Psychological Tips That Will Change Your Life│Habits That Will Change Your Life
watch to all the boys i've loved before with me please - Duration: 12:08.AYO G G hi it's the Divya G what does the G stand for?
the G stands for and God said let there be light and there was light
mm there are two bulbs missing and this one is broken. We're frugal, we're broke
but we make things work. So today our lonely selves are gonna be watching to all
the messages that I've ignored. To all the boys lined up at my door. To all the
things I can't afford. To all my blackheads and my pores. If
you're expecting an in-depth analysis and review of all plot points then this is
not the place for you, please leave. What we're doing here on this channel is
watching things and making bad jokes.
that's literally it. Back in the day I used to be a booktuber and I used to read a lot of
books - that's just kind of a running joke on my channel. And to the boys I've loved
before was honestly the holy book, like if you hadn't read this book you are not
even a booktuber. Why are you on YouTube? Are you even a reader? Can you
even read? And I was actually gonna read it but then I read Anna and the French
kiss and I got scarred for life. So I'm kind of expecting trashy washy
romantic but-
I could do it with a little bit of romance in my life every
now and then, you know?
no snacks this time except for
*scoffs* me :) ha--ha--ha
but I do have some
tea for the movie.
Movie: The forbidden kiss
I had never given much thought to how I
would die.
man's watching twilight!
Movie: It was fated
oh I'm sorry I'm just
getting a little bit a little bit thirsty. But I am honestly so proud even
though she's representing a whole other type of East Asian, which I'm not even
East Asian, but I feel like there's so few Asians in the Hollywood industry
there any type of Asian - I don't care if you're north south east or west, you're
from like Thailand, you're from China, you're from Pakistan -
they're all representing me. You are doing the most! Oh my god look her outfit
is that not my aesthetic though? Are these two different nationalities
because they look like they're from completely different countries. I just
thought of the perfect game right okay so take a sip of whatever of your
fancy every time the movie makes you thirsty!
let's see if we can get through this entire or one liter bottle (wow!)
anyway. I feel like this is very accurate to high school actually is
a lot more so than like other films but you see where all the girls are wearing
Movie: You're 16 and I don't think you had anything else going on am I right?
when I came ready to watch to all the boys I left before I didn't realize that
she was gonna write the blurb for my autobiography
I came here's a have a good time and I'm just feeling so attacked right now now
now THAT is (what I call) an old reference. Ha ha ha!
SUBSCRIBE for BRILLIANT on trend topics with me, Divya G.
I love the fact that her t-shirt
says girl power - subliminal messaging it's all in the deTAILS
Movie: for you her?
Movie: I enjoy them for their camp
Movie: yeah right
why are you running?
hello if
my school had these yellow outfits for running maybe maybe I would have ran too
you know instead of running away from all my responsibilities and my feelings
Honestly, that's- that's me every time I see a picture of Troye Sivan
I feel so awkward already
I know how embarrassing it is to tell the person that you like that you like them-
here if you look closely in the distance we can observe the natural state and
habitat of
my entire existence
a whole ass mess!!!
and it turns out
her milkshakes
did in fact, indeed
bring all the boys
*laugh* to the yard
that's such an outdated joke
god please don't unsubscribe
Movie: You wrote 5 love letters?
Movie: Damn girl you're a player
Girl's got it playing- YEAH! EXACTLY!
Peter Kavinskywe are on the same wavelength
hit me up
in the dms anytime, anyday.
I can already tell you right now
fifty thousand Wattpad books have already used Peter Kavinsky as a fan
cast for their you know hot boy next door!
Curly hair?
Curly hair.
Dark hair?
dark hair
he looks slightly European mysterious?
....... Asian erm -
he has good style
-okay ummmm
we made the same joke? we're just meant to be.
She did ride in one of them bad boys, huh? ;) (car)
you guys um I don't know if you know this but I was actually in this movie
This is me
oh my god okay wait I was too busy staring at his face I don't understand
why they're in a fake relationship what happened okay let's go back
Movie: Come on Kitty we're going to be late for school
Movie: I hate taking the bus
Come on kitty kitty kitty
Chokers? Are you trying to send a subliminal message?
Peter PIper PICKED A PECK OF pip-led pe-pepper
What is it?
Movie: No drinking no drugs
If that was my parents- hahahaHAH *THWACK*
The chappal is coming out AGAIN!
Davis: It's the guy from Instagram
What did you say?
that's wait-
that's king bach
I think you'll find it's
*Witch like cackling*
Movie: It's occupied
If was occupied why wasn't it locked? okay plot holes in this movie.
Movie: being with Peter was so easy that sometimes I let myself pretend it wasn't
fake. okay so remind again why we have to eat these subs under the bleachers
It's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes
Davis: Stop that
But i'm lactose intolerant.
Movie: where did you get that
Movie: Oh Peter gave this to me isn't it so cute and love the
colors in it
SHE'S SUCH A LIAR OH MY GOD. She's just here to get in the way of true love.
