2He 아니고 2H 입니다.
ㄷ오답임. 원자질량단위는 탄소기준이고, H의 핵자당 질량이 C보다 크기 때문에, 2H의 질량은 2.0160u보다 큼.
她是吳佩慈、侯佩岑的同學,36歲身材火辣一戰成名全台皆知!卻沒料到她的後台這麼硬!刷爆四張金卡身分太高貴! - Duration: 14:17.-------------------------------------------
TOEICスコアアップに役立つ単語暗記 No.436【immigrant】 - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
The Most Profitable Coaching...-------------------------------------------
Ultima oră! Vești triste! În ce stare de sănătate s-ar afla acum Ionela Prodan - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Nejsmutnější Velikonoce: Dara po sedmi letech sama s dcerou. Májediné přání… - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Next on Episode 3 | Billions | Season 3 - Duration: 0:50.[MUSIC PLAYING]
BOBBY AXELROD: I have to get more they can't see.
And I have an idea how.
Hey, stop!
CHUCK RHOADES: The attorney general is ordering me
to prosecute an innocent man.
And I don't think I can stop it from happening.
WENDY RHOADES: I've yet to meet the man you can't out maneuver.
Find your angle.
BOBBY AXELROD: Your best friend sold
you down the river for nothing.
I'm willing to pay you $30 million to tell the truth.
OLIVER DAKE: The job is Axelrod.
But if you can't do it, I'll find someone who can.
'Your Best Friend Sold You Down The River' Ep. 3 Official Clip | Billions | Season 3 - Duration: 1:47.I must be out of my fucking mind.
Oh, I disagree.
I think you're showing some really nuance in your thinking,
which is what is required, since you have suffered
at the hands of some very devious opponents
in Rhoades and his father.
Yeah, well, I'm here for some goddamn reason, so what is it
you want to propose?
That I acquire your virtually worthless shares in Ice Juice
for considerably over market, 30 million dollars.
A firm called Ionosphere would pay for the transaction.
In return, you forego your civil suit
and refuse to testify against me.
You'll give my people a statement laying out
how Rhoades did what he did.
Your best friend sold you down the river for nothing.
He's not worth saving.
I'm willing to pay you $30 million to tell the truth.
It's just a transaction to you, this whole thing?
Numbers move from here to there, and motions are smoothed
down like ice under a Zamboni.
Well, I understand what's fair.
And I know how to make a deal.
So take your life back.
Overwatch: Developer Update – Introducing Zelda (Incl. Ingame Footage) - Duration: 11:41.Happy March 32nd everyone! This is Jeff from the Overwatch team with another
developer update to tell you about something super awesome.
irst off, you might be wondering: "Another new hero, didn't you just announce
Bridget?" I'm sorry, I mean Brigeede. Brigeete. No, hold on...
Thanks, Mrs... uh... uh...
Brigitte. Well, actually, if you look at the date she was announced, it was March 0th.
That was no coincidence, she was just our March Fools' joke and the
story behind it is the following: At Christmas, Link_GER made a very insulting video
about me where he criticised my understanding of balance in a terrible
cORISmASS song. Since I am the great Jeff Kaplan from the Overwatch team, your
Lord and Saviour, I could not accept that and had the amazing plan to create
a joke character that is a combination of the heroes that Link_GER
considers to be the most boring: Reinhardt and Lúcio, and we named her after
Link_GER's grandma Brigitte. We got a lot of comments of people who found
out that Bridget is just Reinhardt and Lúcio combined. They also criticised that
our last new heroes have just been abilities of multiple existing characters
thrown together and wanted something original for once. You want something
original? Here you go: The actual hero 27 is Zelda. She has an
interesting and very unique backstory. So, way back when the
three Golden Goddesses created the world,
They also left a relic that holds The world together in its inmost folds
and gives the wielder nearly unlimited power,
the Triforce, deep within the Temple of Anubis
and ordered the goddess Hylia to watch over their creation and the Triforce.
