Thursday, September 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Sep 28 2018

hello viewers welcome to dr. Shannon today dr. shilagh sugar gates with us

vascular specialist hello Doctor doctor can you describe us what are

fibroids so you might have heard like a lot of females in the age of twenty to

forty they suffer from this difficulty in menstruation pain during the time of

mention and accessibility so the most common cause for the pain and all what

we see in the young patients is fibroids fibroids are nothing but they are the

non-cancerous they are not the cancer just a benign growth of the muscles of

the uterus so they can grow in any part right from the the funders the main body

and sometimes even the cervix so they are just the extra growth benign tumor

we can call it benign tumor of the muscles of the fiber uterus that is

called fibroids and they are can all be also be called myomas of the uterus so

they are non cancerous so nothing to worry that there is very less

possibility rare very rare possibly that they can convert into fibers but most

patients they go under treatment only because of the pressure symptoms of

fibroid because of the excess bleeding or pain or difficulty in the urination

or the bowel habits so those are the main reason doctor are there any times

basically the types are actually classified they are only because

depending upon their location where they are exactly located where they're there

towards the inner lining of the uterus or within the muscle exactly or towards

the outer wall of the vessel so the inner is called the submucosal the

middle in the center they are called the intramuscular and towards the surface

that is subsea Roesel and depending upon the location they also cause the

different symptoms or the presentation to the to the patients so suppose if

they are located towards the inner lining then they can be excessive

bleeding or pain during the mensuration so these are the symptoms if they're

intramuscular then again the pain and excess of bleeding because of the

improper contact ility of the uterus during the time of menses and if they're

sub-zero's are bent towards the surface they can can cause more of the pressure

symptoms they might be pressing that you are the

urinary bladder that as well or the rectum so they can have the problem with

the the difficulty in the urination or excess of urination or the the patient

won't be able to pass the urine properly or with the motions so depending upon

the nation's locations they can cause the different symptoms in the patients

as well doctor what are the diagnostic methods the symptoms will tell you and

depending and the age of the patient but the most common investigation what we do

is the ultrasound of the pelvis to see whether it's Parab domain or through the

internal scanning that is transverse angle so that you will get a good idea

about all the fibroids where they are located what is the size and all those

things about the fibroids so ultrasound is is the the first line investigations

for the fibroids but you can sometimes if there is difficulty or exactly you

know we can do the higher investigations will when we have some doubt I take MRA

of the pelvis and internal examination MRA of the pelvis this can be done but

usually the ultrasound will give you most of the information doctor what are

the treatment options are for it so basically what the treatment options

right from the olden days what we know is anything like in the fibroid once and

you just most of the patients what our advice is the hysterectomy this is

removal of the uterus and it will solve all the problem that is not the solution

like suppose a young patient who is not married

or who is in a childbearing age you want to have children's you can't remove the

uterus which you should ask you always ask your gynecologist what are the

alternatives so there are definitely the alternatives for the fibroids that is

uterine artery embolization so this you train in uterine fibroid embolization or

our train polarization what we do will go and cut the blood supply to the

fibroids so you are you are only tackling the fibroids you are not

removing the uterus he here and it's a very simple safe effective procedure

it's a day care procedure where you can go through through tiny opening in the

groin and go to the blood supply the artery which is supplying the fibroids

and block that attic so you are cutting off the blood supply to the fibroid so

that way the fibroid will die and slowly shrink in size and you are in that way

you are tackling the fibroid not remove the uterus so you can preserve the

uterus so any patient they just do anyone who don't want to remove the

normal uterus or normally organ when there is only problem at the localized

that is fibroids don't want to remove the whole fibroid just whole uterus just

because of the fibroids so these are option is very effective and this

treatment we are doing and it is one of the frontline treatment in the u.s. so

but the awareness about the uterine fibroid embolization in the indian

population is very less because of the unavailability of the such doctors also

performing this uterine fibroid and even the patient's awareness among the

patients is also very less for the uterine fibroid embolization thanks for

the useful information doctor thank you I hope you found this video useful so

don't forget to Like share subscribe to our channel for more info visit our

channel thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Can Uterine Fibroids Cause Irregular Periods | Dr. G. Shailesh Kumar - Consultant Endovascular - Duration: 5:40.


