Thursday, August 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 30 2018

all right so let's speak about caffeine and why it really may be the reason

you're feeling like crap feeling tired you know paradoxically caffeine actually

makes a lot of people tired and many people don't realize this many people in

fact don't realize how strong caffeine is because it is a drug it's a stimulant

it has profound effects on the brain but it's something that people underestimate

just because of how widespread its use is I think it's somewhere of upwards of

70 to 80 percent of Americans at least have at least one cup of coffee or some

sort of a beverage that contains caffeine a per day so it's extremely

widely used but misunderstood so basically how caffeine works is that

when you ingest it it blocks something called adenosine which naturally builds

up as you get more tired so basically it blocks this so it prevents you from

getting tired and increases things like cortisol the stress hormone and this

also leads to you being more alert as well as increasing things like

catecholamines like norepinephrine increasing ketone bodies caffeine

actually mobilizes fat too so you know caffeine is great it helps with your

physical performance it's been shown in studies to help with

the working memory but the problem is that these benefits are short-lived

after you become dependent on caffeine because once you're actually dependent

on caffeine and it only takes about a cup of coffee per day for this to occur

all you're doing by giving yourself that boost physically or mentally or both is

alleviating the withdrawal symptoms you experience so you go to bed you wake up

you feel tired you feel like crap because you're having withdrawals from

the caffeine you have your coffee and the cycle continues as you continuously

think that you're getting a benefit from caffeine but in fact if you were to go

off caffeine if you were to allow receptors in the brain to re sensitize

then over time you would feel just as good if not better without a dependency

on something like caffeine what caffeine is actually doing in the body isn't

creating energy right it's basically giving you an advanced on energy it's

giving you energy and then it's gonna take that away late

as you crash your ballroom energy and once you get in the cycle of

continuously borrowing energy and never using any of your own you're gonna feel

it with some negative side effects of caffeine there are some other negatives

of caffeine increased risk of anxiety especially if you're already prone to

that it's going to exacerbate that because of the increase in cortisol that

it causes and now let me be clear I'm not saying it's bad I'm not saying that

having a cup a day is as bad if you can manage with that and that's perfectly

okay even to I mean there are many correlation studies which link caffeine

to a decreased risk of degenerative brain disorder disorders like

Alzheimer's there's even a correlation with a longer life for those who consume

more coffee up to four cups a day generally teens tends to be optimal for

life expectancy when looking at correlation studies these are just

correlations but you know certainly caffeine isn't something that's

dangerous to the extent of other narcotics obviously but um what I am

saying is that we are in general drinking too much and I don't advise

that you drink it to the extent where it becomes something you're dependent on

that's never a good idea to be dependent on something it's always good to have

your baseline your normal self where you're not stimulating yourself with

caffeine or nicotine or alcohol and then use it as a boost when required for

example before a workout or on a day where you feel particularly tired

rather than utilizing it as a crutch everyday in order to get up and live

your life now again I'm not saying that that's a bad thing you can do that but

if you personally have been feeling tired and you're not sure why maybe even

anxious maybe even your performance in the gym isn't as you want it to be and

you've been consuming caffeine on a regular basis for a long time and

gradually building up the dose of it as you become more tolerant to it then I

would highly recommend decreasing it not permanently not I'm not saying that's

the best course of action but if you haven't and you've been doing it for

five years and you might as well give yourself a few weeks where you go off

the caffeine just to see how your body responds now do be warned that you will

experience withdrawal symptoms from stopping the use of caffeine especially

if you go cold turkey and you completely eliminate it you're probably going to be

