Gorgeous Beautiful Hillside Outdoor Lovers Dream Tiny House with 2 Lofts
Gorgeous Beautiful Move- in Ready Tiny Home for sale - Duration: 1:47.Gorgeous Beautiful Move-in Ready Tiny Home for sale
Absolutely Beautiful Beautiful Craftsman Style Tiny Home with 2 Lofts - Duration: 3:48.Absolutely Beautiful Beautiful Craftsman Style Tiny Home with 2 Lofts
Mr Thuy's House In Vietnam Is Very Warm And Happy - Duration: 2:51.Mr Thuy's House In Vietnam Is Very Warm And Happy
Uomini e Donne news, Mattia rivela perché è finita con Vittoria | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Grande Fratello Vip, c'è anche il fidanzato famoso di Giulia Latini: ecco chi è | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
"Schiaffeggiata e umiliata". Un volo da dimenticare per la giovanissima vip italiana - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Kate, svelato il suo segreto numero uno: come fa a portare i tacchi senza soffrire | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Meghan "sta male". Il clamoroso gesto di Harry per farle tornare il sorriso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Robe, gâteau, soirée... Tous les détails du mariage de Tina et Vincent Cassel - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, Valentina Dallari abbandona la clinica: "Ho paura" | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Bayh twins enlist - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Matrix inverses make sense: a simple condition for when the inverse exists - Duration: 17:31.In a linear algebra course, Matrix inverses are something that get a lot of attention.
There are all these formulas thrown at you like for the determinants, the inverses of
a 2x2 matrices, cramner's rule etc etc.
These formulas are great, but I think they can obscure the very simple idea behind what
an inverse actually is, and when it exists. You've probably been taught that the inverse
exists if and only if the determinant isn't 0. But most students have no idea what the
determinant has to do with anything let alone inverses. I'm going to teach a completely
different condition for when an inverse exists, that I think is much more intuitive.
But before all that:
Do you know what a linear transform is? If not, go watch my last video because none of
this one is going to make sense at all otherwise. In fact, if you want to brush up on vectors
and bases, you can watch the video before that too.
Even though this video is about matrix inverses, I'm not going to define what an inverse
is straight away. Instead I'm going to define something called a left inverse because I
think understanding these first will give you a better intuition for inverses themselves.
Imagine you have a bunch of vectors in some vector space, in this case in 2d, and you
apply some Matrix M on them, here it rotates them. Then you think you'd like to undo
what you just did and get the vectors back to where they were. In this example, what
transformation undoes the rotation? Here, you'd just rotate everything back by the
same angle. That's all a left inverse is. It's the matrix that undoes the original
matrix, so it's like you've done nothing at all. If I wanted to write this as an equation,
it'd say, if you do M, then you do L , that's the same as if you did nothing. This thing
is called the identity matrix and it just means the transformation where you do nothing.
This thing is called the left inverse for… hopefully obvious reasons. So now we know,
the left inverse is a matrix that undoes the original matrix's action.
The annoying thing about inverses is really their name. It sounds like the *inverse* should
be the thing that undoes a matrix. Instead the definition of M inverse is:
M inverse undoes M
M undoes M inverse.
Going back to our example: if you do M first and then L, that's the identity. But it's
also true that If you did L first, then M, you'd also get the identity. So since L
undoes M and is undone by M, L and M are inverses of each other. You might wonder, is the left
inverse always also the inverse like this? No, obviously not, or they wouldn't have
different names, would they?
Before we move on, let me ask you a question to check you've understood this so far.
Imagine you have a matrix like this. What it does is that it takes a 3D vector, and
jumbles up the components. Does this matrix have a left inverse? As in, can you undo this?
Then if it does have a left inverse, figure out if it has an inverse as well. Put you
answer in the poll in the corner, and pause the video now to think about it.
The answer is that it does have a left inverse. It's the one that takes a vector like this
and rearranges the components like this. It's clear that this is a left inverse of A since
it undoes it like so. But A is also a left inverse of it, as you can see, because A undoes
this matrix. So B is the inverse of A.
Now that we know what an inverse is, let's think more about when they exist or don't.
Again, it's going to be more convenient to look at when a left inverse exists first.
Here's another question. This matrix takes a 2d vector a b and sends it to a 0. Does
this matrix have a left inverse? If so, figure out what it is.
Again put your answer in the poll in the corner and pause now to think about it.
Notice something about this matrix. It takes the vector a b to a 0, but it also takes a
d to a 0 as well. This… is a bad thing, and it's because of this that the left inverse
doesn't exist.
