Itsa me!
And today..
We will be playing
My new
Maaaaaaarriooo Run!
Leeeeets Begin
Just saying
this is not a paid sponsership
Okay everybody!
Here we gooooooo
I have
in my time
but the one i stilla cannot beat
Hello Mario *Deep Voice*
Can I..
borrow your
credit card
Here you go.
For more infomation >> Super Mario Run In Minecraft» Animated Shorts - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Leaders of Thunderclan Rant! - Duration: 13:27.
Compare Loom & Leaf
Wheels On The Bus Rhyme
USS Zumwalt - Guided Missile Destroyer of the United States Navy [Full Review] - Duration: 2:40.
The USS Zumwalt, the largest destroyer ever built for the US Navy.
The 610-foot, 15,000-ton behemoth has begun sea trials before joining the US fleet some
time in 2016.
Its price tag of $4.4 billion is almost as astounding as its bulk, but US Navy Captain
James Kirk, the ship's skipper, said he was "fired up" for the Zumwalt to finally set
off for the Atlantic Ocean.
So advanced are the Zumwalt's stealth capabilities, that it registers on radar as a small vessel,
about the size of a fishing boat.
It is about 100ft longer and 20ft wider than the navy's current class of destroyers, and
boasts more advanced weaponry.
Its computer-guided missile system can hit targets up to 63 miles away, and it may eventually
be equipped with a laser weapon or electromagnetic rail gun.
The Zumwalt class was designed with multimission capability.
Unlike previous destroyer classes, designed primarily for deep-water combat, the Zumwalt
class was primarily designed to support ground forces in land attacks, in addition to the
usual destroyer missions of anti-air, anti-surface and undersea warfare.
The Long Range Land Attack Projectile, one of a range of land attack and ballistic projectiles
with a range of up to 100 nautical miles fired from a gun, is a key component.
On 21 November 2016 Zumwalt lost propulsion in its port shaft while passing through the
Panama Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean en route to its homeport in San Diego.
Sea water had intruded in two of the four bearings that connect Zumwalt's port and starboard
Advanced Induction Motors to its drive shafts.
Both drive shafts failed and Zumwalt hit the lock walls in the canal, causing minor cosmetic
Zumwalt's passage through the Panama Canal had to be completed with tugboats.
Zumwalt underwent repairs at Vasco Núñez de Balboa Naval Base before continuing on
to Naval Station San Diego.
Upon arrival in San Diego, the leak was revealed to be through the lubrication cooling system,
though the cause remains unknown.
Love Ciara?
'La La Land' Trailer
Dodo: Ja zwariuję ( Soy Luna: I'd be crazy ) Polish version - Duration: 3:47.
Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera | FAQ Video - Duration: 31:02.
Hello again! Izzy at Digital Goja
showrooms. I searched Amazon, E-Bay, Google,
our customer service questions, about
what are the most frequently asked
questions about the new Olympus E-MD
Mark II. I'd like to share them with you.
Now, the way I'm going to do this is
we're going to split this up into two
videos the first section will be
beginner questions about the OM-D E-M1 Mark II
and the second part will be
advanced questions. If this video helps
you, as always remember to subscribe to
our Channel and hit me up with a like
button and don't forget when in Miami
visit me at Digital Goja showroom.
Alrighty, so like I said we've waited a
long time for this
almost four years and you know there's
been all sorts of info put on the web...
you know now we're going to take a look
at what it actually comes with.
Here of course first of all is your warranty card.
This is good in the US and if it is
purchased from an authorized dealer like
Digital Goja and then this part seems
to have something in it.. lets take a look.
Oh yeah, this this is heavy.
They obviously put something in here.
Oh, yup, here is an actual instruction
booklet, like how many of us are going to go
through that, and an Olympus digital
camera pamphlet brochure... interesting.
In here... here we go, USB 3.0 you have to
considering the files that is going to
do now remember this is now a 20.4 MP,
Live MOS sensor with 4K
video so it's a USB 3.0 USB-C good job
Olympus, you went with the newer
technology on that. It makes life simpler.
