Who's dealing, you or me?
One card for you...
...one card for me.
Three for you, one for me.
Four for me, one for you.
Five for me.
Rotten hand.
You're playing funny.
You don't want...? Don't get mad.
I was only asking.
How many cards do you want? Three?
Are you going to give me a break?
I have a bad hand.
Wait till you see what I'm going to do. Moron.
This will be my victory.
Did you see how brilliant...?
Show your hand... Don't get mad.
You, don't interrupt me...
...or you'll be sorry.
When I get married, buy me a truck like that.
I take two. And you? None? Great.
Two for me.
Lovely hand. Three Aces. -Swanker.
Promise, when I get married.
Four Sevens.
Look, how lovely.
Screw your "lovely".
Daddy, look.
I told you, don't interrupt when I'm playing cards.
Daddy likes you, but you're troubling him.
Cards are like whores.
Who do you think I am?
I can bluff.
Maxim Gorki is here. The Russians.
Look at this. Poker.
Hurry up, Zare. -Give my eggs back.
How much for the horns, comrade?
Ten marks.
Come on, five marks.
No way. Ten.
What do you want with it? -Silence. Simpleton.
It is secondhand raw material. One for five marks.
One million horns, five million marks.
How much for the washing machine? -300 marks.
Fine machine. Very good.
I'll make you an excellent offer.
220 marks for the horns, the washing machine and the computer.
No way. 280. -250.
Sold. -Shake hands.
Can I help? -It's all right.
On that side.
We've been swindled.
Have a look.
The Russians trade water for Diesel.
Water. Have a look.
100 percent Diesel.
Water. -The barrel is full of water.
The whole barrel?
The cold rain falls at dawn.
I don't understand.
Why is she wearing spy-glasses and a grater?
Some small change for the baby she's expecting.
For the surgery.
Grandma expresses her gratitude.
-What? It will be two, according to the echo.
Piss off, bloody gipsy.
The gate, the gate.
Halt, who goes there?
Hello. -Who are you?
Matko Destanov. -Hands up.
Hands up.
Goose, over.
I was planning to go to Hungary tonight.
To the fair in Pecs.
Go to the fair wherever you like, but don't return without a fiancée.
Hello, mister Grga, boss.
Little bird, why have you returned?
I've never been here.
Yes you have, five years ago. -Me? No.
Don't contradict me. -We saw each other, but not here.
Someone important relocates often.
Eight years ago then. -Eight? That's impossible.
O yes, yes.
My compliments, uncle Grga.
Look at me. -I am looking at you.
Why are you here? And don't tell lies.
I would do anything for your father.
He saved my life twice.
In Genova, and in Marseille. -I know.
He beat up half the city...
...to get me out of jail.
He is a gentlemen.
Was. May the Lord have mercy on his soul.
On whose soul? -My father's. Last year.
One day I was doing all right, the next day I was an orphan.
Without any help.
Lost and lonely.
No one can help me.
You were his downfall. A swindler, a rotter, gambler, vagabond.
That was temporary.
Making mistakes is human. I have changed.
I've learned my lesson.
Uncle Grga, I've got a brilliant plan.
What kinda plan? -A train.
A train with 20 wagon-loads of gasoline.
Gasoline? What use is that going to be to me?
Since the death of my father...
...I don't get anybodies help.
That's business for the pros.
They'll screw you. You're a freshman.
No, Uncle Grga. I've got it all covered this time. It'll be all right.
I've got it on paper.
I'll show you the fax.
Don't come back without a wife.
Are you up to something again?
Laugh, dammit.
I received an urgent fax. Everything's in there.
All the details.
Come here.
Goose, over... Reply.
Look, uncle Grga.
Everything's in the fax.
We invest 70.000 marks...
What, boss?
Goose, the laborers can go. And you too.
All right, boss.
Let's have a break.
I want to loan 70.000 and within a week I'll return you 100.000.
Did you see that?
I see it, uncle Grga.
You sure have a lot of money.
I'm only doing this for your father.
You won't have to pay me back...
...but I do want a full report of your lucrative deal.
If not I'll send my grandsons to skin you alive.
Am I making myself clear? -Very clear.
Weirdo. -Millions. Maradona.
You said your granddad died.
He's in a hospital, that's practically the same.
He has a large cement factory and never gave me a penny.
Zare, my son. With this money your daddy will buy you a future...
...and your children's future.
Leave me be. I'll never forgive you.
Take a look at this miracle.
Now that's what I call an invention.
Only the Germans can invent something like that.
Daddy makes a promise to you...
Boy, when I'm rich, I'll make a ship-owner out of you.
There's our benefactor.
Pitbull. Terrier.
Fortune favors the bold.
Ungrateful bastard. I give you something to eat and that's your way of saying thank you?
It's all in the game.
Welcome, Dadi, my dear brother. -Who is he?
What the fuck do you care? -I was only asking.
So there's a God after all.
Is there anything to see?
Unlucky person. Read this.
You wanted to see me.
I don't wanna work with thieves anymore.
What are you waiting for? Give the man something to drink.
I've got a cunning plan. -You?
Honderd percent failsafe.
It's the plan of the century.
I've got a connection in Jordan.
He sells me a train full of gasoline.
Brilliant. A stroke of luck. -Well just buy it.
I don't have the money.
That's why I need you. You know the custom-house officers.
You don't need to know the custom-house officers.
The Bulgarians always say: "Brother, if you can't solve a problem with money...
...solve it with a lot of money."
Have a drink.
What is it?
Whisky in a gin-glass?
You don't like gypsies? Get lost, bitch.
Get lost all of you.
Fuck you all. You too, out. You choose her side.
No. -He's lying.
Forget it. -Piss off.
I'm not a racist.
Huh, Matko? -You have always been tolerant.
I've known you since you were little. -Sorry.
I'll drink from the bottle.
No way. Cheers.
On our deal.
Ain't he cute?
He's old enough to get married.
Zare? He's not of age, but he is mature.
Is he honest? -One hunderd percent. That's what counts.
Lucky you. You live like a man.
Not like me, with that scum.
Motherfucking junkies. Don't you dare that again.
Stop whining. Apparently you're not short on anything.
What's that to me? Tell me.
I've got it made.
I have a big house, a castle.
2500 square meters.
Daddy's mausoleum. No-one in this land has one like it.
Ain't it beautiful? -Very much so.
Why are you crying, Dadi?
Don't cry. -Why not?
Why shouldn't I cry? -It's a wonderful house.
It's a shame. A shame. -How come?
I've fulfilled all of daddy's wishes. Except one:
Nobody wants to marry my sister.
It's a disgrace.
Don't you worry, my brother. All will be well.
We'll make this deal and drink on it.
Hello, Aksim?
I'm in trouble, help me. I've heard you've got a singer.
She can work miracles.
Go serve the customer.
Wait till he comes in. -Go water the pole.
What's her name? Medusa?
Damn, disconnected again. The devil's playing with that phone.
The line got disconnected again.
I told you: it's the devil.
Damn it. Go water the telephone pole. I can't do business this way.
She's getting on my nerves.
Hey you. Come here.
Who? Me?
Stop acting funny, you're not waiting for anyone. You're following me all the time.
I only want a lemonade.
Of course.
Go water the pole. Hurry up. Grab a bucket.
Go water the pole.
What a jerk.
I don't hear you... I don't hear anything.
Now I can hear you. Loud and clear.
Send that singer with the fast train.
She begins tomorrow.
And my lemonade?
You'll get that when when the goose grow a beard.
My dear grandson.
I brought you some clothes.
What does the doc say?
That I'll live to become 100, if they leave me alone.
And your liver? -Completely gone to pot.
You shouldn't drink anymore.
What? I will drink.
I will drink if I feel like it.
This is a hospital. Music isn't allowed here.
Doctor, you've got to make an end to this.
Imagine what it would be like if all patients brought an orchestra.
You don't have the right to be so cross.
It's a matter of respect.
What a wonderful life.
Excellent booze. I'm on fire.
Grandson, I've got to tell you something.
You don't have a mother, your father is no good.
I sold the cement factory.
Up in smoke. I sold it to that crook, Dadan.
I took the money. For your future.
If you need money, go to my friend...
...whom I haven't seen in 25 years. His name is...
I know. Grga Pitic. -You know him?
You've told me about your friendship a thousand times.
A seven feet giant with hands like shovels.
He's got two rows of teeth.
One gold, the other normal.
Elegant as a vampire.
Music... aggression.
Shoot me.
Here's a flowerpot. Leave me alone, Apin.
I'll tell you something, old man. I despise death.
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
Boss, try to taste the difference.
Our whisky is better than the real thing.
Logical. Our technology is better.
Where are you, children? -We're here, grandpa.
Sit down.
That's enough, children.
You, what have you've been up to? -You know, I was looking for a wife.
He's been to 28 fairs. -And did he find a wife?
Answer him, jackass.
There are enough women for fun and making out, but not to marry.
Why? All your friends are married and have children.
When I was your age I had been married four times.
The sister?
Find a girl and get it over with.
Don't get excited. What was number five like? The one that stole your heart?
Tell me.
My darling.
Only the memory of her was enough to lighten my heart.
My darling...
That's family.
As soon as you saw her, you knew she was the one. That's what I want too.
When will that be? When I'm dead?
Why don't you be a good boy and marry for him.
Yesterday I had another attack. I can barely see.
Again? -Again.
