Let me ask you a question.
Have you watched any motivational video that has made you feel like Woah!
I have to do something with my life!
Your answer would be Yes.
Let me alter that question.
Have you watched any Motivational video that has had an impact in your life.
That has brought some changes into your life.
Your answer would be no or I don't know.
The reason for this is very simple.
It's because you are watching motivational videos just to satisfy yourself, to convince
yourself or I can say, to fool yourself with temporary relief.
And don't worry, there are millions doing the exact same thing.
You can also see that there are millions of views on all sorts of motivational and inspirational videos.
But the fact is that 99% of its viewers watch it just for the sake of watching it.
What exactly happens is this
How many times are you willing to fool yourself?
Just put an end to this bullshit that you keep on doing all the freaking time.
The moment you feel like your life sucks, you watch these.
The moment you fail in something, you watch these.
You are using these motivational videos as a temporary cure.
Why are you doing it to your future self?
Instead from now on, whenever you watch such videos, make it have an impact in your life.
Plan and execute it.
Have big dreams in life.
Remember, you have to achieve it no matter what.
Do you want to live a life, wherein you struggle to play the fees, wherein you struggle to
buy a house, wherein you put in all your efforts and earn peanuts or a life where you can buy
your dream cars, where you can go for vacations
whenever you want because you are your own boss.
Your life is in your hands.
Hustle now so that one day your future self will be thanking this version of you.
This exact version of you.
Let's make our life exciting.
Don't be the same loser who gets Motivated for an hour or two.
You, my friend have to stop living like a loser.
Plan and change your life.
At the end of this video, click right here which will lead you to one of my videos which
is about planning for the rest of the year.
I upload videos regarding self improvement.
Your subscribe and it will help me stay motivated and I will keep uploading lots of videos which
is inturn going to benefit you in some sort of manner.
And don't forget, You are just one decision,
one single decision away from a totally different life
For more infomation >> Why Motivational Videos Are Absolutely BULLSHIT! This will change your perspective - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6 CRDi GT-Line met Panoramadak, Nu Rijklaar 27.995!!! - Duration: 0:58.
please test your buzzers - Duration: 0:07.
Today's match features Denton versus Tom Landry.
Please test your buzzers.
Sanction du CSA : Cyril Hanouna dénonce une « vendetta » contre TPMP - Duration: 2:30.
Citrus Watercolor Birthday card - Duration: 10:31.
Louis IX : les derniers jours du saint roi - Duration: 3:37.
Lightworker's Secret Sauce - Duration: 5:13.
My definition of a lightworker
is quite different to
what most people may think
a lightworker is.
When I ask around
people think that a lightworker
is somebody who...
is a healer or a coach.
But in my world,
a lightworker is somebody
who wants to make the world a better place.
And that is you.
Business owners
who have a spiritual heart,
they are...
they have like...
they don't do this on purpose,
but what happens is when they come to see me,
and when I observe them
out there, in kind of doing business,
is that, unintentionally,
they are kind of separated:
Well, this is the business me,
and this is the spiritual me.
And they struggle
and they experience a lot of agony inside,
because those two are not aligned.
They are trying to align them,
they are trying to...
reconcile the making money,
the charging for their services,
having to make decisions
and being the executive in their business
and sometimes needing
to be tough with their clients,
and boundaries and...
all that stuff that's business stuff.
And there is the...
other side to them
which is very spiritual, and generous,
and kind, and loving,
and giving...
And sometimes those two are in conflict.
And so that's what I see
when people come to see me:
they've got this inner split,
or inner conflict.
When you are not
standing strong
in your power place,
your message cannot reach
the people
that need to hear it.
So your message becomes muffled,
maybe not the words,
but energetically.
Energetically your message,
your voice
is not as strong.
For example, as a spiritual coach,
this is what I do with my clients,
this is my specialty:
I help them become anchored
into their Tūrangawaewae,
into their standing place,
into their place of power.