We'll have to check later on and see if
it does allow some kind of external
power supply. Here is your power cable
for your wall charger and again they're
going to complain oh yup, they've done
it for many years if you want there are
some third party adapters where you can
put this right into the wall but it is
universal voltage from 100-240 volts
and that's to work with their
brand-new battery here it is, the new BLH1
which is 1,720 milliamps. Alright well this
is the velourish case like i like to call it.
This is the one that you're going to
use for your FL LM 3 which is very popular
Olympus has been providing this for many
years now this is the best way to get a
flash on to your Olympus OM-D camera is
with this portable one which actually
works off of the power source in your camera.
This is a bracket so that your USB 3.0
maintains a constant connection and that
you don't have any kind of external
issues with pulling on the cable when
you're downloading.. very nice and here is
your standard Olympus camera strap and
of course, last but definitely not least,
(get this out of the way) wow, very
nicely packaged... yup!, there it is your
brand new Olympus OM-D EM1 Mark II.
Now let's take a closer look...
notice how they made it a tad larger
than the original Olympus OM-D EM1 but
I love this grip this is really great
because this is now going to allow a
sports & wildlife photographers to work
with the larger lenses like of course
that beautiful 300mm f4 and it'll
worked great in the hand and of course
don't forget that new 12-100. Notice
how you still have your separate dials
for aperture and shutter speed, you have
your function buttons they're all laced
throughout where you want to use a
function 1 or function 2, plus notice on
the dial where there were a lot of
rumors all they got rid of the custom
dials no they didn't you have up to
three custom settings and you still have
your PASM and they put your art filter
right on top here with of course your
video which remember now we're dealing
with 4K ultra high-definition and this is
at 30 fps or 24 fps.
Of course, your body still has the
5-axis image stabilization which
allows you to work with five-and-a-half
stops difference when it comes to your
actual shooting speed but this is great
because when you combine it with some of
these new lenses like
before mentioned 300mm or 12-100,
you now work with the lens and the
body as far as image stabilization so
that gives you up to six and a half
stops and the added benefit of a swivel
screen this is something that we all asked
for an Olympus, you know they listened
to us they actually went ahead and gave
us a 3-inch 1.04 million dot vari-angle
touchscreen and this allows you to touch
screen for focusing and even for
shooting parameters. Of course you still
have your electronic viewfinder and
your hot-shoe which allows you to work
with the many different flashes that are
out there and on the left over here you
have your HDR your focus buttons you
even have something that a lot of us
that has disappeared forever and here it is
so that you can put your pc connection for a
strobe so if you're working with some of
the studio lights there's your pc
connection for it
so.. wow incredible and of course since
it's very video centric you have your
microphone input and you have a
headphone monitor Jack so you have
everything you need to make this work
for video production.
Plus of course you now have dual SD
card slots and slot one works with UHS-II
and slot two works with UHS-1, so yes
you can't have both of them in the high
rate of speed but that's great because
that's going to allow us to work for the
4K video that this guy is going to allow
us to do. So there you have it! A closer
look at the Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark II
body remember completely weather-sealed
they did not skimp on anything you can
actually see the weather sealing all
throughout.. dust proof it's a very
well-put-together system with the dual
fast 121 point auto-focus 15 fps
expanded ISO all the way up to
25,600 ISO and your electronic
viewfinder has been upgraded to 2.36 dots,
so if you are in the market for pretty much
the leading micro four third body at the
moment you definitely have to take a
closer look at the OM-D EM-1 Mark II.
Let's get started with the most asked
questions about the Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark II
for beginning users.
What lenses can I use with my Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark II?
Well, of course it still is a micro four thirds
camera.. it's a little bit beefier but there's a
reason for that they are jumping into
much larger lenses i'll have a perfect
example right here... this is the new 12-100mm f4.
This is the new 12-100mm f4.
This lens was honestly
created i think with this camera in mind
because now this is one of the new pro
series that has the image stabilization
so in combination with this camera you
now have up to six and a half stops and
stabilization that's very popular lens
you also have something like this like
the new 30mm macro again a very
popular lens in micro four-thirds mount
that will work perfectly on the Olympus
and you even have third-party lenses
like the new Sigma 30mm 1.4 and
notice there's a designation that states
that it is in a micro four-thirds mount
so that allows you to easily connect it
to your OM-D EM1 Mark II and then you
have the capability of having it focus
right away even in low contrast shooting
like my Digital Goja showroom at the
moment allows it to still work perfectly
so there you have it many different
options available as lenses for your
Olympus OM-D EM1 Mark II.
