Thursday, December 29, 2016

Youtube daily report Dec 29 2016

There are many questions you are faced with every day. We are all searching for answers

that will make a real difference in our lives. It's hard to imagine

that these answers might be right in front of us. Get ready to discover answers in the

Bible with Bayless Conley.

I'm going to be sharing a message with you today entitled, "Eight Keys to Radical Christianity".

And frankly, I don't think there is any other kind of

Christianity except 'Radical Christianity'. That is 'normal Christianity'. I mean

how can you pass from death to life? How can you change your eternal

destination from hell to heaven and not be excited about that? I mean, that is a radical

thing. To leave the kingdom of darkness and step into the kingdom of

light. To come out from under the jurisdiction of the devil and come into the glorious liberty

of the sons of God. You know, to be part of God's family, that

is radical! How can you not be excited? How can you not want to tell the whole world about

this? Well, we are going to look at eight different things that it

means to follow Jesus Christ. To really have real deal, bottom line, honest Christianity.

And I just dare you to watch. I bet you are going to be challenged

today. But it is going to help you. So let's get into the Word together.

I want to share a very simple message with you. The whole message is contained here in

the eighth chapter of Matthew. And I've entitled it "Eight Keys To

Radical Christianity". Matthew, chapter 8, and verse 1:

When He had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him.

Key Number One: Follow Him. It takes a decision. And included within that decision is the understanding

that to follow Jesus means that you will abandon all

other religions and opposing philosophies of life. Jesus said this in John 14:6, "I

am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except

through Me."

You know, I used to go to the metaphysical church. I chanted all the time. I was involved

in kundalini yoga. I studied and practiced a number of different

new age teachings. But when I accepted Christ, I forever abandoned all of those other ways

and all of those other philosophies. He is the way, the truth, and

the life. There is only one way.

And you've heard me share it before, but it's before I actually embraced Christ I

had had the little boy witness to me in the park, and I ended up at the

home of some Christians. And I remember talking to this guy. His name was Dana. He was maybe

five years older than me, and I still remember leaning against

the fireplace mantle. And you've got a picture: I've got long, long hair. It's generally

braided with a feather in it. I've got a beard, and I'm talking to

Dana. He's this clean-cut Ozzie and Harriett-looking Christian guy. And I said, "Dana, you know,

there's a lot of pathways to God." I said, "You know, I've

got my pathway, you've got your pathway. There's the Christian pathway, but there's

other pathways." And I'll never forget how rude he was. He

said, "Bayless, that's a lie!" I said, "What do you mean that's a lie?"

He said, "There's not a lot of pathways to God." He said, "Jesus is it! He said,

'I'm the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except

through Me.'" And I didn't say it to him, but I remember

thinking, "You are so narrow minded. Maybe I can help you." But I've come to find

out that he was right. Jesus

said, Himself, in Matthew 7:14, "Narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there

be that find it."

You know, I was golfing one time. The family's on vacation. I went out to the golf course

to get a round in, and they put me with another single that was

there. We're out and we hit it off pretty well until the guy said, "Bayless, what

do you do?" I said, "I'm a pastor."

And it was like… his response was like, "I'm so sorry. What a bummer."

And I said, "It's a good thing, man." And then he went on to try and make me feel

comfortable. He says, "Well, you know, I'm a spiritual person." He said, "You know,

I believe in a lot of

religions and a lot of different philosophies. And what I do, I just take the best of this

religion and the best of that religion and the best of this

philosophy and I put them all together, and that's my personal religion."

Now it sounded very noble and very peaceable, but it was a fatal error. The Bible says in

Proverbs 14:12, "There's a way that seems right to a man, but it's

end is the way of death."

I remember hearing a story about a husband and wife that were coming home one night.

And there was a terrible storm and they had to go this winding road over

a bridge. And when they're approaching the bridge, their headlights came upon this guy

with sort of a crazed look on his face. He's shirtless, got his shirt

in his hand; and as they try and drive around him, he steps over in front of the car, is

waving his shirt. And they have to cross the bridge. It's the only

way for them to get home. And so the guy backs up the car, tries to go around the other way,

and the guy still… they can't understand what he's saying

because the windows are rolled up, the rain is falling. And this guy actually thumps the

hood of their car! And he's waving his shirt, and he will not let

them pass. Finally, the husband said to the wife, "Look, I'm going to get out, find

out what's up with this guy, and whatever happens, do not unlock the

doors to the car." She says, "Okay." He gets out and kind of keeping his distance

from the guy, says, "What's going on, man?" And the guy's like out of

breath, and he says, "The bridge is out." He said, "What?" He said, "The bridge

is out." And he walks over about another 100 feet behind him; and, sure

enough, the bridge had collapsed. And had they continued onward, they would have gone

down hundreds of feet to their death in the river below. And so now the

guy, he sends his wife off to get to a place where she can get phone reception to call

the authorities. There's two guys standing out there shirtless, waving

their shirts, with an excited look on their face stopping everybody that comes.

Now, my friend, every other way leads to destruction. You can't get any more serious than this:

Eternity is eternity, and every human being will go somewhere

to spend eternity. Follow Jesus. We need to be passionate about telling people that He

is the way and warning them about every other way.

All right, look with me at verse 2, if you would:

And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can

make me clean."

Key Number Two: Worship Him. He alone is worthy and deserving of our worship. And worship,

the word as it's found here contains the idea of kneeling down or

laying prostrate before and adoring.

