Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about self care that improve leg shin tire of after running.
This theory is effective with almost all sports. At especially,this is for person that feel the shin tire into first after sports. Body point that feel the tire into first is different for some people.
Case of me,I was playing one only sports. Teacher said like this of when that. 「Maybe your foot calves will be tired」
But it was different. As a result I felt fatigue of leg shin. Into this is there is reason.
It is bigger different by that person body condition. The order that fatigue is different by people. This self care is for person that told with title.
If you feel the shin tire into after exercise at every time more than other place,this self care is effective. In your body is there are many shin stiff muscle.
Almost people have stiff muscle that don't notice. At especially should to soften many stiff muscle put on shin bone.
[How to soften shin muscle] There is bone that protruded into front side of leg. This is shin bone.
In almost massage is don't soften the above of this bone. Almost massage do soften the near side of bone. Almost therapist aim anterior tibialis muscle or gastrocnemius.
And they soften middle of muscle. Inside as well same. Many people is situation that not conscious.
Think easy. Only do keep the stiff condition of above bone muscle. It come out muscle pain by do exercise with that condition. Maybe condition like this.
I tell to how to soften that place from now. This method is so easy. It is to do touch with fist edge into shin bone.
And please push or press. It use second joint place of finger. Please push with state that was sharpened finger joint.
Please do style like stab with finger joint. After pushed is move soon please. Maybe you feel pain more than good feeling.
Or you think this is pain of hit bone. But pain like bone hit is not bone pain. This is pain when soften muscle that stuck on bone.
If your muscle become soft,you don't feel pain. At actually if you push the bone with bone edge,pain not at all. But case of hit bone with strong power,it is different.
The pain when pushed with light power is none. This pain is there was from long time ago. But you didn't soften stiff muscle. It is only.
Please check foot movement after few minute. Or please you do sports that doing from usual. Please compare with condition of before do this self care.
Maybe your knee movement and your foot joint movement do improve. It is so light feeling,not tired,etc.
To understand easily is to do self care the opposite side. You will understand easily with this method.
Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
For more infomation >> Self care that improve leg shin tire of after running. - Duration: 8:18.-------------------------------------------
Trailer direto da Gamescom 2018 - Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Duration: 1:31.
Subban s'investit encore à Montréal - Duration: 2:01.
Thanos Mid Credits Scene | The Avengers (2012) Movie Clip - Duration: 1:08.
They are not the cowering wretches we were promised.
They stand.
They are unruly, and therefore cannot be ruled.
To challenge them
is to court death.
Lauren Conrad's Son Liam Makes Some Guinea Pig 'Friends' at a Petting Zoo - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 2:36.
Liam James: future zoologist? Lauren Conrad's adorable baby boy made a few new acquaintances recently — two guinea pigs! — in a snapshot that The Hills alum shared to her Instagram Story Thursday
Dressed in a NASA T-shirt and blue jeans, 13-month-old Liam reached out to pet the furry critters with one hand while using his other for balance against their wooden play area
"Liam made some friends today!" Conrad, 32, wrote atop the sweet image. Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Parents newsletter
Liam Is 1! Lauren Conrad Celebrates Her Baby Boy's First Birthday with Sweet Family Beach Photo Conrad opened up to PEOPLE earlier this month about the latest milestones her son, who celebrated his first birthday on July 5, has been hitting
"He is walking. He gets into everything and he started walking around a lot," she said
"He started really [walking] a month and a half ago." Added the LC Lauren Conrad designer, "Now he is running, which is scary because they're like little drunk men
They're just constantly falling over and you're like, 'Oh my God!' " Regarding the recently announced reboot of her MTV spin-off reality show (Conrad also starred in its predecessor, Laguna Beach), the mother of one won't be appearing on The Hills: New Beginnings
"She's in a different place in her life," an insider told PEOPLE of Conrad earlier this week
The source added of show, which will premiere in 2019, "She wants everyone to enjoy themselves
She wishes everyone the best."
Roadwolf MC Friendship Run 2018 - Duration: 3:09.
