Thank you so much guys for your support. I really appreciate it.
Now the next road is for you know.......150.000 subscribers. Stay tuned for more my friends, see ya and have a nice day.
Lo que une y separa a la reina Letizia y a Michelle Obama - Duration: 8:26.-------------------------------------------
西媒:特朗普已经开启了美国新一轮经济危机 - Duration: 9:35.-------------------------------------------
Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper wounded in Woodward - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Trooper Injured, Suspect Arrested After Chase, Shootout Near Woo - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper injured by suspect's gunfire - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
British MotoGP: Sunday's race cancelled because of heavy rain at Silverstone - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
IU - Palette Feat G-DRAGON MV (Greek subs) - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Gender Identity vs. Gender Expression | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 12:39.Hey everyone!
So today, we're going to be talking about the difference between gender identity and
gender expression, because sometimes I see people conflate these two things or falsely
accuse trans people of not understanding the difference between them, so I just wanted
to clear up some misconceptions.
So the simplest explanation is that your gender identity is simply your gender, while gender
expression is how you outwardly present your gender to the world.
Your gender could then be cis man, cis woman, trans man, trans woman, nonbinary person,
or a bunch of other possible labels including agender which just means having no gender.
But then regardless of your gender or lack thereof, your gender expression could be any
number of things: feminine, androgynous, masculine, tomboyish, etc.
And in the queer community we have tons of words for our varied gender expressions like
femme and butch.
So you could be a feminine cis man, or a masculine nonbinary person, or a butch trans woman,
or a femme trans woman, or any other combination of genders and gender expressions.
So I want to dive a bit deeper into this and explore some of the intricacies of it, but
first, I want to tell you about this video's sponsor, the Dollar Shave Club.
I know that shopping for shaving products can be annoying, especially if you're trans,
because it's all super gendered.
Like, stores usually have completely different aisles for "women's" shaving stuff and
"men's" shaving stuff.
And I'm sure you know that women's razors are usually the same as men's razors, just
pink and overpriced, but it can also be awkward or dysphoric to be a trans woman shopping
in the men's aisle.
So, Dollar Shave Club can remove all that anxiety from the equation by just mailing
you their shaving products that are totally gender neutral.
Plus, their grooming products are just amazing and high-quality.
The razors are so smooth -- they leave my legs feeling a million times better than they
did before.
Their shave butter's honestly way better than any shaving cream I've ever used, and
the lavender body wash smells great.
You should definitely give them a try, and for a limited time, DSC's 'Sh*t, Shower,
Shave' Starter Set is available for only $5.
This starter set features their Executive Razor which has their premium weighted handle
and several extra easily replaceable razor cartridges.
It also comes with 3 trial-sized versions of their most popular products that help you
stay fresh and clean, including their Shave Butter, Body Wash, and One Wipe Charlies'
Butt Wipes.
After the first box, replacement cartridges are sent for only a few bucks a month.
This offer is exclusively available at
So you can use the link in the description to go to and get
started on improving your shaving routine.
Anyway, back to the video!
So one of the things I want to talk about right off the bat is that trans people often
know very well the difference between gender and gender expression.
When people are questioning their gender, I think one of the first things they ask themselves
is, "Could I just be a masculine woman, or could I just be a feminine man?"
And sometimes, the answer to that is yes.
Like there are obviously masculine cis women and feminine cis men, but often times that
question is just one of many that a person asks themself on the way to figuring out that
they're trans.
And so when I hear people condescendingly say, "Did you ever think you might just
be a masculine woman?" or whatever, it's just so patronizing.
Like yes, I guarantee you every trans person you ask that question will have considered
that possibility.
Like we know that there is a range of available gender expressions, and we also know that
what's different about us isn't just our gender expression but our entire gender identity.
Oh and by the way, I often say gender identity to clearly differentiate it from gender expression,
but more and more I'm just saying "gender" instead of "gender identity".
Honestly the identity part is just redundant.
Like your gender identity is just your gender.
How you identify your gender is your gender.
What I've seen happen a lot of the time is that cis people get "genders" and trans
people get "gender identities" and it very much feels like a way of Othering us.
Like cis women can say "I'm a woman" but trans women are expected to say "I identify
as a woman," and I think that's bullshit.
Trans people should just be able to say "I am…" whatever gender, instead of having
to say "I identify as".
And of course it's okay if you still want to say that you identify as whatever, I'm
not saying you can't, and sometimes that language *is* useful, I just in general don't
think it makes sense that we're expected to "identify as" but cis people just "are",
you know?
So, throughout this video, just know that I'm using gender and gender identity interchangeably.
I lean towards just saying gender but when I want to be clear that it's different from
gender expression in this context I might say gender identity.
So, for trans people, figuring out their gender can mean playing with their gender expression
in a lot ways, like trying on different clothes, experimenting with makeup, or binding so that
their chest is less prominent.
The important thing to note is that none of these things *make* someone trans, they can
just be useful tools in helping you figure out what identity you're comfortable in.
Gender is definitely not as simple as: Do you wear pants? Boy.
