Let's Taste what do you say about this one
Try it out, you are challenged
God luck
God Damn
Damn, it's going to end up me shiting myself again
Okay, I just shit myself
Ohh hell, hell, I think that I have to sit on the bucket now or something
No, god damn
Do you want to go out?
I'm so damn happy I did not drink any vinegar
It is the first time you had to shit, now you have not just puked in your bucket
Are not you ready yet?
That's why I do not want to move
End the movie
Oh no
Ohh damn that was a good one
For more infomation >> 2 L of vinegar - challenge "Puke and Shit Warning" - Duration: 16:50.-------------------------------------------
Kikaptam fociban | Gamertábor - Duration: 6:39.
Hommage à Samuel Laberge / Samuel Laberge Tribute - Duration: 6:03.
According to his coach, Laberge won't be available for long
Consistency will be the key for him. He has to play with strength
He's an incredible team player. There's no organisation, even in the NHL, that can overlook that
You already said in an interview that it's your mother who taught you how to play hockey
Exact. My mother was a hockey player
What do you bring to the Grenadiers, and eventually to Rimouski?
My physical play, my drive, my grit
Work ethic is the most important thing you need to have to go further and fulfill your dreams
The stress went down and I'm just really happy, it's a great organisation. Can't wait to go to the camp
Intensity is one of my biggest asset and this is what makes me a special player
I'm not the flashiest guy but my work ethic defines me
You participated to the "Défi tête à prix" and collected a lot of money for the ACEQ (cancer)
I get involved in the community by visiting kids at the hospital
To see those young kids learn that they have a chronic disease, it's heartbreaking
I won't lie, it was a disappointment to go undrafted
It has always been my dream
Soon after, the Kings were inviting him to the camp
As soon as I left the arena, I received a call
and I told myself to never give up, you never get things easy in life, you gotta fight for what you want
He did well enough to get invited to the principal camp
How is it to skate with all those professionals?
It's a huge experience, something that I'll carry with me all along the road
And you can always share that experience with youngsters
It went even better in Dallas, they kept me for a longer period of time
It's a childhood dream, it's what I love the most, it's what I wanna do in my life
I wanna wake up in the morning and say: I am a hockey player
hi guys and welcome to my youtube channel today I have Stacy London here
and we are going to be showing you three outfits that you have to rock this fall fashion trends 2017
I'm Stacy London I am working with the Massini brands from Meijer that you can find
admire stores and we are you know trying to update the brand a little bit which I
absolutely love like I'm actually wearing one of the shirts from the Maya
line and is so comfortable and she has a top on - that's coming out this fall
yeah and I saw it on her and I was like kidding
so what's incredible right I mean one of the things that I think is a big issue
you know when we talk about massini as a brand a tire is what the identity of the
branch be and one of the things that we wanted to do with Massini is you know
first of all we have every size on the rack from small to three which I like
that and I love that because to me that creates a sense of community and you
know shopping with your best friend if you're not the same size is still
possible shopping with my mom and one of the things that we wanted to do was make
the brand feel relevant in terms of the styling like you look gorgeous in this
Basha velvet ink and I love that you paired it with the Western baseball cap
um and you know the difference is that you can wear something like this you
know and be this gorgeous 30 year old but I can do this you know and I'm 48 so
the line actually has a lot of kind of diversity and versatility at your
facility clearly versatility is a better word feat Meijer shopper more options
you know when you come in and you know you're going to buy groceries we want
you to feel like the apparel is part of that shopping experience I love that I
love that us makes things so easy and convenient absolutely and then you know
we're very conscious about price points like we wanted yeah you're making that
you I like to do that's one thing I love because when I mentioned it to my
viewers right talk to my favorites like my grandma when I was her in that bomber
jacket she was oh my god that's so cute I was wearing earlier you guys will see
it but I was like you can pick it up at Meijer she's like my urns she didn't
even believe me and I was like no I'm messing kidding you and yes it is
recited about well that's great and that's your
grandmother all right so I'll show to be able to anybody anybody think so that's
very important to me like I don't believe that style has anything to do
with youth or being thin or age right so you can laugh style at any of those
moments in your life the idea is to find a line that can accommodate every single
