Coco Movie 🎈 Wrong Slots Puzzles Kids Rhymes
Mazda CX-5 SkyActiv-G 165 6AT TS+ i-ActivSense RIJKLAAR + Trekhaak * Mega Sale* - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
How to Install Android 8.1 OREO for REDMI NOTE 4X | Lineage OS 15.1 + Kernel SUPER PERFORMANCE - Duration: 5:03.Hi my friends, I'm Manu!
Today I bring you a rom for Xiaomi Note 4 Note 4X or snapdragon.
Lineage is based OS 15.1 Oreo 8.1.
It is developed with Treble so it is easily upgradeable modular rom.
As you can see from the pictures the launcher of lineage has changed in giving oreo
one aspect of pixel launcher although not as close as the latest version of google
The integrated camera and snap a QR reader and has changed its trigger.
Speaking of the launcher is very fluid and material design appearance, there are also
note that you can customize your color hue settings in a way very
This rom offers a spectacular performance battery even though we already have in this model
con 4100 mAh podemos sacar más rendimiento con un kernel personalizado que podréis flashear
junto a
la rom.
He probado estos días varias roms para el note 4 incluso versiones de Nougat y la verdad
que esta me ha dejado encantado, es fluida, ofrece un grandísimo rendimiento y si le
instalamos la google cámara con algún otro ajuste puede ser la rom definitiva.
Y no me enrollo más, a continuación os voy a enseñar cómo se instala todo lo necesario
para tener esta rom funcionando en pocos minutos.
Para empezar vamos a iniciar nuestro teléfono en modo fastboot.
Esto lo conseguiremos pulsando las teclas volumen abajo y power al mismo tiempo.
A los segundos nos tendrá que salir una imagen del logo de miui con un android.
A continuación vamos a conectar nuestro móvil con el pc con el cable usb o cable de datos.
Recordad que tenemos que tener un bootloader desbloqueado, suficiente batería y una copia
de seguridad de los archivos que necesitamos porque la hacer esto perderemos todo ya que
es como un formateo.
Ahora vamos a instalar nuestro recovery a través de una consola de comandos de Windows
o Linux según nuestro PC.
Debemos tener adb instalado para tener soporte.
Escribimos fastboot flash recovery y el nombre de nuestro fichero de recovery.
Deberemos estar en el directorio donde descargamos el recovery porque sino nos daría error.
Una vez flasheado escribimos lo siguiente para reiniciar en modo recovery.
Fastboot boot y el nombre del recovery.
En nuestro recovery empezamos con limpieza, limpieza avanzada y seleccionamos las particiones
dalvik, caché, sistema y datos.
Confrmamos con el slider hacia la derecha.
Lo siguiente es flashear la rom, google appps y en el caso que queramos el root y el kernel
Pulsamos sobre instalar y flasheamos la rom, después iremos añadiendo los siguientes
zips y una vez acabemos confirmamos deslizando el slider hacia la derecha, en poco tiempo
tendremos flasheada nuestra rom correctamente.
Podemos guardar estos ficheros que flasheamos tanto en la memoria interna como en una sd.
Lo necesario realmente es flashear la rom y luego si queremos google apps, root o un
kernel personalizado con el que obtenemos mayor rendimiento ya es opciones es vuestra
Una vez acabe de flashear todo, si el proceso es correcto nos faltaría reiniciar y esperar
el primer inicio que suele durar entre 10 y 15 minutos.
Si tenéis algún tipo de error no dudéis en comentarlo.
Y hasta aquí el video de hoy, suscribete si no estás suscrito, dale me gusta al video
y sígueme en las redes.
Soy Manu y nos vemos en el próximo video.
existen mas planetas como la tierra - Duration: 3:29.That such friends once more are welcome to this your channel, are cordially invited
to subscribe to this space so they can be aware of our new content.