Do you wear a dress? Girl.
It doesn't work like that.
Girls wear pants all the time and men should feel free to wear dresses too.
And what do non-binary people wear?
Like one pants leg and one dress leg?
The point is: you can play around with your gender expression and still be cisgender,
that's totally okay.
But for a lot of trans folks, trying different ways of expressing their gender can help them
sort out internally what gender they most identify with.
Because even though gender expression doesn't define your gender, people often use their
gender expression to communicate something about themself to the world.
So a trans woman might feel more comfortable in a dress not because all women have some
innate desire to wear dresses but because it signals to the world that she is a woman,
and because dresses are so often associated with women, having that thing that's associated
with womanhood be associated with her could make her feel more comfortable in her womanhood.
But on the other hand, sometimes men, cis or trans, rock dresses and that doesn't
necessarily make them less masculine.
Clothes don't inherently have any gender, they only have the gender our society as prescribed to them.
So if a dress feels good because society associates it with femininity and you like being perceived
as feminine, that's awesome, but you can also say "Fuck that association" I'm
going to be masculine or androgynous and wear a dress just because it's comfortable and
I like it, and that works too.
And all this stuff applies to other aspects of gender expression that we've gendered as well.
Makeup isn't inherently "for girls" and there are plenty of dudes who wear makeup,
but it can also help trans feminine folks feels more comfortable in their bodies.
And so this stuff can be tricky to talk about because while gender and gender expression
are different, they're often related.
I don't mean that in like a "if you wear a dress you're a girl" kind of way, because
we know that's bullshit.
I mean that girls, cis and trans, are generally more likely than guys to express their gender
in a feminine way.
As a whole, women tend to wear more makeup than men.
But while people tend to express themselves in a way that corresponds with their gender,
that's definitely not always the case.
Like it's very common for women to have a feminine gender expression, but there are
also tons of women who have more a masculine gender expression.
And that's why we have words like tomboy to describe a girl who's gender expression
is more masculine than what is considered the norm.
We don't really have an equivalent term for guys whose expression is more feminine
that doesn't carry some sort of negative value judgement because our society tends
to see femininity as lesser, but that's a topic for another day.
So anyone, cis or trans, can have any kind of gender expression regardless of their gender.
But that doesn't mean that gender expression isn't meaningful or isn't linked to our
gender in any way.
Because for a lot of people, their gender expression is vitally important for portraying
who they are to the world, and anything else would feel inauthentic.
So I don't want you to dismiss gender expression as just being some frivolous thing about aesthetics
because it can actually have a deep meaning for people.
And when rigid gender roles are enforced, like women have to dress this way and men
have to dress that way, anyone with a gender expression outside of those norms is punished,
regardless of their gender.
And that sucks.
I think the goal we should all be striving for is a world in which people are allowed
to present in the way that makes them the most comfortable, because rigid gender roles
do nothing but hurt anyone who doesn't happen to align with them.
And especially in queer communities, gender expression can be an important part of someone's identity.
Like for example, in queer girl spaces, terms like femme and butch are used both to denote
someone's gender expression and aesthetics, as well as tell you something about their identity.
Like it's not as simple as femme means feminine and butch means masculine.
These words have a deep history in the queer community and can be important identifiers for people.
They're gender expression labels, but they have a deep meaning and connection to many
people in relation to their sexual orientation.
Queer butch women, for instance, often face discrimination not just because they like
women but because their gender expression dares to be outside the norm; while queer
femme women often aren't believed to be queer at all because of their gender expression,
which is in itself another form of marginalization.
And I know that for a lot of women who like women, these terms can help them define their
gender on their own terms.
So, again, gender expression isn't "just clothes" by any means.
People can identify very strongly with the way they express their gender, even cis people.
Like, you may have seen in the news relatively recently that Lena Waithe decided to cut off her hair.
She had a really good quote when she was discussing that decision that I want to read for ya'll.
She said: "I was holding on to a piece of femininity that would make the world comfortable
with who I am, and I think I thought for a long time, 'Well, if I cut my hair, like,
I'll be a stud... or I'll be a butch.
I always thought, 'no, I'm not that. I'm, like, so soft.'"
And I think this is a really good example of what I was just talking about.
For plenty of women who like women, a more masculine gender expression can make them
feel more comfortable, but they're often held back from that because of a society that
says all women should present feminine.
And so it's no small feat to chop off your hair in defiance of such a strong societal
norm, and that's why it's understandable that its taken her until now to do it, and
why it's so cool that she did.
She's doing what make her comfortable, and I think that's amazing.
She even said that she has "gotten gayer" since cutting her hair which she said jokingly
but I think it gets at an important point.
Cutting your hair obviously doesn't literally make you gayer, plenty of queer women have
long hair and love it, but for many queer women, their gender expression is linked in
a strong way to their sexual orientation, and so expressing themselves in a more masculine
or androgynous way can help them feel more at home in their body as a queer woman.
I hope that makes sense.
