Hey guys and welcome back to another video today I'm going to be doing a lyric prank on my friend GlitterNNess I'm going to be doing Into You - Ariana Grande
For more infomation >> MSP // Song Lyric Prank #2 // Ariana Grande - Into You // Elijah Gaming - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
RSK - Freestyle Cocktail - Duration: 1:54.
Compare Loom & Leaf
Funny Cartoons for Kids
Honda Civic 1.8i-VTEC TYPE-S ADVANTAGE ECC 17"LMV PDC STOELVER - Duration: 1:51.
The Wolf's Groom-Story Time With Daniel And North - Duration: 6:08.
PANZER DRAGOON LP Vinyl Unboxing - Duration: 4:58.
Hello everyone, welcome to this new unboxing format,
"Déboitage" as we say in French.
Today, we take a closer look at the collector's edition of the Panzer Dragoon LP.
Here it is...
It came from DataDiscs.com.
It is a remastering specialized online shop,
they release some video game music LPs.
First inside the box is a Lithography with original
artwork and title from the 1st Panzer Dragoon.
It is one of my favorite games of all time,
the first great game of the first 32-bit game console I ever owned.
It opened the console war for the Saturn era of gaming for me.
We can see it contains 2 discs, we'll see the other disc when
I take them out of their sleeves.
A total of 4 faces on 2 discs full of music.
You can now see the discs are translucent, blue, grey and transparent.
On Face A, the 1st face of the 1st disc, we have:
Main Title (Orchestra Version), Opening Theme, Flight (Orchestra Version)
Very, very good quality.
On Face B, we have the next levels, so:
Sudden Turn, Worms, Confrontation, The Empire, Departed Souls and Reactivation
Should be like on the existing OST
On Face C, 1st face of the second disc :
Assault, Flagship, The Imperial Capital Set Ablaze, Tower, Conclusion, Game Over, Parting, Staff Roll (Orchestra Version)
I think (but I might be wrong) that Staff Roll was not released as an Orchestra version before...
(The one that you hear right now)
We can also see that half of my second disc is covered with blue paint and it is kind of cool,
even if it is totally random, I'm happy with the result.
The very last face, Face D, has some synthetizer arrangements
of the following tracks : Main Title, Flight and Staff Roll
Some exclusive tracks that have a retro feeling from this era and were not released before.
Now, to go deeper in what is DataDiscs.com
It is based in England
They try hard to promote the talent of the composers of overlooked games.
They began with Streets of Rage and Shenmue some years ago.
Their catalog is composed of Streets of Rage, Shenmue, Shinobi III, Super Hangon, Streets of Rage II,
Outrun, Golden Axe I && II, Panzer Dragoon and The Revenge of Shinobi.
Only Sega titles so far. That's why I like them.
I already have the one of Shenmue. I'll have to do another unboxing of Shenmue.
When it's up, I'll put an annotation here for you.
And that's it, this video was just to show you this great masterpiece
of long lost and sadly forgotten Sega history.
I still hope really hard to see a new Panzer Dragoon or at least HD remakes of the ones that are already out.
That's all for me
Play well and see you for the next video.
Cartoon - Construction, Repair And Cleaning Truck Firefighter - Duration: 28:52.
Cartoon - Construction, Repair And Cleaning Truck Firefighter
AMV - DEVIL INSIDE - Anime World Music ♫ - Duration: 2:00.
It takes me by surprise,
It's a little lie that shows for me who
It can happen day or night,
It makes me question who I'd believe
Take this pressure from me,
This devil inside is tempting me
Take this pressure from me,
Inside of me
This temptation is filling the breaking,
Keeps sucking the life
Take this pressure from me,
This devil inside is tempting me
Take this pressure from me
Inside of me
'La La Land' Trailer
Shadow - Inertial Mocap
-2017- - Duration: 1:49.
As every year
to the final days of December
streets are full of lights and Christmas enviroment
shops of gifts
and Youtube of people talking about their goals for the next Year
soooo i thought making something a little bit different
and explaining my New Years Eve goals
the things i have learned this year and i wanna improve the next :D
OKE! For 2017 i have three goals to acomplish:
#1: Improving my organization
and taking more advantage of my time
because I think that there are many times i loss my time doing NOTHING and that CANNOT BE !
#2: appreciate much more little moments with great people
i have changed a looot this year
and now i see that not everything and everyone is as they said
so i wanna surround me of the people I love most
and, finally, a little crazy thing
improve the rythm as the quality of my vids and
arriving 500 subscribers
yes, i know that's a lot for my channel but...
you know. Who doesn't dreams with having wings won't ever fly!
or that's what they say :D
this said, I really hope ur 2017 will be great and that we can all grow together ;D
a reeeaally big hug for u all, and HAPPY NEW YEAR :D !
thanks to D.A.H. Trump (author of the song) he's Soundcloud is in the box down below :D
Pojďme Hrát Scooby Doo (2) - Mystery / Záhada (Sega verze) - |27| - Recyklujte i Vy! :D {CZ} - Duration: 12:43.
