Don't do it now
If you do, they'll conclude it was you.
Be patient for a while
Listen to me
Will do it leisurely
I won't be able to kill.
All of this, 'cause I'm alive...
...what if I die??
For more infomation >> Loli Official Teaser | An Independent Film | Directed by Thanmanam P - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Camry from Tula - Duration: 11:11.
[G]: Hey, what do we do now?
[P]: We're in Tula. Hence we need to do four things. Drink from a Tula samovar, eat a Tula gingerbread,
[P]: Buy a TT (Tokarev) gun, and screw a couple of Tula whores.
[G]: Nay. That's not my style.
[P]: Mine neither. Screw the gingerbread.
Hey, Tigran! Enough with the car audio stuff. People come here to watch kittens. Oh, do a ninja.
[T]: Just a sec.
Pure ninja!. What's that? Aria. They must've paid us. As soon as a new brand appears, they instantly pay us up.
Our today's review is paid for by Alphard, Dynaic State, Sound Stream, ACV, what else, Tigran?
[T]: Kicx.
Right. Kicx.
And Toyota.
[T]: Yep. Toyota, too.
Oh, and we forgot to mention Pioneer.
[T]: Right. Pioneer.
Yeah. They paid for today's review, too. So I guess now we have a buttload of money, huh?
[T]: Seriously, clean after you once in a while, okay?
[K]: I'll make noise then.
[T]: Grab your cake and move it over there. And your glass, too.
Don't move the cake! What's wrong with the cake here?
[T]: The table is over there.
Tigran is shaming here. Anyways, it's Loud Sound from our new atelier. Tigran has recently moved in here.
Okay, so I'm gonna go around and show the new atelier, all its flaws, and all Tigran is worried about is that he's got cake on the crafting table.
There, show the cake. Turn your hand like that. Wrong button. You are one hell of a cameraman!
Today we have Toyota Camry from Tula, the one with a 3-way sysyem, the one with a 12" FX in the trunk.
This is an interesting car in many respects. For one, it has a Sound Stream processor which we haven't had in our reviews yet.
It's almost an exact copy of MD Lab DSP-8. Or vice versa, dunno. Anyway, it's CD was lost but we managed to set it up anyway. You'll see later how.
We're gonna listen to some music but not too loud and not too long 'cuz we're in a closed space now.
And for two, we'll have to start the car fo that so we'll only listen to music until we fall asleep from carbon monoxide.
So we have a dirty Camry. We couldn't wash it 'cuz we have the Ford standing here.
Inside it's all clean. Okay, so where do we start, Tigran? Under the hood?
[T]: Yeah, let's start under the hood.
It was so good back in the yard, huh? And here -- And here we have a Kicx fuse installed.
Heat-hrink, snakeskin. Nothing interesting. Why is it that we show under the hood all the time?
You know why? 'Cuz if we don't everyone goes, 'You forgot to show under the hood!'. Here's the fuse, here are fallen leaves.
For the system, we have a 3-way one here
which is comprised of Deaf Bonce M60 Neo and - what are these? P.Audio? Dynamic State 7.1 or 8.1, I forgot.
DS 8.1, right. Their sinergy is amazing. We had some initial setting problems, but we found a good way out.
The problems began with us installing a processor. Take a look at the install, too.
We've got it all nice and clean here, everything looks great. Oh, you think people would think this chord is supposed to be like this, huh?
[T]: They might say, 'That loose wire is so lame'.
There are two MFC amps by Alphard, one ACV LX 2.80, for the tweeers. The MFCs are one 1300 for the sub, and one 4-channel for the mids and mid-basses.
There is one 12" Hannibal FX int he trunk. It plays really nice for a 12" sub, I must say.
Even for a single 12 in a sedan, the sound is really nice.
Let's say, it shakes the mirrors, and shakes 'em not bad.
What about proofing, Tigran?
[T]: Full noise and vibro but we didn't do it.
Oh, so it was done before the car arrived here, right?
Okay, so the problem was, the Sound Stream processor's setup CD is gone. Or should I just call it a disc?
Maybe you just didn't look properly, Tigran?
What the h-- There's the CD, isn't it? So no CD it is.
But we didn't throw a tantrum. Instead, we ran MD Lab's software which worked perfectly well with this guy.
So now we can feel no pressure asying these processors are just the same. No glitches, it goes on just like that.
The same interface. It connects the same, all the testings are fine. Hence we ge total interchangeability for MD Lab DSP 8 and Sound Stream Harmony processors.
Since we have a processor, you might've assumed we left the original HU. Not at all! The HU is all the way here.
This is the second Camry where we install the HU in this spot. Sort of a tradition, right?
And here we have a bass controller and the processor controller. Looks 100% like that for MD Lab's. You need it to switch between signal sources.