With advancing technology, humanity eventually sort of started playing god, creating
armies robots that were superior to any life form. And as it was bound to happen,
the robots turned against humanity, starting the Omnic Crisis. Hylia joined the humans in
the war, but the Omnics were so powerful that their strength
exeeded even that of the goddess. Hylia then gathered her closest followers and founded
Overwatch, her elite unit in the war against the Omnics. After 10 years of war,
Hylia barely won, however, she was gravely wounded and the destruction was
tremendous. She knew that another war of this dimension
could not be won and that the Omnics would strike back. The only solution she
could find was to use the power of the Triforce,
but the Triforce can only be used by a mortal. So in order to save the world,
she made the decision to sacrifice her divinity and immortality and was
reborn as the human Zelda. Today, 20 years after the Omnic Crisis and after her
rebirth as Zelda, the Second Omnic Crisis is about to happen and she seeks to enter
the Temple of Anubis and acquire the Triforce. Now, Zelda might be a human, but she
inherited some magical abilities from her previous life. On the
battlefield, she uses these abilities to support her team, so she is categorised
as a support character in Overwatch. Her primary weapon is called the
"Bow of Light". She shoots Light Arrows that can penetrate enemies.
As her alternate fire ability she summons a Phantom to fight for her.
Once the Phantom is summoned, she can order it to go to a certain spot by pressing
alternate fire on the floor or she can order it to attack an enemy by pressing
alternate fire on the enemy. The Phantom has 300 health, 250 of which is
shield health. It's equipped with a sword and a
shield and as soon as it takes damage, it will hold the shield up and will
be invulnerable from the front for 1 second.
Now, it doesn't deal a lot of damage by itself,
but it has other purposes that we will get to later.
She can also summon fairies by pressing E that will stay in one place
and heal in a small radius around them. They won't heal much at first, but as the
Phantom deals damage, their healing rate will be increased until Zelda di*s.
In addition, enemies that are within the range of the fairies will receive 30% less
healing. Only 3 fairies can be summoned at once and their effects don't stack.
Her shift ability is a very unique movement ability. It's a teleport that
switches the positions of Zelda and her Phantom.
I'm sure you've all been waiting to hear what her ultimate ability is.
It's Nayru's Love. Using it makes Zelda cast a protective spell that surrounds everyone
on her team with a magic barrier. This barrier reflects 30% of the received
damage back to the enemy. This can be useful in a lot of situations. Just
imagine, your team gets caught in a Graviton Surge, for example, and the enemy
Pharah is about to rain justice from above. Then Zelda uses her ultimate ability and Pharah
di*s during Rocket Barrage, which is very rare because it's probably the strongest ability in the game
And lastly, Zelda of course also has a passive ability,
it's called Dying Wish. When she dies, Hylia's soul leaves her body and heals
everyone on her team within a 20 metre radius by 50 health before ascending to heaven.
That's all about Zelda, hopefully you will like her and enjoy playing her,
we gave our best to create a unique hero based on things we didn't have in
Overwatch before, magic, summoning and a support character with stationary
healing. Actually we started designing her right after Link went live on the
PTR last year and since then we have been testing a lot of different
abilities on her. For example, in the very first version she didn't have the Bow
of Light, instead she would cast fireballs and her alternate fire was a bigger and
slower fireball that would follow her crosshair. Shift and E were the fairies
and the Phantom. 10 Later we gave her the bow instead and made her primary fire
a player piercing arrow and her alternate fire a barrier piercing arrow, but then
we decided that we didn't want another barrier piercing ability, so we moved
the Phantom to alternate fire and added her teleport as
new shift ability. Regarding the ultimate ability, our first version was that Zelda would
surround her team but not herself with barriers, and the barriers would negate
all damage for 2 or 3 seconds, but if Zelda died it ended early.
