Bake the product in the oven at (110°C - 130°C) for 10-15 minutes
Blue acrylic paint, water and pearly pigment
Cover a glossy varnish
For more infomation >> Easy DIY || Blue Earrings || Polymer Clay Tutorial - Duration: 7:20.-------------------------------------------
Mystery Skulls
Adria Coral S 650 SP - Duration: 1:23.
Opel Corsa BWJ 2012 1.3 CDTI 95PK ECOFLEX S/S COSMO / NAVI / AIRCO / CRUISE - Duration: 0:42.
Beer Battered Shrimp With Roasted Garlic Aioli - Duration: 3:43.
Hello everyone! I´m Albert Bevia with Spain on a Fork
today I´m going to show you how to make my
beer battered shrimp along with a roasted garlic aioli
now, we all love fried shrimp
but this recipe elevates the flavor profile
we´re going to be using a combination of flavors
that are going to explode in your mouth
this appetizer is easy to make
and it´s done in under 30 minutes
if this is your first time watching my channel
I encourage to click on that subscribe button
If your already a subscriber, welcome back!
ok the first thing we´re going to do is
we´re going to roast two cloves of garlic
I´ve had my oven pre-heating at its highest setting
and I´m going to leave in there for about 10 minutes
ok next let´s grab two cloves of garlic
let´s finely mince them and let´s add them to a mortar
ok its been about 10 minutes
since we added the garlic to the oven
so know I´m going to add
the roasted garlic to the mortar
and using a pestle I´m going to start
mashing down on the garlic until I form a paste
now let´s add 1 tablespoon of dijon mustard
and the juice of half a lemon
now let´s season it with some sea salt
and some freshly cracked black pepper
and let´s mix everything together
ok for our last ingredient we´re going to be adding about
3 tablespoons of extra virgin Spanish olive oil
we´re going to be pouring it in
in a slow stream while we continue to stir
now let´s cover our roasted garlic aioli
with some seran wrap and let´s add it to the fridge
ok now let´s start making our beer batter
let´s begin by adding 1/2 cup all-purpose flour to a bowl
now let´s add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
and 1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika
now let´s add a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
and 1 tablespoon of extra virgin Spanish olive oil
ok and for our last ingredients
let´s add a 1/4 cup of water
a 1/4 cup of beer
and let´s mix everything together
and this is the consistency we want in our batter
it´s thick and creamy
ok our beer batter is done
now let´s grab a small frying pan
let´s heat it with a medium heat
and let´s add 1/3 cup of sunflower oil
ok i´ve got about 15 jumbo shrimp
that have already been peeled and deveined
I´m going to add them one by one into the beer batter
until their well coated
ok and once our oil get´s hot
let´s start frying our shrimp
I´m going to be frying them in batches
that way I don´t overcrowd the pan
and after a minute to a minute and half
let´s start flipping them
and after frying our shrimp for about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes
let´s go ahead and start taking them out
transfer them to a plate with some paper towels
and once all our shrimp our cooked
let´s start plating our dish
let´s garnish our dish with some fresh parsley
and let´s season our shrimp with a little sea salt
and there´s our final dish of
beer batterd shrimp with a roasted garlic aioli
and know let´s give it a taste test
wow! it´s an explosion of flavors in your mouth
this is something you definitely want to try
if you enjoyed today´s video
on making this tasty appetizer
please subscribe to my channel
so you can receive all my future videos
until the next time...Hasta Luego!
#19 Box whisky near Sandslån - Duration: 10:01.
In this episode Mia and I paddle across this bay...
...attend a whisky distillery tour...
...and sail back to Härnösand.
There on the other side of the water... "Box Distillery"
Here you can rent a canoe for 50 kr and paddle across the water to attend a whisky distillery tour
(Song: "What shall we do with the drunken sailor?")
The view from the restaurant in Box distillery...!
Great view of the river Ångermanland!
"Its here where everything ends up..."
"we add water in here, around 800 liters..."
"The water is here for 40 minutes, then we filter it..."
"there are arms in the cisterns, slowly blending the malt and water..."
