Hello everyone. The action that will be shown soon, Works for all of your legs
Front, rear, lower leg, even hip, and lower back muscles works.
But we focus on the quadriceps more .
Vastus medial
Vastus lateralis
Rectus femoris
Below rectus femoris, there is rectus intermedius.
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For more infomation >> 3 Etkili ÖN BACAK Hareketi |QUADRICEPS | ENG.SUBT| Nasıl Yapılır & Anatomisi - Duration: 1:41.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Panda 0.9 TwinAir Edizione Cool / Nieuwstaat - Duration: 1:01.
Peugeot 108 ACCES 1.0 12V E-VTI 68 PK 3 DEURS IDEALE STADSAUTO - Duration: 1:13.
Вайн подборка #выпуск 012 | Вайны - подборки - юмор! - Duration: 10:57.
'La La Land' Trailer
Disney Style Unboxing
by travelpod
helicopter aviation has arrived only
recently upon the military scene with
the first successful test flight taking
place after the start of world war two
today the United States Army operates a
large and diversified fleet of robbery
wing aircraft bh21 for example is a
light cargo helicopter it has a range
and speed comparable to those of many
fixed-wing aircraft and can carry up to
20 men or an equivalent weight of cargo
this helicopter has a tandem rotor
configuration with both rotors
contributing lift and thrust the h 34 is
another light cargo helicopter it has a
main rotor for lift and thrust plus a
tail rotor to counteract engine torque
its performance characteristics are good
at a later stage of training you may
learn to fly both the h 21 and the 834
until now most of you have trained
entirely in reconnaissance type
helicopters like the 813 you learned how
to prepare it for flight and how to
perform at standard manoeuvres you are
undoubtedly aware of its capabilities
and limitations it is slow as a
short-range and carries a small load is
compared with larger helicopters the
reconnaissance type however remains an
excellent aircraft for many purposes it
is standard equipment for military
surveillance and various other missions
it has proven itself indispensable in
front-line medical evacuations
the h 23 is also a reconnaissance type
helicopter many of you have already
checked out on this aircraft and found
its operating characteristics very
similar to those of the age 13
both are used as primary trainers you
are now ready to go into heavier
aircraft the army operates two
helicopters in the utility class you may
learn to fly both the h19 is slightly
larger than the h25 it has a single main
rotor and a tail rotor to counteract
engine torque the utility helicopters
are more versatile than the
reconnaissance type they can carry much
greater loads and go farther without
they are also faster and less affected
by adverse weather conditions
let's see how you make the transition to
the h19 using the d model for
demonstration purposes in making your
transition there are eight main steps to
consider pre-flight inspection cockpit
procedure taxiing hovering takeoff
autorotation approach and engine
shutdown you start your pre-flight
inspection in the cockpit steps are
provided on either side of the fuselage
or you may enter from the cargo
compartment there is much more to
inspect on the h19 then on the
reconnaissance type helicopter so you
will be shown only the main steps of a
pre-flight to make sure the aircraft is
cleared for flight first examine forms
781 next turn on the battery and
miscellaneous inverted switches to check
the fuel quantity in both the
fore-and-aft gas tanks then turn off
both switches release the rotor break to
enable you to turn the rotor head later
on during its inspection that's all in
the cockpit at this time the next area
to check is the cabin all cabin
equipment must be inspected carefully
start with a fixed light switches should
be in the off position the fire
extinguisher should be in place secure
and indicate proper pressure now
proceeding in a clockwise fashion around
the cabin check the condition of the
passenger seats and safety belts on the
right side then see that the heater
damper control is in its proper position
next check the baggage compartment to
remove the door and to prevent damage
carefully release all four fasteners
visually check the inside of the
compartment make sure there are no loose
articles that may cause damage see that
it has not been excessively loaded when
you replace the door make certain that
all fasteners are secure the first aid
kits must be secure and properly sealed
check the handle of the emergency escape
hatch and the general security of the
hatch itself then check the seats and
safety belts on the left side the cabin
inspection may vary with different
auxiliary equipment but in any case be
certain that everything is secure
after completing your inspection of the
cabin open the two clamshell doors which
house the engine compartment
don't let go of the doors until they are
securely fastened they could be damaged
by wind or the downwash of another
