Hi, guys. This is Mizton Pixan and this is my channel, "Mizton Nauatlahtolpan".
Remember that I'm not a native speaker and this is not a Nahuatl course.
I'll be glad to get your corrections.
Today I want to wish you a happy and awesome new year with your family, your friends, your partner...
...or partners...
Or... or by yourselves, why not?
What did you do on Christmas? And what about the 31st?
On Christmas I went with my family to Tepoztlán, a small, beautiful town...
We went up this mountain called "Tepozteco". It has a pyramid on the top...
By the way, in Tepoztlán and around, Nahuatl is still spoken a little.
And tomorrow, the 31st, I'll go to my grandma's, not very far from where I live. By subway I'll get there very quickly.
And on Sunday I won't do anything... NOTHING at all.
In 2017 I want to do lots of things.
I want to learn more Russian, more Japanese, I want to keep doing these videos...
I want to go to Germany (or "Teutotitlan" :P), to visit a friend... and... many other things.
What about you? What do you want to do?
Thank you for listening, make sure you subscribe, and...
I'll see you in two weeks.
*Japanese* See ya!
For more infomation >> Mah kuali yankuik xiuitl! (¡Feliz año nuevo!) - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
I met AAmillers - Duration: 0:09.
Wow angel: Be cool when you meet Dave
Hazel: Jesus I'm fine relax
Ambamby: Hey I'm dave
Hazel: FACE
BLACK SEA || Joon Jae + Shim Chung - Duration: 2:58.
You said that you wanted to hear my voice.
They will meet again.
What is 'love'?
Love is actually something quite dangerous.
If you love someone...that means you surrender.
I love you.
Who was that?
I will go back to the sea now.
I'm sorry.
I came too late.
Protect that woman.
Who are you?
Heo Joon Jae!
My secret is...
I am a mermaid.
No matter what you say, I'll stay by you without giving up.
Die! And never be born again!
Heo Joon Jae! I'm scared.
Drama: The legend of the blue sea
😱 220K+ (28.83x) WORLD RECORD GIANT Human/Harambe/Zombie | Braains.io - Duration: 16:03.
Braains.io World Record Giant Human Zombie
Compare Loom & Leaf
Experiment: Fire vs.Candy C...
Saab 9-3 Cabrio 2.0 S 131pk YOUNGTIMER, Leder+stoelverwarmi - Duration: 1:34.
La Beauté (From Baudelaire Songs) by Jeff Myers - Duration: 6:46.
QuikUpload///2v1 (sound lost :| ) - Duration: 12:44.
Sorry there was no mic sound, ninjas
Ocam updated and I didn't know
sooo it ended up not recording the mic audio
Check Out We Love You
Fantastic Beasts Movie
Renault Master 2.3D 125Pk L2H2 Airco | Cruise - Duration: 1:22.
La Beauté (From Baudelaire Songs) by Jeff Myers - Duration: 6:46.
Je suis belle, ô mortels! comme un rêve de pierre, [I am fair, O mortals! like a dream carved in stone,]
Et mon sein, [And my breast]
où chacun s'est meurtri tour à tour, [where each one in turn has bruised himself]
Est fait pour inspirer au poète un amour [Is made to inspire in the poet a love]
Eternel et muet ainsi que la matière. [As eternal and silent as matter.]
Je trône dans l'azur comme un sphinx incompris; [On a throne in the sky, a mysterious sphinx,]
J'unis un coeur de neige à la blancheur des cygnes; [I join a heart of snow to the whiteness of swans;]
Je hais le mouvement qui déplace les lignes, [I hate movement for it displaces lines,]
Et jamais je ne pleure et jamais je ne ris. [And never do I weep and never do I laugh.]
Les poètes, devant mes grandes attitudes, [Poets, before my grandiose poses,]
Que j'ai l'air d'emprunter aux plus fiers monuments, [Which I seem to assume from the proudest statues,]
Consumeront leurs jours en d'austères études; [Will consume their lives in austere study;]
Car j'ai, pour fasciner ces dociles amants, [For I have, to enchant those submissive lovers,]
De purs miroirs qui font toutes choses plus belles: [Pure mirrors that make all things more beautiful:]
Mes yeux, mes larges yeux aux clartés éternelles! [My eyes, my large, wide eyes of eternal brightness!]
