Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 3 2018

after escaping the 2,000 gallon aquarium and giving it that awesome aqua de coeur

3d background you know with the the logs and the root effect I knew that one day

I'd want to be able to add plants to it but we have a bit of a problem okay

first and foremost obviously it's a 2,000 gallon aquarium not exactly that

easy to plant in the first place imagine all the planted aquarium

substrate we would need to fill this in to make it suitable for plant life I

guess we should also mention that there are five freshwater stingrays in this

aquarium which pose a pretty big problem they're not going to let me plant this

aquarium these are such a curious and powerful animal that all they're going

to do is dig any plants up that I add or rip them apart so we've got to get

really creative with what we're doing we also have four Asian Arowana --zz within

the aquarium these guys don't pose as much of a problem but they will tear at

the plants here and there so we have to try to figure something out here first

obviously we have to come to a compromise and figure out which plants

we can actually keep one plant that comes to mind immediately our floating

plants wouldn't it be ideal to almost have an entire surface of floating

plants within this aquarium although we do have a relatively high surface area

and lots of surface agitation would take a tremendous amount of plants we could

always put in some more robust plants that could withstand the air one is

jumping and of course reproduce rather quickly so an awesome plan I seen at the

pet store and it's the season for them was the water hyacinth or however you're

going to go ahead and pronounce that this is a pretty cool plant it's a

floating plant and it will actually flower eventually perhaps depending on

conditions in the aquarium but it also has these massive long roots usually

every two weeks it will double in size which is fantastic

is a pretty tough and robust plant however it's highly invasive just not

here in Canada wouldn't be able to withstand our temperatures in the winter

so if you ever do come across these plants and you live in warmer

temperatures never ever throw these plants away without destroying them

completely first like flushing them down your drain or throwing them in a pond or

thinking you're doing a good thing these can completely overtake a water

surface and destroy an ecosystem extremely quickly but that goes without

saying that that's something that happens when you introduce a non-native

species of almost anything into a habitat it's not used to

I got about 16 of these so I'm thinking in two weeks we'd have thirty two of

them two weeks from then or we'd have sixty four two weeks from there we'd

have one hundred and twenty eight and so forth and so forth before long this is

covering the entire aquarium I don't want to add it to the aquarium yet

because I haven't treated yet we're gonna cover that in a moment

so the floating plants is no problem treat them toss them in the tank and

we're basically done over over time hopefully we get this nice carpet of

these plants up top with these really long roots that can really grow to like

a foot or two in length which would look pretty awesome I think the Asian Arowana

z-- would like them as well and find more security in them I'm really

interested to see where they go in the tank where they blow around because

there are is a tremendous amount of flow in this tank so we'll see what happens

of course the floating plant idea is pretty easy it's a gimme but what about

any other plant that I can actually grow in the substrate or grow in this tank

and one of the plants that I thought would do well in here is the valise or

vallisneria I went with vallisneria Americana I'm going with this one

instead of gigantea because gigantea is going to get way too long those things

grow four or five perhaps even six feet in length they're gonna come up to the

top of the tank and drape over which is an amazing effect but not what I'm

looking for because I had my floating plants I only want this to come up maybe

two to three feet two and a half feet something like that and then have the

floating plants take over the top portion of the aquarium but this is a

nutrient loving plan get this nutrients from its root

structure we only have pooled filtration sand type substrate adhere with no

nutrients in there but I can't really add in planted tank strokes right even

with the inner the root systems because the Rays are just literally going to

turn this aquarium into a mucky mess within a day so here what I come up with

we're gonna get a little creative with this and this actually comes from my

years in the discus hobby for a lot of discus hobbyist that really want to have

plants in their aquariums but also want to do the bare bottom thing and put them

in flowerpots just like that we could put this in a bear aquarium and they're

gonna grow wonderfully the only thing you need to put in here is some planted

tank substrate number of things you can use but I've got some freshwater

stingrays like I said they're gonna make a mess of any soils or any sort so I

went with some eco complete plants at aquarium substrate mostly because it's

like a gravelly look to it very heavy and dense we'll have a closer look at

this in a moment I only also got a couple bags of it

which is a benefit I don't need to buy 400 pounds I only need to buy enough to

fill up whatever types and sizes of flowerpots I plan on using now I got 40

of these plants and we can't just toss them directly into the aquarium we need

to treat all the plants first but there's a multitude of ways you can

prepare your plants for your aquarium and to prepare the plants will be using

potassium permit granite now you can find this in your hardware stores

typically in the plumbing supply section or where you'll find water softeners now

