I live here, in Columbus Ohio.
In 2045 it's still ranked the fastest growing city on Earth.
But it sure doesn't seem like it when you live in the stacks.
They called our generation the missing millions.
Missing, not because we went anywhere,
there's nowhere left to go.
Nowhere, except the Oasis.
It's the only place that feels like I mean anything.
A world where the limits of reality are your own imagination.
For more infomation >> READY PLAYER ONE_Trailer #1 BUT pitch gets higher after cuts - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Épisode 5 : Visite surprise #MissionTigerBhutan - Duration: 4:40.
Sesiune hipnoza nr.7. Prof. Corrado Malanga - Duration: 28:52.
Аквамен | Что такое эхолокация? - Развивающий мультфильм Познавака (40 серия,1 сезон) - Duration: 1:44.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 180 d Ambition, Urban, Automaat, Nightpakket, Zitcomfortpakket, Licht en Zich - Duration: 0:57.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 220 d Lease Edition, Avantgarde, Handgeschakeld Intelligent Light Syst - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz GLS 350 d 4MATIC - Duration: 0:54.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff - Duration: 6:13.
Once upon a time there were three billy goats,
who were to go up to the hillside to make themselves fat,
and the name of all three was "Gruff."
They are bigger and they climb higher to become a cancer.
On the way up was a bridge over a cascading stream they had to cross;
and under the bridge lived a great ugly troll , with eyes as big as saucers, and a nose as long as a poker.
So first of all came the youngest Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.
"Who's that tripping over my bridge !?"
"Oh, it is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat."
"Now, I'm coming to gobble you up."
"Then I will eat you!"
"Please weit !!"
Oh, no! pray don't take me.
Wait a bit till the second Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger.
"I'm too little and young… ."
"…surely, You are too small to be pathetic."
"Well, be off with you,"
A little while after came the second Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.
"Who's that tripping over my bridge?"
Oh, it's the second Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat.
"Now I'm coming to gobble you up,"
"Oh, no. Don't take me.
Wait a little till the big Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."
"Oh,then be off with you."
But just then up came the big Billy Goat Gruff.
"Who's that tramping over my bridge !?"
"It's I!
The big Billy Goat Gruff."
"Well,Then I will eat you!"
"Well, come along! I've got two spears, And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears!
I've got besides two curling-stones, And I'll crush you to bits, body and bones."
After that he went up to the hillside.
There the billy goats got so fat they were scarcely able to walk home again.
And if the fat hasn't fallen off them, why, they're still fat.
This tale's told out.
Épisode 5 : Visite surprise #MissionTigerBhutan - Duration: 4:40.
TÉMOIGNAGE : J'ai pu REPARTIR de 0 et réaliser mes 7 premières VENTES de mon Club Privé PALÉO - Duration: 2:34.
Аквамен | Что такое эхолокация? - Развивающий мультфильм Познавака (40 серия,1 сезон) - Duration: 1:44.
【日本ハム】白村、先発転向2戦目で初勝利誓う「中継ぎと同じように1人1人全力で」 - Duration: 2:50.
India and China are on a collision course.
The Indian defense establishment is opposed to China's attempts to construct a road on
the Doklam plateau leading right up to the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction.
This has emerged as the major flashpoint.
It was the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan that sounded the alarm — Chinese soldiers had
arrived with bulldozers and excavators, and were building a high-mountain road near India's
border in an area the two nuclear-armed giants have disputed over for decades.
The land in question spans 269 square km on a sparsely populated plateau in western Bhutan,
which has no diplomatic ties with China and coordinates its relations with Beijing through
New Delhi.
India responded to the call by sending troops last month to evict the Chinese army construction
party from the area.
Within a few days, Indian media were running leaked video footage of soldiers from both
sides shoving one another atop a grassy flatland.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes why China cannot afford a war with India?
Lets get started.
China already has its hands full having dispute and with many countries.
China's sweeping claims of sovereignty over the sea have antagonized competing claimants
Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Taiwan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
United States, Japan & India favors freedom of navigation as it is a very important sea
route with 5 trillion $ in trade, half of global merchant shipping and 1/2 of world's
oil shipment pass through it.
U.S has already stepped up its military presence in the region with regular freedom of navigation
exercise challenging Chinese hegemony.
Japan has taken a more proactive military approach.
China is also dealing with the Tibetan issue and then there is Xinjiang region, which is
having the separatist movement.
India exported about US$9 billion worth of products to China last year, but imported
US$60 billion, generating a trade deficit of US$51.7 billion, according to Indian government data.
