Take a rope and make some bights .
I make five bights because I want to put a larger stone into the Monkey Fist
Yes, I can count to five...
Now make 5 counterclockwise bights perpendicular to the first bights
Now run the line through the loop and perpendicular to the second set of bights
After 2-3 bights the Monkey Fist is stable enough to insert an object.
A nice, round rock!
Now make the last bights.
Make sure you have enough bights and pull the Monkey Fist taught. Bight for bight.
For more infomation >> How to make a Monkey Fist with a 400 g stone as filler - Duration: 7:27.-------------------------------------------
Vaastu Shastra Full Movie | Hindi Movies 2016 Full Movie | Hindi Movie | Bollywood Movies - Duration: 1:43:30.
What happened?
Why are you crying?
Why are you seated here?
You like it?
East, West.
South and, north.
Why? What happened? - Yes.
East entrance? - Yeah.
Vastu Shastra.
Your study.
This is a big bathroom.
We'll give this room to Rohan. - Okay.
So, how did you find it?
lt's beautiful, Viraag. lt's a dream home.
lsn't it? - Yeah.
And, in a dream price. - And, the Vastu too is perfect.
Madam, where should this be kept? - Over there.
Keep the TV over there.
Hey, kid, work fast. Don't you have to go home?
C'mon, buddy.
Sis, look at this frame.
One minute, Rohan baby, you wait here.
l'll check it out.
Radz. - Yes, sis?
Done? - Yeah.
Look. A goofy for the goofy.
Should l dangle it here? - Yeah, sis. lt would look nice.
O, God.
What are you looking at, sis?
Mama, look.
This is not your ball. Where did it come from?
lt came all by itself.
One minute.
lt's such a dirty ball. Should mama clean it and give?
lt's such a beautiful house. l wish you could be..
Who is it?
Oh. Hi, bro-in-law. - You didn't sleep yet, Radhika?
Actually, l wasn't feeling sleepy so l was reading the book.
Good night, bro-in-law. - Good night.
We just got away with it. lt was my brother in law.
Of course, he went away.
Or else l wouldn't have spoken to you.
l'm completely alone.
Come, if you have the guts.
Really? And, what would you do if you come here?
ls Rohan asleep? - Yeah.
However, it seems to be strange. - Why?
Rohan is sleeping alone for the first time.
Let's find a cure for his loneliness..
..while being alone.
What are you doing? What if; someone sees?
No one is gonna see us.
And, if someone really sees, then let it be.
Cheers, Mr. Rao. - Mrs. Rao.
To our new home. And, to our first night. - Alone.
Cheers to.. - Your beautiful mouth.
Cheers to.. - Your sexy eyes.
Cheers to..
Let's dance.
The days are coming back to my mind.
Which days?
After the marriage. Prior to Rohan.
When we used to bid good night to each other at morning 6 o'clock.
You forget all that is in the world.
But, you do remember all such things.
Don't you remember? - Me?
No. l don't remember anything.
Don't remember anything?
Don't remember anything?
Sis! What happened?
Nothing, Radhika.
lt's okay. You go to sleep.
Sure, sis? - Sure, Radz.
Okay. - Good night.
Good night.
How might have it fallen, Viraag?
One of its legs might have loosened.
That was close, isn't it?
Rohan. Eat the breakfast fast, sweetheart.
Mama, how strong will l become if l eat the banana?
So much of strong.
Now don't make a mess.
And, finish your food like a good boy. Okay?
Love, your coffee is in the thermos.
Thanks, Jill.
Radz, we're getting late, sweetheart!
Feed Rohan around 12 o'clock and..
And, l'll boil the milk around 4 o'clock.
That's great.
Won't you forget the carpet?
No. l won't forget to vacuum clean it.
l won't leave the lights and fans on in the house.
And, l won't forget to clear up after having the food.
And, l'll certainly be alive and l won't forget to breath.
Fine, doctor? - Love you.
Love you, too.
Bye. - Bye.
Bye, mama.
Bye, Radz. - Bye, Rohan.
Bye. - Okay.
Mama is gone.
Okay, Spiderman?
Hi! Good morning, doctor. - Good morning, Rohit.
How are you?
So, how's your new house? - Oh, it's terrific.
Just 20 minutes away from here. Pollution free.
And, the Vastu too is perfect. - Really?
Hi, doctor. - Hi.
Not bad.
Not bad at all. Viraag is very happy. Mr. Writer.