I'm just trying to stress the ways in which a gender expression outside of the norm can
be vitally important to queer people while also making it clear that queer people who
present in a way that is considered "normal" for their gender are also totally valid.
I think it would be wrong to say that gender expression has no connection at all to a person's
gender, because to many, it's actually an important facet of their gender, but I also
think it would be wrong to say that someone's gender expression is always indicative of
their gender -- because a cis man can put on a dress and still be a cis man.
And gender expression can also be impacted by how our society has gendered certain things
like makeup or dresses.
For instance, there are often nonbinary folks who dress and express themselves in a certain
way who are then read as masculine or feminine when they feel their gender expression is
very androgynous or neutral.
An annoying thing that has cropped up in our kind of societal lens of gender is that the
definition of androgynous clothing became just wearing masculine clothing.
And so it's hard for folks to wear a dress and still be read as androgynous.
But there are lots of folks with androgynous style out there who I think are great and
are working to change society's perception of androgyny.
Because gender-neutral style is so flexible, and you can do so many things with it, and
I'm excited to see where all that goes and to see how it changes what we perceive as
androgynous in the future.
And tying this back into the difference between gender and expression, for a lot of nonbinary
folks, the window of things that are acceptably gender-neutral enough for society is pretty small.
Lots of clothes and other aspects of gender expression are highly gendered.
And so it's very likely that nonbinary folks would express themselves in a way that others
perceive as masculine or feminine, not because their gender expression is necessarily masculine
or feminine but because of how society has trained others to perceive those things.
Or they could just love dressing in a way that's overtly masculine or feminine, and
they would still be nonbinary.
So in this case it's especially important to remember that someone's gender expression
doesn't always tell you everything you need to know about their gender.
A very feminine- or masculine-looking person could easily be nonbinary.
And while lots of nonbinary folks often aim for an androgynous look because that's a
thing that's important to their identity, many don't, and all of these people are
equally nonbinary.
And there's just one last thing I want to cover before this video is over, and that's
the transphobic insult "man in a dress".
This is often used by transphobes to discredit trans women by implying that it's their
gender expression that's feminine but not their gender itself.
And that's bullshit.
I've personally gotten this one a whole heck of a lot, and the hilarious thing is,
I hate dresses.
I'm not comfortable in them, I don't like wearing them, I think I only own like one
right now and I've worn it maybe twice in my life.
My gender expression is, I think, more masculine than the general public would assume of a trans woman.
I have a very tomboy lesbian vibe.
My girlfriend describes me as "sporty femme" and I think that's a good label.
I resonate more with the femme label than butch though I do have a lot of butchy aspects to me.
I think futch is also a good label for me.
But anyway, the point I'm getting at is that I know that my gender is what it is regardless
of my gender expression.
Regardless of whether I'm in pants or a dress, wearing a full face of makeup, or no
makeup, I'm still a girl.
I have a very strong grip on the difference between expression and identity, and in my
experience, the vast majority of trans people understand this as well.
It's the transphobes who can't seem to understand this.
They lash out at people they perceive to be men and tell them to be more masculine, they
lash out at people they perceive to be women and tell them to be more feminine.
They want to enforce rigid gender roles and rigid gender expressions, while we want to
see everyone free to do what makes them comfortable.
And I hope that you'll do your best to encourage the people in your life, regardless of whether
they're cis or trans, to express their gender in whatever way makes them most comfortable.
Forcing a rigid gender expression on others only serves to hurt them when their gender
expression would have no negative affect on you.
So, I hope this video helped explain some of the differences between gender and gender
expression, and don't forget to check out the link in the description to get started
with the Dollar Shave Club.
Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.
Ramona J. Smith - Még mindig talpon (2018-as Nyilvános Beszéd VB, 1. helyezett) - Duration: 7:39.Ramona J. Smith
Still Standing
Still Standing
Ramona J. Smith
Life will sometimes feel like a fight.
The punches, jabs and hooks
will come in the form of challenges, obstacles and failures.
Yet, if you stay in the ring
and learn from those past fights,
at the end of each round you'll be still standing.
Mr Contest Chair, fellow fighters,
can you think of a time
when life tried to knock you down?
Who was your toughest opponent?
Most often our most challenging opponents is ourselves.
Round 1 – college.
I dropped out of college – not one, not two, not three, but four times.
I told myself: "College isn't for me",
and I would never go back.
Round 2 - marriage.
I married my soulmate.
The love of my life.
My best friend.
And he was fine too.
We were married for eight long, beautiful, amazing...
You heard right – months, not years.
It was like immediately after we said "I do"
the heavyweight champion came in and delivered an electrifying knockout blow to our vows – boom!
Round 3
In 2015, I competed for the first time in the international speech contest.
I won at the club level! I won at the area level!
I won at the division level! Baby, district level was on the way!
I was on a roll, I was on fire, I was unstoppable!
I lost.
I was crushed.
After going three rounds, and taking hit after hit, I was ready to throw in the towel.
I was down for the count:
six, seven, eight…
When was the last time life knocked you down?
Who was that lifeline that you reached out to, to help you stand back up?