Glass Jar Hanging Planter | Reuse Jar Planter Ideas | Best out of Waste Planter Ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:06.

welcome to my channel

in this video i'm going to make a hanging planter with used and wasted materials

old and dead wood pieces, mason jars and coir rope

now i'm making the holder for planter using wood

drilling a hole in center of this wood piece

it's a metal cap of the glass jar and make a hole in this


making holes on the corners of this wood piece for hanging

now i'm doing the same process in another wood piece




fitting the bottle cap in the wood using washers and screws

inserting the thin twisted coir rope the the hanging holes

next attach the glass jar with its cap


planter is ready

filling water in the jar and i just use a small funnel to fill the water


place the plants in these hanging planters

now i'm growing in this planter spider plant and wandering jew plants

these plants are growing well in water so i just keep in this planters

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Glass Jar Hanging Planter | Reuse Jar Planter Ideas | Best out of Waste Planter Ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:06.


ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត ចង្វាក់ ឆាឆា ទ្វីស បូឡេរ៉ូ - Noy Vanneth Cha Cha Twiss Bolero - Duration: 52:31.

Noy Vanneth Cha Cha Twiss Bolero

For more infomation >> ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត ចង្វាក់ ឆាឆា ទ្វីស បូឡេរ៉ូ - Noy Vanneth Cha Cha Twiss Bolero - Duration: 52:31.


【球界ここだけの話(1406)】引退するDeNA・加賀が2軍でラスト登板へ 忘れられない万永2軍監督の言葉 - Duration: 2:49.

  今季限りで現役を引退するDeNAのG 藤武敏内野手(38)と加賀繁投手(33) ファーム最終戦となる30日のヤクルト戦( 須賀)に出場するという

両選手とも1軍で引退セレモニーを行ったが 2軍の仲間ともプレーをしたい思いが強かっ

  「できることなら試合に出たい、と。で 若い選手の試合経験の場でもあるので、僕に を使わずにチームの強化を優先してください 伝えています」

後藤が笑顔をみせた。加賀も2軍の万永監督 計らいによってラスト登板が実現する。   1軍で引退セレモニーがあるのかもしれない ど、俺の前でも投げてくれ」  心温まる言 に加賀は「すごくうれしかったです」と優し ほほえんだ

さらに万永監督は「お前が投げても、俺が泣 て涙で見えないかもしれない。サングラスを けて隠すけど」と付け加えた

  加賀は9月上旬に引退を決意し、球団側 伝えた。シーズンが終われば選手としての生 は終わる

それでも最低限の練習ではなく、インナーマ スルを鍛えるような"地味"なトレーニング 黙々とこなしていた

  「練習メニューですからね。(引退を理 に)やらない人もいるけど、それは違うと思

若いヤツらにも『引退するから練習をやらな なった』といわれたくない。自分がちゃんと る姿を見て、何かを感じてくれたうれしいん すけどね」  決して手を抜くことなく汗を す姿は、2軍で練習に励む若手への無言のメ セージだ

その裏には2軍への特別な思いもある。加賀 、シーズン前の最初のミーティングで万永監 からの言葉が忘れられないという

  「1軍でプレーするチャンスを与えるこ はできる。でも、そこから(ポジションを) かめるかどうかは自分次第

駄目だったら、もうチャンスはない。ファー はそういうところだ」  厳しいようにも聞 えるが、苦労してチャンスをものにした選手 けが華やかな場所に立てるのがプロの世界だ

「あの言葉は今でも残っていますよ」。ラス 登板を今季のほとんどを過ごした2軍で迎え

  捕手の戸柱も「30日は僕に受けさせて ださい」と加賀に"直訴"したという。仲間 らもファンからも愛された男が最後の雄姿を せる


For more infomation >> 【球界ここだけの話(1406)】引退するDeNA・加賀が2軍でラスト登板へ 忘れられない万永2軍監督の言葉 - Duration: 2:49.


ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត ចង្វាក់ ឆាឆា ទ្វីស បូឡេរ៉ូ - Noy Vanneth Cha Cha Twiss Bolero - Duration: 52:31.

Noy Vanneth Cha Cha Twiss Bolero

For more infomation >> ណូយ វ៉ាន់ណេត ចង្វាក់ ឆាឆា ទ្វីស បូឡេរ៉ូ - Noy Vanneth Cha Cha Twiss Bolero - Duration: 52:31.


Constitutional isomers of C5H12O | Alcohol & Ether - Dr K - Duration: 4:45.

The question is asking to draw all constitutional isomers for C5H12O.

Since this chemical formula fits in the general formula of CnH2n+2O,

that means C5H12O can be an alcohol with a OH group or an ether

which has an oxygen sandwiched between two carbons. We're going to use a

systematic way to draw out all the isomers that way we won't be drawing

randomly and miss out any structures. Let's start by drawing a five carbon

chain alcohol meaning five carbons connected straight in a row and then we

place a OH at the first carbon that will give us our first structure. We can

then move the OH group to the second carbon like this and then we move again

to the third carbon and that will give us our third structure. Now if we move

OH to the fourth and the fifth carbon will essentially get back the first two

structures that we have already drawn, so, that's all for the five carbon chain.

Moving on to four carbon chain alcohol we draw four carbons straight in a row

and then we place that extra carbon left, fifth carbon on carbon number two. Let's

start by placing OH on the first carbon like this and then working with

the same four carbon chain we're gonna move the OH to the second carbon like

that and then if we move it to the third carbon it will also give us another

isomer so we're gonna keep that and lastly if we move the OH to the fourth

carbon like that. It will give us yet another isomer so we're gonna keep all

of this and it looks like we have exhausted all the possibilities for the

four carbon chain, so that's all that we have. Now can we move on to three carbon

chain. Yeah, looks like it's possible so if we place three carbon straight in a

row the only way we can place the extra two carbons would be on carbon number

two. If we place them on the first carbon or the third carbon we'll just end up

drawing the structures that we have already drawn, so there's only one way to

add the OH group, placing it on one of the carbons. So we've exhausted the

three carbon chain. Do you see how we drew the alcohols in a systematic way?

We started with five carbon chain so we drew five carbon straight in a row and

now we start moving the OH carbon number one all the way to carbon

number three and then we exhausted all the possibilities. Then we move on to

four carbon chain so we have four carbon chain with the fifth carbon sticking on

carbon number two so we keep that structure and then we stick OH on

carbon number one and then we keep moving it until we exhausted all

possibilities and then we move on to three carbon chain. Since it's impossible

to have two carbon chain with five carbons so we stop that at three carbon

chain. Here are the eight alcohols we have drawn. Let's move on to draw ethers.

Start with one carbon before oxygen then we place the remaining four carbons like

this so we have C O and then four carbons. Now keeping this one carbon before

oxygen let's try out to see if we can shorten the four carbons at the end.

We'll draw in a different way like this CO and then three carbons and then we

stick the extra carbon on carbon number one. So that's an isomer. Now if we

move that extra carbon to the second carbon we will actually get a different

isomer. Now looks like we are done with this set. So let's explore placing two

carbons before oxygen and so that means we have three carbons after that, so we

have two carbons before oxygen and three carbons after the oxygen, that's one way

of drawing it. Repeating the same thing that we did with the previous set let's

shorten the carbon chain of the oxygen let's make it two carbon and place that

extra carbon like this.

Since there's no other way we can shorten the chain at the back we are

pretty much done with this set. Do we need to draw three carbons before oxygen

followed by two carbons like meaning CCOCC? Nope.

Because that would give us the same structure that we have already drawn, so

that's all the ethers we can draw for C5H12O. Here's how they look like

completed with hydrogens. We have a total of 5 ethers for C5H12O combine

with the 8 alcohols that we have drawn, C5H12O has a total of 13 isomers.