I beg you for the last time: find yourself a wife.
Take me to the hospital to recover.
I'll get out for your marriage.
Bring me a daughter in law.
Ok, grandad.
Kssss, cat.
Black cats are bad luck.
Mincha, brother.
Take care of the passenger train, I'll take the goods train.
There's the train.
...two, three...
...and twenty.
All's well.
This calls for a celebration.
I was scared shitless to be screwed.
The train is here, as promised.
The money is here too, as promised. You got what you asked for.
I was anxious when the train crossed the border.
Is all going ahead of schedule? -You made a promise.
Why are you hiding?
Dammit, I call the shots around here.
Stop, young man.
That suitcase is mine.
But I gave everybody their share.
Where's the rest?
It's all, I swear on the Bible.
There must be a misunderstanding.
You black soul!
I should finish you. -No.
Shame on you.
Here's the little birdy. He's sleeping.
My suitcase.
Give back my suitcase, thief.
I spit on your dead.
Get down, you pig.
I want my suitcase back.
I'll climb up there.
The moment has arrived for you and me...
...to look each other in the eye.
Just you and me.
Bloody son of a bitch.
I'm here.
Man, this is way too high.
Dadan, brother.
Dadan, It's me. Matko.
The train is not here. -What?
Did he cross the border?
Answer me. Where are my 17 tankers I paid for?
It crossed the border 30 minutes ago. It's here somewhere.
Here? Where? You don't lose track of a train.
Somebody drugged me. I was asleep for only 10 minutes.
-Who done it?
He did.
It was him. -That pig?
My Bulgarian custom officers didn't see no train.
They're lying. They're double crossing, but they will have to pay.
A train rides on track, not just through the woods.
It can't just have gone up in smoke, or can it? Boss?
No way, dammit.
My dear public...
After a triumphant tour in North-Africa, Asia and Australia...
...I'm proud to present to you: Medusa.
An act, never seen before:
...to pull a nail from a beam in the most spectacular fashion.
It wasn't an ordinary fight, but more one man against King Kong.
Who was the man? -Me.
It wasn't an ordinary Bulgarian.
That jerk could only pass the doorway sideways.
Name? -Rambo.
A warm welcome for this young man named Rambo.
Please hold your breaths, my honored guests...
The great, unforgettable, breathtaking moment is near.
It will be burned into your memory.
I proposed an honest fight.
But he kicked me in the balls.
I grabbed him by the hair and whirled his head around. He gets angry.
I had to save my skin after all, didn't I?
You'll return my money tonight at 11 o'clock.
Otherwise I'll hang you by the balls on the windmill.
So you can learn to be an astronaut.
Don't you have the money?
I'm in trouble.
Three tankers were mine. I invested all I got.
I've got a cunning plan. There's a different solution.
Yesterday I bought your father's factory in the hospital.
The cement factory? -I paid it.
You can always ask.
But it's not enough to cover your debt. It's only two thirds.
I've got a better idea.
You have a marriageable son. And I've got a marriageable sister.
We arrange a marriage and forget your debt.
I'll give you anything you want, Dadi. But that's impossible. -Why?
I'll bet the nail.
Don't lose your soul. How can you propose something like that?
Your sister is 25, my son 17.
Younger men like ripe women.
And that's not all, Dadi.
What else? -You know, you know.
She looks like a little Smurf. Everyone calls her little Lady-bird.
So what? A diamond is small, but valuable.
Wanna bet? Doesn't matter what.
Hands off.
Let's toast on the deal.
No. I've got it figured now.
I know who stole my train and drugged me.
And who messed with my father and stole my heritage.
Safet. Kazatchok.
I know who cheated my father.
Last chance.
The moment of truth.
Kiss my ass.
One, two, three... freedom.
What are you doing?
Is this seat taken?
What do you want? -Lemonade.
Hey you. -Me?
Get an ice-cream.
I'm not an errand-boy.
You're always following me around, might as well make yourself useful.
Don't you think so? -Exactly.
Out of the way.
Strawberry or vanilla?
Strawberry and vanilla. Four servings.
Where are you going?
Are you in a hurry?
I've got to tell you something.
Where did you go to? -Finish my lemonade.
Shame you're getting married.
I just thought: he's young, but handsome.
I'm falling in love.
And now you're getting married.
Married? Who's getting married?
I'm only thinking about you.
I'm always here for you.
It's over. Don't make a fuss.
That's a lie. Someone's setting me up.
Don't lie to me. I'm too young, I don't want to marry.
Prepare yourself to get engaged.
I overheard your father and Dadan in my grandma's inn.
They agreed last night.
It's a shame. Here.
Dadan stole the factory. That son of a bitch.
And now he wants me too. You know how many people he cheated.
He got the train, the factory... What else does he want?
What else?
His mother's pussy.
The Russians are here.
The water is nice.
He wants something else...
...that Dadan.
He wants to arrange a marriage to pay of my debt.
A marriage? For whom?
For our child Zare and his sister.
The Lady-bird.
That bawler, the midget?
She's barely three feet tall.
Now I have to ask the help of my friend Grga Pitic.
You're coming with me. -It's too late.
Grga Pitic... is dead.
God have mercy on his soul. I haven't had a drink yet...
...but I'll have one now for his salvation.
There's my grandson.
Ain't he handsome?
I'll introduce you.
Hello, nurse.
Have you seen her? -Who?
The girl.
The nurse.
They call her Candy.
Those boobies, that body.
And that tiny butt. All so delicate.
I want love at first sight, or nothing at all.
Love at first sight? Ridiculous.
The son of your deceased friend Zarija dropped by.
He came for help.
All his money is being stolen.
I've got a score to settle with those villains, with Little Grga.
We'll skin them like cats and eat them alive.
I'm coming with you. I want to see the grave of Zarija.
As you will, grandad.
It was only a proposition.
Nobody listens to me. I'm talking to you.
I'm not getting married this way. -Shame on you.
Miss, please.
You're my greatest enemy.
You're no brother to me.
You're a butcher.
Must our parents curse me from their grave?
I don't want to marry.
I'm not getting married. Do you hear me?
If my true love appears, I'll marry him.
Waist, 68. -Who is it?
Tell me. Who is it?
I'll know when I see him.
I saw him a hundred times in my dreams. I know what he looks like.
I know his eyes, his face, his lips.
He's tall, very tall...
Which tall man would want you, stupid goose?
You're barely over three feet.
One day he'll come.
Breast, 88. -Silence. Leave me alone.
Cool down.
When will you let me find peace in my own home?
Let me go. I'll marry the man I love.
Little sister... what can I do?
Daddy's looking at you, little sister.
Are you convinced?
I'll turn you into a fountain.
Fuck you... Go on.
I'll marry the man I love.
What about your soul? -Our parents are watching from above.
They can't see anything, it's clouded.
Hands up in the air.
Dadan. You're doing fine.
Move over, let the lady sit.
Do you want something to drink? -Coffee.
Only coffee? -Only coffee.
Can I help you?
Ask Matko, that dumb ass.
Take care of the kitchen, I fear the worst.
The one who looks like a vampire and the fat one are married.
So only the little one is left.
They call her Little Lady-bird or Smurf.
That midget?
Yes, in her bridal gown.
Good luck.
I'm here for business.
What business, Sujka?
You marry my Ida.
I see she pleases you.
My Ida.
You'll won't find a prettier girl in the whole region.
I fed her from her birth.
We've been everywhere.
In spas to make her beautiful.
To buy her Italian clothes...
...we went to Rome and Napels. -Liar.
I showed her all countries.
In the end we went to Sweden.
I know. To beg.
At least we didn't scavenge the trash like you did.
How much do you ask?
Give me 35.000 marks.
15.000 up front and 15.000 after.
For such a tip even I won't marry.
17.000 in three parts? -At once.
And I don't want see you ever again.
Your Grandma's selling you like a cow.
Carry me.
Come on, carry me.
You're a weirdo.
And now...kiss me.
Damn tie.
Save me, grandpa. Don't let me be married.
I'll drink his blood.
Take it easy.
Give me that gun. Calm down.
The gun. -I'll finish him.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Give me that gun.
Relax. Keep cool.
I'll teach him.
I know what I have to do.
I don't want to. -Listen.
I was nearly dead. Listen.
Her brother Dadan is a war criminal.
He'll exterminate our family.
He'll drink our blood. -But she's a midget.
O mirror, the dead with the dead...
....the living with the living, the children with their father.
For two months. Then you get a divorce.
...the dead with the dead...
I don't want to marry.
I won't.
I'll prevent the marriage in an elegant manner.
You'll get punished.
You'll fulfill your draft in the zoo.
I'll fuck your ratface.
Where is he?
Who? -Your grandson.
Go ahead, play. Great.
Where is he? Should Dadan slaughter us all?
Where is my son? -I don't know. Couldn't care less.
Where is he? -I don't know.
Get out of there.
You shouldn't hide your shoe.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
It's a disgrace.
the dead with the dead, the living with the living...
He doesn't breathe anymore.
Grandpa is dead.
He is dead.
Come, grandpa is dead.
His heart stopped beating.
Do you die on the day your grandson marries?
The day he marries...
Grandpa saved me. He saved me.
We'll flee together after the period of mourning.
You'll need a costume, shoes, a butterfly-tie...
Wreaths of flowers, candles...
Definitively dead.
Ah it's you, Matko, you womanizer.
You're early. Eight o'clock, you said.