The development of astronomy has awakened great concern about what is outside of
limits of our planet, in the next report we show you what are the twins
from the earth let's see.
Life on earth would not be possible there are no special conditions
that emerged billions of years ago: An atmosphere, a stable orbit around
of the sun that does not cause severe variations in the temperature of the planet and obviously the
vital liquid to survive, thanks to this set of characteristics there are
optimal conditions for the development of life, every day scientists are dedicated
to investigate and try to find planets same as ours, reaching the conclusion
that life can be developed even in extreme conditions, for example they have
found bacteria that can survive without oxygen, even exposed to conditions
radioactive or even submerged in acid.
Today there are more astronomers trying of finding potentially habitable planets
, it is estimated that there are more than 700 exoplanets already confirmed and approximately 2200 waiting
his analysis, of all of them we found 5 which we have called twins of the earth.
Number 5: Gliese 581g.
It is a rocky exoplanet 20 light years away within a huge planetary system, it
a confirmed that it has water in a liquid state and that their conditions are suitable for development
of the life.
Number 4: Tau ceti e.
This exoplanet revolves around a star very similar to our sun, is located in
the cetus constellation of the southern hemisphere, It is 11.9 light years away and has been called
as the second earth.
Number 3: Alpha centauri 40307g.
It is located far enough away of your star so that conditions are generated
climatologically optimal for development of life, the mass of this exoplanet is 1.3
times bigger than the earth.
Number 2: Gliese 667Cc.
Exoplanet with a mass 4.5 times greater than the earth, is the third with respect to
distance from your star, in addition to having discovered water on the surface
Number 1: kepler 452b.
Only 60% larger than the land and is located in a habitable zone of a very star
similar to our sun, it is at 1400 light years and it is located in the constellation
cygnus, another important fact of this exoplanet is that it takes approximately 385 days in
go around your star completely, that is almost the same year that our planet takes
Good and surely day after day they will go discovering many more, that has been all
for today we thank you for sharing our content and subscribe to this channel.
Remember that a world with more truths is a better world.
Until next time.
Excuse me I almost forget you can visit our Other videos by clicking here, here and here.
And they can subscribe directly Click here
See you soon.
L'Isola dei famosi, perché Franco ha lasciato il gioco? La verità a Pomeriggio 5 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Disney's Racing Sports Netw...-------------------------------------------
C64 Mini | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 13:21.So it's that time again.
A new, retro relevant product has arrived, and I suppose I'd best take a look at it.
As you already know it's the C64 Mini.
Apparently I pre-ordered one from Amazon back in October, so why the hell not?....
Right where do we start with these, oh yes, of course, the unboxing.
Here's the box.
Quite pleasing actually, as it's the same shape as the original packaging, just much
64 games included, here's some of the better ones shown on the back.
A Pegi 7 rating, which is hilarious, given we're dabbling with Commodore 64 software
But apparently, there's violence that a 6 year old just wouldn't be able to handle within.
This is all actually a very nice package.
We've got an inner box which looks beautiful, and opening that reveals the perfectly laid
out kit.
Usually I couldn't give a crap about unboxing something, but this was a genuinely nice experience.
Anyway, let's get all this out, here's the little weany C64, the rather hefty joystick
- in comparison, some leads underneath, and the manual, again in the original style.
Apparently this is a 50% scale replica, which I'll just take their word on.
Unfortunately the mini keyboard doesn't work, which is a shame.
That would have been a nice touch, regardless of the fact it would be unusable.
Maybe they could have just made the Run/Stop key work.
BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER, it's a product, made for a price, sacrifices are part of the course.
Another sacrifice being the lack of graphical characters on the key fronts, but like I said,
it's not usable, so it doesn't matter.
It still looks the part.
But here's the question I have... why do we even have a mini?
When this project started on indiegogo as "The 64" the idea was for a computer version
(with proper keys) and a handheld version.
Somewhere along the line, the C was added to the name and a mini version popped out.