Davis: bastard
Why you- huh? what did you say?
Movie: You're not just a joke to me. You just don't understand the situation
Movie: No I understand completely
Oh my god this is so cheesy it's like oh my god this you don't
understand what I'm saying and then they don't give them a chance to explain oh
and actually it could all just be resolved in the space of a normal conversation
Movie: I would rather walk home actually
Movie: because she's coming to the
Movie: life-altering revelation that she's too good for you
Movie: You're in love with Josh?
It is getting THICCCCCCCCCC (the plot) OOo
all this beef
Movie: Peter go home
But I'm a vegetarian.
Movie: yeah you're only being nice to me because I accidentally made a
sex tape and you feel bad I do feel bad for you
You're not Kim Kardashian what she mean?
I actually love this family
adopt me please.
Movie: look her logic was off but her heart was in the right place
Movie: her
face is gonna be the wrong place.
Am I Lara Jean or is Lara Jean me?
Movie: you look so pretty today
but not any other day HAHAHA
Gotta strut like you mean it, free your mind
Davis: why is she walking like that?
It's not enough
Cause she is a woman out with a mission
and there we have the goal.
Movie: what's that in your hand?
Movie: oh nothing
Movie: It's a convenient plot device
Movie: because I'm in love with you Lara Jean
Movie: You what?
Movie: You gonna break my heart Covey?
I'd always fantasized about falling in love in a field
My heart
My achey- breaky heart
Peter Kavinsky is the biggest uWu ever
it was cheesy and I'm lactose intolerant but
it's okay I'll suffer with it it's actually very cute and I like the fact
that there's so much representation and it's not in a very sort of like
stereotypical very I'm- its cliched but it's not like insufferable yeah I mean
it's not like insatiable yeah. I feel like that a lot like good like moral
messages in there that weren't sort of like in-your-face shoved very obviously
it was more subtle which I enjoyed I think it's a good movie if you're you
know home alone and also alone just in your life in general but yeah I feel
like me and Lara Jean are just connected on all the types of levels
spiritual I'm not just saying this because she's Asian
anyway bye thank you for watching subscribe to see more
and stuff I can't be bothered
Ok sweet dreams hopefully I dream about Peter Kaminsky tonight okay bye bye bye
bye just watch how I'm gonna think of a joke just right when I end it.
tilt the
camera a little bit more down baby are you down down wait let me start again
because the audio is not on ha ha ha ha ha well done
[ENG C.C] GRWM in Gangneung! 강릉에서 같이 준비해요! #힐링 #호캉스 - Duration: 12:56.It's 9:30 in the morning
and my face is SO bloated right now
Hey guys! It's Soo here :)
Right now, I'm at Gangneung!
It's actually my first time in Gangneung
and it just seemed such a waste to leave like this
so I thought I'd turn on my camera and film a quick GRWM
Then let's get started!
So I packed all my stuff here as you can see
I stuffed all of my skincare, makeup and cleansing products into one bag lol
Then let's start with skincare!
First, I'm going to use the Biotherm Life Plankton Clear Essence
So you're supposed to use this after a toner,
but I'm just gonna skip the toner
and start with this one!
First, you shake it like this and then, pour it onto a cotton pad
I actually got this as a gift when I went to the Biotherm pop-up store
but it just seemed to work so well on my skin
that I've been using it everyday ever since
and as you can see I'm almost done with this bottle
can you guys see?
I only have this much left
so I bought a new bottle lol
So I use this to refine my texture and also to exfoliate
and because I use this everday,
I feel like I don't need to use a AHA or a BHA product
I think it's great to use it in the summer
the formula is absolutely delightful and light
so I think it's great to use in a hot, humid weather
and it's important to exfoliate your skin
so that your face doesn't have any dead skin cells lying on top
or else, no matter how rich the moisturizer, ampoule, cream you're using
it won't get absorbed into your skin
so you will inevitably face dehydration
and for the finale, make sure that it gets absorbed properly like this
I especially saw an improvement in my skin's texture after using this
My skin has become a lot smoother and of course, my makeup sits more tightly on top
it's perfect to use everyday!
And because it's such a light formula to use in the summer,
I think this would be great for all types of skin!
Next, I'm going to use the cicago cica double effect ampoule!
a drop here, a drop there
but wow, my skin feels so smooth after using that Biotherm Life Plankton Essence lol
it feels super great!
I've also shown this ghost ampoule plenty of times before on my chanel
because it has a layer of oil,
it does a great job in dealing with dehydration
it's so goood!!
Next, I'm going to apply the Ample:N Hyaluron Shot Gel Cream
This cream has to be the lightest gel cream I ever used
and so it doesn't peel off whatsoever
It's a great cream to use before applying makeup
For the suncream, I'm going to use the Thankyou Farmer Sun Project Light Sun Essence!