check the left side of the nose section
first make sure that the fire warning
system on the door is secure and not
damaged then check the left nose gear
for damaged condition of the self
centering device correct strut extension
and proper inflation of the tire now for
the engine and it's accessories inspect
all hoses connections safeties and check
the security and proper mounting of all
attached components look for loose or
damaged parts and for excessive oil
leakage check the right side of the
engine and right landing gear in the
same manner as you did on the left with
this phase of the inspection completed
secure the clamshell doors now on the
right side of the aircraft look into the
clutch compartment through the air ducts
check for excessive oil leakage and
condition of hydraulic lines the oil
tank filler is located on this side make
sure that the oil is that a proper level
then secure the filler cap also check
the security of the filler cap for the
forward fuel tank now try the movement
of the cargo door and see that it
latches securely on the right main gear
check the slippage marks and the tire
for proper inflation check for any leaks
in the break and in the hydraulic line
see that the shocks struts are extended
to the proper length then check the
security of the filler cap on the apt
fuel tank as you continue around the
aircraft observe the general condition
of the skin look for cracks dents and
missing rivets remove the access panel
on the right side to inspect the battery
another installed equipment
make sure that the circuit breakers are
correctly set replace and secure the
panel make certain each fastener is
properly positioned visually check the
condition of the tail boom and antenna
as you proceed act observe the general
condition of the tail pylon make sure
that the right stabilizer and tail guard
are secure and undamaged inspect the
control cables and check for oil leakage
from the intermediate gear box look
through the inspection window at the
base of the pylon to check the oil level
in the intermediate gear box in the same
manner check the oil level in the tail
rotor gearbox then inspect the condition
of the tail rotor blades and the pitch
change mechanism since it is impractical
to examine them closely
be sure your visual check is thorough
continue the inspection on the left side
of the aircraft on this side just as on
the right
check the tail pylon stabilizer tail
boom antenna and fuselage on the side
you also check the static port and
heater exhaust for obstructions and the
upper apps truck pin for freedom of
movement next inspect the left main
landing gear in the same manner as you
did the right
also the static ground wire which is on
this side
when you complete this crawl under the
fuselage and drain some gasoline from
the app tank to check for water and
foreign matter the cargo sling should be
properly stowed check the forward tank
for water and foreign matter next climb
up the left side of the helicopter for
your rotor head and blade check the
window must be partially closed to
enable you to let down the service
platform now for the head assemblies on
each check the pitch change link for
tolerance and he flapped restrainer for
freedom of movement star plate for free
movement and tolerance and blade lock
for position and safety make sure the
damper is not binding and that the fluid
in its reservoir is at the proper level
next turn the rover to check for freedom
of movement and general condition of the
blades inspect each head assembly in the
same manner as before looking for damage
cracks and excessive wear through the
window after the cockpit check the oil
level of the main gearbox and serve all
reservoir also look for signs of
excessive oil or fluid leakage that
completes your inspection on the left
side as you climb down secure the
service platform
then returned to the right side of the
aircraft and climb to the cockpit check
the condition of the right cockpit
window and service platform now for the
pitot tube remove the cover and inspect
its general condition that completes
your outside inspection so enter the
cockpit in the h19 the right side is the
pilot side before fastening the safety
belt remember to adjust your shoulder
harness and added safety feature on this
aircraft the ends of the harness our
loop to the safety belt fastener next
put on your headset now to check the
flight controls for freedom of movement
they are the same controls you used on
the age 13 cyclic pitch throttle after
checking it leave it closed and finally
anti-torque pedals set the fuel selector
switch to the fullest tank the mixture
control on the right of the quadrant is
set full back to idle cutoff the other
levers are set
full-forward make sure the rotor brake
is released
turn on the battery incorrect fuel pump
switches then the flight and
miscellaneous inverter switches prime
your engine then with the starter turn
the engine through a complete revolution
before starting this is your check for
