welcome back to the channel guys so today is a bit of a different day I am
here with my old friend Emily Canham and she's invited me to come on a mystery
trip we don't have a clue where we're going no actually though this was set up
by wizard yeah so was that I've done one day only a mystery trip to anywhere in
the world and with me and we sort of guessed it was round Europe yeah they've
given us kind of time so we know roughly the flights about three hours so free
hours so we've been trying to guess all day we're trying we are tried
like please play - context
these guys
my name's Emily and I give that to you yesterday
hey watch it good
shrieks AIEEE
okay we're off the plane yet we ready we have arrived this is like my home this
is I'm gonna be able to take Emily to all the nice places to chat up all the
women ya know I don't really ever I don't mean I'm joking but honestly I
could have asked for a better place I've always wanted to come to this part of
Italy from where I live it's about five hour drive so I've never managed to come
down here and we're a la pelea in Barbie so yeah I'm actually person hopefully we
get some really cool shots here because yeah God every Prodigy road we were
actually contemplating it when we got some when I got to her house she was not
I'm not too sure but it's gonna pay off
I am absolutely bursting for this I don't actually know what to do in Bowery
that I'm not gonna like okay don't worry because I've got the Italian passport
so so tree
you can good broke it dab on the haters anyone here for me can you believe all
the places in the whole of Europe end up going back to Italy though it's just
funniest thing ever I mean I really appreciate it because I've always wanted
to go to that Booya the beaches have yes sternum yeah I was actually gonna go
fuck the fly in like two three weeks time but they're still gonna have to
read like hey or something might have to go to something yesterday yeah we're
here for like 48 hours to see what footage we can get to ever play the
tunes on
it was away all the way that our Chester yeah enterprise planter and some chick
in the corner yeah I think we need to pick somewhere -
yeah but you know your food you know Evan told okay that's not you guys are
just got milk shaking it's literally ice cream like it's solid so we're walking
around like a dock area and you take some pictures but it just look like
England so we're all doing that because look you could be like I don't know
where what brighter nor like somewhere Margate Blackpool Margate somewhere like
that so we're not gonna do here we've nearly been run over about 12 times it's
going great
so basically a lot of the day got wasted because we got put in a hotel in the
center of ba ba ba like you said bodies Hannibal we got put in the center body
and then basically we've got put in the wrong hotel for some odd reason and then
we got transferred to this one this hotel is so emotionalized I mean it's
still a basic hotel but it makes just appreciate so much more because of the
previous hotel over it how look it is pretty nice you want and
look it is a bit messy okay but it's just cuz I've literally just came in and
don't wash but look at a mirror that is massive absolutely massive and then
there's this awesome view which you just miss sunset because I was getting ready
can I open the door open though let's just look at it
Oh what are the heat just smacks you in the face so strong but look at that view
man look at that view I mean this house sounds pretty neat look at all the all
the balconies Yello look down there it's a pretty neat
hotel I have been to the Caribbean I've been to a lot of humid countries but
today has been the worst I mean as soon as I got out of the room or sweating and
then I was walking off sweating and I couldn't stop so I Drive us out and I
just couldn't stop and just keep going and keep going and keep going so it was
just unbelievable but we're gonna I'm gonna get ready now and we're gonna meet
the guys downstairs because we're gonna go out for some pizza we've searched the
top best places to eat peas in Barrett because it's what you do in your inner
city that's what you do in ago Italy that's what you do
but yeah catch you in a bit
oh it's good - this is my hands it's the cheese's so
I'm a gentleman I'm American do you need to let me
finish hotel look how look at the N on that bad boy that's so cute
oh there's a big end what man did that n fell on a space Marvel is a moment oh
right the head
and tastes like whiskey no no I can't tell you if you tell that
light and heat that runt of the mouth could you tell that bottle had wax on it
yes it came from a ship in the 1840s oak oh good
it's not what is it what's learn to be like the heat is in the front of the
mouth hang on are you from BuzzFeed this man anything of a I'm actually from
college humor I'm Graham from college hey guys I am really feeling now we went
out for pizza and the peace it was so good it was like five euros so it's
really cheap but it tastes a bit credible like the salami oh it was so
good as well had two hours and a half sleep this whole day and sleep on the
plane so I am really feeling it now I'm really up at 5:00 and it's currently
half 11 sort of number five it hours and harshly that's what you do it yeah guys
if you liking the travel vlogs and you're liking the content make sure to
hit that subscribe here that like button as well and just leave a comment down
below on where you think we should go next and where about you want to travel
see you soon
For more infomation >> 48 Hours Mystery Flight With Emily Canham - Day 1 - Duration: 9:59.-------------------------------------------
LL Cool J Hosts Annual Basketball Tournament - Duration: 0:42.
Shooter Season 3 Ep 10: Carlita Cruise Tells Russo About Team Swagger (1/5) | Shooter on USA Network - Duration: 2:44.
Vancouver Seniors' Issues | Shauna Sylvester for Mayor - Duration: 0:50.
Brigitte Macron : le président "a peur qu'on la lui vole", "elle est son tout" - Duration: 3:55.
FC Nantes: Il y a «99,9 %» de chances que Rongier soit Nantais cette saison, c'est lui qui le dit - Duration: 2:29.