This is also one of my favorite suncreams of all times
So, from the beginning of this summer,
I really wanted to go on a vacation
but it was hard to carve out time from my schedule
so my friend and I, we just decided to come to Gangneung for two days
and WOW, Gangneung is soo great!!!
I'm just gonna reapply the suncream on the highest points of the face
so the higher points of the cheekbone, nose, and the forehead
places where it gets more exposure to the sun
So we're staying at the Sky Bay Hotel,
lol this is the entrance ticket bracelet from the Infinite Pool of this hotel
so we're at the Sky Bay Hotel
our room has an ocean view - DAS RIGHT
so outside, there's this beautiful view of the ocean
and it's so breathtaking!
so I'm just making the most out of it by watching this beautiful scenary
Now, I'm gonna start my makeup
I'm actually gonna keep it simple today
since I am on a vacation
so I'm just going to keep it simple and straight-forward
let me start with this cushion!
This is the Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion #201
So this cushion, as I have raved about it before,
has great coverage and longevity!
it's definitely one of ALL TIME faves
but I will say, there's not much product in it
It's been about 2 weeks since I've used this
maybe I used too much of it???
I mean, it hasn't been that long since I've used it and already, I feel like there's not much product left
so I'm debating if I should get a new one
Anyways, because we got such a nice hotel room
we haven't left the room all that much LOL
Instead, there's a little porch/balcony
and so we've just been chilling at there
just enjoying the view, chatting and chilling
and we actually had takeout and ate it on the balcony heheheh
Then for eyeprimer,
This is VDL Expert Color Primer for Eyes
Because I have such oily eyelids,
I need to use eyeprimer no matter what
because I smudge like CRAE CRAE
And then I'm gonna set everything with this Canmake Powder
I actually didn't bring ANY brush with me on this trip on purpose
so I brought this canmake powder because it has a puff inside that works great
besides, this powder is one I absolutely love!
It's actually not that hot or humid in Gangneung,
so I'm not actually gonna put too much of that powder
For the eye palette,
I brought the Mamonde Flower Pop Eye BRick 01 Gold Beige
So this is a quad that only has shimmer colors
and the reason why I chose this palette is because
since I didn't bring any brush with me
I needed a palette that would blend out well with my fingers
so I'm going to apply this beige color as base
Actually, when we arrived in Gangneung,
the weather was really dim and gloomy
because it had just rained
but because we weren't here to do any sight-seeing or tourist-y stuff
you know, we're here because we just wanted to rest
so I really didn't mind that the weather was bad since we could just chill out in the hotel room
but after a couple of hours
the sky cleared up and became really sunny!
so it started to feel like heaven afterwards
and then with the brown shade, I'm gonna add some depth to my eyes
For dinner yesturday, we had "Kong-Sae-Ya"
It was so freaking good!!!
We had soy sauce shrimp, seafood bibimbap, and some kind of beef
GASP! It was so delicious!!!
And because I was just chilling out the whole day yesturday
my chin area had cleared up so much!
in ONE day!!! LOL
Then I'm going to take this color right here and apply that at the center
So the "Kong-Sae-Ya" place is delicious!
I highly recommend it!
But it wasn't cheap
Nor was it too over-priced
I feel like we got our money's worth
We were very content!
and I actually don't know much about this place
because we didn't leave the room much at all lol
but just looking at this beautiful view all day is more than enough for me
For the eyeliner, I'm going to use this Romand Easy Draw Eyeliner
This eyeliner is so good!!!
Guys, it's been a while since I've filmed in a new place
so I'm not sure if everything's gonna turn out okay lol
I actually have no idea lol
so I'm a lil anxious and worried right now
guys, can you see well?
So I have the window to this side
so this part appears to be a lot brighter
so for a more precise and accurate pigmentation and color reference,
this side would be better to look at
The light is reflecting all the colors and pigmentation off of this side
I wonder if this will help
So today, I'm going back to Seoul
we're here for 2 day and one night anyway
but I wish that I could stay here for one more day!!
I think if I could relax here for one more day
I think all of my chin breakout would go away
For mascara,
I'm gonna use the Peripera Ink Black Mascara Longlash Curling
I really like this mascara actually
So Peripera came out with 2 versions: this one and the volume one
but I do prefer this longlash one instead
it goes on without much clumps
and it really does maintain that curl for the whole day
so I do recommend this one!
For the brows, I'm first gonna take this Benefit Ka-Brow cream gel brow
woah... the sound of the wind is no joke lol
i'm staying at the thirteenth floor so
I'm up pretty high
So apparently, summer has already passed by in Gangneung
so it's actually kinda cold here lol
When we first got here,
it was pretty chilly
so it was really nice compared to the HOT Seoul
and because we're by the ocean,
the wind here is amazingly refreshing
I think this is a great place to travel by yourself actually
Then with the Benefit Precisely, My Brow eyebrow Pencil,
I'm gonna fill in my brows a little more
oh by the way, this hotel has an Inifinite Pool,
So you guys know the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore is famous for their Infinite Pool,
and this hotel apparently also has one
so we went there yesturday
and the pool was actually smaller than I thought
and there were quite a lot of people there as well
it wasn't overcrowded though
but it was a bit hard to actually swim in it
but it's a place where I guess you can take cool photos
For blusher, I'm going to apply this Hera Face Designing Blusher 03 Chiffon Coral
This blusher is soooo great!!
