Before you go somewhere far away I kept thinking about
The things I didn't say And as we spend time
Laughing together My chest still feels the same
Sometimes the hardest thing is a goodbye, but if you don't let your voice out you will
feel terrified, of the denial of you rejecting yourself, can't fear the unknown that's how
you better yourself, but if you ain't got no words to say then the moment will fade,
and you will see another day, then you will be up and smiling again, even if it takes
a while and it feels like it will never end
I never wanted to try to leave you behind, In the night a spring breeze gently blows
right by, I really want to tell you everything
But sometimes it's impossible to say
So instead we say bye I'll see you another day,
I begin making my way home walking beneath the trees
Then it dawned on me suddenly
All the petals fluttered down Dancing all across the ground
They slipped through all the cracks, That are in my heart
I felt like having a heart attack
Even if my heart is breaking down I won't try to make a sound
I will lift my head And start to try to smile again
Nobody is strong But we keep moving on
Time to walk towards the closed door, a new chapter is coming we moving to another floor,
up or down we moving to a new beginning, that mean you got to have at least two or three
ending, but it's an adventure and the funs about to start, we already changed and put
ourselves up on the chart, it's been a long time coming and we got the freedom to speech,
lets finish this off by using the bleach
So instead we say bye I'll see you another day,
I begin making my way home walking beneath the trees
Then it dawned on me suddenly
All the petals fluttered down Dancing all across the ground
They slipped through all the cracks, That are in my heart
I felt like having a heart attack
Even if my heart is breaking down I won't try to make a sound
I will lift my head And start to try to smile again
Nobody is strong But we keep moving on
For more infomation >> HARUKAZE - Bleach Opening 15 English Cover (Rap Cover) P Egoist - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Journey To Italy 1954 HD - Ingrid Bergman, George Sanders, Maria Mauban Movie - Duration: 1:25:41.
## [Man Singing In Neapolitan]
## [Ends]
[Train Whistle Blowing]
Where are we?
Oh, I don't know exactly.
- How far is it to Naples? - About a hundred kilometers, I think.
Do you mind if I drive?
I'm afraid I'll fall asleep otherwise.
All right. Fine. If you wish.
[Horn Honking]
Did you see that?
It's incredible the way some people drive here.
Like madmen. They should amuse you.
What noisy people.
I've never seen noise and boredom go so well together.
Oh, I don't know. Uncle Homer lived here...
for 40 years without getting bored.
Uncle Homer was not a normal person.
I must write to my mother. How long do you think we'll be here?
Only a few days. If what that Burton fellow wrote me is true...
we shouldn't have any trouble disposing of the property.
I'd never have come on this trip if I didn't think...
we could clean up this inheritance mess in no time.
That Burton seems to be such...
an attentive, orderly person.
How could he be such a good friend of Uncle Homer's?
I can't say. I only know he was with him for a number of years...
and that Uncle Homer trusted him completely.
[Cowbells Jangling]
Oh, is... is that a streak of blood?
[Chuckles] No, that's just a bug squashed against the glass.
The air is full of insects.
Do you think there's any danger of catching malaria?
They say not.
I was just thinking what a fool I was three months ago in London.
It would've been so easy for me to solve the Louis deal.
There were at least three solutions that were better...
than the one I chose, and I couldn't think of them.
And you think of them now?
Now they seem very clear to me.
Oh, what a shame John and Dorothy couldn't come with us.
Yes, it is.
If you'd listened to me, we could've come by plane. We would've been home a week ago.
But I wanted you to take a rest.
It didn't occur to me that it'd be so boring...
for you to be alone with me.
[Chuckles] What's that got to do with it?
I'm just bored because I've got nothing to do.
This is the first time that we've been really alone...
ever since we married.
Yes, I suppose it is.
- Good evening, sir. - Good evening, madam. Good evening, sir.
Good evening. We have a reservation under the name of Joyce.
Yes, Mr. Joyce. Will you come this way, please?
Good evening, Mrs. Joyce. Good evening, sir.
Rooms 317 and 18.
Follow me, please.
Excuse me, sir. There is some mail for you.
Good evening, sir.
Shall we have something to drink?
Yes, but not here.
Let's go down to the bar. At least there'll be other people around.
Would it be so terribly boring if we were to remain alone?
No. I was thinking of you.
I don't think you're very happy when we're alone.
Are you sure you know when I'm happy?
No. Ever since we left on this trip, I'm not so sure.
I realized for the first time that we...
we are like strangers.
That's right. After eight years of marriage...
it seems we don't know anything about each other.
At home everything seemed so perfect.
- But now that we're away and alone... - [Knock At Door]
It's a strange discovery to make.
- Will you send off this wire, please? - At once, sir.
Thank you.
Now that we're strangers, we can start all over again at the beginning.
Might be rather amusing, don't you think?
Let's go down to the bar.
- Well, I don't see why... Oh, look! - Judy!
- Katherine! - Are you here? - I've been here for the day.
I've been living in Capri for the last three months.
- But what are you doing here? - Just a business trip.
- Yes, a pleasure trip too. - How nice!
We're just going to dinner. Won't you join us?
- Oh, this is Leslie Harris... - How do you do?
Miss Restelli, and Paul Dupont.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Miss Sinibaldi and Miss Notari. - Hello.
Well, shall we have a drink first?
Yes, come on. Have a drink with us, huh?
I never dreamt I would run into you here.
You know, she broke her leg a month ago.
We brought her to Naples to have the cast removed.
She'll be all right again tomorrow.
Let's hurry with those drinks. I'm starving!
## [Italian Folk]
## [Man Singing In Neapolitan]
[No Audible Dialogue]
[Man Shouting In Neapolitan]
[Men Exclaiming In Unison]
## [Men Singing]
## [Continues]
Wake up, Alex.
Wake up. It's terribly late.
I called Mr. Burton.
He'll be here in a little while to take us to the house.
Wake up! It's late!
I must say one sleeps well in this country.
I was dreaming about something. I can't remember what it was.
Maybe the charming Judy we were so lucky to meet last night.
- Maybe. - I've never seen you in such good form.
- Do you know her well? - Yes.
Well, I must get up.
- Any tea? - It's on its way up.
How silly of me. I never realized you were so interested in other women.