"During this process, the alcohol in the blend increases"
"Its no more difficult than putting petrol in the car"
"but more fun"
"This fluid is clear, its raw spirits"
"this is what we use... its 60% alcohol... completely clear..."
"Then the spirits enters the wood, where all the flavors are"
"When the temperature falls, the pressure falls and it goes back in the jar..."
"And this process continues throughout the summer..."
So much whisky!
Here we have the entrance to the distillery...
It is a lot I didn't know about whisky...
First, I thought that "Box" ment that they put the whisky in boxes...
That was NOT the case!
It was three ingredients in whisky...
water... malt... and yeast.
It is possible in this place to buy a whole jar of whisky
containing 60 bottles of whisky (!!!)
slightly overkill...
Maybe I could drink one bottle a year?
I think I have tasted whisky 10 times in my life
If I should start to drink whisky now, it might be (maximum) one bottle a year?
To buy one jar of whisky, containing 60 bottles would for me be bad economy!
Now we will take the canoe and go back to sandslån...
There it is!
What did you learn today about whisky?
...that its complicated!
much more complicated than I could assume
Three ingredients, but it can vary so much...
The jars..., storing times...., humidity..., temperature....
But apparently this was a good place!
The temperature shifts where good for the end result
But - how does one know?
If you succeed in a good bled... and than everything changes? Its a warm summer....?
The spirits does not goes into the jar....?
Then its a new sort of whisky again...?
Now we are back in Sandslån again
I want to recommend you to visit this place!
Inexpensive, I moored alongside this dock for 100 kronor a night, electricity included.
Friendly staff at the harbor,
80 kronor for staying, 20 for electricity. Nothing to argue about.
Now I want to show you this...!
Out in the water is the old timber sorting tower
Back in time people were working there, sorting lumber for the different lumber companies
The lumber had different marking on them, and someone sat in the tower and pressed buttons so the lumber went to the right pound
Today this tower is desserted...
I am tempted. What a great location!
Just fix it up and have it as a summer cottage out on the water!
How many people lives in a "flight tower" on the water?
That would really be something, tickles my fantasy!
Ernst, var är du (Swedish DIY summer programme on TV)?
Here you have a project for next summer!
If not, I might do it!
Last pictures... Here you can sit and relax...
Also places for RV´s
Plenty of space
Nice pesthouse, good toilets, good service...
Everything is good, except.... where are all the guests?
We leave sandslån and sail down the river...
Reached the bridge again, where we sang on top of our lungs with Jussi Björling
"At sea........"
Grand song!
Elvira is showing the knot to use when docking
How do you do it?
I give the rope to the person on the bridge
That person sends it back...
What do you say? Thank you, thank you!
One full circkle... zig zag... twist.... pull.
★ Nightcore - Dragon Ball Super | OPremix | Ultimate Nightcore Mix | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 3:06.
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Rethinking VAM! A Short Overview - How to Understand VAM Testing In Our School System - Duration: 5:13.
Right now in almost every public school in America our students teachers are being evaluated
Judged and labeled based on what many have coined junk science.
Value-Added models or VAMs for short are statistical models designed to measure the amount of growth that students make on large-scale
standardized tests to estimate how much of that growth and achievement can be attributed back to their students teacher.
While this method sounds promising and has been sold as such there are several flaws that make the issue more complicated than it might seem.
For example, many of the theoretical and methodological problems are often downplayed or ignored by those promoting VAM use. In
response, this video presents the
counter-argument to the pro- VAM narrative by focusing on the major statistical
concerns of VAMs and the real-life consequences that accompany their use,
especially when high-stakes tests are attached to VAMs estimates.
First of all like all measurement tools VAMs should be but unfortunately are not always reliable,
valid, and free from bias. In-fact based on the most current research, a teacher classified as adding value has a
twenty-five to fifty percent chance of being classified as
subtracting value the following year and vice versa. It would be just as reliable and a whole lot cheaper if
administrators simply flipped a coin to determine whether a teacher was indeed effective in this regard.
Related, VAMS should also be valid just as one would expect a scale to consistently measure weight that is with reliability,
one should also expect a VAM to measure what is actually supposed to measure, teacher effectiveness.
