-This is what I like about watching your show.
It looks like it's so much fun,
that you're having so much fun together.
And I want to, like, hang out with you guys.
Because I go, "That is the best.
I can't believe this is a show."
-Our job is literally -- My job is every morning wake up
and discuss the news with, like, my best friend over drugs.
So, you know. -It's so much fun.
It's actually dope because we are still kind of shocked
that we have a TV show.
-Every morning you wake up and you're just like...
-Yeah, like, yo, here, go do a TV show.
-"Oh, this is really real?"
-A Suburban's gonna pick you up in front of your house
and take you to a TV studio.
You're gonna do a TV show. I was like, "Are you serious?"
-It sounded like some sort of scam,
like, a lottery scam or something.
-It's like WakeUpNow but, like, for TV.
I was like, "I don't trust this."
-When we first got there -- -"I don't trust this."
-"Something's going on." -"I don't trust my own life."
-When we first got to the studio,
we thought the cops were going to be there
and they were, like, checking warrants.
Like, one of those scams.
-So the whole thing was a scam.
The whole thing was a bust. -Yes.
-Yeah. Like a sting. It's a sting operation.
-Do you like getting famous?
-It's pretty dope to walk around Target and people are like,
"Yo, you're that guy from that thing.
You got the show with the guy, right?
On the channel that nobody knows?"
-The thing about getting famous, no one gives you manual,
so you don't know how to do it.
We were coming in here, and this guy ran up.
He was like, "Hey, who are you guys?"
-"Who are you guys?" -I was like, "Uh, Led Zeppelin?
I don't know. Leave me alone."
-Led Zeppelin. That's such a good one.
-Rob Plant in the building.
-Did he believe -- That was a good one, yeah.
-He just was like, "No, you're not Led Zeppelin."
-"You guys, you're lying to me." -"Stop lying to me, Questlove."
-"You're pulling my leg." -Questlove.
"I know you. You're Jaden Smith."
-[ Laughs ] -I'm like, "No."
-You're Jaden -- -Yeah, I'll take it.
-But how did you guys end up together?
You guys have been friends forever?
-We met in summer school, but, like, you know, as a --
-Summer school is a great place to meet someone.
-It's a great place to meet people
until you realize you're in summer school and it's summer
and you're still in school and everyone else is outside
playing basketball like, "Hey, stupid.
Should've done better on your grades."
-Yo. Should have studied for math [bleep]
-Are you double-Dutching? What were you doing?
-Doing a crossover. -What was that?
-That was a crossover. -Oh, you're playing basketball.
Okay, yeah, I thought you were jump-roping.
I'm like, "That's the dudes you hung out with?"
"Yo, man." -Yo.
-Yo, man, get out. -Yeah.
-Suckers! -Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Bleep] -Go, Jimmy, go, Jimmy!
-[Bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] -Go, Jimmy! Go, Jimmy!
Go, Jimmy!
-Yeah, all the goons on the block were double-Dutching.
-All the tough dudes jump-roping.
-Yo, son. -Yo, son.
You double-handed? What you doing?
-What you doing out here? You got tricks? What's good?
-"You got tricks?"
-How do you find the news that you talk about on your show?
-It just -- It comes to us.
You know how technology is, guys.
You're on your phone right now.
You just saw something on Twitter.
You were like... -They took our phones away.
-Oh, they did? -Yeah, no phone. Yeah.
-People at home.
-Why you rubbing it in?
I haven't checked my messages in like 20 minutes.
-It's like Drake's house.
-Now we're never going to Drake's house.
-Now you're not invited to Drake's house.
-Oh, he's watching this like, "Really, Mero?"
-Come on, man. Why'd you do me like that, man?
-The news is just -- Back in the day, you had to tune in at 7:00.
Now the news is constant.
When you get out of here,
you're going to probably find out something happened.
And you're just like, "It's been three hours.
How did that happen?"
We're at war with some country we don't know even about.
We bombed Bosnia or something. -"Where is Czechosloburbia?
I don't even know where it is."
-Like, how do we have beef with them?
-Czechosloburbia. That's great. -I'm like, "What?"
-If I give you some topics,
can I just hear what your takes on them?
-Of course. -We didn't plan any of this out.
-We got the most fuego takes on the planet.
-Fuego. -Fuego means they're hot.
They're uncooked, and they're not based on facts.