You can hook up a HU and an iPhone to the prcessor and switch between them with this controller.
For the HU, we've installed one of the most affordable Pioneers, this is Pioneer 190.
A new one arriving after the 180. So we get a decent receiver with USB, aux and all that jazz.
We have a complete function range, time delays, crossovers, and it all comes in 4 bands.
Like Sound Stream, MD Lab is apt of manipulating four bands which is amazing for this money.
Once we started the car, it's gonna get funnier in here.
[T]: Right.
Inhale, Tigran.
[T]: It doesn't stink yet, btw. Look what I'm about to do.
Wow! Look what's there!
This is /the/ Taxi.
Nay, you can't hear a thing outside. The atelier's noise proofing is good.
This is nuts.
[T]: Man, please, do a favour, clean after yourself.
[K]: I'll make noise then.
[T]: Move your cake over there. And grab your glass, too.
Don't move the cake. What's off with the cake there?
It's evening already. It's no good shooting a review in the evening. Kuzya, what the hell? Why are you walking into the frame? We're rolling here.
[K]: He told me to move the tools.
[T]: I told you to move your cake.
[K]: I said I was gonna make noise then, and he said he didn't give a shit. So I'm walking and making noise.
Well, don't.
[한글자막] 「너의이름은」을 다시한번 보고싶게하는 비하인드 스토리 설명영상 [너의이름은][스포주의] - Duration: 14:54.
Валерий Леонтьев «Botox Marks» (юбилейный концерт) / Valery Leontiev "Botox Marks" - Duration: 1:18:00.
첫 번째로 만든 메들리 - Duration: 8:20.
Funny Cartoons for Kids
Beautiful Island Getaways
Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TFSI PRO S-Line Automaat|2011|Navigatie| - Duration: 1:03.
MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili - Duration: 1:23.
三碧木星 易カードで九星別に占う 2017年1月の運勢(3star) - Duration: 7:33.
Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir T 500S (xenon, climat) - Duration: 1:22.
Happy New Lol /// League of Legends Cosplay - Duration: 4:06.
Last Season I was climbing to Plat,
But every playday was falling away
This year to save me from bronze
I'll premade with someone special
Once losing, twice flame
I keep lasthitting, but catching skillshots, yay
Tell me support did you hear about warding? No?
Well we are in bronze it doesn't surprise me.
(Happy Snowdown) I instalocked and said mid
With a goal to dominate the lane and win it!
Now I know that teamplay I need -
Communicate, rotate, gank and never raging again.
Last Season I was climbing to Plat,
But every playday was falling away
This year to save me from bronze
I'll premade with someone special.
Last Season I was climbing to Plat,
But every playday was falling away
This year to save me from bronze
I'll premade with someone special
Playing with you, I'm so glad
I know your playstyle and you know mine
My God I thank you for someone I can rely on
Win? I guess my way was worth try on
A face of the Faker, his roll in my heart
I feel that my skill is improving so hard
Oooh Oooh
Now I've found a real aim to be at Finals as player.
Last Season I was climbing to Plat,
But every playday was falling away
This year to save me from bronze
I'll premade with someone special.
Last Season I was climbing to Plat,
But every playday was falling away
This year to save me from bronze
I'll premade with someone special...
RPアート大合戦 |プレイヤーによって生まれた伝統 × 日本の伝統 - Duration: 1:41.
It's a tradition that started with players
Asking for a few extra RP when in need
And sending in original art in exchange
Riot has now collected over 200,000 pieces
With the tradition continuing with JP players in 2016
In thanks, we've blended this tradition with some of Japan's own
"League of Legends - Epic RP Art Battle"
Happy New Year!
Love Ciara?
'La La Land' Trailer
Kia cee'd 1.6 PACKPREMIUM 7 JAAR GARANTIE - Duration: 1:01.
Mazda CX-5 2.2D SKYLEASE+ 2WD Navigatiesysteem - Duration: 1:33.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 CRDi 136PK Automaat GT-Line - Duration: 1:41.
Mazda 2 1.5 90pk 40 jaar jubileum Editie Diverse kleuren d - Duration: 1:01.
D. Cimarso: Il Maestro di Cappella / Antonini / Novaro / Il Giardino Armonico (Haydn2032 live) - Duration: 21:29.
If you will allow me,
I shall sing an aria;
I am not, oh no, one of those
who have to be begged to do so
again and again
I am one of the few
of the old school
still left nowadays
Ah, where are they now,
those famous maestros
who knew so much?
So I shall sing an aria,
since I see you all here
ready to listen
but pay careful attention
for I will be singing an aria
in the sublime style
specially elaborated with his refined taste
by Cavaliere Scarlatti at the Laterino.
Oboes, horns and violas
will have plenty to do.
Violoncello, violins and double bass,
when their turn comes, will swell the sound.