this stuff will tend to be a little more expensive than your bleach method which

we'll talk about in a moment but the way this works is actually pretty simple we

don't need a whole lot of this just add enough a little bit at a time until the

water kind of turned like like a really dark pinkish purplish look but you can

still kind of see through it there's no real measurement it's all going to come

down to how big your container is how much water there is versus how much

potassium perming Gannet that you're going to need once we've got it ready we

can go ahead and add in the plants now arguably this is even too much

in permit granite but I'm going to be doing the most of the mix in a large

bucket so I'll be able to control that a little easier now the way this is uh

works as potassium permit granted is a strong oxidizer it's literally going to

oxidize all the organic materials on the outside of the plant including algae so

that we can kind of start off with a fresh plant we let it sit in here for

three to five minutes and then of course rinse this off really well in clean

water using the bleach method is gonna be a lot more obtainable for you guys

simply because you probably already have some bleach in your household and

potassium pomegranate isn't exactly that easy to come by

usually be in your hard store hardware store in the plumbing supplies or

wherever the water softeners are you'll find it there it tends to be more

expensive but it is safer and a lot more forgiving on your plants for especially

the delicate ones so all plants are now prepared like I said we had forty but

literally what the numbers are is that we had forty pots which each had three

stems type of deal or if three runners per so we've got 120 of those not all of

them were in perfect condition but we'll see what we can do okay with these clay

pots is they all have holes in the bottom so we're gonna take a little

piece of mesh that we have here that we're cutting out just some plastic mesh

we'll drop it right into the bottom there and that means roots can still

grow through it if they if they need to but the substrate cannot

I'm just gonna dump this whole bag of substrate in this bucket here so it's

easier to get at as you can see though this is more like a gravel nice and

heavy the braids are gonna have a difficult time making a mess out of this

so hand hold and dump it in just like that we've got a little bit of water

dripping out now looks good so what we'll do next here is take probably

several of these I'm gonna have to push them down further then you typically

would because the Rays will have a field day ripping these out I have a feeling

when I wake up tomorrow morning we're gonna be in for quite a mess but

hopefully they don't do too too much damage in the meantime I want to add

probably eight to ten individual plants to each pot especially these smaller

ones to have the highest chance of these being successful I really only need one

to take hold and then kind of spread throughout the pot itself when you think

about it I don't need all of these to stay in

here already feels like some of them are gonna want to come out so there we have

it we're gonna be able to plant the 2000 gallon aquarium without switching the

entire substrate over which I mean a lot of people say why don't you just do that

one and be entirely expensive two would be a bigger waste of money the Rays are

going to destroy it absolutely completely this type of substrate is

ideal for them they're gonna have a much more difficult time ripping it all out

plus it's quite heavy they're not gonna be able to knock it over or move it

we're essentially having the ability to add live plants to the aquarium without

really switching the tank over or doing a whole lot else to it now we just need

to repeat this step a few times this stuff says it doesn't need to

rinsed rents it it's an absolutely mess hate when they say that doesn't need to

be rinsed oh yes it does I'm gonna use a few different sizes of pots here just so