While there is limited evidence to suggest that VAMs are valid there are reasons for this, for example
surrounding the known problems with the tests upon which VAMs rely.
We know that such tests are poor measures of student achievement
and we know that such tests were never intended to measure teacher quality, our
growth, and student achievement from one to the next that could be attributed back to teacher quality
but they are being used this way regardless. We also know that VAMs estimates
do not correlate or relate well with many other measures of teacher effectiveness.
In-fact other measures sometimes flat out
contradict VAM Estimates and vice versa.
This should not happen
but it does, and it does so too often. This and about 25 other issues are still making
validity nearly impossible to achieve.
Further, research Evidence has shown that some teachers scores are indeed biased by the students they teach
especially when they teach classrooms with
disproportionate populations of
gifted and/or high need students. These are the students typically on the tails of the normal bell curve.
This happens in many ways because students are not randomly assigned to classrooms or teachers.
Regardless of what VAM statisticians in this area might say their
statistical controls
too often do not work effectively to con counter or control for this very real issue. All
these problems matter, but what matters more is the way in which these problems affect
Despite mounting cautionary research, VAMs are being used for consequential decision-making purposes in many
states across America.
Teachers have been demoted,
demoralized, and dismissed because of these models that are at best correct some of the time.
To push human judgment out of these highly complex statistical equations as
others justify and their perpetual pursuit of objectivity is
scientifically wrong. If we are ever to truly find any value in
value-added modeling, as still currently conceptualize and use we still have a long long way to go. If
you are interested in reading more about the intended and unintended
consequences of value-Added models, I encourage you to read my book
'Rethinking Value-Added Models In Education: Critical Perspectives On Test and Assessment-Based Accountability'
Available for purchase at and
All of my personal proceeds are going to the Okoto orphanage in Siem Reap Cambodia.
I have absolutely no interest in making any money off of the many many of which are shameful,
consequences coming about as a result of inappropriately attaching high State consequences to
and/or making high stakes decisions as based on VAMs, unlike others.
Thank you
Криптовалюта Dash - Новости за 24.07.2017 - 30.07.2017 - Выпуск №72 - Duration: 4:34.
🌜 Feu De Camp & Bruit De La Nuit Pour Se Relaxer Et Dormir Calmement 🌛 - Duration: 4:01:13.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 250 D - Duration: 1:01.
Porsche Cayenne 3.0 D Automaat * Panoramadak * Leer * Navi * Xenon / Led * - Duration: 0:58.
Toyota Corolla 2.0 D-4D ANNIVERSARY, 5DRS, NL , BOEKJES, NAP, ECC, CRUISE, AUDIO ... FANTASTISCHE au - Duration: 0:59.
Markey: No good military option in North Korea - Duration: 2:11.
PHILIPPINES : DAY 4 (WEDDING DAY) - Duration: 2:37.
best drink in the whole world
the ceremony just ended
it was so beautiful
the bride and groom were so beautiful
the speech was so beautiful, i loved it, that's it, so cool
and look, look at the view
it's so hot here, it must be 86°F but the humidity is insane
i let you discover the rest of the evening
the wedding is over, we just got back
it was the most beautiful wedding i've ever seen in my whole life
i can't even put into words
that's it. nothing else to say. see you tomorrow
( english subtitle by giantbaobei )
* Seventeen who practiced hard for Carats. *
* Mingyu looking swag while head banging *
* Wonwoo's rap that has all power and sexiness. *
* Vernon's gaze that has charisma. *
SK: See? You can do it.
SK: Why did you hesitate?
SK: In vocal team, it's important to sing well, but there's something else.
DK: Harmony. SK: Harmony is important. We do this, too-
* Making up for the harmony by playing ChamChamCham. *
JH: Everyone. I'll let you know one of Woozi's nickname.
JH: Ujirong. ( Wooz-Worm )
WZ: Everyone calls me VoBo because of you, too.
JH: I gave him those nicknames.
WZ: There's no reason behind it. JH: There's none.
JH: Also, when you see Woozi's video dancing to Crazy in Love,
JH: While we're doing it like this, Woozi did it his way sexily.