I help them to become aligned
with their...
you know, the human self,
their soul self and their spirit self,
so it's congruent,
it's authentic,
and when they make decisions
or when they put anything out,
like their offers,
when they speak to clients,
or when they write a copy on their website,
or when they are...
creating content,
like products and...
they come from a strong place.
And it resonates
at a deeper place,
it has energy,
it has impact in it.
It has something I call 'the secret sauce'.
So the secret sauce
is that energy
that flows into anything you are doing
when you are being spiritually aligned.
When you are not spiritually aligned,
that secret source is not there.
And other people can feel it.
So it feels wishy-washy...
And I know you can feel it.
You know those...
the content and the copies that you've written
that just don't feel right,
there's something missing,
there's something missing,
you can twig, twig, twig, twig,
and you can ask others,
and twig, twig, twig...
But it's missing something.
It's missing something.
And when you are standing strong
in your Tūrangawaewae,
in your power place,
and you are spiritually aligned,
then what comes out
may even not have perfect words,
and that's okay,
but the energy in that...
And when people read it and like:
'Oh, I just so resonate with that!'
'Oh, you know,
I don't know what this is about this...
but I feel drawn to them.'
Or 'I like what they stand for.'
People even say that.
I had market research interviews recently,
I interviewed ten people.
And these were some of my questions:
So what is it that attracts you to my energy?
And they told me that.
And it's like: 'What do you think I stand for?'
And they couldn't tell me.
All they could tell me is:
Wow, I love your energy!
I feel drawn to your energy!
This is what I feel.
So they are feeling that secret sauce
that is in everything that I'm doing.
And that's what you want.
When you stand strong in your Tūrangawaewae,
in your power place,
That will be vibrating
and resonating
through everything,
that will be radiating from you.
And that is your magnetic power.
That is what is going to magnetize
people who are vibrating
at the same frequency,
or who aspire to be vibrating
at that frequency.
They will be drawn to you
like bees to honey.
So I hope this serves you,
let me know if it does.
If you have any comments or questions
leave them in the comments below,
I love hearing from you.
And I'll see you in the next episode.
If you liked this video
subscribe to my channel,
and if you want to be
part of my inner circle
sign up to my Newsletter,
I send out inspirational tips
every week.
I'd love to connect with you
and I'd love to help you
make your biggest dream come true.
I'll see you in the next episode.
Пиратский самозамес #120 / ПРОСТОЙ РЕЦЕПТ ТПА/ Карамельный ништяк - Duration: 3:58.
Johnny Depp métamorphosé, découvrez le nouveau look du Pirate des Caraïbes - Duration: 2:23.
Évora - City Museum - Part III - Duration: 2:25.
Top 5 sur l'histoire des DROITS DES FEMMES au Canada! - Duration: 2:17.
Girls' Frontline - The sexiest weapons in a mobile game! - Duration: 5:36.
every once in a while we get caught up in a mobile game we found by chance on
the store simply because the thumbnail or the screenshots were appealing
most of the time those games don't stay long on our phones because they were not up
to our expectations but sometimes you also find little pearls that surely don't
cover what you would expect from the dream game but heh that's a mobile game so
that'll do. Today we're talking about girls' Frontline and no this is not a
game about losing weight. To set up the backstory we have to jump almost 100
years in the future. Humanity is on the border of extinction and did not listen
to Elon Musk since they kept on building more and more advanced androids.
Luckily, the game tells us that those androids called humandroids or T-Dolls were
initially used as an industrial task force but if you look at the design of
it I don't think they meant working in factories. Nonetheless the t dolls were
quickly turned into weapons while keeping their sexy outfits, of course
I won't put you to sleep with too much details but the game introducess a lot
of new theories and technologies including an Android to weapon relation
technology which makes them the perfect markswoman
You got it! You're now in control of a small army of dolls able to kick ass on
the battlefield and serve you tea in a miniskirt when you get back to the base
more seriously Girls' Frontline battle system is based on a lot of automatic
fights where the strongest team wins you simply need to trigger certain skills
and organize the formations to make the battle easier on your dolls so your main
role is to optimize your T dolls make them stronger or simply pull stronger
ones from your factory.
