Hello! My name is Elena Bazhenova.
I'm glad to welcome you at my kitchen!
I like to cook simple and delicious dishes.
Potato casserole with meat (Cheesy Shepherd's Pie) - an excellent option to diversify the daily menu.
You can please your family with this delicious and hearty dish.
We need: lavash (thin unleavened flatbread),
1200g mashed potatoes, 250g boiled meat (beef),
chopped dill (I use frozen dill),
70g tomato sauce or tomato paste.
300g cheese, 1 onion.
For recipe you need to pre-cook mashed potatoes and boil meat.
Now we need to fry onion.
Heat oil over medium-high heat in 11-inch skillet.
Finely chop the onion.
Cook onion in oil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until soft.
Finely chop the meat.
You can use meat grinder.
Onion already cooked.
Add meat here.
You can add salt and pepper.
This meat is already salty (It was boiled in salted water).
Therefore, I will just add pepper.
Add tomato sauce.
Cook for 1 minute.
Take mashed potatoes.
It is necessary to add dill and 150g cheese here.
Add the dill.
You can use basil, parsley - what you like.
Take the cheese.
Grate 150 g of cheese for mashed potatoes.
Mix cheese, potatoes and dill until combined.
We cooked these mashed potatoes.
Set aside.
Begin to form a casserole.
I'll use muffin tin.
Our casserole will be portioned.
You can use glass baking dish or baking sheet.
Then you will get one large casserole.
Take lavash.
Cut off square.
Place into baking dish.
Spoon potatoes mixture on to lavash.
Top with meat mixture layer.
Top with mashed potato mixture again, spreading evenly over top of casserole.
Meat should not be seen.
Make everything neat and beautiful.
Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Like this.
Bake uncovered in a preheated 180°C/360°F oven for 15-20 minutes.
We do not need to bake for a long time, because all the ingredients are already cooked.
Let's see what I baked.
Take out of the oven the Cheesy Shepherd's Pie.
Cheese is completely melted.
Casserole "Cheesy Shepherd's Pie" is ready!
Leave it for 5 minutes before serving.
Due to lavash this casserole can be easily taken out of baking dish.
Place it on a plate.
Let's see the inside.
Lavash became crispy, like a puff pastry.
This dish can be festive.
Cheese stretches good.
Layer of potatoes, layer of meat and layer of potatoes again.
To taste, or not to taste? That is the question :)
It is hot. Let's taste a little bit.
This casserole is well served with sour cream.
Cook with pleasure and enjoy!
For more infomation >> How to make Cheesy Shepherd's Pie ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
Here are ways to save Internet data while listening to music on Youtube - Duration: 4:45.
see you again in this simple channel
I will share tricks on how to listen to music from youtube without having to play video
use application Youtube Music
it could be to save the use of the internet and your android battery
but YouTube Music app is not available in all countries
but I have a trick that you can try to use the application Youtube Music
first you need to download the apk Youtube music
address to download, please see this video description field
You also need to download Hotspot Shield application in PlayStore
after the application is successfully installed, you must open the first Hotspot Shield
click connect
after application of Hotspot Shield has been connected, please open the application Youtube Music
This is the application main view Youtube Music
for application settings, please set yourself
I will demonstrate using this app
You must select several singers
as a condition of using the application Youtube music
I will try to listen to a song
eg songs from Bruno Mars
select top results
and click on one of the songs from Bruno Mars
Now you're listening to music on Youtube
without having to play video
This way can save the use of the internet and your android battery
I need to explain a little of the features of the application Youtube Music
The first you can listen to millions of songs
because it connects directly to Youtube
second, you can choose a mode for listening to a song, such as the use of the previous sound
or listen to songs with music videos
like that examples of songs with video clips
and earlier
song without video clips
You can combine all three songs you like in a playlist
and many other features that you will understand when using this application
like that my tricks, may be useful and helpful
do not forget to like and subscribe to this channel
for further tips and tricks
thank you
Fantastic Beasts Movie
Check Out We Love You
Is Twitter Worthwhile? | Daily D. 018 - Duration: 4:01.
Hi, everybody. This is Dylan Robertson.
You've tuned into my vlog, the Daily D.
Thanks for stopping by. I want to talk to
you today about Twitter: where they are,
and how I 'll be using their
platform over the next 12 months.