- Oh, you didn't, eh? - [Phone Rings]
Oh. Tell Mr. Burton we'll be down in a few minutes.
And send up a porter. Thank you.
He's already here.
There are two people interested in buying the property.
Too bad you want to sell it, though. It's such a beautiful place.
Yes, so I understand, but we must sell.
I've become very fond of the place.
You see, I arrived there during the war.
It was all locked up. Practically deserted.
The moment I saw it, I requisitioned it immediately.
It kept it from being robbed and ruined.
One day Uncle Homer arrived.
He had taken refuge in Capri...
where he was constantly being watched by the police.
Practically interned, poor fellow.
We had no news from him for the duration of the war.
It was madness to stay here in an enemy country.
Oh, I don't think he had such a bad time in Capri, really.
He had many friends. Everybody liked him.
Homer was the kind of a man you...
you couldn't help liking, you know?
After the Allies had broken through the Gothic Line...
I was transferred to Venice.
That's where I got engaged. [Chuckles]
Homer had become just like a father to both of us.
Ah. There's the house right up there.
The white one. Do you see it?
[Shouting In Neapolitan]
- Welcome. - Buon giorno.
- This is Natalia, my wife. - How do you do?
Please go on in. I'll take care of the baggage.
Please come in.
This way, please.
You see, this is one of the drawing rooms...
where your uncle dined when he had guests.
And we used to set up a large table right here.
I never knew my uncle had such good taste.
And now this way, please.
Oh, this is beautiful, isn't it?
Oh, in there are the kitchen and the pantry.
Look at her, Tony. Doesn't she look like Lydia?
- Oh, no. I don't think so. - The profile.
Much better-looking, of course.
Aren't they lovely? Those are French porcelains.
They are vieux Paris. [Chuckles]
I want you to see the terrace.
There's the Vesuvius.
Ever since the eruption of 1944, there's been a period of calm.
But the temperature's beginning to rise a little, though.
That point back there behind that first hill is Pompeii.
There's Castellammare, Torre Annunziata...
Resina is over there, and Naples.
There's Ischia, the Isle of Capri...
and that large strip down there is the Sorrento peninsula.
- Beautiful, isn't it? - [Tony] Yes, quite.
This way, please.
A Neapolitan painter of the 19th century.
Palizzi. Quite famous.
Here we have sunshine all day long.
It was your Uncle Homer's favorite corner.
And here are your bedrooms.
- This will be your room, Mrs. Joyce. - Oh, very nice.
Ah, the baggage. [Italian]
- Thank you. - Brava.
- Are you having your lunch here? - [Both] Yes.
I'll have things ready in an hour.
[Katherine] Thank you very much.
- Do you like it? - Yes. Delicious.
[Chuckles] Of course, if you're going to stay here a while...
we'll have to do something about getting servants for you.
Well, if you can find somebody, just for a few days.
- Only a few days? - We can't stay very long.
Our government doesn't make it possible for us to stay abroad long.
Ten pounds a day for a month, you know.
Yes, I know. I was very lucky.
I came here right after the war, soon as I got out of the army.
Then we got married.
This wine is excellent.
Then Uncle Homer gave us hospitality here in the hunting lodge.
I found something to do in Pompeii.
The excavations, you know.
I had taken a course in archaeology.
You must come out there someday.
Mm. We certainly will.
I'm so anxious to see Pompeii.
I don't seem to be able to quench my thirst. How about you?
Me? No. Did you notice I hardly touched the food?
I can't understand what it is. Perhaps it's all this garlic and oil.
Look, I've downed a whole bottle of wine.
- Watch yourself. It might make you ill. - No.
- Where's everybody gone to? - Hmm?
I heard somebody talking inside the house.
I think I'll go and see what's going on.
- Oh, uh, excuse me. I'm sorry to trouble you. - Eh?
Well, uh...
I'm terribly thirsty. It's this food, you know.
I'm not used to all those sauces.
Something to drink.
Uh... Well, but I just want you to fill it up.
This wine is excellent, you know...
but I'd just like you to fill it up.
Uh, you misunderstand me. I want...
I want to fill it up with wine.
How dare you speak to me like that!
[Exasperated Sigh]
- [Woman Speaks Italian] - [Neapolitan]
[Neapolitan Continues]
She says she doesn't understand you.
I'm dying of thirst. I'd like to have a drink.
Obviously, the poor woman couldn't understand you.
- It seems you weren't making the right gestures. - What gestures should I make?
- Filling up a bottle, you should do like this. - Yes.
Well, what do I do for a bottle of mineral water?
That's simple.
- Ah. - All right? [Italian]
Everybody's asleep. It might be the middle of the night.
- Are you asleep too? - Mm, almost.
Oh, it's so nice in the sun.
Why don't you sit down too?
"Temple of the spirit.
No longer bodies...
but pure...
ascetic images."
Do you remember poor Charles?
- Charles who? - Charles Lewington.
- "Lewington"? - Mm. He died two years ago.
Oh, and you just heard about it?
No. I knew the day after his death...
two years ago.
Lewington... I don't seem to be able to remember the fellow.
- Where did we meet him? - At the Hooper-Smiths'.
- Was he a lawyer? - No.
No, he was a poet.
He was thin, tall, fair.
So pale and spiritual.
He was stationed here in Italy during the war.
Right here, as a matter of fact.
Oh, yes. I think I remember him. He was at one of, um...
Arthur's concerts.
He had a fit of coughing and had to leave the auditorium.
Yes, he was very ill.
Something he caught during the war.
You know, that young man started me thinking about something.
About what?
That you can learn more from the way a man coughs...
than from the way he speaks.
- What did Charles's cough tell you? - That he was a fool.
He was not a fool. He was a poet.
What's the difference?
- Charles wrote some wonderful poems. - I must get one of his books.
You won't find any. He was too young to have any of his books published.
Then how did you know about them?
He read them to me. I even copied some.
"Temple of the spirit.
No longer bodies but pure...
ascetic images...
compared to which mere thought...
seems flesh...
heavy, dim."
He wrote them in Italy while he was in the war.
I never knew you were such great friends.
Oh, I knew him before I met you.
- Were you in love with him? - No.
But we got on terribly well together.
I saw a great deal of him at Copling Farm.
Then he got desperately ill.