I call the open highway "home" time and again
This is the way I live and will until the end
The feeling of freedom medicates my wandering soul
My cruising thunder like an arrow down the road
I'm sorry, lover, but I cannot live in chains
I am a traveling man and that will never change
The need to ride is strong, to shed the heavy load
My cruising thunder like an arrow down the road
I don't say goodbye, there's no need to cry
for I always do return
Can't get away, won't cut and run, a man will stay
That's why I need my lean machine
I don't say goodbye, there's no need to cry
Baby – I turn my wheels back on the road
I try to change myself and left the road behind
Put down the bottle and the smokes and that is fine
But I will never fully grasp the business code
My cruising thunder like an arrow down the road
I don't say goodbye, there's no need to cry
For I always do return
Can't get away, won't cut and run, a man will stay
That's why I need my lean machine
Can't get away, won't cut and run, a man will stay
That's why I need my lean machine
I don't say goodbye, there's no need to cry
Baby – I turn my wheels back on the road
I turn my wheels back on the road
Today 's Sports | Morning News 26/8/2018: South East Asia Support U23 Vietnam - Duration: 9:26.
연예인 박성광에게 병아리 매니저란 - Duration: 2:24.
{MMDxOcsxFNAF1} GRRLS ||| Motion by AnastasiaP BATIM ||| {Read description} {MEME} - Duration: 0:29.
Il maltempo spinge il contro esodo: 21 milioni gli italiani in viaggio - Duration: 5:09.
L'ondata di maltempo arrivata sull'Italia ha spinto al rientro i 21 milioni di italiani che quest'anno hanno deciso di andare in vacanza nel mese di agosto
A svelarlo è un'indagine Coldiretti/Ixe' diffusa nell'ultimo weekend del mese segnato tradizionalmente dal controesodo
"Sono finite infatti – sottolinea la Coldiretti – per la maggioranza degli italiani le vacanze con una durata media del tempo trascorso lontano da casa di 11,3 giorni"
"E' quindi confermata – continua la Coldiretti – l'abitudine, tutta nazionale, di concentrare le partenze nel mese di agosto, che è stato di gran lunga il più gettonato dell'estate"
Poco più di un italiano su dieci ha varcato i confini nazionali ed ha lasciato l'Italia dove la maggior parte dei rientri viene dal mare scelto come luogo di vacanza da più di 6 italiani su 10 (62%) ma al secondo posto tra le mete scelte si classificano le città d'arte a pari merito con parchi, oasi, riserve e la campagna, seguiti dalla montagna
Controesodo in tempo reale Tra oggi, sabato 25 agosto e domani, domenica 26, è previsto il rientro a casa di milioni di italiani che hanno trascorso le vacanze in diverse località sparse per la Penisola
Proprio per questo motivo saranno due giorni di 'fuoco' sulle autostrade. Diverse criticità sono già state evidenziate in alcuni tratti autostradali, da Nord a Sud
Traffico in autostrada: la situazione in tempo reale Lunghe code sull'A14 Code sull'A14 dove proseguono, nella galleria Grottammare tra Pedaso e Grottammare, i lavori di messa in sicurezza della struttura, fortemente danneggiata giovedì sera nell'incendio di un mezzo pesante
I tempi di ripristino, spiega Viabilità Italia, si presumono non brevi. In linea con le previsioni da bollino rosso, anche nella mattinata odierna i volumi di traffico sono particolarmente elevati, in particolare in carreggiata nord dove si registrano 13 km di coda nonostante si circoli su entrambe le corsie disponibili per ridurre i disagi
La carreggiata sud dell'A/14 (direzione Pescara) è chiusa nel tratto Porto S. Giorgio e Grottammare
I veicoli che viaggiano in tale direzione escono obbligatoriamente al casello di Porto S
Giorgio e possono riprendere l'A14 al successivo casello di Grottammare percorrendo i 26 chilometri della ss16, con tempi di percorrenza di circa 60/70 minuti
Viabilità Italia registra, al momento, 13 km di coda in carreggiata nord, per i veicoli che da Bari stanno andando in direzione Bologna, a causa della cantierizzazione dell'area
Sulla carreggiata opposta, a causa dell'uscita obbligatoria a Porto S.Giorgio, ci sono 9 chilometri di coda, percorribili in circa 40 minuti
A tale stazione, per facilitare le operazioni di deflusso, non è previsto il pagamento del pedaggio