Mistero adventure - ADAM KADMON DICE COSì - Duration: 0:15.
Sassy Isaac with Aeoni! || The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth multiplayer (FIN) - Duration: 39:00.
Isaac is a game that I don't play alone anymore at all
So here is my friend to play with:
- Just like a kids' show
- Well that went well
- Okay
- New run
- And
- Are we going with Isaac or..? - We'll...
- ...play
- But we have to think too much with Isaac because he has the die
- Yeah! And when I don't know half of the items
- So then it's like "Yeah yeah yeah this is a good one"
- Let's go with... -Let's take Yummy
- What Yummy?!
- It's
- Yummy
- Let's pick hard
- Yeah. Hard hard, we're no whimps!
- Can we put the volume on?
- It would've made a mood of like
- really like awkward silence you know
- Yeah like "Let's just playyy" *in a creepy voice* - "Now we'll.... Play"
- Okay, which character do you want?
- What's its face I'll be this one
- It's a troll
- Do you have any idea what a troll could do?
- Troll bombs..
- Yeah! - I don't necessarily want to be that...
- I mean you CAN take it if you... - I want my angel!
- There was a laser dude
- I don't want a laser - Well then you're not taking the laser...
- I want to be the chubby man
- Okay okay
-We'll go here
- Noooo
- Are you sure?
- We don't have... Well go for it
- I'll trust you - Yay!
- Look!
- Not bad not bad...
- Ew ew EWW what are those?
- I was wondering if the TV is too loud?
- Is it?
- I don't know...
- Did you notice when I...
- If you compare
- the volume of the game and of our voices
- Yes
- So what is the answer??
- It's too loud
- That's what I thought
- Can we be heard now?
- Oh good lord...
- There was a fart left from me when I died
- Good for you
- Oh yeah now I can't be that anymore :(
- At least don't choose the derp one
- What? This? - Exactly
- Why not? - Well try!
- Yeah!
- ARE YOU A WIZARD HARRY That's what I thought
- This is a tough decision you know?
- What am I? - You're a soldier!
- I have a cute hotdog hat!
- ...Hotdog hat? - Doesn't it look like a hotdog?
- No?
- Laaseeer!
- It has a really bad damage though
- Is that like a normal laser that'll replace my tears
- or is that...
- ...like you'll shoot tears and laser - Yeah
- Let's try - Let's try?? XD
- Let's try XD
- Ah! See? Yess - I mean... Yeah, yeah...
- It's the best one though where the laser will come out of your forehead
- Is there one like that too?
- Yeah and then you can shoot with like, both
- eyes
- There's laser coming out of my forehead and I can shoot laser with both of my eyes
- Aino 2016
- Whhaat
- Great, great!
- Why are these on f-
- Yeah I was just wondering if you're familiar with these being on fire?
- No, no I'm not
- Oh I lost my soldier because I panicked and went away...
- Ooh noo
- Was that smart? - Now I'm a drooling person
- So an Aino?
- There's some chocolate coming out of his... I hope it's chocolate
- What?
- Chocolate
- You mean? Yeah!
- I was like... What?!
- Look!
- Yes!
- What was the point in that?
- Look! Breaking rocks...
- Breaking rocks! There might be trapdoors
- Yeah right sure yes mmhmm...
- Don't you trust? - No!
- How often have you actually gotten a trapdoor out of that?
- Or anything else that would be useful?
- Not even once if you never break them!
- But if you try to break them there could be!
- Yeah sure, totally worth it..
- We should've just gone for the button...
- Would the bombs have gone away if you went for the button?
- They probably would've transformed into something else
- What are these dogs talking about?
- EWW - Omg what are you?
- Is that my tongue?
- Are these the ones I can move?
- Yyeah?
- Move it away so I can get to the button
- Can I explode it?
- Of course not!
- It's too dangerous
- Well maybe later
- Wait wait wait... I'll be here
- Yes?
- I broke rocks so there could've been those trapdoors of yours
- And that's why I accepted your request
- Yeah right, that's why
- Ready?