Many Chinese companies are depended on India to generate a major portion of their sales.
Chinese economy is slowing down and a conflict will result in huge adverse economic impact
Since PM Modi has come to power, he has made it a point to further India's strategic
relations with different countries.
Russia has been India's long term strategic ally and share border with China.
In 1971, Russia threatened China against joining Pakistan against India.
Russia has also been growing concerned about China's long term ambitions, which is explained
in details in our previous video, kindly check the video on above card.
In a conflict, Russia is expected to put pressure on China
Indo –Israel friendship has reached a new landmark with Indian PM Modi visiting the
Israel recently.
Israel supported in Kargil war with Pakistan by supplying precision bombs and providing
valuable satellite imagery.
In any future conflict against India's, Israel is expected to play a significant role.
Indo US relation has taken multiple strides in the last decades.
India and the US have signed an important agreement.
The Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) allows them to use each other's land,
air and naval bases for repair and resupply.
US has also provided access to sate of art military hardware to India like the UAVs and
even shown interest in opening manufacturing lines in India for fighter jets like F 16.
With common interest in pushing aggressive China back, the two nations are expected to
cooperate strategically in an event of conflict.
India and Japan have moved closer, concluding the first-ever bilateral defense deal between
the two countries.
India has acquire 12 Japanese US-2 i amphibious aircraft costing 1.5 Billion USD.
This marks a significant strategic cooperation between the countries.
The specialized seaplane, the US-2i, will be Japan's first overseas military sale in
nearly 50 years.
Japan has also provided a 10% discount on the deal, signifying that the deal is not
just a trade contract but also a strategic move.
Unlike smaller counties whom China has been bullying lately, Indian has massive armed
The Indian army has 1.2 million active personnel almost 1 million reserve personnel.
The army has about 4500 tanks of which around 1700 are modern Russian T 90 tanks.
A significant arsenal of artillery, armor vehicles and air defenses are also present.
Notably the Army has inducted and deployed an advanced version of the BrahMos supersonic
cruise missile to prop up its muscle along Indo-China border.
As you may already know, BrahMos is the world's fastest cruise missile in operation, and travels
at speeds of Mach 2.8 to 3.0 and is capable of precision strikes.
Indian Airforce has more than 700 strike aircrafts of which 230 are very capable Su 30 MKI.
The air force has multiple AWACS and the fighter jets are strategically placed at multiple
well-defended airfields.
Indian Navy has vast array vessels including Aircraft Carrier INS Vikramaditya, nuclear
attack submarine INS Chakra (Akula II class), ballistic missile submarine INS Arihant and
modern destroyers of Kolkata class.
Indian Space Research Organization has also deployed large number of satellites to gather
intelligence, which is crucial in a war.
Agni-V is an intercontinental ballistic missile developed by the Defense Research and Development
Organization (DRDO) of India.
Though the reported range of Agni 5 is 5,800 km, it is widely believed that Agni 5 has
a range of 8000-10000 km.
Even with stated range of 5 000 km, it can hit most parts of China.
It carry a 1.5 tons warhead, has a speed of Mach 24 and accuracy of less than 10 m
Though exact details are classified, it is also widely speculated that Agni 5, feature
Multiple Independently Reentry vehicle (MIRVs), with each missile being capable of carrying
2–5 separate nuclear warheads.
It is India's most powerful deterrence against any Chinese aggression.
An increasingly powerful and adventurous China, and a more engaged India now appear to be clashing on multiple fronts.
clashing on multiple fronts.
The tense standoff has only escalated, raising concerns in both capitals of an all-out military conflict.
Both sides have made threats while simultaneously calling for negotiations.
The U.S. State Department has urged the two sides to work together toward a peaceful resolution.
India bold stand has surprised many strategic experts and has been hailed in power quarters
in US & as well as EU.
It remains to be seen, how the standoff pans out.
Trump wanted to ban transgender people from entering the armed forces - Duration: 7:09.
Furious protests erupt in New York, DC and San Francisco after Trump bans transgender
people from the military.
Hundreds of angry protesters took to the streets of New York City, Washington, DC, and San
Francisco on Wednesday night after President Donald Trump announced his shocking ban on
transgender people serving in the armed forces, calling the cost of transgender healthcare
in the military as a 'burden'.
Crowds gathered at a plaza named after the late San Francisco gay rights activist Harvey
Milk to protest Trump's ban.
Demonstrators waved pink and blue flags and held signs bearing slogans: 'Trans lives are
not a burden.'