PANZER DRAGOON LP Vinyl Unboxing - Duration: 4:58.
Hello everyone, welcome to this new unboxing format,
"Déboitage" as we say in French.
Today, we take a closer look at the collector's edition of the Panzer Dragoon LP.
Here it is...
It came from DataDiscs.com.
It is a remastering specialized online shop,
they release some video game music LPs.
First inside the box is a Lithography with original
artwork and title from the 1st Panzer Dragoon.
It is one of my favorite games of all time,
the first great game of the first 32-bit game console I ever owned.
It opened the console war for the Saturn era of gaming for me.
We can see it contains 2 discs, we'll see the other disc when
I take them out of their sleeves.
A total of 4 faces on 2 discs full of music.
You can now see the discs are translucent, blue, grey and transparent.
On Face A, the 1st face of the 1st disc, we have:
Main Title (Orchestra Version), Opening Theme, Flight (Orchestra Version)
Very, very good quality.
On Face B, we have the next levels, so:
Sudden Turn, Worms, Confrontation, The Empire, Departed Souls and Reactivation
Should be like on the existing OST
On Face C, 1st face of the second disc :
Assault, Flagship, The Imperial Capital Set Ablaze, Tower, Conclusion, Game Over, Parting, Staff Roll (Orchestra Version)
I think (but I might be wrong) that Staff Roll was not released as an Orchestra version before...
(The one that you hear right now)
We can also see that half of my second disc is covered with blue paint and it is kind of cool,
even if it is totally random, I'm happy with the result.
The very last face, Face D, has some synthetizer arrangements
of the following tracks : Main Title, Flight and Staff Roll
Some exclusive tracks that have a retro feeling from this era and were not released before.
Now, to go deeper in what is DataDiscs.com
It is based in England
They try hard to promote the talent of the composers of overlooked games.
They began with Streets of Rage and Shenmue some years ago.
Their catalog is composed of Streets of Rage, Shenmue, Shinobi III, Super Hangon, Streets of Rage II,
Outrun, Golden Axe I && II, Panzer Dragoon and The Revenge of Shinobi.
Only Sega titles so far. That's why I like them.
I already have the one of Shenmue. I'll have to do another unboxing of Shenmue.
When it's up, I'll put an annotation here for you.
And that's it, this video was just to show you this great masterpiece
of long lost and sadly forgotten Sega history.
I still hope really hard to see a new Panzer Dragoon or at least HD remakes of the ones that are already out.
That's all for me
Play well and see you for the next video.
Pantera - Becoming - Guitar Cover [Official Live: 101 Proof version] - Duration: 4:34.
Hello friends!
Today is December 31st
so with this video I'm officially ending Dimecember
which, for those of you who don't know,
is the tribute I've been doing during December to Dimebag Darrell
If you want to see some previous videos i'll be putting them here
and if you like, subscribe to my channel here
It's not only Pantera videos, there's also other bands and even other genres.
I hope you're having a good one and have a happy 2017!
Best Handcuffs Ever?
Dirty Money by Dayo
Testing Four Engraving Bits / CNC V Carving - Duration: 6:53.
So I was sent some bits from a company called RouterCutter.co.uk – which as of December
2016 / January 2017 is a relatively new company. They supply CNC router bits here in the UK
and Europe stocking American and Italian made cutters.
They have supplied me with four Whiteside carbide engravers which I would like to learn
how to use – and I'll be doing this on my original belt driver CNC machines as I'm
still working on the controller for the lead-screw machine.
So the bits I've received are as followed 22º Carving Liner which is model number SC50
30º Engraving Pencil Point, model number SC70
Point Cutting Round-over Bit, model number SC1568
15º Engraving Bit with a Flat Point, SC54
So what do these bits do? When it comes to engraving I've only ever used 60 and 90
degree carbide tipped v-carving bits – the sort you get with a hand router, which I've
used to do some engraving such as the Guernica drawing.
The material was a little bowed or maybe my waste-board was not entirely levelled so you
can see the lines are a little thicker to one side.
I suspect I can do intricate and smaller engravings using the more acute angles of the 22 degree
carving liner and 30 degree Pencil Point. But I've not used anything like the Point
Cutting Round-Over bit or the 15 degree flat point Engraver- so I am curious to see their effects.