Why? Well, say you have some vector v and M takes it to w. The left inverse of M, if
it exists, knows M and what w is, but it doesn't know what vector produced w. Just using the
information given, it needs to find what the original vector was, so that it can take w
back to where it came from. However. If there's some other vector u that also goes to w, the
left inverse has a problem. it can't just look at w and know for sure it whether it
came from v or from u because there isn't enough information. This means the left inverse
*can't* take w back to where it came from, so… it doesn't exist.
This thing here, where two different vectors v and u get mapped to the same vector, i.e
M(u)=M(v), is what I'll call M losing information. What we've just seen is that if M loses
information it doesn't have a left inverse. But what about the other way around? If M
doesn't lose information, does this mean the left inverse exists? Well, yes actually.
Because all the left inverse has to do to undo M is find the vector w came from. Since
there's only one vector v it could be, there is an inverse that takes w and returns v.
This doesn't mean it's easy to find out what v is necessarily, but looking at w does
in principle give you enough information to undo M and return v.
So a matrix has a left inverse if and only if it doesn't lose information.
Let's look at another example to understand this point better. Imagine I have a matrix
from 2d to 3d and what it does is, it rotates any 2D vector into 3D space like this. Does
this matrix have a left inverse? Pause the video to think about it.
The answer is, it does have a left inverse because A doesn't lose information. If you
want to take vectors like this back, you know where they came from so all you have to do
is rotate the plane back. Let B be a matrix that takes 3D vectors to 2D that rotates this
plane back. It is a left inverse of A.
Now, is B the inverse of A? In other words, Is A B's left inverse? Pause the video and
think about it.
The answer is, no, B has no left inverse
We'll show that by showing B loses information. First, pick any 3D vector that's not on
this plane. B has to send it to some 2D vector, so let's just say here. But there's another
3D vector that's already sent there. It's this vector u that's on the plane. So B(u)
is equal to B(v). Hence B loses information and doesn't have a left inverse.
There's an important lesson to be drawn from this example. You might have wondered
before why we only ever talk about the inverses of a square matrices. What's so special
about transformations from n dimensions to n dimensions? The reason is, non square matrices,
i.e ones from n dimension to m dimensions never have an inverse. The issue is, if you
have any transformation going from a bigger space to a smaller space, like B which went
from 3d to 2d, you have to lose information. These types of matrices always send some vectors
to the same place.
If you have a matrix from a smaller to a bigger dimension, it's possible that it has a left
inverse- like A did in our example. But it's left inverse goes from big to small, like
B, and so it can't be undone. Hence, even though some nonsquare matrices have left inverses,
they never have an inverse.
Square matrices don't have these issues at all though. Actually, for square matrices,
everything massively simplifies because the left inverse is always equal to the inverse.
So if a square matrix has a left inverse, it automatically has an inverse.
I am not going to prove this fact. You are, for homework. But I will give you an illustrative
example in a little to help you understand why it's true.
Once you've proved it, you'll see that for a square matrix A, if B undoes A, then
A undoes B as well. This gives us an easy criteria for checking whether A has an inverse
or not, because it's the same criteria we used to check whether A has a left inverse:
Just ask, does A lose information? If yes… then sorry, A inverse doesn't exist.
If no, then A inverse does exist. But you might be thinking, ok, so what? How
is this easy to check? Wouldn't you have to compute the outcome for every single vector
that goes into M and compare the results to every other vector's and see if any of them
match? Isn't that beyond tedious?
Thankfully there is an easy way to check this condition. All you need to do is figure out
which vectors get mapped to 0. For any linear map, 0 is always mapped to 0, but all you
need to check is if there's any *other* vector mapped to 0 or not, and that's enough
to decide if M loses information. Why would that be enough?
Imagine two vectors u and v do both go to w, so M loses information. Then the vector
u-v, by linearity, gets mapped to 0. So whenever you have 2 vectors going to the same thing
like this, you always get at least 2 vectors ending up at 0. So you can check whether a
matrix loses information by checking how many things go to zero. In other words, figure
out how many vectors v satisfy the equation Mv=0. This is part of why you spend so much
time in linear algebra courses studying the solutions to equations like this. You can
solve for v by a) using subsitution b) using Gaussian elimination or (c) by getting your
computer to do the Gaussian elimination for you.
But the point is, you can find out if M loses information easily enough this way, and that
tells you whether M has an inverse.
Let me summarise quickly what we learnt in this video:
1. A left inverse of a matrix is matrix that undoes it.
2. That the left inverse exists if you don't lose information: i.e, if the matrix never
sends two different vectors to the same vector. 3. The inverse is the matrix that both undoes
the matrix, and is undone by the matrix 4. Nonsquare matrices never have inverses.