I couldn't even visit him.
For almost a year I didn't see him.
Then on the eve of our wedding...
the night before I left for London...
I was packing my bags when I heard a sound...
of pebbles on my window.
The rain was so heavy that I couldn't see anyone outside.
So I ran out into the garden just as I was...
and there he stood.
He was shivering with cold.
He was so strange and romantic.
Maybe he wanted to prove to me...
that in spite of the high fever...
he had braved the rain to see me.
Or maybe he wanted to die.
How very poetic. Much more poetic than his verses.
Alex, may I take the car?
Yes, of course. Go ahead.
- Good morning, Mrs. Joyce. - Good morning.
- Where are you going? - To Naples.
- What's your hurry? - Oh, I'm in no hurry.
- What is it, then? - If you need the car, I can borrow Mrs. Burton's.
I've told you I don't need the car. I'm waiting to see the people...
interested in buying the villa, and it might be a good idea if you were here.
- But why? - I don't know. It might be a good idea.
- You could leave after they've seen it. - Then I'd be too late.
I want to go to the museum, and they close at 4:00.
- I don't want to miss anything. - Aren't you going to have lunch?
I've had a sandwich. Well, I better get started.
Is this the museum that your friend... what was his name?...
- described in his verses? - Maybe.
I hate him.
The brute!
[Horn Honking]
He thinks he understands life.
He ought to be punished for his pride, his self-assurance.
Ah, this must be it.
[Woman Shouting In Neapolitan]
Morning. Do you have a guide, madam?
No, I haven't got one yet.
- Do you wish to visit the art gallery? - Yes, that will be fine.
- Very well. Did you buy a ticket? - No.
You go inside. I'll get the ticket. Just a second.
This way, please.
Many years ago, this was a cavalry barracks.
In 1700, King Charles made a museum of it.
The museum is very important.
At one time, there were secret rooms with paintings of Pompeii.
There are groups of sculptures here from many famous collections...
Capodimonte, Herculaneum, Pompeii, and so forth.
This is the famous group of dancers.
They were found in a villa at Herculaneum.
Observe the harmony of their movements.
The fourth one looks just like my daughter Marianna.
This satyr was in a villa at Pompeii.
It is a pagan divinity that was found in the woods.
It is a good thing they exist no longer.
They were very dangerous.
This is the drunken faun.
He is about to fall asleep.
Sleep is a wonderful habit.
Here we have a young discus thrower...
a Greek.
And here are the emperors.
This is Caracalla.
You know... the famous public baths in Rome.
He killed his brother right in his mother's arms.
This is Nero. You must have heard of him.
He had the face of a baby, but he was a madman.
He burned Rome and killed his whole family...
even his mother.
Tiberius. He spent almost all his life...
on the isle of Capri because he liked to live well.
He was a little crazy too.
He used to feed his slaves to the fishes.
Funny emperors, don't you think, lady?
This is the Venus I like most.
She is not as young as the others.
She is more... more mature.
Don't you agree, lady?
- Perhaps. I wouldn't know. - And over here is the marvelous...
Farnese Hercules.
It was found in the baths of Caracalla in Rome.
It is over ten feet tall...
and 2,200 years old...
and it shows Hercules resting on a club.
It looks like everybody takes a rest around here...
except me.
Oh, it's wonderful.
Down there is the famous Farnese Bull...
carved out of a single block of marble.
It's over 12 feet high...
and it was restored by Michelangelo.
It's said to be the largest marble group in the world.
This group represents the sons of Antiope, Amphius, and Zethus...
who, to avenge their mother, tied the cruel Queen Dirce...
to the horn of an angry bull.
To think that those men lived thousands of years ago...
and you feel that they are just like the men of today.
It's amazing.
It is as if Nero or Caracalla...
Caesar or Tiberius, would suddenly tell you what they felt...
and you could understand exactly what they were like.
- Then they're not ascetic figures? - No, not at all.
Poor Charles. He had a way all his own of seeing things.
What struck me was the complete lack of modesty with which everything is expressed.
- There was absolutely no attempt... - [Knock At Door] - [Both] Come in.
I'm so sorry to trouble you, but an old friend of your Uncle Homer phoned.
His dearest friend, in fact. The Duke of Lippoli. He would like to meet you.
I told him that you weren't home and could he call later.
Well, when he calls again, I'd like to talk to him.
- Might be rather fun to meet him. - Yes.
- Very good, then. Good night. - Good night.
Let's go and eat.
Why don't we try to enjoy our vacation?
Well, if we don't, it's your fault.
You don't realize how mean you can be sometimes.
It's more than anyone can stand.
Did those people come to see the house?
- Yes. - What did they decide?
They're going to make me an offer on Thursday.
What kind of people were they?
- Rather talkative. - [People Arguing In Neapolitan]
What... What was that?
They're getting married in a week, and they're always fighting.
It's jealousy!
How could anyone be jealous before marriage?
The time just before marriage is a very delicate one.
[Arguing Continues]
- Duca di Lippoli? - Yes.
- Second floor. - Thank you.
Thank you.
[All Exchanging Greetings]
- Please, do come in. - How do you do?
- How do you do? - Please.
I'm so glad you could come. We've been looking forward to meeting you.
I didn't know Homer had such a beautiful niece.
These are all friends of Homer.
- I want you to meet the Duchesses of Montalban. - Hello.
The Duke of Marino. Come, Mrs. Joyce.
[Woman] Would you like something to drink, Mr. Joyce?
And may I introduce the Count and Countess of Trebisonda.
- Prince and Princess Melissa. - How do you do?
Mrs. Joyce.
Won't you sit down, please?
Thank you.
That old joker Homer kept it a secret...
that he had such a beauty in the family.
- He had a mania for keeping secrets. - Even his death.
Yes. We found out about it...
quite a while after he'd been buried.
We'll get even with him up there someday.
We'll pay him a surprise visit.
I'll bet he'll pretend to be really surprised.
What an unusual home you have, and so comfortable.
That sounds to me like one of those compliments...
that hide the usual reproach.
- Dolce far niente. - I'm sorry. I don't understand.
How do you say in English "dolce far niente"?
It is impossible to say it in English.
Perhaps I could translate it...
- "How sweet it is to do nothing." - Oh, I understand.