Good morning, ma'am. - Good morning.
And, Rohan has gone crazy.
Since, there's so much of space to play. - Really?
That's why it's a great house.
Papa, the ball has stopped.
lt's in mid-air.
l'm telling the truth. lt isn't coming down.
Good. Magic, isn't it? Good.
Papa, it's true! Look at it!
Papa, it's true. The ball did stop.
Rohan, l'm the writer in this house.
lt's my job to create stories and not yours.
Go and play. Go.
Hey. Where are you going over there? - To fetch the ball.
No. Don't disturb papa. Go. Go. Go.
From now on we'll do likewise.
All the shopping on Saturday.
Yeah. We'll have to do that.
As no one's gonna do a home delivery in here.
Radz, did you see Rohan? - No.
He might be playing in his room.
Rohan, what are you doing here, child?
Papa told not to disturb.
Don't come here alone again.
l'm not alone here.
Oh. Who else is here?
Others live here as well.
Let's do one thing. We'll leave the others in here.
And, we'll sneak out from here and take a bath upstairs.
Did Rohan miss mama today? - l missed you very much.
Radz, it used to be dark in the previous home as well, isn't it?
Yes. Because the electricity used to shut down.
Electri.. - City.
Electricity. - Electricity.
What is that? - That..
Fine. Tell me; what isn't working in our house?
The lights aren't working. The fans aren't working.
The TV?
That's right, sweetheart. The TV is also not working.
Very good.
So, it's this electricity that makes all these things work.
So, why isn't it visible to us?
Are you hungry now? - Yes.
But, is the hunger visible to you? - No.
Because, Rohan, there're some things which..
..do exist but are not visible.
And, there are some things that are visible..
..but they don't exist.
Wow! Candle light dinner.
Did you find anything? - l really don't understand, Jill.
All the fuses are fine. l don't know what happened.
What sort of a wind is this? - What happened?
lt's okay. l'll see to it.
Jill. - Yeah?
l think the black out is not only in our house..
..but, in the whole of vicinity.
And, how will we know that it's in our house..
..or in the whole of the vicinity?
No one stays near us as well.
lt lives here but it isn't visible. - Really? Who is it, buddy?
Hey, good one.
What happened, Jill?
Relax, mate. lt happens sometimes.
We feel that we saw someone.
lt's just an illusion.
Doctor, l think you're stressed out. That's it.
l don't know, Viraag.
Come on. lt's just your fallacy.
They are all mind games.
What mind games, Viraag? Today, l really got scared.
l couldn't get it.. He was standing in front of me.
l do understand that whatever l was seeing wasn't real.
lt was imaginary.
But, from so close-by?
And, so much clearly.
You won't even believe..
See? l told you, mind games. - That was not funny, Viraag.
l'm sorry. l'm really sorry.
l'm sorry.
Rohan will be a good boy today, Jill. Don't worry.
Okay, Rohan? Listen to papa. Sure? Won't you forget?
Sis, there's a joint study at my friend Molly Banerjee's house.
So, l'll get a bit late. - A bit late, okay?
Sis, that Molly will drop me.
All right.
Hey! Stop! Stop!
Stop the car!
Stop the car!
Stop the car!
You'll all die!
You'll all die!
Around at..
Hey, junior!
Mr. Rohan.
Hey, Roh..
Rohan, what are you doing here?
l'm talking to my friends.
Friends? Who are your friends, junior?
Manish and Jyoti.
Where did your friends go away? Did they went away?
To their homes. Over there.
Okay. Then, we'll also go to our home.
And, we'll bid bye to your friends.
Bye, Manish. Bye, Jyoti.
Manish and Jyoti? Nice.
And, do you know where they stay?
Over that Banyan tree.
Mama, Manish and Jyoti are for real. - For real?
That's it. Another writer is on his way.
Do become whatever you want; but not a dumb like papa.
Hey, madam.
lt seems the doctor ma'am hasn't noticed.
The house is clean. The kitchen is clean.
Moreover, Rohan had his meal on time.
Hey, Rohan. Tell your mom.
Mama, should l go to play?
Yes. Please go.
Play and come back.
Be careful, kid.
C'mon, get up ma'am. Your home has come.
Stop. Stop.
Stop it here. Or else sis will see.
Radz, am l scared of your sister or what?
What is she gonna do?
Will she get me left right and center?
Only center.
Bye. Good night.
Miss Molly Banerjee.