every single woman who worships um and I think that you know again the way we
style things is also about our personal identity the way what we want to say to
the world and so we want this line to have that kind of versatility and be I
hope you get your grandmother's a jacket because I think that way oh no oh well
then there's a couple other pieces I just wow I love this I wouldn't be able
to find this somewhere else and I like that be able to find a really quality
piece right while you're grocery shopping yeah that's awesome I love I
mean I'm so happy that you love it also you just told me that you have three
kids and you're about to adopt another one from China I know how for children I
mean then you know budget is really important Oh charlie you know if this is
your occupation where you are right and you want to look good on your YouTube
channel and your how the isle and already then you want to be able to do
that in an affordable way as I will be able to switch things up and one thing
that you know I feel very strongly that is that you should be able to buy one
piece and have it go with like three different things I love it right if you
buy a piece and it's like this really loud piece that you don't you can't do
anything with you where one time but I won special occasion that one day like
man I can't to me that kind of versatility is so important in a day and
age where you know we have to be careful what we're spending our money on Oh Toto
because if you have four kids what is one color that you feel like you
gravitate towards the most or you feel like when you're creating this line
you're like man this is the color that just keeps popping up into my mind I
know you have a lot of color and you have so much going on that it's awesome
there one particular color you're like this is mr. Farlow well you know the
pink that you're wearing I think you know it's definitely been in the design
notes for a while and that doesn't make it bad I really I love it on you and
there there are just a few people who can't rock it but for the most part I
think it's pretty versatile I am really looking forward to pieces
that are brighter in the machining line you're going to see red which i think is
wonderful yeah yeah you're and also it's not just color that I'm attracted to I'm
attracted to detail so embroidery for me is really important during their I think
a lot of company is black on detail yeah that's the one place where people skin
yes absolutely and like and combining details so like this is a lace
sweatshirt basically and I rather the elastic cuff and I think those are the
types of details that we're starting to really focus on and the idea that you
can mix something so feminine like lace with something more athletic inspired
that may not be the first thing you think identity right but then it will
work with jeans and you could also dress it up with like a skirt or you know
Guardian even wear like a tight black legging absolutely and one of the things
that we were thinking about is again that attention to detail so you'll see
we did an army jacket which again is a staple in your closet I love an army
jacket because it's great for summer it's like three season summer spring
involved right but we added a sequin pocket and we added sequin pockets to
our t-shirts just a little bit of detail that doesn't make it harder for you to
wear doesn't matter what age you are doesn't change the shape of it but gives
it a little bit more visual interest so that you can you know have fun with it
but the challenge is to be on a budget and still feel as stylish and as
relevant and that is my goal for you and for all missing customer which is
awesome that is absolutely awesome stuff that we want you want quality which is
no one's a great price absolutely I mean you know this is it's not like and you
know this is something that's like revolutionary I really believe that AM
style should come at every budget because the way you carry yourself in
the self-esteem and the confidence you have I'm not only your kids see that but
everybody around you seems absolutely I like the convenience of being at a
grocery store and not having to go them because I am yo me pulling the kids out
of their van let's be real now so really struggle especially for momma
so like if I'm already out of the car and
and pick up something that I like highlight that convenience and I think
it's a great place to be I mean the line keeps evolving like she was talking
about and I went there in the shoe collection are you kidding me I haven't
about those shoes turned out I saw like this buzzy slipper while I was like
you're kidding me I almost walked out with them the other day and I'm
definitely going to be going back and when you wore that jacket a little bit
ago I was like it's in Nepal and I was like I kind of want that now yeah he's
in pieces so what you're going to wind up seeing is a lot of the stuff that you
see in fall you're going to be able to have in your closet for a long time and
that's another thing not just cost per wear but longevity and that speaks to
the quality so in some of the pieces I definitely can see like you keep up with