As they took to the streets and gathered in front of the plaza, they could be heard chanting:
'Stand up!
Fight back!'
A transgender woman who identified herself only as Layla addressed the crowd and said
she's tired of being told who she can or cannot be, and asked for others in the LGBTQ community
to support trans people as they fight for respect.
Doug Thorogood and Nick Rondoletto, a couple from San Francisco, waved a rainbow flag and
held a sign that read: 'The only reason transgenders are being banned from the military is for
'Haven't transgender people gone through enough?
I'm over it!'
Thorogood said, as they marched with the crowd from the Castro neighborhood to City Hall.
'When (Trump) goes for the people with the least rights, I just can't sit back and let
that happen,' Rondoletto added.
At a smaller gathering at the Los Angeles LGBT Center in Hollywood, US Army Reserve
member and transgender man Rudy Akbarian, 27, said at first he thought the news of the
Trump's order was a joke.
The five-year military veteran said he was 'heartbroken' to learn it was real.
'There are people who are retiring in the military, there are people who've done 18,
19 years and are about to retire and now it's all taken away from them,' he said.
'It's not fair.
I know it's not over.
I know we're not going to give up.'
Protesters against the policy Trump declared on Twitter also gathered in New York City,
Washington, DC, and Los Angeles.
Crowds swarmed the famed US Army Recruitment center in Times Square with 'resist' and 'rise
up' signs in a show of defiance against the president's announcement.
Demonstrator Yael Leberman said transgender people 'are completely adequate to serve'
and combat is 'not about physical, it's about mental' abilities.
She said it's unsurprising from the Republican president to say what he said or to see the
pushback from a place as diverse as New York City.
Others marched on foot outside the White House bearing signs which read 'we're here, we're
queer, we hate the president'.
The demonstrations were in response to an announcement Trump made earlier on Wednesday
in which he described the cost of transgender healthcare in the military as a 'burden'.
'After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United
States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity
in the US Military.
'Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened
with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail,'
he said.
New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer was among those present at the protest on Wednesday.
He addressed the crowd with a megaphone and used his speech to poke fun at the president
who he said had skipped enlisting in the 1960s so that he could 'hang out at Studio 54'.
The president dodged the draft to serve in the Vietnam war because he had bone spurs
in his heels.
Four other deferments were given so that he could pursue his education.
Also at the protest was a transgender army veteran and Miss Peppermint, a famous New
York City drag queen who appeared on the ninth series of RuPaul's Drag Race.
She addressed the crowd, telling them: 'It's not that they're afraid of us.
You know what they're afraid of?
That they're just like us.'
Actress Alyssa Milano also joined the crowds.
She shared a photograph from the event on Instagram, telling her followers: 'Trans rights
are human rights.
I was proud to support the LGBTQ community at the NoTransBan rally.'
Brenda Sue Falton, an army veteran who was among the first women allowed entry to it
and whose wedding at Cadet Chapel in 2012 was the first same sex marriage it has hosted,
was also present.
The announcement rattled the global LGBT community and those who support it and was condemned
by transgender celebrities including Laverne Cox and Caitlyn Jenner, who had been one of
Trump's few celebrity supporters.
'There are 15,000 patriotic transgender Americans in the US military fighting for all of us.
What happened to your promise to fight for them?'
Jenner asked her 3.9million followers.
Cox said: 'Marginalized folks have often found ourselves at odds with systems which seek
to subjugate & erase us.
Let us love each other more & fight.
'To all the trans folks currently serving in the military, thank you for your service.
I am sorry your 'commander in chief' doesn't value it.'
Transgender veterans made direct appeals to the president to reconsider the controversial
Chelsea Manning, the transgender former soldier who was convicted of Espionage after giving
information to Wikileaks, labeled him a coward.
There were countless more messages of outcry from celebrities and civilians alike but their
outrage did nothing to shift the administration's position.
At a lunchtime press briefing, new White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stood
by the president's decision.
'This was a military decision.
This was about military readiness, this was about unit cohesion, this was about resources
within the military, and nothing more.'
Trump gave no figures to explain the decision on Tuesday.
A report by the global think tank Rand Corporation last year estimated that the cost of healthcare
for transgender military servicemen and women was between $2.4million and $8.4million a
year which the report said was less than a 1 percent increase.
It has not been made clear by the president whether acting transgender individuals will
be thrown out of the military.
Trump's announcement on Wednesday - if it becomes enforced by the Pentagon - undoes
the Obama administration's Force of the Future policy which, after decades of discrimination,
finally lifted the ban on transgender people serving in the military last year.
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