I just imagine this leper. It said there was a great multitude of people there, and I'm

sure they sort of cleared out when he came down to fall on his face

before Jesus. They gave him a lot of room. Nobody wanted to be around a leper! And he

begins to adore and worship Jesus.

I remember I read a little article about Abraham Lincoln. And every day he had a line of people

that were waiting to come in and ask a favor of him… wanting

him to use his authority and his influence to change something for them. One time a lady

came in. She brought him cookies. He said, "What can I do for you?"

She said, "Nothing, Mr. President. I just wanted to bring you some cookies." A little

article I read said Lincoln broke down and began to cry. He said,

"Ma'am, hundreds of people come every day to see me, and everyone wants something.

You are the first one that's ever come to do something for me that didn't

want anything in return. Thank you!"

You know, I used to have what I called "lost Mondays". We… at the time, I preached

three different messages in the church every week: Wednesday night, Sunday

morning, Sunday night… a different message. So all week long I'm preparing three messages.

Just in case you don't know, that's a lot! And I did that for

years and years. So most of my week, it was just full of study and prayer time, and it

was good, and I enjoyed it. And then I would pour my heart out, you

know, on the weekend, and I'd feel like a used dish rag when I'd get done. And it's

like Monday… all week long I'd been suppressing my flesh and praying, and

Mondays, hey! Man, I just sort of let my flesh blow out in the wind every Monday. I didn't

do anything particularly sinful, but I didn't do anything

spiritual. I never opened my Bible on a Monday. I never prayed on a Monday. You know? And

it's just like if I said "Hi" to God, it was sort of over my

shoulder as I was, you know, going to do something that I thought would be fun. And it just hit

me one day that my Mondays were sort of a loss. And I decided

I need to change this. And so for a long time, probably more than a year, I went right over

here to El Dorado Park every Monday. I'd sleep in, get up Monday,

and then grab my Bible and just go to the park. And I'd walk around in the park for

two or three hours… sit on a picnic bench, sit under a tree… and I'd

worship God and read my Bible. And I was just there to be with God. I wasn't praying or

studying for a sermon; I wasn't working; I wasn't doing something to

get ready for something. I was just being with God. And it became some of the most glorious

days that I ever experienced. I looked forward to Mondays where I

just would hang out with the Savior. And you know what? I think it blessed God's heart.

And I want to encourage you: Be a worshiper. Worship Him.

All right, look at verse 3 with me:

Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." Immediately

his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus said to him, "See that you tell

no one; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses

commanded, as a testimony to


All right, Key Number Three: is Obey Him. Whatever He says to you, just do it. You know,

First Samuel 15:22 says to obey is better than sacrifice. That's

because you could never make up through sacrifice what you lose through disobedience.

My family and I, many years ago, went on a vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii. And

we stayed in this little, it was kind of an old well-worn timeshare, and

right behind it was the YWAM headquarters, Youth With A Mission. And so we decided to

go up there and find out about it. We, you know, Janet and I took all

the little kids in tow, and we met this lady there and said, "Hey, I just wanted to look

around the YWAM campus, find out about it." You know, because they

send young missionaries out around the world. And she said, "Come on! I'll give you

a tour." And so she's showing us the library and where the students meet

and all these things, and I began to ask her questions. Asked, you know, "How did you

find Christ as your Savior?" And she told me and began to tell me her

story. She had been a high-powered secretary for a very, I think it was a Fortune 500 company.

I think she was like the president's or the vice-president's

secretary. Had a very lucrative, influential position. And her husband, he was an engineer/scientist

and had a very, very high up position. But they both

left their careers; and at the time that I talked to them, or at the time that we spoke

with her, they were living in someone's garage and bathing in the

backyard with a garden hose while they're doing their discipleship training, their DTS

there at YWAM. And they had determined they were going to go to this,

and they named the island… I don't recall what it was… a little island in the South

Pacific, somewhere near Papua New Guinea. And they were going to spend

the rest of their lives there bringing the Gospel to those people. And her husband was

working on some scientific things to find out how to get more stuff

out of the coconut, you know, to help the people. And I said to her, thinking about

the careers they'd left and the life decision they've made and the fact

they're bathing with a garden hose at the moment and they're going to go live on a

little South Sea island and work in extremely, you know, what some people

would refer to as a developing country, a third world country, very rural setting, I

said, "You guys believe in radical sacrifice, don't you?" And without

skipping a beat, she looked back at me, said, "No. We just believe in radical obedience."

I've never forgotten that. Radical obedience.

Obey Him, even if it's not easy. I mean, you think you've been cleansed of leprosy.

Jesus said, "Tell no one." That's not going to be an easy thing to obey.

"Go show yourself to the priest." Under the Old Testament when someone was cleansed

of leprosy, they went to the priest. They diagnosed them, went through

this whole little ceremony that, by the way, is all a type and a shadow that points to

Christ and His atonement. But it wouldn't have been an easy thing.

But, friend, even though obedience may not always be easy, there are always blessings

tied to obedience. Isaiah 1:19 said, "If you are willing and obedient,

you shall eat the good of the land."