I hope you find the video helpful. Do subscribe.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Constitutional isomers of C5H12O | Alcohol & Ether - Dr K - Duration: 4:45.


WTO downgrades growth forecast amid U.S.-China trade war - Duration: 0:39.

The World Trade Organization says world trade growth is likely to be slower than previously

thought in 2018 and 2019.... amid the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China.

According to the latest forecast by the WTO,... the world trade in goods will grow by three-point-nine

percent this year,... less than the four-point-four percent it forecast in April.

Trade growth of three-point-seven percent is expected for 2019,... down from its previous

forecast of 4-percent.

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo (Az-eh-vay-do) says while trade growth remains strong,...

the downgrade reflects the heightened tensions between the U.S. and China.

For more infomation >> WTO downgrades growth forecast amid U.S.-China trade war - Duration: 0:39.


Korea judo team rebuilds their pride... 2nd place in overall ranking - Duration: 0:45.

The South Korea judo team has rebuilt its pride by finishing in second place at the

2018 Judo World Championships.

South Korea won two gold medals and one bronze medal at the world championships in Baku,

Azerbaijan, to finish in second place, just behind Japan.

The results represent a comeback after South Korea previously failed to win any gold medals

at the 2016 Rio Olympics and the 2017 Judo World Championships.

South Korea also entered a unified judo team with North Korea for the first time, and won

a historic bronze medal against Germany in the mixed team tournament.

The good results have led to suggestions that the unified Korea team could compete at the

2020 Tokyo Olympics.

For more infomation >> Korea judo team rebuilds their pride... 2nd place in overall ranking - Duration: 0:45.


North Korea should use Yeongbyeon nuclear complex for civilian use: Hecker - Duration: 2:10.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... at last week's inter-Korean summit in Pyeongyang,...

announced some concrete denuclearization measures, including a conditional shutdown of the regime's

main nuclear complex.

But a renowned nuclear scientist, who is very familiar with the North's nuclear programs,...

has some different views on what to do with the complex.

Our Park Hee-jun reports.

Doctor Siegfried Hecker, an American nuclear scientist,... says North Korea's conditional

shutdown of its Yeongbyeon Nuclear Complex would be a very positive sign that demonstrates

its willingness to denuclearize.

Hecker made the remarks on Thursday during a special lecture hosted by the Yonsei Institute

for North Korean Studies.

He's visited the complex four times.

And from what he's seen first-hand,... it's functional with some relatively new facilities,

which makes it quite a big concession.

"If North Korea actually follows through with shutting down,... and they said dismantle…

that's a very big deal.

That would be a huge step of showing that North Korea is actually serious about rolling

back its nuclear program."

But he has doubts on whether North Korea will ever give it up.

Hecker notes how the complex was an enormous investment for the regime,... both in terms

of money and pride.

Instead, he suggests allowing the North to maintain it partially,... and convert it from

military use to civilian purposes and space programs.

"In my opinion, the risk of letting them keep some of the civilian nuclear facility is worth

the potential benefit by working jointly with them in those facilities.

And it would be the best chance in eventual verification."

According to Hecker's ten-year framework,... that needs to be achieved through a long process

of negotiations that encourages North Korea to make such concrete steps.

Under the phased approach,... North Korea will be convinced to demilitarize its Yeongbyeon


And ultimately,... Hecker says that will turn nuclear weapons from a "treasured sword" to

an "unnecessary burden" that North Korea can let go.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea should use Yeongbyeon nuclear complex for civilian use: Hecker - Duration: 2:10.


South Korea's biggest shopping extravaganza 'Korea Sale Festa' kicks off - Duration: 0:37.

If you're watching us in Korea, it might be time to grab your credit card to pick up some

mega bargains.

That's because the nation's biggest shopping tourism festival "Korea Sale Festa" is now


The massive shopping event, into its third year, offers shoppers a variety of promotions

and cultural events, providing a wide selection of products at bargain basement prices.