However, this would create a similar playstyle to that of the old Mercy, that
Zelda had to hide, and even after we limited the range of the ultimate ability, we didn't like it
and eventually changed it to what it is now. What took the longest was to decide what
benefit the Phantom should give her. We tested many different things, like
that the Phantom's hits would create a 1 second
burst healing from her fairies, the hits would increase her damage or per hit she would
gain a special arrow that dealt more damage or had other special properties,
but in the end we settled for lowering the healing of her fairies and
creating a mechanic that would gradually increase their healing rate by
dealing damage. So, the creation process was a lot of fun and challenged our
creativity as game developers to come up with the best possible design. She
is available for testing on our PTR right now, which is our Public Test
Region, so have fun testing her and don't forget to give us feedback about what
you think of her. If she seems to be too strong or too weak in certain aspects,
we are ready to make adjustments as quickly as possible to make sure that
she will be balanced for the live release.
I was totally kidding by the way,
she will be released as she is now, so that was just me being silly. We are also
working on a brand-new map, Hyrule Castle Town.
It's another great Assault map. And we really felt like the game needed another
Assault map. But we are seeing some issues with the Assault mode. We've
noticed that an inordinate number of these matches are going into overtime
with never-ending stalls and this is resulting in very long match times.
When we look at Control, Hybrid, and Escort compared to Assault we were really
surprised to see that Assault was sort of an outlier in terms of how long
matches were taking. To solve this for Season 10, the Assault maps will
have an additional 5 minutes per point to give the attackers a chance to break
the stall. Also, for all new Assault maps, just like on the Horizon Lunar Colony
map, we will put the defender's spawn with the area where they can't be damaged at
all right next to the point to compensate for the extra time the attackers get.
In addition, we still feel like the Control mode takes too long, and since
nobody likes that mode anyway we will further reduce the match time to a best
out of one, so, whoever wins the very first round will win the match. You have
to know that, even though statistics and the community feel one way about
something, if we as game developers disagree with it we will still do it.
It's all about our feelings as professional bronze players. Regarding
the Hanzo rework that we mentioned first a year ago, his rework as Link from
Skyward Sword is almost ready to be put on the PTR. That's all for now, have fun
with the new hero and on behalf of all of us on the Overwatch Team, and at
Blizzard, we want to wish you and your family a very cold and snowy March 32nd.
Please remember to be good to each other and we'll see you guys in the next Developer Update.
Fi-fi-fi-fixin' it with
Carla Moreau retrouve Kévin Guedj, elle le tacle et c'est violent ! - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
국내 소비자 사로잡은 캐딜락 '파죽지세'..그 인기 비결은... [ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Chinese Space Station [ chinese space station tracker [ live chinese space station ] - Duration: 3:26.It's almost crash time for China's falling space station Tiangong-1. As school bus-sized space station began what should be its last day in orbit today (April 1), experts weighed in on the possibilities of space debris – and whether this situation should have happened in the first place.
Tiangong-1 is expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere sometime between Sunday evening and early Monday, according to the European Space Agency. The latest forecast from the non-profit Aerospace Corp. pegged the space station crash at 8:30 p.m.
EDT tonight (0030 GMT Monday, April 2), give or take 1.7 hours. But the time of the re-entry – along with the geographic area – is still highly volatile as Tiangong-1 continues its descent. [Track Tiangong-1! Use This Satellite Tracker]
"We know that Tiangong-1 is tumbling, or at least it was when Germany took [a] radar update, so the question is it still tumbling, and is the tumbling getting faster or slower," Andrew Abraham, a senior member of Aerospace's technical staff, told Space.com in an interview at 7 p.m.
EDT Saturday (March 31) when the group released its latest forecast. He noted that the time of re-entry keeps getting pushed into the future, so the window of uncertainty remains large. As the re-entry time approaches, the range of re-entry times will narrow.
As of today, Tiangong-1 is flying in an orbit of 104 miles (167.6 kilometers) and falling, the China Manned Space Engineering Office said in a statement cited by Xinhua News Service.
CMSEO officials have said Tiangong-1 will mostly burn up in the Earth's atmosphere, and is unlikely to cause any damage on the ground, CMSEO officials added.
Although Abraham said this is speculation on the part of Aerospace, he said it is possible Tiangong-1 is now encountering more of Earth's atmosphere as it falls towards the surface of the planet. If that's the case, the atmosphere might be influencing the attitude or orientation of Tiangong-1's tumble.