Now there was a time when I was miffed at all these Minis popping out of crevices.
But I've slowly become accustomed to them, and I see them for their worth.
Most people can't be arsed haul out a full sized computer every time they want some retro
gaming fun, and so popping a mini console in the lounge solves that issue, whilst offering
just enough reference to the original aesthetic to transport you back to the 80s.
So I understand why Retro Games Ltd (not to be confused with Retro Computers Ltd, although
it has ties with Chris Smith & Paul Andrews, who were originally behind the ZX Vega) opted
to make a Mini, and I actually quite like it... so far anyway.
Reportedly, the larger versions will follow this year for the backers who wanted one.
Not sure about the handhelds however....
So, here's the joystick, which plugs into one of the two USB ports on the Mini.
Now, I don't know about you, but the moment I saw this stick I thought... wait a cotton
picking minute.
This looks the same as the C64DTV joystick released in 2004, which was essentially a
full C64 on a chip, in a joystick.
So maybe the C64 Mini is really an shell with a few connectors, and this whole thing is
just based around that joystick... so rather than plugging this in, the first thing I did
Like the C64DTV, this stick is modelled around an elevated Competition Pro stick.
It's a bit more waggly and lacks the satisfaction of the original - you won't find any micro
switches here - but the buttons feel nice.
Anyway, it turns out that internally, the joystick is actually very sparse, apart from
a couple of weights and the switch board... which means the guts are indeed in the C64
A few screws here and there, and there we go, a dinky board wedged in the corner...
along with this wire, which actually turned out to be a reset/firmware flashing button
craftily hidden under the bottom sticker - quite a nice place to put it really.
The main bulk of the board itself is taken up with the Dual Core A20.
It's a 1GHz Cortex-A7 ARM processor which works with the Mali-400 MP2 Dual-Core GPU
to run it's menu system and emulate the C64 functionality from a stripped down Linux installation,
as far as I'm aware at least.
So it's not an ASIC based simulation like the C64DTV, but as long as it does the job,
it doesn't really matter.
Actually, this setup makes it pretty hackable, so I'm sure we'll see many interesting homebrew
projects to come.
Anyway, now we know the truth, I'd best put this all back together.
Really, you could do without this part entirely, and put everything in the joystick, just like
the C64DTV really.
But I think that aesthetic is really crucial to a lot of people, plus it gives a nice base
station to plug two joysticks in, if you've got some friends, or even swap the joystick
for a controller of your choice... although compatibility is reportedly a bit flaky at
this point.
Actually, talking about aesthetic.
The paint job on those keys is a little thin on the ground.
During the course of reassembly, a fair bit seemed to have scraped off onto my table.
You can see from the corner keys, where the paint has been worn off leaving the white
plastic exposed.
Anyway, most people won't be sliding theirs about upside down on a desk, but it does indicate
that over time, those keys will deteriorate, a somewhat more serious issue than yellowing.
Anyway, I digress, let's stop being a miserable bastard and have some FUN...
You know how to plug a console in, so I'm not showing you that.
Like most of these minis, power is provided by USB, so hopefully your TV has a spare one.
The joystick can plug either into USB socket 1 or, and then you're ready to go.
Here you get a conveyor belt of titles, along with screen shots and a blurb for the highlighted
Among those titles is C64 Basic mode, if you do fancy dabbling in some BASIC, then you
can use the Virtual Keyboard to type.
BUT YOU'D HAVE TO BE OUT OF YOUR MIND... waggling the wobbly stick about and picking characters.
You're much better off plugging a USB keyboard in like this beauty.
The problem then is that, the C64 keys aren't always mapped to where you might expect.
But still, you can tap away and create wondrous programs... if you so desire.
When you're bored of that, you can work through the catalogue of built in games.
Now there are some classics here.
Titles worthy of both your time, and the memory they consume on this little device.
There are also some lesser games, but overall it's not a bad selection.