I can have some options as to where we're gonna put them and these are just

gonna be put in between the roots and whatnot especially where the Rays were

kind of trying to get out at one point that's a good idea that plants now this

isn't necessarily the most natural look but you could paint this a different

color you can coat it in a silicone and then cover it with some of your

substrate you could buy these in different colors etc I've done this in

discus tanks years ago and it's more of an acquired look and taste however once

it's in this tank and we get it in between the roots it's not going to be

noticeable especially from the viewing angles that we look at it from again I'm

definitely over planting these and pushing them to the plants to fire into

the substrate but I don't really have a high chance of success here if this

doesn't work my next option is to go anubias and other plants that could just

you know tie on to the roots but I really don't really want to do that I

want to try this there were all these little pots big enough to grow out all

of these plants and simple answer to that is know what they are gonna serve a

purpose is to get these established and going they'll send out runners will

probably come outside of the pots there's holes beneath it so the roots

can expand down into the sand substrate this isn't anything new though this has

been done in the hobby for many many years it's just not a hugely popular

option my guess it's probably because of the amount of awareness around it is

it's such a niche thing that not many people do it but it's a very cheap and

effective way to add some really cool plants to your aquarium using a very

minimal amount of planted tank substrate now you can use soil if you wanted to

like gardening soil but and some clay pots these are like 50 Cent's 99 cents

apiece and then add in some of your root demanding or

plants that take up the nutrients through their roots into pots like this

I hate having to push them down and so far and some of these aren't already

doing that well but I've been keeping raised for years I know what they're

capable of I know there's gonna be all kinds of planted tank people in the

comments gonna be telling me how wrong this is from a planted tank perspective

yep but you probably don't have stingrays or

have that type of experience so it's just a little different no the cute

little plot I think we're gonna stick to a lot of the smaller sizes maybe we'll

do one more small punt and then three more of these I don't have a lot of

plants I don't know how spread out this is gonna be I do have an idea of where I

want everything to go though so there's gonna be a week see what happens the

outside is I have to get next tank again and drain it most of the way down Danny

level type of thing so I can set these down in place without submerging my head

so I can get a good proper job done using tweezers allows you to more

efficiently plant these types of plants as well you can get them pretty cheap on

Amazon a lot of people will recommend you getting stainless steel like these

one the lasts longer but almost any steel will last quite a while as long as

you dry it off completely and take care of them but for around five or ten bucks

it's an invaluable tool when planting anything if I ever had to do this but my

fingers and and that sort of thing there's no way I'm gonna be able to do

it see if some of these have already melted and whatnot so during shipment so

it'll be tough to get them to take hold but you know only hope Ray's are such a

curious creature though they're gonna go right after them

how much we got there Wow these aren't going very far we wanted the bigger

sizes I don't need a lot of that match just a little bit I actually only needed

one bag of this substrate as well slim pickings left in this with these valise

not a lot of nice ones left I'll do my best here

no ideally you wouldn't push valise down this far and you wouldn't group them

this far together or this close together the way these guys propagate themselves

as though is they shoot off runners eventually which will send off a route

under the substrate will eventually come up as a brand new plant so you do want

to give them space you also don't want to push them down as far as I'm pushing

them but again I got some fish that are going to try to pull them up probably

immediately and I don't think all of them are gonna survive anyways so the

more the better I got some good lights on there and the substrate here is gonna

give them their nutrients that they need

so ideally it should be okay no that doesn't look like there's a whole lot

left let me get these organized one more you know I'll be able to push these down

into the substrate a little bit as well build up the gravel around them they'll

blend in a little bit more you guys will just wait to see what this turns out to

look like maybe room for just one more see how bad this is heading hopefully

they'll bounce back I don't know if this last one's gonna look good or not

there's really not a lot of plant left here you could always hide it in there

somewheres and give it within a few weeks it really bounces back is theirs

to grow depressing though

at least they use the best plants on the smaller ones but valise isn't easy to

grow plant this shouldn't be a problem there we have it so that's it we've got

what 1 2 3 really small ones 3 medium-sized and one large out of what

do we have for a hundred and twenty stems not bad

we'll use one bag of substrate as well so in total I'm into this for less than

a hundred bucks which i think is affordable enough to try it out and see

if it's going to work in this aquarium if it does we can always add in a few

more pots here and there next step which of course is to start draining the

aquarium while we're doing so we can start to get a better look at the root

structure and where we might want to place some of these pots let's have a

look so if you guys remember right here I had to add this extra log in place

there as you can see that's where one of the Rays got underneath the roots and

behind the background a little while ago however I'm gonna agree with replacing

that with a pot I should do the trick see the Rays all swimming around we've

got the baby pearl over here three black diamonds another ray the arowana are

over here right now I think they're a little upset at their water level

dropping so I think for the most part the pots are going to occupy these back

spaces like one right there so one here maybe here here here over there

mostly in the back region of the aquarium I'd love to know your guys's

thoughts those who let me know in the comment section below what you would

have done how you would have did this but it is getting late in the day and I

know what you guys are going to want to see today's video so I'm going to end it

here it's still going to be about another hour before I can actually get

in the aquarium plant the plants or the pots fill the tank back up which will

take most of the day some clarity issues and in the next

video we'll see all of that beginning in the tank and whatnot so if you're not

subscribed to this channel yet and that's something you want to see me do

make sure you subscribe so you don't miss it that video will be out in a

couple of days

For more infomation >> PLANTING THE 2,000G AQUARIUM part 1 - Duration: 18:40.


ZZK Records en Bogota - Duration: 2:20.

We started to mix some cumbia with electronic beats

and that's were the name King Coya takes life.

Having the audience be part of the experience to put it that way

to be part of the party which is something that is also part of Latin American rituals.

EVHA is like a puzzle of all the things that form our identity of the five members of the band.

Its all music that comes from the roots of Ecuador

combined with influences from the rest of the world.

I'm a very curious person.

I was looking for a midpoint between science and spirituality to understand the human essence

and I realized that music is a good tool to understand what is happening to us as a species.

That's the birth of Dat Garcia. It's my dance music proposal.

It passes through different rhythmic styles to influence the "dance without prejudice" as I like to call it.

For more infomation >> ZZK Records en Bogota - Duration: 2:20.


A Creepy Guy Followed Me - Duration: 2:34.

I was singing with my Mom and my sister in the Praise team.

When I got out of the church that day to go to my Mom's car,

and I see this red car. And it starts driving up to me.

I try to walk away as quickly as possible to get to my Mom's car

and then the red car just stops me.

At this point, I'm now confused like who is the person and what do they want?

This person was also a large set male.

From what I was looking at, he looked like he could have been 40.

I was standing there and he was trying to ask me my name, like a creeper.

I go from behind the car and I try and walk to my car.

But, he caught me off guard again and followed me to my Mom's car.

At that point, I was just like, "alright, what do you want?"

"What do you want so you can leave me alone."

He's like, "I wanted to talk with you because you look nice, and you are really beautiful, you look really kind."

"And you have a huge chest."

And in my head I'm thinking, "What did this guy just say?!?!?

Cuz, that's just stupid Okay!!!" I've been cat called before in my neighborhood, but I just ignore it.

But this dude was taking it to a whole nother level.

He then proceeded to tell me that he wanted to put his digits in my phone.

Which i proceeded to tell him that I'm 17! A 17 year old girl and you are after a 17 year old girl. Yeah NO!

He then proceeded to drive away.

And also walk into the church. Hopefully if he was inside there, he didn't pray on anybody else.

I hate the idea of cat calling because it's really not attractive and honestly altogether, it's stupid!

Why would you want to purposely call someone just because of how they look?

