Normal Swish
Double-time !
Running Dab
Knee-knocker Swish
Running Swish
Usain Bolt finish...
Lil Peep - Haunt u (lyrics) - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Pas de gros lots à la vente aux enchères Bonhams|Largus TV - Duration: 7:07.-------------------------------------------
박신혜는 인생에서 가장 아름다운 나이에 대해 이야기한다. 데이트 한 이후 처음으로 최 태준 - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Ventes aux enchères RM Sotheby's 2018 : le million, le million ! - Duration: 8:36.-------------------------------------------
Pas de gros lots à la vente aux enchères Bonhams - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
레이노, 차량용 윈도우 필름 '크로마' 시리즈 출시..가격은?[Bike 24h] - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Coaching Niches 2018-------------------------------------------
Véronique Cloutier animatrice de l'émission 1res fois à Tout Le Monde En Parle TLMEP - Duration: 18:33.-------------------------------------------
Conférence générale d'avril 2018 - Duration: 7:26:39.-------------------------------------------
Cryptomonnaie (Bitcoin) Jonathan Hamel, Élisabeth Préfontaine et Michel Nadeau à TLMEP - Duration: 18:09.-------------------------------------------
Anyone Else-------------------------------------------
UCF Joust Winners: Where are They Now? - Yaupon Brothers American Tea Company - Duration: 1:59.My name is Kyle White, I am the co-founder of Yaupon Brothers Tea.
We're a company that makes tea from a native plant here in Florida.
So, it's the only native caffeinated plant actually, in all of the United States.
So, we spend our time managing lands that we harvest it off of, doing production and
sales distribution.
So right now, we're kind of the one stop shop for what we do.
Our original facility was in South Carolina.
We worked with another tea company to kind of learn how to do tea manufacturing.
And what we did...
We actually ended up with the wins we got from the Joust, we were able to get money
together, secure financing, to purchase our whole production line and bring it to Florida.
So, I think in...June of last year, about six weeks after The Joust, we ended up reaching
that goal of bringing production back to Florida.
So, we did that, built our entire new facility and we have a couple of employees here and
there, and a bunch of harvesters and we've reached that goal.
We've almost doubled the amount of stores we're in.
We have secured a whole 'nother round of investment, that's nice...We've used all our...the resources
the Joust gave us, the in-kind services were incredibly helpful in getting us where we
needed to be and helping fix some mistakes that we made.
Because we were new at this.
And we also just signed an international deal We actually just announced this last week...
That we're gonna be in a hundred and 70ish stores in the U.K. starting in the summer
and through next year.
Don't be afraid to learn new things.
I mean we...I think The best thing that ever happened to me was a bunch of people just
told me..."you know nothing."
and that's true.
I mean I don't.
And so it's...
It kind of wipes it clean to re-learn everything...It's been super helpful...especially as a student.
You know you're not really supposed to know everything, you're not supposed to know that much.
Shanna Kress se clashe avec Charles, c'est la séquence incontournable de la semaine - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Paw Patrol Cartoon - Skye & Sweetie Painting On The Wall To Tease Chase - Paw Patrol Full Episodes - Duration: 10:54.-------------------------------------------
Domino's® | Chicken Bacon Ranch Sandwich Review! 🐔🥓🥖 - Duration: 3:59.hey everyone it's Ian K back again with another one for ya this time headed
into Domino's to check out another one of their oven-baked sandwiches and this
one's all about that chicken bacon ranch so let me run inside real quick to scoop
this one up and then we'll definitely peep this out well I've had a few
requests to do this one here at Domino's so let's get into it
it's the chicken bacon ranch sandwich and definitely a very semi toasty
situation here guys I'm definitely diggin the oven marks on the top of this
artisan bread looking fairly decent let's pop the top in one of these halves
here and see we've got underneath plenty of that smoked bacon they definitely
don't skimp on that which is looking good we've got the melty provolone this
is supposed to have a decent amount of ranch in there as well and that's all on
top of some grilled chicken breast and it actually looks really appetizing so I
got to say so far the presentation looks fairly decent on this one let's lift the
other side real fast and see what we've got plenty of that bacon chicken cheesy
goodness guys I'm thinking this is gonna be pretty tasty so let's not waste any
more time let's get into a right now this is the chicken bacon ranch sandwich
here at Domino's let's peep out this flavor lots of meaty cheesy goodness in
this one and it's absolutely burning my fingers right now let's dive in it's the
chicken bacon ranch sandwich here at Domino's mmmm yeah right off the break that
smoky bacon goes amazingly well with the semi juicy white meat of that chicken
guys this is actually very delicious and then you're getting a little bit of that
ranch coming up on the back end to add even more pop to it this is pretty tasty
hmmm that ranch is adding just the right amount of tartness to the overall
package on this one and the moisture that it's also bringing to the party is
also going nicely with the cheese guys I can actually taste the provolone cheese
on this and it's a pretty healthy amount on top of it well it's still a lot of
bread but there's plenty of chopped smoked bacon in this one to go with a
nice amount of ranch sauce and while I do like the provolone cheese on this one
I only wish as I'm eating this there's actually more of that grilled chicken
it's just a little light in that department as you can see but don't get
me wrong what is in this sandwich definitely works flavor-wise and with
the combination of the bacon and the ranch what is there really not to like
about that that combo is awesome anyway right mmm yesir it does work and when
you have that toasty artisan bread to go with it guys that houses all the
goodness on the inside you have a lot to look forward to with this one it really
is pretty tasty one more quick shot on the
inside and as with the case with most of these chicken sandwiches at least the
