no possibility of reversing the situation: he had nothing to row.
Quantity of food loaded on board was only enough for one week,
he had to improvise to survive.
This odyssey lasted 49 days in the pacific ocean, and no ship came to rescue him.
He was rescued on August 31 in the waters of the island of Guam by a cargo ship which was heading to Japan.
Its shipwreck totaled a distance of +1600 miles.
He was sent home on 9 September in good health after identity verification at consulate.
What a story my friends ! It could be a film !
See you later on the channel and i challenge to put in the comments section : "I speak english my friend" if you are here ! Bye bye ;D
Initial D: Special Stage - Iketani's Car Guide - Part #24 - MAZDA RX-7 Type R [FD3S] (ENG SUB) - Duration: 1:04.RX-7 Type R, FD3S.
Its low nose was achieved thanks to the compact and lightweight rotary engine.
The third generation of RX-7 made a debut with a unique aeroform.
The price of the beautiful body line is losing comfort and practicality.
Such a thing will not become a problem for the FD, which is like a fighter aircraft on the ground.
The gauge panel has a layout with the tachometer in the center,
but I would feel sick sitting in that narrow cockpit.
The 255 horsepower 13B rotary is operated as it is.
You will understand why the true form of the FD is called pure sports the first time.
This is a perfect car for Keisuke Takahashi, who races with reflexes and intuition.
Heidi Klum: Mega-Zoff! Sie hat Ruth Moschner bei Instagram blockiert - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
Aiko w Warszawie - Duration: 12:08.-------------------------------------------
INTERCEPT - A Film Empire Short - Duration: 2:25.Yeah...
Got it.
So you go up to him,
you grab the piece of paper,
and locate the others.
He should have been here right now!
Well, the location leads right to us.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
Intercept complete.
Opel Mokka X 1.4Turbo 140pk INNOVATION AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Flicker & Glitch Text Effect Tutorial in Final Cut Pro X - Duration: 5:46.hi everybody Emilio Takas here today I'm going to show you how you can easily
create a flicker and glitz text effect in Final Cut Pro 10 and also how you can
use this effect to create transitions between clips
we're in the final cut protein in their face and I have placed the clips from a
recent walk in the center of Athens now we're gonna press ctrl + t to insert
the basic title in our timeline
we're gonna place it above our clip that we wanted to appear all right now let's
write Athens let's use the phone change the size you can adjust it however you
okay now I will go to the beginning of the title I will press B and I will cut
for five to seven times five times if we want the flicker to appear two times or
seven times if we want the flicker to appear three times so I'm gonna do both
I'm gonna do two times in the beginning and three times at the end so we go to
the first frame and we're moving one two three four five then I will press a and
I will select the first one and deleted the third one and deleted and the fifth
and deleted so what we have right now is a flicker effect as you can see here
let's go ahead and run it perfect so we have the flicker and now from the end to
the beginning using the left arrow we're cutting seven times and let's go one two
three four five six seven a on our keyboard selecting and deleting
one three five and seven and we have the flicker for three times as we see let's
play perfect now in order to have the glitz effect as well with our flicker
text effect we're gonna go to the effects panel we're gonna search for
barttv we're gonna grab it and put it on the sections of our title weeds are
flickering and we're not gonna change any setting simply as that and let's see
what we've done
and as you see we have now a flicker and a glitz now if you're gonna experimental
bit you can take for example one two three flickers here you can take the
second one and you can change the transform of it so let's say we can take
it and put it on top and write a little bit so we're pressing done and you see
it's setting also the direction you can use this effect as a transition as well
between Clips so I have placed the clip here and we're gonna do the same process
we're selecting B and we're cutting five times one two three four five selecting
a and deleting one three and five
we're taking the bad TV effect and same to the end of the clip selecting B again
and go one two three four five one three five bar TV
perfect then let's see what we did as you can see we have the same effect but
now for a transition now we're going to put some glitz ounds I'm gonna place the
deletes to file on the beginning the glitz one file at the end so I can have
a little bit here and the glitz for I
have the glitz effect sounds in a link in the description below for you to
download them for free and let's see what we have perfect that was it a very
easy process that you can do without any plugins required to create the glitz and
flicker text and also to create a glitz and flicker transition between your
clips if you liked this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe
to my channel if you haven't already and if you have any questions put them down
in the comments below and I will reply to them as soon as I can
thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next video
Home Treatments and Remedies for Wet Cough - Cough Home Remedies - Duration: 4:49.
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