hydro static block after completing your
starting procedures increase engine rpm
to 1700 and turn on the clutch pumps
which as the clutch starts to engage
engine rpm will fall and the rover will
start turning advance the throttle and
raised engine rpm to between 1800 and
2000 call it there while the rotor
continues to engage when rotor rpm has
risen to approximately 130 reduce
until the engine needle falls slightly
below the rotor needle mechanical
coupling will engage at this point to
complete the coupling increased engine
rpm until the needles join turn off the
clutch pump switch and maintain engine
RPM at 1700 for two minutes
this gives enough time for the oil to
drain from the clutch then increase your
engine rpm 2 2004 your servo check in
order to make this test
turn off the service which the cyclic
should offer resistance but not buying
turn the servo switch back on and again
check the cycling it should operate
smoothly and easily and without
vibration next make a normal magneto
check just as on the 813 after
completing your mag check close the
throttle momentarily to split the
this is to test the freewheeling unit
now join the needles and bring the
engine to its operating RPM 2350 then as
soon as the chocks are removed you are
ready for the first maneuver taxiing
with pitch fall down release the parking
brake and set the cyclic slightly
forward the helicopter may start moving
now if not as in this instance it may be
necessary to apply a slight amount of
pitch to get started as it moves forward
control your speed with cyclic and
a helicopter with wheels requires a very
small amount of pitch for taxiing
maintain operating RPM for good control
and to enable to take off in event of
emergency turns are made primarily with
the pedals
however by applying brake on the side
toward which you are turning a sharper
turn can be made
remember to use a minimum of pitch
however if the main rotor should start
to bump against it stops you have
applied too much forward cycling
eliminate this bumping by moving the
cyclic slightly toward the rear the more
advanced wheel and brake system of the
h19 makes taxiing and turning easier
than in helicopters equipped with skids
therefore it is generally more practical
to taxi rather than hover as you would
in a reconnaissance type helicopter
apply foot brakes evenly on both sides
when you want to stop before all
takeoffs are pre takeoff check is made
all flight controls are tested for
smoothness of operation engine fuel and
transmission instruments are checked for
readings within their proper operating
range also check flight instruments and
radio to take off to a hover start with
pitch down cyclic in neutral then bring
the engine up to operating RPM and
slowly increased pitch until the
helicopter reaches a hovering altitude
normally this will be between 5 and 10
feet the h19 pedals offer more
resistance than on like your helicopters
hovering to the rear should be avoided
because of limited visibility other than
the h19 can be made to perform all the
hovering maneuvers which you learned in
other helicopter
hovering turns are made with the pedals
avoid fast rates of turn since too much
stress can damage the tail pile on the
h19 can make a normal takeoff either
from a hover or directly from the ground
from a hover the take-off is essentially
the same as in h13 be sure to avoid an
excessive knows low attitude now let's
take a look at a normal takeoff directly
from the ground generally employed with
critical loads and under some confined
area conditions it requires good
coordination and timing begin this
maneuver at operating RPM smoothly
applied pitch as you add throttle to
hold your rpm as you break ground the
helicopter should pivot and move
immediately into forward flight again be
sure to avoid an excessive knows low
attitude as you gain effective
translational lift level and establish a
normal climb when you first practice
autorotation xin h19 you should make a
power recovery and her autorotation at
500 feet at an airspeed of 60 knots as
in other helicopters start the
autorotation by lowering pitch and
reducing throttle add a slight amount of
throttle to keep the engine running
smoothly if rotor rpm becomes excessive
it may be necessary to add a small
amount of pitch maintain air speed at 50
to 60 knots during water rotation to
prevent a high rate of descent only
flare auto rotations are made in h19
when you are 50 to 75 feet above the
Claire the helicopter to dissipate
airspeed stop your rate of descent and
increase your rotor rpm after leveling
the helicopter make a normal power
recovery at a hovering altitude once
this is mastered the next step is to
learn to auto-rotate to the ground
touchdown should be made in a slightly
tail low attitude and with forward speed
as you gain greater proficiencies slower
touchdown should be made to prepare for
landing on rough surfaces in emergencies
to make a normal approach in h19 you