I actually haven't used that much of Hera makeup products
so I didn't know what to expect from this
it has a bit of fall-out
but it has such a beautiful pigmentation
and the color is super pretty as well
so I'm going to take this brush that came with it
it really is a pretty blusher
And the longevity is pretty great with this one
Usually, blushers last around 4-5 hours on my face
oops, I applied a lil too much here
like after 5 hours, it's pretty much gone
but this one still stays on fine even after a long day
So I really think this is superb!
it's appearing to be a lil too bright on the camera
This is how the color is
For contouring, I'm going to use Benefit's Hoola Lite
so like I said, I'm going back to Seoul today
before we head up, we're gonna hang out at a "cafe street" here
grab some lunch and enjoy the ocean a lil more
and then take the train at 4 o'clock back to Seoul
For the highlight, I'm gonna use this Etude House Shining Powder Cheek Duo no.4
so there's a highlighting color here
and I'm just gonna use my fingers and lightly tap it on
For the lips, I'm first gonna take Romand Matte Lipstick in the shade Adorable
I think this is such a pretty color
so this is how the color is like
it's a mlbb color
but it's not too deep or too mauvish I guess
woow my lips definitely need to be exfoliated urgh
And then I'm gonna layer it with the color All that Jazz
This has more a deeper chili color
These lipsticks by the way
do really feel weightless
but they do emphasize the cracks/lines of the lips a bit
I'm definitely gonna come back here again!
Wow, my hair has gotten so long!
Must go and get another hair cut
so just in case you weren't able to catch the pigmentation
here it is!
So these were the eyeshadow
so pretty, right?
and then the lips!
Adorable and All that Jazz on top
So I just finished my hair and makeup
I'm gonna enjoy my stay here a lil more and go back to Seoul
I'll see you guys in my next, BYE!
Ah~ It's so nice here!!!
仮想通貨リップル最近の動向からみる今後の予想とは?暴落中XRP年末爆上げなるか?チャートと最新ニュースからみるリップルコイン価格予想!アマゾン提携の噂に続くRipple最新情報!最前線暗号通貨情報 - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
Sin Tregua - Duration: 11:42.-------------------------------------------
수채화로 드래곤불 손오공을 그려보자!!!(그림그리기,그림강좌) - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
सबसे आसान तरीका सॉफ्ट दही भल्ले का - dahi bhalla vada recipe - Dahi Bhalla Chaat Recipe - Duration: 7:39.Subscribe to my Channel and Press the bell icon for all the latest updates
Namaste! Welcome to Cooking With Shalini
Today we will Make Soft and Spongy Dahi Bhalla
Lets Start making Dahi Bhalla
To make dahi bhalla...take 1 Cup of Split Mung Beans and 1/2 Cup of Split Black Gram Lentils
We will mix them together
Wash them properly and soak them overnight
I have washed and mixed both of them and shifted in a bowl
It has doubled in size
Now we will grind it properly in a mixer
we will not add water to it
You can see.. we have grinded it well
We will again grind this thick mixture
We will not add water to it
Now shift it in a bowl
Now add a pinch of Asafoetida and a pinch of Salt
Asafoetida is Optional ingredient
Some People don't like the taste of it is totally Optional
You can also add Ginger and Green Chilli to it.
We kept it on Rest for 10 Minutes
Now we will mix this mixture well for 5 minutes
Keep you Oil to heat
After mixing is nice and fluffy
Now we will start making our Bhalla's
Bhalla's are ready to fry
We will make round bhalla's can give any shape you like.
We will add the mixture with help of spoon
Keep the flame low
You can see ...nice golden color...but we will heat it for few more minutes
Bhalla's are Ready now...we will take them out
We will make all bhalla's like this
Now what we will do is...if you want to serve it for dinner...then we will soak all the bhalla's together in water for 5 minutes
and then we will squeeze it and will put it in curd
And if you want to make Bhalla Chaat
If you are making chaat for 1 or 2 people....then soak 2 bhalla's in water
Press it lightly and soak it for 5 minutes
Take thick curd for bhalls's...and there should be no lumps in curd
Mix it Properly
Now squeeze the bhalla's....and shift it in a plate
We will add a pinch of Curd Masala (Indian Spices) and a pinch Salt to it
Now add Thick Curd
If you are making Bhalla's for Parties ....them make sure your Curd is not so thick
Because Bhalla's soak Curd
Add Dahi ka Masala (Indian Spices)
add Tamarind Chutney to it...
if you want tamarind Chutney Recipe...then you can check it out the my description box
Add Mixture to it, some fried Peanuts and Pomegranate
Sprinkle dahi Masala (Indian Spices) on top
Tasty Dahi bhalla is Ready to Serve to your loved ones!