- Good!
- Safe and familiar...
- ... famine!
- I told you I'm not ready for this! - Great job
- Great job Aino
~Get destroyed, get destroyed~
~Get - destrooooyed~
- I'm not in ~da zone~ yet, you know?
- We don't have any damage
- And soon we won't have sany... sany?? (soon+any)
- What am I? WHAT AM-
- WHAT AM I??? - You're the statue of Liberty!!
- The statue of liberty
- Does the statue of liberty look like THAT to you???
- It looks exactly like that
- It's green and it has spikes on its head
- I have... NO
- I look more like some sort of a vegetable
- Well you look... You look nothing like a vegetable!!!
- Or like a sea creature
- Sea creature is closer, so it's a:
- Statue of liberty fallen into the sea
- Pixelated and crying- as well as a lasering one too
- Well yeah but everything in this game is pixelated and crying
- True, true
- A ball! How useless! - Give it to me
- WHY? - But you're a knight now
- But I'm... Not a statue of liberty that fell into the sea anymore...
- Where are you going? - The knight is better
- To get health - Right
- Because you wasted all our health
- Me? ME??
- Here will be a flashback of you wasting all our health!!
- Damn!
- I didn't really mean it...
- Okay okay basement 2
- There is still hope!
- No there's not, all hope is lost
- Okay
- It's good that you just accepted it like... "Okay"
- "There is no other answer"
- There is no more hope
- Fact accepted - EWW what is this room???
- It's like a.... Slim version
- Did that thing just go to being... Not black
- Whaat?
- It just looked like... That monster that was chasing you
- That it wouldn't have been black
- Can it just change color like *snap snap snap*
- Or did it take damage like just at that moment so it would.. I don't know let's continue
- Now let's hope for something good
- YAAY what is it? - I don't know
- Pis-ces
- What was that again? - It's "kalat" (in Finnish)
- Y-yeah but I mean...
- I thought that's what you wanted to know!
- They look so nice when they--- OUUHHH
- Oh! Knockback! That was the thing it does!
- Look at it being trapped to the wall like:
- Hey look I'm checkered!
- You do have a nice...
- ...pattern on your skin - a salmiakki pattern!
- And on my hair!
- Look!
- Of course!
- It would be way too normal to just have it on your skin
- Yeah!
- It's so much fun trying to get these flies on these rocks...
- Can I go here?
- It doesn't really help much
- I'll move it...
- Look how it just can't get to us...
- And so he tries...
- But there's no way he can get here..
- WHY are you trying to go there, we're not there anymore!
- It thought that we'd be there... - Embarrassing!
- I miss more like mom or mom's heart...
- Aino misses her mom
- Sure!
- Luck up.. Is this? - Yaaay
- I wanted it... But now...
- ..I'm not... - You always throw away the-
- Okay?
- Frog :3
- I'm CUTE
- Yeaaah, um, want to go to the shop?
- No
- To the shooooop
- Okei :|
- Well you know how the other ones explode and the other ones shoot
- well that does both of them
- Wha?
- So it will shoot tears AND explode
- Oh when it... Well wasn't that intense
- I thought that it would... - It's not bad
- It just looks new
- This is so awful though
- I want damage
- Woah! - Take care of it, buddy
- Well done
- But there's no way you can do this...
- Yes there is
- Noo
- Come play it yourself
- Next time we'll get a room like this you'll play it through!
- I'm not gonna sacrifice myself for nothing - Without taking damage!
- Take care of it, buddy!
- This is easier
- See they gave you a heart in case you would've taken damage
- CAREFUL - Waaaa~
- It just came!
- I don't like this laser
- Me neither, whose idea was it to take a laser?
- Yours
- Oh, MY idea?
- Flashback: "Should we take the laser?"
"Let's try it"
- I'm afraid to say anything anymore... - No no!
- There we go
- Frog was better though
- Yeah it was
- And and and the statue of liberty
- I'll come to help you because you couldn't kill it
- Why THANK YOU - You're welcome
- Let's go to the shop - No
- why not? - Let's go
- Was it worth it? No, let's go away. - It was! PHD!
- Ok..
