Friday, August 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 31 2018

- Hey, guys, it's so good to see you all again.

I am finally back from all of my French adventures.

And if you missed any of them and you wanna get caught up,

you can head on over to my Instagram account,

@entertainingwithbeth is my account,

and click on the little IGTV icon.

And if you click on that,

you can see a bunch of videos

that I shot while I was over there.

So after a month of French food,

by the time we got back home,

my kids were craving something very American,

like my classic mac and cheese recipe.

I will warn you, this is decadent.

It's certainly not diet food, but boy is it good.

Let me show you how to make it.

So the first thing we're gonna do is boil some pasta.

So you're gonna need a pound of pasta for this recipe.

Now, traditionally mac and cheese is obviously made

with macaroni, but I like to switch it up now and again,

and I like to use those little mini shells.

I don't know, I think it's just

a little bit more sophisticated,

and I find that the sauce sticks to the shells a bit better,

'cause it kinda goes in the shell.

So I'm gonna be using shells,

but you can use whatever you like.

Now, we don't wanna overcook the pasta,

and the reason is because we are going

to bake this mac and cheese after we assemble it,

so it will continue to cook in the oven.

And if you take it where it's already done,

it'll just end up getting kinda mushy in the oven,

so just stop it when it still has a bit of a chew to it.

Now for the sauce.

Okay, this is really what makes this mac and cheese sing.

And when you see the quantities,

you're gonna think I'm nuts,

because it makes a ton of sauce.

But one of the things that I have learned

over the years about mac and cheese is

that you really need a lot more sauce than you think you do,

because when you bake it,

all of that pasta absorbs all of the sauce,

and you'll end up with a really dry mac and cheese

if you don't have enough sauce.

And I like a nice saucy mac and cheese.

So here's what you're gonna do.

In a large Dutch oven,

you're going to add eight tablespoons of butter.

I know, it's a whole stick of butter,

but this is what's gonna make this really good.

Then you're gonna add 1/2 a cup of flour.

And you wanna whisk that together

until you get a nice paste forming.

Then you're slowly gonna add in 6 1/2 cups of milk.

This is the part when you're gonna think,

oh my gosh, this is making a ton of sauce,

(laughs) but you gotta trust me on this.

Just stick with me.

Then we're gonna season our sauce

with two teaspoons of salt.

And I also like to add in a clove of garlic.

Now, this is really optional.

You can leave the garlic in or out.

I like it, 'cause I think it just gives it

a little bit extra flavor.

Mac and cheese can be a little bit bland,

so I like to kick it up a notch with a clove of garlic.

Then you can add some freshly cracked pepper to taste

and 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg.

And then we're gonna add our cheese.

Now, this is the other secret, I think,

to a really ultimate mac and cheese,

is to use three types of cheese.

So you wanna turn off the flame.

That way you won't scorch the cheese,

and there's enough heat left in that sauce

that'll easily melt your cheese.

So we're gonna add 1/2 a cup of grated white Cheddar,

and this is gonna provide the nice gooeyness to the cheese,

1/2 a cup of Gruyere cheese,

and this is a stronger flavored cheese

and is gonna give you a little bit more flavor

to the cheese sauce,

and then I also like to throw in 1/4 cup

of Parmesan cheese,

which is gonna give you that nice nuttiness.

Then you can just set that aside,

and then we're gonna get to work

on the third part of this recipe,

which I think really sends this over the top,

and that's some homemade breadcrumbs.

They are really easy to do,

and when you see how simple it is,

you'll never go back to the prepared breadcrumbs

for mac and cheese.

It's so much better with the homemade.

So to make the breadcrumbs,

you wanna use some kind of rustic bread.

So you could use a sourdough loaf.

You could use an Italian loaf.

Even a French baguette would work.

And you wanna cut the bread into small cubes

until you get about two cups.

Then you're gonna put that in a food processor,

and to that you're gonna add three tablespoons

of melted butter,

a tablespoon of fresh thyme,

and a little salt and pepper to taste.

And you just wanna pulse that up

until you get a coarse breadcrumb.

That's all there is to it.

So now at this point, you wanna prepare your pan.

I like to use these large gratin pans.

Something that's kind of shallow is nice,

because then everybody gets a little bit

of the breadcrumbs.

If you do something that's small and deep,

you don't get as many breadcrumbs.

And then once your pasta is drained,

you can transfer it into a big bowl,

add that cheese sauce on top, give it a nice stir,

and then transfer this mixture

into your greased casserole pan.

You can just smooth it out so everything's level,

and then you can add the breadcrumbs.

I like to just distribute it all over the top.

And then you wanna bake this at 375 degrees Fahrenheit

for anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes.

And I also like to serve some red pepper flakes

on the side as well

if people wanna add a little bit of heat to it.

And if you'd like to get my new videos

in your inbox every week,

you can now sign up for my newsletter.

The link is in the description,

and that way you'll be the first one

to know when a new video posts.

All right, you guys, I'll see you back here next time.

Make it a great week; until then, bye.

For more infomation >> Beth's Ultimate Mac & Cheese Recipe - Duration: 4:45.


Low Carb Oven | Keto-Friendly pastries! | 2g Net Carbs per cake! - Duration: 9:36.

I'm gonna review some stuff from a company called Low Carb Oven. They sent

me some pastries -- keto-friendly pastries. I'm gonna check them out right after this.

Hey guys! Welcome to A.D. Keto. My name is Aaron. This is the channel where

you can watch a weird dad work his way through the ketogenic diet. I do some keto

eating vlogs, I do some keto product reviews, and I do some keto giveaways. If

this is your first time here, please consider subscribing, and if you do, make

sure you're on Notification Squad by clicking the bell. So guys, a little while

ago, I received a nice message on Instagram from a company called Low Carb

Oven. Or Low Car Boven. Low Carb Oven, I think, is how it's pronounced. And they

make low-carb pastries. Here's what it says right on their website: KetoKakes

by Low Carb Oven. Low Carb Oven's Keto Kakes are gluten-free, sugar-free treats

made with top-quality ingredients. We use only the finest almond flour, grass-fed

butter, cage free eggs, aan zero glycemic impact sweeteners. Baked in small batches

and shipped directly to our customers, they are convenient, perfectly portioned....

No Oxford comma there. Low Carb Oven, we need to talk. ...and delicious. Most

importantly, you can enjoy these sweet treats without taking your ketogenic or

low carb diet off-track. So that's cool. They are a Florida-based company. They're

in Sunrise, Florida. They offer six bundt cakes and three cookie cakes, ranging

from $12 to $18 on their website. You can check them out at They

were nice enough to send me two of the bundt cakes, which are these flavors. This

is Lemon Poppy Seed, and Cinnamon... something... Cinnamon Spice. I'll just throw them

all around. There's cinnamon spice. The label that... the actual item is on the

bottom, there. May be nice to have them right on top, so you can tell what they are.

And then they also sent me one of the... one of the Cookie Cakes. This is the

Maple Pecan Cookie Cake. So I'm gonna check them all out. We're

gonna start with the Lemon...Lemon Poppy Cake. Now I've got to apologize to these

guys, because they sent these things to me, and I put them down here in my studio.

And they they got in touch with me and they said, "Have you gotten those things

yet?" and I said, "Yep, I'm gonna review them as soon as I can. They're down in my

studio." And they were like, "Oh, please put them in a refrigerator. They're meant to

be refrigerated." So that was a week ago. So these things have been sitting in my

refrigerator for a week. Probably not the best if... you know, you're looking to do a

review of these things. But I'm gonna start with Lemon Poppy Seed. There it is.

Cute little guy. Whoa! That's... hmm.

Oh! [hacking / choking]

Operator error, I promise. I just had some cake go down my trachea. Oh! I did the

same thing a couple weeks ago with the GoUltima.

I was drinking some GoUltima beverage, and it just...