What kind of memory cards can I work
with this camera
well of course it is ST XE that means
extra capacity so you can work with
these huge 128 Gig
cards but remember this one also has the
capability of working with UHS version 2
cards on the first lot and then the
standard UHS version one on the bottom
slot so this one right here which is
UHS-II will work perfectly on the top slot
and also remember you can work with two
cards at the same time there's no need to
jump into these huge cards but of course
if you are doing video and it's the
ultra HD video like the OM-D EM-1 to
allows you to record in of course you're
going to have the capability of working
with these larger cards that's going to
be a very important feature to be able
to record the time and the raw files
that are needed to do great
ultra high-definition video. So again use
UHS-II cards or UHS-I cards.
Is it the same screen size as my original OM-D EM-1?
Yes it is, they went with the standard
3 inch screen and of course now you do
have the swivel capability where this
guy can swing out and you can even close
it up if you choose to but if you have
screen protectors or hoods or magnifying
devices for the original one, which I
have here, it is the same screen size so
you won't have to worry about purchasing
any additional screen protectors or
hoods and so forth because you'll be
able to use the same one if you upgrade
to the new on the OM-D EM-1 version.
That's one of the features that they
added on here is the articulating screen
a lot of us were asking for it and
Olympus came through
I mean on the Olympus version 1 of the
OM-D EM-1.
I mean it wasn't bad but it only angles
like so and a lot of us videographers
which is the main reason why i think
this camera was brought into the market
prefer the swivel screen so if you are
upgrading you're going to love the fact
that you now have a fully articulating
screen and it's even going to work for
you selfie users out there because
you'll be able to do this number and
still work with it.
Does it have a headphone monitor Jack?
Yes, again this is Olympus listening to what us users
want there is the port completely sealed
because remember this is a weather sealed
system so we pop that open and it's the
standard 3.5 plug so you have your
standard 3.5 plug from your headphone
plugs in like so and now you have the
capability of monitoring your audio as
you do your recording for your video.
Can I use an external microphone?
I highly recommend it especially now that
we're going to be doing some really good
video with the OM-D EM-1 Mark II, here is
your microphone port standard 3.5 jack
so you can connect your favorite
condenser microphone or lavalier
whatever you choose to work with and
again you have full audio recording
which will obviously be much better than
if you work with internal microphones.
What is the highest ISO i can set on here.
Well, let's activate our super menu and
notice how we have the ISO setting here
click on it and I was set to auto don't
recommend that but everybody has a
choice and then you can go ahead and
using the toggle wheel i'm going to keep
higher, I mean we're already past 10,000
12,000 it's on your right now that it's
doing an extension to get into these
super is sells makes it all the way up
to 25,600 I so so if you need to work an
extremely low light there you have it
you can set it all the way up to 25,600
ISO for stills.
Does the camera have auto scene selection?
No it really does not i mean
if you want to work on auto you can
switch it to intelligent auto and then
the camera is going to pick what type of
exposure it suggests for the imaging
that you're doing currently but honestly
this is a pro / prosumer camera so you
want to work with either program
aperture priority shutter priority or
manual you really don't want to let the
camera try to figure out what kind of
imaging you want to do.
Can I do sports or action photography
with the OM-D EM-1 Mark II?
Wow, absolutely i think that's the main
reason why this camera was implemented
so let's take it off a program let's go
to shutter priority because you're
interested in just picking the really
fast shutter speed so let's turn it on
and let's activate our super menu first
you know you said your eyes so pick one
accordingly depending on the type of
lens you're working with then we're
going to go ahead and switch are
shooting mode to high speed sequential
so that way you have the highest frame
rate of shooting and now let's go into
our focus points hit that again scroll
up again remember you have a touchscreen
i'm just really bad about remembering
that click on it now we want to switch
it from single AF to continuous AF this
is the one that's going to allow you to
shoot at the maximum focusing capability
of the new OM-D EM-1 Mark II.. listen
to that baby go.
Yeah, definitely can stop action whether
it's sports or running children or
running pets.
Let's get started with the most asked
questions about the Olympus OM-D EM-1
Mark II for advanced users.
