How To Recover Data From Your Cracked Mobile
How To Recover Photos And Videos From Your Mobile
どこまでもスパルタン!もはやレーシングカー、マクラーレン600LTの内装を見てみよう - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
1.5Lターボで210馬力発揮。BBRターボキット搭載のマツダ「ロードスター(MX-5)」をレビュー - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
POLSKA vs CZECHY, SŁOWACJA | Porównanie wojskowe [2018] - Duration: 2:39.Military Power Comparison
Poland vs Czech Republic Slovakia
Total Population
Land Area (km²)
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Active Reserve Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
tour du lịch campuchia giá rẻ nhất saigontourist vietravel 2018 chỉ 1.000.000đ - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
LEGO® Star Wars Ahch-To Porg Pandemonium-------------------------------------------
Audi A1 1.4 TFSI S EDITION DSG VOL OPTIES - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Čokoladne košarice | MojaČ - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
HEERE | ASH Ft. Jaskurn Gosal | Full Music Video | New Song 2018 | 24 Karat Entertainment - Duration: 3:57.Ladies and Gentlemen
We're back
once again
The Dynamic Duo
In your dreams, my beloved
i spend my nights.
lost in your memories, i spend my days.
In your dreams, my beloved
i spend my nights
lost in your memories, i spend my days
if i don't get to see you
i feel like dying
Terrible, is how
my heart feels without you..
Come, sit with me
lets go on a date
Through your beautiful eyes
i'll find my way to your heart
Come, sit with me
lets go on a date
Through your beautiful eyes
i'll find my way to your heart
now stop acting pricey
and fulfill my wish
Terrible, is how
my heart feels without you.
In your dreams, my beloved..
i spend my nights
lost in your memories,
my day goes by
lost in your memories....
Heere ... heere ... heere
Tell me once
what are you afraid of..
I can see it in your eyes
that you love me too..
Tell me once
what are you afraid of..
I can see it in your eyes
that you love me too..
If only you say yes to me
I'll breathe easy
Terrible, is how
I feel without you
In your dreams, my beloved
I spend my nights
lost in your memories,
my day goes by..
In your dreams, my beloved.....
[4K] 겨울왕국 한국어 팬더빙 (Frozen Korean Fandub) #3 · ENG CC · Enhanced Version - Duration: 2:12.Elsa?
It's me, Anna
Elsa, you look different
It's a good different
And this place... It's amazing
Thank you
I never knew what I was capable of
I'm so sorry about what happened If I'd have known...
No, no, no. It's okay
You don't have to apologize but you should probably go
But I just got here
You belong down in Arendelle
So do you
No, Anna, I belong here
Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody
Actually, about that...
- Sixty! - Wait. What is that?
Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!
You built me
Don't you remember?
And you're alive?
Um... I think so
He's just like the one we built as kids
Sister, we were so close
We can be like that again
- Catch me! - Slow down!
We can't Goodbye, Anna
Sister, wait
No, I'm just trying to protect you
You don't have to protect me I'm not afraid
POLSKA vs CZECHY, SŁOWACJA | Porównanie wojskowe [2018] - Duration: 2:39.Military Power Comparison
Poland vs Czech Republic Slovakia
Total Population
Land Area (km²)
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Active Reserve Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
Mere jobglæde til alle – spot 1 - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Hvor mange stjerner skal din arbejdsplads ha'? – spot 2 - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
土城窗簾免費推薦… - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
《幸福三重奏》花式虐狗现场,哪对把你虐得最惨? - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
GETTING MAKEOVER IN BISHKEK | dahyeshka - Duration: 8:00.Hello guys, it's Dasha. I came today to the beauty salon called Saltanat.
So it will be my first time getting makeup done in overseas.
I searched this place on internet and I think this is one of the most popular salons in Bishkek.
So, I just wanted to share my experience here with you. Shall we?
I want to see what products they use here.
I see here my fav Embryolisse cream.
It's Japanese product, something "Hara-"
They use individual false lashes here.
They also use ABH.
Lime Crime, Huda Beauty.
I think people like Tarte here alot.
Atelier Paris.
I think this is for professional muas.
Most of their brushes are Zoeva.
Makeup artist is coming a bit late cause of the traffic, but she said she'll be here soon. So let's start straight away.
I was going to touch my makeup if I arrive earlier, but it's okay.
I can wait for you, do some touch up if you want.
Is it all good?
Could you please say hi to the camera?
I'm too shy!
What makeup look do you want to do?
I was told that this cut crease look is the most popular.
Oh it's cool, nice.
Did you open your salon 2 years ago?
A year ago, almost a year and half.
Where are you from?
I'm from South Korea. / That's cool.
Do women in Kyrgyzstan like lighter skin tone or tanned?
We love to stick to the natural skin tone or brighter.