Was it your family?
Your friends?
Or did you hold on to your faith?
Maybe you've never been knocked down,
but you've seen one of your family members take a devastating blow?
Were you the lifeline that they were reaching out to, to help them stand back up?
Were you the coach in the corner saying: "Get up! Get up! Stand up!"?
As I gathered all the strength within myself to pick myself back up,
instead of looking into a mirror of defeat,
it became a window of possibilities.
I got back in the ring.
I went back to college.
I got my degree and I graduated Magna Cum Laude.
After failing four times, I was still standing.
After my loss at the District level,
I am speaking to you from the World Championship stage!
It's a moment!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Even after suffering loss, I am still standing.
As for my marriage,
I'm still...
in training.
I have not yet found Mr Right,
but this is an international convention,
and there are thousands of men from hundreds of different countries,
so single Toastmasters, [whispers: Call me!]
Even after my divorce, I'm still standing.
My challenge to you is to stay in the ring.
Whether you're a fighter, or a coach.
If you're on the side of the ring coaching,
or if you're in that ring throwing those jabs, and those hooks.
When the final bell rings – ding-ding-ding,
the fighters and the coaches will raise their hands in victory singing:
I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah!
[singing] We're still standing!
[the audience sings back: Yeah, yeah, yeah!]
Very nice!
Stay in that ring, and even after you take a few hits,
use what you learned from those previous fights,
and at the end of each round you'll remain still standing.
Mr Contest Chair.
Transcript by Jelena Dasic Timing: Edit Trunkó
Horóscopo Semanal Piscis Sufres por Personas que Amas | 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre + Amor - Duration: 6:16.-------------------------------------------
Horóscopo Semanal Acuario Desesperación y Deudas Energía | 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre + Amor - Duration: 6:02.-------------------------------------------
[FR] [EN Sub] Star Citizen - Special Edition - God Tools - Duration: 2:52.During an operation the "Rigel" spotted an anomaly on the surface of Yela
A research team was dropped on the surface of Yela to investigate
The research was about to stop when an extraordinary artifact was discovered, the study started immediately
They found evidence... proof that God exists and that He created the universe
... and His name is...
Thanks to Ascerf, Arrgo, J'onn J'onzz, Mattford, Tsumi_Control_essor and Zelkrieg for thier patience and their help
Thanks to CIG for this game that promises to be awesome and for the bugs that allow us to do this kind of videos ;)
Retired Phoenix bishop Thomas O'Brien has died - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Jocelyn Flores - (Lyrics) - Duration: 1:55.Thanks for watching, Video includes lyrics on the screen
DÉBARASSEZ VOUS DE CETTE MOTIVATION - ( DAILY MOTIVATION - SUBTITLE ) - Duration: 3:03.I have noticed that many people use motivation as their support to go through life
It should be the latest thing to do though
because motivation comes and goes, it is not a reliable source,
even less so when we think about long term evolution.
One day, you'll wake up and you won't have any motivation,
no energy whatsoever. And at that precise moment,
no one will be there for you
but you will still have to do it,
to go to work,
to go to the gym
because nothing is heaven-sent et no one will do it for you.
You will have to find that strength in yourself to push
without being motivated
So I will ask you a few questions right now before we start:
What fills you with life?
What keeps you going no matter what happens?
What gives you that strength daily
to push past your limits and give the best of yourself ?
Now that you have answered these questions,
stop looking for motivation
and follow this piece of advice :
FIND an external source of energy
that will allow you to make no matter which effort,
every day of your life.
It can be your family, your kids, your situation,
your comfort, your well-being, your objective or your health for instance.
Each one of these are good enough reason to progress,
so do not neglect any decision, no matter the cost.
From that moment on, feed it daily,
live as if that thing was the most important one to you.
Do no doubt it for a single second.
Do not pay attention to the people around you
but rather create your own mindset,
Create your own way of existing on this Earth.
We are always put into boxes
but it's your differences that make your strength.
LIVE as if it is your last day
and stop being « motivated » for every other reason
Rather concentre on the essence of things
whatever you're doing everyday
Extend now your small daily effort
to raise your confidence and energy in yourself.
Start searching for a meaning in what you do,
avoid following an idea without thinking,
be in charge of your own life
to finally appreciate everything that you are gonna achieve and create continuously
You will see that after doing all the things mentioned before,
you will not need the motivation anymore
because you will have finally learned to love what you do,
learned to understand each thing
and learned simply to believe in yourself.