If you like this video, you may like, share ,comment the video below and subscribe to my channel to watch the latest videos. Thank you for watching this video. Wish you always fun and success!
Ve Westminsteru probíhá pohřeb Stephena Hawkinga (†76). Na místo sesjíždějí masy lidí - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Wikileaks : un proche d'H.Clinton discute d'Aliens avec un astronaute par mail - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Comment le gouvernement australien a arrêté d'enquêter sur les ovnis ? - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
Vive without the tether (or desktop PC!) - Duration: 2:26.Meet Vivey.
My HTC Vive.
And an HTC Vive is a system that uses lighthouses like that one there and that one up there
to do something called room-scale tracking.
So that you can jump around or do whatever you want inside of a large area and it's still
able to track.
It's not like a very limited area like the Oculus or PSVR.
So about a year ago, you know, me thinking that lighthouse tracking was the coolest thing...
Me and a bunch of people started to hack it.
First the watchmen and then the rest of the system, trying to put together kind of our
own SteamVR clone I guess you'd say.
So, the HTC vive was just amazing but there was just one problem.
It's got all these cables you have to have wired up to the headset so you're still tethered.
There are wireless systems out there but they eat up huge amounts of the spectrum and have
other latency issues and all that associated with them.
So, this year, for April first, I decided to make my own system.
And instead of it being wireless, one where I would need a PC to stream, I decided I would
do all of the rendering on the Vive itself.
So, that's what I have going here.
If you want to see the livestream, it's available in the description.
So, right now I'm using that inside there.
It's an OrangePi to do the rendering.
I have two power supplies there and there to provide power from this.
This really nice big lithium polymer battery.
And it hooks up to the vive headset.
So, now, without being attached to any wires I can wear this and walk around.
Right now I have a little demonstration there, kinda in the middle of, near where the chair
You can kinda walk around see it uuh viewing it from another point of view here.
And, all of this is self-contained the vive software is running on the OrangePi, a little
$19 computer and because it's a wireless system you can even stream the video to a web browser
so your friends can see exactly what you're seeing!
So, all of this is possible without any tether, taking up a huge portion of the radio spectrum
or anything else ridiculous.
Just look at this.
It's so simple.
So easy to use.
Why wouldn't people use the orange pi to play the vive?
Le rappeur québécois de l'heure ''Loud'' présente son album ''Une année record'' à TLMEP - Duration: 13:28.-------------------------------------------
Weekend Shopping Haul | Dmart/D-Mart Shopping Haul 2 ! SPAR 2 | Amazing Prize | Cheap Shopping Haul - Duration: 4:43.
I have added links for some products in the description box
Bad Bug || Animatic || Add Subtitles || - Duration: 0:36.Chrysalis
we'd be glad to
have you on our team.
Thank you.
Twilight, Chrysalis
Injured all of my friends.
Remember that scene where she was like:
Look upon your weak allies Starlight Glimmer!
Every single one them slayed by my hooves.
F*ck you Starlight Glimmer
Your friends suck!
I just feel like she's getting off a teensy bit scot-free (?)
But Starlight look she has a funny mustache now
I mean she's so endearing and a good guy.
Yeah but-
Sorry guys, I know we had our issues in the past
Totally might be-I was just a little-
BUGGED OUT BACK THEN (I'm not funny)
I can't reorganize my playlists. - Duration: 0:37.Fuck you.
Fuck you very very much.
'Cause we hate what you do & we hate your whole crew.
So please don't stay in touch.
Fuck you.
Fuck you very very much.
'Cause your words don't translate & it's getting quite late.
So please don't stay in touch.
Do you get
Do you get a little kick out of being slow minded?
Grossesse et sexualité peuvent faire bon ménage - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Fidel Castro avoue avoir vu un ovni de prés durant la révolution - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Carla Moreau retrouve Kévin Guedj, elle le tacle et c'est violent ! - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Favoritos de Marzo - Duration: 6:05.Hey everyone, welcome to my channel! Today you'll see my favorites from March.
March is my favorite month because it's my birthday.