5. For a square matrix, the left inverse is equal to the inverse
6. You only need to check if the square matrix loses information or not to decide if it has
an inverse. 7. You can check whether the matrix loses
information by looking at how many different vectors get mapped to 0. This you can do by
solving the equation Mv=0.
And so that's it. But before you run off, here's some homework for you. The first
one is multiple choice. Which of these is the inverse of this matrix? I know that you
can just check each of these to see which works, but I'd rather you did it another
way. And for crying out loud, don't use the formula for the inverse. Once you've
figured it out, put your answer in the poll.
Question 2. Prove that for a square matrix M inverse is equal to the left inverse of
M. There's lots of hints in the description for this, but first I want you to try question
3 because it's a very illustrative example.
Question 3. Suppose we have the matrix from before. If we have a left inverse for it,
L, then we know L undoes M. We also know M takes the basis vectors to these vectors,
so L must take them back. First show that these two new vectors form a basis.
Then, to show that M undoes L, we need to show that for any vector v, if you apply L
then M, you get v back. Show this by writing v as a linear combination of the basis in
the first part. Hopefully doing this first will help you with the proof in question 2.
As you will have noticed, the first question was from Brilliant.org. What I like about
questions from there it is that they don't just give you a formula and then ask questions
where you plug numbers into that formula. That's what I found a lot of highschool
and early university textbooks, and it's annoying because that doesn't teach you
anything. Instead, they get you to do examples like this one, and understand the principle
yourself, then in the next few question, lead you to finding the general solution on your
As you can see, this is exactly how I like to learn new maths- before reading the proof
of anything I'll do lots and lots of simple examples first and try and understand the
underlying reasoning, so I love how Brilliant allows you to do this in a structured way.
They have loads of different maths and science course on their website, which you can access
completely with a monthly or yearly membership. If you follow the link in the description
or on screen, you can get 20% off an annual subscription.
Alright, so that's all for this video, I hope you enjoyed it. The next one is about
changing basis, which is key to understanding loads of Quantum mechanics, including the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It should be up here in 2 weeks, as long as I don't
decide I hate the just after uploading it like I did for the original version of this
one. Anyway, subscribe if you'd like to be notified when my next one is up. Thanks
for watching!
BTS (방탄소년단)-The Truth Untold (전하지 못한 진심) Cover (CC Subtitles) - Duration: 3:23.Loneliness
Blossoms in this garden
And it fills it
I tied myself To this sand castle filled with thorns
What is your name?
Do you even have a place to go?
Oh could you tell me?
I saw you hiding in this garden
And I know that your warmth
It is all true
Your hand picks the blue flowers
I want to hold it but
This is my destiny
Don't smile on me Light on me
Because I can't go to you
There's no name to call
You know that I can't
Show you me Give you me
I can't show you my weakness
So I'm putting on a mask to go see you
But I still want you
In this garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you bloomed
I wanted to give it to you
As I take off this stupid mask
But I know Eternity
I can't wish for it
I must hide
Because I'm ugly
I am afraid
So pathetic
I'm so afraid
In the end, will you leave me too?
So I'm putting on a mask to go see you
What I can do is
In this garden, in this world
I will make a pretty flower that resembles you
Then breathe as the person you know
But I still want you
But I still want you
And I still want you
Installer aspirateur sans fil polyvalent lidl silvercrest cyclonique SHAZ 22.2v A1 - Duration: 3:08.Caution: The installation may vary depending on the product version. My version: SHAZ 22.2 A1
Support installation - cyclonic vacuum cleaner LIDL
hello, I'm going to install the support of the LIDL vacuum cleaner (SILVERCREST SHAZ 22.2 A1)
I will use the drill guide that is included
as well as the included screws and plugs
I will fix in plaster (BA13), wall hollow.on will use dowels adapted to its wall
these dowels are rather for a solid wall, I do not like, but I will test
if you use molly dowels, (steel dowels), the head of the screw should be about 1 cm (check before installation)
I will use a 6 mm wood drill bit (mm)
a level and check for the presence of an electrical outlet
before drilling your plasterboard wall
before I break, I always do 2 checks
there must be no electric wire (I control with a materials detector)
there should not be steel bars (which support the plaster), I control with the detector
we can also put a magnet, if it is attracted on the wall, it is that there is a bar in steel, it will be necessary to pierce another
I will put the bracket here (I have an electrical outlet)
I position the drilling guide, I upgrade, I make small holes
I pierce
put the ankle, and knock with a hammer
put the two screws
the screws go over, it's normal
we put the support, then I can put the vacuum cleaner
when the vacuum is not positioned, the support moves slightly, it does not move when there is the vacuum, do not worry it's normal
1 year later
we are 1 year later (after installation)
ankles did not move
on BA13 (plasterboard), the anchors included provide sufficient strength
check the anchors from time to time (if it moves you will change immediately)
if you have questions do not hesitate to ask them in comment of this video
thank you for watching this video, see you soon
Micro Franchise BuilderAll en France ! - Duration: 31:03.Get to know the online business that gave me the lifestyle and financial
independence that I had always dreamed of. And discover how you can start today
doing the same thing yourself! Find out how it's possible for you to build the
business of your dreams while you make money with our incredible and innovative system!