trends but you also have some timelessness to some of your keeping
what are you gettin because I mean lace even if you have that varsity tough
places time and velvet also so things may go in and out but if you already
have them in your closet then you don't need to go out and find something else
right so the idea that you know something like lace embroidery velvet
but you know a certain set of colors that are you know again one may be more
popular than another in any given season but then they always come back fresh I'm
so this is a way to kind of create a wardrobe that you can build on and that
you can you know easily buy one piece and still use everything you've got from
the last season and I think that kind of versatility is also super important and
I was just thinking about you trying to get your now three kids but your event
that's alright is that like herding cats in a parking lot I mean it you think
when you when you have your grocery card it's kind of interesting you know
because I've seen it you know like daycare younger sister everybody has to
hold the Rope yeah right intense yet but I do I've seen like shoppers have two
curts like you've pushed to like one for the children and one for the or you
could have like a three connection like a little train I kind of okay we just
came up hello okay so Meijer get on the bottom eight attachable hearts that
would be fun yeah that's brilliant I need to speak with him immediately I
know right I mean I wonder if we can like copyright that
or trade market or something love it that's awesome
very cool so if you guys want to check out the Messina line it is going to be
at your local Meijer and all three of the pieces that you follow me Stiles
they're all at your local mines pick them up super affordable some of the
pieces themselves may not be there yet but don't be discouraged because fall is
on the way and you know some of the things that you've seen here today that
Myka is wearing will be available very soon which I'm super excited about FM on
all right guys talk to you soon bye
Workout Quick Tip #5 Relieve Muscle Soreness and Recover Quickly - Duration: 1:05.
Did your latest workout leave you with sore muscles? My number one favorite way
to treat delayed onset muscle soreness from a workout is with a bath. A nice
relaxing bath and here's what I put in it. I get a cup of Epsom salt a cup of
kosher salt there's something that you can buy at the grocery store or the
drugstore, a quarter cup of baking soda and then I add a little secret
ingredient. And it's a blend called Unwind that has lavender and bergamot
essential oils. It's great for the body it also makes my mind, you can tell my
eyes are getting a little sleepy it also relaxes my mind makes me feel great and
takes away some of the stiffness from that workout. If you'd like more tips
like these check out my website www.agewellwithCJ.com. Together we can
Train Smart, LIve Bold and Age Well
L'Oréal-UNESCO pour les femmes et la science 2016 : Victoria Arbour - Duration: 1:57.
Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D EXECUTIVE - Duration: 0:59.
La nouvelle stratégie d'Emilien en flex - Duration: 1:59.
I Don't Know What to do With My Channel | Live Stream | Strange_Obsessions :D - Duration: 1:01:10.
Kikaptam fociban | Gamertábor - Duration: 6:39.
hi guys and welcome to my youtube channel today I have Stacy London here
and we are going to be showing you three outfits that you have to rock this fall fashion trends 2017
I'm Stacy London I am working with the Massini brands from Meijer that you can find
admire stores and we are you know trying to update the brand a little bit which I
absolutely love like I'm actually wearing one of the shirts from the Maya
line and is so comfortable and she has a top on - that's coming out this fall
yeah and I saw it on her and I was like kidding
so what's incredible right I mean one of the things that I think is a big issue
you know when we talk about massini as a brand a tire is what the identity of the
branch be and one of the things that we wanted to do with Massini is you know
first of all we have every size on the rack from small to three which I like
that and I love that because to me that creates a sense of community and you
know shopping with your best friend if you're not the same size is still
possible shopping with my mom and one of the things that we wanted to do was make
the brand feel relevant in terms of the styling like you look gorgeous in this
Basha velvet ink and I love that you paired it with the Western baseball cap
um and you know the difference is that you can wear something like this you
know and be this gorgeous 30 year old but I can do this you know and I'm 48 so
the line actually has a lot of kind of diversity and versatility at your
facility clearly versatility is a better word feat Meijer shopper more options
you know when you come in and you know you're going to buy groceries we want
you to feel like the apparel is part of that shopping experience I love that I
love that us makes things so easy and convenient absolutely and then you know
we're very conscious about price points like we wanted yeah you're making that