[Countess] They say that all Neapolitans are loafers.
I'd like to ask you: Would you say...
that a shipwrecked man is a loafer?
In a certain sense, we're all shipwrecked.
You have to fight so hard just to keep afloat.
Well, it looks like a very pleasant shipwreck to me.
Especially when I look into your eyes. They're like stars in the night.
- Do you like Naples? - [Laughter Continues]
- I haven't seen very much yet. - When did you arrive?
- Three days ago. - Did you come by plane?
No, we, uh, motored down.
[Switch Clicks]
Like something to drink?
All right.
Yes, please.
Have a good time?
That's strange.
It's a long time since I've seen you in such a good mood.
Well, you seemed pretty gay yourself.
Well, what did you want me to do? Look bored?
Why don't you admit you did have a good time?
I don't even want to talk about it.
All those Italians milling around you.
What were they doing? Telling you funny stories?
Is that what you think?
Ever since we realized how little we meant to each other...
you've done everything you could to make things worse.
And what about you?
You haven't said a word or made a gesture...
to try to save what little is left of our marriage.
Why should I make the effort all alone?
Because it's your fault.
The whole thing is your fault.
I think you ought to know that it didn't take me long...
after we were married to realize what was wrong.
There was always criticism in your eyes... criticism until it crushed me!
Nonsense. But it is rather surprising to hear you say...
that what I felt was important to you.
- What do you mean? - Exactly what I say.
You accuse me of criticizing you. Well, it isn't true.
Of course, there are a few things I don't like about you.
- I know that. - Your lack of a sense of humor...
your ridiculous romanticism.
But when I was reduced in rank...
from your wife to a mere hostess for your friends...
then to handling your public relations, you seemed quite pleased.
Look, I don't want to talk about this anymore.
I'm getting absolutely sick of this crazy country.
It poisons you with laziness.
I want to get back home. Back to work.
Oh, at last, that big word!
I haven't heard you mention it for some time: "work."
I expect you to be talking about duty next.
Do the words "work" and "duty" mean nothing to you since you've been here?
Don't be a hypocrite.
Now, that's enough.
I think the best thing for us is to stay away from one another.
I'm going to Capri to wait for the answer of the people interested in the house.
I'm sure you'll find Capri terribly exciting...
now that your friends are there.
Now you have such lovely friends.
To Capri...
to have a good time.
If he thinks he can make me jealous...
[Bell Tolling]
[Women Speaking Neapolitan]
He thinks I'm going to give in.
Thinks I'll run after him.
He's mistaken.
I've learned a great deal from him.
He'll see.
He'll see.
[Man] To the left of the acropolis is the cave of the Sibyl.
After the Greeks and the Romans,
this place was transformed into a fortress.
- Oh, a fortress. - Yes, a fortress. That's what I said.
After abandoning the ancient city of Troy...
Aeneas landed here on this very beach.
In the last war, the British troops landed here.
[Katherine] Really? British troops landed here?
- Yes, right here. - Where did they stay?
All around here.
This is the entrance to the caves of the Sibyl, the Cumaean Sibyl.
[Katherine] Oh, but it's enormous!
[Man] Listen to the echo! [Voice Echoing]
- [Shouts, Voice Echoing] - Yes, I hear it. Wonderful.
In ancient times, you could hear it much louder...
when the walls were covered with bronze.
[Shouting, Voice Echoing]
It's extraordinary.
[Claps Echoing]
[Shouting, Voice Echoing]
Down at the end, there are the rooms of the Sibyl...
and these were her baths.
This way, lady.
The Christians made them over into catacombs.
You see, lady...
it is here that lovers came to question the Sybil...
when they wanted to know what the course of their love would be.
[Thinking] "Temple of the spirit.
No longer bodies...
but pure ascetic images."
Lady, lady.
Don't you want to visit the rooms of the Sybil?
No, thank you. Some other time.
Excuse me, lady. Do you see these holes?
It is there that the Saracens tied their prisoners.
Allow me.
This is the way they would have tied...
a beautiful woman like you.
- [Exasperated Sigh] - [Neapolitan]
- Where is the Temple of Apollo? - It's up there.
But I'm not coming. It's too windy. Good-bye.
Silly old fool.
All men are alike.
I hate you.
Cynical. Cruel.
- Anything needed here? Have a sandwich, Judy? - ## [Piano]
- Some more? - Yes.
- And for you? - Thank you.
When I decided to leave my husband, I had no problems.
The only important thing was my freedom.
You seem to have a lot of problems.
A lot of questions on your mind.
It's because you love her...
- and you're jealous. - "Jealous"?
[Leslie] What time is it, darling?
- 10:30? - [All Chattering]
It's late. Come on, everybody.
We have a rule here never to go to bed later than 10:30.
Well, thank you very much.
- Good night. - Good-bye.
- Good night. - Good night.
- Good night. - Good night.
[Whispering, Indistinct]
Come on! Come on.
- Let's go. - [Woman] Thanks for coming, Alex.
[Woman #2] And you must come again sometime, eh?
- Thanks for the party. - Good night, dear.
- Good night. - Good night.
- Good night. - Good night.
- Hey, wait for me! - Come on, then.
- [Women] Good night. - Bye.
- Are you taking Marie home? - [Alex] Yes, of course.
All right. Good night.
[Chuckles] Do you mind if I lean on you?
- No, not at all. - Thank you.
- Do you want to go home right away? - Yes.
- What a beautiful sky. - Yes, it is.
It's a pity I can't leave my window open.
Night air is bad for me.
- Oh. - But I leave the shutters open...
and when I wake up in the night...
I can see the stars through the window.
That's a very lovely way to look at the stars.
This is where I live. Good night.
Shall I see you tomorrow?
Oh, yes.
- What time? - At 11:00.
- All right. - Good night.
Good night.
[Man] This way, madam, please.
This little crater formed during the last eruption.
You can see the boiling lava. On this part, madam...
the crust of the earth is only 12 feet thick.
- But isn't it dangerous? - No.
Now I'll show you something very interesting: the mystery of ionization.
What is it? What does it mean?
It's a very interesting phenomenon.
If you will watch now, I'll show you.
All you have to do is light a torch...
and the smoke increases everywhere...
not only where we are now...
but in all the craters.