My name's Liam, I'm from Manchester in
England and I've made over $25,000 with Builderall. Hey guys Chad Bartlett here.
Here in Orange County California and the past year I've made over $52,000 with
Builderall. Hey guys Vinnie here we've partnered with
vinnie.com and I'm very very excited for Builderall. I made over $263.70
in 48 hours of using the Builderall platform.
Hi, I'm Wassili Birbilis from the Netherlands and I'm super excited because in the past 4 months
I have made $4,000 with BuilderAll.
Hey Jean Jaquez here with my daugther Antoni. We're from New York City and we're excited because
within a couple of months we've been able to achieve over $5,000 and all thanks to BuilderAll.
I'll see you guys. Peace.
Hi from Italy my name is Salvatori. I am so excited because in the
last five months I have earned more than $9,000.
Hi there, my name is Barbie Figueroa from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and I'm super excited
because in the last 90 days, I've earned $2,800 with Builderall.
Attention. With the purpose of compliance with the guidelines of marketing
suggested by the FTC. All content of this video was written and revised so that
the viewer is not mislead in any way. All information, numbers and examples are
real and may be audited. This video contains no unsubstantiated claims.
All that we express in this video conference is possible and it can be developed and
executed by any individual. Your results will be according to your efforts,
knowledge and ability to running a business. As you know, in this day and age
a huge portion of money spent on products and services happens online and
it's through this that big companies are building fortunes. Did you know that
these same companies use ordinary people like us in order to achieve greater
exposure and sales of their products? It's true! Did you also know that when
you look or click on an ad it generates revenue for someone online? I didn't
believe it at first either. However I personally can speak with inside
knowledge on this subject because I've made millions of dollars from online ads
displayed on my own websites. But you know what else? There are even people who
make a commission every time someone makes an online purchase! Again, I can
speak confidently with insider perspective on this subject. That's
because not only have I made large sums of money through commissions, I've also
paid over 1 million dollars in commissions myself to entrepreneurs like
yourself on my platform. Think I'm exaggerating? Let me tell you: I didn't do
it by promoting just any product online. If it was that simple
everyone would make money easily and I wouldn't be talking to you now. You must
know how to identify what exactly to promote and how to promote it properly.
And you know what? The secret of so many people making money online is they
identified and advertised the right product. The sales funnel system will
draw clients in and make you money. In this video I will show you the secrets
that not so many online entrepreneurs know. Even more, I will show you the
step-by-step process I've created and tested that's proven to make money. That
way, you can play your part in this economy that moves billions of dollars
every day. You will learn about this incredible system so you can generate
extra income immediately even if you have no experience working
online. But I want to warn you: all your success with this system depends on your
capacity to learn, execute and scale. I can't give you an exact dollar amount of
what you will learn, like one or ten thousand dollars. I am NOT going to put a
limit on your earnings, I don't know what you're capable of and can't make any
promises. What I can guarantee is that you will have the same exact opportunity
to build a business with the same system and products that our top sellers use.
That's right, you'll get the identical marketing systems and funnels that have
already paid over 1 million dollars in commissions to entrepreneurs around the
world. I want to be clear though: your results are only determined by your
efforts. Now, you might be wondering how you can make more money with little time.
Right now I bet you exchange time for money. That means you only have 24 units
or hours per day to trade and that's if you never sleep. So what's the solution?
Exchange value for money. With the method I'm about to explain, your income can
grow in unimaginable ways because you'll be able to exchange value for money in a
business model that is extremely scalable. I know what you're thinking:
what is the value you'll exchange for money? Want a hint? Do you know how
influencers on social media channels such as YouTube make millions of dollars
a year without ever selling a single thing? It's because in the online world
nothing is more valuable than the attention and time of consumers. Here's
the real secret to online success. People's attention is the real currency
on the internet today. Hey there my name is Eric Salgado. Not long ago I went
through a very complicated financial hardship. I felt incapable of making
money. However, I turned it around and over the past few years I've made
over 2 million dollars with a business I want to share with you today. I should
also mention that I've had hundreds of other entrepreneurs that also made a lot
of money with the same systems, while others haven't had much success. That's
because your ability to succeed depends only on you.