Attention, gentleman,
holding your bows correctly
you must do as I tell you
This is the violins' theme:
What are you doing, my dear oboe?
Let's start the passage again!
Confounded double bass,
what the deuce is it doing here?
This is the violins theme:
Oh, please, I beg you, take care here
and learn to count properly
or else it won't do
This is the violins' theme:
Not yet, violas!
Shush, flute, not yet!
What the deuce is going on here?
Confounded double bass
What the deuce is it doing here?
You're not paying attention,
no, this will never do.
I implore you on bended knee,
ah, for pity's sake, watch what you're doing.
Without losing your tempers, as a matter of principle
pay attention to what i say:
let no one come in
if he hasn't heard me give the cue!
Remember, I'm not here
to play the fool!
This is the violins' theme:
Oh, well done! That's fine.
This is the viola line:
Oh, well done indeed, splendid!
Oboe will play this:
That's really excellent.
Now the horns enter together:
I'm pleased, they're doing well.
All together now,
come on, let's see how it goes.
Bravo, bravo!
These notes with the tip of the bow,
staccato here, then legato.
Solo oboes
Solo flute!
Quick, the horns!
The trumpets too!
Like that!
Fortissimo here!
Oh, what a harmonious sound!
Oh, what a heavenly orchestra!
I feel quite relieved.
These notes with the tip of the bow!
Violins and violas!
The violas with the horns!
Violins, solo flute!
Oboes, horns with the flute!
Now the trumpets and percussion!
Violins! Bravo!
Solo flute! Good!
Violas! Bravo!
Solo Oboe! Good!
Oboe and flute! Bravo!
Percussion! Bravo!
Trumpets and horns! Bravo!
Bravo, splendid!
Oh, what a harmonious sound!
Oh what a heavenly orchestra!
I feel quite relieved.
Bravo Il Giardino Armonico!
Bravo all of you!
That's fine!
I'm pleased with the ensemble,
with each of you
playing his own part.
So, if you don't mind
I'd like to try a piece
in an entirely new style.
Now turn your music over
and let's begin
a singing Allegro
it has two colours,
like a sauce that combines several flavours.
Please observe the piano and forte markings.
The double bass
shouldn't produce those sharp accents,
which sound ugly
in the harmony
Violas and violoncello
must be well tuned in the passage
I've written for them
Let the movement begin
with strength and warmth
let the "grand morceau" begin
with full tone and vigour.
We shall be married
amid music and song,
a radiant couple
full of love.
Here I want the violin.
Here the double bass.
Here I want the bassoon with the oboe
That instrument does not suit me.
Come now, the flute with the viola.
No, nothing better can be heard
We shall be married
amid music and song,
a radiant couple
full of love
Here I want the violin.
Here I want the double bass.
Here I want the bassoon with the oboe
That instrument does not suit me.
Here I want the violins.
Here I want the double bass.
The violas!
And now the flute!
Now the bassoon with the oboe.
That instrument does not suite me.
All the orchestra must play here
No, nothing better can be heard
All the orchestra must play here
I thank you, gentlemen;
another time we shall rehearse
an Andante, Allegro and Presto,
that will astonish you.
A Cantabile con moto,
a Larghetto, an Andantino,
that even a first-clas talent
will never be able to imitate!
Riccardo Novaro, Baritone
Giovanni Antonini, Conductor
Il Giardino Armonico
Please support the artists by buying their CDs!
Links in the description below.
How to summon a nat 5... the tutorial. WOW 100% legit and all much wow. - Duration: 3:18.
Good Evening
Today, december 31st
7:16AM in Brazil
I just decided to make this video for you
For the new year
A very special video where i'll explain a lot of things
I also expect to annoy my neighbors
who are always pis*ing me off at night. EVERY NIGHT
A video a little bit special where I will teach how I recently summoned all these nat 5
I won't translate everything here. just basically big "OH NO WOW"
See, What did I tell you
I think I got mad a little bit here. COME ON IT WAS WAY TOO MUCH
Nice intro dude. Thanks dude.
There will be 10 steps
*Sigh of concentration*
Let's start
Step 1: Wash your thumb under clear water
Step 2:
Make a triple sided backflip
For obvious reasons, I don't want to summon a nat 5 at the moment
So I will not do it.
Step 3
Pop some unknown scrolls
You summon them
How many ? Figure it out but... just summon 'em
For the fifth one
3 Push ups
One hand once
One Hand twice
No Hands at all
For the next step
Rythme is the main thing
7th Step
A finger in the a** and you do the plane (french saying, I hope you get the picture)
8th Step
Say outloud "Your mom the baked potato"
do it
I'm waiting for you
Last step
The most important one
Farting... with your under arms
Fart sounds (I am 25 by the way)
Thanks for watching ! *Awkwardness intensifies*
If you liked it let me know and I will translate more of my videos :D
STORY: Tom | Fibromyalgia | Wim Hof Method - Duration: 4:16.
