Everyone welcome to our very first installment of Tech Corner brought to you by the smart creative team
We wanted to start off this very first segment by doing something a little bit different a little bit cool
We want to show you guys how to make your own retro gaming
Console or retro emulation station
We're going to build it actually using this cartridge right here
when we got into a retro game when I got into retro gaming I thought of is uh
Probably one of the best things to come back
You have your snes your genesis your N64?
Those are our childhood memories
They they're what we used to play and a lot of the games today are pretty fun and entertaining
But I always thought the old retro games are one of the best
So we're going to show you how to make your own retro cartridge, and we're going to start by showing you all the components
You're going to need
Each component will be listed in the description below as well too. So you'll be able to pick one up for yourself
I'm going to try to be as in-depth as possible, so everybody knows all the components
You're going to need and how to put this thing together
And hopefully by the end of this video
You'll be able to create your own retro gaming console yourself
Okay, so let's get this thing started very first thing is uh there might be a lot of clips or takes as this is our
first episode so bear with us
We're going to get this thing not situated properly and I guarantee you by the end of a couple episode
We'll get this thing smoothly running. So we're gonna start off by first thing
First component, you can need is a retro cartridge. I did not use an authentic Nintendo Cartridge
just a simple fact of the 8-bit security
Screws that you're going to need at the back to be removed. I don't have a bit to do that, so I
next went to the next best thing which is the replica, so the replicas can be purchased on eBay and
They're pretty cheap. You can buy a pack of six for like 30 bucks
So if you think about it five dollars per cartridge, that's not bad
So one merchant cartridge is are you going to need first you're going to need a micro HDMi?
two female HDMI if you have one of these cables laying around at home great if not
in the description as well -
You need a little knife
Just to get into tight spots to remove some plastic from the regular cartridge
You're going to need a oTG cable
So what an otg cable allows you to do is so you can have the retropie? Which is the system that we're going to use
fully charged or
Working while you actually have other components plug didn't like usb so this otg cable actually has a micro usb to plug into the retro
system you have their power, and then you have three other usbs where you can plug in and use four controllers or
Keyboard whatever the case may be so you're going to need this also in the description
you're going to need a
Retro pie template or sorry first you give me the retro pie, right?
this is a retro Pi 0 w the w stands for Wi-Fi so there's
basically maybe about four or five different retro
retro pies or raspberry pies I should say
this one is called the raspBerry Pi 0
0 w w stands for Wi-Fi the Wi-Fi is perfect for if you want to transfer game between your computer and the
Raspberry PI itself, so I recommend getting the raspberry Pi 0 w?
also a link in the description as well - this is basically a template for us to
flush our cables - I thought it was much easier to use this template this was printed by a 3D printer and
The files or the link for the files I'll also put in the description, but I started off by basically as my retropie
screwed in to the
Template just so I have it positioned
For future or for for the next section of our build here so basically use two small computer screws there as you can see
One on the top right hand corner one on the bottom left hand corner just to keep my client place
So that's what you need
A6000 which is an adhesive
It's basically a glue a craft glue, but it works with wood
Plastic paper, what are the cases but it doesn't damage this circuit boards for the raspberry Pi or any other cable?
So I recommend using this I thought it off michaels. It was like seven bucks, but with a coupon for Michaels
They always have 50% off you can get an expert about for five bucks. You're going to need that
These little screws now are your phillips head screws, and they're they actually come with the cartridges when you buy them off ebay?
So when you get these screws, they're going to be perfect for screwing it all together when you're all finished
You're going to also need a micro
Sd card Micro Sd. Card is going to hold all your arms going to hold all your emulators. It's going to hold everything
for your raspberry pi what you're going to want to do is from the beginning take your
raspberry Pi board and you're going to plug your micro SD card at
The very top of the board the Micro Sd card needs to be formatted and it needs to be
Put together properly in order for it to work. I will also put a link in the description for you to get your raspberry Pi
Micro Sd cards loaded and ready before you actually insert it inside your board
let's get those steps because I really want to get to the fun part of putting it all together and
Yes, so let's get started. Oh
By the way, you might need one of the earth not like you will need one of these are just wire clippers
But it's going to be helpful for when you actually need to get in and remove certain
components in the cartridge for everything to fit properly so and
Your screwdriver Handy Dandy screwdriver, so to start
I'll show you an example of how the cartridge comes
And then I'll show you an example of what you need to do to the characters to make it work for you
So the cartridge will come like this. This is the front. This is the back
You're basically going to want to remove certain tabs from the cartridge for this to work, so if I were to put them side-by-side
You have an example of what I removed in order for it to work. There's basically a
Hard piece of plastic at the in the center here, you're going to remove that totally so you gonna take your wire clippers here
You're going to go at it
And remove it all to the part where point where it's actually totally flush to the board
You can also want to remove the tabs at the corning here and the tabs at the corner here?