ones that I've had white meat tends to be just a little bit drier so it really
does depend upon the condiments that they serve on top of it to really help
deliver that moisture but I got to say guys what it does lack an overall
moisture in the chicken itself it easily is made up for because of the ranch and
the smokiness of that bacon that combination along with the cheese is
very very good here hey but of course that's just my opinion what do you guys
think do you think the chicken bacon ranch here at Domino's delivers the
goods in terms of the presentation because I can tell you flavor-wise
obviously I think you know where I'm going with this one it is pretty tasty
but what do you think of the overall quantity of the ingredients in this is
this worth the money to you drop those comments down below and definitely let
me know and as for the overall score I'm gonna have to give the chicken bacon
ranch sandwich here at Domino's a pretty decent 8.5 out of 10 just
like most of the other sandwiches I've reviewed here at Domino's what tends to
be lacking more often than not is usually one of the main ingredients of
the sandwich itself which is the meat I think for the asking price you should be
getting just a little bit more grilled chicken on this one to complement the
amount of toppings on it and aside from it being very bready in general that's
really the only knock with this one cuz the flavors do work I would recommend it
especially if you're a fan of bacon or ranch which I'm sure is most of you guys
and those are my thoughts on another one of the oven baked sandwiches here at
Domino's as we close out another episode of peep this out guys and like I always
say I've got brand new content every single week here on my channel so while
you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay
frosty 100% whole breast white meat for sure just give me a little bit more of
it alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon
АНТИБИОТИК ОТ 100 БОЛЕЗНЕЙ , готовим своими руками - Duration: 18:14.-------------------------------------------
How To Double A Builder's Profits - Duration: 3:57.It's a nice target, but too many builders simply hope
to double their business rather than plan it.
The Association of Professional Builders
has been systematically doubling its business
year on year since 2014.
Here is how we do it.
Hey, my name is Sky Stephens, I'm a Co-founder
of The Association of Professional Builders.
We help builders to convert more of their leads
into high-margin contracts.
To start with, you need to be clear on where you are now.
If you're making sales of $3 million a year,
with an average contract price of 250,000,
then you are averaging three sales per quarter.
So let's start there.
The easiest way to sign a contract is to create a customer.
So, by selling a low-value item,
like a soil test or a contour survey,
you are five times more likely to get a contract signed.
By measuring the conversion rate, we know how many
low-value sales need to be made each quarter.
A 33% conversion rate means we need
nine low-value sales each quarter.
But to sell a low-value product and create a customer,
we need a qualified lead, otherwise known as an opportunity.
If we are converting 20% of our opportunities
into customers, not contracts, just customers,
then we need 45 opportunities every quarter.
Now, to generate an opportunity, we need a lead.
And if three out of four leads are time-wasters
or price-checkers, we'll need 180 of them
to create our 45 opportunities.
So, how do we get 180 leads?
Our website.
And by converting just 3%
of our website visitors into leads,
we only need 6,000 of them each quarter.
This is the easy bit.
Because in order to get 6,000 visitors to our website,
all we have to do is buy traffic from Google or Facebook
at a couple dollars a click.
And that means, for an advertising budget
of less than $4,000 a month,
a building company can generate sales of $3 million a year.
So, how do you double your turnover?
Simply double your advertising budget,
and you'll end up with 12,000 visitors a quarter.
3% of those visitors is 360, which will become leads.
When you eliminate 75% of the rubbish,
you'll have 90 qualified leads.
And if you sell a low-value item to just 20% of them,
that's 18 customers.
By converting 33% of those customers into clients,
you have six contracts, with an average value of 250,000.
Which is 1.5 million, or six million for the year.
Of course, you could also work on an upselling strategy
to increase the average client spend,
and increase your selling price
through better marketing and positioning,
but if you just want a fast,
simple way to double your business, this is it.
You may be thinking, it can't be as easy
as just doubling your marketing budget and you'd be right.
You'll need to put the process
that I've just outlined in place,
and measure your conversion rates to maintain profitability.
But, in essence, this is how
the Association of Professional Builders
continues to double its business each year.
And this is how we've helped the builders
who have worked with us to double their businesses.
If you'd like to see this process mapped out,
you can download the Sales Process for a Building Company
by clicking on the link below.
Not yet comeback in Korea, TWICE has been worried about the new album in Japan - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 3:05.Not yet comeback in Korea, TWICE has been worried about the new album in Japan
Not yet comeback in Korea, TWICE has been worried about the new album in Japan.
After the first two singles so successful, TWICE is ready for the landing stage for the third time in cherry blossom country.
The most manly TWICE member is incredible femininity in the new teaser series.
The leak of TWICE left fans nervous.
Official: TWICE hits top 5 most viewed kpop video in Youtube history.
TWICE has revealed on Twitter that their new single Wake Me Up will be released on May 16th.
Previously, the JYP girlgroup drew a huge fan base in cherry blossom with consecutive successes dominating the Japanese charts with two One More Time and Candy Pop singles.
Not yet back in Korea, TWICE has been busy with their new Japanese single - Photo 1.
Currently, TWICE is actively teaser every day, for the comeback in Korea with their 5th mini album What is Love?, Is expected to hit the shelves on 9/4.
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