And you know what? Proudly today I'm financially independent: I can work from
home only a few hours a day whenever I want and I live in the city of my dreams.
I even bought my dream car a Tesla Model X which is the most advanced SUV in the
world. I can also travel anywhere I want with my family. My life today is full of
joy and I am passionate about my job. I'm not telling you this to brag or make you
think you will achieve anything I have easily. I actually want to inspire you to
dream more, broaden your horizons and find real potential to accomplish more
in your life. Your success comes from your attitude and how you work towards
your goals. In order to achieve something different, you must do something
different. Recently I was inside a book store where I was browsing self-help
books and one caught my attention. The book was saying: you must take full
responsibility for your life, for your success and failures. That really moved
me and at that moment I had an idea: if I want something different for my life I
must create something different and that's just what I did! I spent more than
a year researching on the internet, trying to learn how to make money.
I found hundreds of systems that were full of promises and lies. It's insane
how people create systems to simply steal your money and take away your
hopes for a better life. Trust me I tried hundreds of them and found nothing that
really worked for me. Through the process though, I learned a lot. Then it hit me:
I should create a system that works and has all the essentials for an online
business. I knew it was different from everything out there. Remember, I tried it
all and I knew there was something missing. The service I wanted to develop
required a high demand product that I could offer as a service. This way, I
could generate recurring income for myself. This should be a product that
offers real world solutions for the consumer. Simply put, I wanted to create
something easy to use that people needed. Next, I noticed that I needed a product
in an everlasting niche where I could build a business to make money for years
to come. Finally, I knew I had to offer the product with the most perceived
value, at the best price on the market. What we call an irresistible offer. And I
should do this in a way that I could increase and
scale my sales potential without the need to invest in infrastructure. Oh and
let's not forget: I needed to have a great digital marketing and sales funnel
system to promote it. I developed a product that turned into a
business. Soon that business turned into a company and it kept growing. Now we have
hundreds of developers and entrepreneurs who work with us. We also have thousands
of clients all over the world, in over 100 different countries. In fact, I
developed a product that was so great than in a matter of days it was a top
seller in one of the largest platforms of digital products in the world!
Wanna know the best part? Now, I am more than just a company: today I work with a
community of entrepreneurs where everyone is motivated and driven to
succeed. They also help others reach unimaginable levels of success as well.
For the first time in my life I discovered that something I created
impacted the lives of so many others in very positive ways. So much so that
everyone wanted to be a part of it. With my clients' support, we improved our
product and system even more. I would say we are 10 times more powerful today that
when we first launched. We developed many more tools and shared more relevant
information and training for our entrepreneurs. But that's not all. I also
created an incredible commission system that can put more money into your bank
account in just a few days. You don't need to know exactly how to begin. You
don't need to have a product or service ready to offer. And you don't need much
money or time to start this business. With my sales and leveraged commission
system you can start to make money immediately. All you have to do is follow
my step-by-step plan. I will show you how. In the past few months I have seen
entrepreneurs that have made 10, 20 and even $50,000 in just a
matter of weeks working with us. It's truly incredible how big the market is
and how quickly this business can scale. Now I want to be clear: while earning
$50,000 in one month is possible with this system, it is by no means the common result.
Only the most experienced entrepreneurs manage to generate those figures.
Instead, most entrepreneurs' results are considerably lower in the beginning.
However, as our users become more familiar with all the tools and
systems on the platform, they learn to identify the
methods for their abilities. Don't worry though, the system is exactly the same
for everyone: from beginner to expert. Each person can work, learn, develop at
his or her own pace. That's great since you get to have all the control on how
to build your business. After the official system launch in July 2017
I couldn't believe how well the marketing and commission systems were doing. In the
first few months, I had already paid more than 1 million dollars in commission.
It didn't take long to see that this system was changing people's lives. That was
just the beginning. When I consider how big the potential market size is and how
quickly our business has grown, I believe we can soon reach 1 million dollars a
month in commission payouts to the entrepreneurs who work with us. Like I
said before, our system is different than everything you've seen on the market.
It has been developed to last decades. It's a company I want to leave to my children.