I have a friend in Australia. He's actually, was an American. He's given up his… gave

up his American citizenship years and years ago. He said, "Bayless, I'm

going to be buried in Australia. God's called me here." And he went over there and began

a church. And it's a great… in fact, one of the world's great

mission churches. I preached for them many times. In fact, that's actually where Joel

Holm and I met. Both of us were keynote speakers in a missions'

conference at this man's church in Australia. And it's very interesting. They have a marvelous

campus. They have a 37-acre campus, a great auditorium. They

have a, I think, like a K through 12 school, all sorts of buildings, tons of parking. It's

in a beautiful area. But it's interesting to find out the back

story. They had been meeting in a bar and said, you know, they'd come in, have to

clean up. And all the church services smelled like, you know, stale beer

and cigarettes. But that's where they were having their church services. And they would

receive offerings because they had a dream, as a church, to buy one

acre of land and to eventually put a little building on it. And so people have been giving

sacrificially, and they had a tidy sum, enough to buy that acre.

And so they were looking at properties. And God spoke to the pastor and to the leadership

there about putting the entirety of their building fund in World

Missions. They brought it before the congregation, and unanimously the congregation said, "Let's

do it. Let's trust God. Let's put our heart where God's

heart is." And they gave the entire amount to World Missions. Just a few days later my

friend gets a phone call from another local pastor, said, "Hey, can

you come over? I want to talk to you." He goes over to talk to the guy, and the guy

said, "You know what? I'm old, and it's time for me to retire. God has

spoken to me, and I've already talked to the leadership here at the church. We feel

like we're supposed to give you our entire church campus. And so they

handed him a 37-acre campus with the auditorium and all the buildings and a functioning school.

So one moment they've got a building fund, no building fund;

the next moment they have a 37-acre campus worth multiplied millions of dollars. Friend,

obedience carries blessing with it.

Now, granted, the blessings are not always that quick and that spectacular. I wish they

were, but how many know they're not? But listen to me: Though they

may not be that rapid and that spectacular, His blessings are sure to those that are willing

and obedient. So 'Obey Him' is Key Number 3.

All right, look with me at verse 5, if you would:

Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, pleading with Him,

saying, "Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented."

And Jesus said to him, "I will come and heal him."

The centurion answered and said, "Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my

roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed.

For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one,

"Go,' and he goes; and to another, "Come,' and he comes; and to my

servant, "Do this,' and he does it." When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said

to those who followed, "Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not

even in Israel!

Key Number Four: is Have faith in Him. And I love the centurion. He said, "Lord, all

I need is Your word. Only say the word and my servant will be healed."

The way to have faith in God is to have faith in His Word. Rely on it and require no other

evidence before you believe. "Lord, Your word alone." That's how

we have faith in Him.

I remember Janet and I were overseas. I was speaking, and she came back to the states

early. I had all the documentation, had the boarding passes, passports,

etc. and so I stuck everything she needed… passport, you know, boarding pass, everything

in her Bible and put it in this ginormous bag she carried. And so

she's getting in the taxi going to the airport, I said, "Babe, I put everything… your

boarding pass, everything you need… it's in your Bible in the big bag."

She said, "Okay," gave me a kiss, and off she went. She didn't even check. And

later on, I got home about five or six days later than her. I said, "I just

want to ask you a question. When I said, you know, the boarding pass and everything you

need is in your Bible that I put in the big bag, did you look and

see?" She said, "No." I said, "Well, when did you check?" Says, "Well, when

I got up to the counter and had to check in." It never occurred to her to not

take me at my word. She didn't say, "Well, Bayless, I'll believe it when I see it."

No, she just simply took me at my word. That is faith at its most basic

level. Take Him at His word, whether it's Proverbs 3 that says, "Honor

God with everything you own. Give Him your first and best. Then your storehouses will

be filled with plenty." Just

take God at His word and act upon it. Or whether it's First Peter 3 where it says,

"An unbelieving husband can be won to Christ by the wife's behavior without her preaching

to him." Just do it. Or, "Is there any sick among you?" James

5, "Let him call for the elders of the church. Let them pray over him, anointing him with

oil in the name of the

Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick. And if he's committed sins, it will

be forgiven him." Let's just take Him at His word.

And some of you will probably recall me sharing this. Again, I'm a brand new Christian.

I'm living above a bar in a little one-room, well, it was just a

single room, didn't even have electricity. And no one told me to start reading the Bible

in the New Testament, so I started in Genesis. Genesis, Exodus was

good. I got bogged down in Leviticus. So I'm slogging my way through, you know, Leviticus

and some of these other things. And I decided I'm going to crack

open the New Testament and read a little bit there. And it turned out to be very important

to me because, at the time, I had a terrible, terrible skin

condition. My skin looked terrible, and sometimes I'd just want to pull my flesh off my bones

it itched so bad. And it was embarrassing how bad it looked all

over my arms. I had gone and gotten medication for it, no relief. It just never got better.

And I landed upon James, chapter 5, the verse that I just quoted:

"Is there anyone sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let

them pray over him, anointing with oil in the name of the Lord. And the

prayer of faith will heal the sick." I got so excited! But then I thought to myself because,

again, I'm a brand new Christian. I thought, "What's an elder? I

wonder if our church has them?" I had no idea what an elder was! I went down to the

phone booth, looked somebody's number up that went to our church, called

them, I said, "Hey!" I said, "I've got a question. What's an elder? And does

our church have them?" They said, "Yeah, Bayless, our church does

have them. It's basically a more mature Christian that has carried a responsibility

for a season of time, and

they've been recognized, and they have a certain authority."