Where's the son in law?
I've got something to tell you.
It's urgent. I've got to talk to you in private.
Today I only want to hear good news.
I'm listening.
My father is dead.
Really? -Yes.
My condolences. -What can I do?
A marriage and a funeral don't get along well.
He can die in three days.
But he died this morning.
Who says so? Who knows?
I know. Zare...
I told you straight away. We'll have to mourn for forty days.
I'll mourn with you... in three days.
You're a wise man.
You didn't stop the preparations?
Sure I did.
Should my father turn in his grave?
Of course not.
Don't tell anyone about the old man.
It doesn't matter to him if he dies on Wednesday or Friday.
Death's forever.
It doesn't matter when it begins.
You didn't hear anything. -Nope.
We didn't hear anything. -No.
Me neither.
Wait for the guests and get the bride.
As you like, Dadi. -Cheers.
He doesn't want to hear it. -What?
Even if he kills us and places us dead at the dinner table, the wedding will continue!
I don't want to.
Does he have to rip my head off?
Take this.
For your soul, daddy.
Take his legs. We are going to the attic.
Turn him aside.
Get ice downstairs.
Hurry up!
Don't do this to me. You don't need money anymore.
Put his legs on the chair.
Get the grandchildren of Grga Pitic here!
I left six messages. They don't answer.
Who knows where they are?
Daddy, forgive me.
Hold it above the bride.
Hold it above her head. -I don't want to.
Get away you.
Take the child, it will bring you luck.
This is the most beautiful day...
....of your whole life.
A unique day...
....to say so.
The day of your life.
Answer now in front of the witnesses...
....the following questions.
Be brief. And without hesitation.
Just yes or no.
Do you...
Zare Destanov do you...
....out of free will...
.... take Afrodita Karambolis to be your wife?
And you, Afrodita...
....lovely beauty and so sweet...
....do you take Zare Destanov to be your husband out of free will?
She says she wants to.
Let her tell. Yes or no.
I want an answer. -Yes.
So yes it is.
I don't see any legal objection.
I now declare you man and wife...
....in my presence...
....and in the presence of this crowd.
See if the food is ready.
I don't want to.
You know my hand can be very swift.
Thunder in one hand, lightning in the other.
Please sign this.
I cannot serve on his wedding.
Why do you care about his wedding??
On behave of the people of Sarduk...
....I declare married:
Zare Destanov and Afrodita Karambolis.
Do you cry for him? -Yes.
Then cry.
Cry, baby, cry.
I will buy you a convertible and half the ocean!
and three houses bigger than America
Little girl, you have stolen my heart
and if you were mine, you would live like a queen,
at daytime a queen and at nighttime an empress.
Cheers, Dadi.
A real businessman and patriot.
Come and dance, little sister.
I can't.
Untie her.
Respect your brother in law, a sensible man.
Dance with your brother, it's tradition.
I don't want to.
Fine. It's your wedding.
Daddy, I hope you see this.
Let's see who has spent the most.
A portable record player...
....from Nada Adzovic.
Zudija Adzovic donates a vacuum cleaner.
Spaho Ahmetovic, pots and pans.
It's ok, friend.
I am going to look how daddy is doing.
Stay here and please don't get us in trouble.
Nebojsa Palanovic donates this ugly thing.
Don't show the people you are crying.
Don't get us in trouble.
I am a pitbull-terrier.
I am going to give new ice to daddy.
You live poorly.
Repair your roof.
There is nothing wrong with the roof.
It's daddy who needs to be repaired.
Don't cry.
Do you want to marry someone you don't love?
Neither do I.
Do you love her? -Yes.
Help me run away.
What? -Help me escape.
There is a big shutter near the table...
....two meter two the left.
It leads to the oil-barrels.
Can you be somewhere better?
For once be honest with me, daddy.
Where is your money from the factory sale?
The grenades.
Where is the bride? -Ask the businessman and patriot.
Everybody listen.
The bride has fled.
Chief, the bride has fled.
Chief, your sister is gone.
My sister.
My sister...
Stop it.
Don't worry.
Your brother will not abandon you.
I will find the guilty one.
How could she remove her dress and escape?
You let your wife escape.
What have you done, stupid fool?
What have you done?
Has your sister escaped? -No, yours.
Then why the fuck are crying? Get fucking lost.
Stupid junkies.
What are you doing here?
Searching for Smurfette.
How did you call her?
Shame on you.
You don't call my sister Smurfette.
Eat shit.
Don't you know who I am?
Fuck you.
It's not her fault, she doesn't know anything.
She does know something.
Stop it. Everybody calls her ladybird or Smurfette.
Grandfather? You are unrealistic, boy.
Release him.
Don't bother your grandfather, he is dead.
Leave him, he doesn't know anything.
Where is she? -My ear.
Let go of him, bastard.
Where is she? She hasn't vaporized.
Tell me , suckers. Or I will kill you.
Don't turn around. Look at me.
Shall I shoot? -Later.
What are you doing here? -Dadi, I am stuck.
I have important news.
My balls are stuck.
Shame on you. Repair that roof.
Forget that. I have seen the bride.
Where? -She is going to the wood.
Not there, friend. Further away.
The bride went that way.
I love her.
I am going to marry her.
Granddad, do you hear me?
Yes, what's the matter?
We can still turn back.
I will arrange it with Little Grga.
Visit his grave another time.
No, now. Who knows how long I will stay alive.
Yes, but it's 39°c in the shadow.
It will last.
Zarija deserves to see me.
Ok then.
I said it for your own good.
I will not harm you.
There she is.
My sister.
All ends well.
She is not here.
Maybe she is in the woods.
What a shame the bride runs away from her own wedding.
Everybody will talk about it for years.
I will find her. The wedding will continue.
Chief, it's a shoe.
I will kill you.
Wake up, we are free.
Wake up. An earthquake.
Little Grga, if I listen to you I will get lost.
That map is a hundred years old.
Little Grga, do you hear me?
Where did you find that atlas?
Are you asleep?
I am in trouble.
That's destiny.
Why destiny?
All this. I will still marry you.
Who could have thought Ladybird would be so brave?
Nobody ever revolted against Dadan...
...except her.
I am afraid.
Why? We will manage fine.
Congratulations, son. brilliant idea.
I thought it was my imagination.
But it's destiny.
And my other shoe?
We will find it. But this is one hundred percent destiny!
I was looking for my other half.
Me too.
I looked and looked, and will find her when I least expect it.
Me too.
Let's introduce ourselves. I am Grga.
Me too. I mean, I am Afrodita Karambolo. Ladybird.
We must celebrate, if you agree.
My sister... -Quiet.
It's a misunderstanding.
Why do you shoot like that?
And you, girl, you are in trouble.
You will pay.
If the girl has any debts I will pay them.
What are you looking at? Do something.
Give me back my sister.
Stop or I will shoot you.
Fuck off. Come here, sis.
What's wrong with you, idiot?
And your grandfather? And your brother? You were losing us.
Look what I have got.
Don't come any closer or I will pump you full of lead!
I swear to God. This is serious.
Sister in law...
Who are they? -Put your guns down.
She is my sister. Understand?
I don't know you.
But I do know her. -And I know him.
Continue your path. My path leads to her
If you are really her brother, we can come to an agreement.
I want to marry her immediately.
She just ran away from her wedding.
You can run away from a fake marriage, but you can't hide from destiny.
What a sniper.
Where did that asshole come from?
Put down your guns.
You call this driving, idiot?
You took the wrong road.
Ok, but look what I found.
Very good.
Take it easy.
This isn't necessary.
How's it going, Consignor Grga?
Is it you, worthless piece of shit?
What are you doing here?
We were just talking.
Talking about what?
Are you here to pay off your debt?
Do you know each other?
My last resort in Italy, in 1982.
He was a student in my brigade.
The worst kind.
Because of him I lost ground.
I live nearby.
Don't you want to marry her? -No.
I want her.
We shall see.
Now. -Be silent when you are speaking to me.
And you, do you want my grandson?
And you do not object to your sister marrying my grandson?
Of course not, if they love each other.
Why do you look so sad?
What's wrong?
Ah yes, he needs to go to the factory...
...and pay back the three tankers of gasoline.
Do you know how much that is?
He will pay at once. -Of course.
And the wedding must start immediately.
The wedding can begin. Music. It's my treat.
What counts, is that love conquers all.
Has he drank yet? -Not yet.
My beautiful sisters. -I hope there won't be any complications.
You will swim in your own shit.
Do you need anything, uncle Grga?
Have fun, I am going visit the grave of my friend.
The grave?
Where is it? Tell me. -Uncle Grga...
Don't you want to drink something first?
A refreshment. Eat something as well.
At this hour there are vampires in the graveyard.
Once we are there, it's already day again.
My servants will bring you to the graveyard.
But to which graveyard?
Give me the money.
It was only ethical.
You must have fun. Eat and drink.
Your sister is happy, so is my son.
Like our benefactor, uncle...
What's the matter? -Look.
What's the matter with him?
He is dead.
Really dead.
No. He will die the day after tomorrow, like your father.
The wedding must continue. I can't start over a hundred times.
Am I right? -Completely.
Shall we put him in the attic?
We told his grandchildren, we brought him to the graveyard.
What about the official? -Which official?
He must cancel the first wedding and perform the second wedding.
Don'worry, I will get him.
Ok. We are doing well
Goddammit... -Eat your shit.
Two sixes.