you I like to do that's one thing I love because when I mentioned it to my
viewers right talk to my favorites like my grandma when I was her in that bomber
jacket she was oh my god that's so cute I was wearing earlier you guys will see
it but I was like you can pick it up at Meijer she's like my urns she didn't
even believe me and I was like no I'm messing kidding you and yes it is
recited about well that's great and that's your
grandmother all right so I'll show to be able to anybody anybody think so that's
very important to me like I don't believe that style has anything to do
with youth or being thin or age right so you can laugh style at any of those
moments in your life the idea is to find a line that can accommodate every single
every single woman who worships um and I think that you know again the way we
style things is also about our personal identity the way what we want to say to
the world and so we want this line to have that kind of versatility and be I
hope you get your grandmother's a jacket because I think that way oh no oh well
then there's a couple other pieces I just wow I love this I wouldn't be able
to find this somewhere else and I like that be able to find a really quality
piece right while you're grocery shopping yeah that's awesome I love I
mean I'm so happy that you love it also you just told me that you have three
kids and you're about to adopt another one from China I know how for children I
mean then you know budget is really important Oh charlie you know if this is
your occupation where you are right and you want to look good on your YouTube
channel and your how the isle and already then you want to be able to do
that in an affordable way as I will be able to switch things up and one thing
that you know I feel very strongly that is that you should be able to buy one
piece and have it go with like three different things I love it right if you
buy a piece and it's like this really loud piece that you don't you can't do
anything with you where one time but I won special occasion that one day like
man I can't to me that kind of versatility is so important in a day and
age where you know we have to be careful what we're spending our money on Oh Toto
because if you have four kids what is one color that you feel like you
gravitate towards the most or you feel like when you're creating this line
you're like man this is the color that just keeps popping up into my mind I
know you have a lot of color and you have so much going on that it's awesome
there one particular color you're like this is mr. Farlow well you know the
pink that you're wearing I think you know it's definitely been in the design
notes for a while and that doesn't make it bad I really I love it on you and
there there are just a few people who can't rock it but for the most part I
think it's pretty versatile I am really looking forward to pieces
that are brighter in the machining line you're going to see red which i think is
wonderful yeah yeah you're and also it's not just color that I'm attracted to I'm
attracted to detail so embroidery for me is really important during their I think
a lot of company is black on detail yeah that's the one place where people skin
yes absolutely and like and combining details so like this is a lace
sweatshirt basically and I rather the elastic cuff and I think those are the
types of details that we're starting to really focus on and the idea that you
can mix something so feminine like lace with something more athletic inspired
that may not be the first thing you think identity right but then it will
work with jeans and you could also dress it up with like a skirt or you know
Guardian even wear like a tight black legging absolutely and one of the things
that we were thinking about is again that attention to detail so you'll see
we did an army jacket which again is a staple in your closet I love an army
jacket because it's great for summer it's like three season summer spring
involved right but we added a sequin pocket and we added sequin pockets to
our t-shirts just a little bit of detail that doesn't make it harder for you to
wear doesn't matter what age you are doesn't change the shape of it but gives
it a little bit more visual interest so that you can you know have fun with it
but the challenge is to be on a budget and still feel as stylish and as
relevant and that is my goal for you and for all missing customer which is
awesome that is absolutely awesome stuff that we want you want quality which is
no one's a great price absolutely I mean you know this is it's not like and you
know this is something that's like revolutionary I really believe that AM
style should come at every budget because the way you carry yourself in
the self-esteem and the confidence you have I'm not only your kids see that but
everybody around you seems absolutely I like the convenience of being at a
grocery store and not having to go them because I am yo me pulling the kids out
of their van let's be real now so really struggle especially for momma
so like if I'm already out of the car and
and pick up something that I like highlight that convenience and I think