I said, "Awesome!" I said, "Tell me who an elder is." And then I explained I

had been reading James 5. And they mentioned the guy's name. And immediately

my heart sank because it was an old farmer in the church that I was afraid of. And I

was afraid of him

because he prayed a lot in the services; and whenever he prayed, he would shake and jerk

around. Like, "Jesus, thank you, Lord. We just thank you for the

Holy Spirit." And it freaked me out! And so… this is truth. I'd go to church because

I know you're supposed to go to church. But if saw him sitting on one…

I'd look for him. If he's sitting on one side, I'd sit on the other side. I stayed

as far away from that guy as I could. He scared me! And it turns out he's

the elder! So, again, I go to the phone booth, look up his number, I called him out at his

farm. I said, "Hey, I'm the young guy with long hair in your

church. I was reading James, chapter 5. I've got this skin condition. I'm just calling

to see if you're home. I want to come out. Do you have oil?"

He said, "Yeah, come." And I had some friends, we drove out there. I remember I

went to the farmhouse door, knocked on the door, he's there with his overalls

on, he's got a bottle of oil in his hand, he said, "Thank you, Jesus!"

Honest. I just… I closed my eyes. He never invited me in. I closed my eyes and just lifted

my hands and said, "Do it." And he put oil on me and prayed a prayer,

and I know he was hurkin', jerkin', but I wouldn't look. And I know you don't

have to feel anything. You know, your

feelings aren't an indicator that God is working. But I felt something. It was like

when he put that oil on me, I felt something akin to electricity go down

through my feet, come back up my body, and it went out my arms. It was the most odd sensation.

And he was done. I said thanks. Still never invited me in. I don't think he liked me.

True. But within 24 hours that skin condition disappeared. There was no

evidence it had ever even been on my body before.

Have faith in Him. Just take Him at His word. Treat God like an honest being.

Thank you for watching Answers with Bayless Conley. Bayless will continue with part two

of his message next week.

I think one of the greatest lessons that I have ever learned in life is that God can

be taken at His word. Your best friend in this life my friend, is the

Scriptures. It is the Word of God. It is living. It is breathing. It is full of life. It is

able to build you up and give you an inheritance among those who

are sanctified. Jesus said when you know the truth the truth will set you free. And God

only gives promises because He fully intends on fulfilling those

promises. And whatever your need is right now… if it is spiritual, maybe your grappling

with some sin… if it's emotional… if it's physical… if it's material…

whatever your need is, there are promises in God's Word that cover your need. So to

begin with, find a promise that covers your need. Start meditating on

that promise and faith will come to you unconsciously. Well, you know what, you're going to want

to join us next week as we continue the message. God bless


Prayer is a vital part of walking with God. It's a deep and desired connection. Prayer

can change lives, give hope, and direction. Yet it's not unusual for

each of us to struggle with prayer. Bayless Conley is deeply committed to helping you

grow in your prayer life, and through his booklet How to Pray, he

shares a blueprint for effective prayer that you can use every day.

It's a framework that I use most of the time when I pray, and it can help you. I think

most of us, if we looked at our prayer lives, they're not nearly what

they should be. And sometimes, something like this can just sort of help us get over the

ridge, so to speak, and get on to a little bit deeper business with

God. So I'd encourage you to request your copy today, How to Pray.

At Answers with Bayless Conley, prayer is the foundation and life of the ministry. Right

now, Bayless' prayer is to reach more people with the saving Gospel

of Jesus Christ. Your support is working in lives around the world. Help us continue to

reach more people. And to thank you for your generosity, Bayless

would like you to have a copy of his booklet, How to Pray. Just request your copy of How

to Pray when you use the information on your screen to give your

gift or when you visit Thank you for helping Answers with Bayless Conley

continue to take a living Jesus to our dying world through your gift


Thank you for watching Answers with Bayless Conley.

For more infomation >> Eight Keys to Radical Christianity - Part 1 - Duration: 28:30.


Love Lele Pons?

For more infomation >> Love Lele Pons?


Compare Loom & Leaf

For more infomation >> Compare Loom & Leaf


Nissan QASHQAI 2.0 4wd automaat navi 68941km | Wolters auto`s Did - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 2.0 4wd automaat navi 68941km | Wolters auto`s Did - Duration: 0:41.


gay and boujee - Duration: 0:10.



drop top (drop top)

I'm the content cop

Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (cookie)

Fuckin' on your bitch she a thot, thot (thot)

Cookin' up dope in the crockpot

For more infomation >> gay and boujee - Duration: 0:10.


Fencing Classes In Burbank, Pasadena CA (818) 281-0564 - Martial Arts School Sword fencing Studio - Duration: 2:01.

Hi my name is Sorah Shin and i am a

fencing coach for swords fencing studio

I've been a full-time coach for swords

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Its rapid footwork and thrusting can build

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another very good thing about fencing

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Tigran Shaginian our main coach was a

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For more infomation >> Fencing Classes In Burbank, Pasadena CA (818) 281-0564 - Martial Arts School Sword fencing Studio - Duration: 2:01.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSi 110 pk Aut. S-Tronic Pro Line ( - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSi 110 pk Aut. S-Tronic Pro Line ( - Duration: 1:30.



For more infomation >> GRWM FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE - 3 MINUTES, 1 LOOK | VILY ROSE ♡ - Duration: 3:00.


Love Ciara?

For more infomation >> Love Ciara?