So left and right after you going to remove and this is from the front of the case
So the only thing you're going to leave is actually school here school your school here and leave all those other components
You can remove these little guys here, so if I zoom in
Just at the very top, but I remove them anyway so just go with your wire to present removals
Example how it comes?
when you're all
finished and done
With your cutting you should have something that looks like that so basically
Big piece of plastic removed Corners removed Corners are moved
Same thing on the other side bottom Corners removed
The back portion of the cartridge is what we're going to actually be working on so if you actually notice I removed
These little components here as well as these other components at the top left and top right hand corner
just so I have enough room for everything to fix lushly inside this Collector Chair, so
Back in front one side which was removed
I'm going to move on to the next step or I'm going to show you how to get your raspberry Pi in here and
Everything on the same board
Okay, and we're back so once you have everything cut out of the actual board we're going to take our
template which
This template is pretty cool. It's 3d printed um. They're very cheap
I think it was maybe about four bucks for the actual bracket it came with two components to it actually it came with B
bottom portion in the top Portion
This is me at so you can actually place this over everything and it looks kind of clean and neat um
The only problem I realize is
When is going to predict there's smaller components at the very top like like the actual?
Click to click clip it into the bottom portion that sometimes breaks off so on my build I did not end up using this portion
On yours you can but I find it's much easier to just scrap it and just use this this template only so
Like we said load your sD. Card. Make sure your sD. Card is
inside your as made by
Then we're going to work with the bottom portion of the cartridge
So once you have the cartridge line it up with the holes, and it should actually sit flush like this
So you're going to run the cables now the way the cables are going to run is HDmi UsB usb usb and then power?
So first thing I would always say to do is
plug in your
HdMI first so Micro HDMi cable to HDMi. We're going to take the cartridge
basically going to plug it in there, and then we're just going to
Flush it all the way to the bottom
Left hand Corner here now
This is where your glue comes into place
Ah this glue takes up to 24-48 hours to dry properly so what I would do is um
You're going to basically put the glue on the actual usB itself and then press down to hold them in place
This is where it gets a little bit tricky
So I would first situate my hDMI cable so glue that down so it's in place
Because this guy is going to be a hassle to get situated properly and basically where you want it is
first of all you're going to plug it into the top Micro Usb port
There's two micro usb ports on this board the top one is going to be better though for you to route the cable around
So it can actually sit flush lee over here
you don't use the bottom one because it's going to block your school hole in the middle there, so
Once you get a chance and once you get that HDMI plug
Then you're going to want to plug in your otg cable at the very top
There we go, so it looks like that, then you're going to
want to
Get all these cables squish in here and plug in you can plug them all in and when you do and also
It's going to be very challenging
You're going to want to plug in what I try to do is I?
I glued one at a time until I can get this perfectly in a spot where it doesn't interfere with the HDMI
and it doesn't interfere with the case closing so one by one put your
E6000 Glue on the back of it and place them all down and hold them in place for about
I'd say two minutes or so when you're finished and
Just for kind purposes. I'm going to show you a completed cartridge, so when you're finished
the end result would look something like this, so you have your hDMi usb usb usb and then power what you see where the
OtG cables plays
It's a little bit above but I was able to route each cable down
So each cable fits snugly in and Sprite will play and then once you're finished what you're going to want to do is
take your
top half of your cartridge
put it over and
Then close now
Sometimes you'll hear a little click you want to hear that click. So you know it's in place also you want to reference
There you go you want to reference the open side of the cartridge as well, too
So you can actually see that everything is hitting flush lee um and then when you think you've got it perfect
You're going to take your screws
Once your screws don't fight you
And you're going to want to screw in your cartridge, so three screws like I said left center
and the right
There we go
Perfect now once you're done your cartridge will look just like this so basically
Everything's in place. There's no, there's no real seems
There's no holes and last but not least what you might want to do is create your own custom
Graphic for the truck so I obviously called my smart cart you can call yours whatever you want. You can name it whatever
You'd like and it's very easy to create one of these labels for the front of your cartridge
all you need is basically some sticker paper and
the template
That I will also put in the description as well - so when you're all done on your cartridge, you look like this
it's very organized very simple and
All you do is you cannot plug in your cables?
I recommend always plugging in video and Usb first before you actually plug in your power
there just so the system itself can reference everything before it's booted up, so
Also, you might want to pick up a pair of these um these retro controllers are perfect to blend in or or or match
With your retro console and these were very cheap - asking these were like
Maybe 20 30 bucks
But as a part of the build they're an extra. They're an additive
You can use any gaming console. I'll control it with this in with an exception - maybe one or two but I've tried
Wii controllers I've tried the Playstation 3 controllers which work I've tried yet
N64 controllers with a uSB adapter
I tried the Xbox controller so basically pick your retro controller
get your retro pie and plug it all in and enjoy, so
Everything basically like I said I will even put the dollar amounts in the description, so you know
The total of everything or how much everything would cost?
But I was able to build this cartridge for under 50 bucks all said and done
so hopefully this little tutorial helps you build your own custom cartridge custom gaming system, and
Hope everybody is able to get what I'm going just like
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