More than 230 companies are taking part this year, including department stores, online

stores and traditional markets.

Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, this year's "Korea Sale Festa"

will run through October 7th.

For more infomation >> South Korea's biggest shopping extravaganza 'Korea Sale Festa' kicks off - Duration: 0:37.


Breezy afternoon under partly sunny skies _ 092818 - Duration: 1:47.

Good afternoon.

The big gaps in the temperature readings will continue this Friday, daily highs will be

slightly lower than Thursday with more clouds over the peninsula.

The autumn breeze will keep bringing crisp air...

Seoul and Daegu will see highs of 23 degrees Celsius.

The big temperature fluctuations will persist with mostly sunny skies over the peninsula

for the time being.

And soon, the whole nation will be painted with the beautiful colors of autumn leaves.

Here in Korea, the northeast regions will see the first autumn colors, before the changes

gradually spread southwest.

Those of us in Seoul will need to wait for two weeks or so to see the autumn foliage.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.

For more infomation >> Breezy afternoon under partly sunny skies _ 092818 - Duration: 1:47.


Original computer Apple-1 invented by Steve Jobs auctioned for US$ 375 thousand - Duration: 0:39.

An original "Apple-1" computer designed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in the 1970s

was sold at auction for 375 thousand U.S. dollars.

According to IT media outlet CNet on Thursday, the model was traded at over 562 times the

original price it sold for in the mid-1970s.

The rare computer was restored to working condition before the auction.

Only 200 units of the computer were ever produced, and currently less than 70 of the original

Apple computers remain.

One such model was sold for 750 thousand dollars in a previous auction.

For more infomation >> Original computer Apple-1 invented by Steve Jobs auctioned for US$ 375 thousand - Duration: 0:39.


South Korea's defense minister Jeong Kyeong-doo holds first phone call with U.S. counterpart - Duration: 0:45.

South Korea's new defense minister held his first phone call with his American counterpart

James Mattis on Thursday evening, Korea Time.

Seoul's Ministry of National Defense says Mattis congratulated Jeong Kyeong-doo on his

new role... and thanked him for his previous leadership as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

of Staff.

Jeong and Mattis also discussed ways of mutual cooperation in order to facilitate denuclearization

and peace on the Korean peninsula.

The two agreed the allies' close cooperation is needed more than ever in the changing security

situations,... vowing to continue to further develop the South Korea-U.S. alliance.

They also agreed to closely communicate in implementing the recently-signed inter-Korean

military agreement.

For more infomation >> South Korea's defense minister Jeong Kyeong-doo holds first phone call with U.S. counterpart - Duration: 0:45.


64 sets of S. Korean soldiers' remains come home - Duration: 0:43.

The United States has returned 64 sets of South Korean soldiers' remains to their homeland.

The U.S. Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency handed over the remains of the fallen heroes

to South Korean representatives at the send-off ceremony on Thursday local time in Hawaii.

The remains were found during the joint discovery operations in North Korea from 1996 to 2005,...

and were identified as South Korean nationals through a joint forensic review.

The DPAA said it is the largest transfer of war remains between the two allies.

The repatriation ceremony is set to take place at Seoul Air Base on October 1st,... which

will mark the 70th Armed Forces Day in South Korea.

For more infomation >> 64 sets of S. Korean soldiers' remains come home - Duration: 0:43.


Second meeting to take place between South and North Korean heads of joint liaison office - Duration: 0:43.

The inter-Korean joint liaison office is up and running -- and the South and North Korean

heads are to sit down for their second meeting today.

They are expected to focus on holding a joint event in the North Korean capital next week

to celebrate the 11th anniversary of their 2007 summit agreement, dubbed the October

4th Declaration.

They are also expected to discuss follow-up measures on last week's inter-Korean summit...

and schedules for the next high-level talks.

The two Koreas opened their joint liaison office two weeks ago in the Gaeseong Industrial

Complex, a factory park they ran together until early 2016.