follow the same general procedures you
learned in your primary flight training
however the difference in weight and
speed of this aircraft will place a
higher requirement on your planning and
this is especially noticeable when
turning into the final approach practice
will develop accuracy start your
approach when you reach a 12 degree
angle maintain 55 knots during the first
third of the approach then gradually
dissipate speed and altitude apply
sufficient power to complete the
approach at a slow rate of closure
approaches can be made a hover but are
better directly to the ground
touchdown is made with little or no
forward motion when your flight is
completed taxi to the designated parking
after parking you are ready to start
your standard engine shutdown procedure
apply toll breaks firmly on both pedals
and set the parking brake perform a
normal magneto check as you did in your
starting procedure
after the mag check reduce engine rpm to
about 1,100 when rotor rpm is down to
approximately a hundred and ten the
clutch will disengage automatically make
sure the droop stops have dropped into
position before continuing the shutdown
then idle the engine until cylinder-head
temperatures below a hundred and fifty
degrees and move the mixture control to
idle cutoff when rotor rpm drops below
80 apply the rotor brake gently to stop
the rotor lock the break with one rotor
blade forward finally starting at the
top of the main switch panel and working
down set all of the switches in their
proper shutdown positions place the fuel
selector switch in the off position your
shutdown procedure is complete now fill
out your flight report after entering
your flight time
turn to the back of part two if any
defects are found during flight
make sure to enter them here and sign
off your flight
the h19 is one of the most widely used
army helicopters this utility aircraft
has many advantages over the smaller
reconnaissance helicopters with which
you are already familiar its operation
however is essentially the same now
let's review the main points we covered
in making the transition to the h19
learn to make the pre-flight inspection
systematically and thoroughly correct
cockpit procedure ensures a safe start
taxiing on wheels isn't difficult if you
keep pitch to a minimum hovering is
generally the same as in smaller
helicopters but use less often in a
take-off avoid excessive knows low
attitude a flare autorotation is the
only type used in h19 your approach
should be slow and well under power for
accuracy and precision learn the correct
engine shutdown procedure to make sure
nothing is overlooked or forgotten in
transition as in your earlier training
your most valuable tools are firm
procedure and a positive technique
제이홉 사랑해요 (We love you J-Hope) - Duration: 3:16.
Hello everyone, my name is Chiky
Today we will talk about someone very important
Who is it?
*Impersonating J-Hope greeting*
I know, I know, I stop now
First I want to say that my korean isn't very good
Sorry for that
I am a latin male
I am a big A.R.M.Y
Bang Tan I love you!
Recently many "A.R.M.Y" have been bad with J-Hope
They are lying
You and us know well they're lying
Since I am an A.R.M.Y I have think
Oh! Bang Tan have a lot of talent
J-Hope have the most
Also sing!
Also sing well*!
One of my dreams is be on "J-Hope on the street"
Beacause he make me love dance
J-Hope, thank you
You make my days happier
J-Hope, you're my hope, please keep been it
To the rest of Bang Tan I also love so much
And... Happy Birthday V!
Jaipur 2 with Pictures. (CC) - Duration: 5:30.
Many people say that the Taj Mahal is Indias most beautiful building
(Albert Einstein drawing naturally appearing on the ceiling of Taj Mahal)
My favourite tourist site is Jaipur and the Amber fort
Amer fort is located in Agra city
It is near to Rajistan
Rajasthan is a historic city
Here old culture can be seen
Today I will talk about my favourite place Jaipur city
Jaipur city is also called the Pink city
In this picture is Amer Fort
But people from the West call it the Amber fort due to its Amber colour.
Here there are beautiful designs and lots of style
# paintings made from vegetable dyes
There is lots of old culture here and history which can be seen
The new Jodhar Akbar film (2008) was also made here
There are weapons
Jaipur had an Emperor
His name was Maharaja Modho Singh
His height and weight were huge
Maharaja Singh was bigger than Englands Henry the 8th
And he drank two to three pitchers of milk a day
This is Maharaja Singh
He always wore colourful clothes
A tall and big man
He like to hunt also
At the museum photography was banned
Which was a shame as everything there was very interesting
After the museum I went to see the water palace and the wind palace.
Part of the Havai mahal window.
'La La Land' Trailer
Level Up Your Tech Career
제이홉 사랑해요 (We love you J-Hope) - Duration: 3:16.
Hello everyone, my name is Chiky
Today we will talk about someone very important
Who is it?