I forgot how my throat works or something. And it went down my trachea,

and I coughed. Let that not be a statement about my enjoyment of this cake, because

look at how bready that is. It's very, very sweet, too. I was surprised by how

sweet it was.

That's really, really good. Um... the texture is really, really nice, and the taste is

very lemony. Nice little poppy seeds in there. Boy, I'm a fan of lemon. I'm gonna

check out the Nutrition Facts.

I'm gonna be okay. Don't need to send the medic. Reg. Okay, Lemon Poppyseed:

servings per container: 4. So I just had a serving. 220 calories, 22 grams of fat,

9 saturated fat, one hundred milligrams of cholesterol, 16 milligrams of sodium, 18

total carbohydrates, two dietary fiber, 14 sugar alcohol. So that gets us down to

two net carbs. That's a lot of erythritol. Here are the ingredients. Oh, five grams

of protein. Here are the ingredients: almond flour, egg, unsalted grass-fed

butter, sweetener (which is erythritol, oligosaccharides, and natural flavors)

then lemon extract (which is water, alcohol, and lemon oil), and then poppy

seeds, Hains purefoods baking powder. Sodium free, gluten free vanilla extract

(which has vanilla bean extractives in water and alcohol). Then there's salt,

xanthan gum, stevia extract powder. So that is two net carbs. A lot of total

carbs and a lot of erythritol, but two net carbs. If you're doing the net carb

thing, these are... these are really good. I like the lemon very much. I'm gonna try

the cinnamon bundt cake here. Just gonna read the stuff ahead of time, and give myself

time to prepare know, forgetting how to eat and choking. One cake is the

serving size. 220 calories, 22 grams of fat, 9 saturated fat, 100 milligrams

cholesterol, 60 milligrams sodium, 18 total carbs, two dietary fiber, 14 sugar

alcohols, 5 grams of protein. So very similar macros. They're almost exactly

the same. I think they are exactly the same. The ingredients in the cinnamon:

almond flour, egg, unsalted grass-fed butter, sweetener (which is erythritol,

oligosaccharides, and natural flavors) and then spices, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg,

allspice, and sulfiting agents. Vanilla extract (which is vanilla bean

extractives in water and alcohol), baking powder, (gluten-free) salt, stevia extract,

and xanthan gum. All right. Let's give these guys a try.

I'm gonna do my best to eat like an adult. These are really cool-looking. You

know? You get a nice portion size, there.

Hmm. I very much like these, you guys. Really,

really, bready. Doughey. Muffin-y. Wow.

They might be a touch sweet for me. Again, there's a lot of erythritol in here.

Oh, yeah. Those are fantastic. Okay. Last one! I'm gonna try it. It's their cookie

cake. Let's read the nutrition on these guys first. Serving size: one bar. So eight

servings per container. 210 calories, 21 grams of fat, 7 grams saturated fat, 40

milligrams cholesterol, 105 milligrams sodium, 14 grams of total carbs, 3 dietary fiber,

9 sugar alcohols. So again, we're down to 2 net carbs. 5 grams of protein. Less

sweetener in these. A little bit more fiber. Ingredients: almond flour, grass-fed

butter, pecans, sweetener (which is erythritol, oligosaccharides, and natural

flavors), monk fruit sweetener, egg, frontier maple flavor (which is glycerin,

water, and natural flavors) baking powder (which is gluten-free), vanilla extract

(which is vanilla bean extractives in water and alcohol), then there's cinnamon,

salt, xanthan gum, stevia extract powder. Cool! So all three of these items -- really

pretty clean ingredients. Can't complain there. Here is what the... is

this maple pecan, did I say? Yeah, maple pecan cookie cake looks like. Oh, it

smells fantastic. There's that. Like a little square of goodness. Looks like some

whole pecans in there.

Man. Again, texture is really good. But I think I prefer the texture of the

muffins to these bars. And again, there's a lot of sweetness going on here.

Can't complain. That's incredibly tasty. Really something. Hmm.

Wow. I'm impressed with these three products. Again, these guys have a total

of nine products. I just sampled a third of them. I think that was my dinner. But

they are very sweet. Definitely will scratch that itch if you know,

if you're wanting to have a muffin. A sweet little muffin, or a sweet little

cookie bar. You can do a lot worse than what Low Carb Oven is offering. So check

them out. They're a I'll leave the link in the description

to this video. So that's gonna wrap it up, guys. I hope you enjoyed this video. I

hope you didn't mind me nearly choking to death on a bundt cake.

Maybe I'll remix that in the post-credits sequence, here. But that's

gonna wrap it up for this video. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you have a

fantastic day, and I will see you next time

[remixed hacking]

For more infomation >> Low Carb Oven | Keto-Friendly pastries! | 2g Net Carbs per cake! - Duration: 9:36.


The Off Daze - Philosophy - Duration: 4:07.

music intro

All I know is that the place to be

is all up in yo philosophy

i know

i know

I know

I know

All I know is that the place to be

is all up in yo philosophy

i know

i know

i know

i know

Yo sexy legs keep running through my mind

With an hourglass shape that make me lose track of time

I've been in Amsterdam choking something potent

But the friction when you switching still the best thing smoking

I leave the club craving something to eat

On the late night your thighs iz the best thang open

These other broads that I greet in the street

Ain't close to coming in between what we got going

I'm in lust with the chick I'm in love with

Jeans fit her hips like the skin on a drumstick

Booty thick as Paula Dean's chicken and dumplings

Designer vagina she ain't got to wear nothing

(at all)

I went to Paris took a tour of the Louvre

But my heart was in the art of your frame when you move

Long broad strokes when I'm picturing you

When I'm close to your figure all positions is cool cuz

All I know is that the place to be

is all up in yo philosophy

I know

I know

I know

I know

All I know is that the place to be

Is all up in yo philosophy

I know

I know

I know

I know

Now I don't only love you in the night time

I love you when the sun goes up

If you want to be down to be down

I'll be down when you're down

Til the gold crown we hold up


Anybody in their right mind Would love you til they grow old, but

If you want to be down to be down I'll be down

Even if the gold crown don't show up

Baby girl we got the whole streets buzzin'

You, me, your mama, and your cousin

The whole town abuzz

It's like it's got a buzz or they guzzlin'

I'm thinking that it does or it doesn't

Does it?

See I'm just tryna hit you with this left and this right stroke

Put holes in them sheets And I ain't talking like white folk

Ok that's a slight joke

Truth is, lady, you're quite dope

Light it up, take me a light toke.

And let me be blunt We can roll in the sheets

I'll lick you up and down, baby, So indiscreet

I'm tryna plant seeds that grow into trees

I'm falling for you like blowing leaves A blowing breeze

I've searched far and wide And don't nothing compare

And looking in your eyes While I'm touching your hair

See I was told when something fly brush against your ear

You take your hands and put 'em up in the air


All I know is that the place to be

Is all up in yo philosophy

I know

I know

I know

I know

music ride-out

For more infomation >> The Off Daze - Philosophy - Duration: 4:07.


An Economy for Everyone - Duration: 0:31.

- Illinois is a hard working state

and it's time we returned those values to Springfield.

Let's replace crony capitalism, crooked Chicago tax breaks

and a welfare system that does not reward hard work.

No more tax dollars for others,

while you get stuck with the bill.

Before Rauner, Illinois was growing it's economy

twice as fast as neighboring states.

His failure at leadership has crippled our state,

and that's not right. Let's change direction,

and make Illinois work for everyone, together.

For more infomation >> An Economy for Everyone - Duration: 0:31.


I Always Eat My Meals | Video For Babies | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 42:35.

I love to eat my meals..

Don't you love to eat your meals?

For more infomation >> I Always Eat My Meals | Video For Babies | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 42:35.


The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace Pays Its Respect to Queen Aretha - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace Pays Its Respect to Queen Aretha - Duration: 2:24.


Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.