Les 5 faits que vous devez savoir sur Vladimir Poutine - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Alina Kabaeva, la Seconde dame de Russie? - Duration: 7:20.-------------------------------------------
手倉森氏だけでなく…衝撃20年来の敏腕コーチ斬り 足を引っ張る技術委員会 - Duration: 1:57.日本サッカー協会は24日、東京・本郷のJFAハウスで定例の技術委員会(関塚隆 員長)を開き、W杯ロシア大会で西野ジャパンを森保現監督とともにコーチとして支えた 倉森誠氏(50)が、契約切れで退任すると発表した
また、森保ジャパンには「外国人GKコーチ」の招聘が決まっていることから、 野征哉GKコーチ(45)も退任する。 サプライズは早川直樹コンディショニン コーチ(55)の退任だ
1999年からA代表のコーチを務め、トルシエ、ジーコ、オシムら外国人監督に仕え、 シアW杯の西野ジャパンまで8人の代表監督の信頼を受け続けた敏腕コンディショニング ーチを斬ったことになる
関塚委員長は森保監督を補佐すべく、コーチ陣の増員と代表チームを補佐するナ ョナルチーム・ダイレクター(ND)の人選を継続中。「(いい人材は)遅くなるとJク ブと契約してしまうから」と急ピッチに進めるとした
退任する手倉森コーチはJ1鹿島の次期監督候補の一人。同コーチの退任の背景 は、日本協会内部主流派と、非主流派の"鹿島閥"の対立がくすぶっている。A代表のコ ディショニングを20年ちかく担当してきた早川コーチの退任も森保ジャパンにとっては 手といっていい
「森保のことをきちんと補佐していない今の技術委員会のやり方には反対だった (協会幹部)との声も多数ある。いまだに補佐役のNDが決まらない技術委員会のスピー 感のなさは、森保監督の足を確実に引っ張っている
Kate Middleton makes surprise appearance on maternity leave as she joins the Queen and Prince Willia - Duration: 2:15.Kate Middleton and The Queen departed for church together in Scotland, and were in high spirits as they were pictured the back seat of the Royal Daimler on their journey to Crathie Church
Kate, 36, and husband Prince William, 36, joined the Queen, 92, in Her Majesty's car, having arrived to visit her in Balmoral during her summer holidays
Until now, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been retreating at their country house, Anmer Hall, in Norfolk with their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis
Their visit to Balmoral marks a rare occasion that Kate has been out in public during maternity leave, just months after welcoming the pair's third child back in April
The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, 97, chose not to attend church, but it is believed Meghan Markle and Prince Harry may join the monarch later in the day
Kate and William's three children are believed to have stayed on the estate. Kate stunned in a stylish grey coat and black hat, while the Queen looked radiant in a bright blue coat and hat
Kate only welcomed her third child with Prince William on April 23. Meghan Markle's sister-in-law is reportedly taking six months off from royal duties, to spend time with newborn Prince Louis as well as Prince George and Princess Charlotte
Kate has returned to the spotlight several times during her maternity leave, but only for important family events
The first time fans saw the Duchess after she gave birth was only a couple of weeks later at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding, which was clearly a special family occasion
Although having only just welcomed her third child, the Duchess was all smiles at the ceremony where she took care of daughter Charlotte and son George, who were in the wedding party
Kate skipped Prince Charles' 70th Birthday party a few days later, but did attend the Trooping The Colour ceremony
While it may sound like Kate has done a lot since welcoming her third child, it appears she has only been attending day events which are significant for the the family
[SUGA] Trivia 轉 : Seesaw (fmv ft. JK) [KR/EN] - Duration: 4:07.english lyric translation from: pop!gasa
The beginning was quite fun Just with all the ups and downs
But suddenly, we're tired From a waste of meaningless emotions
A repeating seesaw seesaw game Now I'm sick of it, sick of it
A repeating seesaw seesaw game We're getting tired, tired of each other
Were the little arguments the start? The moment I became heavier than you
Because there was never a parallel from the start
Maybe I became more greedy and tried to fit in with you Is there really a need to keep repeating ourselves
Saying this was love and this is love?