- We'll hear, we'll hear the sexy man!
- Right, yeah...
- Did you just use it?
- Yeah. Here I am
- It didn't say it
- Because you couldn't have used it to some boss
- But you do know that when you get a new pill
- you can use it so you can
- FIND OUT WHAT IT IS when it says "power pill" on the screen
- Yeaah but you do know Aino, you do know...
- It will be my excuse from now on if I do something wrong
- Oh that "You do know"
- You do know! - YOU do know XD
- Look at that there's a red chest!!
- We have plenty of keys...
- Four?
- Whatever
- Your lives
- Wohoo and now also YOUR lives!
- I'm not gonna take them yet
- You're not?
- Well I can, I'll lose my spider th-
- You got your knight back
- See? It was a good decision!
- You do know
- You can try telling that to yourself
- "That was a good decision"
- No it wasn't
- Well isn't this good- AAA
- It was so close!
- Too close - Woah!
- It went hiding behind the mushroom, how intelligent!
- Or you were just standing behind the mushroom
- thinking that you can damage it... - no it did go! It did!
- You do know
- ...Of course I would know
- Oh how harsh
- Harsh pals
- what is that item thing of ours?
- What item thing? - That white blob in the corner
- I've been wondering about it for a while - Well it has something to do with spiders
- Gasp! Sexy man!
- We don't have to since we know what it is
- That's why I did it the last time because you were anticipating the voice
- And I- Actually...
- I thought that...
- ...we won't get damaged anyway...
-...so I can already explode it
- Didn't quite work...
- Whohohoops!
- We didn't want those soul hearts...
- Oh my-
- What am I? - What are you?
- You have one fly
- I have like wings I'd assume
- or are they ears - Yeah they look like wings
- but they could be ears or horns
- But why would it have a helmet... - In any case that blue thing is glass
- Why would it have a helmet with horns... or wings?
- Why would you be that color
- ..and there's a ball of bandages spinning around you... - Oh c'mon
- What is it? - It's ugly
- Nah this has been... Has it?
- No.. - Well that depends on whether you've seen it before or not
- I'm not sure. It reminds me of things...
- Oh?
- I can't really say what... - You've encountered it in your rough childhood
-Eww... My childhood wasn't THAT bad
-Nice how this lags so you can dodge them easily - Now.. Yeaaah
- ...or at least one of us can
- I couldn't see anything from behind you!
- Is this supposed to be so...
- Sometimes fast sometimes slow or is this lagging
- Both
- It's meant to be sometimes slow sometimes fast AND it's lagging
- If we'll die we'll be extremely pathetic
- We'll be happy if we die because we can try again... - No... No!
- We'll be sad
- and we won't know what we'll do with our lives
- because we're.. Bad
- I btw watched "Finding Dory" the other day
- You did? I was supposed to watch that
- It's... Cute
- nostalgic, but completely useless
- That's what I thought - No, I mean
- why did they have to continue it?
- Let me guess, so like
- In Finding Nemo, it was a funny joke that Dory has a bad memory
- so they made a whole movie about it
- Yes
- Hey, I want to watch that...
- Beauty and the beast movie when it.. comes to existence
- Yeah, I was about to watch it a couple days ago but I didn't
- Then I watched that, what is it, Sausage party
- Don't watch it - Yeah I know...
- Do NOT watch it
- And I even watched it with Leevi (her brother)
- Oh my god
- It got us to think like... What even is life
- I haven't gone to the movies in a long time even though I should have
- Yeah because you haven't had me
- You never go to the movies with me anyway
- I don't? - No you don't
- I DON'T??? D: - Everytime I ask you
- you've already seen it with someone else
- You're so slow...
- What is that??
- It's happy - It's quite the cute little buddy!!
- It coughs - EW!
- It coughs things like this
- But a fly just didn't come out
- Oh I forgot that we had...
- This camera... I can't see our item from behind it!!
- Oh, I never see the bosses' health
- Isn't it on the top though...
- No, it's at the bottom
- I don't know what it is
- Well it looks like an angel so it HAS to be good
- Hey, it's shooting too!
- Oh that friend of yours?
- Yeah, MY friend!