JH: After seeing that, i thought "Woozi, you're sexy like worm."
WZ: Worms are sexy?
JH: That's how i came up with that nickname.
JS: Performance team is so cool.
T8: We're currently practicing for the performance with water below us.
T8: It's... very hard.
T8: Because we have to dance with water below, i don't really know what to do.
T8: But we've worked hard. We'll show you a really cool stage.
SK: Wow, It's Jeon Wonwoo! Jeon Wonwoo!
WW: I never do this.
SK: You always joke around and do this to me!
WW: He's like this when the camera is on.
SK: Hyung always try to look chic whenever the camera is on.
SK: Every single time. He's.. like that, like that, like that.
WW: I want to eat Korokke. ( sounds like geurohke, which is what seungkwan said )
SK: If you say something like that, your gag won't be funny ( he's making wordplay )
SK: Woozi Hyung is sleeping. (3X)
DK: Take off his hat.
( ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! )
DK: What do you think you're doing...
DK: We were going to take things away from Woozi Hyung when he's sleeping.
DK: How could you came laughing?!
DN: I thought he was pretending to sleep..
SK: It's ruined!
DK: So that's how, SK: our Dino became tactless again, today.
SC: Look at him overreacting.
DN: Ey, he's not usually like that.
SC: But, still. Dino's the best at that kind of thing.
SC: BangChan is the best.
DK: Practice like you're rehearsing.
VN: Stop lying.
DK: You should do it sincerely so you could do better on stage.
DK: We'll always be the Seventeen who work hard.
WW: That's not how you practice during rehearsals.
WW: Earlier, you did this.
DK: I'm going to do that.
WW: For real? DK: Just once.
DK: If the reaction is not good, i won't do it.
WW: It's really hiphop-y
DK: I have a hiphop DNA.
JH: This... is really tiring.
DK: I want to show what we've practiced on stage really soon.
DK: We really want to show our passion on stage.
* Seventeen! You've worked hard.
( english subtitle by giantbaobei ~ thank you for watching! )
test to my flexibility and balance - Duration: 1:44.
Rob Markman - I Don't Wanna Wait (feat. Kirby Maurier) - Duration: 3:47.
It's like where we're from, you'd be lucky to make it out
Not everybody gets this chance God help us all
J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League
8 Bars
I'm from the block where the powder blew minds 'Cross the street from the spot fiends crowded
two lines Summertime hot, had to shower two times
My very first pair was the Powder Blue 9s Thought Jordans and a gold chain was livin'
So I molded my image out of God's Son's vision To the point every communion that I'm gettin'
I'm in Bred 11s and Bordeaux 7s Christ, it was written and rap was our religion
Let my OG mold me, he hustled for a livin' 16 in the spot, close enough to smell it
Rode with him on his shift, he never let me sell it
Lost my mind 'round the time that bro got locked
Couple years before that is when Kev got shot I mean...
I could've been a crash test dummy Pumpin' for herringbones, beeper and sneaker
Said I don't wanna wait No, I don't wanna wait
'Til that sunshine turn to rain 'Til them good times go away
Said I don't wanna wait No, I don't wanna wait
'Til the devil take control Gotta hold on to my soul
Don't wanna wait
My brother got locked, I only visited once The ride was sick, smelled like someone pissed on the bus
He taught me when the gun buck, you duck
And I was only 18 the night I almost got touched Couple shots close range, I think God intervened
Same corner I seen needles in arms of a fiend Same corner I seen teens bear arms for the green
Same corner I seen kings die for a dream
Somethin' like survivor's remorse So when I hit St. Paul's, make the sign of the cross
Word to Wallace and the solace that I find in the lord
Found God 'round the time Al died in the Bronx
Bless Brad, bless Brad for the gangsta and the gospel
The Fix was like the Bible, Face was our Apostle
My fate was in the bottle, I chased with a Clamato
Vodka shots, no tomorrow, Hail Mary with my eyes closed
Said I don't wanna wait No, I don't wanna wait
'Til that sunshine turn to rain 'Til them good times go away
Said I don't wanna wait No, I don't wanna wait
'Til the devil take control Gotta hold on to my soul
Don't wanna wait
Everyone addicted to somethin' Some addicted to drugs, some addicted to hustlin'
Some addicted to women, some addicted to sinnin' It's the rush, the adrenaline, the high when it settle in
I tap a vein, hopin' that my dreams pop
'Cause I don't wanna wake up, and then the dream stop
But I can't sleep either Seen dudes better than me turn underachiever
Men with ambition get hit, turn up missin' I almost got shot, I started seein' things different
My homie baggin' in the kitchen
I'm just waitin' for this Hennessy to kick in
These drunk thoughts, soberin' my soul Seen karma come around, startin' to lose control
Just tryna get it 'fore the time pass 'Cause I don't know how long the ride lasts
Said I don't wanna wait No, I don't wanna wait
'Til that sunshine turn to rain 'Til them good times go away
Said I don't wanna wait No, I don't wanna wait
'Til the devil take control Gotta hold on to my soul
Don't wanna wait
Rethinking VAM! A Short Overview - How to Understand VAM Testing In Our School System - Duration: 5:13.