How does this compare to the Panasonic GH4 which for
the longest time has been the leader in
the industry for video recording.
Well, I think this is one of the main
reasons why Olympus came out with the
OM-D EM-1 Mark II is to compete in the
video realm this guy does DCI video at
237 megabit per second compared to the
Panasonic which is 100 megabit per second.
Now of course, this is recording
internally to the as SD XC UHS-II series
card it's a different ball of wax if we're
recording externally to external
recorders like Atomos and so forth.
You also have the newer technology with
their new true pic virgin eight dual
quad-core processor on here and also
their new sensor from Sony the
20.4 MP Live MOS so if you are in
the market to do some great video with
micro four-thirds, this is the camera to
beat now, the OM-D EM-1 Mark II.
What is the max bit rate for HDMI-Out?
Well that really depends on the recorder
that you're using but remember it's
going to be uncompressed and you're
going to be able to record on Apple
Pro Res on Avid DNX HD. You're going to
lose your trying restrictions because
now you'll be able to record to an SSD
Drive and of course you have more video
control on your exposure including even
false color so if you are going to be
doing some pro ultra HD video i would
highly recommend using an external
Can i record my video at a 120 fps for
a higher bit rate and also to be able to
do slow-motion?
No, it does it has 60 but i'll show you in the menu...
go into your video mode menu and go into
specification settings and then move it
to the right and notice how i can go
ahead and I can shoot a 60 fps
on fine which is 30 MB per
second or superfine which is 52 MB
per second so it has less compression so
that way you can still do fast video and
played in slow motion and maintain your
video quality much better than if you
are shooting and some of the other
cameras that lower it substantially when
you shoot at a hundred and twenty frames
per second.
How do i get GPS info
well it doesn't have it built in but the
beauty of Olympus with their smart
camera app is that you can download the
Olympus share this is called the Olympus
Image Share App and notice that you can
add geo-tag to your images that you
record when you transfer it with the
Olympus image share app so that way you
can do your GPS coordinates on your
imaging using their particular app and
it makes life so much easier that way
does it allow external USB charging I
know that's become really popular
because that way you would be able to
connect a portable power source to it
and it's a shame because it actually
does have the newest USB connection
which is a USBC to USB 3.0 but no it does
not it does not allow you to charge
through USB you do have to use the
separate charger and battery to be able
to power your Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark II.
Does it allow me to bracket and how
does it do
bracketing? Well it again comes with a
full menu
turn the camera on and you want to make
sure you're within the M, S, A, P not going
to do this very well in intelligent auto
we're going to hit our menu button and
then we're going to go to the second
camera menu and notice how the first
folder says bracketing move that over on
I keep forgetting that you can do it
with a touchscreen also and then I can
set my exposure bracketing up to three
frames and i can pick the amount of
frames and the amount of exposure value
not sorry
seven frames so yes you can do some
serious exposure bracketing on there you
have white balance
you have flash bracketing..
ISO bracketing up to three stops..
Art bracketing so you can bracket the
different types of art filters and there
they are and you can actually activate
it or deactivate the particular art
filter that you want and focus
bracketing which wow this is the one
that we've been waiting for so that
allows you to pick the number of shots
and even the focusing differential where
you want a wider or narrower shot.
They say that this model allows you to do in
camera focus stacking. Yes it does and
again a wonderful feature that we've
been waiting for and thank you Olympus
for listening to us..
you're going to have to go again work
with manual so you can activate all of
your menu options going to go into
shooting menu to which is a little
camera with the two on it we're going to
go into bracketing activate that and
then we're going to go all the way down
to focus bracketing you want to activate
that and there is your first setting for
focus stacking and that way like it
states on there, it allows you to take
multiple shots where your focus points
are moved further back every shot and
then the images are not stacked but when
you turn it on this way it does allow
you to now slightly forward and backward
from the initial point and then the
images are stacked so this way it does
it in camera and you can be real precise
and how many shots you want to do this
notice that you can change the focusing
points to either a wider perspective or
a more narrow one and this makes your
life so much easier when you're going to
be doing some great macro photography
with your OM-D EM-1 Mark II.
Are the dual card slots UHS-II?