'La La Land' Trailer

For more infomation >> 'La La Land' Trailer


Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse XL 250 d Avantgarde Edition Dubbele Cabine | Used - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse XL 250 d Avantgarde Edition Dubbele Cabine | Used - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] BTS GAYO (ÉPISODE 1) [ACTIVER LES SOUS TITRES !] - Duration: 7:22.


gay and boujee - Duration: 0:10.



drop top (drop top)

I'm the content cop

Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (cookie)

Fuckin' on your bitch she a thot, thot (thot)

Cookin' up dope in the crockpot

For more infomation >> gay and boujee - Duration: 0:10.


34 - the truth... - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> 34 - the truth... - Duration: 6:45.


7 MYTHS You Still Believe About ALCOHOL - Duration: 4:09.

Baboon TV Presents 7 Myths You Still Believe About Alcohol

Number One: The theory of our bodies processing drink within an hour is claimed to he two

by Warren, who claims, "The average rate of alcohol metabolism

is 100 milligrams of alcohol per kilogram of bodyweight per hour..

For a typical 160-pound man, this would translate into 7 grams of alcohol in an hour.

The so-called standard serving, a 12-ounce bottle of beer, is 14 grams of alcohol, so

it would take two hours to fully metabolize it.

For most people, if you drink one drink an hour, you're going to become more and more

impaired each hour."

He says that, for a 160 pound person, the rate of an hour is contradictory because it

would then take four hours to get legally drunk with a .08 alcohol concentration level

in the blood.

Number Two: The processes is almost impossible to speed up, as opposed to claims of hot cups

of coffee and cold showers doing so.

Warren claims caffeine actually does the opposite.

"Caffeine is a stimulant, and because of that, a person's going to be more awake

but just as much impaired.

It can give an individual a false degree of confidence that they are not impaired,"

he says.

This could lead to poor decisions and risky behaviour.

Number Three: Alcohol doesn't, in fact, send you to the loo more often, it suppresses the

Vasopressin hormone, which sends extra liquids to the bladder.

Alcohol is a diuretic, which squeezes more water to outside of our cells.

In turn, that excess water is taken to our bladder.

Then, you need to go when you need to!

With a drink after another, it increases.

It doesn't, however, have to do so much with delaying the first trip to empty your bladder.

The trick is to have less alcohol to drink when you cannot head over, since it is the

root cause of these irritating, frequent visits.

That's a fact to keep in mind the next time you're out drinking the night away, unless

you want to spend that night in the loo instead of enjoying it like you should be.

Number Four: Now to the hangover ratio.

The New York Times reported.

"The pattern, more often, is that people will have beer and then move on to liquor

at the end of the night, and so they think it's the liquor that made them sick,"

Carlton K. Erickson, director of the Addiction Science Research and Education Center at the

University of Texas College of Pharmacy, told the Times in 2006.

"But simply mixing the two really has nothing to do with it."

This combination may sometimes be misleading, but it isn't just the liquor that brings on

that ill feeling.

Number Five: "Most beer bellies are just due to excessive calories from any source,

beer among them," Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H., a professor of nutrition, food studies

and public health at New York University told The Huffington Post in 2013.

Beer can cause a beer belly, but that belly is not only caused by beer.

Beer contains calories, yes, but generally speaking, calories are found in every consumed

food or drink except water.

When you think of it, a little less beer and a little more water might calm the bulge.

Number Six: Drink to sleep, correct?

However, you sleep will easily become disrupted if you over do it.

According to a 2013 review of the research, a decrease in the crucial stage of sleep,

the REM, or Rapid Eye Movement, stage is due to the disruption alcohol causes.

This disturbance in the REM cycle may hinder that bit of sleep one tends to drink to get,

which may suggest one doesn't drink excessively before bedtime, as the research states.

Number Seven: Hangover cures shown on marketing products, despite their vitamin levels, don't

scientifically prove to be effective.

Warren claims, "In the past, [manufacturers] have added thiamine or folate or vitamin B6

or vitamin B12 and claimed this helps speed the rate of clearance of alcohol.

There's no basis and no evidence to indicate that that actually does happen."

Thanks for watching another amazing video!

Don't forget to subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> 7 MYTHS You Still Believe About ALCOHOL - Duration: 4:09.


Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition Mods - Insanity Clause - Part 1 - Duration: 24:34.

Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition Mods - Insanity Clause - Part 1

For more infomation >> Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition Mods - Insanity Clause - Part 1 - Duration: 24:34.


HOW TO MOVE THE HIPS (PART 1) – KIZOMBA for Beginners #8 - Duration: 6:03.

Hello Kizomberos!,... I'm Carlos

teacher at the Dance School

¡Deberías Estar Bailando!, from Altea (Spain).

Welcome to our Series

Kizomba for Beginners.

No, no!. We had left that today it was just girls.

But, I also know how to move my hips.

Yes, but no.

Carlos: No?.

Claudia: No!.

Will not like them?.

Yes, but no.

And a little?.

Claudia: No.

Well, if that's okay with you, I'll go there.

Perfect, sitting there watching.

You do not have to bind me.

No, it's not necessary.

Eighth Series tutorial

and as I promised, I'll teach you today

how to move your hips when dancing Kizomba.

Today we will practice the "Básico a Tiempo"

and the "Básico a Doble Tiempo".

To make it easy for you to practice today,

you need to be able to move your hips

independently of the rest of your body.