Do try my Recipe and if you like it...then do give a thumbs up and do share it with your family and friends
Do Subscribe my Channel for more new recipes. Thankyou!
Hypnotic Induction into hypnosis using the stiff arm Induction learned from hypnotist Jonathan Chase - Duration: 2:12.Feel Good Hypnosis music starts
Would you like to be hypnotized?
[Girl] Yes (energetic). [Man] Sure (Laid back).
You see, feel the energy, "Sure! Yes!"
And you're "sure", so,
Would you like to be hypnotized?
Yes (Laid back)
That's it
Would you like to be hypnotized by me?
For you,
We'll just do it one at a time. You'll go together but one at a time
I want you to put your arm out like this here, stiff and rigid
really stiff and rigid
really stiff and rigid, I want you to imagine, just inside your mind that
there's a steel bar going through your shoulder through your elbow right
through your wrist right to the front of your hand
Stiff and rigid I want that arm to be so stiff and rigid, that I couldn't bend it!
Do you think you can get it that strong?
I, I can but - but that's my weak arm.
What's that?
That's my weak arm.
That's you're weak arm, is there ….
That's my weak arm
There are issues in that arm?
Try the other arm, are you happy enough, no injuries at all?
no just, weaker.
Stiff and rigid!
just imagine now there is a steel bar going all the way through that.
OK, stiff and rigid.
Let's see if I can bend that arm.
Perfect, perfect, stiff and rigid, stiff and ridged.
Now I want you to imagine
even getting stronger and stronger and stronger
I want you to imagine that arm so stiff and so rigid that even you couldn't bend it
and only when you know, only when you know that you can't bend that arm
go ahead and try and bend that arm and find you can't!
really try!! You trying yet? Really try!
Close your eyes down now! Close your eyes, sleep now! Deeper, deeper, deeper relax
The deeper you go the more relaxed you feel, the more relaxed you feel the deeper you go.
Drifting, sinking, … way down
… way down
The deeper you go the more relaxed you feel, the more relaxed you feel the deeper you go,
just drifting sinking down.
And as I speak to people and you hear sounds around you
just help the absorb you into this wonderful feeling of relaxation
as you hear me talking away to another person
just allow that time to really absorb into this idea just going down deeper and
deeper and deeper relaxed and deeply you go the more relaxed you feel more relaxed you
feel the deeper you go, that's right sinking down even deeper still
Feel Good Hypnosis - exit music plays [with links to subscribe and to the hypnosis website]
Comment Déterminer Tous Les Diviseurs d'un Nombre Entier ? - Duration: 7:45.-------------------------------------------
[ENG C.C] GRWM in Gangneung! 강릉에서 같이 준비해요! #힐링 #호캉스 - Duration: 12:56.It's 9:30 in the morning
and my face is SO bloated right now
Hey guys! It's Soo here :)
Right now, I'm at Gangneung!
It's actually my first time in Gangneung
and it just seemed such a waste to leave like this
so I thought I'd turn on my camera and film a quick GRWM
Then let's get started!
So I packed all my stuff here as you can see
I stuffed all of my skincare, makeup and cleansing products into one bag lol
Then let's start with skincare!
First, I'm going to use the Biotherm Life Plankton Clear Essence
So you're supposed to use this after a toner,
but I'm just gonna skip the toner
and start with this one!
First, you shake it like this and then, pour it onto a cotton pad
I actually got this as a gift when I went to the Biotherm pop-up store
but it just seemed to work so well on my skin
that I've been using it everyday ever since
and as you can see I'm almost done with this bottle
can you guys see?
I only have this much left
so I bought a new bottle lol
So I use this to refine my texture and also to exfoliate
and because I use this everday,
I feel like I don't need to use a AHA or a BHA product
I think it's great to use it in the summer
the formula is absolutely delightful and light
so I think it's great to use in a hot, humid weather
and it's important to exfoliate your skin
so that your face doesn't have any dead skin cells lying on top
or else, no matter how rich the moisturizer, ampoule, cream you're using
it won't get absorbed into your skin
so you will inevitably face dehydration
and for the finale, make sure that it gets absorbed properly like this
I especially saw an improvement in my skin's texture after using this
My skin has become a lot smoother and of course, my makeup sits more tightly on top
it's perfect to use everyday!
And because it's such a light formula to use in the summer,
I think this would be great for all types of skin!
Next, I'm going to use the cicago cica double effect ampoule!
a drop here, a drop there
but wow, my skin feels so smooth after using that Biotherm Life Plankton Essence lol
it feels super great!
I've also shown this ghost ampoule plenty of times before on my chanel
because it has a layer of oil,
it does a great job in dealing with dehydration
it's so goood!!