There you go.
How sweet.
The more natural , the sweeter.
Fifty marks.
Look, Dadan...
500 horns at 5 marks is 2500 marks.
In Düsseldorf it's wanted.
Are you crazy? Do you want to stuff those horns?
Wait, Dadan.
Be a gentleman.
My stake is the factory.
You have lost that one already. Look, you have signed this.
Ok, I still have a house.
You have lost that one too, idiot.
But you do have...
...a nice golden tooth.
That will be the stake. 500 marks, ok?
What's with the ice?
Get lost. -What's the matter?
Damned black cat.
I am soaked. She has pissed on me.
Where are we? Aren't we dead? -We are.
I know I am not dead. -They told me you were dead.
It's not true.
They have lied to you. I am alive.
Daddy. I am glad you are alive.
The cow is dead, the milk is finished.
Your father is alive.
I will notify you of the agreements...
...of holy matrimony...
...and the responsibility of marriage.
I wish you a happy life.
May it last a life long...
...and enjoy each others company.
You should consider...
... fulfilling one of the most important and beautiful tasks in life.
Be jealous, not with each other, but on your marriage.
Honor it and protect it against all evil.
Consider it...
When you died, I decided to leave.
What has fallen?
Very wise. There is no sun here.
Forget your glasses. Hurry up.
I am having a difficult time.
I have been drinking on the funeral, just now.
Don't forget the accordion.
In it you will find enough, to become happy
Oh no. The death certificate instead of the wedding certificate.
Are you crazy? Junkie.
My reputation...
Shall I call the police?
Everything is all right.
The signatures. First the ladies, then the men.
The ladies don't marry each other, stupid fool.
Don't make a fuss.
It must happen according to the law.
Do you, Afrodita Karambolo...
....take to be your husband...
....Grga Pitic junior?
Do you, Grga Pitic junior...
....take to be your wife Afrodita Karambolo?
Sign the register.
According to the law you are now husband and wife.
Wait, it's not finished yet.
Get me out of this mess. Come back.
I can't work in that manner.
There it is.
It's amazing.
We are not married yet. -We will do it on the way.
Mr. Dadan, you're in trouble.
You always spoil everything. We must continue the ceremony.
What a mess.
I can't work like that. -Yes you can.
It must be according to the rules.
Don't shoot. -Shut up.
We are missing the boat.
The boy has guts. -He is right.
Zare, my grandson.
You are young, you don't understand.
What do you want from me? -I want you to marry us.
Don't forget the accordion.
Finish the ceremony.
Sit down.
You don't have any witnesses. -Yes we do.
Who? -The cats.
You dirty pig.
You smell, boss. -Fuck you.
Do you, Zare Destanov, take her to be your wife...
Of course.
Have a good journey.
Shall we drink to it like it is tradition?
You have fooled me, daddy.
You stupid asshole.
It's disgusting.
Nice stuff.
Thanks, daddy, for everything you have done for me.
My soul is on fire.
Ah, children...
Dadan, brother.
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
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SUPER WINGS TOY REVIEW Transform-a-Bots Jett Dizzy Bello Mira Donnie Jerome Grand Albert & Paul - Duration: 18:35.
hey their children look what we have
today on toy time TV it's SUPER WINGS
oh boy the super wings fly all over the
world and they're pretty cool and
awesome and we've got a ton of them look
they transform too. transform-a-Bots
Hey look there is Bello oh who else do
we have in their dizzy there is Donnie
and also Jerome wow these are the really
small cool super wings and who do we
have over here it looks like its Jett
Mira Paul and grand Albert grand
albert is so funny
yes he is we're gonna have lots of fun
opening these up in our toy time TV
christmas tree is really cool to look
wow this is so awesome you got to super
wings in the back who is that with the
can you tell me who has flashing lights?
on the super wings you can answer the
question right now
that's right Wow
let's get Bobby out here and then open
up all of our surprise fun super wings
okay you can do this with me kids say
come on out Bobby and play let's do it
three times alright sing it with me
hey Bobby come on out and play
hey Bobby come on out and play
hey Bobby come on out and play
hi every body i was just talking to the
kids and the kids brought you out how
when you bring me out to play
yes and Bobby is a super wings fanantic
it's time for rom yes and did see and
Paul and Bello now Jett is he your
favorite who's your favorite super wing?
thats cool!
yes it is Jett is my favorite and Jett is
young confident and very fast he gets
along with everyone at World Airport and
he loves to travel and deliver his
packages when jett mission runs into
trouble he calls his best friend's the
super wings
oh now he has sirens on top and looks
like out police jet there will be Paul
yes Paul he's a policeman with a strong
sense of duty in fact he's so
enthusiastic that he acts like a
policeman even when he's not policing
his duties cover everything a child
would expect from a police officer
Wow I love the SUPER WINGS Mr hands
never mind not well they're a very cool
cool set and we have a lot of super
wings to open
yeah we have these in the back
yeah we do oh look at that hey that's
Paul and who's the other one over there
we can see it looks like jett is that jett
Bobby oh yeah thats Jett wow he's gonna
be fun to open
what's that Bobby yeah yeah yeah that's
right it's Bello and he's our pillow
alright let's open up our super wings
okay boys and girls let's use our toy time
TV magic and our magic toy time tv wand
open up our super wings
okay are you ready here we go now you
can say the magic word with me and
what's the magic word
it's please open up
ok here we go one two three
please open up
whoa our toy time TV magic wand worked oh boy
these look awesome don't they kids super
wings super wings i love super wings i
love Jett I love Paul I love all the
super wings
hey where is Bobby? Bobby are you back
here well bobby were you hiding
yeah we running laps Oh Bobby look at it
he is a crazy monster
yeah Bobby is silly
well let's look at the super wings and
transform them you want to ya friends
ok let's go with our two big super wings
first law so who do you want to
transform do you want to transform Paul
you're pretty pick me pick me
trade for me or do you want to transform
jet yeah jet loves to deliver packages
well I want to transform jet blast
transform him
ok first we want to do is there some
little tires right here we want to pull
out make sure that he has his runway
tires like that and then we're going to
flip his legs over like this
and bring them back like this and push
them in and pull his little wings out on
the side go now we cannot put his arms
look jet is transformed into his jet
airplane ever win there we go now we got
it down
well jet looks so cute haha let's move
on now Paul come on Paul let's transform
let's transform Paul Paul oh come on
Paul Paul is wanting to transform look
at me shaking i want to bend your arm
okay he's gonna transform what his
landing gear is down his legs are up
we'll pull his legs all the way up so
they go in like that all and put his
arms away that up dead in there we go we
got that one
the same thing that this one and pull
his wings down and look Paul is
transformed into his police playing whoa
pollen jet almost had a collision
ah they're colliding ok now let's get
our little ones these little collectible
super wings toys r transformable to we
have every single one of them and let me
show you them right here let's start off
with jet Myra
who is this guy this is grand Albert you
get paul got Donnie you get Jerome
upstream fell down and pick him up
we get there we go down dream saying
that we got dizzy and we get bello we've
also got a giant stuffed bello to look
at belo he stuffed the dude who he's
gonna go help some animals all know
ok alright let's start off with jet down
here let's transform him
oh look he's transformed into a cool
playing and let's do go get that down
there's year he is high now grand Albert
who he's easy transform quick are in
Pall Mall he was easy to and donnie
gupton age
and form him of his tail section up
there he goes now he's transformed oh
wow and Jerome jet fighter ring its arms
down like this fold out his wings and
look at him
oh I love him he's great and did the
setup bring her legs up and her arms
down and she is a chopper
Shh and of course blew that up and it is
down and he's transformed less transform
back into robots okay youyou hello there
is pretty neat huh
propeller out of his face now
Bello is pretty cool
he is a free-thinking nature expert he
can communicate with any kind of animal
it comes to help when there's an issue
is resolving between humans and animals
did you know that and we have did see
here now did see is a very tough rescue
helicopter she treats jet as her little
brother and is always happy to help him
ok let's transformer back into our robot
I got it there we go get her arms up
here i can get my fingers in there
oh I may have some problems there we go
i got one
this might require fingernails
well she's just going to stay like that
because I can't get her arm up because
my fingernails are not long enough to
but I got one up and she hitched a ride
and steam jet transform wings up their
egos he has transformed to Donnie arms
things out
and with our came off and we can we fix
that it he has little fuzzy propellers
rather than plastic powers
I wonder why and Paul strand forum ball
Paul is transformed and the grand Albert
let's transform him he was easy
he has an era i get those arms open
and legs TG transformed and of course my
favorite jet transform him
and.and could go he's transformed to wow
this is lots of fun i want to transform
our big ones back into robots
ok let's do that transform jet didn't
and jet is transformed
oh neato and Paul let's transform him
and Paul we almost got him
its leg open there we go open up that
one their yard now they're both opened
up and Paul is transformed
wow this one is jet from the super wings
he's the big transforming or easy to
transform jet now jet loves to make
deliveries but he also turns into our
robot we have em robot mode right now
transformed him into plane mode
he is made of plastic is got a lot of
little moving parts but he is pretty
easy to transform he's not really a
simple simple transform but he is pretty
easy and he does look like a jet from
the show this tree is 43 and up and it's
a great representation of jet from the
super wings cartoon episode and this guy
right here is ball he's always ready to
uphold the law now Paul is 43 and up and
he is the policeman among the super
he's got a lot of moving parts just like
the jet version and he is relatively
easy to transform is not a very complex
transformer but he's a pretty neat one
and he's a great addition to the larger
super wings if you're adding those your
collection that we need to get on to the
smaller microwaves i really like these
small microphones the smaller of the
super wings are transforming robots they
come for to a pact we had the one with
jet my rod grand Albert and also paul
ended they transform just like the
larger ones they're not as complex to
transform their little smaller they're
about the size of a Hot Wheels car and
they're pretty cool to add to your super
wings collection too
we've got the jet era grande Albert Paul
and in the second set
we've got Donnie Jerome dizzy and also
um belo so we've got all of them right
here is as pretty neat and they're all
transformable i'm just going to
transform this one right here let's get
the Donnie and transform he goes who
lose yet easy this thing is to transform
just put the legs back and he is a
transport cargo plane look at that he's
a neat one
well these have been really fascinating
and what also comes with the transform
robots to is you get this little runway
they can be kind of a secondary play
item because your planes have to have a
place to land and we can do that with
the cardboard insert now be sure and
watch sprouts because sprout has the
super wings on them and you can watch
more episodes of super wings but we
really enjoyed this these are really
we've got our stuff fellow here all
sweet i just want like hug him and we
have all of our transformer box the mini
super wings and of course our larger
super wings this is an exciting episode
here on time TV we hope you enjoyed it
be sure and give us a like on this video
and let us know you liked it and leave
us a comment below let us know below who
your favorite super wing is and we'll
see you next time
wow that was lots of fun you can
subscribe to tweeting TV and watch more
of our videos by tapping the little
image of Bobby in the middle of your
screen or you can tap our other videos
on the screen too
[NEWS BEST CAR] 2017 FORD FUSION TYPE SE - Duration: 4:34.
