What's After Boot Camp? - Marine Combat Training (School of Infantry)
- After you've turned in your sea bags
about working (mumbles).
You're gonna come back, you're gonna drag
the rest of your trashy gear.
You're gonna load up on that bus.
You will go to the back, you will fill up every single seat.
I do not care about you sitting by your friends,
do you understand?
- [Group] Yes, sir!
- Move.
(tense music)
These are the students coming from NCRD,
whether it be straight off of boot leave
or coming off of cruise assistance,
to get them processed up to SOI for training.
Once they go to training, they're either gonna
go to infantry training battalion
or Marine combat training battalion.
The first part of the process is down here at the USO.
I come down here on a weekly basis
whenever we have a pick up.
What we do is we distinguish the Marines
from MCT and ITB, 0300s go into ITB,
anyone else go into Marine Combat Training Battalion.
(tense music)
- So the marines are currently at supply
getting issued everything that they're gonna need
and required for the training of the 29 day training cycle.
It's very important that you receive it,
first off they're gonna be conducting
live fire raining so some of the PP is required
for live fire ranges aboard Camp Pendleton.
The rest of the gear's cold weather gear.
Currently we are in warm weather gear,
we receive a hydration system as well,
keep the marines hydrated throughout the physical training.
(soft music)
- Currently the marines are conducting their land
navigation performance examination.
What they'll be doing today is they have their points
which are just grid points that you would find on a map.
From there they plotted their points,
they found ASMIS which is the data
that they're gonna be using in order
to put in their compass in order to go
from point A to point B.
As well as they have found their distance
from point A to point B.
To find those five points, they need to achieve
four to five in order to pass.
We buddy them up, they go out there,
they have a score card and they execute
that score card which has their grids,
has their ASMIS they've already found
as well as their map and they'll go out there
and they'll actually conduct the land
portion of their performance examination
where they test their skills to be able
to mitigate going through the terrain
as well as being able to find a point
that's out there on terrain that they're not
really familiar with.
- We build upon that foundation and further
their knowledge and skills towards technical field care.
^We start off with a classroom environment,
^from there we have practical application,
which goes into caring, doing really TFC, tourniquet drill
and a couple of other things to enhance their skill
from what they have and learned from boot camp.
It's important 'cause it's definitely gonna help them out
once they leave the country, getting deployed,
or going anywhere in the world.
It'll also help on the civilian side,
just in case they need it.
As far as comm in here in MCT,
it's their first time being introduced to comm.
We started off with the same thing
with classes, platform instruction.
They're gonna get about an hour and a half
to the classroom introducing them
to the radio system and then once that's finished,
we have practical applications.
It's about three hours.
They first get to touch with their comm gear,
after that they'll call up using a certain type of format
that they were taught in boot camp like salute report.
Then we introduce them to the POSREP, SITREP, SPOTREP
and all these report that's pertaining
and used in the fleet.
(soft music)
- We don't just kick right off into the 15 K
evaluated hike, we have to stepping stones.
You gotta crawl, walk, run.
So we prep them, teach them how to dress or pack,
how to pack their pack and we do the five K
so they understand how much that weight feels
on their back and they get used to it
and they get conditioned to that weight
and then we up it to the 10 K and then finishing
with that 15 K.
(solemn music)
- We came out here,
we're doing patrolling two practical application.
So then with patrolling two, we got IA drills,
contact left, right, front, rear.
Basically we send up hasty ambushes going over
across in danger areas.
They're individual actions within a patrol.
Doing like cycle of the infantry marine,
stuff like that, basically what we're doing
in patrolling two.
These guys can literally fill the billet
of any infantry marine any time,
so that's why every marine needs to know
his skills for patrolling.
He'll patrol in those environments.
- So now it's military operations in urban terrain.
It's us actually going out into different environments
like Iraq, Afghanistan, where there's heavily
populated with buildings and so on and so forth.
MOUNT is our ability to actually fight
in an urban environment and be able to go out there
and put our boot on the enemy's throat.
The training consists of them doing exterior movement
which is them actually moving from building to building
on the outside of the building,
being able to cover danger areas,
pass off those danger areas so that their buddy can pass.
Then it consists of them doing room clearing.
We do a two man room clearing
and that's them and their buddy
actually learning how to make injury into that building,
into that room, clear it out,
and identify any threats that are in that building.
- It's extremely important, these marines,
they never know when they're gonna find themselves
in a combat situation where they're gonna be
issued M67 fragmentation grenade
and be expected to kill the enemy with it.
It's a big confidence booster, but it's the first time
marines will hold one, control it
and then pull it to destroy the target.
They'll receive a demonstration of the smoke gun,
our incendiary grenades,
followed by practical application which includes
proficiency of three M69 fragmentation grenades.
Once proficient is shown by the combat instructor,
they move on their way to the live fire range,
to throw an M67 fragmentation grenade.
Marines will view one through the tower, observe one,
and they'll move onto grenade issue.
At that point they will go into the pits
instructed by an instructor
and they will throw the M67 fragmentation grenade.
(explosion booming)
(soft music)
- The 10 K which is a little bit of course
further distance, now we're going over
a little bit harder terrain.
Navigating from SOI up here to Ranch 706
where they're gonna conduct their live fire
and then all that is in preparation conditioning them
for their route hike, their graduation requirement
for the 15 K hike back to SOI.
That's really here just to introduce these marines
to what the Marine Corps. gonna have them do
out in the fleet.
If they have to maneuver anywhere over long distance
carrying that load.