Next, I'm going to apply the Ample:N Hyaluron Shot Gel Cream
This cream has to be the lightest gel cream I ever used
and so it doesn't peel off whatsoever
It's a great cream to use before applying makeup
For the suncream, I'm going to use the Thankyou Farmer Sun Project Light Sun Essence!
This is also one of my favorite suncreams of all times
So, from the beginning of this summer,
I really wanted to go on a vacation
but it was hard to carve out time from my schedule
so my friend and I, we just decided to come to Gangneung for two days
and WOW, Gangneung is soo great!!!
I'm just gonna reapply the suncream on the highest points of the face
so the higher points of the cheekbone, nose, and the forehead
places where it gets more exposure to the sun
So we're staying at the Sky Bay Hotel,
lol this is the entrance ticket bracelet from the Infinite Pool of this hotel
so we're at the Sky Bay Hotel
our room has an ocean view - DAS RIGHT
so outside, there's this beautiful view of the ocean
and it's so breathtaking!
so I'm just making the most out of it by watching this beautiful scenary
Now, I'm gonna start my makeup
I'm actually gonna keep it simple today
since I am on a vacation
so I'm just going to keep it simple and straight-forward
let me start with this cushion!
This is the Moonshot Micro Setting Fit Cushion #201
So this cushion, as I have raved about it before,
has great coverage and longevity!
it's definitely one of ALL TIME faves
but I will say, there's not much product in it
It's been about 2 weeks since I've used this
maybe I used too much of it???
I mean, it hasn't been that long since I've used it and already, I feel like there's not much product left
so I'm debating if I should get a new one
Anyways, because we got such a nice hotel room
we haven't left the room all that much LOL
Instead, there's a little porch/balcony
and so we've just been chilling at there
just enjoying the view, chatting and chilling
and we actually had takeout and ate it on the balcony heheheh
Then for eyeprimer,
This is VDL Expert Color Primer for Eyes
Because I have such oily eyelids,
I need to use eyeprimer no matter what
because I smudge like CRAE CRAE
And then I'm gonna set everything with this Canmake Powder
I actually didn't bring ANY brush with me on this trip on purpose
so I brought this canmake powder because it has a puff inside that works great
besides, this powder is one I absolutely love!
It's actually not that hot or humid in Gangneung,
so I'm not actually gonna put too much of that powder
For the eye palette,
I brought the Mamonde Flower Pop Eye BRick 01 Gold Beige
So this is a quad that only has shimmer colors
and the reason why I chose this palette is because
since I didn't bring any brush with me
I needed a palette that would blend out well with my fingers
so I'm going to apply this beige color as base
Actually, when we arrived in Gangneung,
the weather was really dim and gloomy
because it had just rained
but because we weren't here to do any sight-seeing or tourist-y stuff
you know, we're here because we just wanted to rest
so I really didn't mind that the weather was bad since we could just chill out in the hotel room
but after a couple of hours
the sky cleared up and became really sunny!
so it started to feel like heaven afterwards
and then with the brown shade, I'm gonna add some depth to my eyes
For dinner yesturday, we had "Kong-Sae-Ya"
It was so freaking good!!!
We had soy sauce shrimp, seafood bibimbap, and some kind of beef
GASP! It was so delicious!!!
And because I was just chilling out the whole day yesturday
my chin area had cleared up so much!
in ONE day!!! LOL
Then I'm going to take this color right here and apply that at the center
So the "Kong-Sae-Ya" place is delicious!
I highly recommend it!
But it wasn't cheap
Nor was it too over-priced
I feel like we got our money's worth
We were very content!
and I actually don't know much about this place
because we didn't leave the room much at all lol
but just looking at this beautiful view all day is more than enough for me
For the eyeliner, I'm going to use this Romand Easy Draw Eyeliner
This eyeliner is so good!!!
Guys, it's been a while since I've filmed in a new place
so I'm not sure if everything's gonna turn out okay lol
I actually have no idea lol
so I'm a lil anxious and worried right now
guys, can you see well?
So I have the window to this side
so this part appears to be a lot brighter
so for a more precise and accurate pigmentation and color reference,
this side would be better to look at
The light is reflecting all the colors and pigmentation off of this side
I wonder if this will help
So today, I'm going back to Seoul
we're here for 2 day and one night anyway
but I wish that I could stay here for one more day!!
I think if I could relax here for one more day
I think all of my chin breakout would go away
For mascara,
I'm gonna use the Peripera Ink Black Mascara Longlash Curling
I really like this mascara actually
So Peripera came out with 2 versions: this one and the volume one
but I do prefer this longlash one instead
it goes on without much clumps
and it really does maintain that curl for the whole day
so I do recommend this one!