And so I don't sound too egocentric, it's also the month were spring begins and that's my favorite season
because the flowers bloom, everything has more color. It's like it increases the saturation levels to life.
And I love the flowers' smell, the heat, because I'm more about warm weather.
So my favorite season has begun, and that would be my first favorite from this month.
Because it was my birthday, I was super spoiled. I received a lot of presents and love messages.
It's funny because, this year I wasn't as excited for my birthday.
I just knew it was coming but wasn't expecting it as past years.
But once the day arrived, and I got to work and saw my workplace decorated and everything.
And I was really spoiled, they gave me a lot of candies, chocolates, books.
And that made me enjoy my birthday a lot. So thanks to everyone who made it special.
From what I've been listening, there's one song I listened to every day because I love it.
From the soundtrack of Call me by your name: Mystery of love. It didn't win the Oscar
but it was nominated and it's beautiful. It's so relaxing.
And it reminds me a lot of the movie and the book. And I think it was...
And I think they did a very good job conveying the feelings from the movie and the book with this song.
Another song I began listening to by the end of the month, is Silk by Wolf Alice,
from the soundtrack of Trainspotting 2.
And that's because recently we bought the movie and it came with the soundtrack.
And this song comes in the soundtrack, obviously.
I really liked it, and didn't remember it was in the soundtrack. But it's really good. Listen to it.
And from what I've seen, there are a lot of thing I liked.
The first one was the video of The Handy Awards from the podcast How Many Fingers I'm I Holding Up?
This is a podcast that reviews movies. And they made their own video where they gave their awards to...
...in Oscars' season they nominated their best movies, best actors, actresses, etc.
And they made this really funny video where they gave the awards
for which the fans of the podcast were able to vote.
So let's say the awards were chosen by the fans.
And I was cracking up with their video. I really recommend it, go see it,
maybe you're already sick of the Oscars, but it's really funny.
If you want to check it out, I'll leave all the links in the description box.
Another video that really made me laugh was one by the channel Sorted Food.
It's a channel with 4 - 5 english guys that cook.
But they're very funny amongst themselves.
A lot of english humor. And in this video they made breakfast for Sia, the singer.
Every time they do a meal, brunch, breakfast, for a famous person;
because they have this challenge where they prepare food for famous people.
And at the end they make a promo so they get to see it.
But the one they made for Sia is beautiful, it's super funny
it was impeccable. I died of laughter.
And my favorite movie I went to see to the cinema was
The Florida Project by Sean Baker.
This movie just came out here in Mexico. In the U.S. it came out a while ago.
It's about a family of low resources living in a motel in Florida.
But it's not the typical story about the poor family who mistreat each other.
Or always complaining about how life treats them.
It's how they live "enjoying" life in spite of their situation.
And all the movie is told through the six-year-old daughter's perspective.
Who is a whirlwind.
But precisely because it's seen through her perspective...
... it takes longer to see some things going on with the adults.
And you're watching life only through her, which makes you think life is colored pink,
but it really isn't.
It's a contemplative movie. It could have been a bit shorter, but I loved it.
The only "but" is the last scene.
Which I heard had to be shot with an iphone
so they didn't have to pay more to do that scene.
It's just that it does feel different from the rest of the movie this last scene.
But they filmed it like that so maybe that's their excuse for doing it this way.
And lastly 2 podcasts I've been listening to. The first one is Imaginary Worlds.
Which is about worlds of Sci-fi and Fantasy. Of how they create them. Whether it's movies, books, series.
Wherever there's Sci-fi and Fantasy they talk about it.
And how they create the world and everything that involves its creation.
The second podcast is The Ground up Show, but specifically the episode Staying true.
This podcast is also on youtube, so I'll put the link for his youtube channel.
I listen to it on soundcloud.
This podcast talks about how to achieve what you want to do in life.
It's very inspiring. And this episode was one of my favorites.
The next video will have my favorite readings.
Those were my favorites from this month.
Today is March 31st and right now I'm going to go to a book sale.
So I'm sure it will be a favorite because if they're on sale I'm going to come back with books.
I hope I don't spend too much.
Thanks for watching this video. See you in the next one. Bye!
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