And one that I hope you can build and leave to your own as well. Anyway, the
point is we are building a business that will last a long time. We are planning
for 5, 10 and 15 years into the future. That's possible only because I created
this company in the most stable niche on the internet and it will exist as long
as the internet exists. I truly believe that this business will only get better
from here. The demand grows each and every day. New clients sign up all the
time to use our system to build websites, sales funnels, email campaigns, sales
videos, virtual stores, client lists, Google results and blogs! When they're on
the platform, they'll learn about sales funnels, membership areas, online courses
and more. Plus, because our clients use the platform daily to build their own
businesses, you can generate recurring income that will last for years to come!
And you want to know the most amazing part? What we have already built is
nothing compared to what we can still achieve. Even though we have made
millions of dollars we still do not even have 1% of the current market and that's
why this opportunity is simply incredible. What I want to present to you
is a solution which took me years to build and turned out to be extremely
successful. The main point of this system is to build a safe, stable and lasting
form of income based on real who use this service monthly. Together we
can offer them the ultimate online business platform and marketing solution.
With Builderall it is possible to make money today! You have access to the same
products I use. That's right! You get the same sales pages, offers, sales funnels
and training I offer to all the business owners in my community. It's the same
system that has allowed me to pay out millions of dollars in commissions to
entrepreneurs all over the world with different skills, qualifications and
experiences. But you know what else? All that is possible because this system was
developed around a product that has an extremely high demand from consumers all
over the world. In fact, today, we sell our product in over 100 countries. Since our
service is one of the best on the international market, our clients stay
happy and our entrepreneurs make more money each and every month. And guess
what? If you want to work with it, you don't even have to know where to find clients!
That's because they already exist all over the internet. And here is where
things get interesting: every time someone makes a purchase in one of the
many niches we serve with this wonderful system, you make a commission! Wait, let me
rephrase that: you make 100% commission of the direct sale. Plus, you can make
multiple sales a day! We also have tools like webinars that you can promote which
could bring dozens of sales at once. But you know what else?
You also get 30% of the recurring commissions each and every month your
clients pay for the service. Ok, I'm not done yet: I want to share with you
another way that you can make money with Builderall through our leveraged
affiliate program. Let's say one of your clients also wants to sell our system.
That's great news for you because every time they make a sale through their
funnels you also make a 30% commission from the sale. Plus you get 30%
commission every month their client pays for the recurring subscription. I want to
show you an example so you can see how the math works where you get to take
advantage of the two-tier system. Now don't forget, this is only an example.
You can make much more or less, it just depends on your performance and that of
the affiliates connected to your account. So, in order for you to get a better idea
of your business potential and have the ability to set income goals for yourself,
I provided a calculator like this one, right on this page.
That way, you can plan on what to achieve while you promote the product.
Let's get on to the example: imagine that as an affiliate you sell only one
Builderall account per week. After a year you would have 52 clients that are
earning you $2,594 up front plus $780 recurring income. Well, you could
sell one account a week or you could promote a webinar and sell them all at once.
It depends on how you want to promote Builderall. In any case, here's
where the true power of the affiliate system comes in: of these 52 accounts, say
30% of those clients also want to work as an affiliate like you. They too will
promote Builderall and will make one sale per week. With the 30% commission
you will make from their sales, your recurring income skyrockets to
$12,455 recurring income. Now you are earning a solid monthly income from even
more clients who use and love the Builderall system. The possibilities are
exciting, aren't they? Sure, these numbers are only an example. However, in reality,
we have dozens of entrepreneurs that have reached results just like this, and
so much more! While others were not able to achieve those results. It all comes
down to how you work with the system. Ok, I know you are probably ready to jump in
and get started. But, look, this opportunity is not for everyone. I only
want to work with people that dream, grow and want to make money. Above all else I
want to stress this: this system only works for people who are capable enough
to make smart decisions and are willing to get their hands dirty. Yes, this system
is simple and easy to use, but you must be prepared to learn and execute the work.
This is a serious business that demands dedication and focus. I promise
that no online business will build itself off an irresistible offer alone.
Our sales funnels will not sell anything if you don't direct traffic to it.
And for that, we have many tutorials inside of your back-office. Listen, some people
will earn a lot of money. It's because they have authority in their marketplace
and have no problem both learning and promoting the system. With that effort,
they will have a lot of clients. Then there are some who will make decent
money as they grow and build with time. Still, there are others that won't make
much and a few will fail and won't make anything at all. That's because this
business is fair to everyone and pays based on your performance.
Another important thing I should mention is: this opportunity gives you the freedom to
manage your work time. In fact, you can work as much or as little as you would
like. As an entrepreneur you won't have to worry about a boss breathing down
your neck to work. Want to work at night? Okay. Want to travel this week? Great.