the fusion is one of many great choices
this year though we highly recommend the
honda accord for example which recently
received a rejuvenation of its own
if your efficiency is important to you
the new kia optima like it's hyundai
sonata sibling offers an engine that
tops the fusions most eco-friendly epa
estimates there's also the new chevrolet
malibu the stylish and sporting mazda6
and the tried-and-true toyota camry to
consider still the 2017 for fusion is a
wonderfully well rounded sedan that
should be at the top of your list if you
want a cool family holler the 2017 Ford
Fusion is a four-door five-passenger
midsize sedan available and five trim
levels s SE titanium platinum in v6
sport late availability the hybrid and
plug-in hybrid known as the fusion
energy are reviewed separately the
fusion s come standard with a 2 dot five
liter four-cylinder engine 16-inch alloy
wheels automatic headlights LED
taillights full power accessories a
rear-view camera cruise control air
conditioning a tilt and telescoping
steering wheel a height-adjustable
driver's seat 60-40 split folding rear
seats audio and phone voice commands
sink bluetooth connectivity smartphone
app integration and a four-speaker sound
system with a CD player and auxiliary
audio jack and the USB port the fusion s
and SE come standard with a 2 dot five
liter four-cylinder engine that's rated
at 175 horsepower and 175 pounds to foot
of torque power is sent to the front
wheels through a 6-speed automatic
transmission epa-estimated fuel economy
standards at 25 miles per gallon
combined 21 city / 32 highway which is
average for this class for the SE there
are two additional engine options
the first is a gerbil charged one dot
five liter four-cylinder that produces
81 horsepower and 185 pounds to foot of
it's paired with the six-speed automatic
and includes paddle shifters and
automatic engine stop-start to help save
fuel at stoplights fuel economy stands
at 27 miles per gallon combined 23 city
/ 34 highway also available on the SE
and standard on the titanium in platinum
is the turbocharged to dot 0 liter
four-cylinder with 245 horsepower and
275 pounds to foot of torque front-wheel
drive and a six-speed automatic is
standard and all-wheel drive is optional
front-wheel drive versions earn
twenty-five miles per gallon combined 21
city / 31 highway while AWD brings the
rating down slightly to 23 miles per
gallon combined 20 city / 29 highway in
engines performance testing a fusion
titanium with this engine and AWD
accelerated from 0 to 60 miles per hour
in 6.9 seconds a little slower than
average for midsize sedan with an
upgraded engine cabin design and
execution of the 2017 ford fusion echoes
that of its exterior there's a cool and
urbane style to the seats and dash
I tone set largely by the high quality
finishes and of course the lack of
center stack buttons from the optional
sing three touchscreen system is
specified the emphasis is on having
large nicely textured surfaces and
removing extraneous clutter and it
mostly works this scene 3 system
available on SE models with the
technology package and above is
considerably better than the myford
touch interface and replaces
the current ford fusion has proved
eminently popular with more than 300,000
sold in each of the past two years
offering audacious looks for the segment
mind you secure handling and a good
amount of technology thing is the
fetching four-door hasn't proved to be
terribly premium moreover these 40 just
reasonably good at being a mid-sized
forwards again for 2017 or attempts to
bring both traits to the lineup by
adding two more fusion trim levels the
new 325 horsepower fusion sport in the
car reviewed here the fusion platinum
basically a refresh 2017 fusion with the
works the fusion platinum blurs that
line even further between the previous
top-tier fusion titanium and fusions
platform mate the lincoln MKZ while the
exterior is available in metallic white
silver charcoal goal burgundy red or
black the interior comes in any color
you want as long as it's cream and brown
or ceramic and Coco informed steep there
are no other significant choices except
whether you want to pay 190 dollars for
rear seat belt airbags and which
powertrain you prefer the standard unit
is the fusions 240 horsepower to dot 0
litre turbocharged four-cylinder with
270 pounds to foot of torque while the
fusion hybrid and plug-in hybrid
powertrains also are available
additionally all-wheel-drive can be had
as a $2,000 upgrade with the standard
engine home reviews 2017 ford fusion
platinum first drive review view 25
photos first drive review 2017 ford
fusion platinum for its fancy fusion
sneaks into the near luxury world may
2016 by Steve Sylar photography by Steve
Sylar share tweet the current ford
fusion has proved eminently popular with
more than 300,000 sold in each of the
past two years offering audacious looks
for the segment mind you secure handling
and a good amount of technology thing is
the fetching four-door hasn't proved to
be terribly premium moreover these 40
just reasonably good at being a
mid-sized ford sedan for 2017 forward
attempts to bring both traits to the
lineup by adding two more fusion trim
levels the new 325 horsepower fusion
sport in the car reviewed here the
fusion platinum basically a refresh 2017
fusion with the works the fusion
platinum blurs that line even further
between the previous top-tier fusion
titanium infusions platform mate the
lincoln MKZ while the exterior is
available in the metallic white silver
charcoal gold burgundy red or black the
interior comes in any color you want as
long as it's cream and brown or ceramic
and Coco informed speak there are no
other significant choices except whether
you want to pay 190 dollars for rear
seat belt airbags and which powertrain
you prefer the standard unit is the
fusion is 240 horsepower to da 20 litre
turbocharged four-cylinder with 270
pounds to foot of torque while the
fusion hybrid and plug-in hybrid
powertrains also are available
additionally all-wheel-drive can be had
as a $2,000 upgrade with the standard
engine you 25 photos the Platinum sure
looks nice
at least it doesn't any color other than
black and white gold of our test car
building on the snappy led head and tail
lamps also found on 2017 fusion SE
titanium and Sport models the Platinum
grade gets a black mesh grille outlined
grown a power sunroof also comes
standard while large 19 inch polished
wheels fill the platinums we are well as
more substantively than the 18 inches on
the titanium if you'd hoped for
something glitzier like say the dressy
vignale version of the fusions European
clone the Mangia you may be disappointed
after all in Europe where there are no
Lincoln's the Mondeo is
most premium car forward cells so it
calls out all the stops even giving big
male customers a dedicated 24-hour
support line a relationship manager and
free car washes hear that stuff is
reserved for Lincoln Black Label models
the fusion platinum starts at 37,000 495
dollars which may seem like a lot of
coin for a fusion but checking all the
option boxes to bring the fusion
titanium of two platinum SPECT costs
three hundred ninety dollars more and
the former doesn't get the platinum
suite patent leather dashboard classy
and competent the Platinum makes sense
as a range topper for the fusion
nameplate and as a prophet generator for
the ford brand and it is a convincingly
nice vehicle overall indeed when it
arrives and dealerships this summer the
platinum trim level will take the fusion
into territory where it has never
competed before against cars like the
handsome new Buick la crosse the lexus s
and the lincoln MKZ the big question now
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Canon EF-M 28mm f/3.5 Macro IS STM Lens for EOS M Series Digital Cameras | Unboxing Video - Duration: 4:02.
Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja
showrooms. Have another lens EF-M 28mm
macro with image
stabilization and a hat-trick. This guy
comes with a built-in ring light. If this
video helps you out
remember to hit me up with a Like button
underneath and subscribe to our channel
for future frequently asked questions,
tutorials and unboxing such as this and
say hello to me when in Miami at Digital
Goja showrooms.
Alright, so let's take a closer look.
This is the EF-M 28mm. It's a
constant f-3.5 which is important, we want
to make sure we have a good amount of
light when we're working with macro.