Before starting, we want to thank you

for the support and participation

which is having the Series.

And to all those who follow us on Twitter and Instagram,

where we tell you all that we are preparing.

I hope you like todays's tutorial so much

or more than the previous ones.

Now, are you prepared?

Let's start!,…

Let's start with the "Básico a Tiempo"

and what we will do is hit back

with the hips.

You should understand that the hips has 3 positions:

-1, 0 and 1.

We will always work between 0 and 1.

Let's do an exercise to understand it better.

With feet together, legs slightly bent

and the hips in position 0,

what we will do is hit back.

I show you,...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Understood the movement that we are going to carry out,

we are going to apply it now to "Básico a Tiempo".

If you need to remember what it was like,

you have it in the first tutorial of the Series.

With every step we do,

we will hit back with the hips.

I show you,...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,… I repeat it.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Easy, at the end of the tutorial

we will practice it with music.

Understood the "Básico a Tiempo",

now I'll explain the "Básico a Doble Tiempo".

This basic, we teach it

in the second tutorial of the Series.

In the same way as in the "Básico a Tiempo",

we will always practice hips movements

between 0 and 1.

Let's do an exercise to understand it well.

We will divide it into 3 stages:

With the feet together and the hips in position 0,

we will flex our legs a little.

Now, we will move the hips backwards.

Finally, we will stretch our legs

and we will put the hips in position 0 again.

I show you,...

We flex our legs,

move the hips,

stretch our legs.

We flex our legs,

move the hips,

stretch our legs.

This movement must be fluid,

imagine that we draw half circle with the hips.

I show you,...

1, 2, 3 and 4.

Keep in mind that we must maintain the height,

being the movement of the hips subtle.

We can not go up and down without control.

Once understood the movement,

we are going to apply it to "Básico a Doble Tiempo",

in which we will exchange weight

between ours legs.

With each step we will make a half circle back.

I show you,...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,... I repeat it.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,... Do you have it?.

Now let's practice it with music.

We will also practice the "Básico a Tiempo".

Básico a Doble Tiempo.

Básico a Tiempo.

Doble tiempo.

A Tiempo.

Doble Tiempo.

A Tiempo.

Doble Tiempo.

A Tiempo.



Whenever you do the "Básico a Tiempo"

and the "Básico a Doble Tiempo",

apply these hips movements,

that you have learned in today's tutorial.

If it has not been easy for you,

I remind you that I first prepare my body

doing dissociation exercises.

You have a wonderful tutorial on this.

If you liked the today's tutorial,...


And if not, leave me a comment with the reason.

Also tell me your experience.

Our next tutorial will be a second part,

with more hips movements.

We tell you on Twitter and Instagram.

To be the first to see it,

subscribe to the Channel

and do not forget to click on the bell,

to receive notifications.

Dancing will change your life,...

You should be dancing!.

See you in the next tutorial.

A hug.

For more infomation >> HOW TO MOVE THE HIPS (PART 1) – KIZOMBA for Beginners #8 - Duration: 6:03.


Sqaishey + Netty Dance Party [Animation by Jo Scamander] - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Sqaishey + Netty Dance Party [Animation by Jo Scamander] - Duration: 1:13.


Hitler réagit à l'élection de Miss France - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Hitler réagit à l'élection de Miss France - Duration: 4:00.


Let's Play We are the Dwarves Ep 7 And the rage shall consume you, or me anyway! - Duration: 13:12.

Hey, there guys, Arlack here with some more We are the Dwarves.

And I'm having issues.



Cause I suck. Right, left click not right click.

Yeah no, just just just ya know just, don't worry about me, I'll go, I'll go somewhere else.

*unintelligible mumble*

Yeah, I, I gotta take care of like, this, otherwise, I'm just screw diddled.

Barely hurt it.

Get close buddy.

Not yet, not yet, don't get too close.

Now get close.

Now blow them to smithereens.


And now you will both come over here and hide.


They burn to death?




Uhhhhhhh nope.

Can I?

I just wanna cancel the ability.

Why can't I cancel the ability?

Cancel the ability gosh darn it.


Whelp, screw it.

Let's do it man!


What the?


Oh hell!

Oh, he's got a timer?

What happens if he dies dies?

Is it game over?

I, I don't wanna know.

Oh, I'm hitting tilde.


I'm like, "Why's it not selecting meh boy?!"

Let's go save, Can we walk up that?

I'm gonna find out.

Cause that seems like the obvious place to go.

So let's go the not obvious.

Don't push each other off.

One dwarf at a time.

Ahh hah yes!


Exploration pays off.


I, eye problems.

Eye, eye eye eye eye eye problems!

Now we got eggs, benedict over there.

Yeah, let's go get the big red thing.

You'd think given it to the, the red guy would be, optimum way to do it.


I need to explore.

Need to look ahead to see what I, OOOooooh!

I have a bad feeling about this one.

Seems like it's pretty straight forward, I'm not gonna drown, but....

All......too easy!


Yeah like uh.

Stabby stab stabby.


Get closer. Get closer. Get closer. Get closer.

Protect him. Protect him. Protect him.

Uh, he's not ready for his thingy yet.


Uh oh.

Dooooes this heal?

Is it healy?


Okay, well.

Uh, even better maybe.

Oooor not!

Or not..

Can I hurt em more?

Um, little close there aren't you buddy?

Go heal.

Least one of you can live.

I got plenty of time to Gaahhhhgur.