My name is Tom
I've recently resumed work, fortunately, after a long period of illness.
Fibromyalgia was eventually diagnosed, at the end of a lengthy consultancy quest
I was always having muscle aches. Lactate build-up in the legs.
I was barely able to walk stairs. We're talking a 6-year stretch.
Progressing from a slight ache to complete immobility.
Heading up the stairs to bed and feeling like you just walked 200 flights.
Walking the dog to the bakery, five hundred meters to and fro.
I'd have to lie down for several hours because I was completely exhausted.
Full-blown muscle pains. Zero mobility.
Fibromyalgia is characterized by constant fatigue, myalgia, and extreme muscle acidification.
Naturally it was very hard for my family to see me deteriorate.
And being physically handicapped while showing no physical symptoms…
…Makes that it's not always easy to understand that someone is really down and hurting.
My introduction to the Wim Hof Method was really random.
My mother had seen a testimonial of Wim's on television.
About influencing your autonomic nervous system and your immune system.
She called me up and said: "you've tried everything…
"Maybe you should try this."
I looked at the Innerfire website and saw that besides the workshop they offered a weekend for beginners.
Right after that first weekend I came home and felt strong as an ox, and that lasted for weeks.
At first I thought "it's the rush from being with that group of people" but then it kept up.
I got ever stronger and fitter and had ever fewer problems.
After three months I was back to working full-time; back to working out.
The difference is you're functional again; back in control…
…and able to do what you want, really.
I was so inspired by that. I'm thinking "Hey…"
"…if there's an Instructor course, then I want to keep going."
I pushed through and a year later I completed the Instructor course in Poland during a fantastic week.
And then we were ready.
I love being able to inspire people; to get going with this.
To give people back the control over their own health.
It's just wonderful to do. Delightful.
You notice very clearly with people who come to take the workshop
—because we're virtually unknown in Belgium— is that they are very apprehensive
"We'd like to try it sometime but we're not very convinced yet"
You just notice, when they arrive; "About that ice bath, I'm not sure we'll go through with that"
And when the time comes you just see them liven up and everyone instantly finds that mental peace…
…and that power within themselves to be able to do it.
And that is wonderful to see.
When afterwards you get emails with comments like:
"Woah I can already do 5-minute cold showers"
"I feel much more energetic and much stronger"
Wonderful to get that kind of feedback.
To know that you've been able to set people on the right path, and that they're taking back the reins…
…and realize that they are in control of their bodies.
Just wonderful to experience.
It's so easy, and there's nothing woo-woo about it. It's all substantiated with science.
It's so hard to figure out why I cannot get others to cross that barrier…
…When everyone could benefit so much.
It should be common knowledge. It should be taught in school.
We've been calling for first aid classes in school for years, but this is far more important.
When you're young you're generally quite healthy.
If you're able to maintain that, instead of having to do this after misfortune…
…that could make all the difference.
I can really recommend it to everyone. Everyone should be doing this. It can be recommended to anyone.
Whether you're healthy, or doing sports, looking for that next level.
Or you're feeling down, or have a mental block.
This really has a positive effect on everyone.
You notice an impact on all aspects of your life.
【APH Main Cast】Compilation of Neru Songs【Hetaloid Cover Compilation】 - Duration: 39:22.
Abstract Nonsense (Translation by animeyay)
The impractical theories on my desktop, unable to find any audience, disintegrate half-way.
My future plan, being woven with lead, is a fantasy of confrontational debates and arguments.
When I listen more closely, the story is secret talk. That kid is but a monochrome puppet.
Its owner, being kept in its heart, is a symphony of variable parameters.
Ah, attach a price tag to me.
Ah, even life itself is expectantly not moving forward. I'll round the number.
How pointless. I want to stop, so I stick my head out of the window.
How boring. I've become weary, but I don't have the courage to kill myself.
How pointless. I want to stop, so I stick a syringe into my wrist.
How boring. I've become weary, so I'm eating some cake and taking deep gasps.
Everybody is hung midair and swinging. The number of bolts and screws in their head is lacking.
My life, with two interlocked part-time jobs, is a factory of friendship.
When I raise my antenna, the story is secret talk. That kid, too, is but a monkey of mass media.
The fraudulent sales, conducted in a high-pitched voice, are the dustpans of existence.
Ah, you should come over here.
Ah, how many people are you going to kill like that? Round the number.
How pointless. I want to stop, so I press a knife against my bosom.
How boring. I've become weary, but I don't have the resolve to inflict pain upon myself.
How pointless. I want to stop, so I let even my head be submerged.
How boring. I've become weary, so I'll merely keep thinking because that's all I have been doing.