bed bound if you've been reliant on several couple of coffee per day for

several years so you know a good idea it can be to slowly kill it cut it down by

drinking decaf mixing it with decaf you know reducing the cups of coffee from

three one week to two the next week to one the next week or you could just call

go cold turkey and brace through those first few days of feeling like crap but

you know through my own personal experience and other anecdotes I've read

online after you do quit caffeine you're going to have much more stable energy

instead of having that cup of coffee in the morning feeling that energy and then

crashing a few hours later the energy that you do have although it may not be

as intense and exciting and euphoric the moment you wake up will be much more

gradual and you'll be more productive overall paradoxically as you have more

stable energy to take you through from morning to night so that's definitely

something you want to consider the best part about reducing your caffeine intake

and you know ideally eliminating it almost completely is that when you do

use it when you want to use it for example if you're very tired and you

still want to go to the gym but you really need a boost when you do use it

in that circumstance you're actually going to feel the positive effects of it

and get a real benefit rather than just alleviating the withdrawal symptoms you

were experiencing so that's probably the best part so I

highly advise that you form a relationship with caffeine more similar

to the one most people have with alcohol you know wake up and have a drink you

know you have a drink on the weekend to have fun with your friends for example

if you do that if you don't it's fine and just like that it's good to have

that relationship with caffeine where you use it once in a while for a workout

once in a while when you need to do an all-nighter for a project you're working

on that's kind of the relationship I think you should have with any sort of

stimulating substance which does have profound impacts on the brain so that's

it for the video leave your thoughts down below on caffeine and I'll I'll see

you guys later

For more infomation >> Is Caffeine Why You Feel Like S&#T? - Duration: 6:46.


Is There a Safe Way to Use Your Phone and Drive? - Duration: 5:06.

This episode is supported by NordVPN which is offering SciShow viewers a chance

to set up a Virtual Private Network and start protecting your internet experience.

Use the code "SCISHOW" at for 77% off of a 3-year plan.

Everyone's heard that distracted driving is dangerous, and there's a mountain of studies backing that up.

Almost 400,000 Americans are killed or injured annually in distracted driving-related crashes.

But people all over the world still do it anyway.

In the US, drivers use phones in 88% of car trips.

At least a quarter of teenagers have texted while driving, a quarter of adults say texting or emailing doesn't make their driving worse,

and lots more think other distractions, like talking on the phone, aren't harmful.

Which just… doesn't seem to add up.

We're overconfident, mostly because our brains don't show us how much distractions really affect our driving, which gets us into life-or-death situations.

Ultimately, the problem with distracted driving is multitasking: paying attention to multiple thoughts or tasks at once.

Decades of research have shown that it doesn't matter whether you think you're great or terrible at multitasking, because humans are straight-up awful at it.

You make more mistakes when you're switching focus between multiple tasks, because switching takes time

anywhere from a fraction of a second to half a minute when you're driving while doing something else.

And that transition time leads to missed details and mistakes.

Plus, you have a sort of blindness to one task while you're focused on another.

So you might think you're batting a thousand, because you don't know how much you're missing.

And that's one reason it can be tough to convince people that their distracted driving is dangerous.

Research in driving simulators shows that drivers talking on their cell phones miss as much as half of what happens around them

stop signs, exit ramps, other cars, pedestrians, you name it.

And when you ask them afterwards, they just say those things weren't there.

Now, some of you are probably thinking that maybe this is true for other people, but you really are a good multitasker.

But here's the thing: more confident multitaskers do worse on multitasking tests, not better.

And same goes for multitasking tests that involve driving:

the more comfortable a driver is with multitasking, the worse they tend to be at it.

Confident or not, distracted drivers are significantly more likely to be injured or killed, or hurt someone else.

So it's a serious issue, and one that every single one of us can prevent.

Not all distractions are created equal, though.

Adult drivers generally don't get in more accidents if they're eating or drinking, as long as it's non-alcoholic.

But passengers are an interesting middle ground.

Younger drivers get in more accidents when they have passengers in the car, especially people their own age.

But that increased risk goes down as drivers get older.

Which is actually true for most distractions.

Surveys show that younger drivers aren't as good at identifying and responding to hazards like merging roads or swerving cars, so they choose worse times to be distracted.

They're also about 5-10% more likely to think certain distracting behaviors like talking on the phone don't affect their driving.

But talking on the phone really does, no matter a driver's age.

Like in driving simulations, adults are just as impaired as drunk drivers are and crash more when they're talking on the phone.

And by tracking drivers' eye movements in real life and in simulations, researchers have found that drivers on the phone or doing comparable tasks only look at a fraction of the road.

There's no measurable difference between holding the phone and using a hands-free device or voice recognition software like Siri.

Even if laws and our unaware brains say otherwise.

The danger of a phone call isn't that your hand is off the wheel.

It's that your attention is off the road.That's why the device doesn't matter.

But talking to a passenger in the car is a little different, because they actually can see what's going on around you, and, like, pause the conversation while you find your exit or merge into that lane.

Finally, researchers gathered data from cars with cameras and sensors to study about a thousand serious crashes,

meaning there was property damage or injuries.

And they found that texting, dialing, and reaching for the phone are about the most dangerous things that many people do while driving.

Things like eating and listening to music, especially for experienced drivers, aren't tasks that demand focus from your brain.