Gli itinerari consigliati Riguardo agli itinerari consigliati per le prossime ore e per il fine settimana, chi percorre la A14 da Bologna verso l'Abruzzo e la Puglia può uscire a Cesena per utilizzare l'E45 Orte-Ravenna, entrare in A1 ad Orte, percorrerla fino all'interconnessione con l'A24 ed utilizzare l'A24 verso Teramo per le destinazioni abruzzesi e del sud marchigiano, oppure l'A25 verso Pescara per proseguire verso la Puglia; chi percorre la A1 diretto verso l'Abruzzo e la Puglia, può proseguire oltre Bologna fino a raggiungere a Roma l'interconnessione con la A24 e proseguire sulla stessa fino a Teramo ovvero utilizzare la A25 verso la Puglia
Chi percorre la A14 dalla Puglia e dall'Abruzzo ed è diretto in Emilia Romagna o verso destinazioni più a nord può uscire sulla A25, raggiungere la A24, arrivare all'interconnessione con la A1 a Roma e proseguire verso nord
Chi percorre la A14 dalla Puglia e dall'Abruzzo ed è diretto nelle Marche - a nord del tratto chiuso - può uscire sulla A25, raggiungere la A24, arrivare all'interconnessione con la A1 a Roma, uscire ad Orte, percorrere la E45 verso Cesena
Subban s'investit encore à Montréal - Duration: 2:01.
Have You Felt Stripped and Fruitless? - Duration: 16:06.
Have You Felt Stripped and Fruitless?
August 25, 2018
Jesus, we thank you for giving us a history of holy men and women who, living in the Cloud
now, are cheering us on as we discover their saintly examples.Thank you so much, Lord,
for this beautiful gift.
Well, dear ones, in the thick of difficulties and heavy intercessory burdens, I wondered:
'What possible good could come from the many losses some have been suffering?'
I looked at my husband, who was up and about working on music, and felt badly for all the
weight he had lost.
Even though he is now gaining weight, he also lost a lot of hair and has aged a good 10-15
I wondered, 'Lord, he looks so weak and beaten down.
Will he ever have glowing health again?
And of course, not knowing what kind of mountains were being moved for our President, I wondered:
'Is there any fruit from all this suffering?'
And I struggled, growing very weary of insurmountable difficulties every day, making it impossible
for me to get to the keyboard or sing.
I'm sure you guys can relate.
It was about three days ago that I picked up one of my ancient rhema cards…something
I had written on an index card over 20 years ago.
It was on the mountain in the wilderness with us for six years, and wherever we went, we
took our Rhema cards.
And that day the Lord brought it forth—three days ago.
But before I tell you what it said, I want to share this little story from the life of
St. Francis of Assisi.
Francis traveled to Rieti to bring the Gospel to the people.
And as he approached the city, a great multitude of people came forth to meet him, so that
he was not able to enter.
So, he went to a church that was two miles from town, instead.
When the citizens heard that he was at the church, they ran to catch up with him in such
numbers that the vineyard of the church was utterly despoiled and all the grapes were
When the priest saw that, he was sorely grieved in his heart, and repented that he had received
St. Francis in his church.
Now, as he was thinking these things, his thoughts were being revealed by God to St.
Francis, who called him aside and said, "Dearest father.
How many measure of wine does this yield in a year when the yield is at its highest?"
The priest answered, "Twelve measures."
St Francis replied, "Please, father, suffer me patiently to come here for a few days,
for I find much rest here; and for the love of God and of me—poor little one, let every
man gather grapes from your vineyard and I promise you, in the Name of My Lord Jesus
Christ, that every year your vineyard shall yield twenty measures of wine."
And St. Francis tarried there, because of the great harvest of souls gathered from the
folk that came to see him.
Many departed inebriated with divine love and forsook the world.
The priest had faith in the promise of St. Francis, and surrendered the vineyard freely
to those who came, and it was all wasted and stripped so that barely a bunch of grapes
Marvelous to tell, the vintage season came, and the priest gathered the few bunches that
were left and cast them into the wine press and treaded them.