Right now in almost every public school in America our students teachers are being evaluated
Judged and labeled based on what many have coined junk science.
Value-Added models or VAMs for short are statistical models designed to measure the amount of growth that students make on large-scale
standardized tests to estimate how much of that growth and achievement can be attributed back to their students teacher.
While this method sounds promising and has been sold as such there are several flaws that make the issue more complicated than it might seem.
For example, many of the theoretical and methodological problems are often downplayed or ignored by those promoting VAM use. In
response, this video presents the
counter-argument to the pro- VAM narrative by focusing on the major statistical
concerns of VAMs and the real-life consequences that accompany their use,
especially when high-stakes tests are attached to VAMs estimates.
First of all like all measurement tools VAMs should be but unfortunately are not always reliable,
valid, and free from bias. In-fact based on the most current research, a teacher classified as adding value has a
twenty-five to fifty percent chance of being classified as
subtracting value the following year and vice versa. It would be just as reliable and a whole lot cheaper if
administrators simply flipped a coin to determine whether a teacher was indeed effective in this regard.
Related, VAMS should also be valid just as one would expect a scale to consistently measure weight that is with reliability,
one should also expect a VAM to measure what is actually supposed to measure, teacher effectiveness.
While there is limited evidence to suggest that VAMs are valid there are reasons for this, for example
surrounding the known problems with the tests upon which VAMs rely.
We know that such tests are poor measures of student achievement
and we know that such tests were never intended to measure teacher quality, our
growth, and student achievement from one to the next that could be attributed back to teacher quality
but they are being used this way regardless. We also know that VAMs estimates
do not correlate or relate well with many other measures of teacher effectiveness.
In-fact other measures sometimes flat out
contradict VAM Estimates and vice versa.
This should not happen
but it does, and it does so too often. This and about 25 other issues are still making
validity nearly impossible to achieve.
Further, research Evidence has shown that some teachers scores are indeed biased by the students they teach
especially when they teach classrooms with
disproportionate populations of
gifted and/or high need students. These are the students typically on the tails of the normal bell curve.
This happens in many ways because students are not randomly assigned to classrooms or teachers.
Regardless of what VAM statisticians in this area might say their
statistical controls
too often do not work effectively to con counter or control for this very real issue. All
these problems matter, but what matters more is the way in which these problems affect
Despite mounting cautionary research, VAMs are being used for consequential decision-making purposes in many
states across America.
Teachers have been demoted,
demoralized, and dismissed because of these models that are at best correct some of the time.
To push human judgment out of these highly complex statistical equations as
others justify and their perpetual pursuit of objectivity is
scientifically wrong. If we are ever to truly find any value in
value-added modeling, as still currently conceptualize and use we still have a long long way to go. If
you are interested in reading more about the intended and unintended
consequences of value-Added models, I encourage you to read my book
'Rethinking Value-Added Models In Education: Critical Perspectives On Test and Assessment-Based Accountability'
Available for purchase at and
All of my personal proceeds are going to the Okoto orphanage in Siem Reap Cambodia.