- Is that a better friend than I am?
- Well maybe a little, depends
- Did you see I killed it, can your friend do that??
- ....That sounded like I wouldn't be your friend
- Yes it did XD
- But I tried so hard...
- You are my friend, Aino
- Good
- You're not mine
- That face of your character represents how I feel about this laser
- This looks a bit like a creeper
- Yyyeah, yeah
- I haven't played minecraft in a loong time - Me neither!
- Next we'll make a minecraft let's play
- We'll go to some jonne server to survive (jonne = troll kids who drink too much energy drinks)
- Just like we used to
- I mean... May 1st, easter
- We just... - Wasn't it May 1st?
- AND easter
- AND easter?? - Yess
- That was one of the first times - When others...
- When others went to high school partieshhh
- high school partieSHHH
- To high school parties
- We were playing minecraft...
- Alone at my place
- All those great events and we were just...
- Yeah we spent together playing minecraft!
- Thank you
- I am cool! - Ooh myy good
- Wh-what happened?
- Now there's a creepy thing going on...
- Take care of it
- Yeah
- It got stuck
- Funny
- You had.......
- .....oops
- There! What were you about to say????
- Let's hear it!!
- Nothing, forget about it!
- Why have we... - Why haven't you opened that box?
- Well you haven't said anything about it
- I waited for you to notice it
- It was a test that you just failed
- They are so ADORABLE!
- Aah now it's not cute anymore, go away, shush!
- I would recommend you go here
- And to take... Not take damage
- And
- Okay: Go here
- Do not take damage
- It's like:
- Exactly...
- Have a fly :)
- I'm now deeply...
- You take these flies there
- Fly war!!
- Now it's beginning to...
- ...worry me
- Isn't it shooting at all?
- What?
- This blob, isn't usually making those...
- This is a...
- ...fly version, it's darker
- If you'll stop shooting you'll notice
- Aah!
- I had to use my chance
- Oh yeah I can't get the coin, I was trying so hard!
- Awesome health, you're hiding a coin there
- where are we going?
- I don't know - Depths 1
- He got a gift! - There's a wig!
- I'm Maggie!
- No, I'll laugh at you
- These toilets are so much fun
- ...toilets?
- Just look at it, it looks exactly like a- oh now the toilet broke down...
- I mean that in that stage before the bone..
- Sounds so good...
- Are these faster than usual or...
-...am I just dying
- No but every time you hit them
- Or every time they take damage
- they'll shoot a little faster
- But because we have so little damage
- So they'll take it all the time and so they'll go all:
- I didn't understand but let's continue
- No!
- Don't you trust me? - I noticed
- what you were trying to do
- Don't you trust... - I believe that you can get there
- maybe in one piece
- but you'll take damage on the way back
- and lose the heart and it was all not nothing
- We have 21 bombs and 44 coins
- how do we have this much...
- Why haven't we gone to any shops??
- I have said in every floor that we should go to-
- No you haven't!!
- we've went only once when you said we should go
- and then we went
- and we bought those pills of yours
- and you used it
- I don't remember its name but it made:
- We went to the shop the last time - No we didn't!
- when I said but there was creed
- Oh... That's true - Yeah!
- ...I forgot
- And in the first floor we didn't go when you said we shouldn't
- Oops
- I was just like... Yeah we're just beating the boss here no problem
And then the room to the bossroom is there
- and I'm like is this XL (has 2 bosses)
- and I'm like wait a minute...
- it was just a normal room with a boss
- Was that a normal room?? - It was a normal room!!
- What's that score??
- Well I mean...
- It's a thing for some lame people - It's going down! D:
- Yeah it goes down the more time we take - I don't like it I feel nervous
- Do we have to get some points? - No! It doesn't...
- ..matter anything - Why won't we want points?!
- It compares us to other Isaac players so...
- ...it has no effect on our game - Yes it does!
- We are the best
- Yes
- But we know this already
- we don't need points for that
- Die!
- Not you! Not you!
- I'm a pirate! - Pirateee
- Ho! I mean no, that was more like...
- Santa Claus
- Aino: I'm a pirate!
- Arr arr arr merry Christmas to everyone!