Ah, if you keep crawling like a beggar,
Ah, the proof will never be finished. Round the number.
How pointless. I want to stop, so I jump into a path.
How boring. I've become weary, so I start running away in the middle of my journey.
How pointless. I want to stop, so I point a gun at the temple of my forehead.
How boring. I've become weary, but I can only keep on fantasizing about suicide.
I feel like crying from my suffering, but am unable to cling to anyone,
and my voice is being ridiculed and ignored. To put it simply, I am merely a piece of junk.
It's going to rain tomorrow for sure.
Mom, Dad, I'm sorry for everything
My knees are shaking and I'm sucking my thumb
Brother, Sister, I'll see you later
I stomp down the heels of my unfashionable shoes
Tokyo Teddy Bear (Translation found in Project Diva F 2nd)
I'll make a ridiculously-sized pattern for it
Anything will do, as long as it serves as a replacement
The words "I want to be loved" tumbled from my mouth
I'll find some tougher scissors
To cut out the face
C'mon, let me hear some words of wisdom
Tell me I don't need anything but my brain;
why not, I don't know
Near-future creation; tomorrow's wounds; just shake it
Please fill in the gaps in my seams
Goodbye, everyone; teacher, take care
Drool drips onto my pounding chest
What does honesty get you? Honesty doesn't pay!
Ahh, this isn't going to get the job done
I need a bigger sewing machine to pierce through the heart
C'mon, let me hear some words of wisdom
Tell me I don't need anything but my brain;
why not, I don't know
Near-future creation; tomorrow's wounds; just shake it
Please fill in the gaps in my seams
There's nothing left, nothing left anymore: It's all torn off
Even my cells disappear into this sea of lint
That's right, I'm gone, gone, thrown away
I don't even have a home to go back to
Proof of my existence. Ahh, shut up. My body's made of lies.
I want to complete it, I want to cheat, give me the answer
I can't change? Do I want to be kept like a pet?
Is it all gone? This isn't me!
The seams have split and torn apart
I cut out my life's spark in these boiling days
Anyone will do, as long as they serve as a replacement
Echoes, The Blue Sea, A Collection of Poems by Aglaophonos Grasping Great Numbers (Translation by Coleena Wu)
The fairy-tale is opened
The keystone tells of the beginning of a trip
Faraway, distant in the great deep
What is that child imagining?
The beginning is time's law
Overcoming the fate of some 100 million years
Within the pitch black his penetrating eyes gaze at,
The story opens
Ditia eni seresia
Oee etu shiegoya
Dedeya ouna egashie
Resound, resound, resound
Ditia heze heremia
Todee ao akebiya
Dedeya heshia konashie
Resound, resound, resound
One who sets foot in the deep guardian woods, Etranger
The wind singing through the pines, whispering to the child.
The god-sent howl that shakes even the vast land,
crawled the blue sky, and sent an echoing roar of Life.
Aglaophonos sings.
Echoes dance on sin that's worn,
glimmering white crow soars
the deep blue waters.
from the hundred million psalters.
Now, unleash the power of the Chronicle on the possible world.
Twilight was closed
When he changes his mind, the transient world is just a dream
Midnight, when the plants sleep
What does that child know?
A poem of vow was spun up
The wind soars by the 4 cowering limbs
Offered to those who have passed away,
The story's melody
Ditia eni seresia
Oee etu shiegoya
Dedeya ouna egashie
Resound, resound, resound
Ditia heze heremia
Todee ao akebiya
Dedeya heshia konashie
Resound, resound, resound
Boy, Girl, Chameleon Symptom (Translation by minato777, edited by me)
I'll water the grimy Old World Royal fern with a watering can
I wonder if a lovely flower will bloom, hello, hello, hello
No matter how much I can love myself, no matter how much I can love others
I suppose it's not good to weigh both in the same balance scale
I can't see his face,
Who is heating the headphone in a microwave oven
Clashing, falling down and scraping the knee
You'll laugh at me, you'll laugh at me, right?
Entreating, depriving, even so, as it was still not enough
We made each other's hands get dirty
Even without a run-up, three steps to it, where are you going so suddenly?
I wonder which one has changed, hello, hello, hello
One day, suddenly I get lost in thought. Say, if I try to die tomorrow,
I wonder how many people will shed tears for me
As he is listening attentively to the burned sound
The verse like this can't reach him
Since I'm always trembling with anxiety
I pretend not to see, not to see the rusted wrists
We'll be rotten like that in this dog house
And robbed of each other's smile
What we got by hiding various bruises was
The darkness nobody would like to have
Disguising, deceiving and, as it's still not enough
I'll step on your face and twist it
Yeah, right
What would I do? This won't change anything
Though I have something I want to tell him
Re-Education (Translation by AmeSubs, edited by Bird)
Standing at the national highway, confronting our closed future
Closing her eyes on the rooftop, she opposes the gravity
Morals can just go die, I kick the coke can
This is youth, huh… How many times have I said this already?