No they are not the first one is UHS variant to
and the secondary one is UHS-I.. I mean
you can put a UHS-II card in here but
it's actually going to slow it down so
you want to make sure you use the UHS-II
on the primary slot and then the other
ones on the secondary slot that way
maintain the proper speed.
Is it completely weather-sealed? Absolutely.
that's another one of the features that
they wanted to add to their new lineup
so you have weather sealing all around
here notice you have freezeproof
dustproof just feels great in the hand
and of course the weather sealing on the
lens is going to be very important if
you have a weather seal lens this one
does not have weather sealing on the
lens but if you bring out the new 12-100mm
that one does have
weather sealing because that's one of
their pro series so but take into
consideration this camera is meant to
take anything you throw at it it's
dustproof heat-resistant freezeproof
weather-sealed.. remember this can't go underwater
there's not an iphone 7 so that doesn't
have ip67 or anything like that you
don't want to go swimming with it but
all-in-all you can be in harsh
environments and it won't let you down.
How good is a continuous autofocus on
the OM-D EM-1 Mark II?
Yep, this is the reason this camera exists..
Olympus made sure that the focusing
system in this camera is on par with
today's full-frame fast DSLRs but you
have to set it up first
obviously you want to be in shutter
priority at the minimum you never want
to be an aperture priority or program or
intelligent auto maybe manual but here
I'm interested in the faster shutter
speed so let's activate the camera and
let's go into our super menu first I
want to set it to sequential Oh honestly
that works very fine
I mean to me eight to 10 frames per
second is more than adequate then we're
going to switch it over to face I
priority on notice how that's indicated
and we're going to switch it to the
first point right here single point in
the middle and we're now going to set it
at a faster shutter speed I pretty much
chose one for under the second but
notice what happens with the shots that
Adam did here just a little second ago
in the Digital Goja showroom. I'm going to
hold the toggle down so you can see all
the sequence and it will actually go
through the entire sequence
it's actually a silent movie
look at that that is incredible and I
tried to move enough so that it wouldn't
be able to track me and it kept me and
focus and every single frame so
absolutely if you want to do continuous
autofocus with your micro four-thirds
this is the camera to beat.
How many frames per second can I doing
Well, that's another one of the wonderful
features of this camera
you absolutely can shoot in raw in
continuous focusing which is the
continuous autofocus with tracking so we
can go ahead here and you can set it to
face priority of you choose to and then
we can go here and set it to RAW..
we can switch it to sequential high and
set it to a single point so again 18
frames per second and continuous
auto-focusing with tracking.
How many focusing points does it have?
It has one hundred and twenty-one focusing points
and you can activate them by going into
the super menu you i like the field and
there you go you have a hundred and
twenty-one focusing points to work with
Can i use focus peaking? absolutely that's one of the pleasures
of micro four-thirds that's been very
popular due to the fact that we have so
many manual lenses for so we're going to
click on menu custom menu and we're
going to scroll over to A3 move over to
where it says manual focus assist click
on that and there's focus peaking and
when you click on it that activates the
focus peaking capability on your Olympus
OM-D EM-1 Mark II.
Can I change the colors when i'm doing focus peaking?
Absolutely, going to the menu again and
now we're going to go into the custom
settings menu and we're going to go to
the D section III there's you're peeking
settings and not peaking duck so we can
start out with red black white yellow
and you can also check the highlight
intensity where you want normal or high
or low and you can even adjust the image
brightness which will adjust the
brightness to enhance the highlight
visibility when you're on live view
so there you have it a lot of control
for your focus peaking.
Can i magnify the image when i'm focusing on manual?
of course again lots of capabilities in
this camera.. hit menu
we're going to go into the custom
settings scroll down to A3
go to manual focus assist there's
magnify scroll to the right move up and
then select on to automatically magnify
the image when the focus ring is rotated
in manual focus mode makes life so much
Does it record a timecode stamp for
your video?
Yes it does, again this is a very video
centric camera and notice it right there
on the Left there's your time code stamp
so that's going to make it much easier
for a professional video production with
the OM-D EM-1 Mark II.
Well, I hope you liked this video on the Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark II
and that you found it
helpful. Please also share it with fellow
photographers and videographers and if
you have further questions
don't forget to put them in the comments
section below. Happy shooting!
Know the Risk Factors - Duration: 2:31.