And even if your bite is a little off or you miss lyric here or there, who cares?

More dangerous distractions require more of your focused attention, because getting the details of your text conversation right often means getting details of the road wrong.

When hundreds of studies say phones aren't safe, we should listen.

Even if it means having some good ol' fashioned silence after your podcast ends.

And not only are phones not safe for drivers, there's a chance your phone might not be safe when you're online as well.

That's why NordVPN is offering SciShow viewers 77% off of a 3 year plan to set up a Virtual Private Network.

Whether you're on your phone or your laptop, your connection to the internet is not always completely safe, especially if you're using a public network.

But with a Virtual Private Network from NordVPN, your information is encrypted and sent via one of their secure servers.

They have over 4800 in 62 countries and they're always adding more.

Plus, one NordVPN plan can be used on up to six devices, so no matter where you're surfing on your phone, you'll be safe--just don't do it while you're driving!

Right now you can use the code "SCISHOW" and sign up at to get 77% off a 3-year VPN plan.

But this discounted offer is going to end soon, so make sure you sign up now.

For more infomation >> Is There a Safe Way to Use Your Phone and Drive? - Duration: 5:06.


Garcia grinds out Puig win to make US Open third round - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Garcia grinds out Puig win to make US Open third round - Duration: 2:37.


Multiple passengers injured, I-40 closed, after bus crash near Thoreau - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Multiple passengers injured, I-40 closed, after bus crash near Thoreau - Duration: 1:14.


[FREE] Post Malone X ASAP Rocky Type Beat - Sampled Trap Beats - The Rainbow (Free Download) - Duration: 4:03.

Post Malone X ASAP Rocky Type Beat - Sampled Trap Beats

Title of this beat: The Rainbow

For more infomation >> [FREE] Post Malone X ASAP Rocky Type Beat - Sampled Trap Beats - The Rainbow (Free Download) - Duration: 4:03.


Hot Careers Spotlight: The Enterprise Architect - Duration: 4:45.

My name is Claude Sam Foh.

I work for the financial services, Commission of Ontario, as the Chief Architect and

Chief Cyber Security Officer.

I've also been teaching at Ryerson for nearly 22 years now.

And I graduated from this university and now I'm certainly happy

to be on the other side of the fence, teaching the students, and bringing to life continuing education.

So enterprises today are becoming more complex.

Enterprises for the future are facing new challenges, whether it is in privacy,

or in security, or the complexity of the IT system.

Cloud technology is one of the things for the future.

So therefore, in enterprises today, you need better design to have better alignment

between the IT systems and the business strategy.

Right now, with more and more organizations realizing

that they need to invest in the design of enterprises,

they need enterprise architects to understand the enterprise.

So enterprise architects see the world from a panoramic perspective,

and that's the beauty of it.

So we are sort of a generalist for the enterprise.

So we are able to look at the enterprise from a very high level and then ensure its alignment

from the IT strategy to the business strategy.

So most organizations – even I would say medium-sized organizations – in order for them

to be effective would need at least one or two enterprise architects among the IT team.

The first thing, the person needs to be a transformer.

Someone that can see, in a way, into the future and bring the organization alignment.

Often, as enterprise architects, we face complexity that we may not know or new technologies.

Right now we are facing cloud technology.

So in light of those challenges for the future, an enterprise architect needs to react fast,

with agility I must say.

And also to be able to see the transformation of the organization fairly fast to build

better design, better system, a secude, and also take into consideration privacy and accessibility.

Definitely in every enterprise, in every discipline, you need some form of foundation.

And there are a number of introductions to business – whether it is project management,

whether it is business analysis – these are foundational elements.

Ryerson has the certificate in Advanced Certificate in Enterprise Architecture.

There are a number of courses that can be taken, including enterprise architecture itself.

This certificate that is currently being offered provides not only the foundational elements

within enterprise architect, but it has also the elements of bringing security, privacy,

and cloud computing all in one.

Providing the student with an ability to be able to follow a certain path.

I mean within the certificate, you can even move further with your own personal learning,

but you have not only the foundation, but the very first floor put in for you.

And from there, within enterprise architect, you can move through various disciplines

within enterprise, like a business architect, application architect, technology architect,

security architect, a cloud architect.

So you can really move, and I see this certificate will open the door for you.

Wherever you want to go, it provides you with the foundation and the first floor built for you.

From there you can fly wherever you want.

For more infomation >> Hot Careers Spotlight: The Enterprise Architect - Duration: 4:45.