What happened?
A nightmare.
My Radhika got scared?
Okay. Okay. Good night now.
Am l scared of your sister or what?
What is she gonna do? Get me left right and center?
What did you say?
What happened?
Are you all right?
l got scared and hence l scampered in here.
Look at me.
Sure? - Yeah.
l'll heat the food.
Where has he gone? - l don't know.
lt's 3 at night.
l've checked it everywhere. He isn't upstairs as well.
Did you check it outside? - No.
l'll check it out.
Jill, did you find Rohan?
Child, mama and papa are very much tense.
Why did you go there?
Mama, l'm telling the truth.
Manish and Jyoti weren't able to sleep.
And, so l..
So, you were singing nursery rhymes for them..
..and playing with them, isn't it?
Don't you understand what mama is asking? Speak up!
l'm feeling sleepy.
What do you think? - Don't know, Viraag.
l mean, he has no friends over here
This place is so big.
Perhaps, he isn't able to handle the space.
Moreover, he's so much of imaginative.
l don't know, Viraag. l don't know.
Murli, you don't have any idea. lt was so scary.
He had directly climbed up the tree.
We were so scared. Anyway.. we..
..have got a maid to look after him today.
l think she has come from the nearby village.
l don't want to drink milk. - Please drink it, Rohan.
No, l don't want to drink it. - Please drink it. - No.
Okay, don't drink it. Manish ad Jyoti..
..have drunk the milk a long time ago.
How do you know that?
They are my friends, isn't it? - Are they your friends too?
Yes, they had met me a while back.
What were they saying? - They told me..
As soon as Rohan drinks the milk quickly..
..they will come here to play. Okay?
Here.. drink it. Drink it. Drink it.
Tell me. What else did Manish and Jyoti say?
Yes? They said that Rohan is a very good boy.
He doesn't cry while playing at all.
But you told me that they will come to play with us.
Yes. they will play.. they will play in your tent.
They will play with this dog of yours.
His name is Fluffy. - Yes.. okay. Okay..
Come on now. Eat the sandwich quickly, okay?
Come on, come on, come on, eat it quickly. Good son. Come on.
What else did they say?
They said that they will come here and create a hullabaloo.
What will they do?
Hullabaloo means.. they will have fun.. okay. Fun!
Come on now. Quickly, eat the sandwich now, okay.
Madam.. your son is very good.
He doesn't trouble me at all.
ls it done, son? Come on, quickly.
Oh God!
Rohan.. what is this?
Hullabaloo. - What?
Manish and Jyoti came. You said it.
Hey. What are you blabbering?
What is it?
Manish and Jyoti.. there..
Beneath the bed? - Yes.
Mummy, l didn't do anything. - Give me the ball. Give it.
Radhika. This ball shouldn't be seen..
..in Rohan's hands ever again. Keep it out of his reach.
Rohan.. right at this time, apologize to Rukma.
Mom, it was Manish's ball. Manish did it. - Rohan!
Forget it madam, he is a kid. - No, Rukma.
You will say sorry right now.
Mummy, l didn't do anything. l didn't do anything.
Rohan.. crying won't help. Rohan..
He is a kid. - l know, but Viraag.. - l will see.
l will take care of him. Okay?
Will you have an ice cream? Strawberry?
Okay, tell me whether you will have it in a cup or a cone.
lt seems that Junior is very upset.
But papa is not upset. l am downstairs.
Come down whenever you wish. Okay? Okay.
Manish, because of you, was scolded.
You threw the ball, you go and apologize.
What did l just tell you? Switch the damn thing off. - Please..
Watch out!
Hey.. hey.. you didn't say anything to your husband.
Hey, nobody told you? Nobody told you?
Nobody came back going there, nobody.
Listen to me. Hey! Listen to me! Listen to me!
Hey, listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me!
Why did you throw the ball? - l didn't throw it.
l don't throw it! Hey! Don't play this drama with me.
That room behind, l will throw you there.
Do you what all is there?
There are many dangerous ghosts there.
l will throw you there. - l will tell Taya.
What will you tell her? - l will say that you are not good.
You are a thief, l saw everything.
Yes, Rohan.. - Nothing sir, Rohan wants to play.
He wants to go outside, can l take him? - Okay.
You kid! Come on! l will show you!
l will show you! You will complain against me! You dog!
Hi, Jill. - How is Rohan, Viraag? - Yes, he is all right.