Oh, and you can thankfully turn off that bloomin' music.
It might sound nice to start with, but trust me, it grates 2 hours into a review.
So, notable titles include Boulder Dash, Impossible Mission, Highway Encounter, Paradroid, Skool
Daze, Speedball 2, Temple of Apshai, Uridium, Who Dares Wins II, C64 Basic.
C64 Basic.
You get the idea.
I played a fair few titles, and in my opinion, input delay is negligible, and you'd be hard
pushed to notice a screen response slower than the original kit.
Now, given the C64 Mini has far more games than the SNES Mini, you'd think its £65 price
tag was stupendous value for money.
But then, C64 games aren't always the epic titles that you'd find on cartridge platforms.
Still, there are options, like changing the screen mode to keep you happy.
As demonstrated with my particular favourite from this library, Creatures.
God damn this is hard.
Each game has 4 save slots, which saves the entire memory state, and this works both within
games, and BASIC, allowing you to save programs you've typed out.
You can even load your own games via.
USB, but this isn't as streamlined as you might hope.
Firstly, we have to load programs through Basic.
Secondly, you can only load one disk image onto your USB stick at at a time.
Now, using programs like DirMaster you can put several games onto one image - space allowing,
enabling you to hold several games on one stick, but it's still extremely clunky.
Multi disk games are even more of a problem.
At least there is functionality to load external ROMs out of the box, but if you're having
to mess about to this extent, you start thinking...
I might as well have setup a Raspberry Pi emulator.
Retro Games Ltd say this will be improved on later firmwares (along with other features),
but that doesn't help Boris, who doesn't know how to update firmware and just wants an easy
to use, out of the box experience.
The only saving grace is that once you've loaded an external game, you can save it's
state to the Mini's memory, and then just reload the game from there.
This way, you don't need the USB, but it does limit you to the 4 save slots found under
the Basic interpreter.
Ok, what about 2 player?
This thing is perfect for some multiplayer lounge action.
Well, you can apparently plug another joystick into the 2nd USB, but as I don't have a suitable
controller, I thought I'd try it with a USB keyboard.
However, for the built in games, this wasn't successful.
Titles like PitStop II seemed to want a second joystick or nothing, whilst California and
Summer Games just kept adding more and more players, with no apparent way to limit proceedings.
Now maybe this is my error, but the point is, it's not intuitive.
In fact, given the the number of buttons on the joystick, it's disappointing that you
have to fall back to the keyboard on some titles, especially if you've only got the
bloody virtual keyboard.
It's fine, but the implementation of some games just feels a bit "off the shelf".
It would be useful if there was an indicator on the menu screen as to which games are multiplayer
as well.
Going back to the joystick.
The cord isn't the longest, so if you're sitting on the sofa, this might cause some limitations.
But you can use your own pads, so a decent wireless one may solve this issue... if you
can find one that's compatible.....and that's the main issue for me.
The quality of the product.
Little things like incompatibility with certain joysticks and usb cards can likely be fixed
through firmware updates, but there are little issues here and there which make me doubt
this thing.
This ranges from display issues in games, to crashing
and even to this horrific sound the device makes upon booting.
I can't see these lasting 30+ years like the original hardware has.
This was supposed to be fun wasn't it?
I mean, look.
It is fun.
The thing is fun.
It can be fun.
It will be fun, as long as you let it be fun.
I do like it.
But the problem with all these computer minis is the lack of keyboard, and I think the slightly
smaller than the original, but larger than this, with a working keyboard version, might
be more up my street.
