Friday, December 30, 2016

Youtube daily report Dec 30 2016

Hey ! I hope you're fine

Today i'm back for a new video

I'm scared to do that

I want to do a challenge

This is the no mirror makeup challenge

I think this is something like that

I have to makeup myself...

Without any mirror.

I can't wait ! (this is a joke ha ha)

I'm still seek, so i'm sorry for this voice

aah, i like this face

I look like an egg

So the camera is hidden

So i haven't any mirror

That's stressfull, that's horrible !

Why am I doing that ?

So the foundation, that's easy

the face is going to be easy (i was wrong at this moment)

I swear this is so stressfull

So i'm going to continue with concealer

I'm so scared, i swear this is veryyyy stressfull

I don't know how I can do that

I'm already scared of how this is going to be

I don't know what i'm doing

Why did i do that ?

I think this going to be a mess

So i'm going to use my beauty blender

Even if it's not a beauty blender, my sponge maybe

I'm going to blend this out becaus i think

this is not very beautiful

I'm going to put some

Concealer here

In fact, i don't feel the stuff, the matter on my brush

I don't know if there are some stuff on the brush or not, i don't feel it

I'm going to put bronzer on my face, this will be ugly i guess, i'm going to put so much matter

oh damn there's a mirror here, i promise i'm not looking in it

I'm going to apply powder

It's okay, no problem with the powder

I don't know how i'm looking, that's horrible !

I'm going to apply this blush

I'm gonna do eyebrows

I don't know what this is going to be

Let's brush them with this... thing

I don't take this usually

Tell me if they are brushed, you can laugh

I think I will laugh a lot editing this video (and that's true)

What am I doing..?

I promise i care, i focus

I'm going to put eye-shadow, or this will not be fun

I'm going to use this colour in this palette

The "Love in Paris" from Nyx

I'm going to put this one

in the middle of my eyelid

I think i'm going to take this colour

I didn't take too dark

But i'm even scared

Let's breathe

Aaaah that's horrible

I'm going to apply this marroon

in the mucous membrane, in the undereye

in fact i don't feel propotions

and sizes on my face

What am i doing ?

I could do something easy

but that's less funny

I'm going to put some pencil in my eye mucous membrane

That's not funny if not

I think i put that everywhere

that's THE moment I fear the most

But i even want to do it

Because this is funny

don't you agree ?


Maybe this is acceptable

And I think you all are laughing right now

Let's imagine this is acceptable

THIS will ruin my face

Maybe i could go outside

If I have to go outside, maybe I could

But no !

Shit i'm scared

Let's do this

Let's begin with the eyelid

I have already made a screw-up

I have made plenty of screws-up

I don't care, I think it's okay

Look at this : enjoy

You only can see that

Actuallly, i don't know what is on my eyes

Maybe this is beautiful, i don't think so (The other eye will be worst)

This is beautiful at 0,1% of luck

Let's do the other eye. Of course that's better

i do that badly

I put some under the eye

I forgot the highlighter

I'm going to apply some on my cheek

i do this with the finger, i'm lazy

I'm going to put some mascara

Why do i do that ? (thinking about my life XD)

I'm effraid to burst my eye

I guess this is very ridiculous

extremely ridiculous

I feel i put some in the corner

I see you laughing

Shit what am I doing ?

Oh I put some beside

I hope I will not sneeze

I believe i put some everywhere

Do we stop here or...?

No, let's apply some lipstick.

Even this is not funny. I'm going to put some pencil

I'm going to put some pencil

That's a symbol, i just let it fall

That's a symbol, I will fail evreything

Now i will really look badly

I'm going to put some pencil on my lips

Is it a joke ?

I exceed (exceed is not enough as a word)

So that's how this look

That's not finish of course

Let's continue

With mat liquid lipstick

Have I some on teeth ?

I put lipstick everywhere

So that's the end

Please not share this video.

Be nice !

I'm ashamed at the moment

I took my mirror but I didn't see my face

I'm extremely scared

I can't see myself because i am sure this is disaster

Oh my god

Eyebrows !

Well done I have lipstick right here

No problem

Honestly, I find this quite original

I do a makeup

a little bit stylish

I like the double liner

I have level

The Lips...

Can we talk about this ?

That's ridiculous

Kiss kisss

This eye

There is a little dash

Eye liner : No.

I don't get it but maybe i can correct it

But here that's not possible

Can we talk about eyebrows ?

Please I can't believe it

I overflow 1 cm above the eyebrow

There are holes every where

Can we talk about this... bar ?

That's small and here huge

What happened in my head ?

That's worse in the reality

That's a disaster

The concealer start here...

1 cm under the eye

We can see it here

The concealer stops here

And I put brown here

Look at this

That's amazing

I love it

I don't know what to say

In spite of this horror you are seeing

I hope you enjoy this video

I don't know what happened

during the makeup

I guess i will laugh a lot to editing

So, see you later

You can follow me on my socials networks

On snapchat I talk about everything

That's the social network where I am the most close

On instagram

I like to post photos

I try to do it regularly

If you liked this video you can like

This was my stomach...