She lived in a hurry, and went to the storehouse on the outskirts yesterday
With a distorted face, she wound the plastic tape around her neck
With a selfish knife, we threaten dreams, and our tomorrow cries out
"Please, help me" a voice calls, but I block it out with a shield of solitude
Killing dreams with sophistic justice, as our tomorrow sheds blood
I set fire to our piled up memories, calling them useless
That's right, my days weren't always without ambition
Me in the childhood days pointed and laughed at us
He was gambling like pile of garbage
But long ago, he too had a loveable wife and daughter
With a selfish knife, we threaten dreams, and our tomorrow cries out
"Please, help me" a voice calls, but I block it out with a shield of solitude
Killing dreams with sophistic justice, as our tomorrow sheds blood
I set fire to our piled up memories, calling them useless
It won't heal, my loneliness is to the farthest ends,
Other than us, ethics are overestimated
I can't figure out the actual happiness
Please tell me, just tell me.
If you wish it, we can say goodbye to this world
The only realistic voice tells me to run
If you don't listen to me
I'll tell the teacher
With a selfish knife, we threaten dreams, and our tomorrow cries out
"Please, help me" a voice calls, but I block it out with a shield of solitude
Killing dreams with sophistic justice, our tomorrow sheds blood
I set fire to our piled up memories, calling them useless
The Lost One's Weeping (Translation by zcatcracker)
The distrust of a few centimetres' long edge
In the end pierced right through the vein
Frail love spatters out when that happens
Even a Les Paul has become a weapon, now
No fiction.
I like math and science
But I just wasn't any good at languages, so I hated it.
When you kept wondering which was right
It turns out they were all wrong anyway
Today's homework is Me, Mr. Generic.
It's just right, not constraining, that's how I've been living as of late
But why do we sometimes---no, everyday,
Say that we're sad, say that we're lonely?
Can you read the kanji on the blackboard?
Can you read the state of that kid's heart?
The one that stained his heart so black
Hey, who was it? C'mon, who was it?!
Can you solve the equation on your abacus?
Can you also undo the choker on that kid?
Can we stand to remain like this?
Hey, whaddya gonna do? It doesn't matter anymore
No matter how much time passes,
We're drunk on slovenly hypnotism
With unwieldy, incurable pride
We always sheltered beneath it.
The homework yesterday, as usual, is unsolvable.
Just right, not restrictive, that's how I've been living as of late
But why is the lump in our chests
Saying we want to disappear? Saying we want to die?
Can you read the kanji on the blackboard?
Can you read the state of that kid's heart?
What stained his heart so black
Hey, who was it? C'mon, who was it?!
Can you solve the equation on your abacus?
Can you also undo the choker on that kid?
Can we stand to remain like this?
Hey, whaddya gonna do? Hey, whaddya gonna do?!
Can you recite the formula for the area ration?
Can you recite the dreams you had as a kid?
The one who dumped even those dreams into the gutter
Hey, who was it? Don't you already know it.
When will I become an adult?
In the first place, what does it even mean to become an adult?
Who can I consult for this?
Hey, whaddya gonna do? It doesn't matter anymore
World Domination How-to (Translation by Coleena Wu, edited by anon and me)
Who's the one making a crying face all the time?
Fight back as much as you were laughed at
Before long, you'll find the thing you've picked up is
Neither a bomb nor knife nor a weapon at all.
Let's promise no matter what from now on,
That we'll tear off the price tags on our backs.
This everyday may be rotten and decayed,
But it's still too early to throw it away
Today too, on the platform of the station's last stop
Tomorrow's me is still waiting,
Trembling to welcome a dense, selfish master
No matter whether years pass and cars can fly in the sky,
Even if years pass and machines can talk,
Whatever you want to say, before you call it convenient,
Please heal my wounded heart
If a missile flies in that sort of sky,
And if I were to ask for happiness from such a thing,
Then I have to become a kind person,
I wonder if I can affirm myself…
Even if I say I'll raise my head and face forward,
In the dark, there's no "forward" or shit to find.
Being alone, being with another person,
Loneliness won't stop being lonely.
Singing a song about wanting to die.
That again simply drove the stakes in further.
But even doing something like that wasn't enough for you to see the words
Peaking out from behind my lips. No matter what I do, they can't be found.
This present me will again,
Just go lose himself at the arcade.
It would be good if tomorrow didn't come.
The final train's whistle annoyingly resounds.
Even if I pretend to be cold, calling things like love misfortune.
My true feelings attack at my guilty conscience
"How are you?" I ask the current me.