The office increases direct communication between Seoul and Pyeongyang, with their officials

staying there 24/7.

For more infomation >> Second meeting to take place between South and North Korean heads of joint liaison office - Duration: 0:43.


South Korea's first arrival duty-free shops will be set up at Incheon Int'l Airport next year - Duration: 1:22.

Some good news for duty-free shoppers in Korea.

The South Korean government has announced new plans to allow duty-free shops at arrival

terminals from as early as June next year.

Our Kim Mok-yeon has this report.

After 15 years of negotiations, the South Korean government has finally allowed duty-free

shops to be installed at arrival terminals at Incheon International Airport.

With the latest decision, passengers taking international flights will now be able to

shop for duty-free items at the airport on arrival in Korea, rather than having to shop

before departure and carry the items with them throughout their journey.

The nation's finance minister said that the move will also give a boost to domestic consumption

as well as create more jobs.

"We seek to create more jobs by creating a new market for new demand."

To prevent controversy from large conglomerates benefiting from the decision, only small and

medium-sized firms will be allowed to operate in the new duty-free area.

Cigarettes, fruits and processed livestock products will not be sold.

The duty-free shops will be introduced at Incheon International Airport as early as

June next year,... and will gradually be rolled out at other airports around the country.

As of today, some 149 airports in 73 countries around the world have duty-free shops in the

arrivals section of the airport.

Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea's first arrival duty-free shops will be set up at Incheon Int'l Airport next year - Duration: 1:22.


New regulations prohibiting riding bicycle when drunk, enforcing mandatory use - Duration: 1:32.

New regulations designed to help make South Korea's roads safer come into effect today.

Car passengers in the back seats will be legally required to fasten their seatbelts... and

there are going to be penalties for people biking while under the influence of alcohol.

Seo Bo-bin reports.

Starting Friday, people will be penalized if caught riding a bicycle while drunk.

According to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, under the revised Road Traffic

Act, people riding bicycles while intoxicated will have to pay a fine of 30 US dollars.

There was previously a clause prohibiting cycling while drunk, but it wasn't enforced.

The new regulations will be effective not only on public roads but also on bicycle paths

such as those alongside the Han River.

It is also mandatory to wear a safety helmet when riding a bicycle, although no punishment

will be imposed when a helmet is not used.

Another regulation being enforced is the mandatory use of seatbelts for all seats in vehicles

on the road and on highways.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, if people involved in traffic

accidents aren't wearing a seatbelt, the chances of death are 2-point-8 times higher for those

in the front seat and 3-point-7 times higher for those in the back seat.

The new regulations aim to reduce the number of deaths from traffic accidents by half by


Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> New regulations prohibiting riding bicycle when drunk, enforcing mandatory use - Duration: 1:32.


U.S. Supreme Court nominee angrily denies allegations of sexual assault - Duration: 1:09.

U.S. President Donald Trump's pick for the U.S. Supreme Court has angrily and tearfully

denied allegations of sexual assault.

Brett Kavanaugh said the claims made by university professor Christine Blasey Ford were false,

adding his confirmation process had become a "national disgrace".

"This whole two week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with

apparent pent up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election…...

This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade confident and good people of

all political persuasions from serving our country….."

Ford testified during Thursday's hearing that she was "100 percent" certain that Kavanaugh

was the one who sexually assaulted her during high school.

Kavanaugh was careful not to denounce Ford, saying he didn't doubt the professor may have

been sexually assaulted by someone in some place at some time, but he insisted he had

never assaulted her or anyone.

For more infomation >> U.S. Supreme Court nominee angrily denies allegations of sexual assault - Duration: 1:09.


Consumer sentiment rebounds for first time in four months in September - Duration: 1:37.

It appears consumers in South Korea are more willing to open their wallets than they have

in recent months.

A new report says that, while unemployment remains a pressing issue,... the majority

of consumers think the economy is on the recovery path.

Kim Ji-yeon reports.

South Korea's consumer sentiment rebounded for the first time in four months in September.