Now I know what you're going to tell me, you already
tried a hundred games like that so what's new?
First of all the character design is very cute
sometimes a bit sexy but never over the limit and each little
T doll has a story. Second, there is an interesting backstory to the game
it's a futuristic war and the developer actually bothered to make some research
and provide some explanations. So with those two factors we get a game that's
almost managing to create bonds between you and those little dolls who fights
for you. Rings a bell?
last aspect I discovered much later the game has what they call a dormitory
it's basically your dolls living space where you get to watch them live you can
give them new clothes new furniture and switch to full screen to observe them as
if they were in an aquarium. Creepy? Maybe, but don't tell me you don't want to try!
finally I do need to precise that the game is currently only available in
Chinese and Korean with very lovely voice packs but the UI is surprisingly
very well thought and includes English translations for each important buttons
meaning you can play it without any major issues.
That's all there is to say
about Girls' Frontline it's a pretty game with a bit of a kink some backstory
and a bit of idle gaming that's quite complete for a mobile game
you can get it on the Play Store and very quickly figure out if the game is
for you or not. If you are still unsure just come back and see me! Thanks for
watching and see you in our
Reese Witherspoon fête les 18 ans de sa fille Ava: c'est son sosie ! - Duration: 2:16.
Daily Information : l'annonce problématique d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 6:43.
Top 10 Unsettling Aviation Mysteries - Duration: 6:49.
Top 10 Unsettling Aviation Mysteries
1979 Boeing 707-323C Disappearance. On January 30th 1979, a Boeing 707-323C went missing over the Pacific Ocean about 30 minutes after take-off from Tokyo.
The aircraft was operating on a flight from Tokyo to Rio de Janeiro – Galeão international airport and was transporting a six person crew with 1.4 million USD worth of paintings.
No traces of the aircraft, crew or the paintings have been found to this day. Crash of Helios Airways flight 522.
Human error is believed to be the cause that initiated the crash of Helios Airways flight 522. The plane flew on cruise control for two hours before it went plunging down and crashed in Greece.
A Greek fighter jet was scrambled around half an hour before the flight started descending, but it was all too late by then.
The loss of oxygen and cabin pressure in the aircraft caused the 121 passengers on board to lose consciousness. It is known as the haunted aircraft. Flying Tiger Line Flight 739.
A Flying Tiger Line Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation carrying 93 US soldiers and 3 South Vietnamese from Travis Air Force Base, disappeared on March 16, 1962 and was never to be seen again.
Eighty minutes after the aircraft had taken to air, the pilot radioed a routine transmission report. Another one was due an hour later, but the transmission never came.
Eye witnesses have reported seeing an explosion. However, no debris was found, even after an eight day search of 200,000 square miles. It prompted one of the largest air and sea searches in the history of the Pacific.
A B-47 heavy bomber was one of the four scheduled flights for deployment to an overseas airbase. The aircraft carrying two nuclear capsules disappeared over the Mediterranean Sea in 1956.
An extensive search was carried out, but their efforts were in vain. Even to this day, the plane, the crew nor the two nuclear capsules have been recovered.
A Boeing 727-223 entered a runway without clearance and took off southwest with its lights turned off. It headed over the Atlantic Ocean.
A mechanic and a flight engineer were on-board making repairs at the time the aircraft departed. The aircraft and the men were never seen again.
Theories suggest that someone was waiting inside the plane, while others suggest that something had happened to make one of the men take the desperate chance.
TWA's 800, a Boeing 747 was taking off from JFK airport on its way to Paris. Just as it received clearance to climb altitude, without any warning, the aircraft exploded.
Thousands of pounds of kerosene, along with 230 people on-board were ignited in mid-air. The strangest part was the lack of evidence of a criminal act found. Who shot the aircraft down? It remains a mystery.