I understand that he also said I looked kind, yes I am kind, but not when you try to get with me

from your car and think it's nice to call me cute and stuff.

So, for those few males out there who think cat calling is really a way to pick up chicks...

...or females (I' don't know why I just said chicks)


Because honestly, a nice "Hello and How are you?" are just what people need.

For more infomation >> A Creepy Guy Followed Me - Duration: 2:34.


Neutron Stars Just Keep Getting Weirder - Duration: 5:18.

[ ♪ Intro ]

Here's a riddle for you:

What objects combine giant balls of neutrons, black holes, the search for aliens, and doomed stars?

Give up?

The answer is the blitzar: the flash from a type of hypothetical, dying neutron star.

If they exist, they could be the solution to a mystery astronomers have spent years

trying to solve.

And as a bonus, they're pretty weird, too.

To understand blitzars, it helps to know a bit about neutron stars in general.

These objects can form when large stars die in gigantic explosions called supernovas.

If what's left over after the supernova is massive enough, gravity will pull it all

into a black hole.

But if there's a little less stuff left over, gravity will sort of force together

the protons and electrons from the old star's core.

This creates an extremely dense ball of neutrons around fifteen kilometers across -- a neutron star.

Neutron stars aren't quite dense enough to become black holes, but they're close.

And they're pretty extreme places in their own rights.

Just a teaspoon of neutron star has as much mass as Mount Everest, and its surface gravity

is almost a trillion times stronger than Earth's.

But for this story, the most important thing about neutron stars is that they spin very

quickly -- sometimes as fast as a few hundred times a second.

They also have super-strong magnetic fields, which can push around any gas that might be

near the star.

As that gas moves, it emits radio waves.

This actually caused a bit of a kerfuffle back in the 1960s.

Those radio waves can be so rapid and orderly that, when scientists first found signals

from a neutron star, some people thought they had to be messages from aliens.

The signals were even named "LGM-1" -- short for "Little Green Men".

Of course, LGM was renamed after we figured out what it was, and neutron stars are at

least a little less mysterious now.

Don't get me wrong, though -- they're still really weird.

And in some situations, neutron stars can be extra strange.

In fact, there's one hypothetical scenario where these stars are so dense that they should've

been black holes from the beginning.

They're called supramassive rotating neutron stars, and they're the culprit behind blitzars.

The reason these stars wouldn't have become black holes is because their rotation would

have spread out their mass just enough to avoid it.

See, spinning objects tend to bulge out because of inertia, so a spinning object is a little

bigger -- and a little less dense -- than a stationary one.

That difference could be just big enough that it stops those supramassive neutron stars

from collapsing.

But that couldn't last forever.

Like other neutron stars, these would have powerful magnetic fields.

And over the years, those fields would carry enough energy away from the star and ultimately

make it contract.

After anywhere between a few thousand and a million years, it would actually contract

so far that it couldn't hold off gravity any longer.

The star would suddenly collapse into a black hole, releasing a powerful burst of radio

waves as the magnetic fields get broken.

That powerful burst is a blitzar.

Now, we don't have any concrete evidence that blitzars actually exist -- although there's

no reason they shouldn't.

But if they do, the fast radio bursts they create would look a lot like a phenomenon

scientists have been trying to figure out, called, well, Fast Radio Bursts.

Over the last few years, scientists have found more and more of these signals, called FRBs for short.

They're exactly what they sound like: huge, quick bursts of radio waves.

So far, astronomers aren't sure what causes them, and the ideas they do have are hard to test.

FRBs don't usually repeat themselves, and we don't know where to look for the next one.

All this uncertainty has -- maybe unsurprisingly -- led some people to speculate that FRBs

must be from aliens.

But scientists also have a few good, non-alien ideas for explaining FRBs, including some

that we've talked about before here on SciShow Space.

One other idea, suggested back in 2014 by a pair of European astronomers, is that blitzars

would be the perfect solution for at least some of these signals.

After all, blitzars are also huge radio bursts, and they also only happen once.

And if there were no gas around the supramassive neutron star before it collapsed, we probably

wouldn't see any signals from it, either, like we did with LGM-1.

Of course, all of this means that blitzars would have to exist, which we don't know yet.

To find them, scientists could look for glowing clouds near the FRB's source, which might

be some gas that didn't make it into the black hole.

But these clouds would be dim and hard to find -- especially for distant FRBs.

Still, we don't know any real reason blitzars shouldn't be out there, though, so there's hope.

And if they are, it would mean that once again, neutron stars ruined our alien fun by being

so darn cool.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

If you'd like to keep exploring the weird, surprising, and awe-inspiring universe with

us, you can go to youtube.com/scishowspace and subscribe.

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> Neutron Stars Just Keep Getting Weirder - Duration: 5:18.


Integration Bee Highlights - Duration: 1:00.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> Integration Bee Highlights - Duration: 1:00.


Mazda 6 GJ 2.5 wydech OEM vs Ulter spokojny start - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 GJ 2.5 wydech OEM vs Ulter spokojny start - Duration: 0:32.


Fabio dimentica la Chiabotto e si dedica alla sua nuova fiamma | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Fabio dimentica la Chiabotto e si dedica alla sua nuova fiamma | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:45.


Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI 136pk Business+ | Navi | LM velgen - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6 CDTI 136pk Business+ | Navi | LM velgen - Duration: 1:01.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 0:57.


Mazda 3 SkyActiv-G 120 Dynamic+ RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda 3 SkyActiv-G 120 Dynamic+ RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:54.


Cancellata la puntata di U&D trono classico di oggi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Cancellata la puntata di U&D trono classico di oggi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:39.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 1:01.


Opel Corsa 111 EDITION 1.2 86PK 3D | 16"VELGEN | CRUISE | AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 111 EDITION 1.2 86PK 3D | 16"VELGEN | CRUISE | AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.


Seat Mii 1.0 MPI 60pk 5D Mii by Cosmopolitan + Pan. Dak - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Seat Mii 1.0 MPI 60pk 5D Mii by Cosmopolitan + Pan. Dak - Duration: 0:59.


Mazda 2 Skyactiv-G 90pk GT-M RIJKLAAR * Mega Sale* RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 Skyactiv-G 90pk GT-M RIJKLAAR * Mega Sale* RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 44KW/60PK 5-DRS Move Up! - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi X-clusive in nette staat met 7jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDi X-clusive in nette staat met 7jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 1:00.


Seat Ibiza 1.0 EcoTSI 95pk Style Limited Edition - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.0 EcoTSI 95pk Style Limited Edition - Duration: 0:58.


Audi A7 Sportback New 55 TDI quattro MHEV 286pk tiptronic - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Audi A7 Sportback New 55 TDI quattro MHEV 286pk tiptronic - Duration: 1:01.


Seat Leon ST 1.4 EcoTSI 150PK Xcellence + Upgrades ! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon ST 1.4 EcoTSI 150PK Xcellence + Upgrades ! - Duration: 0:57.


SHOPKINS | Cutie Cars Shop...

For more infomation >> SHOPKINS | Cutie Cars Shop...


《向往的生活》挤走《天天向上》正式回归,网友直言:砍掉快本吧 - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> 《向往的生活》挤走《天天向上》正式回归,网友直言:砍掉快本吧 - Duration: 4:51.


De 5 gezondste vruchten die je kunt eten - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> De 5 gezondste vruchten die je kunt eten - Duration: 7:37.


Free "Sinister" 21 Savage Ty...

For more infomation >> Free "Sinister" 21 Savage Ty...


Frozen On Broadway star Timothy Hughes | J-14 interview - Duration: 9:20.

Hey guys it's Emily and I have someone here from the greatest show in the world, The Greatest Showman

Timothy Hughes, hi welcome how are you? I'm so excited to talk everything "The

Greatest Showman" with you. All the gossip. I saw it twice in the first week

it came out yeah I'm so pumped to hear all about it

So you play the "strong man". So tell me about your character

originally I was interested in the project because in the breakdown

there was a part for a Giant and like any larger-than-life giant in a musical

that's like that's my jam. So I was hoping to get in for that and

that's what originally sparked my interest and just actually sparked their

interest and then they really wanted to go with somebody taller than me and

I'm 6'7 so I said somebody taller than me they were going for an actual

giant. So I still was called in for the project and then kind of sang and

danced my way into the other roles and there's all these other roles as part of

the oddities and all the circus group and I end up getting the role "The

Strong Man" which which worked out. What was the audition process

like? Because I heard that it took seven years to make this movie so how

long ago was that? So the process for the

collaboration between our director Michael Gracey and Hugh Jackman began

with working on a commercial together and then Hugh Jackman really enjoyed

working with the director and he was like I love to work with you and Michael

Gracey always says you know I've heard that a lot from people but never really

believed anything's gonna come of it

and sure enough yeah you know Hugh Jackman being though the guy he is there

was some sort of interaction and that's what started this collaboration

What was kind of like a 'pinch me' moment while you were filming and

then what was a 'pinch me' moment after after you've seen the fans

I think the first time that I walked on set and we were all in costume and like

Hugh Jackman came out in his like in his red jacket and we're in the middle of

this circus ring and and the crazy thing about the movie is that the entire set

is built so you enter that world you had their whole nother world and I was like

this this is my job right now

Zac Efron's in the room and you know there's everybody like everybody

together making this this amazing movie and which was definitely a pinch me

moment and then the first time that I saw it the first screening of the movie

that I saw in LA was a pinch me move moment because it was I'd never see

myself in a feature film yeah and that in itself is the oddest on the big

screen it's you should never see it in front of people like moving forward I

hate a private like viewing the next hopefully the next movie that I do

because it's the oddest experience I'm sure I really imagine that it's surreal

so when you were filming was there anything that surprised to you about

like working with Hugh Jackman and zendaya and Zach and I'm not sure if you

were in any scenes with Michelle Williams yeah I was we thought with all

of them yeah I think coming from a theater background yeah what I what I

was surprised by is how how like isolating it can be sometimes like

people just you can be separated into your trailers and then everybody kind of

comes together and you do like one or two rehearsals and then you just start

filming so I was doing a scene with Michelle Williams and they had said like

two words to her and I don't really know yeah but like I didn't and Zach and Hugh