And according to the promise of St. Francis, he harvested twenty measures of excellent
Christian folk, barren of virtue through sin, repented and abounded in good fruit, through
the teaching of St. Francis.
And that's the end of the story.
So, on this day when I was feeling stripped and fruitless—three days ago—I was inspired
to pull that rhema card from a little box in the corner.
And this is what it said, "The stripped vineyard."
Omnibus of Sources, page 1355.
Well, I didn't have to look it up to know what it meant - it just hit me.
Immediately, I understood the Lord to be saying, "He will gather much fruit from these offerings,
and what I thought would be my loss will instead be an abundance."
So, that's a beautiful way that the Lord is encouraging us to allow our vineyards to be
stripped, you know?
Seeing my husband, sick as he was.
That's a very stripping experience.
And knowing that he had to build his health back up very slowly.
It's just difficult.
And time that's been lost.
You know, when I haven't been able to get to music as I should.
Part of it's my fault, and part of it's just circumstances.
And those times are very frustrating and hard for me.
But they were a suffering!
And I feel and believe in my heart that the Lord is saying, 'Just be patient.
Your time's coming.
It's coming.
And there's going to be abundance!'
Well, as if that weren't enough of a wonderful word, I was inspired to pick up Love Letters
To My Bride and open at random.
Here is the wonderful message He followed up with.
I remember hearing a question on the Channel: How do you lose grace?
Well, it wass also explained in this message, so I thought I'd post that, as well.
It comes from the message: Jesus' Perceptible and Manifest Presence is With You, April 27th,
It begins: I had been nervous all day that I wouldn't get a message today, and I was
dead-dog tired and I thought, 'Oh, my gosh, how's the Lord going to get anything to me
in this state?
But He was very sweet and accommodating, as He always is.
As soon as I saw Him tonight in prayer, while I was worshipping, He said: "Clare, not for
one moment have I left you.
You have done nothing to deserve that.
The enemy is lying to you.
Besides, didn't I tell you, it's not based on your performance but on My faithfulness
to keep My word?
Well, You're here talking with me, Lord...and that's wonderful.
"I am."
"My very small and fragile child, don't you know you have no righteousness of your own,
but all has been given to you?
And if you contain it, you will grow in holiness?"
"You see, I visit each of My Brides with graces.
And most receive them, but very few continue to contain them or multiply them.
I visit with grace and I visit with adversity.
It is usually during adversity that graces are lost."
But what about those times of victory when the devils sift us and try to take away what
we've had?
"That, too, is an opportunity to lose grace.
It can go either way.
One way to lose is immediately following a victory.
The other is during adversity.
When My Bride does not receive the challenges and tests that I give her, she loses grace.
When she becomes self-assured after a victory, she can lose grace.
"It is a matter of clinging to Me or wandering off on your own, in your own will.
"This is why I am so very strict with you to stay in My will at all times.
I want you to contain the treasure I give you, so that you may lavish it on souls.
But if the living waters leak out before you get to them, then your pitcher is empty.
You know what that feels like, when that pitcher is empty, don't you?"
Oh, yes, Lord.
It is very sad.
It's hard to see others suffering and not having any way to help them.
Even lately, Lord, people come to me with questions for You and I don't feel competent
to answer them, or to ask You.
"You have asked Me for this competency, and it is on the way.
But your role in the Body is more important than answering questions.
I don't ever want you bogged down doing that.
I want you to teach them how to get their own answers, Clare.
This is far more important and vital to Me.
Jesus continued, "Oh, Dear ones, do not burden her with your questions!
Seek Me and I will answer your questions.
All of you who have been following Me closely through this vessel, are so close to breakthroughs
in hearing and seeing Me.
Don't grow weary and don't give in to unbelief or discouragement.
Those are your worst enemies.
May I say laziness is part of the problem?
You must press in.
Those who seek Me with their whole hearts, they shall find Me.
Seek Me and live the life that I promised you—the abundant life of communion with
Me, righteousness, peace and joy.
The fruits of fellowship with Me.