We're both tired and holding onto the same card If so, then…
Alright, a repeating seesaw seesaw game Trying to end it now
Alright, sick of this seesaw game Someone needs to get off right here
Though neither of us can
Let's not scope out who's gonna get off first Let's not drag things out, however our hearts lead us
Let's make the ending, whoever will get off This repeating seesaw game
Let's stop it now
People can be so sly They know they'll get hurt if one person is missing
But no one wants to be the bad guy So there's an ambiguous continuation of passing on responsibilities
And we get so tired or if that we finally became parallel
But we didn't want this kind of parallel
At first, we showed off who was heavier As we looked at each other and smiled
Now we're competing against each other Trying to win over who's heavier
It becomes the fire to our fights It'll only end if someone gets off right here
We're acting like we're comforting each other But it's mixed with thorns
Can't keep doing this, we need to make a decision
If we didn't have feelings for each other If we didn't think of each other
Would we have dragged it out like this? Now if you don't have any more feelings
This seesaw is dangerous Stop thinking about me
Alright, a repeating seesaw seesaw game Trying to end it now
Alright, sick of this seesaw game Someone needs to get off right here
Though neither of us can
(Hol' up Hol' up) I'm walking on this seesaw without you
(Hol' up Hol' up) just like the beginning when you weren't here
(Hol' up Hol' up) I'm walking on this seesaw without you
(Hol' up Hol' up) I'm getting off this seesaw without you
Alright, a repeating seesaw seesaw game Trying to end it now
Alright, sick of this seesaw game Someone needs to get off right here
Though neither of us can
Let's not scope out who's gonna get off first Let's not drag things out, however our hearts lead us
Let's make the ending, whoever will get off This repeating seesaw game
Let's stop it now
(Hol' up Hol' up) I'm walking on this seesaw without you
(Hol' up Hol' up) just like the beginning when you weren't here
(Hol' up Hol' up) I'm walking on this seesaw without you
(Hol' up Hol' up) I'm getting off this seesaw without you
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Robot Warrior Z Gundam: Prequel
The Heartbeat of 'Z
IDOLS SHOULDN'T DATE! Unpopular KPOP Opinions w/ Rainyoverflowers - Duration: not date my oppa hey everyone welcome to my channel so today's video is
actually super exciting because I am doing a collaboration with a very
special friend of mine named Alison also known as rainy over flowers here on
YouTube you can subscribe to her in the card appear you can also check out all
of her information in the description box and she will also be at the end
screen so don't worry I got you covered so yeah we decided to share our
unpopular kpop opinions so she picked me I picked three and I'm gonna talk about
mine in this video I have definitely made some very controversial videos in
the past which I don't know why I am saying there controversial I think
they're funny as hell I keep getting such ridiculous mean comments on these
videos and then I'm like maybe we were being harsh in those videos and I look
back and I watch the video and I'm like this is funny this does not mean so
people kept getting really angry at those videos two videos in particular so
I made them unlisted because you came that's ridiculous I'm top really capable
opinion number one kpop fans are actually the worst that's actually not
part of my list but like I'm allowed to say that because I used to be that I'm
popular kpop opinion number one idols should not date publicly I used to be
that fan I used to be the fan that would get so angry if an idol started dating
do not date my oppa I would get so protective over this person that I loved
even though I didn't know them so totally understand what people come from
but my opinion is just that when you're a celebrity you have an image and people
will directly buy into that image even if that image is fake I'm gonna be
really honest with you your k-pop idols are not real that sounds so weird but
the thing is if you're in the public eye you're only showing what you want to be
seeing you know I mean there's no way you can fully know someone
by watching them on TV or listening to a music you might have an idea but people
are such complex creatures that there's no way you actually know them I am 22
years old so I have like you know a decent amount of you know life
experience and I've come to the conclusion that nothing is real when
you're an idol your sole job is to be an idol is to be an image for people to
love and people love a single image they love it because then they can imagine
themselves with that person so if that person starts dating some when that
image is completely ruined and then suddenly you're losing fans there will
be mature fans that understand that yeah you're talking a lot to love you love
but there's also other fans who are so young I cut young people a lot more
slack because I used to be like that I used to be that fan that was super
obsessive over my bias but the thing is your livelihood is completely dependent
on that image if people like you they will spend money on you and if they
don't like you then they won't spend mine you know what I mean so like your
livelihood is 100% dependent on whether or not people like you whether or not
people want to support you so now I don't think I adult should date publicly
do I think about I was due date in private 100% is a huge possibility that
your bias has a partner that you just don't know about because they know it
will grow in their image we've seen this with you know China and eat on to like
she's getting so much backlash you know I think it's a lot more acceptable if
you've been in the industry for so long but when you're so new to the industry
like what are you doing it is such a bad PR move such a bad PR move so yeah I do
think people should be allowed to love and date and all of that stuff but if
you I know you should not be doing that publicly at all it's not a good idea
in fact it's a terrible idea as we've seen time and time again let's move on
to UM popular kpop opinion number two black pink is overrated so don't get me
wrong I love black pink and love their music I just don't know why
so first of all there's a few points within this opinion so the first point I
want to make is that I find them extremely unoriginal and it's not to say
that they're copying other artists or anything like that
I find them unoriginal within their own content their songs sound very similar I
have a hard time like differentiating a lot of them their choreographies have
such similar dance moves if you watch every single one of their dance videos
you're gonna find similarities and I just find their music videos are also
super similar I don't know you could argue that this is either consistency