 Arsenal will face Sporting Lisbon in the group stages of the Europa League while Chelsea have been drawn with PAOK

 The Gunners reached the semi-final of the competition last season and will be hoping to go one better under the management of Europa League specialist Unai Emery, who won the competition three times during his time with Sevilla

 Top seeds in Group E, Arsenal will be confident of qualifiaction but will be notching up the air miles given they are also set to face Azerbaijani side Qarabag and Vorskla Poltava from Ukraine

 Chelsea, meanwhile, who won the competition as recently as 2013, have made a perfect start to the new domestic season under Maurizio Sarri and will be hoping to take their current form into European competition

 The Blues will also meet BATE Borisov of Belarus and Vidi of Hungary but the draw was much less kind on Rangers and Celtic who will face several traditional European heavyweights

Group A  Bayer Leverkusen Ludogorets FC Zurich AEK Larnaca   Group B  FC SalzburgCeltic RB Leipzig Rosenborg   Group C  Zenit FC Copenhagen Bordeaux Slavia Prague   Group D  Anderlecht Fenerbahce Dinamo Zagreb Spartak Trnava   Group E  ArsenalSporting Lisbon Qarabag Vorskla Poltava   Group F  Olympiacos AC Milan Real Betis Dudelange   Group G  Villarreal Rapid Vienna Spartak MoscowRangers Group H  Lazio Marseille Eintracht Frankfurt Apollon   Group I  Besiktas Genk Malmo Sarpsborg   Group J  Sevilla FC Krasnodar Standard Liege Akhisar Belediyespor   Group K  Dynamo Kiev FC Astana Rennes Jablonec   Group L  Chelsea PAOK FC BATE Borisov Vidi  

For more infomation >> Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.


Little Kid Brushing His Teeth - Drawing And Coloring Video With Glitters - Duration: 10:50.

Little Kid Brushing His Teeth - Drawing And Coloring Video With Glitters

For more infomation >> Little Kid Brushing His Teeth - Drawing And Coloring Video With Glitters - Duration: 10:50.


About 350,000 people expected to take ferries over Labor Day weekend - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> About 350,000 people expected to take ferries over Labor Day weekend - Duration: 2:19.


【女兵日記】第40 集精彩預告 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> 【女兵日記】第40 集精彩預告 - Duration: 1:17.


Oppo Realme 2 Review: Advantages and disadvantages - Duration: 2:46.

Hello guy,s, Welcome in CRANTTECH4U. Today here in this video I'm gonna telling you Oppo

Realme 2 Pros ,Cons, Benefits, so let get started.

Guys, After the great sucess of Oppo Realme 1, Realme has launched new blaster device

oppo Real Me 2. This device comes with powerfull specification in low price range. Let's

talk about Realme 2 in detail and What is the Advantages and disadvantages?

OPPO RealMe 2 Advantages | Pros | Benifits: Network Support of Oppo realme 2 has VOLTE

/ LTE / 3G / 2G. It also comes with Dual SIM .The appearance

of the Smartphone is really amazing, because Oppo offers Notch display in low range. and

it is big plus point of realme 2. Realme 2 has launched with Larger 6.2 inchs

IPS LCD screen with front glass and it's protected by Gorilla Glass 3 + aluminum frame.

The Resolution of display is 720 x 1520 HD+ with PPI of 271. Weight of Oppo RealMe 2 is

168gm. Oppo RealMe 2 is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 (1.8 GHz Octa-core processor)

with Adreno 506 GPU for an amazing gaming outcome. There are two variants are available

Oppo realme 2, 4GB and 3GB of RAM and 64GB  internal Memory + 4GB of RAM + Expandable

memory of 256GB. Also 32GB internal Memory  + 3GB of RAM + Expandable memory of 256GB.

The Rear Camera of OPPO RealMe 2 is Dual 13 MP (f/2.2, PDAF) + 2MP , f/2.2 with LED

flash and 8MP of its front camera f/2.0. Realme 2 Run on latest operating system Android 8.1

(OREO). It also comes with Fingerprint Sensor for secure your phone. Realme 2 has Non-removable

Li-Ion 4230 mAh battery and Colour Availablity of realme 2 has Diamond Black, Diamond Red,

Diamond Blue.

OPPO RealMe 2 Disadvantages | Problems | Cons Realme 2 has NO LED flash in front camera.

The 4230mAh battery is very heavy that good but Realme 2 not offer Fast charging technology

to speed up when plug in charge That' s why phone taking too much time for full Charged.

The phone has Outdated hardware also Mediocre camera. So guys what's your opinion about

my video? Has this video something helped for you? Please tell me in comment section.

Guys please subscribe my channel for latest videos. Thanks for watching this video. Have

a nice day you and your families. Love you guys

For more infomation >> Oppo Realme 2 Review: Advantages and disadvantages - Duration: 2:46.


Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:13.


끌어당김의 법칙 공부법 고3과탐 스터디플래너 과외구하기 secret - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> 끌어당김의 법칙 공부법 고3과탐 스터디플래너 과외구하기 secret - Duration: 1:17.


Ericsson unhurt after high-speed crash at Italian GP | Auto racing - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Ericsson unhurt after high-speed crash at Italian GP | Auto racing - Duration: 1:22.


Ericsson walks away from horror crash in Italian Grand Prix practice - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Ericsson walks away from horror crash in Italian Grand Prix practice - Duration: 1:41.


Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga Bonded Over Their Italian Roots – Variety - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga Bonded Over Their Italian Roots – Variety - Duration: 3:07.


끌어당김의 법칙 공부법 고3과탐 스터디플래너 과외구하기 secret - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> 끌어당김의 법칙 공부법 고3과탐 스터디플래너 과외구하기 secret - Duration: 1:12.


Main types of tea varieties - Tea workshop: basic concepts - Duration: 3:26.


Welcome to our tea workshop in Fresh Chinese Tea

In this video we will know what are the main varieties of tea, and which

It is the fact that it allows to classify and differentiate them.

Well, let's start.

The main difference that allows them to be classified It is fermentation.

There are three large groups. the unfermented teas, those of medium fermentation and fermented teas.

Among the non-fermented ones, the first one we found is white tea.

The white tea varieties are the most fresh, that's why they have the most antioxidants.

The following variety of non-fermented tea It's green tea.

Very fresh, also with many antioxidants and with flavors and scent that range from herbaceous

to fruity in a totally natural way.

We move on to the next big group: the one of semi-fermented teas.

Here in Europe they are known as blue tea, although its original name in Chinese is tea


Oolong tea varieties meet characteristics both unfermented and fermented tea.

Teas are very appreciated for their properties as for its nuances in aroma and flavor.

The fact that the half fermentation is variable makes that in some cases we find ourselves

with teas more black than green.

In fact, in China there are people who call these darker varieties Yan Cha

(ash tea).

And from here we move to the last big group, that of fermented or full fermented teas

These are dense aroma and flavor teas, being those with the strongest flavor.

In fact, black tea, the variety of tea fermented more typical, it is considered a substitute

ideal for coffee.

Again within the fermented teas we have a very famous variety that differs

of black tea: pu erh tea also known in Europe as red tea.

This variety is very famous for its properties, own flavor and aroma, being for many

years one of the allies of Chinese Traditional Medicine.

Well, and that's a basic review of the main varieties of tea.

We'll end with a piece of advice: the tea that you choose has not only to like you, but

has also to make you feel good.

This is all in our today's workshop.

Thank you very much and see you soon.

For more infomation >> Main types of tea varieties - Tea workshop: basic concepts - Duration: 3:26.


Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.

For more infomation >> Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.


Lady Gaga on Acting Debut in Bradley Cooper's 'A Star Is Born' | Venice Film Festival - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Lady Gaga on Acting Debut in Bradley Cooper's 'A Star Is Born' | Venice Film Festival - Duration: 4:10.


Top Keynote Speaker 2018

For more infomation >> Top Keynote Speaker 2018


Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.