"Really, there's nothing I can do." He says.
I really hate that annoying part of me
If a missile flies in that sort of sky
And if such a thing were to make me feel alive
Then I have to become a kind person,
I want to reaffirm myself
I have to become a kind person
Before my heart grows numb from the cold
Idola Circus (Translation by Coleena Wu)
Do you see the blue sky being dirtied?
Do you like a dark room more than anything else?
Ah, then let's play just a bit
Hey, how about it? Today's a bit cheaper, after all
I was taught that a spider's thread is the hand of salvation in hell,
But it was actually an unthinkable false rumor-like rumor
Ah, I didn't hear that, Buddha
Untangle this thread of limbs
Come, let's dance all night in our naked bodies
We know, we know your true nature
Again putting on a fake face, you're just like a pierrot
Answering your own questions, which is a lie? Going right and left, which is the truth?
Come on up to the stage! Are you trembling with fear and excitement?
There's no need to go home
Don't worry about money until later
When you tried turning on the TV, the Buddha's hands were absent from their handcuffs
As a matter of fact, it was rumoured that this guy's like a notorious swindler
Ah, I didn't hear that, newscaster
Untangle this thread of limbs
Come, let's dance all night in our naked bodies
We know, we know your true nature
Again putting on a fake face, you're just like a pierrot
Answering your own questions, which is a lie? Going right and left, which is the truth?
Come on up to the stage! Are you trembling with fear and excitement?
It's time to put a mask, a mask
On your unsociable face
Including those fake faces, I'll gather your pride, please give it to me
Can't you hear the sound
Of applause without one objection?
Come on up to the stage! Didn't you know? You're also an accomplice
Can you hear the back of the stage you want to pretend not to see?
Come on, come on, come on, come on,
Set your mind on writing a letter that you can't express with words
I'd been considering sending it to the person I'd be in the days to come,
But I don't have an address to send it to, and don't know where I am, either…
So then what am I supposed to do with these feelings?
How's it feel to have become someone you never wanted to be?
God's laughing up there in heaving, pointing his finger down at you
Shut up, you useless piece of shit; hurry up and get out of my sight
The misery grows upon you bitterly…
Squinting, turning away from love and being shut in a 6-tatami room, that's terrorism
This whole time, I've been singing out – no, I've been crying out
If you say that's wrong, then take a bullet heavier than those words and shoot
When struck at strike back – it's your turn now! It's time for you to seize every single dream thrown away
I've bet my heart's place on this resistance
Laugh back as much as you were laughed at, but no more. A coup d'etat of life, so to speak
We'll secure indomitable victories through overtime. It's the eve of our counteroffensive
I used to earnestly believe that things could change if I put my thoughts to song
I'd thought simply that without embarrassment or guilt
Domination and the like, who's talking about that?
Looks like there aren't any huge idiots who would
Trapped by fear of the voices of the heartless crowd, that's terrorism
Just like that, I've rejected others - no, I've run away from them
If this is our final chance, then for this terrible stage… I guess I'm sorry
When struck at strike back – it's your turn now! Ignore all those who abuse and jeer at you
A cry for help leaks out from the wounds in my heart, mayday
Laugh back as much as you were laughed at, but no more. This intifada occurred in a single room.
A defensive battle with neither soldiers nor officiers, it's the eve of our revolution
Even when worn out, take it back. Your heart is yours and yours alone.
Life shines so brightly because that's what makes it life.
You may fall over, trip, or collapse, but that is proof you tried to advance forwards
That's why anyone who laughs at that is the worst. But despite everything, the world'll keep going 'round
Is that right? Is it? Give me the answer…
Terrorism (Translation by Coleena Wu)
Jailbreak (Translation by Hazuki no Yume)
Born in this town that reeks of gasoline
Closed off by the dismal high walls surrounding,
We have yet to see so much as the color of a grassland.
There's no point waiting here forever for someone to save us;
We'll only get better at Monopoly— you used to say that with a laugh.
Screams from the crowd. Constant sounds of gunshot.
Can this be called a "life"?
So you whispered, as your breath came out in white puffs: "Let's run away."
Back then, we used to dream
That we'd surely find love and human warmth beyond the confines of this cage;
That we're going to fly to what lies beyond these shut windows.
How many times have we indulged in such dreams?
This is a memory from a long, long time ago,
But you once showed me, with such a smug look,
Your kinda silly blueprint— just a child's fantasy.
Then I was drawn to your vision,
And now, standing in front of my very eyes
Is the plane from that day.
The sound of the buzzer is growing fainter, amidst the yelling of the police.
Fire commands from all quarters.
I escaped from the tiny crack
That opened up as the ceiling gave way.
Back then, we used to talk about our dream,
About how we'd look down upon this garbage town, from atop this cage.