Data released by the Bank of Korea on Friday shows its composite consumer sentiment index

rose two-and-a-half points to 101-point-seven,... recovering from a dip last month when it fell

below the 100-level mainly due to grim unemployment figures released earlier this year.

A reading above 100 means there are more optimists than pessimists about the economy.

An official from the central bank attributed the rise to robust exports, an upbeat stock

market and a slowdown in price increases of food and other livelihood expenses.

The official added that data suggests consumers think the worst is over as the government

has put forth measures to boost the job market and stabilize prices.

The same data shows consumer sentiment on housing prices has climbed by ten-points to

119 this month,... a near three-year high.

It cited rises in real estate prices in Seoul as well as prices of jeonse, a unique long-term

rent in Korea in the form of a lump-sum deposit,... as the main reasons.

It comes after the government unveiled measures this month on curbing speculative housing

practices by levying heftier taxes on multiple home owners and limiting the amount they can

borrow from banks.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Consumer sentiment rebounds for first time in four months in September - Duration: 1:37.


결혼 발표한 '도깨비 김비서' 조우진 "돌 지난 딸 아빠 맞다…오래 전 혼인신고" - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 결혼 발표한 '도깨비 김비서' 조우진 "돌 지난 딸 아빠 맞다…오래 전 혼인신고" - Duration: 2:39.


North Korea's top diplomat engages in active diplomacy at UN - Duration: 0:44.

North Korea's foreign minister Ri Yong-ho has been unusually busy this year at the UN

General Assembly in New York.

Ri met with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday,... where Pompeo accepted North

Korean leader Kim Jong-un's invitation for a fourth visit to Pyeongyang.

Ri, who will give his keynote speech on Saturday,... also sat down with his counterparts from Japan,

China, and Russia,... countries highly relevant to the Korean Peninsula.

Meetings with foreign ministers on the sidelines of the General Assembly are very rare for

North Korea.

Watchers say its increased dialogue with neighboring nations reflects the recent positive developments

on the Korean Peninsula achieved through the regime's series of summits with South Korea

and the U.S.

For more infomation >> North Korea's top diplomat engages in active diplomacy at UN - Duration: 0:44.


Germany beats Turkey to host Euro 2024 football tournament - Duration: 0:39.

Germany has been chosen to host the UEFA european football championships in 2024.

European football's governing body announced on Thursday that Germany beat Turkey for the

right to host the competition.

The decision means Germany will host the tournament for a second time as West Germany was the

host in 1988, when Germany was still divided into East and West.

Euro 2024 will feature 24 teams,… with more than 50 games scheduled over 32 days around


Berlin will stage the final, while matches will also take place in 10 cities across Germany,

including Frankfurt and Munich.

For more infomation >> Germany beats Turkey to host Euro 2024 football tournament - Duration: 0:39.


Number of traveling population in South Korea increased - Duration: 0:38.

More than one million people used Incheon Airport during this year's Chuseok holidays.

According to Incheon International Airport Corporation, an average of 100 thousand people

took off from the airport between the 21st and 26th of September -- a 6-point-2 percent

increase compared to last year's Chuseok holiday.

Last Saturday was the busiest day for departures with more than 110 thousand people going abroad.

The number of people traveling by rail during Chuseok also increased by 12 percent from

last year.

From September 21st to 26th, almost 2 million people used the train to visit their hometown.

For more infomation >> Number of traveling population in South Korea increased - Duration: 0:38.


LG, Samsung top U.S. customer satisfaction ranking index - Duration: 0:39.

When it comes to customer satisfaction,...

Korean tech giants Samsung and LG are part of the leading pack in the United States.

A report released by the American Customer Satisfaction Index shows LG Electronics and

Samsung Electronics came second and third, respectively, in a ranking of American consumers'

satisfaction with home appliance brands.

German electronics giant Bosch came first.

Samsung was up from seventh spot last year.

In the PC category, Samsung was second only to Apple.

The index, which interviews nearly 250-thousand U.S. consumers about some 400 companies, is

released once a year.

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