Stupid plant!

Get up dude.

Quit layin around, we got things to do.

Oooooh, here's a question.

How far does this heal?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

hmm, won't save without them huh. okay.

Alright, we could go that way.

Or we can go that way.

Iiiiiiiium gonna go, nope that's a door.

That's the exit.

No exit.

I hate exits. *snort*

Exits are for people who're done.

*snort* Oooooooh I'm not gonna be able to sneak to get that item I'm sure.


Nope, I'm gonna let em cluster first.

Let'm hatch baby, let, let em hatch.

Uh, I said walk.

Not, whatever it is you..*mumble*

Oooh Ooooooh! *maniacal laughter.

Uoap, Stop flickering!

Stooooooop flickering!!

Iknow you can't handle the command.

If I do it wrong you're gonna splode on me.

Little bit of a glitch.

Where's it trying to go?


What the Ffffffffffffhurhur!

That was totaly not as advertised.

I'm not happy about that one.

*laughter* Uh, that's so mean.

Look another healing pearl.

Guess I didn't need to kill em did I. Nope nope, there's a.

Blue crystal.

I was, there a map?

I don't think there was a map.

Maybe there was a map, I don't know, forget it.

Screw it.

Next Level!

*sings* Slowly walking through the swamp, Have nona care in the world.

*gasp* What?!

*whispers* I missed one!

Is that it? No the blue ones arn't the dwarven stones are they? I thought the yellow ones were the dwarven stones.

Way to get eaten bro.

That looks like it's too deep to go in.


Can't be it, can it?

I thought the yellow ones were......... dwarven stones..

*mumble* Just heaaaalin up here.

Oooooh, over there. How do I get over there?

Like, I drown trying.

Yep, let's.....see if I can figure it out.

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall.

Catch up.

Catch up!


Like....I can't....I drown when I tried that last time.

How the hell do I get over there then?

There's gotta be a way.

I'm afraid of trying, because...I...It's all gone if I die.


uh, It, it, but but, buh buh, there's a dwarven stone!

I want the humpin dwarven stoooone!


It's too bad he can't be like *vrooom* over the swamp.


I try he'll complain.

Not usable in the swamp!

*Dwarf compians about not being usable in the swamp for the millianth time!*


If I die I'm gonna have to do it all over again!

GuhhhhhahaaaahhhhIt doesn't seem to be a way.

Whelp, let's give it a shot, if I die I'll just end the episode.

Now slink off *Dwarf "It's too deep"* See it's....



OOOOOoooohhKay I think I've ha,ad enough drowning fer the dayy!

*yawnmoangroanthing* *growling*

*laughter* I'll catch you in the next video guys.

Arlack out!

For more infomation >> Let's Play We are the Dwarves Ep 7 And the rage shall consume you, or me anyway! - Duration: 13:12.


Compare Loom & Leaf

For more infomation >> Compare Loom & Leaf


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2015-2017 F-150 K&N Series 63 Aircharger Cold Air Intake (2.7L EcoBoost) Review & Install - Duration: 3:03.

What's going on, guys?

I'm Alex from

And this is my quick review and install of the K&N Series 63 AirCharger cold air intake

fitting the 2015 and 2016 2.7-liter EcoBoost F-150.

In this video, I'm gonna talk about the construction and materials used for this intake system

as well as touching on the installation a little bit later in the video.

But right off the bat, I'm gonna be giving this a very easy one out of three wrenches

on the difficulty meter.

You should have this on your truck in about one hour, tops.

And this intake is gonna be for the F-150 owner that's looking to clean up their engine

bay as well as adding a little bit more of horsepower, torque, and, even in some instances,

improving their fuel consumption.

Now, I do wanna note right off the bat that you should be expecting single to high single-digit


But the noise, throttle response, as well as fuel consumption improvement are definitely

gonna be there.

Now, I do wanna note, because the F-150 EcoBoost platform has a speed density style mass airflow

sensor, this is not going to require a custom tune.

But down the road, if you're looking for some more power, I'd definitely suggest taking

a look at it.

Another great piece about this is that this is gonna be completely reusable.

So down the road, if it gets dirty.

You simply just need to wash and re-oil it, and you're good to go.

Now, right off the bat, guys, the quality here is gonna be top notch.

And this is something that we're all accustomed to from K&N based on the polyethylene tubing

right here, their heavy-duty couplers and reducer as well as their million-mile warranty

filter that's known to filter out all types of contaminants from your motor.

So just to hit this home again, guys, one of the reasons why myself as well as many

other consumers purchase the K&N system is because they're known for their reliability

as well as having an oiled filter that can be rewashed and reused over time.

So diving into the pricing here, guys, we're gonna see that this AirCharger system is gonna

fall in the neighborhood of right around $250, which, in my opinion, you're getting a huge

bang for the buck here based on K&N's engineering as well as knowing that other intake systems

can easily tip the scales at around $400 to $500 based on their construction and materials


Now, for the money, I can't stress it enough that you're definitely getting a huge bargain

for this system based on K&N's reliability, their million-mile warranty, as well as knowing

that you're gonna be increasing your throttle response, horsepower, and torque, and, even

in some instances, pick up on fuel consumption.

So touching on the installation, again, guys, like I had said in the beginning of the video,

this is gonna be a very easy one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter, and you

should have this on your truck in about one to two hours with some basic hand tools like

a socket set.