Another good feature is, it has image
stabilization, that's very important
because the more you magnify the steady
you have to hold it, and again this is
meant for the M-series camera so very
few of us are gonna be walking around with
huge tripods for this,
that's why it has that hybrid system so it
gives you up to three stops of image
Canon USA, manufacturer's warranty, comes
with the warranty card, again, only good
in the US and purchased from an
authorized dealer like Digital Goja and
your EF instruction Paphlet. This cute
little thing up here, this is your lens
hood and it is a unique filter size, it's
a 43 millimeter they're out there, I mean
it isn't a common size but you can still
get some nice you UV's, CPL and ND filters
for it and this is what allows you to
put it right on the camera and thread
a filter on there if we choose to. Take a look
at the actual product,
very well packaged, it is guaranteeing that you
get in one piece.
Nice and compact, again, this is for the
M-series. Has the STM motor, very easy to
work with,
super-lightweight. Notice how it has the
compact system so I can open it up like
this and this is what releases the lens
for it to work. You have your super macro
which allows you to shoot as close as a
minimum focusing distance of .37
inches and of course it is a 1.2 x
magnification factor, so it's not actual
life size, it's a little bit more
magnification but guess what, since it is
a 28 millimeter you can get really up
close. And here's that hat trick I was
talking about, it has a built-in LED ring
light, that's awesome because as I stated
before we need light when we're working
with macro shots. So let's give it a try
on the very popular eos M5. Lets swap out the
lens here,
line it up now the beauty of this is if you
notice it has a ring light but there's
no power source, why? it's powered by the
camera this is what gives you the actual
power source. So when I turn on my camera
here, here is your light button, press it
notice how you can actually activate one
section of the ring light, hold it down
now you have both of them, hold it down,
you can actually do it hold it down both
of them and then both of them if you
choose to so it gives you a lot of
options so that you can create some
incredible stills and video with macro
technology. So if you're in the market
for a macro lens for your EM series
camera take a much closer look at the
new Canon EF M 28 mm 3.5 macro
Happy shooting!
WHAT THE $#!% AM I THINKING!?? - Duration: 10:21.
🍳 Bad Eggs Online 2 with Rblood - This is NOT Worms WMD! How Do You Even Jump? - Duration: 20:36.
ok hello everybody welcome i'm back
again playing with Rblood right there
in the corner my videos very very tiny and
it ended
weirdness I we totally have not been
playing with totally denied i have to
restart this this recording and yeah we
got literally just started so don't you
worry about the add operation okay i
don't know what you're talking about
there was no other video
exactly exactly that there was no other
video at all haha they get off that edge
no I'm not my I'm just I feel safe here
turn it why do you keep doing this
stupid thing I keep pressing the
spacebar hit I'm gonna die I'm dr. Kelly
you can start digging a hole you can dig
it well and and go through the castle
into the middle part of it or something
that's always an outside at nothing and
get here okay that if you commute no no
I didn't go after trickle chargers
alternate ok i I'm digging a well for
you I think you're gay yeah here you go
kart MIT I appreciate it
you're not welcome at your missiles are
better than more than he would have many
kill me the bag
none of the killed you or get hit me and
I bought it i'm gonna die already know
yeah hey I was not totally sure i would
actually work was not supposed to happen
that was not allowed name and why I'm
sorry I I apologize various in Syria
hey hey what's up you do you like when
you're running today we're here with
dragon date we had finally got to play
the game for like how long 20 minutes 20
minutes yeah we did not play in the case
of that long wait we all have only been
playing for 19
yeah okay building myself a wall at the
book being down from the other being
Donald Trump i'm going to get friend and
see that the wall the wall if the walls
10 feet higher then you would have been
safe right there okay there any other
map is it yes yes we will change a
different map I didn't realize you could
do this
ok so let us let us go to this blood
cave because that's what this looks like
it looks very highly it looks like we're
going to be having much more fun
ok oh how delightful ok I'm where is
this not an excuse me all the way it's
it's your turn
oh shoot oh now don't you dare eat no no
now hold in whose attention are in a
supposed to hurt yourself
you're sitting up there all day
practically I'm trying to get you didn't
find that video goes after becoming been
there you guys know you get killed
probably the Calgary lots of comments
about that kind of thing except i can't
figure out how to jump maybe it's w
maybe it's just simply w ork I regulator
something now that you know I during
again now don't hit me
oh I know I know I have idea
okay all right look here is a very
delightful idea
please enjoy a game maybe i can get crap
nevermind learn it I hurt myself how how
the heck discs i will i will use this
yay that worked although not that well
to behind you I always wanted to be hit
with a bob
you're welcome glad to grant your wish
that they would put in there with 258 no
i don't see that's that's not fair that
the data later i have it my part-time
hit you
no no i'll say that it's not fair it's
not fair that is not going to be down
here without
no I I don't feel like coming down there
I'm just gonna stay right here for now
I'm going to drop you down at the bottom
as its ok i I will deal with that issue
when it comes
what but for right now know it's going
to be tired it right there to her last
night how I hurt my head you're welcome
our great-great-great you laid it on the
other by magnets are many dead
yeah no no see you're not dead yet you
did an extra okay good i use the
elephant elephant get an elephant and
got ya i reach level two
yeah elephant goodbye and lose it no
floating egg angel saying today
congratulating their Navy and classic or
we're going to change the map to under
the sea apparently ok so now we are
under the sea I don't get it almost
there quality way okay all right here we
go out what is which is no I know that
out there that that is what I want okay
there we go let's just go with
got the advantage left right there
perfect now my leg hurts my head I a ok
I I guess that's better
you can add you have an egg cake good
luck if it isn't it
I didn't move baby and you left that
clip why drive right here okay also
close to me i feel i can be a wall with
no no no please your piece-of-crap is
stupid piece of crap mr. and even happy
elephant rock god one elevated that if
inflatable elephant up up and away but
down to get with bomb
what yeah i got an inflatable
elephant-headed in thick
yeah i got in the game oh hell no now
does it bad
no Nate really do
well one of those hit my own but one of
Oh God hello
yeah oh god I'm scared
ok idea of 20 David yeah i'll get out at
the end of my elephant like a 13 game
hitting back should and I don't even
have one because I had that I'm Ben had
what had a thing
oh ok nope nope nope
that worked well i gotta i gotta learn
how to eat
uh-huh okay how did it
you're struggling how to get to I'm
struggling with was how to jump
don't think we can which is dumb and
that was kind of a waste of all of those
well sure you can jump
yeah i got food so i must be able to
remember you how finally I got a clear
path now get to you okay for you can
take me back
why did I say anything enjoy your
apologize i don't know what it is
underway or how it usually lasts like
this game
oh that's the face of these games but
that was pretty fireworks i didn't know
i was usually usually not very good at
the game how I played on b4 through with
him the other day he fucked at it i did
not get the largest one ok I think about
my egg seeking missile and I went past
it because your headset to higher power
so i went too far before it decides to
seek power
yeah but why I'm dragging the the target
thing closer to yourself that would help
but I thought you do that as you know
I've been moving around up and down a
oh here's a fun one the big top will go
with this map
yes yes yes yes no yes no Jerry do you
get a demerit here to be closer for that
arrows at work and i know i know i'm
just looking at it and I'm gonna get
good crab stupid airstrike I'm gonna
start feeling like the grenade again
ok sounds good to me
I'm gonna go with that thing how I hurt
my head me that you're welcome my eight
my yoke is everywhere down arrow it just
cracked a big time I additive everywhere
you like I'm actually might win but a
crap turn it stupid two missiles are
better than one my body don't die now
crap that was quite close
you have right Brock hey look you made
it you made a little table for you thank
you enjoy it i will order you blow up
the rest of the stuff like I'm gonna go
let's see that the only problem i'll
just wait until you take your case
unique si si the only problem with you
moving to where that wise is I haven't
changed where I was targeting which
means i could move within this key
ok now we're even I'm really matter what
you do I'm gonna hit you up and go oh
crap ok nevermind i was a bit too much
couple degrees yes we'll end up that
little thing I have to do think and
enjoy being able to get over to me
because now you can't but whatever that
their father Bob I mean 10 all over
there didn't come down hit me
oh yeah hey
haha but anywhere about me I'm gonna
kill myself
hello I'm gonna blow everything up
alright so so don't do that
whoa and it's only a flesh wound
Michelle we're not gonna take it thank
the egg obviously have what make how
much i just use this thing I don't use
the cluster gonna do to help please
yeah your piece of class know right over
your head completely right over my head
okay well how about how about because
this would be so much fun I think
and haha dude butcher get five kills oh
heaven the pearly gates there
yeah that's that and that's one killer
egg keep killing the bluing all the time
then you're good at upenn yeah I don't
even understand how because I'm not even
doing anything you just get you must be
good at eating tampon like I am I don't
know where I'll cap that's probably more
hits new club that too close for comfort
right there by fire one missile when you
can fire 15
oh yeah yeah why
yeah I i left drain it looks like I got
the I look like I got the middle killed
in my face look like they're stuck there
you through the guess that's what
happens when this leg issues
yeah we did that we work with still yeah
here here here at your characters legs
are just gorgeous and she's standing in
one spot and yeah and I got a perfect
static don't wait don't leave the door
rolls it the perfect shot
what did I say if I'm not wasting it
you're gonna kill me with the roman
candles and we he not not quite dead
oh wait nevermind no cheese the yolk
actually went everywhere they only do a
bump your pad
yeah let's try that one this one
generally very amazing only like two
months late your left knee
hey it can be pumpkin in December the
client crap i'm taking you into a hole
the light for the divider you win the
alternate we're going to keep shooting
you with like it close it for now do you
like to dig deep enough though I can be
safe bro your grenade in the right there
i gotta-i gotta cool i got a new weapon
when they're executing up an airstrike
in turn it
ok this one apparently i saw captain I
guess that this will this will be the
one that you win
yeah there's like an airstrike right
about the hit you
hello there
right there
you're an egg is seeking missile and you
go downwards i guess i should prepare to
I'm not like you do i got this great
please do
ok nevermind current do I even have to
try it
goodbye yeah you got to kill finally
yeah okay let's go the high-rise we're
not dating right now the Hughes the
vehicle development
uh-huh instant him get him no good day
where did you go off the screen and it
wanted to fly
yeah sure okay actually look at my favor
just switch to see not nevermind i'm
going to cut it brother grenade at you
better okay
call him ya know
ok there enjoy this
oh yeah they didn't always doesn't like
the best like the best friend it right