For the brows, I'm first gonna take this Benefit Ka-Brow cream gel brow
woah... the sound of the wind is no joke lol
i'm staying at the thirteenth floor so
I'm up pretty high
So apparently, summer has already passed by in Gangneung
so it's actually kinda cold here lol
When we first got here,
it was pretty chilly
so it was really nice compared to the HOT Seoul
and because we're by the ocean,
the wind here is amazingly refreshing
I think this is a great place to travel by yourself actually
Then with the Benefit Precisely, My Brow eyebrow Pencil,
I'm gonna fill in my brows a little more
oh by the way, this hotel has an Inifinite Pool,
So you guys know the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore is famous for their Infinite Pool,
and this hotel apparently also has one
so we went there yesturday
and the pool was actually smaller than I thought
and there were quite a lot of people there as well
it wasn't overcrowded though
but it was a bit hard to actually swim in it
but it's a place where I guess you can take cool photos
For blusher, I'm going to apply this Hera Face Designing Blusher 03 Chiffon Coral
This blusher is soooo great!!
I actually haven't used that much of Hera makeup products
so I didn't know what to expect from this
it has a bit of fall-out
but it has such a beautiful pigmentation
and the color is super pretty as well
so I'm going to take this brush that came with it
it really is a pretty blusher
And the longevity is pretty great with this one
Usually, blushers last around 4-5 hours on my face
oops, I applied a lil too much here
like after 5 hours, it's pretty much gone
but this one still stays on fine even after a long day
So I really think this is superb!
it's appearing to be a lil too bright on the camera
This is how the color is
For contouring, I'm going to use Benefit's Hoola Lite
so like I said, I'm going back to Seoul today
before we head up, we're gonna hang out at a "cafe street" here
grab some lunch and enjoy the ocean a lil more
and then take the train at 4 o'clock back to Seoul
For the highlight, I'm gonna use this Etude House Shining Powder Cheek Duo no.4
so there's a highlighting color here
and I'm just gonna use my fingers and lightly tap it on
For the lips, I'm first gonna take Romand Matte Lipstick in the shade Adorable
I think this is such a pretty color
so this is how the color is like
it's a mlbb color
but it's not too deep or too mauvish I guess
woow my lips definitely need to be exfoliated urgh
And then I'm gonna layer it with the color All that Jazz
This has more a deeper chili color
These lipsticks by the way
do really feel weightless
but they do emphasize the cracks/lines of the lips a bit
I'm definitely gonna come back here again!
Wow, my hair has gotten so long!
Must go and get another hair cut
so just in case you weren't able to catch the pigmentation
here it is!
So these were the eyeshadow
so pretty, right?
and then the lips!
Adorable and All that Jazz on top
So I just finished my hair and makeup
I'm gonna enjoy my stay here a lil more and go back to Seoul
I'll see you guys in my next, BYE!
Ah~ It's so nice here!!!
These Cute Baby Animals Keep Fighting LOL | SBS Animal - Duration: 1:06.The master of the house = Kongee
One day, a squirrel came in the house
I'm going to destroy you
Now is the time!
Where do you think you're going?
You shouldn't bully the squirrel
The kitten is really jealous
No I'm not
Gosh! This isn't fair!
김부선, SNS에 "이재명과 사진 담긴 노트북 싱가폴에" 주장 - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
Revenge - Duration: 1:40:13.-------------------------------------------
Morawiecki pożegnał McCaina. Szybko mu przypomniano, co senator USA mówił o PiS - Duration: 6:13."Niestrudzony strażnik wolności i demokracji, człowiek zasad w polityce" – tak o zmarłym Johnie McCainie napisał Mateusz Morawiecki
• Fot. Jakub Orzechowski / Agencja Gazeta Redakcja naTemat 26 sierpnia 2018 Był republikaninem, ale w USA szanowali go wszyscy, od lewa do prawa
W sobotę zmarł John McCain – polityk legenda, sześciokrotny senator, kandydat na prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych
Miał 81 lat, od dłuższego czasu zmagał się z rakiem mózgu. Za ocean płyną kondolencje z całego świata, także z Polski
Przy czym McCain o postępowaniu polskich władz nie miał dobrego zdania. "Strażnik wolności i demokracji" "Z żalem przyjmuję wiadomość o śmierci Johna McCaina
Odszedł prawdziwy amerykański patriota i sprawdzony przyjaciel Polski. Niestrudzony strażnik wolności i demokracji, człowiek zasad w polityce
RIP" – w ten sposób na Twitterze Johna McCaina pożegnał premier Mateusz Morawiecki
Słowa o tym, że McCain był "przyjacielem Polski" oraz "strażnikiem wolności i demokracji" nie są najmniejszą przesadą