You can also suscribe

And click on the little bell

So see you soon


For more infomation >> No mirror makeup - Léonie rsv - Duration: 10:42.


Fantastic Beasts Movie

For more infomation >> Fantastic Beasts Movie


Love DJ Khaled?

For more infomation >> Love DJ Khaled?


Best And Funny Cartoons For Kids 2016 Kunal Jagwani - Duration: 7:26.

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Also Watch Previous Video !!

For more infomation >> Best And Funny Cartoons For Kids 2016 Kunal Jagwani - Duration: 7:26.


Insane Body Transformation | 20Weeks with Freeletics | 4K - Duration: 5:21.

Hello friends, about 5 months ago I started my body transformation!

And today, on 23.12.2016, it is finally finished

And now you see the result, have fun !

I at 14 years :D

10 years later

2014 Engineering studies: not much time and no motivation for the workout

2015 bad muscle injury between chest and shoulder: -> one year without training -> I've lost all my form

2016 start of my YouTube Chanels

2016: begin my body transformation with freeletics

I would be very happy if you leave a comment under the video and tell me how you think about my body transformation

If you liked the video, then leave a thumbs up!

Subscribe to my channel, I would be very happy!

Good bye!

For more infomation >> Insane Body Transformation | 20Weeks with Freeletics | 4K - Duration: 5:21.


【MUKBANG】 20 Kinds Of Traditional Sweets For The New Year ! So Cute !! [CC Available] |Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 6:10.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (Change font size color and transparency via options menu)

New Years is just around the corner and when we're talking about New Years there's always 'Osechi' (traditional new years foods)

but instead today...... Today....

Today!!! tadaa I've got these Japanesy Osechi treats don't they look so nice?

they're so KAWAII wait they're not really 'Osechi-like' at all

well whatev's they're very Japanese like and thats what matters

These are made by 'Funabashi-ya' and I got them online Through Rakuten


what do, what do.... which should I start with?

there's so much to choose from I can't decide on which to pick

ahh this one looks good. its not 2017 just yet but....

tadaa a bird! the year of the bird is coming up

I think its made with Koshian (smooth bean paste)

its made of white bean paste and then formed into shape

each one of these is labelled this guy is ?New year?

its made with the 'Kohaku' colors (red/white) and its so very New Years appropriate

and this is made of sweet bean oh this has a chestnut-like flavor

this is a baked treat

its like a 'manju' (sweet bun) its filled with white sweet bean inside

oh check it out Y'all its Mochi.... its Mochi!! a swan made with mochi

soft..... soft mochi?

there's white bean paste in the middle

this is a traditional drawing of a bird its got sweet bean paste in it


there are 20 pieces in total here ..... I tell you guys now that its a bit late,,,

and this is made with my fav.... soft mochi

made of sweet bean paste and softened mochi

they even made this by encapsulating it in gelatin

here's a house an old style traditional house


snow... wait we don't have any snow yet....this year...

I think we had a snowfall at the beginning of the year (month) well... January and February are the colder months

most of these are made by forming white bean paste into Kawaii shapes

white camelia flower its so beautiful

these are too nice to eat

... but I just wolf it down like this

red snapper do you guys see this? if you squint hard enough it looks like a fish

since these treats are so sweet its nice to give your mouth a break by drinking some green tea

wooden racket (badminton-like racket)

these are all new years themed afterall (a game played @new years with those rackets)

its a ?chestnut flower? looks just like a flower its so KAWAII

yup tastes delish

Japanese style treats are the best. and they go perfectly with Green tea

Guys! how has 2016 been for you all? lately every time I meet people our parting words are

"Have a nice Year" and its like.... ~oh yeah.... the end of the year is almost here~

yup.... yep... that was my story for the day.

a plum blossom these Japanese treat makers are amazing don't ya think?

this is a 'Nanten' I think the red thing right here is the Nanten

OOOHHHH KAWAIIII this is a mitten! its blue and pink its so nicely made

we're eating bean paste afterall.... your mouth gets so dry eating all these I need to drink so much green tea


tadaa last up a camelia check it out look at how well made this is

from edge to edge its well made without leaving out the tiniest of detail

THIS!!! is true Japanese craftmanship .....who am I?? what am I? what character am I imitating? LOL

final one itadakimasu

all done these 20 treats were so delish

it might be my first time eating so much of these particular things in one sitting

well as far as numbers go it isn't the most I've eaten in one sitting but ....

they were all made so well and so many different designs it just takes your breath away

it just goes to show how much potential bean paste has to be crafted into any design you can think of

you can give it any color you want and shape it into any shape you desire..

I'm blown away by these Japanese treats everyone will you be sitting down to eat Osechi on New Years?

these Japanese style treats are also very wonderful to have Foreign treats are delish, Japanese treats are delish as well

everyone won't you give these a try? and as always thanks for watching and if you liked

this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

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