Uh, w-wait.
- I must take a photo for my husband. - Yes, as you wish, madam.
I'm ready.
There. Here we are.
You see? Look. Look at the smoke in that corner.
- Did you see what a cloud of smoke? - Yes.
- The smoke increases not only here... - And way over there too!
but everywhere, all over the hill.
[Katherine] Oh, that's... that's incredible!
[Chuckles] Extraordinary.
[Guide] Isn't it? And look over there.
Observe down here.
All right, now. Stand over there, please.
And now, madam...
I'll show you the same effect of ionization...
produced by a cigarette.
Yes, feel the heat at this opening. And now watch.
- It's hot. - Watch.
Now, look. Look.
- You see? - Yes.
Not only here, but all over.
- All over the hill at the same time. - Oh.
The smoke increases over all the area. Once more.
- May I try? - Of course. Try yourself.
- Let me hold this. - Oh, thanks.
[Guide] This way, madam, please.
This is another sight you must not miss.
This is the small Vesuvius...
called the Pocket Vesuvius.
It is one of the most interesting spots in this area.
In that corner, there are the boiling cinders and lapillus.
You'll see. [Italian]
Now, look in that corner. Look, look.
The lapillus, you see? Pompeii, you know...
- was destroyed by a rain... - Like these?
of burning lapillus and cinders. Exactly.
And now, if you will come this way.
Follow me, please.
Good morning.
Bonjour. I'm a little late.
It doesn't matter. I am very patient.
- Where are we going? - Would you like to go for a little walk?
- It'll be good for my leg. - Which way shall we go?
- Let's go this way. - All right.
- Feeling better? - Yes, thank you...
although I slept very little last night.
- Oh? Why? - Oh, I don't know.
I feel so alone in my house.
It seems kind of dead without that disorder...
or something that a man leaves behind.
The doors and the closet creak strangely.
Seem to make sounds I never heard before.
And even the noises outside...
seem louder, clearer.
Footsteps in the streets, or a voice...
or a child shouting, or a radio in the distance.
Fate is really strange.
Such a big world.
To think that I might never have met you.
You know, when I first saw you, I hardly noticed you...
and now your happiness is really quite important to me.
But I am happy. Very happy.
Everything is all right with my husband now.
I've been so nervous for the past few days.
You can't imagine the letters we wrote each other.
You see, he doesn't write very much...
but when he wants to really hurt someone...
he can do it with one phrase.
But everything is all right now.
He is coming back to Capri tonight.
They'll bring the hot water for your tea right away.
- Thanks. - Did you have an interesting day?
Yes, very.
Did you see anything new?
- I saw the sulfur springs. - Strange place, isn't it?
Tell me, did you imagine that Naples was like this?
Oh, I can't say.
Not quite as it is, perhaps.
You haven't the faintest idea what Naples is like.
I must show you.
Tomorrow, if you wish, we can go together...
- to visit the Fontanelle. - What is that?
It's a... It's a catacomb...
where they gather skeletons from ancient cemeteries.
Sounds very dismal.
"Dismal"? Quite the contrary.
These are the skeletons of people who died...
200, 300, and even 400 years ago. Can you imagine?
I don't think it sounds very amusing.
That's because you've never been to the place.
You wouldn't believe it, but quite a few people go there.
There are many people who have chosen a skeleton...
assembled it properly, take care of it lovingly...
bring fresh flowers every so often, and keep a lamp in front of it.
But what is the meaning of all that?
Oh, it's pity, I guess.
These poor dead are abandoned and alone.
They have no one to look after them, no one to pray for them.
Well, I don't understand. I just can't understand it.
I know. It's difficult to understand...
but you'll see for yourself.
- [Ship's Horn Sounds] - That must be the boat from Capri.
[Horn Sounds]
Oh, yes. That must be it.
Is your husband coming back tonight?
I don't know. I don't think so. He didn't phone me.
Oh, I have a terrible headache.
It's the sirocco. The dampness in the air.
Now, if they would bring me the water for my tea...
- I could take an aspirin. - I'll see what's delaying them.
There doesn't seem to be much that a foreigner can do to amuse himself in this town.
There are a few nightclubs, sir.
Yes, I've tried them, but, uh, I'm not much impressed.
Did you visit the one on the left...
as you go out of the hotel about two blocks?
- No, I haven't seen that one. - There is a floor show there.
It's a little better than the rest.
I must investigate it.
- How much do I owe you? - That will be 3,000 lira, sir.
- Thank you. - Good night.
Good night, sir.
Buona sera.
Buona sera.
I am afraid I don't understand Italian.
You shameless, brazen hussy.
What did you say?
If you speak fast, I don't understand.
What did you say?
Oh, nothing.
Nothing important.
Two nights ago a friend died.
A woman friend.
Thirty-two years old.
In a nightclub. She put her head on the table...
and she died.
But how? What of?
It was her heart.
She had a baby seven months ago.
I'm sorry.
If you didn't call me just now...
I think I would have thrown myself into the sea.
Well, isn't that a little extreme?
But it is what I would have done.
Now, look here. After all, there are lots of...
Listen, where do you want to go?
To your home?
Are you in a hotel?
Where do we go?
Nowhere. Just forget it. I'll take you for a drive...
and then I'll drop you off wherever you want to go.
[Vehicle Approaching]
[Katherine] Alex?
Yes? What is it?
I... I just wanted to make sure it was you.
- Who did you think it was? - I was sound asleep. I...
I had so much sun and air today that I was dead tired.
I fell asleep almost immediately.
How well one sleeps here.
Well, uh, then, uh...
I woke up with a start when I heard a noise.
I didn't know... I...
I didn't know you were coming back tonight.
Well, as you see, here I am.
- Did you have a good time? - Not bad.
What boat did you come back on?
The one that leaves at 5:00.
Oh. 5:00? What did you do until now?
I was in Naples.
Anything else you want to know?
Of course not.
Then I... have your permission to go to bed?
Of course.
Thank you.
- Good night. - Good night.
[Doorknob Rattling]
- Will you do me a favor? - Yes.
Have someone call me at 11:00 tomorrow morning.
And don't let anyone disturb me until then.
I haven't been sleeping very well the last few nights.
All right.
- Good night. - Good night.
