what's going on guys and welcome back to my youtube channel today we were talking
about five ways to make money online now all these steps I'm telling you I've
done to myself it's not like a video that I'll tell you and I'll make you
make money from telling you so I'm doing this myself and I'm making some money
from from I'm making I'm always making money from three of them and working on
two of them so let's get it started number one and the best way to make
money in my opinion is Amazon FBA now Amazon FBA means that you become a
seller on Amazon and you don't hold inventory or need to send the product
too deep to the fire so basically you buy a product from Alibaba and then you
put that product on Amazon so for hire obviously and then you CEO and rank that
your product on Amazon and then you just don't don't you you don't ever see the
product however you have to hold the inventory so if you don't sell it you
have to take them back so there are some strategies and work to it so you can
become any successful seller but the advantages of of it is better than just
sending the product yourself and just doing all those stuff that you have to
do drop shipping this it's not worth it Amazon FBA is way weather and if you're
interested in this in my opinion not in my opinion I highly highly recommend you
to take Tanner's J Fox course understand Amazon FBA I am not affiliated with them
but I learned to learn Amazon FBA from them they've taught me a lot and about
PPC and holding inventories the profit you can make off of age how to find good
products because finding good products is a very very very hard thing to do
because if you don't find the right product you just hold bad products and
then you just have to ask Amazon to send them back to you which you can which
cost you more money right so you have to be really big you have to be
careful about what product you're buying and what you're selling because if you
if you just go out of the place you're not going to be profitable and all you
do is just losing money and you don't want that and if you don't want that you
need a lot of knowledge in this field to make good money and I make good money I
make two to three thousand dollars a month up doing this I'm not lying
here's the page of me making three thousand dollars this month but you have
to know a lot about this so you have to know jungle scout there's settings yeah
you have to set for jungle scout that if you don't do it right you're not going
to find the right product and you're not going to be profitable so you have to
you have to know a lot about Amazon FBA the basics are just to know how you can
make money off of it but the rest is depending on you and depending on your
knowledge so what happens is what happens if you run out of inventory or
what happens if you don't sell because you still can't profit a little bit off
of it but there's a kind of complicated strategy towards which you have to learn
from tannaz j fox caner j fox link in the description i am not affiliated um
but i highly recommend it i highly recommend him to you guys now the second
way to make money which I make the most money out of is stock market option
trading now I'm not going to go in depth about what stock market option trading
because it can get really complicated and I don't want to make this video
really complicated but you can search it on YouTube I have video myself you can
click here or at the end of the video to learn more about option trading but I
can tell you what is the stock market stock market is basically a piece of a
company for self so now I might say why would they sell the piece of it their
piece of their company excuse me um because they want to raise money to make
more money right they need money but they don't they
don't want to go to venture capital and don't stuff so just they go IPO initial
public offering and they offer people at a price which is the initial public
offering the initial public offer so they offer you a price and you check you
risk management I am due two ways you can gamble I don't recommend you
I don't think gambling is good it's basically right and the second way is to
manage risk now managing risk takes a long time to learn it in a good way
which took me about a year just become a profitable trader because if you like
have a small castle like me you have like two to two to three thousand
dollars you can't make a lot of money off of just buying and selling your
stock because let's say Facebook is I think is sitting at 170 right now and if
you want to buy 100 only Honda shares you have to have $17,000 you know and
you can't take that risk you say oh what if I don't make money right so and
you're correct when you don't have a lot of knowledge in any field yes you might
feel very insecure so I highly highly recommend you to check Ryan's hildreth
stock market mastery course um it's a very good course I took it myself I
learned a lot from it um I kind of only knew what he was going to talk about
because I did my research and I've talked to bankers investment that in
banking lessers and I have siblings about that are doing the stock market so
I kind of knew but I just wanted to see and you know everything in this dark
marquee you need to know as in this course so you don't need to go from
YouTube to blog the invest pedia investopedia or just how to buy our
stock he explains everything to you in this course step by step like number one
what does it stop how to get it stopped would it get it stopped
how can you find a good stuff all of those will be explained in this course
so you don't to take any more time out of researching
is the resource right you just land you have to learn and you know it's all