 Arsenal will face Sporting Lisbon in the group stages of the Europa League while Chelsea have been drawn with PAOK

 The Gunners reached the semi-final of the competition last season and will be hoping to go one better under the management of Europa League specialist Unai Emery, who won the competition three times during his time with Sevilla

 Top seeds in Group E, Arsenal will be confident of qualifiaction but will be notching up the air miles given they are also set to face Azerbaijani side Qarabag and Vorskla Poltava from Ukraine

 Chelsea, meanwhile, who won the competition as recently as 2013, have made a perfect start to the new domestic season under Maurizio Sarri and will be hoping to take their current form into European competition

 The Blues will also meet BATE Borisov of Belarus and Vidi of Hungary but the draw was much less kind on Rangers and Celtic who will face several traditional European heavyweights

Group A  Bayer Leverkusen Ludogorets FC Zurich AEK Larnaca   Group B  FC SalzburgCeltic RB Leipzig Rosenborg   Group C  Zenit FC Copenhagen Bordeaux Slavia Prague   Group D  Anderlecht Fenerbahce Dinamo Zagreb Spartak Trnava   Group E  ArsenalSporting Lisbon Qarabag Vorskla Poltava   Group F  Olympiacos AC Milan Real Betis Dudelange   Group G  Villarreal Rapid Vienna Spartak MoscowRangers Group H  Lazio Marseille Eintracht Frankfurt Apollon   Group I  Besiktas Genk Malmo Sarpsborg   Group J  Sevilla FC Krasnodar Standard Liege Akhisar Belediyespor   Group K  Dynamo Kiev FC Astana Rennes Jablonec   Group L  Chelsea PAOK FC BATE Borisov Vidi  

For more infomation >> Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.


史上最"遅"!のブガッティ シロンはLEGOとの共同開発で、なんと最高速20km/h! 2300個ものモーターで駆動する完全EVだ - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> 史上最"遅"!のブガッティ シロンはLEGOとの共同開発で、なんと最高速20km/h! 2300個ものモーターで駆動する完全EVだ - Duration: 9:05.



For more infomation >> H. PURCELL: PRELUDE, MENUET, THE QUEEN'S DOLOUR. CLAVICORDE - Duration: 6:34.


Yacht "GALAXY" with their hands. The shell plating part 3 - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> Yacht "GALAXY" with their hands. The shell plating part 3 - Duration: 11:21.


The Off Daze - Philosophy - Duration: 4:07.

music intro

All I know is that the place to be

is all up in yo philosophy

i know

i know

I know

I know

All I know is that the place to be

is all up in yo philosophy

i know

i know

i know

i know

Yo sexy legs keep running through my mind

With an hourglass shape that make me lose track of time

I've been in Amsterdam choking something potent

But the friction when you switching still the best thing smoking

I leave the club craving something to eat

On the late night your thighs iz the best thang open

These other broads that I greet in the street

Ain't close to coming in between what we got going

I'm in lust with the chick I'm in love with

Jeans fit her hips like the skin on a drumstick

Booty thick as Paula Dean's chicken and dumplings

Designer vagina she ain't got to wear nothing

(at all)

I went to Paris took a tour of the Louvre

But my heart was in the art of your frame when you move

Long broad strokes when I'm picturing you

When I'm close to your figure all positions is cool cuz

All I know is that the place to be

is all up in yo philosophy

I know

I know

I know

I know

All I know is that the place to be

Is all up in yo philosophy

I know

I know

I know

I know

Now I don't only love you in the night time

I love you when the sun goes up

If you want to be down to be down

I'll be down when you're down

Til the gold crown we hold up


Anybody in their right mind Would love you til they grow old, but

If you want to be down to be down I'll be down

Even if the gold crown don't show up

Baby girl we got the whole streets buzzin'

You, me, your mama, and your cousin

The whole town abuzz

It's like it's got a buzz or they guzzlin'

I'm thinking that it does or it doesn't

Does it?

See I'm just tryna hit you with this left and this right stroke

Put holes in them sheets And I ain't talking like white folk

Ok that's a slight joke

Truth is, lady, you're quite dope

Light it up, take me a light toke.

And let me be blunt We can roll in the sheets

I'll lick you up and down, baby, So indiscreet

I'm tryna plant seeds that grow into trees

I'm falling for you like blowing leaves A blowing breeze

I've searched far and wide And don't nothing compare

And looking in your eyes While I'm touching your hair

See I was told when something fly brush against your ear

You take your hands and put 'em up in the air


All I know is that the place to be

Is all up in yo philosophy

I know

I know

I know

I know

music ride-out

For more infomation >> The Off Daze - Philosophy - Duration: 4:07.


Zagrożenie z kosmosu: planety, planetoidy, komety czyli niebezpieczni sąsiedzi - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Zagrożenie z kosmosu: planety, planetoidy, komety czyli niebezpieczni sąsiedzi - Duration: 11:16.


8/31/18 6:32 AM (Bruce Woodbury Beltway, Las Vegas, NV 89134, USA) - Duration: 15:22.

For more infomation >> 8/31/18 6:32 AM (Bruce Woodbury Beltway, Las Vegas, NV 89134, USA) - Duration: 15:22.


New whatapp status 2019 - Duration: 0:29.

Subscribe my channel



For more infomation >> New whatapp status 2019 - Duration: 0:29.



Hello everyone !

And welcome to you on the KeroZenGamer channel,

a 100% gaming channel where I will offer you

videos on video games on Xbox One.

You will have let's play,

discovery videos,

relaxing videos

and many other things too.

Otherwise about video games, I play all kinds of games

but mainly to Formula 1 games.

I forgot good manners, I forgot to present for those

who land on my YouTube channel.

So, my name is Kero,

it's been 5 years since I was on YouTube

and the pleasure is always there, and that's thanks to you!

And how about a little overview

what will happen as video games

on my YouTube channel from the end of 2018 to 2019?

Well, listen, let's go!

It rocks ! No ?

And again, I did not show you everything of course

because there are other games that will enhance

the years 2018 and 2019.

But for that,

I let you subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I hope you will be many and many to follow me,

I wish you a good day or a good evening.

It was Kero and very soon friends

for very, very heavy!

For more infomation >> BIENVENUE SUR LA CHAÎNE KEROZENGAMER | GAMING - LET'S PLAY - FORMULE 1 | PROGRAMME 2018 / 2019 - Duration: 2:52.


Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.

For more infomation >> Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.


SİYAH PİLAV NASIL YAPILIR ? - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 3:40.

Materials 1 water black black rice (2-3 hours in water) Half-watered peas Fresh onion Parsley Mint 1 squash Bacon Salt Black pepper Cinnamon Cumin

We cook black rice for 15 minutes 2-3 hours in advance in water

Half-watered peas



Fresh onion

1 squash




Black pepper



Half a teaspoon of water

For more infomation >> SİYAH PİLAV NASIL YAPILIR ? - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 3:40.


Group Exercise at the J: Workouts for Everyone! - Duration: 0:31.

If you're a member of The J,

we have over a 100 classes here at the Creve Coeur location

and about 97 classes at the Chesterfield location

and they're all included in your membership.

The J really welcomes people

in a way other places don't.

There are all kinds of people, all ages, races, fitness levels.

I think everyone will feel welcome here. There's no intimidation.

For more infomation >> Group Exercise at the J: Workouts for Everyone! - Duration: 0:31.


🦁 Gros plan: Lion • ZODIACA #7 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 🦁 Gros plan: Lion • ZODIACA #7 - Duration: 3:38.


In the Kitchen: Broccoli Alfredo Chicken Parm Bowl - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> In the Kitchen: Broccoli Alfredo Chicken Parm Bowl - Duration: 8:37.


Low Carb Oven | Keto-Friendly pastries! | 2g Net Carbs per cake! - Duration: 9:36.

I'm gonna review some stuff from a company called Low Carb Oven. They sent

me some pastries -- keto-friendly pastries. I'm gonna check them out right after this.