Amerykański senator bacznie śledził wydarzenia w naszym kraju i wspierał go. Nie krył przy tym niechęci wobec zmian, jakich nad Wisłą dokonuje Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
I o tym internauci bardzo szybko przypomnieli premierowi Morawieckiemu. Pańscy towarzysze partyjni oskarżali go o "lewactwo" gdy wyrażał zaniepokojenie stanem praworządności w Polsce, a Pani Szydło wysłała mu bardzo nieelegancki list
— Jan K. (@yyaann17) 26 sierpnia 2018A pamiętasz te słowa?— Grzegorz Borys (@grzegorzborys) 26 sierpnia 2018 Zwolenników "dobrej zmiany" oburzyły zaś słowa premiera o tym, że McCain był "przyjacielem Polski"
Czy był przyjacielem Polski ? Której Polski i czyjej Polski ? Odpowiedźcie sobie sami
— Edward (@Edward61137269) 26 sierpnia 2018 John McCain, choć wywodził się z Republikanów, w ostatnim czasie nie szczędził krytyki Donaldowi Trumpowi
Ostro oceniał też rzeczywistość w Polsce po "dobrej zmianie". Parokrotnie zwracał uwagę polskiemu rządowi na to, że wprowadzane choćby zmiany w sądownictwie są na bakier z zasadami demokracji
"Krok wstecz dla demokracji" Na początku 2016 r. trzech amerykańskich senatorów, w tym John McCain, napisało list do premier Beaty Szydło w reakcji na zmiany, jakie PiS wprowadzał w sądownictwie oraz w mediach
"Wzywamy Pani rząd do respektowania podstawowych zasad Organizacji Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie oraz Unii Europejskiej, w tym szacunku dla demokracji, praw człowieka i rządów prawa, które uczyniły Polskę silnym członkiem demokratycznej wspólnoty i mocnym sojusznikiem USA w samym sercu Europy Środkowej"
Poseł PiS Stanisław Pięta ocenił wówczas ten list jako "lewacki bełkot". Adresatka listu, premier Szydło, odpisała zaś senatorom m
in., że brakuje im rzetelnej wiedzy o tym, co faktycznie dzieje się w Polsce. McCain odpowiedział wówczas, że nadal zamierza śledzić zmiany w naszym kraju i wytykać błędy
Rok później John McCain ostro zrecenzował zmiany w polskim sądownictwie: "krok wstecz dla demokracji"
McCain - wojownik John McCain zmarł w sobotę 25 sierpnia. Od dłuższego czasu walczył z rakiem mózgu
Miał 81 lat. Jako polityk wspierał mocniejszy udział USA w NATO i był orędownikiem stanowczej postawy wobec Rosji
Przez wielu nazywany był także przyjacielem Polski przede wszystkim za jego zaangażowanie w pomoc militarną Stanów Zjednoczonych dla naszego kraju
Terelu Campos da un brutal zasca a Lydia Lozano que la deja muda - Duration: 2:38.Este sábado Terelu Campos se sentaba como invitada en el 'Deluxe' para ser entrevistada tras la intervención quirúrgica a la que se sometió hace unas semanas y los días de descanso que ha pasado en Málaga.
Además de para hablar de 'su cáncer', la hija mayor de María Teresa Campos fue preguntada por los colaboradores sobre su presunta relación con un tal Salva.
Pero como suele suceder cuando el entrevistado es un compañero y conoce las debilidades de quien le hace las preguntas, Lydia Lozano salió mal parada ante una simple pregunta que realizó
Según recoge Exclusiva Digital, Lydia quería saber si ha habido más besos entre Terelu y Salva, además del que ha publicado una revista. Pero Terelu no quería contestar y respondido a la veterana colaboradora con otra pregunta: "¿Y tú te acostaste anoche con Charly?"
Una contestación que dejaba cortada a Lydia a quien no le parecía bien y que no entendía la ironía que su compañera le dijo que había utilizado con ella, produciéndose un pequeño pique entre ambas.
Lydia: "Te quiero hacer una pregunta ¿Ha habido más besos que ese?"
Terelu: "¿Te acostaste anoche con Charly?"
Belén Rodríguez: "Hombre no es lo mismo no estoy en la portada de una revista"
Lydia: "Gracias Belén. Yo no estoy ahí, el titular de HOLA no ese ese y de mis vacaciones no voy a hablar obviamente"
Terelu: "Aquí el que sea más listo para pillarlo, que sea listo para pillarlo. ¿De verdad te has enfadado con lo que te he dicho?"
Lydia: "Si"
Terelu: "Ah pues entonces te pido disculpas porque no era para ofenderte ni nada parecido:
Además creía que entendías por qué he hecho eso respecto al conocimiento que nos tenemos todas, hija, y me he equivocado"
Y todo esto sucede porque Lydia no tiene el carácter y fuerza suficiente para contestar a Terelu Campos.
Si hubiera sido cualquier 'chikilicuatre' el que le hubiera respondido de esa forma, seguro que la que fuera colaboradora del mítico 'Tómbola',
hubiera saltado contestando: "Aquí las preguntas las hago yo" o "Tu eres quien cobras al sentarte ahí"...
Pero con Terelu la cosa cambia porque sabe que si la replica de esa forma tendría seguramente algún tipo de consecuencia.
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