Anyway before I start I need to input the various tools details into my software's
tool-database. I'm going to try some simple lettering on a scrap piece of red Valchromat
– from gcode created in ArtCam Express 2015. I used the carving liner and pencil point,
but quickly noticed I could not control the feed-rate.
CNC is never straight forward... when I've prepared files in the past I normally export
the vectors as SVG files, and cut them in Easel where I set the feed-rate. This time
I was running G-code directly through Easel and the federate was maxed out – only limited
by the maximum allowable feed-rate in the GRBL firmware itself. What that means is - the
gcode was set to 30,000 mm a minute in the file I exported, but was limited to 3000 mm
a minute, which is still way too fast.
Anyway if you're wondering why I've written "What you doing Savva?" I haven't got
YouTube fever - have a listen to this voice message from by niece. What you doing Savva?
What you doing Savva?
Wait for it.
What you doing Savva!!
So back to the video, I'm applying the various tools to the lettering to see how paths manifest.
The lower angle of the 22 degree carving liner means it needs more passes to router a deeper
channel than compared to the 30 degree pencil point.
For some reason the software wouldn't let me carve lettering using the round over bit.
That tool is sideline for beading work for now, unless I fool the tool-database into
thinking it's something else.
The other thing I noticed was the flat point of the SC54 engraver made it almost impossible
to use when doing smaller carving. That bit lends itself to block lettering like that
used on a printing press. Carving from the outside of vectors could be useful to make
stamps or printing blocks, and the 15 degree bevel it leaves would also make a good releasable
surface to take moulds from or do vacuum forming.
I'm just highlighting the areas which will be rough cleared with a ¼ inch bit and the
detailed work of the flat point engraver.
The first thing I have to do however, is work out how to control the feed-rate – otherwise
I might break a bit and will not get the best finish on the material I'll be working on.
I suspect I will have to edit this information manually in a text document. There are some
different standards to g-code and I think a few programmes such as v-carve and fusion
360 have a post editors which prepares the Gcode for the machine you will be cutting
it on – in my case a GRBL machine. Annoyingly ArtCam Express doesn't have a
plug-in for GRBL and there seems to be very little support for the older versions of their
software – especially since they have gone with an expensive subscription only software.
Using the copy and paste tool in wordpad I have changed the federate to 600 mm a second,
and the plunge rate to 150 mm a second. This should help make for a cleaner cut.
So what I'm going to do now is export some G-codes and cut something for each of these
four bits and show you the outcomes. Here I've used the carving liner to engrave
some small lettering – it work well on text up to 4mm tall, or when limiting the tool
depth to 1mm. Because of the 22 degree angle above a certain
size of letter the bit plunges a little too deep and the lettering looks a bit odd. I
also had some problem with parts of the lettering chipping but that is a combination of my feed-rate
and the material I am cutting. The pencil point has a slightly larger angle
which means engraving letters looks a lot better and this works a little larger than
the carving liners. That said limiting the tool depth can produce a better finish when
cutting smaller lettering. As I mention before I couldn't cut lettering
out using the round over bit so I cut a simple border which could be used to frame engravings
- and this also looks quite good on the denser Valchromat.
The last bit was a flat bottom engraver with a 15 degree bevel. Because of the flat bottom
or tip, the tool wouldn't be able to reach the crevasses of smaller lettering and engravings.
So it decided to cut some block lettering instead. I used a roughing tool path with
a ¼ inch bit to make the job a little quicker, cutting from the outside of the vectors and
finishing with the flat bottom engraver.
This was by far the most interesting effect when producing lettering.
So to conclude, how I imagine using these bits. I think I'll use the carving liner
to do smaller detailed works but in particular drawings. The pencil point will work better
doing lettering as the angle suites it-self better to that task. I'll use the round
over bit to do beading and boarders, and the flat point engraver to make larger block lettering.
Thanks again to Routercutter.co.uk for supplying these to me – there details will be in the description bellow.
I'll also add if you want to v-carving yourself you don't have to get expensive software,
you could use something like ScorchWorks F-Engrave
and I'll provide a link to that as well in the description.
Spiderman Frozen Elsa NERF GUN WAR Hulk Anna rescue Pikachu & Peppa Pig Fun Superheroes In Real Life - Duration: 14:14.
Spiderman Frozen Elsa NERF GUN WAR Hulk Anna rescue Pikachu & Peppa Pig Fun Superheroes In Real Life
Pojďme Hrát Scooby Doo (2) - Mystery / Záhada (Sega verze) - |27| - Recyklujte i Vy! :D {CZ} - Duration: 12:43.
Scooby Doo (2) - Mystery (Sega) - Walkthrough - |27| {EN} - Duration: 12:43.
Oh, so we have to use it in a certain location.
I totally forgot about the bulletin board existing.
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