Hey guys! Welcome to A.D. Keto. My name is Aaron. This is the channel where

you can watch a weird dad work his way through the ketogenic diet. I do some keto

eating vlogs, I do some keto product reviews, and I do some keto giveaways. If

this is your first time here, please consider subscribing, and if you do, make

sure you're on Notification Squad by clicking the bell. So guys, a little while

ago, I received a nice message on Instagram from a company called Low Carb

Oven. Or Low Car Boven. Low Carb Oven, I think, is how it's pronounced. And they

make low-carb pastries. Here's what it says right on their website: KetoKakes

by Low Carb Oven. Low Carb Oven's Keto Kakes are gluten-free, sugar-free treats

made with top-quality ingredients. We use only the finest almond flour, grass-fed

butter, cage free eggs, aan zero glycemic impact sweeteners. Baked in small batches

and shipped directly to our customers, they are convenient, perfectly portioned....

No Oxford comma there. Low Carb Oven, we need to talk. ...and delicious. Most

importantly, you can enjoy these sweet treats without taking your ketogenic or

low carb diet off-track. So that's cool. They are a Florida-based company. They're

in Sunrise, Florida. They offer six bundt cakes and three cookie cakes, ranging

from $12 to $18 on their website. You can check them out at They

were nice enough to send me two of the bundt cakes, which are these flavors. This

is Lemon Poppy Seed, and Cinnamon... something... Cinnamon Spice. I'll just throw them

all around. There's cinnamon spice. The label that... the actual item is on the

bottom, there. May be nice to have them right on top, so you can tell what they are.

And then they also sent me one of the... one of the Cookie Cakes. This is the

Maple Pecan Cookie Cake. So I'm gonna check them all out. We're

gonna start with the Lemon...Lemon Poppy Cake. Now I've got to apologize to these

guys, because they sent these things to me, and I put them down here in my studio.

And they they got in touch with me and they said, "Have you gotten those things

yet?" and I said, "Yep, I'm gonna review them as soon as I can. They're down in my

studio." And they were like, "Oh, please put them in a refrigerator. They're meant to

be refrigerated." So that was a week ago. So these things have been sitting in my

refrigerator for a week. Probably not the best if... you know, you're looking to do a

review of these things. But I'm gonna start with Lemon Poppy Seed. There it is.

Cute little guy. Whoa! That's... hmm.

Oh! [hacking / choking]

Operator error, I promise. I just had some cake go down my trachea. Oh! I did the

same thing a couple weeks ago with the GoUltima.

I was drinking some GoUltima beverage, and it just...

I forgot how my throat works or something. And it went down my trachea,

and I coughed. Let that not be a statement about my enjoyment of this cake, because

look at how bready that is. It's very, very sweet, too. I was surprised by how

sweet it was.

That's really, really good. Um... the texture is really, really nice, and the taste is

very lemony. Nice little poppy seeds in there. Boy, I'm a fan of lemon. I'm gonna

check out the Nutrition Facts.

I'm gonna be okay. Don't need to send the medic. Reg. Okay, Lemon Poppyseed:

servings per container: 4. So I just had a serving. 220 calories, 22 grams of fat,

9 saturated fat, one hundred milligrams of cholesterol, 16 milligrams of sodium, 18

total carbohydrates, two dietary fiber, 14 sugar alcohol. So that gets us down to

two net carbs. That's a lot of erythritol. Here are the ingredients. Oh, five grams

of protein. Here are the ingredients: almond flour, egg, unsalted grass-fed

butter, sweetener (which is erythritol, oligosaccharides, and natural flavors)

then lemon extract (which is water, alcohol, and lemon oil), and then poppy

seeds, Hains purefoods baking powder. Sodium free, gluten free vanilla extract

(which has vanilla bean extractives in water and alcohol). Then there's salt,

xanthan gum, stevia extract powder. So that is two net carbs. A lot of total

carbs and a lot of erythritol, but two net carbs. If you're doing the net carb

thing, these are... these are really good. I like the lemon very much. I'm gonna try

the cinnamon bundt cake here. Just gonna read the stuff ahead of time, and give myself

time to prepare know, forgetting how to eat and choking. One cake is the

serving size. 220 calories, 22 grams of fat, 9 saturated fat, 100 milligrams

cholesterol, 60 milligrams sodium, 18 total carbs, two dietary fiber, 14 sugar

alcohols, 5 grams of protein. So very similar macros. They're almost exactly

the same. I think they are exactly the same. The ingredients in the cinnamon:

almond flour, egg, unsalted grass-fed butter, sweetener (which is erythritol,

oligosaccharides, and natural flavors) and then spices, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg,

allspice, and sulfiting agents. Vanilla extract (which is vanilla bean

extractives in water and alcohol), baking powder, (gluten-free) salt, stevia extract,

and xanthan gum. All right. Let's give these guys a try.

I'm gonna do my best to eat like an adult. These are really cool-looking. You

know? You get a nice portion size, there.

Hmm. I very much like these, you guys. Really,

really, bready. Doughey. Muffin-y. Wow.

They might be a touch sweet for me. Again, there's a lot of erythritol in here.

Oh, yeah. Those are fantastic. Okay. Last one! I'm gonna try it. It's their cookie

cake. Let's read the nutrition on these guys first. Serving size: one bar. So eight

servings per container. 210 calories, 21 grams of fat, 7 grams saturated fat, 40

milligrams cholesterol, 105 milligrams sodium, 14 grams of total carbs, 3 dietary fiber,

9 sugar alcohols. So again, we're down to 2 net carbs. 5 grams of protein. Less

sweetener in these. A little bit more fiber. Ingredients: almond flour, grass-fed

butter, pecans, sweetener (which is erythritol, oligosaccharides, and natural

flavors), monk fruit sweetener, egg, frontier maple flavor (which is glycerin,

water, and natural flavors) baking powder (which is gluten-free), vanilla extract

(which is vanilla bean extractives in water and alcohol), then there's cinnamon,

salt, xanthan gum, stevia extract powder. Cool! So all three of these items -- really

pretty clean ingredients. Can't complain there. Here is what the... is

this maple pecan, did I say? Yeah, maple pecan cookie cake looks like. Oh, it

smells fantastic. There's that. Like a little square of goodness. Looks like some

whole pecans in there.

Man. Again, texture is really good. But I think I prefer the texture of the

muffins to these bars. And again, there's a lot of sweetness going on here.

Can't complain. That's incredibly tasty. Really something. Hmm.

Wow. I'm impressed with these three products. Again, these guys have a total

of nine products. I just sampled a third of them. I think that was my dinner. But

they are very sweet. Definitely will scratch that itch if you know,

if you're wanting to have a muffin. A sweet little muffin, or a sweet little

cookie bar. You can do a lot worse than what Low Carb Oven is offering. So check

them out. They're a I'll leave the link in the description

to this video. So that's gonna wrap it up, guys. I hope you enjoyed this video. I

hope you didn't mind me nearly choking to death on a bundt cake.

Maybe I'll remix that in the post-credits sequence, here. But that's

gonna wrap it up for this video. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you have a

fantastic day, and I will see you next time

[remixed hacking]

For more infomation >> Low Carb Oven | Keto-Friendly pastries! | 2g Net Carbs per cake! - Duration: 9:36.


Zagrożenie z kosmosu: planety, planetoidy, komety czyli niebezpieczni sąsiedzi - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Zagrożenie z kosmosu: planety, planetoidy, komety czyli niebezpieczni sąsiedzi - Duration: 11:16.


Cooperation is the Key! - Duration: 1:32.

I'm Captain Brian Kimmins, the Assistant Air Officer for the 13th MEU

and Action Officer for CARAT (Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training) Malaysia 2018.

