after escaping the 2,000 gallon aquarium and giving it that awesome aqua de coeur
3d background you know with the the logs and the root effect I knew that one day
I'd want to be able to add plants to it but we have a bit of a problem okay
first and foremost obviously it's a 2,000 gallon aquarium not exactly that
easy to plant in the first place imagine all the planted aquarium
substrate we would need to fill this in to make it suitable for plant life I
guess we should also mention that there are five freshwater stingrays in this
aquarium which pose a pretty big problem they're not going to let me plant this
aquarium these are such a curious and powerful animal that all they're going
to do is dig any plants up that I add or rip them apart so we've got to get
really creative with what we're doing we also have four Asian Arowana --zz within
the aquarium these guys don't pose as much of a problem but they will tear at
the plants here and there so we have to try to figure something out here first
obviously we have to come to a compromise and figure out which plants
we can actually keep one plant that comes to mind immediately our floating
plants wouldn't it be ideal to almost have an entire surface of floating
plants within this aquarium although we do have a relatively high surface area
and lots of surface agitation would take a tremendous amount of plants we could
always put in some more robust plants that could withstand the air one is
jumping and of course reproduce rather quickly so an awesome plan I seen at the
pet store and it's the season for them was the water hyacinth or however you're
going to go ahead and pronounce that this is a pretty cool plant it's a
floating plant and it will actually flower eventually perhaps depending on
conditions in the aquarium but it also has these massive long roots usually
every two weeks it will double in size which is fantastic
is a pretty tough and robust plant however it's highly invasive just not
here in Canada wouldn't be able to withstand our temperatures in the winter
so if you ever do come across these plants and you live in warmer
temperatures never ever throw these plants away without destroying them
completely first like flushing them down your drain or throwing them in a pond or
thinking you're doing a good thing these can completely overtake a water
surface and destroy an ecosystem extremely quickly but that goes without
saying that that's something that happens when you introduce a non-native
species of almost anything into a habitat it's not used to
I got about 16 of these so I'm thinking in two weeks we'd have thirty two of
them two weeks from then or we'd have sixty four two weeks from there we'd
have one hundred and twenty eight and so forth and so forth before long this is
covering the entire aquarium I don't want to add it to the aquarium yet
because I haven't treated yet we're gonna cover that in a moment
so the floating plants is no problem treat them toss them in the tank and
we're basically done over over time hopefully we get this nice carpet of
these plants up top with these really long roots that can really grow to like
a foot or two in length which would look pretty awesome I think the Asian Arowana
z-- would like them as well and find more security in them I'm really
interested to see where they go in the tank where they blow around because
there are is a tremendous amount of flow in this tank so we'll see what happens
of course the floating plant idea is pretty easy it's a gimme but what about
any other plant that I can actually grow in the substrate or grow in this tank
and one of the plants that I thought would do well in here is the valise or
vallisneria I went with vallisneria Americana I'm going with this one
instead of gigantea because gigantea is going to get way too long those things
grow four or five perhaps even six feet in length they're gonna come up to the
top of the tank and drape over which is an amazing effect but not what I'm
looking for because I had my floating plants I only want this to come up maybe
two to three feet two and a half feet something like that and then have the
floating plants take over the top portion of the aquarium but this is a
nutrient loving plan get this nutrients from its root
structure we only have pooled filtration sand type substrate adhere with no
nutrients in there but I can't really add in planted tank strokes right even
with the inner the root systems because the Rays are just literally going to
turn this aquarium into a mucky mess within a day so here what I come up with
we're gonna get a little creative with this and this actually comes from my
years in the discus hobby for a lot of discus hobbyist that really want to have
plants in their aquariums but also want to do the bare bottom thing and put them
in flowerpots just like that we could put this in a bear aquarium and they're
gonna grow wonderfully the only thing you need to put in here is some planted
tank substrate number of things you can use but I've got some freshwater
stingrays like I said they're gonna make a mess of any soils or any sort so I
went with some eco complete plants at aquarium substrate mostly because it's
like a gravelly look to it very heavy and dense we'll have a closer look at
this in a moment I only also got a couple bags of it
which is a benefit I don't need to buy 400 pounds I only need to buy enough to
fill up whatever types and sizes of flowerpots I plan on using now I got 40
of these plants and we can't just toss them directly into the aquarium we need
to treat all the plants first but there's a multitude of ways you can
prepare your plants for your aquarium and to prepare the plants will be using
potassium permit granite now you can find this in your hardware stores