Confidence, courage, growth in charity, and humility.
These are the sweet flavors of the grapes that abide in the vine.
"Bitterness, rancor, flatness—those are the grapes that are produced without the nourishment
of the True Vine.
As I live in you and you live in Me, the grapes we produce together are bursting with nourishment
and flavor.
It is a cooperative venture: My hands work through your hands.
My feet walk through your feet.
My heart beats through your heart and all that is Godly and seems impossible to you
comes into fruition.
All that has previously been out of your reach is now a natural fact, flowing out to other
souls who are hungry and thirsty for Me.
"When you begin to see these rewards: the cultivation of new ground, the planting of
new seed, the harvesting of new fruit—rejoice greatly, for great is your reward in Heaven.
"I have longed for cooperative ventures with My Body, but so few have the faith and stamina
to continue to believe even when the ground seems hard and barren."
Like the American political scene.
"That is why perseverance is so very necessary.
When you labor with Me, you will not always see results immediately, but you will feel
a deep satisfaction that together we have plowed and planted, and by faith there will
be a harvest.
Okay, now He is addressing my present state of mind.
"Each day is a new opportunity to co-labour with Me.
It is your unflagging Love for Me that keeps you coming back, day after day, to apply the
fertilizer, cultivate the ground.
Expect the harvest, knowing that nothing you do for Me is in vain; all will bring forth
fruit in its season.
"So, don't grow weary.
Even at this late hour, expect the joyful harvest, expect the plump grapes and fine
All these are coming if you continue in your appointed jobs and do not grow weary with
the tasks at hand."
And that's where that part of the message stopped.
Well, I especially want to thank all of you who were able to donate to the Channel.
You gave us much needed relief to cover salaries and even donate to Nicaragua.
So, thank you so much, Dear ones, for your faithfulness and great kindness in caring
for us sweet.
You're a precious Family.
It must not be by coincidence that I have felt the prompting to ask you to pray for
our music.
I have some songs already to produce, but again, I am stretched for time.
Would you please pray that I can set aside time to work on these songs, and also for
Ezekiel, to regain his strength and momentum in music?
In prayer, he is wonderful.
He has plenty of prayer time, and some of it is flat on his back!
But, you know, he seems to be coming out of a season of heavy intercession, right now.
But we really need your prayers.
His voice has gotten very hoarse.
I think it's probably from all the crying out he did during those painful times, and
he is still a bit shaky and weak.
He is exercising though, and resolute about getting back up.
For me, I need help with the keyboard, to get my fingers back and sing with a heart
full of love for Our Jesus.
And since I was going to ask for your prayers, this just happened to be in the same message.
What an amazing message!
Three different things addressed, and all three of them have been on my heart and mind!
Jesus began, "One more thing I would like My Brides to know.
I have honored your prayers for Clare.
I have laid up for you a storehouse of rewards for lifting her up so she could keep going.
Whenever you pray for a minister, in Heaven you will reap that minister's rewards.
You will say to Me, 'Where did that come from, I didn't do that?'
And I will say to you, 'You prayed for that servant, and therefore you share in the reward.'
"It is a mystery, but not one thought, not one intention goes unrewarded before Me.
I see the hidden things of the heart.
I see the love and the care.
And I reward you for what I see.
"I bless you, My Brides, with the abundant life of My presence, My perceptible presence
in your midst.
It is My joy to be with you and even a greater joy when you recognize My workings in your
We are as One."
That's a really sweet message.
And you know, one of the songs that I want to work on and start singing is all about
our recognizing His presence in prayer.
And recognizing His voice.
So, pray for us, please?
And I'm going to expect great graces to be coming our way, so we can really get on our
way with music.
Because that is to play a major role in our lives in the near future.
Thank you, Heartdwellers.
I love you all very dearly.
And I bless our enemies, and I know you're going to use this message against us.
But I want you to know that we still bless you.
And we pray for you.
And we hope someday to see you converted and with the Lord, in a place where we can all
rejoice together.
God bless you.
{MMDxOcsxFNAF1} GRRLS ||| Motion by AnastasiaP BATIM ||| {Read description} {MEME} - Duration: 0:29.