I have absolutely no interest in making any money off of the many many of which are shameful,
consequences coming about as a result of inappropriately attaching high State consequences to
and/or making high stakes decisions as based on VAMs, unlike others.
Thank you
🌜 Feu De Camp & Bruit De La Nuit Pour Se Relaxer Et Dormir Calmement 🌛 - Duration: 4:01:13.
Coimbra - Lower and Upper bound by the Botanical Garden - Duration: 2:19.
3 exercices qui brûlent les graisses en un temps record ! - Duration: 5:31.
Grizzy James - Wham Bam (...
Just How Crazy Were Egyptian Pharaohs? - Duration: 12:05.
Like many rulers from the time before we had running water and microwaves, the pharaohs
of Egypt were considered to be only rivaled in power by the gods their people worshipped.
Considering the ancient Egyptians worshipped a god with crocodile for a head, they must
have thought their pharaohs were pretty boss.
So boss in fact that they let them get away with some pretty ridiculous things during
their time in power, for example let's talk about that time…
Pharaoh Psamtik III Let His Army be Defeated… to Save Some Cats
As you may recall from The Mummy movies, cats were kind of a big deal in ancient Egypt.
This is mostly due to the animal being closely linked with the cat-headed goddess of warfare
and balls of twine, Bastet.
In addition, cats were revered for the role they played in protecting food stores and
homes from disease by killing pests likes snakes and rats.
As a result, it was considered a crime in ancient Egypt to harm or, through inaction,
allow a cat to come to harm.
Basically, the pharaohs coined the three laws of robotics millennia before Asimov, and used
them to protect the thing that poops under your stairs.
Perhaps the greatest example of a pharaoh placing the well-being of cats above that
of his own people was when pharaoh Psamtik III literally told his army not to fight because
an enemy commander had released hundreds of cats onto the battlefield.
That commander was Persian king Cambyses II who, knowing of the Egyptians love of cats,
had his men collect as many as they could prior to the battle and ordered them to simply
walk up to the front gate of Pelusium (a major Egyptian stronghold) holding them, along with
releasing hundreds more into the enemy ranks as they advanced.
The Egyptians, under threat of death from their pharaoh, had no choice but to let Cambyses'
men walk straight into the city unchecked.
Cambyses' men then methodically slaughtered anyone who dared challenge them, using shields
with cats drawn on them, because oh yeah, even striking an image of a cat in ancient
Egypt was enough to get in trouble.
The end result was a total victory for Cambyses, who celebrated in a dignified, noble fashion.
Just kidding.
He ordered the defeated Egyptian army to march past him as he threw cats at them while screaming
insults at their god.
Luckily for Psamtik, this is by no means the most embarrassing thing to happen to a pharaoh,
with that honor likely belonging to…
Pharaoh Menes, the Legendary Pharaoh Who Was Killed by an Angry Hippo
Pharaoh Menes (sometimes written as Mena, or sometimes simply Min) was reportedly Egypt's
first pharaoh, and his journey to unify all of Egypt under a single ruler is the stuff
of legend.
Not because it was awesome, but because we know virtually nothing about Menes' life
or rule.
He's just from that long ago.
In fact, historians are only really confident about a few key details from Menes' life:
That he ruled Egypt during a time of relative peace, that he was well-respected by his people,
and that he was stomped to death by a hippo after 62 years on the throne.
Exactly how Menes met his end at the hands of a hippo isn't known, because apparently
that's not a detail anyone back then felt was all that interesting to note.
All we know for sure is that somehow the first Egyptian pharaoh was mysteriously ambushed
while surrounded by guards, by a hippo.
Speaking of dead pharaohs, did you know…
Pharaoh Rameses Got a Passport, Long After He Was Dead
Ramses II is considered to have been one of ancient Egypt's greatest rulers, judging
by just how many monuments were built in his name and the fact he was alternatively known
as Ramses the Great by his subjects.
After a 96-year long career as a pharaoh, Ramses was probably looking forward to spending
some quality time alone as a corpse in a pimpin' gold coffin, but the museums of the world
had other ideas.