Report: Michigan to play in 2019 Battle 4 Atlantis - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Report: Michigan to play in 2019 Battle 4 Atlantis - Duration: 1:10.


Emmy Rossum Is Officially Leaving 'Shameless' - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Emmy Rossum Is Officially Leaving 'Shameless' - Duration: 4:32.


Serious injuries reported in crash involving bus, semi - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Serious injuries reported in crash involving bus, semi - Duration: 1:07.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:05.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:05.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:08.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:05.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 1:07.


How To Use G-Spot Toys - Duration: 13:57.

Hi, I'm Susan Bratton your trusted hot sex adviser to millions and this is a

video about how to use g-spot toys during sex for female ejaculation and

G-Spot orgasms and I want to let you know that I've been squirting since 2006

I was 45 years old before I even knew about female ejaculation and I learned

how to do it so I'm glad you're here because it's a learned skill for most

women and all women can squirt. I've also been teaching people how to have

ejaculatory pleasure since 2009 with my partner whose work I published called

Female Liquid Orgasm. We've taught over 3,000 people how to squirt so we know

something about it. I've got two gifts for you at the bottom of this video so

you don't have to worry because I'm gonna show you a lot of toys so I put

all the toys that I'm going to show you in a guide that you can opt-in to get on

my email list and if you are on my email list you will get a how-to video that

actually shows these toys being used correctly in a woman's vagina because

you can really hurt yourself or your woman if you don't know how to use the

tools I'm about to show you correctly. So first of all I want to tell you a couple

of things before I get into and I'll show you what some of the things are

that I'm gonna show you and talk to you about I've got like tons of things down

here so I'm gonna walk you through them but I need to lay a base of information

for your success so here we go are you ready number one female ejaculation is

different than g-spot orgasms stroking the g-spot can make you ejaculate

ejaculation is not an orgasm they're two separate things you will have an

orgasmic contraction the fluid will come out

that's ejaculation but it doesn't always feel like the orgasm that you might have

from your clitoris it feels great it's fantastic often you orgasm and

ejaculate at the same time it doesn't necessarily require g-spot stimulation

to squirt you can squirt from having your clitoris you can you

stroked you can squirt from oral sex you can squirt during penetration so when

you're thinking about squirting and how couples can do it together make sure you

watch my couples video and I also have one for solo pleasuring but I just

wanted to let you know how these things are like parts of a system but they're

not all connected so if you're having and you know wow I didn't feel like I

had an orgasm but fluid came out that's why the second thing that I want to tell

you is that you can't just start playing with your g-spot without warming it up

the g-spot needs a lot of manual stimulation so that it gets fully

engorged through genital massage before you start stroking or playing with or

putting pressure on your G area the g-spot is not really a spot it's an area

it is actually something called the your wreath responds that lives up at the top

of your vaginal canal and it though it is found very close to the outside of

the entrance of the vagina just inside the vagina there's a lot of tissue up

there that likes to be stimulated that likes pressure that helps release the

fluids but it's not mandatory that you even touch the g-spot you could actually

be squirting from clitoral stimulation so blended techniques often increase

your chances of success at having an ejaculatory experience genital massage

is one of the best things you can do and I'm going to show you why I'm gonna

start with the Louvre's that I like I really love a good genital massage it

gets the g-spot engorged the clitoris engorge which means erect or full of

blood just like a guy wouldn't want to have sex without a hard-on a flaccid

penis doesn't feel as good as a hard one a woman feels the same way the more that

you can stimulate her entire vulva the labia big and small the clitoris inside

and out because the clitoris is not just enough it's actually a hole looks like a

little starfish it's got a little head two little arms two little legs and you

want to get all that tissue engorged as well as not just

the G area at the top of the vagina but there's an equal sponge between the

bottom of the vagina and the rectum that's called the perineal sponge and

that likes the kind of pressure and pleasure that the g-spot likes so what I

like to do is I like to start with really high quality nut oils this is an

organic coconut oil it's called fractionated which means distilled which

means it doesn't get hard it stays wet so you don't have to melt it and this is

something that I really like it's an avocado oil this is a health and beauty

grade oil that is even more slippery and viscous and lasts longer and has a nice

Glide to it I always say that if you wouldn't put it in your mouth don't put

it in your yoni yoni is another word for vulva or vagina and you want to be

careful about the lubes that you use because you're going to be really

rubbing and pleasuring your tissue a lot and if your vagina and your mouth are

both mucous membranes so you want to be really careful about not using things

that have a lot of chemicals in them because you're just putting chemicals

into your beautiful vagina so don't do that next I want to talk about the

different kinds of toys that you'll be using one style of toy is what I call a

rocker toy these are g-spot toys these are rocker toys and I'm gonna tell you

how these work the other kind of toy are toys that have vibrators this is a

vibrator it's gonna take me a minute to turn this one off because you can hear

all the different things I won't even turn this one on but this is also a

g-spot vibrator so these are vibrators that go up inside and they give you a

vibration on the G area so I'm gonna tell you how they work in different ways

you can use them but another thing that I think is really good about having

these toys is that for example if you're having intercourse and your partner is a