Still, at least I can plug my C64 Mini joystick into my PC and PLAY SOME SPECTRUM GAMES WITH
Koopwoning: Willem Pijperstraat 4, Alkmaar - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
[MMD] Please Eat + Motion Download - Duration: 0:44.It's not your body that I love But it's the shell you're inside of
And you're killing it, you're killing The only piece of you I can touch
It's not your body that I need But that's what sleeps next to me
And you're killing it, you're killing it You're killing it
Please eat
トヨタ カローラハッチバック 新型に1000hpのドリフトレーサー…ニューヨークモーターショー2018 - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Watch "No One" New Release-------------------------------------------
2018 College Championship Contestants | JEOPARDY! - Duration: 1:55.(upbeat pop rock music)
- My Jeopardy game face is.
- Okay, I do this when I'm freaked out.
- I would smile and maybe do a thumbs-up as well.
- Fun facts about myself, I had to run across a high school
in only my Speedo, carrying my cello to a concert.
- Huge fan of '80s music.
My favorite song is Phil Collins, In the air Tonight.
- I love hip-hop.
I've shaken my favorite rapper, Talib Kweli's, hand.
- I wrote about being on Jeopardy!
for my Stanford application essay.
Now I'm representing Stanford on Jeopardy!
Woo-hoo go Cardinal.
- Roll tech.
- Boomer Sooner baby.
- Go Tigers.
I've been watching game shows,
and kind of like hosting them ever since I was four.
- Trivia in general, I go with a group of friends
to a burger restaurant near campus
and we've won for the past three weeks.
So we get free food.
Go Knights! Charge on.
- Big shout-out to the University of Chicago.
Roll Maroons.
- Oh man, killer category?
Songs by Taylor Swift.
- I've gotten really good at capitals.
- Literature by far, I'm a big reader.
- The Bible and rap music.
- Probably Harry Potter.
I have read those books
more times than I can count.
- I don't know.
(playful upbeat music)
- Just smile at me.
- I would definitely spend some of the money
that I won from Jeopardy! paying for law school.
- I promised all my friends I would take them out for dinner
but that would not take $100,000 hopefully.
- I would love to go back to Italy.
- Pay to have someone clean my mom's house,
then she would stop complaining
about how the house is never clean.
- You know, the only thing I can give you is a smile
because I'm happy to be here.
- That feel when you're on Jeopardy! finally.
Go Swarthmore, go Garnet.
- Shout-out to Dartmouth College.
Go Big Green.
- Go Furman University.
- Vanderbilt University, anchor down.
- Go Jumbos.
Trump Just Sent HUGE Message To Dems With How He Lit Up The White House Last Night! - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
AHOY MATEY | ROBLOX BUILD A BOAT FOR TREASURE - Duration: 15:16.legend says he controls the seas and whoever sails them gets hunted by the
Kraken Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today i am playing build a boat for treasure
which i think if i'm not mistaken this is the same game i played where you
build a boat and you sail but you fight but i guess it might have changed or am
I thinking of Tiffany when I was a pirate I guess I have to build my boat
here and then I set sail and try to go as far as I can in my boat so let's see
if we could be the best part
boom-boom-boom-boom I guess this is my chair we'll have that
at the top I need to buy more stuff all I have is this gold shop I got five gold
what can I go five gold alright so now I've got this random piece of wood ninja
that's just one I guess I'm gonna put that right there
and maybe that'll bounce my boat I'm gonna have to sail for some more more
gold here cuz I don't got no space for no gold fine I'm gonna try one more of
these these uh common chests what is this chest pack for me let's see
anything better okay I got two of these when I close the shop all right two more
of these so let's see what this can do I'm gonna put this on both sides on
either the thing is the keys balance okay that's what the key is there we go
it looks like a Tetris baby that's straight it looks like a Tetris piece
okay so I guess we're gonna set sound see what we can get all right so let's
go up that sail get some art get some more gold so we could build a way better
boat yes I'm sure Oh
oh wait no no no get my boat get on the boats oh my gosh I should not have
gotten off of my boat no now come back boat come back oh my
goodness I'm gonna die I'm gonna drown oh my goodness oh man all right I
figured it out I'm sitting on it correctly and we're about to set sail
garrison gold yes launch a boat the music is so serene