(guns firing)
- Range week starts off with a 10 K movement
out to the range.
We'll move the whole company out there.
Once we get to the range, and we actually start
conducting our training, the first thing that goes down
is the actual table shoots which they first conduct
table five and table six.
Table six is your comment marksmanship range day
from 25 meters and in.
Table six is the same range except it's at night,
so they're using their PBS-14 on their (mumbles)
and then their (mumbles) 15s.
(guns firing)
After your table five and six,
then the students conduct tables three and four
which is your unknown distance shoots.
Table three is the day shoot
and then table four is the night shoot
and they shoot on skill targets.
After that they go into shooting 203s,
and your 240s.
Before they actually do the live fire,
we conduct ISMIT line procedures.
It actually gives them hands on,
they understand how to actually do it
before they go into live fire.
They understand the weapons and how it's gonna feel,
it gets a little more realistic before they actually
do the realistic shoot.
After that, then they conduct the last range they do
is your LFAN your live firing and maneuver range
where they conduct buddy rushes
and consolidate on the enemy objective.
- [Man] Let's go.
Let's go.
- After that, that's pretty much all of range week,
all of the ranges and then the next day,
they conduct a 15 K evaluated foot march
back from the range,
back to (mumbles).
(ominous music)
(guns firing)
- [Man] Go, go, go, go, go, go!
(guns firing)
Halt, halt, halt, hey!
You, (mumbles), one on the left, one on the right.
(guns firing)
- BSRE's basically a culminating event
where we just kind of put all of the things
that we trained them, such as patrolling,
defense, a little bit of TSE we throw in there,
radio communication, we just kind of throw
everything together that we trained them in
and put them all together and see how they actually do it.
This is the first time I've done actually seeing
the instructors acting as squad leaders as well.
Whereas in the past, all we did was train them
and teach them.
Now those instructors are actually acting
as squad leaders so they can actually see how it's done,
see how it is (mumbles).
Which I think is very important for the BSRE.
(ominous music)
Here during the BSRE, we actually expect them
to react to contact or react to an ID
or react to a casualty, we train them
to react a certain way throughout the three weeks
that leads up to this point.
Sometimes they react well, sometimes they don't,
but either way they learn from it
which I think is really important.
(guns firing)
The biggest challenge is just being out here
operating for 36 hours in a row.
They're not getting all the sleep that they need.
We tell 'em trial's continuous
where it's no longer just hey sit down
and eat chow with something.
We give them their marine,
hey whenever you have a chance eat.
You don't need to be reminded to eat
which I think is important, something as simple as that,
whenever you're actually out there in the field.
At least these actual marines are never exposed
to something like that.
They'll be like oh wait so we just eat whenever we want?
Just something as small as that is good exposure,
good training for them whenever they hit the fleet.
They're tired, they're gonna be hungry.
We're gonna be moving a lot.
They're gonna be continuously doing something.
Even if they're standing by, they're standing by
as a QRF which is quick reaction force.
They can be reacting to possible causalities or whatever.
When they're in the holes,
especially at night, we go ahead and go 50%
where we let one marine just provide security
and one marine go to bed.
It's good training for them to actually see how it's done.
We've talked about it for the past three weeks.
They've maybe done a little bit of research,
in boot camp they heard about it,
but now they're actually seeing it and doing it.
The instructor's actually showing them how it's done.
(triumphant music)
- They join the Marine Corps. and they became marines
^and when they got here, they learned what it actually meant
to be a marine.
Now they move from there, they see their families
on the parade day and they go into their MOS school
with the requisite knowledge they got.
My job is gonna be an engineer
but I'll always be called on to be a marine rifle.
(dramatic music)
I think the battalion does
a very good job of preparing the marine
for that combat environment.
It really does that because of the battalion's
center of gravity, the combat instructor.
Combat instructor generally comes from
the Operating Forces.
He's done one or two combat deployments
and he has the requisite knowledge
of the combat skills, the common skills
from going to combat instructor school.
He takes those skills and he gets a 29 day period
of intense training for these kids,
so they can go forward and do great things
on the battlefield.
^- It's vitally important, the MCT remains relevant.
That as doctrine emerges and changes,
as TTPs evolve throughout the Marine Corps.
We accumulate lessons learned
from not only the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,
but also the special purpose MAGTF,
Black Sea Rotational Forces,
those missions that we find ourselves now
fighting across around the military operations.
That we have to ensure our younger marines
regardless of MOS maintain their proficiency
in combat skills, basic combat skills
and that when they find themselves
for deployed and in support of the ground combat element
that they're able to survive on the battle field
and contribute as a solid member of the MAGTF team.
For more infomation >> What's After Boot Camp? - Marine Combat Training (School of Infantry) - Duration: 18:22.-------------------------------------------
크리미널마인드' 섬뜩한 김인권, 더 섬뜩한 손현주 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:14.
This week's marrow item, find Mansu's friends and raise the affection index!
[MONSTA X chose their friends]
What is this?
[Scary & rough path of meeting Mansu's friends] Oh my God!
[Scary & rough path of meeting Mansu's friends] - What kind of animal is this? - Seal!
[Shocked] There's hair.
I can't do this.
[Why can't you do this? You can just do it]
[Enthusiastic welcome from Mansu's friends]
Oh my God.
[Welcome! Have you been to the zoo before?]
[MONSTA X gathered after tough morning task] How was it?
I heard you had some conversation through body (?).
[Raccoons] At first, I thought they were super cute.
Once I entered, I was like, "Oh, come on".