and that you like consistency or that it's unoriginal I believe is just more
on the unoriginal side but I do understand if you like consistency and
it's cool to see consistency within their songs music and dancing whatever
but I still think it's unoriginal another point to be made within this
opinion is that I cannot stand watching black pink speak if they're in anything
where they have to speak I can't watch them you know sometimes there's a level
of ego that's okay and it's acceptable to me but then black pink is kind of
like all the way you like up to the ceiling with their ego and it's just way
too much for me it just seems way too forced I don't know man I can't do it
I'm probably capable Million number three I wish most kpop girl group dances
were more powerful now I'm pretty sure Allison's going to be mentioning this in
her video as well we have the same opinion on this
I've actually filmed this part of the video three times I can just never
express it in a way that it doesn't sound like girl-on-girl hate I love
supporting women do not get me wrong I love supporting women and I'm not saying
that you know these cute concepts shouldn't be done I just personally wish
that there were like more powerful concepts my idea of like a really cool
concept would be a girl group doing a similar theme to you know be a peace
warrior something is super powerful super energetic because sometimes you
see girl group dances and I like they're just they're going through
the motions and you're not really feeling the performance 100% at a time
and that's not to say that boy group dances are so much better I'm just
speaking exclusively about my opinion on what I wish I would see more of with
thin girl groups don't misunderstand I love girl groups I love girl group
dances even if they're like cute and not super powerful there's so many iconic
dances that I've loved and I've learned and I've you know performed and it's
amazing I love it and I'm not saying that that's not okay like I said I'm
just saying I wish I could see more powerful dances for girl groups so the
tone of this video might be construed a little bit negative maybe a little bit I
don't know to kind of bring a little more positivity I'm going to share some
dances that I love the first dance that I really love is first love by after
school oh my god how iconic I can do that I've never seen this in kpop before
and I'm pretty sure her dancing on a pole is really difficult so I love that
dance and I wanted to share it with you guys and there's also how do you buy a
hood in what can I say she's just so amazing and I love her so
much she can sing and dance very powerfully at the same time and I love
that about her and she's a solo artist so can you only imagine I mean at least
if you're like 9 or 10 people in one group you distribute the lines so that
you can try and dance powerfully and sing at the same time and it's hopefully
easier cuz you're not constantly singing throughout the whole song but she's a
solo artist I love her and then we have breathed by Miss a I think it's just a
fun energetic dance the last one is mental breakdown by CL like her live
performances the song is just so powerful and I feel it you know you just
sometimes you just feel things in your soul and I felt that I that is basically
it for my own public I hope you enjoyed this video make sure
you check out all of Allison's links down below and tell her I sent to you
you can also obviously subscribe to this channel and follow me on Instagram if
you'd like to keep up with my content and I'll see you guys next time bye
Prämienziehung, 26.08.2018 (Driedorf) - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Kylie Jenner 21 Birthday Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 12:10.hey everyone and welcome back today we are re-creating at Kylie Jenner 21st
birthday makeup I really hope you do enjoy it let me know if you do it down
in the comments below and if you are new here then hello my name is Zoe this
is my youtube channel and you can subscribe if you want to the makeup look
we're gonna be re-creating today is Kylie's 21st birthday makeup it's not
the one where she was wearing the pink sequin outfit for the party it was
the next day or maybe she was wearing like a gold outfit you will have
seen anyway in the thumbnail what is looked like it's
absolutely stunning I think her makeup was done by makeup by Ariel
which does her makeup quite often he is just incredible
I probably haven't got the exact products which he used on her but I'm gonna try
and re-create a similar look to this using products which I already have and
I also have the picture blown up on my laptop so I can see if I'm getting anywhere near
what she looked like I have done my brows already I have no idea whether
they are the same sort of shape I just sort of filled them in how I'm used to
filling my brows in and I'm gonna start with eyes first and do the base after
to conceal my brows and to prime my eyelid I'm gonna use the makeup
revolution concealer nc5 from Im only using a really light hand because I don't
want there to be like a really sharp line my skin is also not as flawless as
Kylie so I am probably going to have to use a bit more product than she has
in her eyeshadow look it doesn't look like she's wearing a really heavy eye
obviously the main focus is like the glittery bronze on the lid and then her
transition shades look like nice orangey warm Browns which I absolutely love
wearing, so I picked out a couple of different eyeshadow palettes the cocoa blend
palette from zoeva I think I'm going to be using that orangey Brown right
there and I also picked out my makeup geek palette which I've put together
myself I picked out some nice Browns here which
I'm going to be using and then that bronze I'm going to be using as my base before I
apply some pigment so yeah let's just get into it I think I'm actually going to
start with that really light shade at the top of this palette this is called
bitter start and I'm just going to start by highlighting my brow bone with
this just do a set that concealer in place and just lighten this area a
little bit and then I'm also going to apply this in the inner corner as well
so then to start off I'm going to use that orangey Brown which is substitute
for love which is also one of my everyday eyeshadows I use all the
time I'm taking that on a fluffy brush which
yes is dirty but we're not going to talk about that and I'm just gonna start sort
of just above my crease in the picture it looks like her transition shade comes
quite far into her inner corners so I am going to do the same
and I'm just going to sort of taper this off towards the outer part of my brow
because she hasn't got a winged eyeliner but she has got quite a sharp line from
her eyeshadow going up towards her brow so we are going to try and mimic that
okay then I am just gonna dip into frappe which is a single shadow from