it's a great place to be I mean the line keeps evolving like she was talking
about and I went there in the shoe collection are you kidding me I haven't
about those shoes turned out I saw like this buzzy slipper while I was like
you're kidding me I almost walked out with them the other day and I'm
definitely going to be going back and when you wore that jacket a little bit
ago I was like it's in Nepal and I was like I kind of want that now yeah he's
in pieces so what you're going to wind up seeing is a lot of the stuff that you
see in fall you're going to be able to have in your closet for a long time and
that's another thing not just cost per wear but longevity and that speaks to
the quality so in some of the pieces I definitely can see like you keep up with
trends but you also have some timelessness to some of your keeping
what are you gettin because I mean lace even if you have that varsity tough
places time and velvet also so things may go in and out but if you already
have them in your closet then you don't need to go out and find something else
right so the idea that you know something like lace embroidery velvet
but you know a certain set of colors that are you know again one may be more
popular than another in any given season but then they always come back fresh I'm
so this is a way to kind of create a wardrobe that you can build on and that
you can you know easily buy one piece and still use everything you've got from
the last season and I think that kind of versatility is also super important and
I was just thinking about you trying to get your now three kids but your event
that's alright is that like herding cats in a parking lot I mean it you think
when you when you have your grocery card it's kind of interesting you know
because I've seen it you know like daycare younger sister everybody has to
hold the Rope yeah right intense yet but I do I've seen like shoppers have two
curts like you've pushed to like one for the children and one for the or you
could have like a three connection like a little train I kind of okay we just
came up hello okay so Meijer get on the bottom eight attachable hearts that
would be fun yeah that's brilliant I need to speak with him immediately I
know right I mean I wonder if we can like copyright that
or trade market or something love it that's awesome
very cool so if you guys want to check out the Messina line it is going to be
at your local Meijer and all three of the pieces that you follow me Stiles
they're all at your local mines pick them up super affordable some of the
pieces themselves may not be there yet but don't be discouraged because fall is
on the way and you know some of the things that you've seen here today that
Myka is wearing will be available very soon which I'm super excited about FM on
all right guys talk to you soon bye
Hommage à Samuel Laberge / Samuel Laberge Tribute - Duration: 6:03.
According to his coach, Laberge won't be available for long
Consistency will be the key for him. He has to play with strength
He's an incredible team player. There's no organisation, even in the NHL, that can overlook that
You already said in an interview that it's your mother who taught you how to play hockey
Exact. My mother was a hockey player
What do you bring to the Grenadiers, and eventually to Rimouski?
My physical play, my drive, my grit
Work ethic is the most important thing you need to have to go further and fulfill your dreams
The stress went down and I'm just really happy, it's a great organisation. Can't wait to go to the camp
Intensity is one of my biggest asset and this is what makes me a special player
I'm not the flashiest guy but my work ethic defines me
You participated to the "Défi tête à prix" and collected a lot of money for the ACEQ (cancer)
I get involved in the community by visiting kids at the hospital
To see those young kids learn that they have a chronic disease, it's heartbreaking
I won't lie, it was a disappointment to go undrafted
It has always been my dream
Soon after, the Kings were inviting him to the camp
As soon as I left the arena, I received a call
and I told myself to never give up, you never get things easy in life, you gotta fight for what you want
He did well enough to get invited to the principal camp
How is it to skate with all those professionals?
It's a huge experience, something that I'll carry with me all along the road
And you can always share that experience with youngsters
It went even better in Dallas, they kept me for a longer period of time
It's a childhood dream, it's what I love the most, it's what I wanna do in my life
I wanna wake up in the morning and say: I am a hockey player
Pedro's Career as a Home Health Registered Nurse - Duration: 0:25.
you know the gratification that you get
when the patient recovers when you see
the results when the people get back to
their own life is something that you
know it's the best thing that
you can get in life you can see results
when you give everything to every single
patient that you visit I think that
there's nothing that could be better
than that
L'application MobiliSIG - Duration: 9:59.