Merry Christmas there's much more
clothes well you did hit me I I'm just
curious to see what the dirt bomb
actually does it doesn't flood for third
how ok well enjoy what they had
that's what the ok well you're welcome
I i meant to hit their obviously I i I'd
not a for my friend over there I did not
try to kill it at all
uh-huh I appreciate it
older than my turn yeah no no it's my
yeah I don't think that yes on out my
egg eyebrows by breaking ground right
alright one more hit last hit is it 3-2
like the boo home your mind okay
everybody just like a real mix the
burden likely why you build all the dead
helped of your head and with no enjoy
I won't be with you can start by stating
their your kind of method both put up
that well
such is life good know what also
supposed to do
well enjoy my next gift my powerpoint
will you bear with me know
see that the realization 2x a lot i got
uhl today dead on in five world haha got
you turn my guy around here like a
shotgun works quite well apparently in
that regard
there we go I hate you with all five of
them about me die here
come on scale them scale the pyramid
no don't they do not turn it
oh wait I did project you have a you
have learned from that Morgan well
oh there we go Easter islands and we're
gonna run out of like math your easter
should be fun
yellow not when I die
okay well i'm i'm going to see if I can
throw boot in your face
hey nick is apparently that will be a
fun thing to do know the light pull that
did a lot know what is this i know i
have i have a big boom whole thing here
that I don't know what it does
let's try a big hole oh I should not
have wasted that on the train I show
yourself on you baby thank you
the outcome i kinda cut off the top
words that was either prostate the right
you now
perfect come on no one of them better
not like now we are home no don't go
that board
no I will fire these straight into the
air and they're not going to come down
you dug yourself into a hole
this is not fair i would like to make a
formal complaint
ok how do you put to do anything like
that i don't know it's not gonna work
boink oh oh yeah crap so it but for now
thank you everybody so much for watching
I hope you enjoyed this was not to worms
3d k this was this was what was a bad
eggs online to not worms 3d where's 3d
probably much better looking
it is but they are quite fun anyway can
I do my iphone ails ya cars go for all
right now and I think all you got next
video leave Nate down like down below
and we have and have fun watching the
video whenever he goes that and I'll see
y'all later are but finding out leave
both of us a like and subscribe if you
haven't already over here by your at
last you don't get a surprise me to him
SUPER WINGS TOY REVIEW Transform-a-Bots Jett Dizzy Bello Mira Donnie Jerome Grand Albert & Paul - Duration: 18:35.
hey their children look what we have
today on toy time TV it's SUPER WINGS
oh boy the super wings fly all over the
world and they're pretty cool and
awesome and we've got a ton of them look
they transform too. transform-a-Bots
Hey look there is Bello oh who else do
we have in their dizzy there is Donnie
and also Jerome wow these are the really
small cool super wings and who do we
have over here it looks like its Jett
Mira Paul and grand Albert grand
albert is so funny
yes he is we're gonna have lots of fun
opening these up in our toy time TV
christmas tree is really cool to look
wow this is so awesome you got to super
wings in the back who is that with the
can you tell me who has flashing lights?
on the super wings you can answer the
question right now
that's right Wow
let's get Bobby out here and then open
up all of our surprise fun super wings
okay you can do this with me kids say
come on out Bobby and play let's do it
three times alright sing it with me
hey Bobby come on out and play
hey Bobby come on out and play
hey Bobby come on out and play
hi every body i was just talking to the
kids and the kids brought you out how
when you bring me out to play
yes and Bobby is a super wings fanantic
it's time for rom yes and did see and
Paul and Bello now Jett is he your
favorite who's your favorite super wing?
thats cool!
yes it is Jett is my favorite and Jett is
young confident and very fast he gets
along with everyone at World Airport and
he loves to travel and deliver his
packages when jett mission runs into
trouble he calls his best friend's the
super wings
oh now he has sirens on top and looks
like out police jet there will be Paul
yes Paul he's a policeman with a strong
sense of duty in fact he's so
enthusiastic that he acts like a
policeman even when he's not policing
his duties cover everything a child
would expect from a police officer
Wow I love the SUPER WINGS Mr hands
never mind not well they're a very cool
cool set and we have a lot of super
wings to open
yeah we have these in the back
yeah we do oh look at that hey that's
Paul and who's the other one over there
we can see it looks like jett is that jett
Bobby oh yeah thats Jett wow he's gonna
be fun to open
what's that Bobby yeah yeah yeah that's
right it's Bello and he's our pillow
alright let's open up our super wings
okay boys and girls let's use our toy time
TV magic and our magic toy time tv wand
open up our super wings
okay are you ready here we go now you
can say the magic word with me and
what's the magic word
it's please open up
ok here we go one two three
please open up
whoa our toy time TV magic wand worked oh boy
these look awesome don't they kids super
wings super wings i love super wings i
love Jett I love Paul I love all the
super wings
hey where is Bobby? Bobby are you back
here well bobby were you hiding
yeah we running laps Oh Bobby look at it
he is a crazy monster
yeah Bobby is silly
well let's look at the super wings and
transform them you want to ya friends
ok let's go with our two big super wings
first law so who do you want to
transform do you want to transform Paul
you're pretty pick me pick me
trade for me or do you want to transform
jet yeah jet loves to deliver packages
well I want to transform jet blast
transform him
ok first we want to do is there some
little tires right here we want to pull
out make sure that he has his runway
tires like that and then we're going to
flip his legs over like this
and bring them back like this and push
them in and pull his little wings out on
the side go now we cannot put his arms
look jet is transformed into his jet
airplane ever win there we go now we got
it down
well jet looks so cute haha let's move
on now Paul come on Paul let's transform
let's transform Paul Paul oh come on
Paul Paul is wanting to transform look
at me shaking i want to bend your arm
okay he's gonna transform what his
landing gear is down his legs are up
we'll pull his legs all the way up so
they go in like that all and put his
arms away that up dead in there we go we
got that one
the same thing that this one and pull
his wings down and look Paul is
transformed into his police playing whoa
pollen jet almost had a collision
ah they're colliding ok now let's get
our little ones these little collectible
super wings toys r transformable to we
have every single one of them and let me
show you them right here let's start off
with jet Myra
who is this guy this is grand Albert you
get paul got Donnie you get Jerome
upstream fell down and pick him up
we get there we go down dream saying
that we got dizzy and we get bello we've
also got a giant stuffed bello to look
at belo he stuffed the dude who he's
gonna go help some animals all know
ok alright let's start off with jet down
here let's transform him
oh look he's transformed into a cool
playing and let's do go get that down
there's year he is high now grand Albert
who he's easy transform quick are in
Pall Mall he was easy to and donnie
gupton age
and form him of his tail section up
there he goes now he's transformed oh
wow and Jerome jet fighter ring its arms
down like this fold out his wings and
look at him
oh I love him he's great and did the
setup bring her legs up and her arms
down and she is a chopper
Shh and of course blew that up and it is
down and he's transformed less transform
back into robots okay youyou hello there
is pretty neat huh
propeller out of his face now
Bello is pretty cool
he is a free-thinking nature expert he
can communicate with any kind of animal
it comes to help when there's an issue
is resolving between humans and animals
did you know that and we have did see
here now did see is a very tough rescue
helicopter she treats jet as her little
brother and is always happy to help him
ok let's transformer back into our robot
I got it there we go get her arms up
here i can get my fingers in there
oh I may have some problems there we go
i got one
this might require fingernails
well she's just going to stay like that
because I can't get her arm up because
my fingernails are not long enough to
but I got one up and she hitched a ride
and steam jet transform wings up their
egos he has transformed to Donnie arms
things out
and with our came off and we can we fix
that it he has little fuzzy propellers
rather than plastic powers
I wonder why and Paul strand forum ball
Paul is transformed and the grand Albert
let's transform him he was easy
he has an era i get those arms open
and legs TG transformed and of course my
favorite jet transform him
and.and could go he's transformed to wow
this is lots of fun i want to transform
our big ones back into robots
ok let's do that transform jet didn't
and jet is transformed
oh neato and Paul let's transform him
and Paul we almost got him
its leg open there we go open up that
one their yard now they're both opened
up and Paul is transformed
wow this one is jet from the super wings
he's the big transforming or easy to
transform jet now jet loves to make
deliveries but he also turns into our
robot we have em robot mode right now
transformed him into plane mode
he is made of plastic is got a lot of
little moving parts but he is pretty
easy to transform he's not really a
simple simple transform but he is pretty
easy and he does look like a jet from
the show this tree is 43 and up and it's
a great representation of jet from the
super wings cartoon episode and this guy
right here is ball he's always ready to
uphold the law now Paul is 43 and up and
he is the policeman among the super
he's got a lot of moving parts just like
the jet version and he is relatively
easy to transform is not a very complex
transformer but he's a pretty neat one
and he's a great addition to the larger
super wings if you're adding those your
collection that we need to get on to the
smaller microwaves i really like these
small microphones the smaller of the
super wings are transforming robots they
come for to a pact we had the one with
jet my rod grand Albert and also paul
ended they transform just like the
larger ones they're not as complex to
transform their little smaller they're
about the size of a Hot Wheels car and
they're pretty cool to add to your super
wings collection too
we've got the jet era grande Albert Paul
and in the second set
we've got Donnie Jerome dizzy and also
um belo so we've got all of them right
here is as pretty neat and they're all
transformable i'm just going to
transform this one right here let's get
the Donnie and transform he goes who
lose yet easy this thing is to transform
just put the legs back and he is a
transport cargo plane look at that he's
a neat one
well these have been really fascinating
and what also comes with the transform
robots to is you get this little runway
they can be kind of a secondary play
item because your planes have to have a
place to land and we can do that with
the cardboard insert now be sure and
watch sprouts because sprout has the
super wings on them and you can watch
more episodes of super wings but we
really enjoyed this these are really
we've got our stuff fellow here all
sweet i just want like hug him and we
have all of our transformer box the mini
super wings and of course our larger
super wings this is an exciting episode
here on time TV we hope you enjoyed it
be sure and give us a like on this video
and let us know you liked it and leave
us a comment below let us know below who
your favorite super wing is and we'll
see you next time
wow that was lots of fun you can
subscribe to tweeting TV and watch more
of our videos by tapping the little
image of Bobby in the middle of your
screen or you can tap our other videos
on the screen too
Baguette Flash #8: Get WIgglytuff'd, Team Iris & transfer market: M1k3Rules, Chausette45, Vogan... - Duration: 6:10.