makeup geek I'm going to use the exact brush which I have just been using and
I'm just going to tap this on to the outer lid it looks like the darkness is just
directly on the outer lid it's not sort of blending out into that transition
shades I'm going into this outer part of the crease and then I'm sort of bringing
it round where we went in with that transition shade right in the inner
corner that's sort of the shape which I'm seeing in the picture it sort of
goes around like that I'm just dipping into a little bit of give me sun
bronzer it does look quite like a warm orangey Brown that she she used or her
makeup artist used so the main part to this eyeshadow is that really
nice bronzy lid so I think that her makeup artist used one of her liquid
eyeshadows from the new collection which I don't have so I'm going to use a bronzy
eyeshadow and then use a pigment over the top it's more sort of like a dark
bronze than it is like a bright gold for starters I'm going to use glamorous from
makeup geek which I think is maybe a little bit bright but I think it'll work
okay as a base underneath so I'm just using a flat brush for this and I'd say
that she had it all over the lid apart from this outer corner here so
let's just press it on and I'm going just above the crease with this and inner
corner moving onto the pigment the pigment
that I chose is this one from Illamasqua it's in the shade ore I'm going to use the
glitter primer from NYX and I'm just patting the primer everywhere that
we it just applied that bronze shadow and then I'm picking
the pigment just placing it on the top
and I actually think that this color is not too different than the one that she
was actually wearing
I'm just going to take this little brush go back in with frappe and just sort of
wiggle over that outer edges just so it tapers off nicely the edge sort of went
really sharp from the outer part of the eye up towards the brow so I'm just
going to go like that okay then I'm going to take a bit of a
champagne pop to highlight my brow bone because it did look like she'd got a
highlighter there
now I'm just quickly going to apply my lashes off camera and I'm not sure what
eyelashes she is she may have just had individual lashes on but they did look
really long and really curly so I picked the koko lashes Queen B I think
they'll be quite similar so I'm going to apply this on camera I'll be back in one
sec so moving on to base Kylie Jenner always looks flawless and in this
picture as well she's just as flawless so were going for a full-coverage flawless
base I'm probably going to have to wear a lot more makeup to look as flawless
as Kylie so first we're going start with the fenty beauty pro filtr
primer this is one of my all-time favourite primers I don't wear primer
everyday but I will wear primer if I go out and this is the one which I love to wear
for foundation I'm going to use the fenty Beauty foundation this is in the shade
210 I think it's going be a little bit dark for me but I can bring it down
onto my neck putting it on the skin with a brush first and then just pressing it in
with my Beauty Blender and this is quite a matte foundation and in the picture I
think that Kylie did look quite matte so that's the look that I'm going for
concealer I'm going to use the same concealer makeup revolution I'm going to go
quite heavy with this under my eyes I'm also gonna bring it up as well to
sharpen up this edge
before I set my own two eyes I'm just going to do it a bit of cream contouring this
is the Chanel Soleil tan de Chanel I'm just using a contour
brush from Real Techniques I'm just using a really light hand because
obviously we don't want to move anything or the foundation that we've just
applied and I like to do this before I set my under eye because I like to blend
it up onto my cheeks a little bit and sometimes if I have already got powder there
it can create like a horrible line which I don't want and I'm going to try a little
bit of baking today I don't usually bake but I think that Kylie bakes so we're
going to do the same as her ok then I'm going to sweep that off using this
banana shade from the Anastasia Beverly Hills contour kit I have quite dry under
eyes so I can't bake for very long if I do so I'm just going to use that to
buff that away
moving on a to bronzer I'm gonna use this one from urban decay it is the beached
bronzer in bronze she looks like she's wearing quite a matte bronzer so I've
chosen this one other than my Milani one because that's more illuminating
plus I use that like all the time so let's try something a little bit
different today
it looks like she hasn't got that much bronzer on the apples of her cheeks I'm
going to leave those bare it looks like she's wearing more of a pink
blush on the cheeks and I'm just going to slightly deepen up my contour using
that shade there
now we are going to bake under our contour while we apply our blush and a highlight
for blush it looks like she's wearing quite a pinky blush and it also looks quite
highlighted as well on the apples of her cheek so I'm going to use this one which
is Milani Luminoso and yes I use this all the time but so what I'm just
going to press this on the apples of my cheeks because it looks like that is
where most of it is applied
and then for highlight it doesn't look like she's highlighted in a lot of areas
it looks like she's highlighted on her cheeks and just maybe a tiny bit in
other areas so I'm going to use champagne pop when I can find it so I'm
just going to smile and just dab it on the very tops of my cheeks okay now we
can brush away this contour okay we only need to do a couple of things to finish
off Kylie Jenner's 21st birthday makeup look and that is the under eye and lip
so for the under eyes I'm going to use that same shadow we use on the lid which
was glamorous by makeup geek I can't really tell really what she wore and I
think I might do a little bit of frappe as well underneath I also need to
highlight the inner corner so I might do that first I'm just going to use champagne
pop again and I want to bring this up right into the tear duct so then for
that under eyes I think I will start with frappe first and then
glamorous over the top it didn't look like she was wearing like a smoky under eye
or anything like that but there was a little bit of shadow underneath and then
in to glamorous and she was definitely wearing mascara underneath
let's just apply a bit of mascara and a for lips I'm pretty sure she was
wearing one of her new lipsticks for her birthday collection but I don't have
that so I'm going to use candy k
okay guys so that was my re-creation of Kylie Jenner's 21st birthday makeup I
really hope you enjoyed it let me know how I did down in the comments below
please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe and I will see you in the next
one bye
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