I put my script in my pocket.
[They took the script] Before I knew it, they took it and messed with it.
[Even the mic] They even took the mic cable.
[Keeping belongings became the mission] - They take just about everything. - Really?
[I will take anything] No, not the mic. No.
[Raccoon, thief of the animal kingdom]
[Raccoons' black hands without mercy]
[Tearing into pieces]
The camera...
[The leader and youngest line got tired deep down in their soul]
They really bit me.
[Envious of getting bitten] How cute.
Barya and Mary are explorers.
[Jooheon talks about the interaction with Barya] When I held out my hand, she raised her beard.
[Like this]
[I can't believe it]
And I was cleaning the tank.
Mary's specialty is squirting water.
She held water in her mouth...
[Morning task] [Shower out of the blue] And she squirted water on me.
[Team Sea Elephant's bragging] The door opens up this much.
Just enough for them to stick out their faces.
And two sea elephants held out their faces.
[To welcome us]
[Surprising] It's true.
There's this space.
They stuck out their heads like this. 1, 2, 3.
[Team Sea Elephant's perfect description]
They're really intelligent. One of the most intelligent animals.
- They recognize faces. - They do. - They look at you like this.
Not like this.
[Looking sideways] But like this, because their eyes are right here.
They looked at us like this.
Super cute.
[Team Sea Elephant met Barya and Mary last week] Hello.
[Gently] Hi.
[Barya couldn't take her eyes off Jooheon]
[Obedient to Jooheon] Barya.
[Building affection smoothly from the start] Nice. Good job.
[Chic modern female sea elephant] Mary, who is it?
[Trying to read her thought] You don't like me?
- You don't like him? - No.
Let's not do this from the beginning.
[Will Minhyuk make friends with Mary?] - Yeah. - What's wrong with you?
Come and visit Barya and Mary.
I really wanted to see Barya.
[Team Monkey are particularly quiet] - Barya or Mary? - Barya. - Barya? - Big one.
[Please talk, guys] I was passing by and our eyes met.
[Team Monkey is in charge of eating show and reactions]
[Jooheon is curious about the quiet team Monkey] How about monkeys?
[Just like us] They're really quiet.
[First moment they meet each other] [He said hi] - Hi. - They're running away.
[But they ran away] They're running away.
[In an empty monkey house]
[There's only the sound of brooms]
[Disappointed] We had to reach out first. They never came close to us.
They're like cats.
[Curious about the afternoon schedule of the monkey team] What's your plan after lunch?
- We need to name them. - Right.
They don't have names?
One of the ring tailed lemurs was lowest in the pecking order.
He was all alone.
[When the other monkeys got together]
[Left alone]
[One monkey keeps hovering around the other monkeys]
[Morning special snack time] How should we hold it?
I can od other stuff.
[When the other monkeys aste] - Why are you above me... - Here he comes.
There you go.
[One monkey didn't get a special snack] Why isn't he eating? He's not eating.
[Afternoon schedule] - We have a lot of work to do. - Right.
[Off to do afternoon activities] Let's go and do our afternoon tasks.
Down to the marrow. MONSTA X-RAY 2!
- Good luck on your afternoon schedule. - Go for it!
[Everyone is drowsy in the afternoon]
[Raccoons sleep like an angel]
He's sleeping is so cute.
He's sleeping like this.
- Raccoon. - Raccoon.
[Huh? Did anyone call me?] - Raccoon. - Raccoon.
[Making walnut cracking sound] Raccoon.
[In a hurry]
[Time to wake up]
[Mass migration as if they're enchanted]
[Raccoons came close] - It's amazing. - I know.
[What is that sound?]
He's not eating.
[I want to hold that hand so badly]
[A sad animal because of its short legs]
[So cute]
[I.M gave them a walnut]
[Chasing quickly]
[Worried] Walnuts are hard. Can they crack a walnut?
I know. How do they crack walnuts?
[No worries] - He's cracking it. - Give them one more. They're fighting.
[So amazing] - He cracked open it. - Did he?
[Walnuts are shattered]
- Looks like their teeth are really strong. - They cracked it.
[Did you bite me with those teeth] - And they bit me. - I know.
[Using their super strong teeth]
[The raccoons attacked them all morning]
[I will rip it apart]
[Feeling giddy thinking about it]
[After snack time]
[Kihyun came to the raccoon team's cage] You wanted to see them, right? Super cute.
You can look forward to it.
[Who is it?] So cute.
[The monkey team] [By the way, why is Kihyun here?] So cute.
[Lunch time] [The staff asked which animal they want to meet]
I'd like to see raccoons.
[Really? Is that so?]
[Innocent] I want to hold them in my arms.
You definitely can. I'll bring you to the exact spot.
[The leader wants to share raccoon's friendliness] They come right away.
[Shownu / The true leader who wants to share] Kihyun wanted to hang out with raccoons.
I thought, "It's the day for you".
I told him to enter the cage to meet raccoons.
[Kihyun voluntarily entered the raccoons' room]
[Raccoon-less] [The leader and youngest line are watching]
[Who are you?] He looks tempted.
Come here.
[Kind] If you sit there, they'd go crazy.
[Innocent] - Here? - I got loved so much there.
[Sarcastic] You can experience heaven.
[I.M experienced overflowing love in heaven]
[Welcome to heaven]
[Experiencing heaven, START] Stay still.
[Give me my snack]
[Oh so cute]
[Time to show their true colors] They're rummaging through his pocket.
[Let's get started]
[What's in our newbie's pocket?] It tickles.