I can't remember if I was supposed to wake Alex before leaving.
I guess not, though. He said something about wanting to sleep until 11:00.
Sleep is always good for one. Let him sleep.
By the way, did he enjoy Capri?
Not very much, I'm afraid.
Ah, what a beautiful Madonna.
[Natalia] Oh, there's some marvelous ones.
Let me tell you about a foreigner...
who was standing on the sidewalk one day here in Naples.
Suddenly he noticed that everybody was tipping their hats...
and waving to him.
He couldn't understand his sudden popularity...
until he realized he was standing...
in front of one of those Madonnas.
How many expectant mothers you see here.
[Natalia] There are hundreds of them in the streets of Naples.
Count them in this space alone.
Two, three...
four, five...
and another one down there.
Now I'm sorry I took the car.
Maybe he needed it.
Oh, look there. Look at that donkey.
Oh, what a load he's carrying, and he's so little.
[Natalia] But they're very strong. It's a tough breed.
The food here is spicy, isn't it? Hmm?
Why? Aren't you feeling well?
Oh, yes. I was thinking of my husband.
How beautiful the children are.
I really think they are very beautiful here.
Is your husband also fond of children?
Oh, I don't know.
I think so.
But one never knows what he's thinking.
[People Chattering, Shouting]
My brother died in Greece during the war.
He was buried there...
so I often come here to pray for him.
It consoles me a little.
I pray for something else too.
I want so much...
I want so much to have a child. You understand me, don't you?
- Good morning. - Morning.
- Oh, good morning. - Morning.
[Natalia] See you later.
- I see you took the car. - I didn't know you needed it.
- You might have asked. - I didn't want to wake you, and I was in a hurry.
Why? What could possibly be so urgent?
Another ruin immortalized by Charles?
I'm getting thoroughly sick of these love pilgrimages.
How can you make such a fuss just because I took the car?
It's not only that. Everything you do nowadays seems so utterly senseless.
You've become quite intolerable.
All right. If that's the way you feel, let's do something about it.
All right.
- Let's get a divorce. - [Tony] Good morning!
I've come to pick you up.
We should be leaving for Pompeii immediately.
- Oh, that's impossible. I... - But you can't miss this.
It's a special occasion, something that's happened
very rarely since they've been excavating at Pompeii.
They're going to make a cast of the hollow place...
that has been left in the lava by a human body!
- I'm sorry... - Please, you must come.
Imagine that you see the shape of a man just as he was then...
the moment he was surprised by death.
It's an extraordinary experience. Very few ever get a chance to see it.
I must insist. I'm sure you'll thank me for it afterwards.
All these are new excavations.
It's on this spot that they found a hollow space.
When the men find hollow ground, they make a number of holes...
and through these they pour plaster.
The plaster fills the hollow space left in the ground by the body...
which has disintegrated.
The shapes of bodies or objects buried...
for over 2,000 years are reconstructed this way.
- Look! You can begin to see something! - What is it?
[Tony] Let's see.
Looks like a leg.
There's an arm.
And there are two more legs.
It must be a group.
In the house of Menandro they found the remains of nine people.
There's the head.
You can see the skull with the plaster clinging to it.
And now the skull bones and the teeth...
both remarkably well-preserved.
Two people, just as they were at the moment they died.
A man and a woman...
perhaps husband and wife, who knows?...
may have found death like this together.
- What's happened to Mrs. Joyce? - I don't know.
- Is there anything I can do? - No, I'll talk to her.
Katherine! What's the matter? What's happened to you?
Oh, Alex, this is too much. I can't stand it anymore.
Please take me home. I want to go home. I don't want to stay here any longer.
Well, if that's what you want, but...
we can't very well leave these people like this.
They've been very kind, and this isn't something they do every day.
- We owe them some kind of explanation. - You explain to them. Say I'm sick or something.
All right.
My wife isn't feeling well. If you'll excuse us, I think I'll take her home.
I'm terribly sorry. You want me to go with you?
You know the way out, or would you like me to take you somewhere she can rest?
- Come, I'll show you. - No, it's better if I go myself.
She doesn't want anyone around just at the moment.
But she'll be all right, and we'll probably be back in a few minutes.
All right.
- Is this the way out? - Yes, that's right.
You know, I understand how you feel.
I was pretty moved myself.
But you must try to pull yourself together.
Did it affect you the same way?
I... I've seen so many strange things today...
that I didn't have the time to tell you about.
There are many things that I didn't tell you.
I'm sorry I answered you in such a stupid way...
when I came back this morning.
Why? Our situation is quite clear.
We've made our decision.
You don't have to make any excuses.
Don't you want to look around a little, as long as we're here?
Nothing here that brings back old memories?
Oh, stop it!
Must you continue to... to harp on it?
I'm sick and tired of your sarcasm.
We have decided to get a divorce, and that settles it.
Life is so short.
That's why one should make the most of it.
## [Marching Band]
[Horn Honking]
[Honking Continues]
Look, I've been thinking.
Perhaps I ought to leave immediately.
You seem to like it here, so why don't you stay on until you've sold the house?
I'll take the plane back to London. I think the best thing to do...
is to talk to a lawyer and start proceedings.
Maybe what is wrong with our marriage is that we...
we didn't have a child.
Well, you didn't want a child.
And now I agree with you.
You were quite right. You had much more foresight than I did.
Imagine what it would be like to have a child involved in this.
It would make the divorce even more painful.
Is it going to be painful for you?
Well, more complicated.
## [Continues]
## [Continues]
What in the world is going on?
Look at all these people. Look at the children.
This is awful.
We won't get through for hours.
Alex, listen.
Are you sure we're doing the right thing?
Are you suddenly getting sentimental?
Listen, we've been honest with each other up till now.
Don't let's spoil everything.
## [Ends]
## [Slower Tempo]
[No Audible Dialogue]
How can they believe in that?
They're like a bunch of children.
Children are happy.
Alex, I don't want you to hate me. I don't want it to finish this way.
What are you driving at? What game are you trying to play?
You've never understood me. You've never even tried.
And now this nonsense. What is it you want?
Nothing. I despise you.
Well, come on. Let's get out of this crowd.
[People Shouting]
Alex! Alex! Alex!
Oh, I don't want to lose you!