Can l speak to him? - No. He has gone out with Rukma.
l steal! l hit you! l hit you! You wretch! Come on! Come on!
Rukma took me to the road. She hit me. She scared me.
She said that ghosts will slash my neck and drink blood.
l have forgotten the morning matter.
Even Rukma has forgotten about it. But this is too much.
You made stories about your fake friends. lt's okay.
But one doesn't say fake things against real people.
This is wrong.
Do you understand what l am saying?
Do you understand me?
Mummy, she stole our golden dragon today too.
Viraag, please talk to him. Why is he talking like this?
lt is okay, Jill. Just relax.
Sister.. sister you please go. l will feed him and have him sleep.
You go.
What happened, madam? ls he all right?
Yes, he is all right.
ln adjusting.. he is fine.. Rukma..
Madam, it was the first day today, isn't it?
You will see from tomorrow, everything will be all right.
You please don't worry. He is a kid, isn't it?
He will act like this.
You please don't worry.
With love and slowly, everything will be all right.
Shall l leave now? - Yes, take care of the wound. - Yes.
Thank you, Rukma.
l think something is really disturbing him.
Maybe, we weren't able to understand it.
What do you mean? - l don't know.
We should show Rohan to someone. - You mean..
A child psychiatrist?
'Oh! The youth of a young girl..'
'Oh! The youth of a young girl..'
Mr. Rao? - What is the matter, inspector?
Our idea is that it is a hit and run case.
lt can be some truck, tempo or some big vehicle.
Our son Rohan, was saying something about Rukma.
What was he saying?
Just that..
Rukma stole some things from the house.
Something from this is yours too, right? - Yes.
During this investigation, we questioned some inns.
A truck driver then told us..
..that yesterday evening..
Rukma.. no.. Rukma.. no.. - Come on.
Whoever trampled Rukma will be caught soon.
Rukma hurt you a lot, isn't it?
l don't like Rukma, mother.
Even l don't like her.
Mummy is sorry, Rohan.
She will never come to you.
Hey, where are you? l am waiting for you.
Murli, listen to me. l am not coming to the college today.
What do you mean you aren't coming?
See, l am waiting for you since so long!
Do you remember we had a date?
You had promised me! - Yes. but..
That Rohan's maid was killed. - What?
You won't believe this, Murli. She used to hit Rohan.
And she used to threaten and scare him.
Rohan.. wait.
No. l don't want to listen to you.
lf you eat this quickly, l will make strawberry jelly for you.
Will my tongue become red? - lt will become red.
Like this, see.
You ate it, isn't it?
The last one, come on. - l don't want it. - Open your mouth..
Brother-in-law.. - Yes?
l am making some jelly, will you have it?
No, thanks. - Okay.
They hit like this. ls mad! ls mad! Don't wait. Don't wait!
Below the car, like this Rukma.. like this.. is mad! ls mad!
No.. no.. you don't do anything.
l will drive them away. You run away! You run away!
Below the truck. ln an accident. - Rukma! Rukma!
Security, where are the guards?
Send them up right now.
Didn't l tell you? Under a truck. - ls mad! ls mad!
Like this.. like this.. will kill like this..
Take him away right now. - Come! Come on!
ls mad! ls mad! ls mad! ls mad!
Hey, run away! Run away!
Hey, in the village.. how did Rukma die?
No body will be spared, everyone will be killed.
Rohan.. what are you doing? You will fall down.
l was closing both the curtains.
No, go and play outside. Your cycle is out, come on. - Okay.
Rohan. Once again.
Mummy, l saw a bad man. And there was a bad aunt too.
There. Up there.
Rohan.. come here.
Junior.. if you see the bad man once again..
..come and tell straight away, okay? - Okay.
Okay. Go and play now.
Oh God!
Pa.. Pa.. Pa..
Rohan.. what is the matter?
There is the bad man in Rad's room. l saw him.
Who is it?
Who is it here?
Hello. - Murli.. what are you doing here?
Hey, you aren't to been since two days. l was missing you.
Radz.. - Shit.. - Shit.. - Should l go here? - No..
Radhika.. - Coming, sister.
Hi, Radz. - What happened? - Sorry to disturb you.
What is the matter? Everyone together?
Ask your brother-in-law, l don't know.
But so late in the night.. - Viraag.. please explain.
Actually, Rohan thought there was someone in your room.
Bad man, l saw him.
ln my room? There is nobody in my room. l am all alone.
l saw him! - Okay, that will be all, sweetheart. Come on.