typically in the plumbing supply section or where you'll find water softeners now
this stuff will tend to be a little more expensive than your bleach method which
we'll talk about in a moment but the way this works is actually pretty simple we
don't need a whole lot of this just add enough a little bit at a time until the
water kind of turned like like a really dark pinkish purplish look but you can
still kind of see through it there's no real measurement it's all going to come
down to how big your container is how much water there is versus how much
potassium perming Gannet that you're going to need once we've got it ready we
can go ahead and add in the plants now arguably this is even too much
in permit granite but I'm going to be doing the most of the mix in a large
bucket so I'll be able to control that a little easier now the way this is uh
works as potassium permit granted is a strong oxidizer it's literally going to
oxidize all the organic materials on the outside of the plant including algae so
that we can kind of start off with a fresh plant we let it sit in here for
three to five minutes and then of course rinse this off really well in clean
water using the bleach method is gonna be a lot more obtainable for you guys
simply because you probably already have some bleach in your household and
potassium pomegranate isn't exactly that easy to come by
usually be in your hard store hardware store in the plumbing supplies or
wherever the water softeners are you'll find it there it tends to be more
expensive but it is safer and a lot more forgiving on your plants for especially
the delicate ones so all plants are now prepared like I said we had forty but
literally what the numbers are is that we had forty pots which each had three
stems type of deal or if three runners per so we've got 120 of those not all of
them were in perfect condition but we'll see what we can do okay with these clay
pots is they all have holes in the bottom so we're gonna take a little
piece of mesh that we have here that we're cutting out just some plastic mesh
we'll drop it right into the bottom there and that means roots can still
grow through it if they if they need to but the substrate cannot
I'm just gonna dump this whole bag of substrate in this bucket here so it's
easier to get at as you can see though this is more like a gravel nice and
heavy the braids are gonna have a difficult time making a mess out of this
so hand hold and dump it in just like that we've got a little bit of water
dripping out now looks good so what we'll do next here is take probably
several of these I'm gonna have to push them down further then you typically
would because the Rays will have a field day ripping these out I have a feeling
when I wake up tomorrow morning we're gonna be in for quite a mess but
hopefully they don't do too too much damage in the meantime I want to add
probably eight to ten individual plants to each pot especially these smaller
ones to have the highest chance of these being successful I really only need one
to take hold and then kind of spread throughout the pot itself when you think
about it I don't need all of these to stay in
here already feels like some of them are gonna want to come out so there we have
it we're gonna be able to plant the 2000 gallon aquarium without switching the
entire substrate over which I mean a lot of people say why don't you just do that
one and be entirely expensive two would be a bigger waste of money the Rays are
going to destroy it absolutely completely this type of substrate is
ideal for them they're gonna have a much more difficult time ripping it all out
plus it's quite heavy they're not gonna be able to knock it over or move it
we're essentially having the ability to add live plants to the aquarium without
really switching the tank over or doing a whole lot else to it now we just need
to repeat this step a few times this stuff says it doesn't need to
rinsed rents it it's an absolutely mess hate when they say that doesn't need to
be rinsed oh yes it does I'm gonna use a few different sizes of pots here just so
I can have some options as to where we're gonna put them and these are just
gonna be put in between the roots and whatnot especially where the Rays were
kind of trying to get out at one point that's a good idea that plants now this
isn't necessarily the most natural look but you could paint this a different
color you can coat it in a silicone and then cover it with some of your
substrate you could buy these in different colors etc I've done this in
discus tanks years ago and it's more of an acquired look and taste however once
it's in this tank and we get it in between the roots it's not going to be
noticeable especially from the viewing angles that we look at it from again I'm
definitely over planting these and pushing them to the plants to fire into
the substrate but I don't really have a high chance of success here if this
doesn't work my next option is to go anubias and other plants that could just
you know tie on to the roots but I really don't really want to do that I
want to try this there were all these little pots big enough to grow out all
of these plants and simple answer to that is know what they are gonna serve a
purpose is to get these established and going they'll send out runners will
probably come outside of the pots there's holes beneath it so the roots
can expand down into the sand substrate this isn't anything new though this has
been done in the hobby for many many years it's just not a hugely popular
option my guess it's probably because of the amount of awareness around it is
it's such a niche thing that not many people do it but it's a very cheap and