Twitter is struggling. It has been
for the past few years. Their CEO
is there only part time. He also is
CEO of another company called Square,
which does credit card payments with
smartphones. Their CTO (chief
technology officer) recently left. Also
their COO (chief operating officer). Also
their Head of Product. So, there's been an
exodus of senior executives. They also
have been restructuring heavily. They
shut down their Vine operation, which had
very entertaining 6-second looping
videos. There was a big outcry over that.
They have fired 9% of their
workforce, and this is not the
first round of layoffs they've had in
recent times. Their user base is
currently, as per their About page that I
just checked, 313 million monthly active
users. They don't publish their
daily active users. I think this is
because the number would be less than
flattering. So, they are struggling
compared to the likes of Snapchat,
Instagram, and Facebook, which are all
growing strongly and have very robust
businesses. But, it's not all bad.
Twitter has been slowly innovating and
making small and subtle improvements to
their platform over the past year, and
before that as well. These days,
you can stream
live video through the Twitter
app. That's amazing - you have a
broadcasting station in your pocket now,
which is incredible.
Also, you can upload videos up to 140
seconds in length, so that's great as
well. There's huge possibilities with
that. Also, they've made tweeting easier.
You probably know about the famous 140
character limit for tweets that used to
include such things as attachments like
images or gifs. That's been
removed. Now it's just the actual
characters within the tweet. You also
have to be careful, though, of links.
Links still add to the character count.
So, it's improved a lot as a platform
compared to where it was, but it has a
long way to go.
I recently discovered Moments. Google
"Twitter Moments" if you'd like to learn
more about it.
It's a great feature, but it was
hidden. I'm a pretty well-educated
Twitter user, but I only stumbled
across this the other day. I
knew it was around, I just never got
around to trying it. And, that's the
problem with Twitter - people don't
understand its relevance. I'll be
focusing moving forward on using Twitter
for communicating directly with people I
want to build relationships with. Real
engagement, as well as continuing
to share my content. I'm managing
4 separate Twitter accounts right now.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts. How
are you going to be using Twitter moving
forward? What do you think of the
platform overall? Post your comments
below. Thanks!
Clash-A-Rama! The Series: Ballad of the Barbarian - Duration: 9:55.
- I want a wing! - I'm the hungriest!
Guys, you have to be patient.
It's... Aaaah!
Aww, Barry! Why?
Sorry, I like it well done, yeah.
I think that's about it, and, uh...
Congratulations. You're now Golem and wife.
Whoa, this just got weird.
So... Do I get the building permit?
You can't remodel a level 2 Laboratory into a level 7 Wizard Tower.
How about a level 6 one?
Why must two be followed by three? This town could think outside the box!
How about Archer Towers with a room to elevate you up it instead of stairs?
How about Freeze Spell lockers, so that I don't hold them in my hands?
Let's strike for a better Town Hall!
Who's with me?
OK, I hear you loud and clear.
I'm gonna upgrade this whole darn place immediately!
What the...?
That's as close as we get to immediately.
Yeah! We are awesome!
Amazing battle! Three stars! Put 'em up, boys!
My sword! I lost my sword! Oh no, it's my best friend...
I can't live without my sword! What am I gonna do?
Calm down, buddy. You probably left it on the battlefield.
Ooh... I'm gonna go look.
I gotta find... my sword!
Excuse me, I've lost my sword. Any chance you've seen it lying around?
'Bout yay big, the most beautiful metal a Barbarian's ever seen?
All I've seen here is stuff that makes great soup.
Would some great soup interest you?
Check out that rubble. There's all kinds of sharp stuff there.
Nothing good for soup though.
Ah, a replacement sword. Interesting...
Ooh, sharp piece of wood!
- <i>En Garde!</i> - Speak English!
Ah, who am I kidding? My sword is gone forever!
A Barbarian without a sword is just a...
Just a... I don't even know!
<i>I was a proud Barbarian</i>
<i>Now I don't know what I am</i>
<i>A trusty sword my identity made</i>
<i>Is life worth living without a blade?</i>
<i>I'm like a Minion who's lost his horde</i>
<i>What's a Barbarian without a...</i>
That's enough of that.
Doc, how do you cure a Barbarian who's lost his sword?
As simple as changing you into someone who doesn't need a sword.
Hold still… Heeeyahh!
Ah, I don't know. Something feels off.
Not a deciduous type of guy. Got it... Heeeyahh!
Much better, no?
