Good morning, guys. I hope you're having a great week so far.
Lovely morning.
I was watching a video a few months ago actually, it's an interview between
Gary Vaynerchuk and Tim Ferriss and it was during that time when Tim
released his latest book called the Tribe Of Mentors and in that book he
ended up interviewing over 130 of the top performers in the world.
During that interview with Gary, he mentioned that he found that
there was one thing that every one of those top performers in the world
had in common and it's that they all have rituals
implemented in their everyday lives.
Something to start off their day.
And that's what I really want to just share with you guys and discuss with you guys today
is the hidden power of rituals. I remember when I was starting out, when I
started implementing rituals in my life, I didn't really understand the benefits
of them, of having rituals...Hey Carol! How you going? I hope you're well.
So I started implementing it because I often hear from a lot of
the top minds in the world, doing some researching and for a lot of the
thought leaders and top performers, rituals are a great way of
enhancing your potential and really bringing out the best in you.
The more that I started to do it, as they say, the more that you practice something
the better that you get at it: Practice makes progress,
progress equals happiness.
So I thought, "Sweet. Not only am I going to be improving my skills,
I'll be happy in the process". So I thought "Yeah, why not?
Why not implement rituals in my life?" So I found that throughout those years,
I've been doing this for many years now. I have all sorts of different rituals
throughout my day that I'd love to share some of that with you and for
you guys as well, please share your rituals as well. I'd love to know what they are.
And it's more than just doing something
consistently every day because that's really just a habit, right?
I feel that that rituals are those things that you do because you know
there's a hidden power to them. It's going to actually help improve yourself
and actually help you achieve your goals and help you
achieve your life's passions so...who we got here? I actually have to dim this a
little bit because my battery is quite low. Hey Maggie! Good to see ya.
So I'd like to share some of my rituals with you and for you guys to
share with with me as well. So ever since we had Hendrix, I've had to actually
shuffle my priorities quite a bit. It actually worked out quite well because
usually I have to get up like two to three times a night now and usually
around four, five o'clock we have to feed him, we have to change his nappy
and by that time, I'm pretty much set for the day.
I would head to the gym and go for my daily run. Today I'm just a little bit late,
I've just finished going to the gym. I'm gonna go for a run after this
but that's two of my rituals that I do consistently because that helps
improve my health and I just feel great when I'm running, when I'm in nature
and just going to the gym, when you do it consistently, you feel
good about yourself and you start to see results. So that's two rituals that I maintain.
One of my favourites, something that might be interesting to some of you...
is taking cold showers. Usually I would turn off the hot water
at the end of my shower and I would stay there for a minute or two and this is
a really cool ritual that I actually picked up from Tony Robbins
and usually what he does when he's at home at his Florida mansion, he would
jump into his bath of icy water and what's great about that is
it takes your body from 0-60 miles per hour,
your body snaps and it's all about adjusting your
physiology to influence your emotions and the actions you are going
to take for the rest of the day. So that's one benefit of jumping into...
having those cold showers. Another benefit of that is it helps you make
decisions quick. And I think that something I didn't realise,
it was probably unconscious - before I started doing live videos, I was very
hesitant to do these live videos. I'm sure some of you might
be finding the same thing where you keep waiting and waiting to press
that live button and it's usually that time when you're hesitating
and you're not making a decision quick is actually when you get stuck.
So when I started doing these cold showers, at the beginning I was hesitant:
"Should I turn it on? It's gonna be painful..." But then
through the years I actually got used to it now. It's still actually challenging especially
when Winter hits but the more that I do it, the more I find
that I'm actually making quicker decisions in life. Because now I just
just turn off the hot water and just leave the cold water running
without even thinking about it too much. That's another benefit of taking those
cold showers. And the third one, I heard this from a guy, a biohacker,
successful entrepreneur named Dave Asprey and he does the same thing as well.
He'd take these cold showers and what happens is
usually the first time, your body goes into shock. The cells in your body
go into this shock and what happens, the more that you do it, the weak cells,
the cells that can't stand the cold eventually they actually die off
and what you're left with are the strong cells.
So it's really more than just conditioning your mind, it's
actually improving your physical well-being overall.
So that's another one of my favourite rituals. Who we got...Curt!
(Reading Curt's comment)
Sorry, I've just dimmed this a little bit
because my battery's a bit low.
(Reading Maggie's comment)
Dave Asprey? That's cool! Which book is that?
Thanks Curt. So that's three rituals
that I shared with you and two more- usually normally I do this in the mornings
in the past but now I actually do it towards the evening now - is my meditation.
The reason I do it in the evenings is because I actually get to share the experience
because my wife is not an early riser so that's a
cool tip. If you're finding rituals a little bit boring
or at the beginning you just can't get into it,
implement something to make it more fun.
Have something that you're already doing in your everyday life.
Here we go, low battery..okay I've got to have sign off soon...So usually at night,
I turn on my salt lamp, have my mat all set and ready, cushion..and then I
would meditate for about 15 minutes with my wife, it makes it even more fun.
Even those cold showers, that's just implemented as part of my everyday life.
When I go to the gym or I go for a run, I bought a
a cool pair of wireless headphones so I can listen to music and that makes
my rituals a lot more fun and that's the reason why I keep doing it.
Meditation, very very important now. Like I said before at the beginning
I didn't know how I'm gonna benefit from that. What I actually find, I'm
so much more calmer these days and I don't let the little, silly dumb things
get to me. I only focus on really what's important and focus on,
just having that focus.
(Reading Maggie's comment)
Yeah, so Dave Asprey he founded Bulletproof Coffee,
some of you might know that. What else..?
And after my meditation I've got these push up handle bars and I
would do about 120 push-up straight after that and then if I'm not lazy,
I'd do some some sit-ups after that. So that's some of the rituals,
I have a ton of different things, a ton of rituals every single day.
Reading is another one of them, taking my green juice every single day...
So I'd love to know - what are your rituals? And how you've benefited from those.
Please share them with me, I'm really curious and thank you guys for those who
are here, who interacted with my live video. I've got to sign off now because my
battery's about to die and I'm gonna go for my jog.
Anyway, have a great week guys and
if there's anything that you want to discuss in my next videos...
thanks to those people who also send me some private messages
and how they're enjoying these live videos and these insights that I've
been sharing. Someone suggested, "What about if you do a video about
how to create more creative videos and how do you do those titles that appear
in your live videos?" So I can share that with you if that's what you want.
Let me know. Talk to you guys soon.
(Reading Maggie's comment)
Yeah, I totally understand that.
That's why I try to do it a probably around 6 or 7 because sometimes when
you're meditating and you're feeling really tired,
the effects are not so great. Totally understand that, I'm very mindful of that.
Thanks for sharing that Maggie. Anyway, gonna go for a run.
Have a great week, talk to you guys soon. Thanks for interacting, cya later.
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