Avoir des enfants quand on a un faible résidu visuel - Duration: 10:38.
Opinioni sul corso Marketing Merenda di Luca Malizia - Duration: 3:40.
Grizzy James - Wham Bam (...
hi guys and welcome to my youtube channel today I have Stacy London here
and we are going to be showing you three outfits that you have to rock this fall fashion trends 2017
I'm Stacy London I am working with the Massini brands from Meijer that you can find
admire stores and we are you know trying to update the brand a little bit which I
absolutely love like I'm actually wearing one of the shirts from the Maya
line and is so comfortable and she has a top on - that's coming out this fall
yeah and I saw it on her and I was like kidding
so what's incredible right I mean one of the things that I think is a big issue
you know when we talk about massini as a brand a tire is what the identity of the
branch be and one of the things that we wanted to do with Massini is you know
first of all we have every size on the rack from small to three which I like
that and I love that because to me that creates a sense of community and you
know shopping with your best friend if you're not the same size is still
possible shopping with my mom and one of the things that we wanted to do was make
the brand feel relevant in terms of the styling like you look gorgeous in this
Basha velvet ink and I love that you paired it with the Western baseball cap
um and you know the difference is that you can wear something like this you
know and be this gorgeous 30 year old but I can do this you know and I'm 48 so
the line actually has a lot of kind of diversity and versatility at your
facility clearly versatility is a better word feat Meijer shopper more options
you know when you come in and you know you're going to buy groceries we want
you to feel like the apparel is part of that shopping experience I love that I
love that us makes things so easy and convenient absolutely and then you know
we're very conscious about price points like we wanted yeah you're making that
you I like to do that's one thing I love because when I mentioned it to my
viewers right talk to my favorites like my grandma when I was her in that bomber
jacket she was oh my god that's so cute I was wearing earlier you guys will see
it but I was like you can pick it up at Meijer she's like my urns she didn't
even believe me and I was like no I'm messing kidding you and yes it is
recited about well that's great and that's your
grandmother all right so I'll show to be able to anybody anybody think so that's
very important to me like I don't believe that style has anything to do
with youth or being thin or age right so you can laugh style at any of those
moments in your life the idea is to find a line that can accommodate every single
every single woman who worships um and I think that you know again the way we
style things is also about our personal identity the way what we want to say to
the world and so we want this line to have that kind of versatility and be I
hope you get your grandmother's a jacket because I think that way oh no oh well
then there's a couple other pieces I just wow I love this I wouldn't be able
to find this somewhere else and I like that be able to find a really quality
piece right while you're grocery shopping yeah that's awesome I love I
mean I'm so happy that you love it also you just told me that you have three
kids and you're about to adopt another one from China I know how for children I
mean then you know budget is really important Oh charlie you know if this is
your occupation where you are right and you want to look good on your YouTube
channel and your how the isle and already then you want to be able to do
that in an affordable way as I will be able to switch things up and one thing
that you know I feel very strongly that is that you should be able to buy one
piece and have it go with like three different things I love it right if you
buy a piece and it's like this really loud piece that you don't you can't do
anything with you where one time but I won special occasion that one day like
man I can't to me that kind of versatility is so important in a day and
age where you know we have to be careful what we're spending our money on Oh Toto
because if you have four kids what is one color that you feel like you
gravitate towards the most or you feel like when you're creating this line
you're like man this is the color that just keeps popping up into my mind I
know you have a lot of color and you have so much going on that it's awesome
there one particular color you're like this is mr. Farlow well you know the
pink that you're wearing I think you know it's definitely been in the design
notes for a while and that doesn't make it bad I really I love it on you and
there there are just a few people who can't rock it but for the most part I
think it's pretty versatile I am really looking forward to pieces
that are brighter in the machining line you're going to see red which i think is
wonderful yeah yeah you're and also it's not just color that I'm attracted to I'm
attracted to detail so embroidery for me is really important during their I think
a lot of company is black on detail yeah that's the one place where people skin