I did a lot more days of work with but I mean that was what was really

interesting that's like I don't really know like yeah unlike theatre where

you're just like rehearsing for days and weeks on end and you know these people

inside and out yeah it was a little bit different not necessarily bad different

interesting change yeah what was like the most difficult part about filming

like was there any choreography that was like super challenging yeah although I

think the the difficulty is that you have to get it right every time for

hours on end because you never know what shots gonna be chosen you never know

when you're gonna be see oh absolutely so you have to be on it oh

yeah there's that the one time when zendaya is swinging at the end and she's

up there you have to be dancing full-out a hundred percent we heard like greatest

trapeze you have to be and you're that you're that fool who was like just in

the glimpse of the shot who's doing the wrong movie

yeah I've been actually the most difficult day was that was the fire

sequence that we did it was a long long day it was cold we were outside but we

had a little like side story of Constantine the tattoo guy and Lord of

leads and my character were like down in the mud really getting like down and

dirty helping the character and you do not see an ounce of it there will be an

extended version comes out when it's I don't know I don't know and then the

funny thing is like there's a there's one shot where it's like well we'll

definitely be in that the lash out of this fire sequence and they put an

elephant like a CGI elephant into the scene totally blocking us surprise yeah

I actually saw saw it at the IMAX with my friend Daniel who played Lord of

leads and we both look like are you kidding

he became my really really dear friend for the so there people have been saying

like oh they hope that it like it turns into a Broadway show or maybe even a

tour would you like want to so be a part of that or oh yeah chorus ability my

niggers crossed I know that it's a possibility yeah really I know that it's

a possibility yeah okay well I'll be in the front row yeah tour Broadway show

I'm done I don't I mean I don't know like too much information I don't know

like that much information but I know that I know that there's

talks about it with with some really important influential people who can and

will make it happen if I said I actually think I think I'm able to say this like

a lot of it probably depends on you yeah and if like he's been pretty vocal about

it yeah wanting if he wants to come back to Broadway to do it

it'll happen yes frozen yes so what's your character like and how is that been

so I play pabe in frozen my character is the most is is newly interpreted for

them for the musical so in the movie he's the wise old troll yeah the troll

yeah yeah the rocks yeah I'm not playing unfortunately I'm not playing a rock so

I play Bobby who's kind of the shaman leader of the hidden folk who kind of

understands all the magic so when knowing young on us first struck I come

in and save her and then and then we're a part of the whole fixer-upper sequence

yeah at the end when it happens again awesome yeah I feel like frozen is

something that all ages love so yeah like it's for it to be a Broadway show

with something like the whole family could go out and see oh definitely it

has I think built-in is the appeal to kids because it is a Disney cartoon

movie turn to you know brought to life yeah but they have we have like just

developed the the characters and the story that has such tremendous adult

appeal on on so many levels yeah the new music that's being out of

it is incredible so there's some new songs yeah there's a lot of new songs

because I think there was only seven or eight from the actual movie

same thing with greatest showmen you'll have you would have to take the eight

songs eight to ten songs with it and probably double it yeah

to make it a full musical yeah so I think it's going to be surprising how

much it appeals to adults as well yeah well I'm actually going to see it

in April oh you are see you there oh my god please let me know yeah yeah I'll do

what I can I'll get the VIP treatment Gina's

getting the behind-the-scenes yeah yeah I think I think we can go behind the

scenes that oh yeah stay tuned well thank you so much wonderful been

wonderful thank you so much for sitting down with me

For more infomation >> Frozen On Broadway star Timothy Hughes | J-14 interview - Duration: 9:20.


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For more infomation >> [HD][VOSTFR] Olivia Hye Loona - Egoist (feat Jinsoul) - Duration: 4:37.


《这就是铁甲》定档413, 张一山吴尊聊郑爽"直男"性格 - Duration: 6:29.

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Coloring Ice Cream | Learn Colors | Colouring Book Pages Videos for Kids - Duration: 2:37.








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《我是歌手》又来了!洪涛今年邀请的歌手都有谁?网友:谁上谁红 - Duration: 5:14.

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- FREE - Cloud Rap Beat - Like A Bird - PNL / Post Malone / Cloud Trap 2018 ( Prod. DaYell BeatZ ) - Duration: 3:26.

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For more infomation >> - FREE - Cloud Rap Beat - Like A Bird - PNL / Post Malone / Cloud Trap 2018 ( Prod. DaYell BeatZ ) - Duration: 3:26.


What a Brazilian Butt Lift Is Really Like | The Plastics | Harper's BAZAAR - Duration: 5:01.

I'm Jessica and I'm getting a BBL today.

I got my first breast augmentation when I was 18.

And then when the bandages came off and I got to see them I was just kind of obsessed

with getting work done I guess to accentuate parts of my body that I felt were lacking.

I grew up here in Florida a little bit north of Miami in Clearwater.

I was very boob envy when I was younger and

I got my first breast augmentation when I was 18

and they were small implants and they fit my frame and they looked very cute.