Now, I'm gonna press down on this rusty throttle with all the strength I can muster,
and break down this reality, this very moment.
Even with the warning signs, uncertain factors,
And non-stop error messages,
you still raise the altitude even more, without batting an eye,
And laugh.
Before the grandeur of the vast sky, I might just forget about everything,
Not even caring about the heated-up engine, or whatever happens to the plane itself.
Even if my whole being were blasted away to some unknown place,
that wouldn't be so bad, 'cos I already have what I wanted.
Before hanging your neck, connect up the amp
Carry your strato, play some clapton
N' beat up that student who got a telecaster
Now, let's trip, to the lovable world
Hah… What an era I've been born into
I mean, Doraemon doesn't exist, there's no pocket either
And idiots won't be cured, unless they die
Whatever, What happens happens
Heaven is calling
The drunken, noisily, staggering, party people (can just) fuck off
Why are you hesitating?
Come on, hurry up and turn up the volume, please
Everybody- Cling, cling to your escapes from reality
Become a loser, and roar, roar
Throw, throw out your ideals
That's just law-evading rock etiquette!
Sink, sink into the very bottom
Degenerate, degenerate into a person unfit for society
And clinch, clinch nothing but own goals
That's just law-evading rock etiquette!
Let's go show off for the whole year~
Welcome to the fucking circus, my brain's (all like) parira parira
G' morning mister crazy, how are you feeling?
But, the show's about to (begin)
Noise mixes in
A fox, maddened with a head happy; kick out
But, none of that really matters
Come on, turn up the volume more, please
Everybody- Cling, cling to your escapes from reality
Become a loser, and roar, roar
Throw, throw out your ideals
That's just law-evading rock etiquette!
Sink, sink into the very bottom
Degenerate, degenerate into a person unfit for society
And clinch, clinch nothing but own goals
That's just law-evading rock etiquette!
There's no need, no need for civility
Cause, cause a chemical reaction
And nonchalantly throw away, throw away your pride
That's just law-evading rock etiquette!
I don't know, don't know no "decency"
Not lowering, not lowering the volume a single (bar)
Take it, take it without a break
That's just law-evading rock etiquette!
Let's go show off for the whole year~
ALICIA KEYS - Hallelujah (Cover by Massimo) - Duration: 4:13.
Hello YouTube! Massimo here...
...this was Hallelujah by Alicia Keys!
Probably my favorite song of this period
I chose to cover this sort of prayer...
...cause I hope you can find lots of motivation and inspiration, like I did!!
And also I wanna wish you the best new year ever... full of peace, love, fortune and health!
I hope you guys enjoyed the video... If you did, please, give the big THUMBS UP...
...also for penguins socks...
As always my social media are in description below...
...so go and chek it out...
HAPPY NEW YEAR and don'r drink too much...
...but stil drink!!!
VLOGMAS: Playing Christmas Games With Family in Denmark //圣诞节: 在丹麦跟家人玩游戏 - Duration: 6:23.
Hey friends
Today is December 26th
And now is already one o'clock in the afternoon
We just finished lunch
And yes, I want to eat yesterday's desert again
Have a look
Very sweet
Really tasty
My sister is making bread
Because our family members will come in the afternoon
and then we are going to play games together
So ugly, it's getting darker and darker
No matter what I'm eating, Lele still wants to taste it
But she definitely won't like this
Because my sister is making bread and my mom is cleaning the house, my
what is it called? my work?
is to take out little Lele
And didn't I just say that the weather was really bad
It's such bad weather outside, it's only getting more cloudy
Strong wind and such
But Little Lele still wants to go outside for a walk
I'm really looking forward to eating my sister's buns
The smell is so nice
Are you tired?
So tired
My mom just prepared this cheese, grapes, and red pepper
And what else?
Not sure what that is
I'm really looking forward to eating the cheese
We already finished preparing everything just now
Look there are nice small presents here
prepared the presents
Because this afternoon we are going to play games with my family members
The game is called bingo
I think it is bingo in English
We call it banko
Almost the same
And then when we play it, you can win the presents
So we asked everyone to bring a small present
And then we will play the games together
Wish me luck
But last year when I played it, I didn't win a single present
So when we finished, I wasn't happy
Not happy
I brought these toys back from China to give to my cousin
She is playing with it now
My mom also thinks it's quite interesting
What are you saying, Louise? Hello?
Do you like to play with it?
Is it fun?
I love them
You love them
She is also a little movie star (She likes to be on camera)
My dad is joking with my little cousin
Okay we need to start over again
Oh no
Something is wrong with the computer (The numbers are on my dad's computer)
Are you ready?
The first number is 70
It was much better
The party just finished
and Lingling is so tired
It's already more than 7 pm in the evening
And we just want to relax now
Just relax
Thank you guys for watching today's video
And I'll see you next time
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