Is it foundation? / No it's a makeup base.
Looks like you got tanned a lot. / Yes I did.
Korean makeup style is completely different.
Korean women prefer natural makeup look.
It's different here. If you are doing a makeup, you should be doing it look like a makeup.
How did you find me?
I found you on Instagram.
Are there lots of makeup salons in Bishkek?
Yes we have a lot.
Do lots of women come to get makeup done?
Yes, we have lots of customers.
I love Zoeva brushes.
Me too!
Your blending is really good.
Thank you.
Wow. So pretty.
Wait until I put another layer of highlighter.
It will be so good.
Do you watch any Youtube channel?
Makeup on Youtube?
I think makeups on Youtube are way to trendy.
Huda Beauty has her channel as well.
Yes, but honestly I think her videos are like a show lately.
She is really big now, probably that's why.
Goar's videos as well.
Give me a smile please.
Which brand is it?
It's some Korean brand.
Do you not prefer doing a baking?
It's just not many people will understand that.
It's nice.
Not too dark? / It's okay.
All good? / Yes.
Did you used to travel to do makeup to the clients before you opened your own shop?
No, I used to work at the makeup shop.
So did it take you just a year to open your shop?
Yes, a year.
Wow, good on you.
Thank you!
I noticed not many females wear makeup.
Maybe not for the everyday look, but for the special occasion they love to wear heavy makeup.
I'm worried that this will be too much for you.
No, don't worry I love it.
Is it a glue? ? It is a base, gel.
Wow, it's cool.
Do you like it? / Yes.
Do you want to wear long lashes? 12 mm? Or shorter?
Is it 12?/ Yes.
Let's try 12mm.
We love to overdraw lips like this.
I prefer this way too.
Thank you!
I love it! It's beautiful!
I love how you did my lips.
So we finished makeup.
Did you see this?
No joke.
Thank you very much!
1, 2, 3.
I will never stop.
Thank you!
Bye, bye! Thank you!
What did Siwoo say?
Hey Siwoo, am I pretty?
How do I look, Ian?
It tastes less like a cabbage.
Im So Sorry | Sharing Recipes | Heavy Deadlifts - Duration: 9:41.-------------------------------------------
ABC Hip Hop Song | Music for Kids | Kindergarten Songs for Children | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:13.Are you ready
We gonna sing Abc
A…throw your arms up
B… jump back
C…cross your feet then spin around
D…drop to the floor
E…open your eyes
F…flap your wings and fly
Now we're singing our ABC's Everybody sing with me
Come on
G...giggle while you wiggle
H...hold still
I...freeze just like an icicle"
"J…jump up
K…blow a kiss
L…kick your leg out like this
Now we're singing our ABC's Everybody sing with me
M…take a minute to...
N…touch your nose
O…with your hands out
P…strike a pose
S…t stop
""U…you got this
V…very nice
W…wave goodbye
X…extra high
Now we're singing our ABC's Everybody sing with me
Come on
Oh no
We forgot something
Now we're singing our ABC's Everybody sing with me"
Big fright pour Beyoncé et Jay-Z: Un fan sur scène pour leur concert - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow | Baby Bao Panda | Kindergarten Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:04:04.For He's Jolly Good Fellow...
4 questions to ask real estate agents - Duration: 3:27.Hi Marco Kasel here. I got a couple questions from my clients about what
should I ask an agent when I have him sitting at my kitchen table and I'm
trying to pick the right agent. What should I ask this person to figure out
who's the best or who do I get along with or who's the right person for the
job. So I have a list of about 11 questions that I usually give my clients
so that they know what to ask. For this video I picked four questions otherwise
the video will be too long. If after this you want the rest of the questions too,
leave me a comment or send me an email or call me and we'll talk about it. So
the first question I would ask for sure is "are you certified"? In Luxembourg
you have to have a certification to be a real estate agent. For sure once you do
that course you're not immediately the best agent on a planet so that's not
really a guarantee whether someone is a good agent or not but it is required in
Luxembourg so let's start there let's let's do the required things plus I have
to say the course is actually pretty good it gives you a really good
technical foundation about the real estate market in Luxembourg. The
courses are taught by notaries lawyers architects and such, so it's pretty
interesting and it gives you a good base and I would definitely ask that question.
And then leading into the second question immediately "do you have a
autorisation d'établissement" that's an authorization to start a business in
Luxembourg and as a real estate agent you have to have the certification which
I spoke first about first to get the authorization to open a business as a
really real estate agent so both are go hand-in-hand so I would ask that first.