effective way to add some really cool plants to your aquarium using a very
minimal amount of planted tank substrate now you can use soil if you wanted to
like gardening soil but and some clay pots these are like 50 Cent's 99 cents
apiece and then add in some of your root demanding or
plants that take up the nutrients through their roots into pots like this
I hate having to push them down and so far and some of these aren't already
doing that well but I've been keeping raised for years I know what they're
capable of I know there's gonna be all kinds of planted tank people in the
comments gonna be telling me how wrong this is from a planted tank perspective
yep but you probably don't have stingrays or
have that type of experience so it's just a little different no the cute
little plot I think we're gonna stick to a lot of the smaller sizes maybe we'll
do one more small punt and then three more of these I don't have a lot of
plants I don't know how spread out this is gonna be I do have an idea of where I
want everything to go though so there's gonna be a week see what happens the
outside is I have to get next tank again and drain it most of the way down Danny
level type of thing so I can set these down in place without submerging my head
so I can get a good proper job done using tweezers allows you to more
efficiently plant these types of plants as well you can get them pretty cheap on
Amazon a lot of people will recommend you getting stainless steel like these
one the lasts longer but almost any steel will last quite a while as long as
you dry it off completely and take care of them but for around five or ten bucks
it's an invaluable tool when planting anything if I ever had to do this but my
fingers and and that sort of thing there's no way I'm gonna be able to do
it see if some of these have already melted and whatnot so during shipment so
it'll be tough to get them to take hold but you know only hope Ray's are such a
curious creature though they're gonna go right after them
how much we got there Wow these aren't going very far we wanted the bigger
sizes I don't need a lot of that match just a little bit I actually only needed
one bag of this substrate as well slim pickings left in this with these valise
not a lot of nice ones left I'll do my best here
no ideally you wouldn't push valise down this far and you wouldn't group them
this far together or this close together the way these guys propagate themselves
as though is they shoot off runners eventually which will send off a route
under the substrate will eventually come up as a brand new plant so you do want
to give them space you also don't want to push them down as far as I'm pushing
them but again I got some fish that are going to try to pull them up probably
immediately and I don't think all of them are gonna survive anyways so the
more the better I got some good lights on there and the substrate here is gonna
give them their nutrients that they need
so ideally it should be okay no that doesn't look like there's a whole lot
left let me get these organized one more you know I'll be able to push these down
into the substrate a little bit as well build up the gravel around them they'll
blend in a little bit more you guys will just wait to see what this turns out to
look like maybe room for just one more see how bad this is heading hopefully
they'll bounce back I don't know if this last one's gonna look good or not
there's really not a lot of plant left here you could always hide it in there
somewheres and give it within a few weeks it really bounces back is theirs
to grow depressing though
at least they use the best plants on the smaller ones but valise isn't easy to
grow plant this shouldn't be a problem there we have it so that's it we've got
what 1 2 3 really small ones 3 medium-sized and one large out of what
do we have for a hundred and twenty stems not bad
we'll use one bag of substrate as well so in total I'm into this for less than
a hundred bucks which i think is affordable enough to try it out and see
if it's going to work in this aquarium if it does we can always add in a few
more pots here and there next step which of course is to start draining the
aquarium while we're doing so we can start to get a better look at the root
structure and where we might want to place some of these pots let's have a
look so if you guys remember right here I had to add this extra log in place
there as you can see that's where one of the Rays got underneath the roots and
behind the background a little while ago however I'm gonna agree with replacing
that with a pot I should do the trick see the Rays all swimming around we've
got the baby pearl over here three black diamonds another ray the arowana are
over here right now I think they're a little upset at their water level
dropping so I think for the most part the pots are going to occupy these back
spaces like one right there so one here maybe here here here over there
mostly in the back region of the aquarium I'd love to know your guys's
thoughts those who let me know in the comment section below what you would
have done how you would have did this but it is getting late in the day and I
know what you guys are going to want to see today's video so I'm going to end it
here it's still going to be about another hour before I can actually get
in the aquarium plant the plants or the pots fill the tank back up which will
take most of the day some clarity issues and in the next
video we'll see all of that beginning in the tank and whatnot so if you're not
subscribed to this channel yet and that's something you want to see me do
make sure you subscribe so you don't miss it that video will be out in a
couple of days
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