Like many great pharaohs, Ramses' corpse was exhumed and put on display in a museum,
his near-century-long legacy as a man thought of as no less than a god summed up by a single
placard in a language his ancient mind couldn't comprehend.
In 1974, after years on display, Ramses' corpse was showing its age and it was agreed
that it should be sent to a Paris laboratory to be prettied up.
Not wanting the memory of one of the greatest pharaoh to be sullied by listing him as luggage,
the Egyptian government granted Ramses an official Egyptian passport for his journey.
Along with listing his name and age (some 3,000+ years at the time he flew), the passport
also listed Ramses occupation as "King" with a small disclaimer adding that he was
dead, as if the fact he was 3,000 years old didn't already give that away.
Pharaoh Sesostris and His Big Ol' Vagina Statues
Pharaoh Sesostris is a pharoah who may or may not have existed, with modern historians
believing that he may actually be a composite figure with the stories told about him being
gleaned from the lives of several pharaohs from across Egypt's history.
These pharaohs include the aforementioned Ramses the Great and Seti the First.
As a result, we don't know exactly who the following story is actually attributed to,
but we had to share it, because… well, you'll see.
The story goes that Sesostris was an incredibly confident military leader who hungered for
battle, openly mocking enemies he felt fought poorly and applauding those he felt fought
with honor.
To this end the pharaoh is said to have taken to erecting statues in the middle of conquered
cities he felt didn't put up much of a fight with a giant vagina carved into it.
A symbolic insult suggesting that the conquered city's army fought like women.
Again, we have no idea about the veracity of this tale since it's main source is the
notoriously unreliable scholar of history, Herodotus, but put yourself in our shoes and
tell us you wouldn't at least mention a pharaoh with a penchant for erecting giant
vagina statues as an insult?
Pharaoh Akhenaten Got Rid of Religion, So Egypt Got Rid of Him
Akhenaten is a pharoah notable for two things: attempting to introduce monotheism to ancient
Egypt, and the resulting backlash that saw him nearly erased from all of history.
Basically, Akhenaten attempted to abandon the traditional Egyptian religious beliefs
of believing in multiple awesome gods, and instead tried to convince his people to believe
in and worship a single, super god called Aten.
Perhaps because Aten was a lame disk of light with dozens of arms instead of a cool crocodile
man or dog-headed grim reaper, the people of Egypt largely rejected this new religion
and mere days after Akhenaten died, every reference to Aten – and by extension Akhenaten
(who styled himself as Aten's representative on Earth like some sort of sun-pope) – was
scrubbed from Egypt.
Everything from the vast temples the pharaoh built to simple cooking pots bearing an image
of Aten were destroyed, and Akhenaten himself was branded a traitor, with every mention
of his rule being erased from every historical record.
So complete was this process that his modern scholars had no idea Akhenaten had even existed
until the late 19th century, when some of the items that survived the purge of his new
religion were discovered.
Many Pharaohs Ceremonially Masturbated Into the Nile
Whacking it (the proper scientific term) played a surprisingly big part in ancient Egyptian
culture, with the society's creation story literally involving one of their many gods
masturbating into the cosmos to create life as we know it.
As pharaohs were seen as being basically a single step below the various deities of ancient
Egypt, it was similarly customary for pharaohs to polish their bone and shoot some baby gravy
directly into the Nile every now and again.
The idea behind this bizarre practice was that, like the gods before them, the pharaoh
was infusing the river with his holy seed, encouraging life to spring forth from its
waters in the form of a good harvest.
Of course, not every pharaoh did this, because not every pharaoh had a tallywacker, which
didn't stop them pretending they did.
Just ask…
Pharaoh Hatshepsut and Her Big Fake Beard
While the image of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh is undeniably that of a rippling, golden skinned
man with a crooked staff, a silly hat, and a stupid beard, Egypt did have its fair share
of vagina-owning pharaohs.
Among them was Hatshepsut, one of Egypt's most celebrated rulers and a woman credited
with one of the longest and most successful reigns of any ruler from history, female or
Along with establishing major trade routes that helped fill Egyptian coffers full of
gold and various spices, Hapshetsut is also credited with inventing that killer eyeliner
all the pharaohs wore.