male body partner and he's he has had his orgasm he can actually keep giving

you orgasms using these toys and I think having a fallback takes the pressure off

of him so he can relax and even last longer during lovemaking

often the g-spot gets more engorged from genital massage and then oral pleasure

and then penetration so intercourse and then after that even if you've had

orgasms from all those things you can have some really nice g-spot pleasuring

and female ejaculatory orgasms after lovemaking so the g-spot takes a long

time to get warmed up and the more that you can relax and allow yourself and

give yourself time to have it warmed up the more delicious it's going to feel to

be loved and pleasured with any of these toys so let's let's talk about the the

vibrating toys so I wanted to show you things that are inexpensive and things

that are expensive because not everybody has a ton of money and not everybody has

the ultimate g-spot toy chest like I do don't miss my video on the ultimate

g-spot toy chest because we'll actually go through a much more detail about all

the toys that are in my toy chest for g-spots pleasuring and female

ejaculation but here are two toys this one is by lilo this one's B swish it

doesn't matter what the brands are except that these matter because they

are non-toxic materials what you will find is that many many items that are

vibrators and toys are made of things that will actually hurt your body they

are it's an unregulated industry and you

have to be very careful this particular toy is really nice as is this because it

goes right inside the opening to the vagina and it gives you a nice handle

you can do it yourself or your partner can do it for you and if it's vibrating

it's putting pressure up on that g-spot right up inside your vaginal canal and

that pressure can feel really good you could also do a blended one if you love

a lot of vibe you could put a one toy on your clitoris you could hold it your

partner could help you you can take turns you can get a lot of vibe going

between your clitoral area and your G area and that can often help you you

want to pull it out when you feel like there's some ejaculate coming

so that it allows that ejaculate to flow you also don't want to crunch down you

want to push out so you can let the ejaculate come out and then you can go

again and have another ejaculation go again and have another one and often you

get really good at first you'll have maybe a little wetness you'll notice

you've got yourself a little wet then you'll notice there's a little trickle

then you'll notice who there was a little squirt then there can be like a

flooding and then you can have so much fluid come out you won't even believe

you had that much fluid in your body you can literally be kneeling in lying in

sitting in a puddle of fluid so it's always good to put a waterproof

something down wherever you are so you don't have to worry and you can just let

it flow the second kind of sex toy that works well for g-spot pleasuring are

these kind this is so heavy I can barely lift it up with one hand this is called

the end joy pure wand and I did an entire video with serene Martinez who is

a 20-year sex toy buyer who specializes in non-toxic sex toys and we talk all

about why we love this this is our number one toy it might not be yours but

it's ours and what we love about it and why their particular product is such

good quality this rocker and this rocker both work really well they give you a

nice handle to use and they allow you to get right up in that g area and this one

has a nice point to it which feels really nice for some women they like the

pointyness of it this one is much more of a big knob and the big knob gives

really nice pressure that feels great you can also warm these up in warm water

in your sink and they're nice and warm when you insert them also they clean up

really easily and this one in particular it's very easy to rock this and give the

