Caption not supposed to be there
For more infomation >> INKALLANT (Overwatch 3v3) Funny Moments - Duration: 6:26.-------------------------------------------
Mazda 3 SkyActiv-G 120 TS+ automaat *VOORRAAD ACTIE* - Duration: 1:01.
Disney Style Unboxing
Love Lele Pons?
QuikUpload///2v1 (sound lost :| ) - Duration: 12:44.
Sorry there was no mic sound, ninjas
Ocam updated and I didn't know
sooo it ended up not recording the mic audio
Love Lele Pons?
Compare Loom & Leaf
La Beauté (From Baudelaire Songs) by Jeff Myers - Duration: 6:46.
Je suis belle, ô mortels! comme un rêve de pierre, [I am fair, O mortals! like a dream carved in stone,]
Et mon sein, [And my breast]
où chacun s'est meurtri tour à tour, [where each one in turn has bruised himself]
Est fait pour inspirer au poète un amour [Is made to inspire in the poet a love]
Eternel et muet ainsi que la matière. [As eternal and silent as matter.]
Je trône dans l'azur comme un sphinx incompris; [On a throne in the sky, a mysterious sphinx,]
J'unis un coeur de neige à la blancheur des cygnes; [I join a heart of snow to the whiteness of swans;]
Je hais le mouvement qui déplace les lignes, [I hate movement for it displaces lines,]
Et jamais je ne pleure et jamais je ne ris. [And never do I weep and never do I laugh.]
Les poètes, devant mes grandes attitudes, [Poets, before my grandiose poses,]
Que j'ai l'air d'emprunter aux plus fiers monuments, [Which I seem to assume from the proudest statues,]
Consumeront leurs jours en d'austères études; [Will consume their lives in austere study;]
Car j'ai, pour fasciner ces dociles amants, [For I have, to enchant those submissive lovers,]
De purs miroirs qui font toutes choses plus belles: [Pure mirrors that make all things more beautiful:]
Mes yeux, mes larges yeux aux clartés éternelles! [My eyes, my large, wide eyes of eternal brightness!]
Fantastic Beasts Movie
Compare Loom & Leaf
Gracias por tu apoyo en 2016/ Happy Year 2017(Thank you for your support in 2016 ) K-DF REACTION - Duration: 6:07.
The Christmas tree , Christmas
Let's put this on here
They are knowing A little of my house
Hi guys. And girls
From across Asia Or the world
Good .. in this Opportunity .. because I wanted to make this short video .. Since I want to thank all my subscribers
Or to all what they saw my videos .. Throughout this year.
Since I didn't think i had . An audience .. in all the videos that I make .. and this is why I MANY, MANY THANKS
The majority .. as to those of Asia .. Many thanks to those of Kazakhstan, the South Korea .. as well as those of Saudi Arabia.
For equally to all or many countries.
And so I thank you very much for that great support
Since I do not imagine that I was going to have as many subscribers .. because since step one year .. since you start this process to create videos.
Or videos reaction .. since that surprised me .. because when you start barely had sixty subscribers .. more or less I think.
And it inhabits I already have .. or so i think .. About four hundred and sixty-four subscribers or something like that.
And that struck me very much .. that they like My Videos .. or not if they like .. or if it is only for criticarme .. o not.
But just the same for good or bad .. because I give them many, many thanks to all, for your requests
For their reproductions, for their comments .. since I do it with pleasure.
I sometimes can not upload the videos .. Constantly or one when I request a video.
I'm sorry for that.
But I also reiterate .. I thank you very much And I wanted to say a happy new year to all of you.
To all my subscribers .. that have a great time with their families .. that they fulfill all their goals, their dreams and that everything is going to leave.
And that they also continue supporting me .. since we are going to grow much more the channel
And that I will continue to divulge those songs or artists or videos that are not very recognized ... and that if I am a help for those artists.
That you like .. because I will gladly continue to make the reactions so that they are disclosed.
Whether or not it serves. But I do it with pleasure.
And well, I wish you a happy year
And then I think this is the last video of 2016
And then we will begin the new year 2017 With new videos .. and I hope you like it a lot
And then no more .. I have left to say goodbye And I had a great time .. everyone
Thank you very much for everything. And take care of boys and girls.
And proper year
The kazakhstan country .. it is said and you apologize as it is pronounced
үміттенемін мені түсіну немесе мен не айтқысы .. онда құралдары барлық үшін өте көп рахмет және бақытты жаңа жыл.
우리는 한국어에 갈 거
이 하드
그는 말한다
something like that .. That is the Korean language.
And then more or less understand it.
And I reiterate .. what I said .. Thank you so much for everything and a happy new year.
And already habita in English .. and therefore in English is a little better .. or so I think.
And then there are forgiven me as these languages are pronounced .. but I hope they understood me.
And from where I am getting the translations .. since it is google .. translations in google .. for the three languages
To see where to translate.
And that I'm not inventing it .. we will have if it focuses. Kazakh language .. does not focus
I hope you like them.
😱 220K+ (28.83x) WORLD RECORD GIANT Human/Harambe/Zombie | - Duration: 16:03. World Record Giant Human Zombie
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