Valentin Rongier ne quittera vraisemblablement pas le navire avant le 1er septembre
Le capitaine du FC Nantes, qui avait laissé planer le doute sur son avenir sur les bords de l'Erdre il y a quinze jours à l'issue de la défaite inaugurale (1-3) contre Monaco, s'est montré plus clair ce samedi soir (après le nul 1-1 contre Caen à la Beaujoire)
A la question : savez-vous où vous serez dans 6 jours, soit à la fin du mercato estival ? « Oui je sais où je serai, je serai ici [à Nantes]
A 99,9 %. J'ai toujours dit que si on jour il y a un projet qui me fait rêver, j'y réfléchirai et c'est toujours le cas
Mais, aujourd'hui, il y a 99,9 % de chances que je sois là dans 6 jours. » Aucune offre cet été
pour le moment Pour rappel, le joueur est sous contrat jusqu'en 2022 au FC Nantes
Depuis plusieurs semaines, de nombreux médias relaient que l'Olympique de Marseille fait les yeux doux à Rongier
L'OM a songé au capitaine nantais, mais en aucun cas, l'entraîneur olympien Rudi Garcia a appelé le joueur comme on a pu le lire
Cet été, aucune offre n'est arrivée sur le bureau de la direction du FCN.
How to record your PC screen - Duration: 7:06.
Choose your PC Operating System
Go to where your PC Downloads are saved and click on it to start to install.
It's going to open while it's done or go and open the OBS from the shortcut created on your desktop.
Right click from the sources and click on Display Capture from the "ADD" sub menu
Type the name of how you want to save your videos
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Make sure you LIKE And SUBSCRIBE!!!
You can stop recording anytime and open it from where you saved it!!!
BTS 'IDOL' Official Traduzioine ITALY - Duration: 3:43.
Puoi chiamarmi artista Puoi chiamarmi idolo
O qualsiasi altro qualcosa che ti viene in mente Non mi interessa
ne sono fiero, sono libero Non più ironia
Punta le dita, non potrei fare di meno Non importa quale sia la ragione per cui incolpare me
So cosa voglio Non ho mai cambiato Non ho mai fatto trading
Faccio quello che faccio, quindi pensa ai fatti tuoi Non puoi impedirmi di amare me stesso
Ursoo è fantastico Non puoi impedirmi di amare me stesso
Non puoi impedirmi di amare me stesso
OH OH OH OH OHOHOHOHOH OH OH OH OH Bum badum bum brrrrumble Ursoo
OH OH OH OH OHOHOHOHOHOH OH OH OH OH Bum badum bum brrrrumble Ursoo
Affronta, proprio come John Woo, ay Top star con quel riflettore, ay
A volte diventa un supereroe Se tu fossi come superman
24 ore non sono molte Confusione, per me è il lusso
Confusione, per me è il lusso, Faccio il mio thang. Amo me stessa
Mi amo, amo i miei fan, Adoro la mia danza e il mio cosa. Ci sono decine e centinaia di me stesso in me
Runnin 'uomo Runnin 'uomo Runnin 'uomo
Di cosa continui a balbettare
Faccio quello che faccio, quindi pensa ai fatti tuoi Non puoi impedirmi di amare me stesso
Ursoo è fantastico Non puoi impedirmi di amare me stesso
Evviva è così fantastico Non puoi impedirmi di amare me stesso
OH OH OH OH OHOHOHOHOH OH OH OH OH Bum badum bum brrrrumble Ursoo
OH OH OH OH OHOHOHOHOHOH OH OH OH OH Bum badum bum brrrrumble Ursoo
Sto così bene ovunque io vada A volte trovo il modo più lungo per andare in giro
Va bene, sono innamorato di me stesso Va bene, sono felice in questo momento
OH OH OH OH OHOHOHOHOH OH OH OH OH Bum badum bum brrrrumble Ursoo
OH OH OH OH OHOHOHOHOH OH OH OH OH Bum badum bum brrrrumble Ursoo
Barack Hussein Obama Reemerges To Make Horrifying Move Against Trump - Duration: 11:34.
Barack Hussein Obama Reemerges To Make Horrifying Move Against Trump
There's a longstanding tradition in this country that former presidents retreat from
the spotlight and allow their successor to rule the nation unchallenged.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not have enough class to follow this tradition, and
he just reemerged once again to launch a vile attack on Donald Trump.
The Daily Caller reported that Obama just appeared at a Democratic fundraiser to send
a stern warning to his fellow liberals.
"Enough moping, this is a mope-free zone," Obama told the crowd, adding that "if you
are one of these folks who is watching cable news at your cocktail parties with your friends
and you are saying 'civilization is collapsing' and you are nervous and worried, but that
is not where you are putting all your time, energy and money, then either you don't
actually think civilization is collapsing … or you are not pushing yourself hard enough
and I would push harder."
Obama also warned the group not to be too optimistic about the 2018 mid-term elections.
"I would caution us from extrapolating too much from a bunch of special elections and
starting to think, 'OK, this will take care of itself," Obama continued.
This speech marked Obama's return to politics, and it's clear that he fully intends to
do everything in his power to ensure Republicans are defeated in midterm.
After that, he will be trying his best to make sure that Trump loses the 2020 presidential
It's pathetic that Obama is this desperate to take down Trump.
SHARE this story if you want Barack Obama to GO AWAY!
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