Now I see you, and I don't think "Hey, where's that Builder's Hut sword?"
Oh, geez, I don't know.
You got anything with two feet, and a place to wear a belt?
Okeydoke… Heeeyahh!
- What is this? - I warned you there were risks.
This is horrible. I'll be the tree.
Take me back to being a tree. I look like an idiot.
Can't do that. I'm a Wizard, not a magician.
That flat Barbarian should have been me.
What the heck are you?
I don't know what I am anymore.
So, you're taking suggestions? You got a staff...
You're a Witch!
- Summon something! - Huh?
You know, bring the bones out!
I have children? I've always wanted to have kids!
Thank you. I feel much better.
Kids, attack the nice gentleman.
Found your sword.
My sword! Thank you!
But now I am a Witch with a Barbarian sword.
I've got a soup for that.
<i>Once again a Barbarian</i>
<i>I love being what I am</i>
That's enough of that.
Stop! It is normal to wait for upgrades.
Don't get angry. That just hurts you.
She's right! I hate anger so much!
I was reading that.
Everyone, instead of lashing out, embrace the wonders around you.
Builder, rather than pounding on that tree,
give it a big hug.
I feel better.
I wanna feel better. Gimme some of that.
I can't believe I'm finally here.
Today's the day my son becomes a Hooooog Riiiider!
And to think this used to be my happy place.
This is a big moment, like when your mohawk grew in.
Dad, stop, you're embarrassing me!
Sorry, son. I'm just so excited about teaching you to drive!
Ready to take the wheel?
It's not a wheel, dad! It's a rope! I know what I'm doing.
Great, now I got to reset those!
Slow down now.
Oh! Watch out!
- Sorry! - You're making me nervous!
I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm... No, no, no! You're about to make us dead!
- Dad, stop! - Stop what? Saving our lives?
- Get off my back! - OK, fine! Show me how it's done, son!
Let's fire up this pig!
No, no! Not arrows! Not arrows!
We won't make it!
Yes, we are!
Okay, let's get this gold mine out of here.
Oh, no! Don't get up! I can get it myself!
Good. Good. We've banished all anger and violence.
Breathe in peace and tranquility and love.
You're all doing beautifully, enlightened ones.
Be proud of yourselves. You're bringing peace to this village forever!
Attack! We're being attacked!
Come on, grab your weapons! This is real! We'll be wiped out! Wake up!
There's time for peace and time for violence.
I guess most of the time it should be violence.
Don't worry. I've got a soup for this.
Thank you!
Why aren't they fighting?
It's a thin broth. It takes three hours to kick in.
It's yours, son. The keys don't do anything.
Thanks, dad.
Sure, son. Ready for your brand new hog?
Now, at sunset, your hog is gonna think it's bedtime...
- I know. - ...so wake him up often with a shout!
Well, you didn't know, or you would have done it!
How's the handle?
Well, like a... dream!
Hành động tưởng vô cảm lại thể hiện trọn tấm chân tình sao Việt dành cho người thân quá cố - Duration: 6:44.
Here are ways to save Internet data while listening to music on Youtube - Duration: 4:45.
see you again in this simple channel
I will share tricks on how to listen to music from youtube without having to play video
use application Youtube Music
it could be to save the use of the internet and your android battery
but YouTube Music app is not available in all countries
but I have a trick that you can try to use the application Youtube Music
first you need to download the apk Youtube music
address to download, please see this video description field
You also need to download Hotspot Shield application in PlayStore
after the application is successfully installed, you must open the first Hotspot Shield
click connect
after application of Hotspot Shield has been connected, please open the application Youtube Music
This is the application main view Youtube Music
for application settings, please set yourself
I will demonstrate using this app
You must select several singers
as a condition of using the application Youtube music
I will try to listen to a song
eg songs from Bruno Mars
select top results
and click on one of the songs from Bruno Mars
Now you're listening to music on Youtube
without having to play video
This way can save the use of the internet and your android battery
I need to explain a little of the features of the application Youtube Music
The first you can listen to millions of songs
because it connects directly to Youtube
second, you can choose a mode for listening to a song, such as the use of the previous sound
or listen to songs with music videos
like that examples of songs with video clips
and earlier
song without video clips
You can combine all three songs you like in a playlist
and many other features that you will understand when using this application
like that my tricks, may be useful and helpful
do not forget to like and subscribe to this channel
for further tips and tricks
thank you
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