and doing just like hang out if I press any of these other buttons it's gonna
move badly wait don't I okay the water at the current moves with you okay my
boat is kind of is kind of taken take it a little little turn now but that's okay
are those rocky waters over there but will my boat survive this let's see
where's the end point how do I get my gold I got a lot of questions who can
answer that okay Oh luckily I don't know wants to be too too quickly cuz these
icy rocks are right here boom just when I said I feel like what's gonna happen
here oh you just keep sailing oh okay okay ahoy mateys
it's just your pirate I coulda seen and today I am sailing the seven seas
I'm sailing the seven seas okay I'm not sailing the seven seas anymore my boat
is broken bird is broken oh my gosh the rock broke my body oh I gotta go though
okay okay got your girl got a little bit more dough
how are you building this let me ask her she was got mad ich breath because she's
like a lot of material she was some mad money now my god she's standing there
with all that's why is everybody just our team do we have any more material to
add to this to make space for ye don't you have any more material to make add
this to this to make space for ye yes my tea now we're popping yep
yes I I are yes okay so let me say then onward we must go I'll reject ranchers
bones carpet okay here we go here we go hi I'm a
tease no I mean I put I don't want to actually
get out of this no wait crap what did I press I press something I get to get in
this oh shit yes shit no stay strong mates now we
tied oh wait no I died since the pirate song a pirate's life for me I got two
gold alright make you whiter you still miss Missy girl ha ha ha ha not me I
thought I wasn't the one who stole her seat someone else did
let's help a parrot named I will be captain I anyway buddy bear the best
ever the best to ever sail the seven seas I am kpop pirate I will be pirate -
aye matey - give me your luggage give me your lucky charms I must say this is the
best ship my parents eyes have ever laid pea pod
oh look it look it look it look at this what's going on okay is this is this is
this is a bomb boat bro we got cannons oh we got some ice blocks at the bottom
but are you ready mateys let's partner disease alright with our
pirate ship make it to the end to find out like just keep watching I'm
not father your chin to me let me thank the camera whoa whoa whoa look at them
flags and everything this is a bomb shit bro we got a big shit okay a couple of
apart parts of our our ship we're hit there's like a bunch of us in here oh
wow we got cannons though oh can we buy mother ships that's pretty cool at least
we're passing the first one okay what should I name our pirate sport SS Kraken
I like it we know I was trying to type and I accidentally chub
what's it right here in the back i'ma put some rocks to protect me so I don't
accidentally jump out again I put this here okay good they put a little rock
there you know you got to protect copy to look and copy time or lock up
you're done what would I be I'd be a Lula and not my Spanish brethren to help
me look at the eggs onwards mateys oh you can't even see my words right now
this ship would protect us I will try not to lol look at our shit wait wait
our trip is tipping we had a too heavy whoa
what is happening
know what is happening why is ownership tilting to one side we've a tube too
heavy on one side that doesn't even though we put like a bunch of stuff on
this side and it's like a lot more stuff on the right side oh my goodness what is
happening oh this is she could not oh wait is it it's getting old
is it getting normalized oh my goodness our boat is gonna squish her
oh no I'm okay I think it's cuz they were stitched she was standing on the
boat that was the issue she needed to be in the boat yeah well oh you will be
missed oh my god how many got one two three
four five six seven eight nine ten things you gotta go through does this
count what is it okay onward mateys
let us sail the seven seas and plunder oh my goodness will we will we survive
this time oh crap we're leaning forward we're leaning forward I should put some
eggs back here to keep it even oh my goodness oh my goodness oh okay the seas
are in control wow I'm not typing anything else everything else I'm gonna
just think to myself because I don't want you girl don't wanna um you know
died on accident from jumping out like what's happened to me in the past
Oh our ship was taking a beating a ship was taking a beating and it is our job
to tame it within the zigzag messed up they literally killed us the sea is a
