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SUPER WINGS TOY REVIEW Transform-a-Bots Jett Dizzy Bello Mira Donnie Jerome Grand Albert & Paul - Duration: 18:35.
hey their children look what we have
today on toy time TV it's SUPER WINGS
oh boy the super wings fly all over the
world and they're pretty cool and
awesome and we've got a ton of them look
they transform too. transform-a-Bots
Hey look there is Bello oh who else do
we have in their dizzy there is Donnie
and also Jerome wow these are the really
small cool super wings and who do we
have over here it looks like its Jett
Mira Paul and grand Albert grand
albert is so funny
yes he is we're gonna have lots of fun
opening these up in our toy time TV
christmas tree is really cool to look
wow this is so awesome you got to super
wings in the back who is that with the
can you tell me who has flashing lights?
on the super wings you can answer the
question right now
that's right Wow
let's get Bobby out here and then open
up all of our surprise fun super wings
okay you can do this with me kids say
come on out Bobby and play let's do it
three times alright sing it with me
hey Bobby come on out and play
hey Bobby come on out and play
hey Bobby come on out and play
hi every body i was just talking to the
kids and the kids brought you out how
when you bring me out to play
yes and Bobby is a super wings fanantic
it's time for rom yes and did see and
Paul and Bello now Jett is he your
favorite who's your favorite super wing?
thats cool!
yes it is Jett is my favorite and Jett is
young confident and very fast he gets
along with everyone at World Airport and
he loves to travel and deliver his
packages when jett mission runs into
trouble he calls his best friend's the
super wings
oh now he has sirens on top and looks
like out police jet there will be Paul
yes Paul he's a policeman with a strong
sense of duty in fact he's so
enthusiastic that he acts like a
policeman even when he's not policing
his duties cover everything a child
would expect from a police officer
Wow I love the SUPER WINGS Mr hands
never mind not well they're a very cool
cool set and we have a lot of super
wings to open
yeah we have these in the back
yeah we do oh look at that hey that's
Paul and who's the other one over there
we can see it looks like jett is that jett
Bobby oh yeah thats Jett wow he's gonna
be fun to open
what's that Bobby yeah yeah yeah that's
right it's Bello and he's our pillow
alright let's open up our super wings
okay boys and girls let's use our toy time
TV magic and our magic toy time tv wand
open up our super wings
okay are you ready here we go now you
can say the magic word with me and
what's the magic word
it's please open up
ok here we go one two three
please open up
whoa our toy time TV magic wand worked oh boy
these look awesome don't they kids super
wings super wings i love super wings i
love Jett I love Paul I love all the
super wings
hey where is Bobby? Bobby are you back
here well bobby were you hiding
yeah we running laps Oh Bobby look at it
he is a crazy monster
yeah Bobby is silly
well let's look at the super wings and
transform them you want to ya friends
ok let's go with our two big super wings
first law so who do you want to
transform do you want to transform Paul
you're pretty pick me pick me
trade for me or do you want to transform
jet yeah jet loves to deliver packages
well I want to transform jet blast
transform him
ok first we want to do is there some
little tires right here we want to pull
out make sure that he has his runway
tires like that and then we're going to
flip his legs over like this
and bring them back like this and push
them in and pull his little wings out on
the side go now we cannot put his arms
look jet is transformed into his jet
airplane ever win there we go now we got
it down
well jet looks so cute haha let's move
on now Paul come on Paul let's transform
let's transform Paul Paul oh come on
Paul Paul is wanting to transform look
at me shaking i want to bend your arm
okay he's gonna transform what his
landing gear is down his legs are up
we'll pull his legs all the way up so
they go in like that all and put his
arms away that up dead in there we go we
got that one
the same thing that this one and pull
his wings down and look Paul is
transformed into his police playing whoa
pollen jet almost had a collision
ah they're colliding ok now let's get
our little ones these little collectible
super wings toys r transformable to we
have every single one of them and let me
show you them right here let's start off
with jet Myra
who is this guy this is grand Albert you
get paul got Donnie you get Jerome
upstream fell down and pick him up
we get there we go down dream saying
that we got dizzy and we get bello we've
also got a giant stuffed bello to look
at belo he stuffed the dude who he's
gonna go help some animals all know
ok alright let's start off with jet down