Want to go on vacation with your family? Enjoy. Most entrepreneurs who work with us
only work a few hours a week, according to their schedule. Because the internet
is on 24 hours a day, our sales funnels are the salesmen
working every day to capture leads and convert clients. All we have to do is
drive traffic to the website and make the wheels turn. Now it's your turn to
decide: are you ready to have the life of your dreams? Get paid like you finally
deserve. Have the freedom you desire. You can start to work towards that right now
with our system. You want to make money online, but hate selling. You love to
network, but don't have the right results with your actual company. You need to
earn more, but don't have the time, money or experience. If that does sound like
you, you are just the perfect profile for this offer. You'll have complete access
to the incredible tools and quick training, so you can have the system
selling immediately and generate money right away. Then you can perfect your
skills, expand your businesses and promote the product to more clients in
different niches. Our advanced training will help you achieve that, so you can
have the prosperity you strive for. Remember, we're talking about a
top-selling product. Plus, you will have access to all our website tools, sales
funnels, checkout systems, commissions and leveraging systems. But I want to do more
than just offer you the tools to succeed. You'll also be able to participate in
our webinars and trainings where we discuss mindset and strategies for
success. I want to offer you a support system and be one of your mentors on
your road to financial independence. Now, you might
be worried about needing technical skills. You don't need to know anything
about HTML, CSS, video production, conversion, analysis, copywriting or other
technical aspects of an online business. We have already done all that work for you.
In the past few months, I have invested thousands of dollars and
put together a team of amazing professionals who created all that for you.
It's all available for you to use and ready to go! Not convinced yet? Let me
sweeten the deal even more for you: if you decide to start right now and prove
that you are a professional with the attitude to succeed, I will give you an
incredible bonus. Because we have done everything for you towards a successful
business, all you need to do is drive traffic to the sales funnels which are truly
money-making machines. And you will make money with your traffic and leverage
with the traffic of your affiliates. In order to start, you'll have to post on
social media and promote online. But don't worry. I want to offer you access
to our amazing course on how to buy traffic on Facebook, Instagram, Google and
other online platforms. That way, you can learn the best methods that can drive
clients right to your sales funnels. Normally, these training programs cost
extra, however I will include it for you for free!
That way, I know you have absolutely everything you need to be successful.
But wait, there's more! You will also get access to our
incredible 30-day program which will give you a template and social media
tools that will boost your business dramatically, right from the start!
I actually have so many more surprises our platform can offer entrepreneurs who
dream about making money online. You are so close to getting access to the
biggest digital marketing platform you have ever seen. And it will change all
you know and your results when working online. I know you can't wait to start,
but you might be asking yourself: how much does this cost?
Normally, a training like this plus a step-by-step complete system might cost
you $5,000. Let me tell you: I have actually spent $60,000 to develop only a
few of the many sales funnels that are available for you on our system.
We actually invest in professionals to develop our sales funnels. I will give
you all that for free. Yes, that's right. All you have to pay is the
monthly fee for the platform tools. I only offer my leveraged affiliate system
to the most committed users on the platform who purchased the business
account. The cost will be less than dining out, daily coffee or the bus
ticket many buy to take them to lousy jobs they can't stand. For only $49.90 a
month, you will have unlimited access, right now, on this incredible platform.
That means you'll get unlimited access to the tools, tutorials, support, sales
funnels, training videos, marketing systems, checkout and commission system,
step-by-step guides, quick sales system and the amazing leveraged affiliate system.
Together, all those tools will empower you to generate money today on
one of the biggest digital marketing platforms in the world. By now, you have
probably realized this is the most solid, stable and prosperous opportunity you've
ever seen. Hundreds of entrepreneurs around the world are already changing
their lives. You too could make money and build a flourishing business with just a
few clicks. The choice is yours. So, what are you waiting for? Click on the
button below and start your online business right now. I am so confident
about this business opportunity, I want to offer it to you with zero risk. Yes,
you read that correctly. When you sign up today, I will guarantee that by the end
of 30 days, if you don't get any returns or are unhappy with your results, I will
cancel your account and give you a full refund. No questions asked.
I believe in this system that much because I know you will fall in love
with this company, this system, tools and community. Plus, you will be extremely
satisfied with your earnings. What have you got to lose? All you need to do is
learn how to make money. Click on the button below and get this amazing
system today. You get instant access to the incredible system, training and
platform to build a business at a price you can afford. When you click on the
button below, you will be redirected to the payment page. There, you can pay with
credit card or PayPal. Once your payment has been processed, you will be sent to a
welcome page that will give you instructions on how to start immediately.