[So happy] It tickles. Hang on. That tickles.
[Huh? This isn't what I expected]
[Stop laughing and give me something]
[Happy] [Unexpected reactions] He's trying to take my belt away.
[Flustered] [They're different] You're prepared to get robbed.
They don't bite because they're full.
[This is heaven] - This is exactly what I wanted. - Really?
[So thrilled] I wanted something clingy like this.
[The first and last touch with monkeys] You scared me.
[Kihyun even found it so precious]
[I'm in heaven]
I can tell his taste.
[So happy] - It's nice. - Nice? - Nice.
Hey, not there. What about it?
[Shownu / very disappointed] That wasn't what I was expecting.
I thought Kihyun has something special in him.
[I.M / In charge of the baby raccoons at a bad time] The babies were just fed.
So they were nice to Kihyun.
I felt a bit intimidated.
[The sea elephant team came to hand signal training] What will you teach us here?
- When you're with them... - Hand signal. - Hand signal? - Hand signal.
Barya and Mary share most of the basic signals.
[Hand signals differ between Barya and Mary] But a couple of signals are different.
The basic hand touch.
[Experienced Jooheon] [Minhyuk's first time to learn hand signal] She will follow your hand signal.
[Hand touch] [Their face follows the hand]
Next we'll make them make some sound.
[So excited] I really want to do this.
Mary makes two kinds of sound.
[Hand signal for Mary] With this signal, Mary cries.
And Mary has a beard.
When you make a circle in front of it, she kind of burps.
[Jooheon is experienced, unlike Minkyuk] - You've done this before, right? - Yeah. - Right.
- I'll add my swag. - Alright.
[Shout it out, Swag] Swag.
They made sound like this earlier.
[Will Barya make Jooheon's dream come true?]
[Hand signal for Barya] When you reach out, Barya will give you a hug.
[He hoped for holding Barya in his arms] I heard we can give a sea elephant a hug.
That's my goal today.
When you tell them, "Come here" they would give you a hug.
But you need to get closer to them first.
Because they wouldn't let their guards down yet.
[Tough hand signal hug] It's quite difficult. I think we should give it a try.
[A lot more people gathered after lunch]
[Barya and Mary became the center of attention]
[Nervous] - Why don't we say "Way to go". - Alright.
1, 2, 3. Way to go!
[Time to show their hand signals]
- I'm nervous. - I'm nervous.
Not yet.
Not yet.
- Starting with the buoy game. - Should I throw it?
[Going for retrieving the buoy]
Let me demonstrate the hand signal.
[Sit down and point at the buoy] Sit down and point at it.
[She moves to the buoy]
She will bring it back.
[Heave ho]
[Proud and Amazed] Barya. Fetch it .
[Here it is]
Hold it.
[Good job, Barya]
Good job.
[It went smoothly thanks to their interaction with each other]
[More difficult task] [It's Jooheon's turn]
Would you like to order her to retrieve it?
Sit down first.
[Kind] Barya. Go get that.
[Yes, sir]
[Barya went to get the buoy without hesitation] Like this.
[There you go] OK. Just like that.
[Wow] [So envious]
[Barya retrieved the buoy]
Please give me that.
[Putting her hands together] Please give me that.
- That's so cute. - Good job.
[Jooheon's mission completed] - She's so cute. - Nice.
- Good job. - Alright.
[Jooheon / Fell in love with Barya] She put her hands together and gave me that.
When I told her, "Good job" she got excited.
So adorable.
[Minhyuk gives it a try] - Let me try. - Alright.
Touch and sit down a little.
- Sit. - Sit down.
[Will Minhyuk make it at once?] - Point at it. - Go fetch that.
[Minhyuk failed to interact with sea elephants during the morning]
Can't I touch you? Why aren't you letting me touch you?
- Point. - Go fetch that.
Go fetch that.
Go fetch that.
[No, you go fetch that] Go fetch that.
[Cracking up]
[The word give up isn't in Minhyuk's dictionary] [He gives another try] Go fetch that.
[How about this time?] Go fetch that.
You should say, "Please give me that".
So cute.
She's bringing it back.
Please give me that.
[Minhyuk's hand signal worked] Thank you.
[Proud] Thank you.
Thank you.
[Minhyuk / First time interacting with them] I was a little flustered,
but they were just so adorable.
I wasn't scared or worried anymore.
[Minhyuk got closer to Mary] - Hold your arm out. - Like this? - Yes.
[Oh? Mary follows Minhyuk's hand]
[Mary follows Minhyuk's lead, unlike this morning] Bring her to the direction you want.
[Compliments make Mary dance] You should compliment her
so she can build trust in you.
- Can I try something? - Go ahead.
[While I'm at it, let's make sound]
[Thrilled] There you go.
Good job.
[Mary opened up her heart to Minhyuk] Great job.
If you compliment her, she will listen to you even more.
[Pat Pat] [Following Minhyuk's lead]
[Anything he tries works!]
[Touched] Good job. You did a great job.
[Mary is in a good mood] Great job.
[Mary had been fussy in the morning] Alright.
[He wondered if they can ever interact] I touched her. You hate me, right?
[Now she's clingy with Minhyuk] Kiss.
[Minhyuk and Mary got comfortable with each other]
I was touched
[Minhyuk / Who got close to Mary] because Mary kindly followed my lead.
She listened to me.
[Fall in love] Mary is so generous.
[Jooheon is working on hand signal with Barya] - Can I try something? - Sure.
[Shouting out "swag"] Barya, wait.