pressure and also to do some slides across the entire vaginal area now I'm

going to show you what it looks like when it's inside you and your hand is on

the outside working it how do you do that without hurting your partner

because the number one thing you have to be careful with of

all of these sex toys is the fact that you don't know what you're doing I can

tell you right now if you have never used these toys with a partner or you've

used them with one partner but not your current partner you could really hurt

your partner or yourself it takes practice it takes communication and it

just takes a little bit of time to get good at how these toys all really make a

woman have a female ejaculation experience or a squirting experience

those are two words that mean the same thing so the other piece that's really

nice is that you can also insert this and put a vibrator on it and it conducts

the vibration so there's a lot of ways that you can use these toys now this is

probably $100 u.s. this is probably about $35 u.s. these will last the rest

of your life which is also really nice and I think the most important thing is

you have to slowly awake in a woman's G area you have to work up to squirting

you get better and better at it over time and you have to be able to let go

rather than pull in so I want to give you the video about exactly how to use

these toys I have it in the link below this video you've got to get on my email

list it's a sex tips email list and that's the only way I can give you

access to the more explicit video because I can't put it here on YouTube

and I don't want you hurting your partner and I want you to know exactly

what to do and that's why I made this because I can't I couldn't find anything

like that anywhere and I made it for you as well as the toy guide for all of the

things that I mentioned including the magic wand which also works really well

with these toys it also helps for some women to have a lot of clitoral

stimulation when they're getting the g-spot stimulation so every woman's

totally different and hahaha she's totally different on every day and

sometimes every moment and so it's really the level of communication that

the two of you can have that makes all the difference in the world if you have

questions or comments post them in the video below I answer all my polite

comments and I did eat all the mean ones and if you liked

this video press like it helps YouTube know that I did a great job for you and

if you would like to subscribe to my better lover YouTube channel I put out

at least one awesome video every week and I'd love to have you as a part of my

world don't miss my ultimate toy collection my enjoy pure one budget toys

my couples sex toys and my solo squirting sex toy recommendations in

this g-spot and female ejaculation series

I'm Susan Bratton and I'll see you on the other side

For more infomation >> How To Use G-Spot Toys - Duration: 13:57.


Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:08.


Educational videos for kids | It's OK to make mistakes | Learn resilience | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 2:14.

♫ It's Pevan & Sarah ♫

The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day. I think it's time to play outside.

Would you like to play catch, Sarah?

Okay get ready to catch

Stop! Sarah are you hurt? Did the world explode? Is this the worst thing that

could ever happen to you? You only dropped a ball. Making mistakes is an

important part of learning. You need to just focus on catching the ball and

don't take your eyes off it. Do you think you've learned something? Now let's try

again. Alright, focus and eyes on the ball.

Ready to catch. See you did learn something. You learnt from your mistakes.

Well done, Sarah! And remember Cubs, it's okay to make mistakes.

Oh Sarah!

For more infomation >> Educational videos for kids | It's OK to make mistakes | Learn resilience | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 2:14.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.


Will The Bill Come Due?

For more infomation >> Will The Bill Come Due?


3D Model of Table Dinner Knife, Fork, Spoon Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Table Dinner Knife, Fork, Spoon Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 3:41.


3D Model of Dessert Knife Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Dessert Knife Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 2:56.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:09.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:06.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.


3D Model of Table Dinner Knife and Fork Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Table Dinner Knife and Fork Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 3:41.


3D Model of Table Dinner Spoon Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Table Dinner Spoon Classic Cutlery Review - Duration: 2:46.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:12.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 0:54.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 0:42.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:05.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:05.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:05.


VW Golf - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 0:49.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:10.


VW Golf - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 1:13.


VW Golf - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 0:54.


VW Golf - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 1:05.


VW Golf - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> VW Golf - Duration: 1:05.


VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> VW T-Roc - Duration: 1:07.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-08-30 15:26:38 605 IL-7, Lockport, IL 60441, USA - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-08-30 15:26:38 605 IL-7, Lockport, IL 60441, USA - Duration: 5:00.


Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS ELEKTRICH PAKKET - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS ELEKTRICH PAKKET - Duration: 1:10.


[FREE] Drake x Lil Baby Type Beat 2018 - "In Concert" | (Prod. Chrisville x DDOTM Beats) - Duration: 3:52.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> [FREE] Drake x Lil Baby Type Beat 2018 - "In Concert" | (Prod. Chrisville x DDOTM Beats) - Duration: 3:52.


Vancouver's West Side Issues | Shauna Sylvester for Mayor - Duration: 2:39.

I've had a chance to meet with dozens of West Side residents and the things that

they've told me in their living rooms, over and over again, are reflected by a

conversation I had with Marsha Thompson

This neighborhood is hollowing out. I feel like it's an aging population and

the streets are quiet. Except for, of course, the ongoing grinding of machinery

with monster houses being built that often are not inhabited. There aren't

kids playing in the street. The neighbors aren't out and about. It feels like it's

a hollowed out neighborhood.

I'll be honest with you. I love this neighborhood

but I'm really getting fed up with what's happening here.

I feel like packing up and leaving and walking off with the proceeds I've made

on this inflated market. Sometimes. But I want to stay too. I want my kids be able

to stay. They love this city. They say it every time they come home. They love the

city. They want to be here. I love the feeling character of this neighborhood.