Announcer: Welcome to Your Health with Joan Lunden,
presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Joan Lunden: Hi, I'm Joan Lunden.
Diabetes is an alarming health epidemic in the United States
affecting more than 29 million people,
and many of them don't even know the risk factors.
Today I'm joined by Dr. Ann Albright,
Director of the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation,
to discuss the risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes.
Nice to have you here.
Ann Albright: Thank you.
Joan Lunden: So what are the risk factors?
Ann Albright: Being overweight, being 45 or older,
being physically inactive.
If you're a women who had diabetes
while you were pregnant we call it gestational diabetes.
And if you're a member of a high-risk ethnic group,
whether it's African American,
Hispanic/Latino, Asian American, American Indian.
Joan Lunden: And I notice also family history,
and so you have to talk to your relatives to find that out.
25 percent of the people with full-blown
type 2 diabetes don't know it.
That's scary.
So what are the serious complications?
Ann Albright: There are serious complications of diabetes.
Unfortunately blindness, amputation, kidney disease,
heart attack, stroke, and other nerve damage.
Joan Lunden: I mean, those are serious.
So if somebody's watching right now and they say,
"I think I might have some of those risk factors."
What do they do?
Ann Albright: First thing you can do is take a simple risk test.
Determine where you stand.
If your score is high enough it's really gonna prompt you:
go get that simple blood sugar test from your physician.
Joan Lunden: I know I'm gonna go take that test for sure.
In the meantime,
there are some other things they can do right?
Ann Albright: Yes.
Eat as healthy as you can as often as you can.
Move more.
Get physically active.
Really try to make those changes long term.
Joan Lunden: Alright. Ann, thank you so much.
Ann Albright: Sure.
Joan Lunden: To protect yourself from diabetes
and all the associated complications,
consult with your doctor about
getting your blood sugar tested,
to find out if you're at risk.
And remember all the information you need to know
is at cdc.gov/diabetesTV.
Thanks for watching, I'm Joan Lunden.
Announcer: Sponsored by NACDD, with support
from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
Visit cdc.gov/diabetesTV.
Powerful natural remedy to cleanse kidneys and fight urinary tract infection - Duration: 3:29.
Powerful natural remedy to clean kidney and fight infection and urinary problems
in the uterus and ovary
The kidneys are one of the key bodies for the body metabolism.
Unfortunately, they suffer greatly from the power of today: too much salt (or rather chloride
sodium), sugar and processed foods.
The secret of the effectiveness of this recipe is the parsley.
Throughout history, this plant has been used to facilitate and maintain a cycle
regular menstrual.
Some herbalists, recommend salsa as a remedy for the return of the uterus
to its original position after delivery.
It is used in the treatment of all problems associated with the kidneys.
The parsley tea prevents the absorption of salt the tissue and therefore is a great protector
kidney and liver, leaving them virtually clean.
This tea should be drunk in case of an infection bladder and kidney stones.
It is used for prevention and treatment colon cancer in men and women,
and cervical tumor in women.
Parsley is rich in folic acid which is essential for cardiovascular health.
It is also very rich in vitamins A, C, E and minerals, and its regular use helps reduce
bad cholesterol.
If you suffer from high blood pressure, you also You should use this miraculous tea for reducing
their hypertension.
Moreover it can also be used to soothe the intestines, improve digestion
and eliminate gases.
Parsley is rich in iron, so its use It is recommended in cases of anemia.
Another virtue of this plant is to combat bad breath.
Just chew only several parsley leaves and bad breath will be neutralized.
This applies especially in occasions you eat garlic and onions, and want to eliminate
the smell.
It grows easily and everywhere.
So it would be great if you cultivate this plant at home.
How do the parsley tea
Boil one liter of water.
At the end of the boil, add two tablespoons (Soup) of fresh parsley or dried.
Close the pan and wait 10 minutes.
Then add a few drops of lemon.
Drink two cups a day.
If urinary tract infection, stones and kidney problems in the uterus and ovaries, you
You should drink 3 times a day.
The parsley tea causes increased urination.
So it is not recommended before bedtime, since it can impair sleep.
Pregnant women should not drink this Tea possible due to hormonal changes.
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wwe Brock Lesnar vs Rey Mysterio rare firgt YouTube - Duration: 11:26.