Hi, I'm Boyan, welcome to the Baguette Flash,
your weekly news report on the RL e-sports scene.
This week, we'll talk about the weekly results
and we'll go deep into the transfer market.
Let's begin with ESL GO4 #74 that was played last Friday
instead of Sunday, as it was Christmas day.
The cup should have started at 7 PM
but didn't begin before 9 PM
as Steam had been down for a large part of the evening.
This detail will matter, you'll understand why later.
At 4th place: Wifi.com, composed of two German:
Arkaner and Cokaaa, as well as Belgian Astral.
We saw them at the beginning of the cast, beating Royal Air Force with French Cartoon,
as well as Ben-Nzth and Swo0pin, from Belgium.
Wifi.com also beat Copenhagen Flames in the quarter finals
before loosing to Team Brexit in the semi finals.
At 3rd place: The Muffin Men, with Dyamiforsure, Hank and Bounty.
They had a rather easy run. We saw them beat the Swiss Spoutnik
and display great qualities.
But they didn't make it against the title holder: Get Wigglytuff'd.
The Grand Finals were exciting: Team Brexit vs Get Wigglytuff'd.
Team Brexit was FreaKii (from PENTA), German Frag and Swiss Stocki.
Get Wigglytuff'd was Kaydop, Fairy Peak and British Bluey.
As FreaKii was on fire, Team Brexit started strong
taking a 2-1 lead in the series.
Game 4 will be a shift in the Finals.
You can watch the VOD of this game by clicking the link.
For once, we chose a low-scoring game
but it's nonetheless spectacular, with two impressive defenses.
Get Wigglytuff'd wins this game
as well as the two next ones, winning the series 4-2
and winning the ESL GO4 for the second week in a row.
A few minutes later, Get Wigglytuff'd was back on the pitch
competing in the NA Mock-it 3v3 cup.
As the EU ESL ended later than expected,
they had to forfeit on one of their games.
Lucky for them, it was a double-elimination bracket.
So they still had a chance to win the tournament, through the looser bracket.
So after winning ESL GO4
they went through all of Mock-it's looser bracket,
beating a team with Chausette45 and Sebadam,
to face Team Iris in the Grand Finals.
We told you about Team Iris a few weeks ago.
It's RLCS Season 1 World Champion Lachinio's new team.
who now plays with Torment and Squishymuffinz.
Of course, NA cups are played on NA servers
and EU teams have a ping handicap.
Despite all that, it was a very close BO5.
Team Iris struggled to win the series 3-2.
Team Iris was formed around mid-November.
They've already won almost 10 tournaments
and a over $2000 cash-prize.
Not bad :)
Last tournament is the Metacup series,
it's a monthly cup with a 105€ cash-prize.
This month's cup was played on last Wednesday.
4th place: Hot Singles in your Region.
I love that name!
With Arkaner and Cokaaa, we saw earlier with Wifi.com, and P0wrnflakes.
3rd was Penta and its usual roster.
In the finals, Get Wigglytuff'd, again (!), won against iDomina,
an Italian team with World Champion Kuxir97.
Get Wigglytuff'd was Fairy Peak, Chausette45 and Mout.
That's it for the results, let's move on to the transfer market!
First, it's more of a confirmation than breaking news,
something we talked about a few weeks ago,
Precision Z has disbanded.
Kaydop confirmed this to us last week-end during the ESL GO4.
Precision Z: it's over.
Headline this week is M1k3rules' new team!
M1k3rules is a former Flipsid3 Tactics, during RLCS season 1.
one of the loosers of the Finals, with Markydooda and Kuxir97.
Last summer, he joined another team
with whom he failed to reach RLCS season 2,
loosing before group stage to... Flipsid3 Tactics.
Last week, he finally announced his new roster.
No name yet, for the team,
but it will be Mye_bipod_4shor
and the famous freestyler JHZER.
Their common point is that they were both substitues for Flipsid3.
Mye_bipod_4shor during RLCS 1,
and more fortunate JHZER, as he's now a World Champion,
during RLCS season 2.
This looks like a very HYPE team!
Can't wait to see them in competitive!
Back to the Baguettes!
Chausette45 announced is leaving Red Eye.
He's currently LFT.
To be continued!
Spain: xxKhaelanxx moves from Valencia CF to PAM e-sports.
Spanish Nemesis Roster joined a new organisation:
Last but not least: the RL community lost one of its veterans.
The Dutch Vogan, who ended 4th of RLCS 1 with The Flying Dutchmen
announced his retirement from Rocket League.
He'll know focus on his studies and career.
That's it for this week! Hope you liked the show :)
subscribe, follow, and so, and so!
Beyond the Mountains - Backpacking through Japan - Duration: 6:19.
Do You Know Your Business Electricity Rate - Duration: 2:56.
2D/3D Animation Class
Hey Violet - Guys My Age
Canon EF-M 28mm f/3.5 Macro IS STM Lens for EOS M Series Digital Cameras | Unboxing Video - Duration: 4:02.
Hello again, Izzy at Digital Goja
showrooms. Have another lens EF-M 28mm
macro with image
stabilization and a hat-trick. This guy
comes with a built-in ring light. If this
video helps you out
remember to hit me up with a Like button
underneath and subscribe to our channel
for future frequently asked questions,
tutorials and unboxing such as this and
say hello to me when in Miami at Digital
Goja showrooms.
Alright, so let's take a closer look.
This is the EF-M 28mm. It's a
constant f-3.5 which is important, we want
to make sure we have a good amount of
light when we're working with macro.
Another good feature is, it has image
stabilization, that's very important
because the more you magnify the steady
you have to hold it, and again this is
meant for the M-series camera so very
few of us are gonna be walking around with
huge tripods for this,
that's why it has that hybrid system so it
gives you up to three stops of image
Canon USA, manufacturer's warranty, comes
with the warranty card, again, only good
in the US and purchased from an
authorized dealer like Digital Goja and
your EF instruction Paphlet. This cute
little thing up here, this is your lens
hood and it is a unique filter size, it's
a 43 millimeter they're out there, I mean
it isn't a common size but you can still
get some nice you UV's, CPL and ND filters
for it and this is what allows you to
put it right on the camera and thread
a filter on there if we choose to. Take a look
at the actual product,
very well packaged, it is guaranteeing that you
get in one piece.
Nice and compact, again, this is for the
M-series. Has the STM motor, very easy to
work with,
super-lightweight. Notice how it has the
compact system so I can open it up like
this and this is what releases the lens
for it to work. You have your super macro
which allows you to shoot as close as a
minimum focusing distance of .37
inches and of course it is a 1.2 x
magnification factor, so it's not actual
life size, it's a little bit more
magnification but guess what, since it is
a 28 millimeter you can get really up
close. And here's that hat trick I was
talking about, it has a built-in LED ring
light, that's awesome because as I stated
before we need light when we're working
with macro shots. So let's give it a try
on the very popular eos M5. Lets swap out the
lens here,
line it up now the beauty of this is if you
notice it has a ring light but there's
no power source, why? it's powered by the
camera this is what gives you the actual
power source. So when I turn on my camera
here, here is your light button, press it
notice how you can actually activate one
section of the ring light, hold it down
now you have both of them, hold it down,
you can actually do it hold it down both
of them and then both of them if you
choose to so it gives you a lot of
options so that you can create some
incredible stills and video with macro
technology. So if you're in the market
for a macro lens for your EM series
camera take a much closer look at the
new Canon EF M 28 mm 3.5 macro
Happy shooting!
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