[Great chemistry] [Ho] Swag. Nice.
[They made it at once] Great.
Move back.
[Jooheon's dream, hug demonstration]
Give me a hug.
That's giving a hug?
When you hold out your arms,
[Barya settles in his arms]
[It's finally my turn]
[Jooheon's final goal last week was a hug] I'll work hard on building interaction.
So today's goal for me is giving a hut.
- Shall we try now? - Yes.
[Will Jooheon be able to hug her?] Touch this side.
[Come here, Barya]
[Fall in my wide shoulders. Come on]
[I love Jooheon] Nice.
[Dreams come true]
- Good. - Great job.
Not yet.
[Jooheon / Fan of Barya] I opened my arms and she hugged me.
That was so adorable.
I wanted to take her to my house.
[What?] [Come on]
She was super adorable.
[The monkey team] I checked it out again, and he was alone again.
[Monkey No. 2 is left out even during nap time] - Right. - Everyone else were together.
[I feel sorry] - That breaks my heart. - I know.
They're so...
[For the monkey No. 2] If you don't mind,
- can we name him while we're here? - While you're here?
He's really clever with names.
That sounds nice. He doesn't have a name yet.
[The monkey team decided to name the lonly monkey] I hope so.
I feel so sorry for him as he's all alone.
[Sad] Look at him. He's just looking.
[Three guys sat around to name No. 2 monkey] We decided to name the monkey.
- On my way, - 3, 2, 1.
Glue stick.
- Glue stick? - Sounds nice.
[Mr. Chae, name author] So he would stick with the rest of the group.
- Good. - Glue stick. That's not bad.
Taltal? Why?
[MONSTA X-RAY 2] - Just because. - Taltal. - Taltal?
Sounds good.
[Wind blowing]
[Why the wind all of a sudden]
[Pitiful] [Even the wind doesn't help them]
[What is wrong with us?]
[Are you guys lonely? I'm lonely as well...]
- We're not in a position to worry about others. - How's this strong wind?
[A loner monkey = our situation] Glue Stick and we aren't that different.
I got an idea.
[Wonho's idea] - We can name him after one of our songs. - For his name? - Yes.
For example, from "Beautiful" we can name him Areum.
One of our songs is "Steal Your Heart" and that can't be a name.
[Come on] We can't name him "Steal".
"Second to none".
[Surprised] That's a no-no.
[Naming turned into a saying anything party] - No. - Shiny.
- How about Shafo? - Shafo.
Shafo. "Shine Forever".
[Naming after "Shine Forever" by MONSTA X] - Shine forever. - Shafo.
[Meaning : Shine forever] - I love it. - Shafo.
[Pretty good] [Catchy name, Shafo] How's Shafo? It's easy to pronounce.
[Shafo it is] - Shafo it is. - Let's call him Shafo.
- Shafo. - Great.
[My name is Shafo from here on out]
- Let's get ready for the party. - Shall we?
For our Shafo.
[Kihyun/ Shafo's team 2] I want him to feel like it's his birthday.
Wonho is making fruit punch, I'm making toys and Hyungwon is...
Writing something.
[Poem or letter, that is the question] I'm thinking either a poem or a letter...
[Bewildered] - You're going to write a letter? - Yeah.
[Comeback of the angry member] You're going to teach him Korean?
[Letter... Korean...] - You have to work here until he can read. - Do I?
[But he sticks with his plan]
[Working carefully]
[Hyungwon, the name author]
[This member is facing his back towards the camera and sawing like crazy]
[This is hard] Whew!
[So hot] Woo hooh!
[Wonho is so direct] - Don't make that sound. - It's hard.
[Erotic] [Sawing and groaning]
Is this all going to matter?
[He's tired from all the sawing] Isn't the naming enough?
[Firm] No.
[Agrees] I guess not.
[making fruit punch [Wonho is in charge of carving]
[Crunch crunch]
[Carefully peeling grapes]
[The punch looks great]
It looks good.
[My hands are freezing] Ha~
[Just then]
Give me that.
[Go somewhere else] Go somewhere else, it's creating dust.
[Did we need to be together?] Should we have worked together?
[Yeah] I think I could have done mine inside.
[No one told them to] I know.
It's a little crooked.
[It looks cool] - What are you making? - That's fine.
Is it a table?
[Table complete]
[Kihyun's toy is a great table]
It's like that thing when hot food is delivered...
It's cool.
[To protect the monkeys] [Kihyun is taping the edges] They could get hurt.
- All the edges... - Using the tape...
Just in case they get hurt. All the edges are too sharp.
[Wraps and wraps]
[So detailed] [There he goes again] He's so meticulous.
- Kihyun. - Yeah.
[Come on] We have to deliver this before the ice melts.
There's not a lot of time left.
Are you thinking just about yourself?
He's a little abnormal if you look at him with the tape...
[I don't care] This feels nice.
[MONSTA X - RAY Season 1, last episode] I get annoyed if it doesn't meet my standards.
That's what I said was abnormal about him.
He would ask why we didn't do the dishes.
And start cleaning feeling good about nagging everyone else.
Then he rubs it in our faces.
[Kihyun's characteristic] This is why I said he's abnormal.
[Proud] [The black tape is all gone] Only this much tape left.
[Can't understand him] I used it all up.
[The 2 members grow weary]
[So serious]
[After adding the snacks...]
[Finally the toy is finished] I'm done.
It works.
[Works well] It works. This is how they get the snacks.
[You though he was done?] [Then he starts taping some more]
[Shudders] No way!