And this is definitely another perk for me when looking at a cold air intake system for

my own truck as you are not gonna need to purchase any other type of supporting modifications

for this system like a handheld custom tune.

Now, I will add that it might be something you may wanna take a look at down the road

if you're looking to make some serious horsepower

All right, guys, so just to wrap things up here, I really like this option from K&N,

not only based on the fact that you're gonna increase your throttle response and even pick

up a couple horsepower as well as some noise under the hood, but for the fact that this

filter right here is gonna be reusable and re-washable over the years.

So that's my quick review and install for the K&N Series 63 AirCharger cold air intake

system for 2.7-liter EcoBoost F-150 right here at

For more infomation >> 2015-2017 F-150 K&N Series 63 Aircharger Cold Air Intake (2.7L EcoBoost) Review & Install - Duration: 3:03.


[REVIEW] 2017 HONDA RIDGELINE RTL - Duration: 6:14.

good idea

weird idea doc but the wriggle line was

a good idea a good idea packed with

weird ideas the dual action tailgate the

embed trunk the flying buttress cab and

the dramatically sloping edge topping

each bedside many of those good and

weird ideas remain in the new generation

but honda reversed course significantly

on the one that it most blames for the

wrinkle lines subpar sales exterior

design what used to be adventurously

over styled now looks far more

conventional a pilot with the roof

locked off after the second row the

structure is shared with the pilot

crossover and related to the

underpinnings of the upcoming

next-generation odyssey but nearly every

major component is beefed up to handle

pickup duty engineers tell us the front

structure is seventeen percent stronger

than that of the pilot while the rear is

thirty-one percent sturdier the rig

lines maximum payload of 1584 pounds

virtually ties that of the segment

leading and recently redesigned Colorado

while it's 5,000 pounds for aiding

brings up the rear of the class and

that's only for all-wheel-drive models

front drivers are rated to tow 3,500

pounds the 2017 wriggling will go on

sale this June the RT RT s sport RDL and

our TLT trim levels are offered either

front or all-wheel drive and 1800

dollars up charge while the rtl bien

black edition are strictly

all-wheel-drive for 30,000 375 dollars

the entry-level RT includes a rear-view

camera keyless start tilting and

telescoping steering column and a7

speaker stereo with bluetooth auxiliary

device and USB connectivity at 30 2415

dollars the RTS ads keyless entry remote

start and trizone climate controls the

30 3915 dollars sporting that's black

exterior trim redfoot will lighting and

gray painted wheels

luxury starts creeping in with the 30

4680 dollars rtl which gets leather

seats heated in front with 10-way power

adjustability for the driver and 4-way

for the passenger an acoustic windshield

cuts interior noise to let occupants

hear those little motors work tech

begins to arrive at 36,000 830 dollars

in the art elt that one includes an

eight dot 0 inch touchscreen navigation

infotainment system with apple carplay

and android auto satellite radio a

second USB input for the front and two

USB charging ports for rear-seat

passengers and Honda's lanewatch

blind-spot camera system but the full

complement of safety tech doesn't come

into play until 240 2270 dollars are

tlee here the honda sensing system

includes adaptive cruise control

lane-departure prevention blind-spot

monitors and automated emergency braking

additionally you get blue ambient

lighting a heated steering wheel a

sunroof a power sliding rear window and

truck that audio plus a traditional

speakers and a 400-watt embed power

inverter like the rtl be the 40 3770

dollars black edition is fully loaded

but it's as sinister as a wriggle line

can look until accessory lift kits

become available with black paint

exterior trim and wheels as well as a

black headliner and red ambient lighting

For more infomation >> [REVIEW] 2017 HONDA RIDGELINE RTL - Duration: 6:14.



over the years the quest to build a

better pickup truck has resulted in

nothing but failure only one basic

formula has proven successful

body-on-frame front-engine solid rear

axle and an optional transfer case for

true four-wheel drive and it helps to

wear an American nameplate the 2017

honda rebel line is none of those things

instead it's a unibody the engine is up

front but it's mounted transversely

since the truck is based on

front-wheel-drive architecture and one

look is all it takes to confirm the

wrinkle line is not afford Chevy or ram

in the face of ever bolder in block your

competition the red line looks dare we

say aerodynamically sound it's all based

on the rational desire for greater

efficiency comfort and convenience in

the same way that the car based

crossover is a better choice for most

families and a truck base has UV the

regal line is a better choice for a

large swath of pickup buyers it really

is more comfortable more fuel-efficient

room here and easier to live within its

primary competitors those same things

could be sent of the old first gen honda

ridgeline but where the 2006 model was

terribly unattractive and ambiguously

style the new 2017 model is at least

recognizable as a pickup

gone are the buttresses of the old truck

replaced by a more traditional bed that

is four inches longer than before

that bed is molded from a strong dent

and scratch resistant fiber-reinforced

plastic material vets uv-treated so that

it doesn't need paint to keep from

fading in the Sun a pair of dirt bikes

or a single atv fit nicely with the

tailgate down a base price of 31,000

$275 compares favorably with

six-cylinder versions of the Colorado in

tacoma the work truck buyers who need to

pick up a bed and not much else cannot

for low-level four-cylinder models from

Chevy and Toyota a fully-loaded

mid-sized drug is going to quickly crest

forty thousand dollars

regardless of manufacturer

honda stop lateral regal line black

edition around just north of forty-three

thousand dollars

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