I would not want to see that change but I would like to see more density and I

think it's possible. I've seen models for this. I've seen examples of it in

Kitsilano. You often see quadruplexes, triplexes that are in keeping with the

character of the neighborhood. And they keep the trees too. I think so much of the

development here that's going on; we strip the canopy away and I think we

have to do more to protect that with our development as well.

What I've seen over the past 14 years is we're slowly losing businesses. We don't have the customer

base in our neighborhood anymore. We've lost a lot of the student

population here largely, I would say, due to Air B&B and the loss of typical

student housing and basement suites and other suites. Slowly but surely the

population is diminishing and the customer base with it

Shawna, I'm really glad you're running because I really believe that you

understand the character of the West Side and that you're committed to protecting

that. And I know you also want to see these neighborhoods brought back to life.

You want to see more kids on the street. You want to see the canopy protected

You're interested in keeping the small business community vital and bringing

back the customer base to keep those high streets vital. And I know you

understand that building more homes in this neighborhood is part of the solution to that.

I'm Shana Sylvester and I'm running as an independent candidate for mayor;

to protect the city you love and create the future we need

For more infomation >> Vancouver's West Side Issues | Shauna Sylvester for Mayor - Duration: 2:39.


【悲報】セブンATM「~~銀行か?すまんな…取引時間外や」→ 一方ファミマATM… - Duration: 0:21.

セブンのATM「カード入れてや!」→「○○銀行か?すまんな…取引時間外や」 ァミマのATM 「カード入れてや!」 「要件はなんや!」 「預け入れ な!かしこまり!」 「時間帯によって手数料これだけかかるやでよく見といてや! 「金入れてや!!」 「数えるで待っててや!!」 「5万円やな!?」 「5万円でええんか?追加で入れるんか?」 「5万円やな!かしこまり!」 「すまんな…取引時間外や」 まじかよ おばかちゃん 無能 すこ 中間お すめ記事 10月からやっと他銀行から夜間の振り込み入金もできるようになるな 1 れまじ? 1 ローソンは? はえーそうなんか これからはセブン使うわ アホ どかわいい 1 これホンマくそ ちょっと期待させてからの手のひら返しよ ファ マちゃん頑張ろうとしてかわいい 草 2 コンビニで金おろすのって相当なアホやろ 28: >>22 預け入れ… ファミマATMはアホなんか… すここのこ 2 ゆうちょ、有能!w 2 金おろせなかったことについて、コンビニ店員に文句言っ る見たことある > 「時間帯によって手数料これだけかかるやでよく見といて こ 時点で時間外だってわかるよね 5 >>34 わからんだろ 3 日本では努力のあ がみれるからファミマの方が評価されるぞ ファッミはゆうちょの手数料かからんくな たから有能 4 暗証番号入れさせてから時間外ですって吐き出すATM滅びろ デー 抜いてるんちゃうやろな わかる 4 セブンのATMってUFJのICカードだけ読 込まんのやが仕様か? 4 これから銀行がATM減らしまくるけど 利用者をコンビ ATMへ流れるように誘導するのかな 5 >>47 パスモとかスイカの影響で駅の 売機使わなくなってるから、ATM代わりに実験的に使ってるってWBSでやってたな ミニストップ 「カードいれてや!」 「用件はなんや?」 「暗証番号あくし よ」 「時間外だったわ すまんな」 は?ファミマは平日土曜日もゆうちょ銀行手 料無料なんだが 酔ってる時にやられると困る 切れて殴るやついそう ファミマ わ∃ 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00 00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果ww マジかよwww

For more infomation >> 【悲報】セブンATM「~~銀行か?すまんな…取引時間外や」→ 一方ファミマATM… - Duration: 0:21.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 move up! BlueMotion NAVI AIRCO ELEK PAKKET - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 move up! BlueMotion NAVI AIRCO ELEK PAKKET - Duration: 1:12.


My K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ video EXCEPT YouTube removed it so I replaced copyright footage with dead memes - Duration: 1:08.

I used the last thing YouTube ever wanted - dead memes.

For more infomation >> My K$I vs LOGAN PAU€ video EXCEPT YouTube removed it so I replaced copyright footage with dead memes - Duration: 1:08.


White House Counselor Don McGahn Learned Of His "Resignation" From Trump's Tweets - Duration: 3:05.