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México requiere soldados con la "camiseta bien puesta": Cienfuegos - Duration: 3:49.
México requiere militares que tengan "la camiseta bien puesta" y plena disposición de seguir sirviéndole a la sociedad y "a los gobiernos en plural", afirmó el secretario de la Defensa Nacional, Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda
Te recomendamos: AMLO se reúne con Salvador Cienfuegos En el Heroico Colegio Militar, manifestó que el país necesita fuerzas armadas cada vez más fuertes, con ánimo robustecido, mejor equipadas y adiestradas para desarrollar todas sus misiones con éxito
El general encabezó la ceremonia de graduación de cadetes de este plantel y habló fuera de protocolo para transmitirles a los egresados un mensaje de felicitación y de reconocimiento del presidente Enrique Peña Nieto
Felicito a las mujeres y hombres que hoy culminan sus estudios en la Esc. Militar de Especialistas de Fuerza Aérea, personal altamente capacitado en las especialidades de Meteorología y de Control Militar de Vuelo, capaces de responder a las necesidades que demande nuestra nación pic
twitter.com/KoHrDAK5IP— Salvador Cienfuegos (@S_Cienfuegos_Z) August 24, 2018 A los nuevos oficiales les dijo que de hoy en adelante representarán el mando directo de las tropas y deberán hacerlo con lealtad y honor
"Estamos muy orgullosos de estar aquí con ustedes, estamos totalmente convencidos de que harán su mejor esfuerzo al seguir su carrera militar", dijo
Afirmó que es un paso importante, pero vienen muchos pasos más, habrá que seguir construyendo, preparándose, estudiando, les aconsejo que desde este momento y durante todo el tiempo de su vida militar sean dispuestos, entregados, apasionados
"Entregados con pasión, que traigan la camiseta bien puesta. México requiere de fuerzas armadas cada vez más fuertes, más fortalecidas anímicamente, mejor equipadas, adiestradas y con toda la disposición de seguir sirviéndole a la sociedad y a los gobiernos, en plural", enfatizó
En el acto 287 graduados del curso regular de formación de oficiales, entre ellos 24 mujeres, recibieron título, certificado de estudios y patente del grado de subteniente de Infantería, Caballería, Artillería, Arma Blindada, Zapadores y del servicio de Intendencia; asimismo, un becario de la República del Perú recibió título y certificado de estudios
Se entregaron certificados de estudios y patentes a 99 subtenientes del Curso Intensivo de Formación de Oficiales de Infantería, Caballería, Artillería, Arma Blindada y Zapadores; así como una mujer del servicio de Policía Militar; siendo la primera en graduarse de este servicio
El Heroico Colegio Militar tiene como objetivo formar oficiales para desempeñarse como comandantes de unidad de nivel sección en los organismos del Ejército y Fuerza Aérea, puntualizó la Sedena
El general Julio Álvarez Arellano, director del plantel, destacó que el modelo del Sistema Educativo Militar se encuentra alineado al Sistema Educativo Nacional, en donde el principal actor es el cadete como estudiante, desarrollando habilidades, actitudes y valores, bajo el diseño de estrategias didácticas centradas en el aprendizaje del alumno
Te recomendamos: En México hay sitios con retos de seguridad: Cienfuegos A nombre del personal graduado, el subteniente de Caballería, José Antonio Franco Ramírez, quien ocupó el primer lugar general de aprovechamiento académico, manifestó que como nuevos oficiales del Ejército Mexicano, cumplirán las misiones que les sean asignadas con energía y pasión, pero sobre todo, actuando con legalidad y respeto a los Derechos Humanos; asimismo, que el Heroico Colegio Militar, a través de su existencia ha forjado generaciones de destacados militares al servicio de México, cuyo distintivo en las etapas de nuestra historia, ha sido la lealtad a las Instituciones y a su pueblo
Il maltempo spinge il contro esodo: 21 milioni gli italiani in viaggio - Duration: 5:09.