So it's been pretty interesting working with our Malaysian counterparts over the last couple months,

from starting the planning process and the planning conferences, about four months ago,

seeing this thing all the way through planning and execution, just seeing how they

operate in jungle environments that we're not used to and just seeing some of the different

TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures) that they utilize in these environments.

It's important to conduct this training because it increases the warfighting capabilities

of both the U.S. and our Malaysian counterparts and it allows us to integrate in the maritime

environment and thus strengthening partnerships in the region.

The highlight of the training so far, I think, has been our tactical air control party shoot

where we got to integrate with controllers from the Number Six Squadron of the

Royal Malaysian Air Force, getting them to see how we conduct close air support, see how they

conduct close air support, and see how there are actually a lot of similarities between

how we do that and then getting to see the F-35 deploy ordnance for the first time in

this part of the world was pretty awesome and the Malaysians were really excited to

see that, as well.

For more infomation >> Cooperation is the Key! - Duration: 1:32.



So hello guys, welcome all welcome back to my Channel today, I'm going to be with my friend Auston bridges. Oh

So I'm going to be teaching him French and ivorian slang

He thinks he's so smart and he's always making fun of my accent

I said it right didn't I ?

Good job

Doing something right

So amazing

Yeah, so a little disclaimer he's a boy and he's my friend hence the title so yeah don't get

What are you saying I said bonjour

If you guys like this video, please like share comment and subscribe and also

Activate the little notification bell next to the subscribe button so that you can be notified every time I upload and yeah

Let's get started

So what I'm going to be doing is that I'm gonna be telling him some like French

Sentences and he's going to try to guess

I am going to help him out cause

he is not

I got this

Yeah we'll see okay

So first of all

And you all yeah

you also need to repeat the sentence

I didn't say that

I didn't say that

Okay I am going to do it again. Je

Je suis

suis grand

that's what you said je suis gone



suis grand

That sounded good that did yeah, what do you think that means

It means

I mean

It means

Okay I am gonna give you an example

So I can play basketball

because I am


no tall

Yeah. So what is it?

I can play basketball cause I am tall No

Just leave that first sentence

Okay okay

It's the second part

tall, I am tall

Yeah, yeah that's what it means

No that wasn't

It's je suis

grand . Je suis grand


Yeah I like this one





que moi


No let's go step by step

Let's go step by step Fatim Fatim




que moi

That was a book sentence I don't know that


It's worth it. That was a paragraph

It's worth it though. Fatim


plus intelligente

exactly! que

que moi

All right what do you think that means

You heard my name. I heard your name a bit. She usually talks smack about me

So I have a weird feeling that this saying Fatim is smarter than me


You got that

That's that's

spot on

Yeah you got that right

but yeah

She talks so much smack about me

But I am smarter though

no she is not her gpa is like a 2.3 she is dropping out next semester

yeah you wished

I am smarter than you. No she is not !

I am

He is always

Okay, what's (5+5)

divided by 2, 25

Ouh ouhou

He is playing me what do you mean 5+5

No no no don't delete that, don't delete that part

Y'all see y'all see what happened

comment when y'all see what happened

He is trying to make me look like. Y'all see what happened just comment

comment that's what happened

whatever, whatever

She is really smart though but she messed

Up there

I was doing that on purpose. You messed up. whatever

Okay so

Okay another one

Je suis très


That sounded

like dutch

My god umm


suis très

tres énnervant

You think you're doing

a good job

That means I am doing a good job. That's what it means in french.

I doesn't

It means . It means really nice really nice

I am a really nice person

She is not

Yes I am not.

You gotta say that again je

je suis




Je suis très ennervant. That's the best it's gonna get.

So yeah, that means I am really nice. I'm really nice guys

For the people who speak french please don't tell him


Wait does that mean ok whatever I'l find out

You're not gonna find out


je ne sais pas chanter

That sounded nice

Yeah and it's really nice too

Say it again je



My God , focus



sais pas

chanter, chanter


chanter. yeah je ne sais pas chanter

Ashanty the singer she really good



What do you think that means

It's something to do with

Art like being able to

do some type of art

that Americans are

really known for .I can sing.umm I can rap. It's not

yeah the first one was right but

it's not that it's the opposite

of that opposite of

Singing no, opposite of you

being able to sing

So what do you think that means I can sing really really good it means you can't sing, that's what it means you can't sing. Do you see how she is

picking on me this whole time. Alright okay

He picks on me too. Okay oh, how're you gon' act like you don't pick on me

how're you gon' act like you don't pick on me


See that's that's exactly what I'm talking about

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Anyway, now the next part we're gonna go to the Ivorian slang which is my favorite part.


that's about to be funny

that's about to be


The first one's gonna be mougoupan . That first sounded African

I told you Ivorian slang. Oh Ivorian slang

okay my bad

And it's not an African

There is no a language called African

There is not. I mean there is but

It sounds like from the African Diaspora

Does that make sense ?

Mougoupan yeah mougoupan what do you think that means

Mougoupan that sounded like someone's name

Mougoupan come here. Okay umm

My God you suck

Mougoupan forever

Okay okay

That's not a good thing for you to say

What is mougou. Does that mean something bad?


Oh snap. okay I am ignorant in this so

Yeah very ignorant

Oh my God anyways.

Can you give me an example?

Let's say

you meet a girl

and then you just

like you don't want to be with her

for some time and you do stuff then

you leave

you don't want to be with her

yeah. so you just but then

you leave the side chick?

Not exactly. I sound so bad

It's Okay I am just gonna tell you

It's a quick and run

Oh yeah a quick and a hit and run

that's what it is

It's not is it called a hit and run? Yes it's called a hit an run

We'll do another video of me teaching her English. I already I speak English

Barely. I don't even understand what she is saying right now.

Oh. Okay I do but mougoupan.

I am pretty sure

that's the only thing you're gonna remember.

mougoupan forever

I am pretty sure that's the only thing you're gonna remember

Anyways next

C'est un vanousseur

What? what did you say?



un unnnn


va nou sseur

C'est un vanousseur


What do you think that means

That I'm gonna give you an example to make it easy yes

please . That guy is

over there talking to these girls,

He is just

he is just, he is just what

he is just

If it's me he's just amazing, but I am guessing it's somebody else

Okay that was a bad example. Let me try

something else

This person doesn't know anything about marketing and he's talking to the to those clients he is just stupid no

uneducated no

Knows nothing ignorant

Lying. Lying? Yeah. Hey sometimes you could be right, you know what I mean like talking about something you don't know and you're actually right. I've done that before

You know you try to sound you try to sound smart then you end up being smart

buy trying to sound smart. Does that make sense?

But okay he is lying yeah

yeah he is lying anyways so

vanousseur oubien

vanou means

liars like liar

What is it again

Vanou sseur

Yes vanousseur. Okay Fatima

is vanousseur

She' thinks she's smarter than me so that

makes her a vanousseur

I am smarter than you

Okay oh my Gosh

Go back to the beginning of the video and I'll show you why she kinda screwed up and why I am smarter than her just go back like a few minutes

before this part and you'll see what I am talking about

That was a joke

who doesn't know (5 plus 5)/2

You what is it? It's five

Okay she redeemed herself she redeemed herself. I know it he is just trying to piss me off anyways

So next one




That was better

It means crazy

No it doesn't't

Oh okay

Oh it is slang I forgot

I bet it's something someone can randomly say on the street

You be like the f*ck?

It's like umm let's say we're gossiping

and like we're talking mad trash

about someone

What are we doing to the person

picking on them. making fun of me


Yeah .Y'all have a word for that?

What? And it's literally the same thing

Roast is braiser in french

Like literally and we just

use that. I am about to braise you boy

braise you boy come here

boy. You're too much

So next

Je suis piquée

Je suis piqué. I said it right didn't I?

Je suis piqué. Je suis piqué.

What do you think that means

I spent all of my money today

I am broke

je suis piquée I am broke.