History notes that Hatshepsut's gender was seldom an issue for her subjects and many
statues were built in her honor sporting her delicate features, and oddly enough, a big
You see, in ancient Egypt that stupid little beard thing was seen as a symbol of "pharaonic
power" and all pharaohs, male and female, were expected to have one during special ceremonies.
The problem for Hatshepsut, other female pharaohs, and even male pharaohs who couldn't grow
a half decent beard, is that this obviously wasn't possible.
As such, elaborate fake beards were constructed to be used by the pharaohs who, for whatever
reason, didn't like the idea of actually growing and maintaining a real one.
Hatshepsut went a step further than this, though, and she's recorded to have ordered
that all statues of her were to capture her likeness while also simultaneously depicting
her as a man to silence any naysayers who believed she couldn't rule because of her
As a result of this, Hapshetsut's statues are a curiosity among historians, as they
clearly depict her with female facial features, but a buff man's body and a beard.
Pharaoh Cleopatra Once Had Herself Delivered Naked in a Carpet
Cleopatra, like Hapshetsut, was one of Egypt's celebrated female rulers.
However, unlike Hapshetsut, who went out of her way to appear as a man, Cleopatra was
famous for using her womanly wiles to get her own way.
This is no better summed up than by the story of how she got Julius Caesar into bed.
The story goes that Cleopatra, who was renowned across the ancient world for being both beautiful
and exceptionally cunning, sought to secure Caesar's assistance in bolstering her political
power during a diplomatic visit by the Roman ruler.
Seeing as, at the time they met, Caesar was a 52 year old man and she was a nubile 20
year old, Cleopatra realized the best way to do this would probably be with her vagina.
To absolutely ensure that Caesar would have no chance to spurn her advances, she stripped
completely naked and had several slaves roll her up in a giant carpet (some sources say
bed sheets), which she then asked to be delivered to Caesar as a "gift".
The slaves knocked on Caesar's door, told him they had a present for him, then unrolled
the fabric towards the foot of his bed, revealing a naked Cleopatra, who then invited him to
have some sex.
The resulting love affair between Caesar and Cleopatra formed one of the ancient world's
most influential power couples, and it all started with a sex-move straight out of Barney
Stinson's playbook.
Pharaoh Pepi II and his Honey Covered Slaves
Pharaoh Pepi II was a fairly unremarkable pharaoh, all things considered.
Sure, he ruled Egypt and probably did the five knuckle shuffle into the Nile a few times,
but he was mostly content during his rule to gorge himself on food and chill with Ra
by bathing shirtless beneath the burning Egyptian sun.
Pepi, however, had a particular dislike of flies, in particular when he was trying to
eat, which was an issue because Pepi was always stuffing his face.
To counter this problem King Pepi had a designated slave in his sizeable entourage covered in
honey every day.
This slave would invariably attract the flies, who'd become stuck to the honey and thus
be unable to bother Pepi while he ate.
This worked so well that Pepi eventually had a honey covered slave stand in every room
of his palace so that he'd never be bothered by flies again, proving that even the most
minor annoyances can be totally avoided, provided you're rich and powerful enough, and also
have an army of slaves willing to be dipped in honey.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun had a Dagger From Space
We're not going to front by pretending anyone reading this far down on a list of ancient
Egyptian pharaohs doesn't have some sort of an idea about who Tutankhamun is, so we're
just going to get right to it and say he had a knife FROM SPACE.
Specifically, Tutankhamun had a small dagger experts believe was forged from the iron heart
of a meteorite.
Found in the pharaoh's tomb in the 1920s, the dagger, despite being thousands of years
old, is still sharp enough today that the TSA wouldn't let you board a plane with
But here's the thing: nobody is really sure where the dagger came from, because historical
evidence suggests that the ancient Egyptians weren't suitably advanced enough to smelt
iron, let alone forge a weapon using space metal.
This has led historians to presume that the dagger was a gift from a foreign nation who
did possess that technology.
While historians are pretty confident that the foreign nation wasn't the Martians,
they haven't explicitly ruled it out either, so we guess those Ancient Aliens guys might
have had a point.
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