But l saw the bad man! Mummy, l did see!
Okay, come on. We will go down and talk.
l saw.. - Sorry to disturb you, Radz.
l saw.. - We will go down and talk.
Whom are you looking for?
Murli, do you know who you are?
Bad man!
Just shut up! Too much! You are too much!
Mummy is going now. Papa will be out of the home too.
Don't trouble Radz aunty. Be a good boy.
Sweet heart.
Yes, Ravi. l am leaving now. Yes.
Yes, Mr. Publisher. l will be with you the whole day.
Yes, the work is going on absolutely fine.
l will drop Jill and come to you. She's fine.
Yes, Ravi. Fine. Bye.
Did you talk to the psychiatrist? - Yes, eleven o'clock.
Bye.. - Tell bye to mama. - Bye.. - Bye, Rohan.
We are all alone now.
How in the night, Murli? Everyone will be at home.
l will try. Okay. Come on now. Rohan is in a bad mood.
Come on now. Bye.
Rohan.. here, for you. A juice. Wow! Who is this?
Manish and Jyoti. - They are your friends, isn't it?
They are no longer my friends. - Why? What happened?
They are angry. All of them are angry.
Who, all of them?
The ones who stay in our house. - What?
They don't like us. When we are sleeping..
..they roam around the whole house, angrily, there.
There. All around the house.
What nonsense, Rohan?
Sometimes, they look at our beds like this.
They come to your room too, Radz.
Just like the bad man came to your room yesterday.
There is no bad man here. - This is the bad man.
Silent. Absolutely silent.
Didn't mummy tell you not to lie to anyone?
What did the psychiatrist say?
Hallucinations and visual dreams, it seems.
We will have him go through some clinical tests. - Tests?
lt's routine.
And l have appointment at ten at Tuesday.
Did he say anything else? - Yes. Keep Rohan busy.
Spend as much time as possible with him.
As much as the child stays occupied..
..his mind will that much less divided.
You understand? - Yes, l can understand.
Mummy.. mummy.. - Oh! Where are you coming from?
How was your day? - lt was very good.
You want to go to the cinema? Cartoon film?
Viraag, l think that it's a great idea.
Come on. - Yes, Radz.. - We will go for a cartoon film.
l.. l hate cartoon films.
Okay. Okay.
Radz sister is not there. We will see the picture.
We will eat pop corn and.. - We will drink cold drink too.
Oh God!
Hi.. - Hi..
Come in.
Murli? Where are you, mate?
What is this? Such a tease.
Where are you?
Stop it now, man!
Murli, don't you tell me if sis comes.
Murli, come out, man!
Murli, this is the room of sis and bro in law.
Don't even think of doing anything in here. Murli?
Oh God! This hide and seek..
Murli, it's not funny anymore.
Sis and bro in law can be back anytime.
What are you doing? Come out.
Okay. Okay.
Now let's see; who chases whom?
Home sweet home!
Rohan enjoyed the most today.
We should regularly go on such outings.
Look, he is still smiling in his sleep.
Even you smile.
Really? But you never told me about it.
ln fact you laugh out aloud.
Forget it! That's better than your snoring.
lmpossible! l never snore.
You definitely do. Ask Radhika. Mr. Dumb!
Radz! Radz.
He is sleeping, dear.
What happened? - There is a man upstairs!
What happened? - There is man in Radhika's room.
What happened?
Murli. He was Radhika's classmate.
Friend. A very close friend.
Can there be some personal enmity at college? - Yes.
But.. l feel something else.
What do you mean?
This can be the handiwork of some..
..psychopath or a serial killer.
A person who is very much mentally ill.
But we'll catch him.
l have deputed two guards for your security.
Just in case.
Mama, where is Radz?
Rohan, Radz has gone out for a few days.
She'll soon be back.
But, why is mama crying?
Ma'am, l'm calling from the hospital. - What is it?
There's a case of internal hemorrhage.
Please, come soon. l'll come right away.
What happened? There is an emergency case.
l have to go to the hospital
Rohan, stay with your dad. - Okay, mama.
Transfer the patient in the lCU. - Fine.
Run! Go!
Why don't you understand?
Where is he? - Over there.
Hey! Stop! Stop! Listen to me.
You must listen to me. - C'mon, get up.
He swallowed your sister.
Didn't you see, her eyes were popping out..
..the tongue was out and she was hanging nude on the tree.