Katherine, what's wrong with us? Why do we torture one another?
When you say things that hurt me, I try to hurt you back.
But I can't any longer, because I love you.
Perhaps we get hurt too easily.
Tell me that you love me.
If I do, will you promise not to take advantage of me?
Yes. But tell me.
I want to hear you say it.
All right. I love you.
## [Continues]
## [Ends]
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Galaxy S8: The New Benchmark King (TB News) - Duration: 3:17.
Galaxy S8 rumors like a burrito at
Chipotle just get more layers to end up
with like a head size burrito following
up some of the latest rumors that we
heard about two weeks ago that that was
going to go to his biggest six inches
wraparound oled screen and the physical
home button is going to go away and
perhaps there would be a home button
fingerprint scanner built into the
screen which sounds awesome
now we know a little bit more you think
about the galaxy S8 is going to be
because Samsung's got to bring the
thunder but not not rush the Thunder
this time to make up what happened with
the note so we're hearing that it will
be S Pen compatible but it's not gonna
have the S Pen tucked inside of it
I like we've had with the previous note
lines whether or not the signals the end
of the notes and kinda want to cut their
losses or without can be in addition to
we don't know yet
powering this thing got a little bit
more details so we know the u.s. variant
and other regions are going to stagnate
35 which is a beast
it seems like usually ships their phones
in asian markets other regions with
their own home built a casinos processor
and this next-gen is going to be a beast
samsung got two iterations of the 895
chip am nav the higher end is the am and
it's going to have quad-core 25
gigahertz quad-core 1.7 card
samsung usually takes two quad-core chip
put together and that makes their
octa-core well the vehicle have
quad-core 2.2 gigahertz sexy nose m2 and
a quad-core 1.7 gigahertz cortex a53
octa core chips and two separate
quad cores are incredibly powerful so
things like gaming video processing
starting to believe that the camera is
going to have some crazy tricks up its
we're also hearing six gigs ram be
crammed into the galaxy s state which
allegedly will come in different sizes
5.1 all the way up to 6 inches is what
we're hearing perhaps even a third
version as well slide it in between so
lots of stuff happening with the s8
you're holding out though for and s8
edge you're gonna be locked in kinda
disappointed so all phones you got that
display so no more flat s eights they're
all going to have
curve and they're all going to be oled
so they should be pretty sweet
Samsung's displays are absolutely
awesome should see these hit sometime
around March or April I'm hoping samsung
takes their time
certainly they're gonna have a few
months head start though on Apple when
the iphone 7s for that but I've ever
decide to call it hits in September so
another edition of TV news that you want
to share with you guys some galaxy s8
news we've been hearing get a lot of
questions about this online so the best
way is just to make a video and talk
about it i'll leave your comments down
below and let us know what you think
about the galaxy S8 it's going to wait
for it
we're gonna start putting some of our
favorite comments so leave something
funny or witty will put into the top and
help you guys get some subscribers and
of course make sure you have
notifications turned on snow in these
videos hit if you like TV news also let
us know in the next time John Grainger
technobuffalo with perhaps your Galaxy S
8 going to wait maybe you want to take
your favorite discovery channel shows
with you cannot the discovery Go app
which you should download i'm going to
it in my pants set it down below
poem for my story - Duration: 1:03.
Shadows from the forest~
Moans from the wind~
Blazing fire~
that blinds you within~
Healing waters~
Of the North and South~
This is what nature is all about~
But when you search~
For a piece of it~
Beware of what you'll get from it~
Beyond the lands the titans roam
Theres another forest one calls home~
A girl of green~
and porcelain skin~
A Nymph of the trees~
earth and sand~
That is where she will stand~
but if she wonders~
and she will~
follow the trail~
of Silver Bells~
Audi A4 - Duration: 0:47.
VW Touareg - Duration: 0:52.
Kia Sportage - Duration: 0:51.
Love Fifth Harmony?
The LEGO Batman Movie
Judge Anthony D'Apolito sworn-in for term starting in 2017 - Duration: 0:23.
Also taking an oath of
office today -- Anthony
He's the newest jduge
on the Mahoning
County Common
Pleas bench.
Judge D'Apolito was
sworn-in in front of
several hundred family
and friends....with his
members and fellow
judges at the
Mahoning County
His father..Judge Lou
D'Apolito administered
the oath..while his
mother Rosemary held
the bible.
The younger D'Apolito
won the seat in last
election...beating out
Judge Shirley
Judge Anthony D'Apolito sworn-in for term starting in 2017 - Duration: 0:55.
The newest member
of the Mahoning
County Common
Pleas bench took his
oath this
prepare for the job.
Judge Anthony
D'Apolito was sworn-in
in front of several
members and fellow
judges at the
Mahoning County
His father..Judge Lou
D'Apolito administered
the oath..while his wife
Melissa held the Bible
for her husband.
The younger D'Apolito
won the seat in last
month's election..but
admits getting to this
point was a long
a lot of help.
Anthony D'Apolito will
succeed Judge Shirley
Christian -- who was
appointed to the seat
two years ago when
James Evans retired.
Although his term
officially begins
January 1st..D'Apolito
says his first actual
day on the bench will
be next Tuesday.
Roblox - Murder Mystery 2 - Let's Play #1 - Duration: 5:26.
Sorry for using the Roblox Recorder, it's the only way I know how. Any suggestions? Comment!! :D
Like, comment, and SUBSCRIBE!!
A Bible Answer Episode #656 - Duration: 29:17.
How to Set Up an Arduino - Duration: 1:18.
Hi, and welcome on how to set up, and use an Arduino.
In this tutorial, we will be creating a very simple program with an LED connected to an
Arduino blink.
All links and resources will be in the description.
Let's get started.
For this tutorial, we will need an Arduino Uno, an LED, a Data Transfer Cable, and a
5-volt power charger.
First let's begin by plugging in both power, and data cables.
The Arduino will indicate whether it is powered on by a series of orange, or green lights.
If you hear a ding on your computer, or it says downloading Arduino software.
That means that you have successfully powered on and connected your Arduino.
Next, let's goto, which will be linked in the description.
Choose your OS, and click "Download", next; run the installer or extract the zip file.
From there, install and launch the program.
Once you have downloaded the Arduino software, connect an LED as shown above.