yes absolutely and like and combining details so like this is a lace
sweatshirt basically and I rather the elastic cuff and I think those are the
types of details that we're starting to really focus on and the idea that you
can mix something so feminine like lace with something more athletic inspired
that may not be the first thing you think identity right but then it will
work with jeans and you could also dress it up with like a skirt or you know
Guardian even wear like a tight black legging absolutely and one of the things
that we were thinking about is again that attention to detail so you'll see
we did an army jacket which again is a staple in your closet I love an army
jacket because it's great for summer it's like three season summer spring
involved right but we added a sequin pocket and we added sequin pockets to
our t-shirts just a little bit of detail that doesn't make it harder for you to
wear doesn't matter what age you are doesn't change the shape of it but gives
it a little bit more visual interest so that you can you know have fun with it
but the challenge is to be on a budget and still feel as stylish and as
relevant and that is my goal for you and for all missing customer which is
awesome that is absolutely awesome stuff that we want you want quality which is
no one's a great price absolutely I mean you know this is it's not like and you
know this is something that's like revolutionary I really believe that AM
style should come at every budget because the way you carry yourself in
the self-esteem and the confidence you have I'm not only your kids see that but
everybody around you seems absolutely I like the convenience of being at a
grocery store and not having to go them because I am yo me pulling the kids out
of their van let's be real now so really struggle especially for momma
so like if I'm already out of the car and
and pick up something that I like highlight that convenience and I think
it's a great place to be I mean the line keeps evolving like she was talking
about and I went there in the shoe collection are you kidding me I haven't
about those shoes turned out I saw like this buzzy slipper while I was like
you're kidding me I almost walked out with them the other day and I'm
definitely going to be going back and when you wore that jacket a little bit
ago I was like it's in Nepal and I was like I kind of want that now yeah he's
in pieces so what you're going to wind up seeing is a lot of the stuff that you
see in fall you're going to be able to have in your closet for a long time and
that's another thing not just cost per wear but longevity and that speaks to
the quality so in some of the pieces I definitely can see like you keep up with
trends but you also have some timelessness to some of your keeping
what are you gettin because I mean lace even if you have that varsity tough
places time and velvet also so things may go in and out but if you already
have them in your closet then you don't need to go out and find something else
right so the idea that you know something like lace embroidery velvet
but you know a certain set of colors that are you know again one may be more
popular than another in any given season but then they always come back fresh I'm
so this is a way to kind of create a wardrobe that you can build on and that
you can you know easily buy one piece and still use everything you've got from
the last season and I think that kind of versatility is also super important and
I was just thinking about you trying to get your now three kids but your event
that's alright is that like herding cats in a parking lot I mean it you think
when you when you have your grocery card it's kind of interesting you know
because I've seen it you know like daycare younger sister everybody has to
hold the Rope yeah right intense yet but I do I've seen like shoppers have two
curts like you've pushed to like one for the children and one for the or you
could have like a three connection like a little train I kind of okay we just
came up hello okay so Meijer get on the bottom eight attachable hearts that
would be fun yeah that's brilliant I need to speak with him immediately I
know right I mean I wonder if we can like copyright that
or trade market or something love it that's awesome
very cool so if you guys want to check out the Messina line it is going to be
at your local Meijer and all three of the pieces that you follow me Stiles
they're all at your local mines pick them up super affordable some of the
pieces themselves may not be there yet but don't be discouraged because fall is
on the way and you know some of the things that you've seen here today that
Myka is wearing will be available very soon which I'm super excited about FM on
all right guys talk to you soon bye
UberHaxorNova Ft. Ndrew & Dex - Mario Maker (Ectisity Remix) - Duration: 2:07.
So much cringe, so much time
So much cringe, so much time
Super mario maker f*cked up
I feel the pain
Burning inside of me
Just wanna get away
From everything
No, I don't wanna
Hear from anyone
Leave me, oh
Don't wanna think about
What could have been
Super mario maker f*cked up
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