That tree is not a tree. That house is not a house.
That killer..
Get in!
Stop! Stop!
So you want to say that ghosts dwell in my house?
My sister was killed.. That banyan tree!
That is not a tree.
Thousands of people came from there.
All were.. corpses.
Who? To whom?
That, Dilip laundryman!
She ran then too..
Who? - With big ears, like monkeys.
l don't know them. Who?
The daughter of the grocer she ran away from home.
The temple..
The kids! Manish and Jyoti.
That fair aunty! That master! That fatty.. fatty..
Who is Manish?
Who is Manish and Jyoti?
Manish and Jyoti are kids from my school.
They are dead!
The tree swallowed them.
They are dead! The tree swallowed them.
That was Manish's ball. Manish did it.
Manish and Jyoti couldn't sleep.
Others live here as well.
Rohan, what happened? What are you looking at?
Rohan! Rohan! What happened?
Mr. Rao!
Viraag! Rohan!
Viraag! Viraag!
Hello. - lnspector, l'm doctor Rao speaking.
Yes, tell me, what happened? - Your guards, my husband..
..no one is in here. - What?
Rohan.. l don't know where Rohan has he gone.
You please come here soon. - Okay. l'll be right there.
Viraag, the car!
Oh, My God.
Dr. Rao!
Dr. Rao.Please. Relax! Relax.
l can't understand anything, doctor.
Your husband, inspector Ghorpade, the two guards..
They are all missing.
Only you can tell.. what happened there!
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Marietta Commercial Real Estate Lawyer J. Kevin Moore | Marietta Zoning Attorney | Georgia | MIJS - Duration: 1:48.
"Perform the duty that lies nearest to you."
I'm Kevin Moore, partner here at Moore Ingram Johnson and Steele.
My primary areas of practice are zoning, land use, property entitlement, corporate governance
and commercial real estate transactions.
Moore Ingram Johnson and Steele is a unique firm at least from my perspective given the
camaraderie, loyalty and dedication of not only the lawyers that are here, those that
founded the firm, the associates, but also our staff.
It's a dedicated bunch of people that work hard not only for each other but more importantly
for the clients that we serve.
I am passionate really about four things.
I am passionate about my faith, my family, my friends and my work and in really in that
My faith sustains me, my family supports me, my friends surround me and my work motivates
It's what drives me and drives the passion in each of those areas for me.
For my clients with work, for my friends who I can offer help, for my family that hopefully
loves me and for my faith which I serve daily.
I believe in solving problems.
Most of what I do involves problems that have been brought to me by clients who must deal
with that on a everyday basis and it maybe the most important thing in their life and
what's critical for me and for us here at this firm is to make it an important part
of our life.
To help them solve that problem and to do so in a way that they gain the benefit of
our service and of what we can provide.
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Marietta Commercial Real Estate Lawyer J. Kevin Moore | Marietta Zoning Attorney | Georgia | MIJS - Duration: 1:48.
"Perform the duty that lies nearest to you."
I'm Kevin Moore, partner here at Moore Ingram Johnson and Steele.
My primary areas of practice are zoning, land use, property entitlement, corporate governance
and commercial real estate transactions.
Moore Ingram Johnson and Steele is a unique firm at least from my perspective given the
camaraderie, loyalty and dedication of not only the lawyers that are here, those that
founded the firm, the associates, but also our staff.
It's a dedicated bunch of people that work hard not only for each other but more importantly
for the clients that we serve.
I am passionate really about four things.
I am passionate about my faith, my family, my friends and my work and in really in that
My faith sustains me, my family supports me, my friends surround me and my work motivates
It's what drives me and drives the passion in each of those areas for me.
For my clients with work, for my friends who I can offer help, for my family that hopefully
loves me and for my faith which I serve daily.
I believe in solving problems.
Most of what I do involves problems that have been brought to me by clients who must deal
with that on a everyday basis and it maybe the most important thing in their life and
what's critical for me and for us here at this firm is to make it an important part
of our life.
To help them solve that problem and to do so in a way that they gain the benefit of
our service and of what we can provide.
[VOSTFR] 20161224 Sina Entertainment in conversation with Z.TAO - Duration: 22:17.
Fantastic Beasts Movie
Love Rudy Mancuso?
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 K. AVANTGARDE Automaat/navigatie/half leer/Air - Duration: 1:25.