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Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan! - Duration: 4:10.
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Trump is having fun these days, Obama and Kerry are being ruined by whole world about
their attack on Israel, and now, DNC is at war because of Bernie Sanders!
Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison hadn't been campaigning for chair of the Democratic National
Committee for more than a week before veteran party officials began publicly saying he wouldn't
have time to both hold the position and serve as a congressman.
Ellison then announced that he'd step down from congress if he won the DNC race.
But almost as soon as he did so, a new chorus of objections to his candidacy began: top
Democratic sources told reporters they were growing concerned about Ellison's alleged
ties to the Nation of Islam and radical black Muslim organizers in the 1990s.
To Ellison's supporters — largely from the Bernie Sanders wing of the party — these
attacks looked like ugly smears cynically deployed to derail their candidate.
But they've also made Ellison's backers feel like they're shadow-boxing an elusive
foe — that his opponents were throwing up objections in bad faith rather than plainly
identifying their problem with his beliefs or proposed platform for the party.
Their frustrations are well-founded.
The 2016 Democratic primary between Sanders and Hillary Clinton saw major substantive
divides; there were huge and obvious gaps between the candidates over taxes, foreign
policy, healthcare, and a host of other critical policy issues.
The race for DNC chair, by contrast, has become largely a power struggle between factions
— but one lacking a clear contrast of ideas.
Many Democrats skeptical of Sanders have rallied behind Tom Perez, one of the most progressive
members of the Obama cabinet.
Making Perez the alternative to Ellison may be intended as an olive branch to grassroots
But it could also backfire badly, by exacerbating Sanders' allies distrust of a party that
needs their support now more than ever.
This is the biggest present to Trump!
He needs week DNC so that he can go forward with his agenda – Make America Great Again!
Now is the best time for working for better America!
Democrats are on their kneels!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
Bernie Sanders Update: War At DNC About Bernie Sanders, Trump Is Having Fan!
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TURN ON SUBTITLES AT 1:27!!!!!! Someone actually sent me this!? (Whats inside the apple boxes) - Duration: 5:19.
Sorry it got cut out but all I said was in the iPhone 4 box on the left was a charger, headphones, and obviously the phone!
Opel Corsa 1.4-16V Anniversary Edition NAV/AIRCO - Duration: 1:09.
USS Zumwalt - Guided Missile Destroyer of the United States Navy [Full Review] - Duration: 2:40.
The USS Zumwalt, the largest destroyer ever built for the US Navy.
The 610-foot, 15,000-ton behemoth has begun sea trials before joining the US fleet some
time in 2016.
Its price tag of $4.4 billion is almost as astounding as its bulk, but US Navy Captain
James Kirk, the ship's skipper, said he was "fired up" for the Zumwalt to finally set
off for the Atlantic Ocean.
So advanced are the Zumwalt's stealth capabilities, that it registers on radar as a small vessel,
about the size of a fishing boat.
It is about 100ft longer and 20ft wider than the navy's current class of destroyers, and
boasts more advanced weaponry.
Its computer-guided missile system can hit targets up to 63 miles away, and it may eventually
be equipped with a laser weapon or electromagnetic rail gun.
The Zumwalt class was designed with multimission capability.
Unlike previous destroyer classes, designed primarily for deep-water combat, the Zumwalt
class was primarily designed to support ground forces in land attacks, in addition to the
usual destroyer missions of anti-air, anti-surface and undersea warfare.
The Long Range Land Attack Projectile, one of a range of land attack and ballistic projectiles
with a range of up to 100 nautical miles fired from a gun, is a key component.
On 21 November 2016 Zumwalt lost propulsion in its port shaft while passing through the
Panama Canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean en route to its homeport in San Diego.
Sea water had intruded in two of the four bearings that connect Zumwalt's port and starboard
Advanced Induction Motors to its drive shafts.
Both drive shafts failed and Zumwalt hit the lock walls in the canal, causing minor cosmetic
Zumwalt's passage through the Panama Canal had to be completed with tugboats.
Zumwalt underwent repairs at Vasco Núñez de Balboa Naval Base before continuing on
to Naval Station San Diego.
Upon arrival in San Diego, the leak was revealed to be through the lubrication cooling system,
though the cause remains unknown.
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