*Impersonating J-Hope greeting*
I know, I know, I stop now
First I want to say that my korean isn't very good
Sorry for that
I am a latin male
I am a big A.R.M.Y
Bang Tan I love you!
Recently many "A.R.M.Y" have been bad with J-Hope
They are lying
You and us know well they're lying
Since I am an A.R.M.Y I have think
Oh! Bang Tan have a lot of talent
J-Hope have the most
Also sing!
Also sing well*!
One of my dreams is be on "J-Hope on the street"
Beacause he make me love dance
J-Hope, thank you
You make my days happier
J-Hope, you're my hope, please keep been it
To the rest of Bang Tan I also love so much
And... Happy Birthday V!
How to Make Your Eyelashes Look Longer Without the Expensive Mascaras - Duration: 5:42.
how to make your eyelashes look like
without the expensive mascaras
castor oil amazingly one of the best
home remedies and tips on how to make
your eyelashes grow longer is pure and
simple organic castor oil it can make
your eyelashes ticker stronger and make
them grow faster to avoid getting a
thickness in your eyes apply castor oil
with a brush to your lashes and eyebrows
when you go to bed and leave on and it
will moisturize and encourage growth
naturally castor oil is also excellent
for softening the lips so if your lips
are dry and chappy don't forget to dab
what's left on your fingers straight to
your lips vitamin E another trick on how
to make your eyelashes grow longer is
using vitamin E you know that vitamin E
is good for treating blemishes on your
skin but did you know it will help your
lashes to grow thicker to just break
open a couple of vitamin E and apply it
to your lashes with a brush to nourish
them and picking them up
natural oils natural oils can also help
on how to make your eyelashes grow
longer you can moisturize your lashes
with one of these natural oils olive oil
coconut oil avocado oil sweet almond oil
lemon oil sesame oil rosette oil argan
oil or burdock root oil just soak some
oil or oil blend on a cotton wool ball
and wipe over your lashes before you go
to bed wash off in the morning and the
natural oil will nourish moisturize
improve the growth and keep your lashes
strong and healthy green tea green tea
can be used on your lashes as well make
some green tea let it cool and then
swipe it over your lashes with some
cotton wool the caffeine and flavonoids
found in green tea will help maintain
the growth of existing lashes and
stimulate new growth too
aloe vera aloe vera is a wonderful home
remedy that can be used for various
purposes if you want to nourish your
eyelashes and make them grow apply some
fresh aloe vera gel straight to your
lashes before going to bed using a clean
mascara wand the same way as you apply
mascara thanks to vitamins and powerful
nutrients aloe vera gel will improve the
growth of your eyelashes and make them
avoid using fake eyelashes another tip
on how to make your eyelashes grow
longer and thicker is avoid fake lashes
using fake lashes or eyelashes
extensions might be a quick fix to the
problem but longer term it will only
damage your lashes further when you take
them off you are likely to remove some
of your real lashes as well so it is
best to avoid fake lashes altogether or
use them only when it's absolutely
remove all make up at night
the longer your lashes are free from
makeup then the better they will grow
always remove all your eye makeup at
night time to give your lashes a chance
to breathe or even better remove it as
soon as you get home eat healthily
eating healthy and balanced diet is
another important tip on how to make
your eyelashes grow longer thicker and
stronger just like your hair your lashes
need a good supply of vitamins and
minerals to grow so be sure to eat
plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit
include lean protein in your diet as
well as whole grains to nourish your
lashes and help them to grow
brush your lashes brushing your lashes
will clean out any dust and dirt
particles and encourage a good blood
supply to the lashes you can buy little
lash combs made specifically for the job
and a daily brush really can help to
make your lashes grow longer and thicker
leave your lashes alone always be gentle
with lashes they don't like being
treated harshly avoid rubbing your eyes
or pulling on your lashes when you are
removing makeup or you'll not only get
premature under eye wrinkles and fine
lines but you'll also pull some lashes
out and stunt the growth of the other
ones that stay in
massage your eyelids and finally another
easy tip on how to make your eyelashes
grow longer and stronger is eyelid
massage you can stimulate the hair
follicles of your lashes by gently
massaging your eyelids if you do this
regularly you will see a real difference
in your lashes quickly just be careful
not to be too rough though when you
massage or you will do more harm than
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