- Would you look at that! Another laser!
- Let's just take it we have nothing to...
- That's what we needed. Laser tears!
- We have now...
- One long laser
- and another laser
- that is a laser
- and it blinks
is laser
- And we were like: "Yes!"
"The first laser still allows us to cry"
- And now we lost it
- Now we're not crying in-game
- We're crying in real life
- Except for my friend, he/she is crying
- Yes I am
- We're not going there - This is no good..
- Why are we going- Go away from there!
- because there's a shop here! - AAAAAAAAAA
- I don't want... I want a soul
- What? yeah, but
- I don't want to lose- - "a soul" XD
- You want a soul? XD
- What are you?
- Soul-less
- I want a soul heart - But you don't want to lose
- Your pirate
- But there's a chance of me getting something cuter
- There's a chance you'll become Santa and you can finally say arr
- What are you?
- But I liked my... - Hey!
- ...the one that I had before more what is that
- It's a wrestler just like in Just Dance
- Well indeed!
- How do you get a wrestler out of it?
- Well just look at it! - It looks like a bird!
- It's clearly a wrestler
- There we go, case closed
- It's a bird
- Can you see its beak?
- Where is its beak? - Can you see its wings?
- I can't see its beak, I can't see its wings!
- Those on the sides are its wings!
- They are your friend's wings
- They're wings
- That black hole in my face is my beak
- My eyes are my eyes
- It's a bird
- Good LORD
- You know, like a bird
- I certainly don't know any birds like that
- It's a diarrhea! - EWWWWWWW
- Don't worry it'll become a bit more normal...
- Bombieee
- Bombie?
- You know like a hairband (in Finnish it makes sense)
- Noo but like a bomb bombie
- "Bomb bombie"
- Oh! - Look at that!
- We have so many hearts!
- Yes we do!
- Maybe we should waste some?
- Oh would you look where we ended up to
- completely new place we totally haven't just been here
- Getting annoyed much?
- A little bit
- I can see that
- I've been since we got our first laser
- We've been doing kinda...
- Let's take it!
- We are now one third of a Guppy
- Yeaah and you'll totally like how when we die we'll still have a chance to continue
- I lost my demon baby... - Not if we continue like this
- I am cute!!
- Why do you even get sad about losing a character
- Because the next one will always be... - Because I can never know if the next one
- will be as cute but it always is!
- What was that? - It's a spider skeleton hand
- I'm disgusted.. A lot
- Oh there was only one of them!
- Can there be more?
- There's usually a lot of them
- I don't think I've ever encountered just one
- What did you take?
- Map? - Yeah!
- Didn't we already have the compass?
- I thought we did
- But...
- I can't see it
- Did we have a compass? - I think we did?
- Or was the previous run?
- maybe it was the previous run because I can't see a compass
- It'll be mom btw
- Huh?
- Mom
- What a great Isaac
- No we're not
- You have the wrong person, ma'am!
- I'm not.... Him
- Oh good lady we are not your son
- Don't kill us
- Please
- I'm sorry ma'am I don't know where your son has gone to....
- He jumped into a hole and hasn't returned
- EWW I'm disgusting
- I died
- Ooo I'm a cardboard head!
(= a way to say stupid in Finnish)
- Yes indeed you are!
- Nno!
- There's something that we can agree on!
- I died again!
Should I get back anymore?
- Well I mean... - No
- Take care of it
- Are we taking Isaac or that... - It couldn't handle the anime refrences
- so it died! - There's a marked stone!
- Lost speaking in the attic
- Maybe it was...
- "The voice from above" - That.. Yess
- We've gotten so far!
- With our build you would expect that we would've been dead sooner
- Yeah but we're so good... - *loud coughing of disapproval*
- But if we have a bad build
- then we really have to be good ourselves
- in order to get anywhere - We've just been lucky
- We indeed did NOT have luck
- so we didn't get any items - Don't pick it up
- you'll die anyway
- I didn't die
- You didn't die
- Seems we ARE lucky after all
- This was a completely useless place
- Why did you come here??
- What was the point in that??!
- Well because there could've been... - Be careful poop
- Yeah yeaah...