here let's transform him
oh look he's transformed into a cool
playing and let's do go get that down
there's year he is high now grand Albert
who he's easy transform quick are in
Pall Mall he was easy to and donnie
gupton age
and form him of his tail section up
there he goes now he's transformed oh
wow and Jerome jet fighter ring its arms
down like this fold out his wings and
look at him
oh I love him he's great and did the
setup bring her legs up and her arms
down and she is a chopper
Shh and of course blew that up and it is
down and he's transformed less transform
back into robots okay youyou hello there
is pretty neat huh
propeller out of his face now
Bello is pretty cool
he is a free-thinking nature expert he
can communicate with any kind of animal
it comes to help when there's an issue
is resolving between humans and animals
did you know that and we have did see
here now did see is a very tough rescue
helicopter she treats jet as her little
brother and is always happy to help him
ok let's transformer back into our robot
I got it there we go get her arms up
here i can get my fingers in there
oh I may have some problems there we go
i got one
this might require fingernails
well she's just going to stay like that
because I can't get her arm up because
my fingernails are not long enough to
but I got one up and she hitched a ride
and steam jet transform wings up their
egos he has transformed to Donnie arms
things out
and with our came off and we can we fix
that it he has little fuzzy propellers
rather than plastic powers
I wonder why and Paul strand forum ball
Paul is transformed and the grand Albert
let's transform him he was easy
he has an era i get those arms open
and legs TG transformed and of course my
favorite jet transform him
and.and could go he's transformed to wow
this is lots of fun i want to transform
our big ones back into robots
ok let's do that transform jet didn't
and jet is transformed
oh neato and Paul let's transform him
and Paul we almost got him
its leg open there we go open up that
one their yard now they're both opened
up and Paul is transformed
wow this one is jet from the super wings
he's the big transforming or easy to
transform jet now jet loves to make
deliveries but he also turns into our
robot we have em robot mode right now
transformed him into plane mode
he is made of plastic is got a lot of
little moving parts but he is pretty
easy to transform he's not really a
simple simple transform but he is pretty
easy and he does look like a jet from
the show this tree is 43 and up and it's
a great representation of jet from the
super wings cartoon episode and this guy
right here is ball he's always ready to
uphold the law now Paul is 43 and up and
he is the policeman among the super
he's got a lot of moving parts just like
the jet version and he is relatively
easy to transform is not a very complex
transformer but he's a pretty neat one
and he's a great addition to the larger
super wings if you're adding those your
collection that we need to get on to the
smaller microwaves i really like these
small microphones the smaller of the
super wings are transforming robots they
come for to a pact we had the one with
jet my rod grand Albert and also paul
ended they transform just like the
larger ones they're not as complex to
transform their little smaller they're
about the size of a Hot Wheels car and
they're pretty cool to add to your super
wings collection too
we've got the jet era grande Albert Paul
and in the second set
we've got Donnie Jerome dizzy and also
um belo so we've got all of them right
here is as pretty neat and they're all
transformable i'm just going to
transform this one right here let's get
the Donnie and transform he goes who
lose yet easy this thing is to transform
just put the legs back and he is a
transport cargo plane look at that he's
a neat one
well these have been really fascinating
and what also comes with the transform
robots to is you get this little runway
they can be kind of a secondary play
item because your planes have to have a
place to land and we can do that with
the cardboard insert now be sure and
watch sprouts because sprout has the
super wings on them and you can watch
more episodes of super wings but we
really enjoyed this these are really
we've got our stuff fellow here all
sweet i just want like hug him and we
have all of our transformer box the mini
super wings and of course our larger
super wings this is an exciting episode
here on time TV we hope you enjoyed it
be sure and give us a like on this video
and let us know you liked it and leave
us a comment below let us know below who
your favorite super wing is and we'll
see you next time
wow that was lots of fun you can
subscribe to tweeting TV and watch more
of our videos by tapping the little
image of Bobby in the middle of your
screen or you can tap our other videos
on the screen too
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