[Are you done yet]
[So detailed] This is even more dangerous.
[Finally] [Gets up] - Continue... - Let's go. - Let's go first.
[Wonho & Hyungwon leave] This is a matter of self-contentment.
[Focused on taping] - We can't help. - That's true.
We should let him focus.
- We're leaving. - Yes.
Let's go.
[Tape killer] [Kihyun continued taping for a long time]
[Finally he's done] I'm done. I'm finished.
[Party preparations finished] [Will Shafo be interested?]
We need to come up with a plan to get closer with the raccoons.
What should I search for?
[Web-surfing] - Raccoon games? - Getting friendly with raccoons.
Raccoon toys.
Raccoon supplies...
I think raccoons like flashy things.
Flashy things?
Things that look amusing.
[Bring something amusing]
[What did the raccoon team prepare?]
[What is it?]
[What's that?]
[Edible bubbles]
[But they don't care] They're not interested in the bubbles.
[We like I.M better than bubbles]
Come over here.
[Try once more after luring the raccoons] Good, good. Come on guys, focus.
Make bubbles.
[Pong pong pong pong] Slowly, gently.
[Raccoons are now interested in the bubbles]
[What is this?]
[It's so cool]
[Inside the raccoons' habitat]
[Bubbles are falling from the sky]
[Good good] You're bonding with them!
Really? It feels like I am.
[But at that moment]
[Racoons become more interested in I.M] I think the bubbles should come from outside.
[Shownu will blow the bubbles] - Give it to me. - Yeah, you do it.
[Where are you going? Play with us.] They seem to like you.
[No matter how many bubbles were blown...] Look there. Look over there.
[Not interested] Look here.
[I.M > Bubbles] Look over there.
[Do you have any snacks? Play with us]
[Oh no] I feel like I should pretend to like the bubbles.
I feel like I should like them.
[I'm coming to your side] - Hold on, I'll come inside. - OK.
[But they seemed to have gotten closer]
[All of a sudden]
[I love you! I love you! Aishteru! J'taime!]
[Too much affection] [I.M is being loved by the raccoons]
[Confident] I'll go in with my secret weapon.
[What has Shownu prepared to score high on the affection index?]
Here we go.
[Wagging] [A feather toy]
[He succeeded in getting their attention] They're trying to eat it.
Tickle tickle.
So cute.
[Focused] [Raccoons are totally focused]
[Peaceful times]
[Give it to me] Look. They're so cute.
Tickle tickle.
[Raccoons dance with the feathers]
[Raccoon dance party open!]
Tickle tickle.
[Loving the feathers] Are you having fun?
- They seem to like it a lot. - Really? - Yeah.
[Raccoon team seems like they will score high on the affection index]
[Shownu is in waterproof clothes?]
[What's going on?]
[What is it?]
- It's a little... - Try it.
[The last thing they prepared is]
[Splash] [Swimming with the raccoons] Careful of the floor.
Come in.
[They're squirming to avoid the water] Lure them.
[They want the walnut but they don't want to swim]
[Runs away]
[We don't feel like swimming today]
[This was not what I was expecting...] - Come on guys. - Don't you have another walnut?
[Walnut is the best for luring]
[Should I go in or not?]
[Next raccoon swimmer]
[He leans as far as he can without falling into the water]
[One raccoon goes in the water]
[Is he finally going to swim?]
[Just give me the walnut]
[Last bit of pride] [Holding on with his hind leg]
[Adorable] Come on in.
[All raccoons gathered] - Good, good. - Come on in everyone.
[Eager] Good so far.
[Haku jumps in the water] Good, he's in the water.
- He's in the water. - He's swimming. - He's in.
[Paddling] [Splash] - Good, good. - He's in. Exercise.
[So cute]
[But 3 raccoons are left] Come on in.
[Give it to me! Hurry!]
[I want you...walnut...]
- Give it to him. - Come in.
[Just then] [In a dash]
[He's in] So cute.
[Hara is in the water] - There's one behind you. - Really?
[Those that enter the water, shall be rewarded] Come on in.
[Give me a walnut]
[Returns after eating the walnut] He doesn't like swimming.
[Get me one too]
Good boy.
[Shownu/ happy about the swim] At first, they didn't seem to like the water,
but they came by my side and swam.
I might have looked upset.
[Satisfied with the swim] I was pretty satisfied.
[Last cleaning time]
[Sad] After we're done, we have to say goodbye.
[What? Goodbye?]
[Scrambles] Want to get on my back?
[No way]
[Don't go! Don't leave us!] There.
[I.M is so loved] There you go.
[Time to say goodbye] - Bye. - Bye Haku. - Bye.
[Petting] Bye, Haku.
[Take me with you] [Attached to him until the end]
[I.M/ Bonded with the raccoons] It felt like we bonded with the raccoons.
[An intense first encounter]
[They went through his pockets as soon as he entered their cage]
[But as time went by...]
[The raccoons liked the members even more than the bubbles]
[Shownu/ loved by the raccoons] They were more gentle and relaxed.
When I was petting them,
I felt that they weren't intimidated by me.
[Raccoons seemed to be scared of Shownu] They showed their teeth a lot at first.
[Though they went through everything... Even my mike and underwear...]
[They let down their guard and played]
[Petting] When we pet them before we left,
they just stood still.
[Shownu/ loved Haku's cute bottom] Their butts were so cute and chubby.
It was a valuable experience.
[Sad to say bye] Maybe we'll meet again and they'll be able to go through my pockets.