When I was 21 I got a second breast augmentation because I had put on some weight and my body

just changed so I felt it was a better fit at that point.

And that is what kind of lead me now here to get a Brazilian Butt Lift

to make my midsection a little bit smaller and my hips a little bit wider to be more

congruent with the rest of my body.

Even out my figure and get a more hourglass shape.

I chose to have my surgery done with Dr. Mendieta because I am so impressed with the natural

look that he achieves in all of his patients.

I'm Dr. Constantino Mendieta a board certified plastic surgeon in Miami, Florida,

the land of the bikinis.

My specialty really has focused around the buttock area.

It's become a sub-specialty within plastic surgery.

So today's case with Jessica was amazing because she had incredible anatomy to her.

The problem was, is that her fat wasn't distributed right.

So it's like having a gorgeous house

but you got all these trees in the front and you can't see it.

Well I removed the trees so you could appreciate the house.

It's not just about the butt, it's about the entire body.

It's about looking good when you're walking into a room but looking even better

when you're walking out of that room.

So it's a front and back procedure.

My mother is Caucasian and my father is Puerto Rican and on the Puerto Rican side all of the

women have round beautiful booties and thick legs and tiny waists.

So I'm hoping that today I'll be more like the family.

In the old days it was just about removing fat, there was no artistry to it.

And now we've found different anatomical styles that people may like.

So here's what we did with Jessica today in terms of her case here.

We gave her general anesthesia and then we infiltrated this special fluid

called tumescent fluid, which has epinephrine and lidocaine.

Lidocaine's for the pain, epinephrine so that it constricts the blood vessels and you don't

bleed as much.

Then once I extracted and contoured the entire abdomen I proceeded to reshape the buttock.

I used that same vibrating cannula to re-inject the fat.

Once I reshape the butt, now I make the butt bigger.

And that's when I added fat to the central part of the muscle to expand it.

So look at all the volume that she has here, very little volume there so it's totally different.

Look at her waistline.

I've been able to work that waist, so I've really been able to contour look how flat

that is there and look how flat it is right there.

So it's very very different.

I then went ahead and started re-contouring and re-suctioning to accentuate the areas

that I wanted to accentuate and then we put sutures to close the incisions.

We put the body garment on her.

And away she goes to being first in line at every discotheque.

So I am day 2 after my BBL.

I'm feeling pretty good, a little more rough than yesterday.

Yesterday I was just really tired and I didn't really wanna do much I didn't move around

too much but I wasn't in any pain like at all.

I did notice I am so tired I cannot stand for more than like 5 minutes

without getting fatigued.

So that's probably the biggest adjustment.

And I got to get my garment off and take pictures and look at myself and the results are amazing

I can't wait for the swelling to go down but I can definitely see the shape changing.

And that is so exciting and it makes it all worth it.

Doing well how are you?

Good sweetheart how are you doing?

I'm doing good.

It has been 2 months since my Brazilian Butt Lift

and I have been loving every second of it.

I'm not shy about my plastic surgery but I don't really like to show it off

until I'm recovered.

Since surgery my whole silhouette has changed really.

My waist has shrunk.

None of my clothes fit right anymore because my waist is so small.

so it's kind of difficult to actually find clothes right now but I feel like it's a good

problem to have.

The whole liposuction just really shaped me really pretty I think.

And it's very feminine and kind of sexy.

I feel ecstatic, I feel happy I feel anxious to show off my results.

I feel like this is the body I was supposed to have.

It fits with the rest of me.

It fits with my family and it just fits with everything I want to do in my life.

For more infomation >> What a Brazilian Butt Lift Is Really Like | The Plastics | Harper's BAZAAR - Duration: 5:01.


Millions In Debt And I Want More - Duration: 3:35.

I have millions of dollars in debt and next I want to have hundreds of millions

of dollars in debt. What am I possibly talking about? Doesn't that sound

reckless? Hi, I'm Keith Weinhold. I'm the international best-selling

author of the book "7 Money Myths That Are Killing Your Wealth Potential."

I'm also a writer at Forbes, and you might know my voice because I own

getricheducation.com, and I'm the host of the long-running "Get Rich Education"

podcast. Look, I want more smart debt for every, say million dollars in debt that I

originate for income producing real estate, I probably have 1.2 or 1.25

million dollars worth of real estate at a minimum for that million dollars in

debt. See, when I go ahead and purchase income property, where each month

the rent income from that single family rental home or apartment building that

rent income exceeds all the expenses and that includes mortgage principal,

mortgage interest, a factor for vacancy, property insurance, maintenance,

property taxes, utilities and management. After that number is still a positive number,

I want to get a hold of all of those deals that I possibly can, so I use debt to

secure as much real estate as I responsibly can - as long as a monthly

income exceeds a monthly expenses - because look, my debt payments are then

completely outsourced, 100% outsourced to tenants, so the debt is in my name,

but others pay for it or else they won't have a place to live, so I actually do

want to originate more debt. So for example, rather than paying all cash $100K

for just one single family rental home, I would rather

purchase five single family rental homes at $100K with just $20K down payments

on each one of those five, because if I think real estate generally

and historically appreciates over time, which it does,

I want to own more property, not less, and I can do that if I take on more debt

responsibly - as long as that debt is tethered to an asset that pays me income

every month and it generally appreciates in value -

I want more debt. See, debt has a bad name because your first experience

with debt probably had something to do with maybe your first car if that was a

Honda Civic, maybe you had to work overtime to make the monthly Honda Civic

payments, but see, your Honda Civic never paid you and my rental income property

and your rental income property does pay you. Well, that debt is actually slowly

paid down by tenants at the same time. I actually want more debt, more smart debt

not more bad debt and that's what you can do with income-producing real estate.