depending on you now and link in the description not affiliated with them not
I tell you this they could not reply back to my comment I did I am not
affiliated and if I am affiliated later on I'll just put they affiliated link so
if you don't want me to make money just doing the affiliated part the third way
which is not online but you can do it allow explain admit it it's social media
marketing agency and so from your marketing agency is basically a place
for people to learn not not a place no let me say it again it's a business that
you will help small business owners so um you know you want to search for pizza
just research pizza and you know what most meal of Millennials do including
myself we just search and the first one comes up direction let's go to that
place and your job is to rank them higher than Google make their website
modern-looking make their social medias post for them
on social media
advertise for them make take photos for their Google business make brand videos
because brand video is very important for business owners and they feel really
good about it and you know you can charge every customer we want to ten one
two thousand dollars I know people who charge their charged business only ten
thousand dollars because the business owners literally made thirty thousand
dollars that month off of that advertising online and there's another
course with Ryan Hilda sorry I watched those guys and I learned a lot and made
a lot of money for my age um maybe if you're like older than me
and you have a good job you might not think like seventeen thousand dollars a
lot of money but for meaning saving seventeen thousand dollars was airing
not saving any those was really quiet accomplishment for me and I'm just going
to build on to it and bring my network with doing stuff so I'm
not lying I'm doing it all myself so don't feel bad I'm not a scam I'm doing
it myself and I have the proofs to show you that I'm doing it myself
so social media marketing link in description if you want to learn more
and the fourth way is YouTube now I haven't earned money any money from
YouTube but I'm starting to build that audience which is you guys learning from
me what I do and you know what you should do when you start you have to
bring value so what I bring value to is telling you how to make money and I'm
not hiding anything I'm not selling anything I'm just showing duty gives
resources to learn this stuff you know from me from Tana J Fox from Ron
Hilliard from Hayden from all those got ty Lopes
all those guys I just show you the good resource because I've spent about a year
and half just researching and then up when I saw those courses it felt like
home you know why because you don't have to do any more research you have it all
in one place and you can refer to it anytime you want
you know it's it's a great it's a huge advantage that you can have over the
what I had because you know I had to I literally literally had to search for
hours and hours to find just a good resource you know back to YouTube um you
bring people value after you bring people valium built an audience you
don't sell them directly because it's rude I mean like I don't feel good
selling them very buy my product by my course you you have to teach people you
have to bring some value and then you sell them you affiliate you get
associated with Amazon so you review a product you're you're honest product so
if you don't believe in that product people not going to buy it so be sure be
sure that you believe in the product and bring value to people just
I am doing - you bring value and then try to show them why it's a good course
how was your experience with it and then people might buy it but you should not
push people over to buying your course I do not like that the fifth grade and the
first time the first way the first time I made money from it was blogging and
blogging is kind of dead but still works if you have the money and resources so
let's say you have thousand - just play around with in my opinion just make a
website with WordPress or whatever you like and then go to eyewriter calm on
that website you can hire people write about anything you want them to write
about and like buy 200 blocks and then put them and I go on Fiverr C SEO
yourself on the blogs we have and put advertisement on it and give us some
time give us some resources by like by 200
blogs every single month so you have a lot of content there and that's pretty
much it um just when you bring you if you review it put Amazon and put
advertising you put advertising on the side and then put the products you're
selling and clickable while you're giving value which you value is
dependent on your rudder which you have to double check on the writer and you
have to tell them what you do most of most of my blogs bring good bow value
not as much as I could have brought value give them because I could have
right could have right a lot more about some of those stuff I'm not going to
tell you my niche because there's already a lot of competition in my niche
and I don't want anymore it's really hard um but you have to
spend a lot of money and resources but when he just gets on your wheel it kind
of works for itself it's it's a passive income you know it's a passive income
just like Amazon FBA after you earn some money off of it that's pretty much it
yeah we're going to thanks so much watching this video is it gain any value
from and please subscribe like comment on what you think did you buy
that course did you watch it did you like it and let me know please thanks so
much for watching this video till the end now see you guys on the next video
thanks so much
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