- Ew ew I don't like I don't like I don't like
- Why are you going there.... - Because there can be!
- What can there be?!
- If there is a dead end
- It means there can always be the boss - No
- There is not because...
- There always can be...
- You have a small face
- Brains...
- ...my worst enemy!
- They're not brains
- But they could be...
- Aren't brains like that too?
- Organs?
- I mean...
- Brains are also an organ but
- those were
- the digestive system
- Ew what are those?
- They're holes
- Can I get killed by them?
- Most likely
- Me??
- Most likely
- Okay
- Stay... - There's so many of them...
- There are... I'm distressed - There are so many of them...
- I died
- Did they all die?
- Yeah
- How fast!
- What is here...
- OMG - I am- !
- Oh my god~
- I can't die ever again never
~So fabulous~
- You're a pink unicorn in a red womb
- Good otherwise but leave the end out
- This is Isaac after all!
- Yeah like there can't...
- ...there can't be like a...
- There can't be fun. - ...one small happy moment
- Is this like a Loki war now huh?
- Huh? Huh? - Yeah! Huh??
- Loki war!
- Now take them both there yeah
- THAT WAS CHEAT- Hey I lost my...
- ...unicorn :(
- Did you find your soul animal now??
- Yes.
- You happy now?
- ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? - Yessss~
- Speed and damage speed and damage...
- We could say...
- ...that I do look a bit cuter than you though
- Well I mean...
- Do we need anything else?
- No let's go
- Okay okay let's go get it let's go get it
- Eternal heart
- "Of course we'll go get it so get moving then!"
- It wasn't that hard
- This is taking SO long...
- Utero - Utero two
- Well isn't that nice
- It'll be in the very furthest corner there
- We'll go there then
- Yes
- There's a marked stone
- Where?
- There
- Let's put a bomb
- Oh it will-- No, not you
- You're not gonna spawn any bombs!
- NO!!
- NO!!!!
- Did you lose our soul heart?
- Well why didn't you take it
- Because I like my derp
- You like all of them
- ...Literally
- You're really fitting this place
- Blob of meat! - Absolutely not
- Now it's fabulous
~So fabulous~
- Now we're really matching
- Especially now, think about it:
- Why do you have a problem with your character dying
- because most likely you'll get a nice one
- and if you won't, you can take a new one!
- I like all of them, but I mean...
- Because I get attached to them...
- I don't want it to change!
- It just... Comes from the middle
- I was expecting it to go around the poop
- But the poop got destroyed
- I might have destroyed it myself...
- You might have
- Mario death noise
- Oh my god~
- Look who said that the boss would be here
- I didn't deny it
- You said that maybe in the furtherst farthest most far away corner would...
- Okay now the heart
- Yeah that there won't be any blah blah blah...
- Not now when we're supposed to fight
- I'm fighting real hard at the same time...
- I'm a corgi!
- Corgeous... Gorgius?
- No! I went to panic mode because I took damage...
- I died
- Oh no... How much health do we have?
- Two
- I've wasted all of them
- Just for your safety I won't get back now
- And so we would have at least a chance
- to get to cathedral
- But what would we do in the cathedral?
- We'll die!
- It's much better to die there than to die here
- Nnoo! - You can do this!
- Take the hearts and let's try again - Yess absolutely
- At least it... - I'm not even there
- Well come then - I will
- I'm a strange man
- I'm really funny
- Wonderman! "Ihmemies" (literal translating)
- I, um...
- It makes no difference really whether I'm here or not
- It makes like nno difference whether you're even here or not~
- It's better actually if you are there
- so we'll get this destroyed faster
- IF we'll even get it
- I'm trying really hard to hang out here with you
- Did we?! - High five!!
- ...We're happy about being dead
"Dear diary"
"Today.. I died"
"I was killed by this thing"
"In some warm place"
"I leave all that I own to my cat Guppy"
"Item item item item item item"
"Cool stuff!"
"Item item item"
"Goodbye cruel world!"
- What time is it?
- Umm
- Half past midnight
- What?!
- Last time I looked at the time it was like...
- half past nine
- Yeah
- Whoops
- Well, that was it then
- Bye bye!!
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