Then of course probably the most important question is "do you have a
marketing plan? Most agents in Luxembourg do not have
an plan, all they do is do an ad on But I strongly believe that that's
not enough, the trick is in order for you to make as much money on your sale as
possible, you have to attract as many people into
your home as possible and that can only work with a fully functioning marketing
plan. So if you ask this person if it has a marketing plan as in question number
three and he says no I have no idea what that is then you can follow up with
question number four and say well okay what is it then that you do besides
just an ad on you know and if he says well that's it we'll do an
ad on well then you can say I can do it myself
right. So those are some basic questions that I would ask right away, there's you
know seven more that I would ask that are all really important to maximize
your chances to sell at the best price so if you have any questions call me up,
or write a comment. Don't forget to like my Facebook and Instagram pages I'm marcokaselremax
on both. So, write me a comment and talk to you soon
Votre estomac est gonflé ? Cela peut cacher ces 7 maladies graves ! Faites attention - Duration: 10:16.-------------------------------------------
Dichiarazione di Incorporazione Quasi Macchina - Documentazione Tecnica Macchina - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Shroud Insane Unreal Aim Skills using DEAGLES, SHROUD INHUMAN DEAGLES fortnite battle royale - Duration: 13:09.Shroud Insane Unreal Aim Skills using DEAGLES, SHROUD INHUMAN DEAGLES fortnite battle royale
KASPER X NEDS - Duration: this piece here is a collaboration with Ned's he's a Balinese artist it was
all part of an artist residency with Cata Odata which is like a big art space
in ubud he's got a graffiti show up that just opened up actually so
if you ever looking for paints and you're in Indonesia he's definitely the
guy to hit up when I first landed in Bali the one thing that I noticed all
the time when I was riding my scooter around was his pieces up everywhere down
the line through the artist residency and through the graffiti shop called all
caps they they linked up and did paint sponsorship for me for the project he
was one of the collaborators that I got to paint with but he linked up the wall
on the day like we didn't necessarily go in with a plan or with a sketch he just
chucked his piece like right in the middle and I just freestyled around him
I'll be releasing more videos from all around the world like Vancouver LA
Seattle Thailand and this one in Bali if you enjoy it subscribe and leave any
comments in the comment box so I think one of the funnest things with these
collaborations some of them had like half good English and some of them
we could hardly communicate to each other like I learned a bit of Indonesian
but not enough to be able to float me through conversation it just made it
more fun and made it more natural and I just like simply making off but they're
all like such interesting people and like just insane artists
these people right behind me they're actually the Chado data crew they came
down whenever they cook when I was painting murals they were the best
people never if you ever staying in ubud bali they actually rent out places in
the big house so it's like multiple stories it's a pretty crazy place like
the kitchen there's like a latch door that opens up to a ladder that you can
climb down out that hangs over a net that hangs over the studio there's a art
gallery space they sell spray paint there that's how I met them and they'll
actually Airbnb house so that spray paint you see in my hand there that's
called fly lock it's like their local spray paint in Bali like sometimes it's
a little hard to find some decent pane unless you want to jump on your scoot
over quite a while so like a lot of their paint shops which it just
scattered everywhere have these these pile of spray paint and I use that a lot
for like my pills and stuff so you'll notice the pieces that I did over there
they're all like a pretty similar color scale cuz I was pretty limited
the graffiti shot flowed me some pain and that was mostly pile up certain
colors are really good so I think I used a lot of light blues a lot of purples
yep I Locke was like it was like a lifesaver for the bank all the kids
would come up and they'd be so stoked and it seems like they over in Australia
when you do a live painting a lot of the kids are like really afraid to interact
with you and like look like they don't know what they're doing in Bali these
kids these kitchens don't have that they just come up and they snatch you paint
I just want to help out and yeah that was a really cool part of Bali
and that ladder just there was like the best fit the best tool that I had
throughout the whole thing a retractable ladder I took it everywhere I could with
me so a lot of the time I'd be on a scooter with this ladder on the back two
bags in the front two buckets on either side of the handles so I actually used
to ride my scooter up and just pop it up on its brakes and like stand up on that
as a lot yes so this piece here like I was I was really inspired by their local
traditional characters the way they do it so artistically it is just it's
amazing that piece I use a lot of the monsters and a lot of the figures that I
saw in the the structures so you see like I did a at one section I had the
hospital to feel coming out before I always used to do my straight teeth and
this is one example that was inspired by like the elephant characters yeah it was
sweet then I will paint with Ned's and yeah I
can't wait to go back and hang out with the old cap screw hang out with Ned's
hang out with chemistry and countless amount of such cool people and yeah I
had an amazing time over there so if you want to keep watching videos like this
and checking out my journey I'll be posting plenty more coming up and yeah
make sure you subscribe and like show me some love if you're into it so these
last shots here was actually I had my girlfriend on the back of the video
camera and we're just driving a scooter slowly so it's a little shaky and a
little sketchy but I guess you get the point
thanks for watching and enjoy the neck
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