[The Monkey team has brought presents]
- Hi. - Hi.
I really worked hard on this.
[Wow! Food!]
[Hurry hurry]
[The monkeys are excited at the sight of food]
[Gathering around the fruit punch] - We worked really hard. Want it? - Want some?
[Food is better than toys]
[So proud] Want some?
[So kind] [Wonho is feeding them like a mother monkey] You don't want any?
[It's good, yummy]
[The fruit punch guys is thrilled]
Where is Hyungwon?
[Hyungwon has transformed into a ring tailed lemur]
[Shafo sees Hyungwon]
They don't like untasty ones.
[No reaction]
What is going on?
[One huge ring tailed lemur] What happened to you?
- What's up with you? - What are you doing?
- What are you wearing? - I prepared something to earn their affection.
[Proud] - That's against the rules. - I prepared this.
[Betrayed] Every man for himself.
Yeah. Is this allowed?
[But the monkeys like food better than Hyungwon's costume]
Come over here.
[Showing some interest in Kihyun's toy] What is this? Play with it.
[Touched] Look! He's playing with it!
He's playing with the toy!
[Please show some interest to me too...] It's yummy.
Yummy, yummy.
[This is not what expected...]
Eat up.
[Looks around] Where did he go?
[Kihyun takes care of Shafo]
[Munch munch] Yummy.
It's yummy.
[Shafo is alone once again]
[Hyungwon see Shafo by himself]
[He carefully approaches him]
Shafo, there you are.
[Unsuccessful] [Falcon steals Shafo's snack]
- Want some more? - Your name is Shafo from now on.
[Munch munch] Listen while you eat.
Shafo, listen up.
[He's reading a letter] Though you haven't fully adjusted,
I believe that you'll soon start to glow.
You're the best mammal that's here!
[All those days of being careful around others,]
[and all those lonely days...]
[Hyungwon was nice from the moment they met]
[Hyungwon even wrote him a letter] You're the best mammal here!
[It's a letter for you, Shafo]
- Shafo~ - He keeps taking more even though he's full.
[Not interested]
[Hyungwon is crushed]
[The camera doesn't know where to look]
[Hyungwon/ crushed by Shafo] I thought he'd come to me.
I thought he'd climb on my shoulders and eat a snack together...
[Sad...] I thought about eating some of the fruit with him.
But he completely ignored me.
He should taste the green grapes.
[Wonho prepared grapes too] - Did you give him a peeled grape? - Yes.
- I peeled it. - He should like it, it's sweet. You peeled all the grapes? - Yes.
[The zookeeper is amazed at Wonho's devotion]
I just give them unpeeled grapes.
[Food is better than any letter]
[At that moment]
[Shafo 0approaches the toy Kihyun made] Shafo~
[Carefully takes a jump]
[So excited] Hey!
[Wanders around Falcon]
[Shafo shows interest as Falcon leaves]
[Shafo is leaving] Look over there! Look!
[He gained a fallen snack]
[Completely focused] There you go. The other way, Shafo. Not like that.
[Shafo doesn't run away from Kihyun]
[Shafo doesn't run away even though Falcon approaches him]
[Shafo is hanging out with his friends thanks to the toy]
You can get the snack by swinging the bottle.
[So proud] Good job.
[Painful time requiring patience,]
[and enduring everyone's criticism...] - Look at him. - You're only thinking for yourself.
[It wasn't a easy job] I'm so happy.
[Hopefully, this toy will help Chapeau make some friends]
[TO. Shafo] It was so nice to see you with all the
other monkeys, sleeping with your tails all bunched up.
I hope that you'll become one of them soon.
[TO. Shine forever Shafo] I said it before, but you're the best mammal ever.
[TO. Chapeau] Now, many people know your name
and they'll call your name because they're interested in you.
So please remember that you're loved.
See you again.
[Today's last agenda for the Sea Elephant team remains]
[Many families have come to the aquarium]
[The audience is packed full]
[Nervous] - There's so many people. - Yes, since it's the weekend.
[Even more nervous than performing] - I'm more nervous than when we sing. - Yeah.
[The presentation starts while the members are nervously waiting]
[Aquarists are explaining to the audience]
[As the explanation comes to an end...]
- Hello. - Hello.
You'll try feeding with the audience.
[We're going to stand in front of the audience?] - You'll feed the mammals. - Really?
[Minhyuk/ Burdened] That was a burdensome task.
I thought we'd be feeding with the aquarists.
But she told us that we'll be on our own.
I was really nervous.
[The show starts again] Hello, everyone.
[The aquarists start explaining] These friends here are the
[He is such a professional] mascots of the Ilsan Aqua Planet,
adorable sea elephants.
[Heart pounding] I'm so nervous.
When they see a clam, they swallow some water and, fire!
[Everyone is enjoying themselves]
[2 people that cannot enjoy this moment]
Now we'll invite the members of MONSTA X!
The members of MONSTA X!
[Our turn to go] To come up and give us a quiz.
Please give them a round of applause.
[The audience stirs at the appearance of MONSTA X]
[Such a nervous moment]
Shall we introduce ourselves?
[The 2 members announce themselves] - 2, 3! - Hoo! MONSTA X!
[Fascinated] - Hello, we're MONSTA X. - Nice to meet you.
This is the 1st quiz question.
Who is to my right?
- Here! - Mary! Mary!
[Oh no] - It's not Mary. - Sorry.
Tell us what they like to eat.
[The Sea Elephant team is doing well] Tell us what they like to eat.