That's what it means

So at the end of all these words

what do you remember? for like one for

French and one from

ivorian slang

Je suis piqué I knew he

was going to remember the last word

Brizzy braiser yeah


one in french

Oh it feels like it was an hour ago.

What about I am tall?

Oh it sounded like I am tall too

Paul Pogba ?

no vivez

Let me , world cup Vivi roll cut I remember that

one right bon okay

it was je suis grand

yeah je suis grand waouh

So you guys can rate him in the

comment down bel ow Give him a 0 ,

10out of 10 , 1, 2 10 out of 10, 3, 4,5,

I don't know. Like just don't be nice

That only makes you deserve a 0

So, I think that's the end

Sweet! Yeah

so guys if you like this, please like share comment and subscribe and if you wanna see him in another video

let me know cuz

He's a pain in the ass



Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.

 Arsenal will face Sporting Lisbon in the group stages of the Europa League while Chelsea have been drawn with PAOK

 The Gunners reached the semi-final of the competition last season and will be hoping to go one better under the management of Europa League specialist Unai Emery, who won the competition three times during his time with Sevilla

 Top seeds in Group E, Arsenal will be confident of qualifiaction but will be notching up the air miles given they are also set to face Azerbaijani side Qarabag and Vorskla Poltava from Ukraine

 Chelsea, meanwhile, who won the competition as recently as 2013, have made a perfect start to the new domestic season under Maurizio Sarri and will be hoping to take their current form into European competition

 The Blues will also meet BATE Borisov of Belarus and Vidi of Hungary but the draw was much less kind on Rangers and Celtic who will face several traditional European heavyweights

Group A  Bayer Leverkusen Ludogorets FC Zurich AEK Larnaca   Group B  FC SalzburgCeltic RB Leipzig Rosenborg   Group C  Zenit FC Copenhagen Bordeaux Slavia Prague   Group D  Anderlecht Fenerbahce Dinamo Zagreb Spartak Trnava   Group E  ArsenalSporting Lisbon Qarabag Vorskla Poltava   Group F  Olympiacos AC Milan Real Betis Dudelange   Group G  Villarreal Rapid Vienna Spartak MoscowRangers Group H  Lazio Marseille Eintracht Frankfurt Apollon   Group I  Besiktas Genk Malmo Sarpsborg   Group J  Sevilla FC Krasnodar Standard Liege Akhisar Belediyespor   Group K  Dynamo Kiev FC Astana Rennes Jablonec   Group L  Chelsea PAOK FC BATE Borisov Vidi  

For more infomation >> Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.


Prussian Blue - Victory Day (paroles sous-titrées en français) - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Prussian Blue - Victory Day (paroles sous-titrées en français) - Duration: 4:14.


Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.

For more infomation >> Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.


Marine Le Pen a dû élever ses enfants « en partie seule » selon sa mère - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Marine Le Pen a dû élever ses enfants « en partie seule » selon sa mère - Duration: 4:50.


SIG Sauer P320 M17 in 9mm: civilian version of the US Army service pistol at the SIG Sauer Academy - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> SIG Sauer P320 M17 in 9mm: civilian version of the US Army service pistol at the SIG Sauer Academy - Duration: 1:00.


Jungkook Est Amoureux De Toi Partie.2 : Imagine ♡ - Duration: 4:11.

the dialogues are fake everything is invented keep in mind good video

Jungkook : I send you this video

Jungkook : To say that I want to talk with you

Jungkook : Really

Jungkook : Face to face will be better

Jungkook : Don't worry

Jungkook : I just want to put things in order

Jungkook: I hope I do not scare you

Hoseok: He's so quiet

Hoseok: You have to smile

Hoseok: Too quiet, something must happen with Y/N

Namjoon: Prepare yourself Y/N

Jungkook : I wanted to ask you

Jungkook: If you have feelings for me

Jungkook: More than friendship

You : Jungkook, you-

Jungkook : I want to be with you

Jungkook: I want to be someone for you

Jungkook: You're so important to me

You: Should we be together ?

Jungkook : We should, yes...

Jungkook : I really want to take you in my arms

Jungkook: I promise to love you as much as possible

Jungkook: And take care of yourself

Jungkook : I don't want to lose you

Jungkook: I received a lot of questions asking me if I was in a relationship

Jungkook: Yes, I am and I ask you to support us, thank you very much

Jungkook: Today was our last performance

Jungkook: I want to thank my girlfriend for supporting me

Jungkook: ARMYs, the members, the staff thank you very much

cute end hehe I loved doing it

I'm posting this video on Jungkook's birthday then: JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE JUNGKOOK

I invite you to subscribe, like, share and comment

Can we reach the 1000 subscribers on November 8th on my birthday? maybe, maybe

I leave you and and have a great back to school

For more infomation >> Jungkook Est Amoureux De Toi Partie.2 : Imagine ♡ - Duration: 4:11.


Can I File Bankruptcy After Transferring Property Into An Asset Protection Trust? - Duration: 1:50.

Not long ago, I set up an asset protection trust in Nevada, and I transferred some pretty

valuable assets into that asset protection trust.

Can I just go ahead and file bankruptcy now?

My name is Ron Drescher.

I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania

and Virginia, and I would say do not file bankruptcy now, because under the bankruptcy

code, the Chapter 7 trustee can look back 10 years and see if you deposited assets in

what's called a self-settled trust, and basically, that's an asset protection trust, where you

take an asset and you put it into this trust, and you remain a beneficiary of the trust,

and you did it really because you wanted to keep those assets out of the hands of your


That's no good.

You're going to have to wait 10 years from the day you transferred those assets until

you can file bankruptcy, so if that's what you're plan is, be very careful and be aware

of that 10‑year period.

My name is Ron Drescher.

I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania

and Virginia, and if you're considering setting up an asset protection trust as part of a

bankruptcy strategy, please pick up the phone and call me.

I would love to hear from you.

For more infomation >> Can I File Bankruptcy After Transferring Property Into An Asset Protection Trust? - Duration: 1:50.


Qui est Franck Chauffroy, le père des enfants de Marine Le Pen - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Qui est Franck Chauffroy, le père des enfants de Marine Le Pen - Duration: 5:13.


Author Rights: Copyright in Open Education #2 - Duration: 3:38.

Hello, everyone!

As I mentioned in my first video on this topic, copyright is an incredibly important issue

in Open Education.

So in this video, we're going to take a look at Author Rights.

But first, a disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

If you do need official legal advice, talk to a lawyer or your copyright office on campus.

Copyright law is meant to protect an author's intellectual property rights:

their rights over how their creations are used.

Specifically, copyright law gives you control over how your work is

displayed, reproduced, distributed, adapted, or performed.

However, for many authors of educational content, especially those who have previously

published content, getting these rights for their users is not easy.

This is because, under most traditional publication contracts, all of an author's copyright

control is transferred to their publisher.

So, what can you do about that?

We'll start with what you can do before you publish.

Your first option for keeping copyright control over your work is to publish your work openly

from the beginning.

Whether you publish with a large-scale Open Access publisher like Open Book Publishers,

your university press, or independently through a tool like OER Commons' Open Author,

making your work open from the start is the easiest way to make sure that

you keep the rights and that your work is as open as you want it to be.

But be sure to read your contract carefully, no matter who you're publishing with!

Some Open Access publishers require you to assign a specific license to your work which

may be more or less restrictive that you want it to be.

Look into their policies before choosing the first open publisher you see, and check out

a video on open licensing for some more information.

Your second option for keeping your copyright is to negotiate with your publisher

for the rights you want to keep, often through the use of

an addendum to your contract before you sign.

Adding an addendum can be scary at first, but you don't have to do it all yourself.

SPARC and other groups have created excellent stock addenda you can use

in your publishing contracts to outline the rights you'd like to keep.

Look at your options and customize the text to fit your needs,

but be sure to run the text by a copyright official to be sure that

any alterations you made to the addendum fit in.

And keep a copy of your contract on file!