All you need to do is watch the first video, connect your domain and follow the
step-by-step guide. In minutes, you will be ready to promote,
sell and make money. Over time, you can watch more videos and work with more
funnels from a variety of niches. When you least expect it, you will have
mastered the tools and the money should be rolling in. From there, you can use
this knowledge to start your own business with your own funnels and
systems. I'll teach you everything. You will just have to apply and your
professional life will change for the better. Now is the time to make a
decision: will you close this page and go back to your normal life, regular job or
unsuccessful attempts to get into the online marketplace where you don't make
the money you deserve? Or are you ready to try something different and new that
actually works? Plus, is offered to you at no risk? It sounds to me like the
choice is easy, but of course it's up to you. Thank you for your time. I am Builderall's
CEO Erik Salgado and I know this platform can change your life.
I sincerely hope you make the right decision to join the Builderall family
and take the first step to start your business, now. Remember, I offer this
opportunity to you with no risks. All you need to invest in, is the Builderall
business account with its incredible tools and trainings. Then, you can join
the extraordinary leveraged affiliate system and start making money today.
All with a money-back guarantee, in case you aren't completely satisfied. On behalf of
the huge community of entrepreneurs and Builderall, I want to welcome you and
I'll see you soon.
Hi guys, it's Marco from MV SOLUTIONS and today I want to share my thoughts
about Builderall and especially about the Builderall's business opportunity. So, I've
never earned money before online. I've tried
several things and yeah, I failed. I didn't earn money, I just burned my
money and I was, it was hard, it was really hard and then I've found Builderall.
Builderall is an amazing platform where you can create your
websites, your landing pages. You got included your email marketing, Facebook
integration tools, designing tools and much much more and I found it and within
one day I just was flashed and it's just an amazing platform. You definitely
should give a try. But the thing is, Builderall also offers the option and
the opportunity to make money with Builderall. So when I go and tell a
friend how amazing Builderall is and he decides to, yeah, to give it a try, I
earn money. So I'm helping people saving money, get all the things they need under
one roof and Builderall pays me for that. And this is just amazing, it's really
amazing. So for me the best thing also is that they provide a two-tier
commercial licence and this is an amazing opportunity. So, if you're looking for an
option, if you're looking for an opportunity, if you're looking for the
one thing which allows you to really earn money, you just should give a try.
Give a try, give Builderall a try. I just can say I'm with them for a few months
now and I can see the progress, okay, they're
every day developing and making things better. They are here, they are listening.
You can reach the CEO himself, oh my god where you can do that? And I just can
highly recommend you to try for yourself. There's just one thing, okay? It's not a get
rich overnight thing, okay? So you need to make a decision and also more important,
you need to take action. And if you're willing to do that I can tell you,
I can promise you, you are going to earn money because the tool is amazing, the
company is amazing and yeah you are amazing so just give it a try and I'm
looking forward to see you on the other side. Have a nice time, bye bye.
Hey there guys and gals this is Barbie Figueroa with risemarketinganddesign.com
and thank you so much for watching my video. So, it's been 30 days
since I enrolled myself with Builderall which is an all-in-one digital marketing
tool/platform that is designed to help anyone build their business online.
And it has an affiliate program attached to it, so I'll link it right down below
but I joined Builderall because, well, there was really many many reasons that
I did but one of the main reasons that I did was to kind of fill the gap in my
business with residual income with a tool or some sort of business model that
would align to what it is and I already do which is help people build their
businesses online and so I discovered Builderall, it has an affiliate program,
so now it's been 30 days that I've been inside of the Builderall business.
Over $40,000 in commissions generated by me in Builderall. Hello my
name is Alex Freeman and I joined the Builderall platform in
September 2017 and you know I recognized this platform not only as the best
marketing platform available out there in the marketplace but also as a great
business opportunity. So what I did guys, I just emailed my own mailing list and I
invited people to join the webinar that I've hosted and in the webinar I
just showed them the tool, I demonstrated the platform and you know within the
first month I was able to generate $29,000 and by
today total commissions earned on Builderall is over $40,000
and you know guys I will just share my screen with you, so you can see
my results: so here is the paid commissions, these are commissions that I've
already received, it is $38,000 and $3,600
available for withdrawal, $1,000 is on hold. What makes a total of
over $40,000 in commissions. So, you know,
my results of course is my results and it cannot come as a guarantee to your
results but I just showing it to you and that you can see that things is possible
when you have the right tools and the right opportunities. So guys, I hope you
enjoyed it and I hope to see you on the inside, bye bye.
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