71% of Americans aren't saving enough for retirement. It's going to get worse

as people live longer and you need to start thinking differently, where you

can't lose your time. Real estate is the investment vehicle that's made more

ordinary people wealthy than anything else.

Keith Weinhold of "Get Rich Education" is hosts of one of America's top investing

shows disrupting Wall Street. He is an international best-selling author,

a writer for Rich Dad Advisors, and has been an active income property investor

since 2002. He has created thousands in passive monthly income for countless followers.

Now he has a free book - the seven principles for creating wealth in your life.

Get your copy now at getricheducation.com/book

That's getricheducation.com/book because invest in what produces income

for you now and later, Keith Weinhold is your guy.

Sign up now at getricheducation.com/book

For more infomation >> Millions In Debt And I Want More - Duration: 3:35.


Eight Signs of a FREE Voice | by Christina Shewell | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> Eight Signs of a FREE Voice | by Christina Shewell | #DrDan 🎤 - Duration: 10:17.


black heads khatam karne ka tarika in urdu hindi | health tips in urdu | بلیک ہیڈز کا مکمل خاتمہ - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> black heads khatam karne ka tarika in urdu hindi | health tips in urdu | بلیک ہیڈز کا مکمل خاتمہ - Duration: 2:47.


( US News ) Kim Jong Un Watches South Korean K-Pop Performance In Pyongyang - Duration: 4:58.

Kim Jong Un Watches South Korean K-Pop Performance In Pyongyang

Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters Members of South Korean art troupe led by Culture Minister Do Jong-hwan pose for photographs before leaving for Pyongyang, at the Gimpo International airport in Seoul, South Korea, March 31.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju were among the hundreds in Pyongyang on Sunday watching South Korean K-pop singers perform in the North for the first time in more than a decade as tensions between the two countries thaw.

It was the first time a North Korean leader had attended a South Korean performance in the capital.

Kim Jong Un was seen clapping in tune to some of the songs and later took photographs with the performers after the show.

Sunday's two-hour concert in Pyongyang, along with a separate taekwondo performance earlier in the day, comes as South Korea's engagement with North Korea has continued to grow since Kim Jong Un expressed his willingness for more contact between the two countries.

Athletes from North and South Korea marched under a unified peninsula flag at the opening ceremony at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in February and the significant thaw in the inter-Korean relations has led them to set a date for their first summit in more than a decade on April 27.

The two Koreas are technically still at war after the 1950-1953 conflict ended with a ceasefire rather than a peace agreement.

The South Korean delegation included artists, concert staff, taekwondo demonstrators, reporters and government officials.

They traveled to Pyongyang on Saturday in a reciprocal cultural visit after North Korea sent performers to the South in February, the South's Culture Ministry said.

″(Kim Jong Un) showed much interest during the show and asked questions about the songs and lyrics," Culture Minister Do Jong-whan told reporters after the show.

Sunday's concert was held under the title "Spring is Coming" at the East Pyongyang Grand Theatre, performed by an elite lineup of 11 South Korean artists including veteran vocalists Cho Yong-pil, Lee Sun-hee, rock star Yoon Do-hyun, singer Baek Ji-young as well as K-pop girl band Red Velvet.

In addition to the concert, a team of South Korean taekwondo demonstrators performed on Sunday at the Pyongyang Taekwondo Hall, drawing more than 2,300 North Koreans, including Choe Hwi, chairman of the National Sports Guidance Committee.

Seohyun, a female vocalist and actress currently with South Korean girl group Girls' Generation, sang a North Korean pop song called "Blue Willow Tree".

She had performed with the North's Samjiyon Orchestra in Seoul in February.

Cho Yong-pil, a 68-year-old singer, sang a string of hits including "The Cafe in the Winter", "Short Hair" and "Let's Go on a Trip".

Cho had held a solo concert in Pyongyang in 2005 - the last concert by a South Korean artist in the North before Sunday's performance.

The same South Korean singers will hold a joint concert with North Korean performers on Tuesday at the Ryukyung Chung Ju Yung Gymnasium, a joint project between the North and South named after Hyundai Group billionaire founder Chung Ju-yung who had long advocated inter-Korean cultural and economic exchange.


For more infomation >> ( US News ) Kim Jong Un Watches South Korean K-Pop Performance In Pyongyang - Duration: 4:58.


Learn Colors with Play Doh Rabbits for Kids. Play doh molds fruits, ice cream. Video for Kids - Duration: 15:24.

Learn Colors with Play Doh Rabbits for Kids. Play doh molds fruits, ice cream. Video for Kids

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