It was announced on Wednesday, that White House Counselor, Don McGahn would be leaving

this administration soon, so obviously the guy submitted his resignation.

Donald Trump tweeted out the following about it:

"White House Council, Don McGahn will be leaving his position in the fall.

Shortly after the confirmation, hopefully, of Judge Brett Kavanagh, to the United States

Supreme Court.

I have worked with Don for a long time and truly appreciate his service."

So yeah, you read that tweet and you think, " Okay, McGahn resigned."

Well you know who else saw that tweet and was a little confused?

Don McGahn.

Don McGahn didn't know he was leaving this administration in the fall.

He learned that he would be leaving, from Donald Trump's tweet.

Now here's the thing.

We learned, I think it was last week, that Don McGahn has been working with special prosecutor

Robert Mueller.

He's been meeting with him, sat for what I think 30 hours total of testimony with the


Trump has been telling McGahn everything since he came into office because he thought he

was his lawyer, but he's actually just the lawyer for the Office of the Presidency, reports

came out earlier this week, saying that McGahn and other White House lawyers were preventing

Donald Trump from firing Jeff Sessions and thereby Robert Mueller, so Trump was a little

angry with him.

He felt betrayed, he felt that he had been duped and so he decided to fire him via Twitter.

Here's what I love about this story.

I feel a little bit of sympathy for Don McGahn; he's not a hardcore Trumper, he's a guy who

worked in the White House, and the job of the White House Counselor is not to be loyal

to the President, it's to be loyal to the office itself, to the prestige of it.

And that's what he's been doing.

And that's why he's been talking to Robert Mueller.

But, we have seen how horrible Donald Trump is at hiring people so I can only imagine

that he is going to replace Don McGahn with someone who is completely incompetent, wholly

inept and doesn't understand the law whatsoever.

So this is going to backfire on Donald Trump; this is going to end very badly for him, as

most of his firings have.

Any time he gets rid of somebody who's smarter than him, things seem to go downhill from


And that's exactly what's going to happen with this firing of Don McGahn.

But I do have to say that firing people over Twitter and having them find out that way,

I mean luckily, I hope Don McGahn follows him on Twitter and didn't see it off a re-tweet,

but that is one of the most cowardly that you could ever do.

What happened about the big badass in the boardroom who had no problem looking across

the table at someone and saying, " You're fired."

Or was that just all for the show?

Because in reality, not reality TV you seem to be one of the biggest cowards I think that

we have ever had serving in the White House.

For more infomation >> White House Counselor Don McGahn Learned Of His "Resignation" From Trump's Tweets - Duration: 3:05.


National Student Poets Award Program 2018 - Duration: 56:51.

For more infomation >> National Student Poets Award Program 2018 - Duration: 56:51.


應采兒自曝看過陳小春手機,陳小春一臉寵愛,感情真好! - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> 應采兒自曝看過陳小春手機,陳小春一臉寵愛,感情真好! - Duration: 2:26.


[MAV] Satsuriki No Tenshi OP/Opening Full - "VITAL - Masaaki Endo" - Duration: 4:22.

With a fictitious fiction

The abandoned future is

reaching today stretched out and touched

Pulse beating the vein cooled

I will sounding in silence

Like to drown impatience

One loneliness that carries this hand

With the color of people faded

With unbelievable words

Unknown fate is

I will attach reasons to a cold knife

Keeping the feathers that passed through white

Bloody blood spilling from hands that I held

It was reflected in the pupil shaken in the blue

Severely quiet beating falls and goes

Falling down to the exit of this meaning

With ears stabbed

A determined future

Dying by crushing down today

Tens of thousands of concerns raised

It cuts in a line shape

Like crying for correctness

The scarlet color which is congested to wet this hand

With people's fever

I can't wipe pain.

Regrettable unidentified regret

I will go for the first time after breaking up the chaotic law

The wound that touched from the straight direction is splitting

Emptiness smiles in hazy eyes

The pure blue adorable light shone out

Severely quiet beating guided and going

To be led

In the end of this meaning

To a slightly swinging promise

This impure hand

This intriguing heart

Pure prayer

Just a simple word

I swear no one will forgive

The meaning of promises that passed through pure white

It shines unreliable from the hand that I held back

I filled my heart with my empty chest

Severely trivial thing

Keeping the feathers whitely transparent

Bloody blood spilling from hands that I held

It was reflected in the pupil shaken in the blue

Strong and reliable heartbeat

Let's roll down and let's go

Until the end of this meaning

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