In 1947, a British airliner vanished with 11 people on board with no trace. To make matters stranger, a final transmission was sent from the aircraft before it went off radar.
It was a mysterious Morse code message which was concluded with the phrase "STENDEC". Although wreckage of the aircraft was found 50 years later, the message has yet to be solved. Disappearance of Amelia Earhart.
The disappearance of Amelia Earhart is one of the most well known aviation mysteries to this day. She was one of America's favourite pilots, and was praised all around the world.
The Lockheed Electra disappeared over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 with Amelia and her navigator Noonan on board. Following the news of her disappearance, the U.S Navy and Coast guard launched one of the largest air and sea search in US history.
However, their efforts failed and came back empty handed with no leads as to where the aircraft had gone. (history.com). DB Cooper – Aviation Mysteries.
In 1971, a man known only as "DB Cooper" managed to hijack a Boeing and leap out of it with a staggering $200,000 of bank notes with a parachute on his back.
No traces have been found, but FBI investigators have claimed that "Cooper" could not have survived the jump. Certain theories suggest that the man was a grocery store manager before the hijacking. Disappearance of the Panair Do Brasil.
One of the greatest aviation mysteries was the disappearance of the Panair Do Brasil in 1946. Sounds pretty basic, doesn't it? We haven't got to the strangest part yet.
The very same aircraft landed on the airport of Bogoto in Colombia 47 years later with human skeletons, warm cup of coffee and a dated newspaper. What happened to the aircraft back in 1946? Who was behind all this?.
Knowing Chimi [ABOUT ME] ENG SUB - Duration: 5:32.
I don't work for this
My name is Chimi
I'm at the hobby since 2012
So I am FIVE years in this hobby
aaannnnnddd yep
I only have
seven dolls
I'm at my record. I never have so many dolls
and I want more. Who doesn't?
Would I change any? [NODS]
Mostly the little ones
because I have worked too much on they
and It's a size I don't like too much.
Also, they a re not my own characters
they are characters that I stole
Maybe for that I don't feel 100% confortable
I like the idea of the character
I know how they work
but they are not mine
Otherwise, my own characters that I want to shell
There's not something I like
At the moment, I'm in a plant that I love the sculpt
and try to insert my character
instead of the other way
It works to me twice
with Arana and Chimi
so I why repeat
Ok! This way it's not perfect
because I sometimes say:
"well.... They are who I get rid of"
but, OK
It's not the same
Chimi and Arana
that Shuri and Gabriella
Shuri and Gabriella are untouchable
They suited perfectly for the character.
and, Arana is like a skin for her
Arana is not 100% Arana
At least, I don't see her like this
She could be, OK. As base.
but either I don't have a clear image of her
So, I like this version of Arana
Because characters evolves
changes and grows up
And secondly it's Chimi
Chimi was a challenge
Chimi is a character very definied
but I wanted challenge myself
and I said:
"I'm gonna to make a character..."
If you noticed
every time I speak
when I say something that sounds in my mind
That little voice sounds
because I speak like this in my mind
with Chimi
was a challenge to myself and I said
I'm going to make
a kick-ass character on a cute sculpt
Can I say that in youtube?
For now, i'm very happy
I will put some pictures
Why I share nickname with my character?
are you asking?
yeah! I like the name
so, my nickname is a shit
and i say: "Chimi is cooler"
"Chimi is a cool name"
OMG! They started with the work job
really? what work are you gonna do?
we're on July??!!!
I live in the hill, in the village
people are crazy!
people are crazy and only want to work
thay are trimming scrubs
My nickname
I used to called: Kelpie
or DreamSight
DreamSight was the atistic name
But i get bored
And I created my only doll related Instagram account
And I change to Chimi
because everyone started to call me Chimi
I started to use "Chimichurri"
So, shorten... "Chimi"
So, people started to calling me Chimi
That's all!
So yes, I share name
because I am a parasite
and I steal the names to my characters
there's nothing more to say
Click Like
and subscribe!!
I won't advise of that
Oh! It record!!
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