The long pin to the 13 output, and the short pin to the ground (GND) output.
Next, goto file, then click basics, and select blink.
If you have done everything correctly, you should see that your LED is blinking, and
that you have successfully uploaded it to the board.
Hope you enjoyed the video, and thanks for watching.
Consumers, economy feeling pinch as Korea battles worst-ever bird flu outbreak - Duration: 2:58.
With the country battling its worst bird flu outbreak in years,… eggs are in short supply.
According to our Shin Semin, that's casting a shadow over the Korean economy and putting
a damper on consumer sentiment ahead of new year's celebrations in the coming weeks.
Kim Hyun-sook,… who churns out tens of hundreds of Korean-style pancakes known as jeon every
day,… is one of many Koreans feeling the pinch of the current egg shortage.
"It's not easy for us to raise our prices because of the conception that traditional
markets serve inexpensive food."
She says the business has been losing more than it's making.
The same is true for local bakers.
"We used to get our eggs from a wholesale market,... but with the current shortage,
we're seeking different retail markets, though even then it's difficult to meet our budget."
If the situation were to continue for several months,... the pastry chef says they'd have
to change the kind of bread they make.
With the deadly avian influenza virus spreading,… over 27-million birds, or nearly a quarter
of the country's poultry population, have been culled since the outbreak began in late
Most of these birds are egg-laying chickens,… and their absence has caused egg prices to
shoot up.
"About a month ago,.. this carton of 30 eggs sold for 54-hundred won, or 4-dollars 50-cents.
But now, the average retail prices is at least 75-hundred won, or 6-dollars 20-cents.
That's a jump of nearly 35-percent from the month before,... and the highest price tag
for eggs seen in over three years."
Some say the egg shortage could continue for a year or longer.
A local economic research institute projects that the economic losses could amount to 1-point-2
billion U.S. dollars.
That's if the infection rate hits 30 percent,... based on previous outbreaks.
The institute adds that the secondary and tertiary damages could even dent distributors'
sales, as more local governments are prohibiting the movement of related equipment and products.
On top of that, the egg price hike could even put a damper on consumer sentiment, which
is already in the doldrums.
"Consumer sentiment, which is already in a dire state due to the ongoing political scandal,...
could shrink even more,… with food prices, including eggs, skyrocketing."
Despite all that,… consumers are hoping that they won't have to shell out any more
for eggs than they have to during the Lunar New Year, when families gather to celebrate
with grand buffets of food and drink.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
Consumers, economy feeling pinch as Korea battles worst-ever bird flu outbreak - Duration: 3:02.
With Korea battling its worst ever bird flu outbreak,… eggs are in short supply.
The shortfall of the basic foodstuff is casting a shadow over the Korean economy and putting
a damper on consumer sentiment ahead of New Year's celebrations in the coming days and
Shin Semin reports.
Kim Hyun-sook,… who churns out tens of hundreds of Korean-style pancakes known as jeon every
day,… is one of many Koreans feeling the pinch of the current egg shortage.
"It's not easy for us to raise our prices because of the conception that traditional
markets serve inexpensive food."
She says the business has been losing more than it's making.
The same is true for local bakers.
"We used to get our eggs from a wholesale market,... but with the current shortage,
we're seeking different retail markets, though even then it's difficult to meet our budget."
If the situation were to continue for several months,... the pastry chef says they'd have
to change the kind of bread they make.
With the deadly avian influenza virus spreading,… over 27-million birds, or nearly a quarter
of the country's poultry population, have been culled since the outbreak began in late
Most of these birds are egg-laying chickens,… and their absence has caused egg prices to
shoot up.
"About a month ago,.. this carton of 30 eggs sold for 54-hundred won, or 4-dollars 50-cents.
But now, the average retail prices is at least 75-hundred won, or 6-dollars 20-cents.
That's a jump of nearly 35-percent from the month before,... and the highest price tag
for eggs seen in over three years."
Some say the egg shortage could continue for a year or longer.
A local economic research institute projects that the economic losses could amount to 1-point-2
billion U.S. dollars.
That's if the infection rate hits 30 percent,... based on previous outbreaks.
The institute adds that the secondary and tertiary damages could even dent distributors'
sales, as more local governments are prohibiting the movement of related equipment and products.
On top of that, the egg price hike could even put a damper on consumer sentiment, which
is already in the doldrums.
"Consumer sentiment, which is already in a dire state due to the ongoing political scandal,...
could shrink even more,… with food prices, including eggs, skyrocketing."
Despite all that,… consumers are hoping that they won't have to shell out any more
for eggs than they have to during the Lunar New Year, when families gather to celebrate
with grand buffets of food and drink.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
Thành Long mắng đàn em trên truyền hình - Duration: 3:20.
Fan Việt náo loạn tìm vé xem T-ara tại Việt Nam - Duration: 3:37.
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sency boy piedra china
NEWEST Challenge! This has never been done before! NEW! Eat with a peel challenge - Duration: 10:51.
Hello! I'm Dana Smile!
Today you will see the exclusive video.
This has no one ever did.
My cat Bucks dropped the newest and cool challenge.
This is - you eat with the peel Challenge.
The challenge is that to eat five products with the skin.
Interesting? Then subscribe and I'll sing a song.
Dana Smile! Dana Smile! Subscribe to the channel.
Thank you very much for subscribing.
And so we begin our new Super Challenge!
I love mandarins.
but the bitter rind spoils the whole taste.
Fu is a hairy
A feeling that I have to eat the little hamster.
Kiwi fruit like kiwi but it was not nice to eat hairy peel.
Next Product Orange
Perhaps vitamin C, I stock up on a week
The guys are very nasty and bitter rind
I do not even feel the taste of orange
Next Product banana try.
Peel a banana tastes like grass, better to eat a banana without a peel.
Friends no longer can. Well that was the last product.
Lemon? Please just do not lemon!
How can I eat a sour lemon?
Friends let us agree?
If I eat a lemon you put me Like,
and write comments in two words - Super Challenge!
It was the most sour lemon in the world.
The flesh is sour, peel sour and even bones were sour.
It was a very difficult Challenge.
But the funniest of all the Challenge!
Do not forget to Like, waiting for your comments to the meeting on the channel Dana Smile!
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