L'ondata di maltempo arrivata sull'Italia ha spinto al rientro i 21 milioni di italiani che quest'anno hanno deciso di andare in vacanza nel mese di agosto
A svelarlo è un'indagine Coldiretti/Ixe' diffusa nell'ultimo weekend del mese segnato tradizionalmente dal controesodo
"Sono finite infatti – sottolinea la Coldiretti – per la maggioranza degli italiani le vacanze con una durata media del tempo trascorso lontano da casa di 11,3 giorni"
"E' quindi confermata – continua la Coldiretti – l'abitudine, tutta nazionale, di concentrare le partenze nel mese di agosto, che è stato di gran lunga il più gettonato dell'estate"
Poco più di un italiano su dieci ha varcato i confini nazionali ed ha lasciato l'Italia dove la maggior parte dei rientri viene dal mare scelto come luogo di vacanza da più di 6 italiani su 10 (62%) ma al secondo posto tra le mete scelte si classificano le città d'arte a pari merito con parchi, oasi, riserve e la campagna, seguiti dalla montagna
Controesodo in tempo reale Tra oggi, sabato 25 agosto e domani, domenica 26, è previsto il rientro a casa di milioni di italiani che hanno trascorso le vacanze in diverse località sparse per la Penisola
Proprio per questo motivo saranno due giorni di 'fuoco' sulle autostrade. Diverse criticità sono già state evidenziate in alcuni tratti autostradali, da Nord a Sud
Traffico in autostrada: la situazione in tempo reale Lunghe code sull'A14 Code sull'A14 dove proseguono, nella galleria Grottammare tra Pedaso e Grottammare, i lavori di messa in sicurezza della struttura, fortemente danneggiata giovedì sera nell'incendio di un mezzo pesante
I tempi di ripristino, spiega Viabilità Italia, si presumono non brevi. In linea con le previsioni da bollino rosso, anche nella mattinata odierna i volumi di traffico sono particolarmente elevati, in particolare in carreggiata nord dove si registrano 13 km di coda nonostante si circoli su entrambe le corsie disponibili per ridurre i disagi
La carreggiata sud dell'A/14 (direzione Pescara) è chiusa nel tratto Porto S. Giorgio e Grottammare
I veicoli che viaggiano in tale direzione escono obbligatoriamente al casello di Porto S
Giorgio e possono riprendere l'A14 al successivo casello di Grottammare percorrendo i 26 chilometri della ss16, con tempi di percorrenza di circa 60/70 minuti
Viabilità Italia registra, al momento, 13 km di coda in carreggiata nord, per i veicoli che da Bari stanno andando in direzione Bologna, a causa della cantierizzazione dell'area
Sulla carreggiata opposta, a causa dell'uscita obbligatoria a Porto S.Giorgio, ci sono 9 chilometri di coda, percorribili in circa 40 minuti
A tale stazione, per facilitare le operazioni di deflusso, non è previsto il pagamento del pedaggio
Gli itinerari consigliati Riguardo agli itinerari consigliati per le prossime ore e per il fine settimana, chi percorre la A14 da Bologna verso l'Abruzzo e la Puglia può uscire a Cesena per utilizzare l'E45 Orte-Ravenna, entrare in A1 ad Orte, percorrerla fino all'interconnessione con l'A24 ed utilizzare l'A24 verso Teramo per le destinazioni abruzzesi e del sud marchigiano, oppure l'A25 verso Pescara per proseguire verso la Puglia; chi percorre la A1 diretto verso l'Abruzzo e la Puglia, può proseguire oltre Bologna fino a raggiungere a Roma l'interconnessione con la A24 e proseguire sulla stessa fino a Teramo ovvero utilizzare la A25 verso la Puglia
Chi percorre la A14 dalla Puglia e dall'Abruzzo ed è diretto in Emilia Romagna o verso destinazioni più a nord può uscire sulla A25, raggiungere la A24, arrivare all'interconnessione con la A1 a Roma e proseguire verso nord
Chi percorre la A14 dalla Puglia e dall'Abruzzo ed è diretto nelle Marche - a nord del tratto chiuso - può uscire sulla A25, raggiungere la A24, arrivare all'interconnessione con la A1 a Roma, uscire ad Orte, percorrere la E45 verso Cesena
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