Publishers sometimes update their policies

and then attempt to make authors abide by their new terms.

If you've altered your contract in any way, having a copy available will make conversations

with your publisher easier in the future.

Speaking of which…

After you've published your work, you do still have some options for getting your copyright back.

One way is through the use of a rights reversion clause or termination clause in your contract.

Rights reversion clauses allow authors to get their copyright returned after a certain number of years,

if their book goes out of print, or if their publisher never actually publishes their work (it happens!).

An example of a rights reversion clause is shown on this page.

If you don't see any clauses like this one in your contract (and remember, the wording

may not be exactly the same), you may still be able to terminate your contract and retrieve your copyright.

If you can't find anything explicit in your publishing contract, you do have one final

option: talk to your publisher.

Publishers have a vested interest in keeping authors happy,

so depending on who you're working with, they may be willing to negotiate with you.

If your textbook or other published resource is now out of print, you will have better

leverage for getting your rights back.

Some publishers might require you to change the name of the open version of your work

to avoid any confusion between the two, but it can work out.

Talk to your publisher before you give up completely, and remember,

there's always an option out there for you to consider.

Thanks for watching!

Remember, I'm a librarian, not a lawyer.

If there's something I missed, please feel free to comment and let me know, and join

in the conversation if you'd like to see more content like this in the future!

For more infomation >> Author Rights: Copyright in Open Education #2 - Duration: 3:38.


Zagrożenie z kosmosu: planety, planetoidy, komety czyli niebezpieczni sąsiedzi - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Zagrożenie z kosmosu: planety, planetoidy, komety czyli niebezpieczni sąsiedzi - Duration: 11:16.


(2018) Nintendo Labo Drive Kit (English captions available) - Duration: 0:31.

Car, Airplane, Submarine

Nintendo Labo Drive Kit

For more infomation >> (2018) Nintendo Labo Drive Kit (English captions available) - Duration: 0:31.


Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.

 Arsenal will face Sporting Lisbon in the group stages of the Europa League while Chelsea have been drawn with PAOK

 The Gunners reached the semi-final of the competition last season and will be hoping to go one better under the management of Europa League specialist Unai Emery, who won the competition three times during his time with Sevilla

 Top seeds in Group E, Arsenal will be confident of qualifiaction but will be notching up the air miles given they are also set to face Azerbaijani side Qarabag and Vorskla Poltava from Ukraine

 Chelsea, meanwhile, who won the competition as recently as 2013, have made a perfect start to the new domestic season under Maurizio Sarri and will be hoping to take their current form into European competition

 The Blues will also meet BATE Borisov of Belarus and Vidi of Hungary but the draw was much less kind on Rangers and Celtic who will face several traditional European heavyweights

Group A  Bayer Leverkusen Ludogorets FC Zurich AEK Larnaca   Group B  FC SalzburgCeltic RB Leipzig Rosenborg   Group C  Zenit FC Copenhagen Bordeaux Slavia Prague   Group D  Anderlecht Fenerbahce Dinamo Zagreb Spartak Trnava   Group E  ArsenalSporting Lisbon Qarabag Vorskla Poltava   Group F  Olympiacos AC Milan Real Betis Dudelange   Group G  Villarreal Rapid Vienna Spartak MoscowRangers Group H  Lazio Marseille Eintracht Frankfurt Apollon   Group I  Besiktas Genk Malmo Sarpsborg   Group J  Sevilla FC Krasnodar Standard Liege Akhisar Belediyespor   Group K  Dynamo Kiev FC Astana Rennes Jablonec   Group L  Chelsea PAOK FC BATE Borisov Vidi  

For more infomation >> Arsenal to face Sporting Lisbon and Chelsea draw PAOK FC in Europa League group stage - Duration: 2:04.


Food4Health Manifesto: Vandana Shiva, founder of Navdanya RFSTE - Duration: 4:39.

We've had a century of the deployment of toxic chemicals

first for warfare, first for killing

and these were turned into agrochemicals and agrotoxins

and we are made to believe that without the chemicals there can be no food.

This was central to food security.

An entire colonization of the earth, agriculture and our bodies

has taken place over the century.

We are now finding out that there has been a cost to the planet:

75% of the soils, the biodiversity, the water

has been destroyed by this chemical based, fossil fuels based system of agriculture.

50% of greenhouse gases and climate instability come from this.

75% of the new emerging chronic diseases,

which are of our times, and they are for a lifetime

the cancers, the autism, the infertility.

Every one of these aspects of the health epidemic and health emergency

is related to the toxics in our food.

We want to call attention to this health emergency.

The top experts, who have been caring for people's health

and caring for independent science and true knowledge

of the interconnections between the environment, how we grow our food,

what we eat, and our health,

including our gut microbiome with trillions of microbes,

that create miraculous transformations of what we eat.

If we eat good food those transformations make health

of our mind, our brain, our neurosystems,

and that's why our gut has been called the second brain.

And on the other hand, when we eat bad food,

there is an attack on the earth, it's a war against the earth,

there's an attack on the bees, there's an attack on the soil organisms,

there's an attack on the land, and desertification which the UN is realizing

is a major reason for driving people out of their homes.

Industrial agriculture, non-sustainable farming systems,

and the refugees crisis too has its roots in this not non sustainable model.

It's damaging the gut, beneficial bacteria are dying, they cannot do their work.

Every chronic disease can be traced back to the toxins,

as well as the deficiencies related to nutritionally empty food.

We've had the illusion, created through all the control on science, the media, through our lives,

to believe that commodities production in the hands of agribusiness

and the poison cartel is good to feed us.

We now know that's not food, it's a disease creating mechanism.

So, we would like to have the forces working for sustainable agriculture, agroecology,

regenerative farming, local foods systems

join hands with the public health people, the cancer experts,

the cardiac surgery experts, experts working on endocrine disruption, experts working on infertility;

have all of these come in one systems knowledge

of how do we create a healthy planet for life for all beings,

and a healthy community and a healthy society, where our health is maintained;

and of how do we see the links that are broken by chemical farming

and the links that can be established.

There is one health, because there is one planet,

because there's one humanity. We are one.

And that health of this interconnectedness is what this Manifesto is seeking.

From tapping the best of science, the best of experience in alternatives

and a vision for a future in a time when having visions is proving to be more and more difficult.

We can't give up the future to those who have committed ecocide and genocide for a century.

The future we'll only be cultivated through love, care, knowledge,

democracy, sovereignty, solidarity, cooperation.

That's what this Manifesto seeks to nurture.

For more infomation >> Food4Health Manifesto: Vandana Shiva, founder of Navdanya RFSTE - Duration: 4:39.


Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.

For more infomation >> Fenerbahçe nin ve Besiktaş ın Uefa Avrupa Ligi ndeki Rakiplerini Uğur Karakullukçu Değerlendirdi. - Duration: 15:57.


How to grow mango at home - (Part 1) - Duration: 4:57.

How to grow mango from a bone?

(part 1)

"Correct Bone Seed"

Before opening the stone, wash it from the pulp and dry it!

Carefully cut the skin in the flat part bones, that would not damage the core itself!

As a rule I take on board a few bones, that would observe the difference in their future development

Pour into the jar solution root stimulant "Kornevin"

We lower the bones in a solution of "Kornevin" for several hours

We smear ossicles with ground charcoal or activated from the pharmacy, that would not have formed a mold on the core bone

How to prepare a container for bone planting, watch a separate video on our channel!

We place a stone on the surface of the soil, thickened side in the center of the container!

How to prepare a universal ground mixture, watch in a separate video on our channel!

If the stone is visible after watering, pour a little ground mixture into that place!

What would create a wet microclimate inside we use for this stretch film!

For small ventilation, make holes in the stretch film!

Do not put ready-made containers, in a hot period on open sun, east window will be best!

Detailed information can be found in the description of this video! Put "Like" and subscribe to our video channel ;-)

To be continued...

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