wild beast yes let's see how far can we go this is a rocky behind moving is rare
now this is the rocky oh my goodness I must walk the plank as a girl on top did
dude look she did she like jumped out oh okay okay okay okay alright alright okay
okay we're making a little far here's the licorice the fire died horrible way
these rocks are annoying they are annoying that's not alive there's like
Matt why are there so many rocks in the water well well boulders what is Brooke
big old boulders come from oh my gosh oh my goodness no follow my goodness oh my
goodness our ship is making it smaller that's pretty cool but also pretty scary
because our ship is taking a beating Watership is actually doing pretty well
you know Janet did a great job Johnson Jana and John cow and oh it's kai and
Jalen 34 and other people that came in and helped us build this stuff legend
says he controls the Seas and whoever sails them gets hunted by the Kraken
whose head okay no mine I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead what the heck was that oh
my goodness oh gosh what was that buzz that's made from the carcass oh they're
still surviving oh no maybe they're there they're dead
they're dead okay I'm 37 now awesome all right so
let's build again let this bill is one last time to survive and tame this wild
beast named to see oh let me see what no more Turtles ah yeah oh you can steer
the boat this is too heavy now this is too heavy I wish this was in
front of us to take a lot of the damage hopefully it's not damaging our ship
okay all right here we go oh that's good actually that's like
taking a lot of damage before us we are a crew young coolest okay let's go it's
ticking it was taking a lot of damage for us okay now it should be yes we've
got a a barrier ship in front of us let's go matey's lemon tow we're
actually surviving pretty well at the thing though that I'm afraid of oh we
should have put like a thing at the top oh goodness
okay okay okay okay oh my goodness okay here we go
oh it it's taking on the mine it took on the mine oh goodness
okay so now we're on the other side oh crap crap crap oh crap crap crap crap
oh come on come on oh we just need to survive this room she was launched from
the ship Jenna no okay this one okay the water came back all right let's go let's
try if we get out of here let's hurry hurry hurry
no no no partnerships our ships in bits our ships in bits
oh my god it's one phone back now I need come on where to where to come back come
back water water or to come back go back go back
look wait in the waves okay okay come on come on at least those are getting
smaller okay our ship is taking damage all right sail across hill across yes
whew okay I want to see how far we can make it how much gold I'm gonna get from
this matey what was that what what mines oh my
goodness come please maybe to the end okay all right here we go
a hashtag Babubhai dippity looks funny oh my goodness
that mine is gonna blow us the Freak up yeah why isn't she sitting
Oh her seat is going do you want to be launched oh no my seat is gone my seat
is gone no our seats are gone now oh my goodness - like a pool of debt I'm gonna
make a play here with a lot of fun to play with these buddies and make the
ship and be a captain of a pirate thing I could give her a plunder this time so
that's good let me know if there's another above level you like for me to
play if you liked this video hug like that like button don't forget to
subscribe and click that box you're notified when I post I love you guys
enjoyed and I'm till next on ponies to us
Sarasota jewelry heist: $100K in jewelry, coins stolen in 60 seconds - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
EXID - LADY MV HD subs spanish/español - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
180402 MONT Sorry (w/ subs for ment) - Duration:
ok, first let me introduce ourself
everybody, Shalom Israel!
Chag Sameah!
Leader - Narachan
I'm rapper - Roda
yes, I'm main vocal Bitseoun
we have finally come to
It's so nice to meet you all
I'm really really happy to be here
As soon as we first arrived
we were very surprised
I couldn't imagine that Israel has such
really amazing view
yeah, Israel is so beautiful
and Israel food is very yummy
yeah yeah, very good
so we are so thankful for coming
coming here
lets have a good time together
you came to our concert right?
even though we are not famous yet
I'm sure
you know
everybody know this song
this song is our
first single album
what is it?
sing it to us, ok?
Thank you!
Sing for us Israel
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