BMW 1 Serie 116I BUSINESS+ Automaat 5Drs, Navi, ECC, Harmann K - Duration: 1:30.
Atlanta Tutoring Jobs | After School Activities | Dynamis Learning Academy - Duration: 2:34.
Hello, I am Helen with Dynamis Learning Academy.
Dynamis Learning Academy is a K-12 tutoring service that helps children achieve success
by reaching their potential!
Is your child involved in after school sports programs such as basketball, baseball, soccer,
swim or volleyball?
Does your child participate in after school activities like dance, cheerleading, karate
or ice skating?
Lastly, does your child struggle with getting his homework completed because he is so involved
in after-school activities that he lacks the time needed to get it accomplished?
Believe me, you are not alone!
Many parents have children involved in after-school activities and many times they do not get
home until after 8pm.
As you are aware, the rules for participating in these teams state that if you do not keep
your academics high, you can be removed from the team.
This alone adds anxiety to a child's already full plate.
At first sign, teachers believe that children are just being lazy; however, we all know
the truth lies in the fact that children are just exhausted from a long day of learning
and the added hours of physical activity into the evening.
We, at Dynamis Learning Academy, are able to help you solve this struggle with your
We offer group tutoring after school at a mutually convenient location, possibly the
school itself, so that children can get a jumpstart on their academics, finish their
homework before practice gets underway, and then get home satisfied that their assignments
for the next day are ready to be turned in for a grade.
The rest of the night allows your child to relax and have some downtime before getting
ready for bed.
Contact us at the number shown below, so that we can develop a plan of action to help your
child and his friends reach their goal of nightly homework completion for the week.
Thank you for listening.
BatKid' gets pulled over Christmas morning - Duration: 0:26.
MONSTA X: Round One for Best Fandom in Soompi Awards Unlocked! - Duration: 0:40.
Soompiers, this is MONSTA X
your special MCs for the 12th Annual Soompi Awards!
We're here to tell you: the battle has begun!
Best Fandom during the 12th Annual Soompi Awards is live!
You now have 24 hours to tweet your fandom's hashtags to determine the best fandom!
Tweet, tweet, tweet!
See you at soompi.com/awards!
Jota: Round One for Best Fandom in Soompi Awards Unlocked! - Duration: 0:37.
Soompiers, this is MADTOWN's Jota
your special MC for the 12th Annual Soompi Awards!
Now, the battle has begun!
Best Fandom during the 12th Annual Soompi Awards is live!
You now have 24 hours to tweet your fandom's hashtags to determine the best fandom!
Tweet, tweet, tweet!
See you at soompi.com/awards!
The LG Stylus 3 Is The Affordable Stylus Phone You Are Waiting For - Duration: 2:03.
The LG Stylus 3 Is The Affordable Stylus Phone You Are Waiting For
With LG's announcement of its new Stylus phone, stylus lovers can now celebrate.
LG's Stylus series has always been a solid option for stylus-loving people who are not
willing to splurge on a Samsung Galaxy Note phablet.
Sure, LG's Stylus are midrange in specs but they are definitely worthy of your purchase.
The most recent LG Stylus 3 is actually quite competitive and is a good alternative for
people who were a part of the Note 7 recall.
LG Announced The Stylus 3
As per GSM Arena, LG has already made some of its upcoming phones official.
Alongside the LG K series, the LG Stylus 3 has also been made official.
These phones are expected to be showcased this 2017 CES event.
LG has always been active in the smartphone world and when it comes to midrange phones,
the company has never stopped producing new ones in the past recent years.
LG Stylus 3 Specs
As per Phone Arena, the upcoming LG Stylus 3 is expected to sport a 5.7-inch display
with 720 x 1280 pixel resolution.
This phone is expected to run Android Nougat from the box and be powered by a Mediatek
MT6750 processor.
The LG Stylus 3 should also come with 3 GB RAM, 16 GB storage, and a 256 GB capacity
microSD slot.
For the cameras, this phone should come with a 13 MP rear camera and a 5 MP front camera.
It will also come with a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor and an FM radio.
As for the LG Stylus 3's battery, it is expected to come with a sufficient 3200 mAh battery.
Additionally, two color variants are coming in for the Stylus 3 and this includes a Titan
colored and a Pink colored variant.
For those awaiting this smartphone, the wait is almost over.
The LG Stylus 3 is expected to be released early next year.
After being showcased on the CES 2017 event, this phone could then be released as early
as immediately and as late as Q2 of next year.
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