- Is that the right answer? - Yes it is. - That's correct.
[The audience is enjoying MONSTA X's emceeing]
Mary is about 460kg.
[They studied really hard]
How old is Mary?
We'll talk about the ecology of sea elephants.
[Minhyuk/ nervous MC] The audience interacted well with us
so it went better than we thought.
But I was thinking about whether Mary would come to me or not and
feeding the sea elephants.
[Feeding time] - Come to this side. - Yes.
[Now they have to call Mary] Mary~
[They made a hand signal during practice] - First... - I'll use this... Come on~
Come on~
[Will they succeed at the 1st try?] - Come on~ I have to look serious. - Seriously.
Come on~
Mary, please come to me.
Please come at the 1st try.
[A bad feeling] Mary~ Come on~
[Huh?] Again!
- Again! - Hold on.
[Minhyuk is so nervous] - Hold on to this. - Mary~
Mary~ Mary~
[Shakes her head] Mary~
[Mary isn't coming]
[Looks nervous] Was it too much?
[Minhyuk naturally moves on]
Mary come on~
Mary come on~ Come over here.
[Everyone is nervously waiting]
[Will he succeed?]
[Minhyuk is calling me]
[When he called my name]
[I went to his side and became his Mary]
[It was hard at first,]
[but Minhyuk and Mary bonded]
I've never felt like that before.
[Minhyuk/ Amateur aquarist] I want to thank the aquarists for helping us today.
It was such a valuable experience.
[Jooheon/ amateur aquarist] Sea elephants were a little scary
and felt unfamiliar at first,
but now I know that they're so kind,
more adorable than any other mammal,
and kind creatures.
I wish we had spent more time together.
- Did you all have fun today? - Yes.
[They all had meaningful experiences] - It was a meaningful day. - Yeah.
[The most memorable experience] Lets each share the most memorable experience.
The walnut experience was the most memorable for me.
[The raccoons were so excited] Even when they were sleeping,
whenever we made walnut sounds, the raccoons turned their heads.
They were so possessive of I.M.
[Looks so tired] They climbed my head
and my shoulders too.
[Expects a high score on the affection index] You must get a high score.
[They had a perfect day?] We couldn't have had a better day.
- Because... - A perfect day? - Yeah. - Your attitude changed completely.
[Minhyuk is transformed after bonding with Mary]
I was surprised too. I doubted myself.
[Minhyuk talks about the signaling] You know, when the aquarists go like this,
and make the sea elephants squirt water?
[Boastful] That wasn't hard at all.
[Shownu spent time with the sea elephants] Come up here. Go down.
They spit water if you go like this, and they squirt water if you signal this.
[Not nervous at all] [Enters confidently]
[Shownu, wait up...]
[But...] [So surprised]
[Shownu is bluffing] It wasn't difficult at all.
[Slides in]
[Making a U-turn]
It was nothing. For real.
[Where are you going?] [Frozen on the spot]
Shownu's expression was amazing.
[It was not nothing]
[Yeah... OK... Whatever...] It really was nothing.
[The Sea Elephant team is alarmed] Yes, I agree.
- It looks like they'll get a low score. - Yeah.
[No way] Bonding is what's important.
- They listened to all our commands. - Every one of them.
[Yeah yeah]
[Listen up] We made our own toys.
[Tired] It was so difficult.
[Drilling and putting together] There are too many sharp ends.
[Kihyun worked hard on the monkeys' toys]
[But, the fruit punch won] The fruit punch was a huge success.
- Fruit punch? - Yes.
[Looking forward to the affection index scores] We should check the scores now.
Tell us the scores.
- 1st place! - The highest scorer on affection index is!
The sea elephant team!
[So excited]
[No way...] - Really? - Minhyuk!
[A complete surprise] Really?
[The one who scored last must do whatever Minhyuk tells him] The person to score last...
[He has no choice] has to do what the 1st place tells him to do.
[No veto power] Can he refuse?
[Jooheon understands why] Minhyuk worked really hard.
[So jealous] - I can't believe it. - Wow. - Good job.
I'm touched.
[Minhyuk/ 1st place] At 1st, I was scared and was a little disappointed,
but I want to thank everyone for choosing me as 1st place.
I love you.
[A victory ceremony] Do the Mary gesture as a victory ceremony.
[Thank you Mary]
- Uncanny. - Really? - Yeah.
[Touched] - 1st place. - Amazing.
[The last] Who place last!
- Are you going to announce straight away? - We really want to know.
The Monkey team!
[We're safe]
[Please not me...]
[Placed last] How can this be?
[That's the life of a ring tailed monkey] Got it? Life's all about the results.
Oh yes.
[Now it's time for the penalty] I get to decide on the penalty, right?
- Yep. - A personalized penalty, just for him.
[Look forward to Wonho's penalty!] Let's go!
- Down to the marrows! - All the way!
An extra edition!
[What is the news?] An extra edition!
[Invited to a modern boy party] Anyone can become a modern boy.
- Modern boy? - Modern boy.
[A flirt?] [Dance dance] - Such a flirt? - Don't they dance?
[I found a genius] What is this?
[They found a guy who lost his temper] Do you know how much we lost so far?
[You shouldn't annoy someone so muscular] He would try to win by force.
[7 guys dreaming for a better social status] We need to stop Minhyuk from coming here.
I got to win.
You're getting rid of me?
[Will they able to become a "modern boy"?]
I'm going to win.
[MONSTA X - RAY 2, every Thursday (7PM)] Only if you could switch lives...
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