-Not at all. -Here we go. That's good.
So this is Shark Week.
What are your thoughts on Shark Week?
Michael Phelps just raced a shark.
-Michael Phelps just -- -I want you to understand this.
Michael Phelps raced a shark and almost won.
-But it wasn't -- Nah, he "raced" a shark,
but they weren't in the same pool.
-Oh, they weren't? -That's what I want.
I want to see them in the same pool, the same lane.
-Oh, yeah, yeah. Put them in the same pool.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Matter of fact, throw a little ketchup in there
before the race starts, really make it funky.
-Really swim fast.
-We're gonna put chum in the water before the race.
-Shaking it up. -You guys are so cruel.
You're trying to kill Michael Phelps.
-Only if he loses. -That's true.
You're right. You're right. He's got a shot.
50/50, yeah.
-Swim for your life.
-What do you think of O.J. Simpson getting paroled?
-The Juice is loose. You know what I'm saying?
But I feel like his time has passed.
-That used to be a colorful phrase.
Like, "The Juice is loose." Now it's scary.
Your kid comes in the room like,
"Mommy, Daddy, the Juice is loose."
-"The Juice! The Juice! He's out here."
-"The Juice under my bed." -Yeah.
-Yo, listen, I'm giving O.J. like maybe three months
before he's doing cash-for-gold commercials.
You know what I'm saying?
-No, O.J. could be two-stepping on "Dancing with the Stars."
-I'm telling you. It's gonna happen.
-Yeah, all right. That's good.
All right. Oh, this one's good.
I just got a fermenting pot.
I'm going to start making my own pickles.
-Wow! That is the whitest thing I've heard all week.
[ Laughter ]
That is incredible.
Wow, that is incredible.
-Where do you even buy a fermenting pot at?
I'm now learning that there are a whole strip of stores
black people don't know about.
You can buy fermenting pots? -Yeah.
-What do you do with that?
-You put, like, a brine or vinegar
and then you put cucumbers in and you make pickles.
-How long does it take? -I don't know.
I'm getting into it.
I want to know your take on what you think of that.
-You can't buy pickles?
[ Laughter ]
That's not a real hobby. -I can buy pickles.
-I just -- I figured I'd make them.
I don't know. -Why?
Just for fun?
-I can name you like five other hobbies, man.
-You're rich, Jimmy.
-Act like it. -Buy pickles!
[ Laughter ]
-Buy a couple pouches.
-We were all going to hang out with you after the show,
and I don't want to call some chick like --
She's like, "What are y'all doing?"
Y'all at Jimmy's house?" I'm like, "We making pickles."
-"Making pickles."
-"Yeah, Jimmy got some mason jars.
It's wild over here."
-"It's crazy." -We're making pickles.
-"No, we can't FaceTime. It's too wild.
It's too wild."
-"I got Brian on the phone. I got to get off."
-"Ciao, ciao. Bye."
-How do you feel being on "The Tonight Show"?
What are your thoughts? -This is wild.
This is "The Tonight Show."
[ Cheers and applause ]
This is "The Tonight Show." -This is bananas.
This is like --
-This used to be in black and white.
-What's that?
-This used to be in black and white, right?
-Yeah. -Sure, why not?
-Johnny Carson.
-I think we just had bad TVs back in the day.
-Oh, that's true. -No, this is so iconic.
This is like -- It hasn't really hit us yet.
But it's gonna be like tomorrow, I'm gonna have the wild attitude,
and I'll walk down my block like, "I was on 'The Tonight Show.'"
And they'll be like, "I don't care."
-No, no, please. We did it, and you scored, and that's why --
You have such a great show, and we love you guys.
So we're fans. Thank you for coming on.
Appreciate it. Come back.
Congratulations. I'll call you.
We'll make some pickles sometime.
For more infomation >> Desus & Mero Give Their Hot Takes on Shark Week and O.J. Simpson's Parole - Duration: 6:26.-------------------------------------------
Steak sandwich and taco ジャッキーのテイクアウトで部屋飲みのJALシティ那覇:Gourmet Report グルメレポート - Duration: 6:27.
Good evening, this is Miminome-movie.
I have arrived in Okinawa in the evening again.
As soon as I arrived in Naha last time, I went to Jack's.
I went there to have supper.
I also went there today.
But there was overcrowded.
I had to wait for more than one hour.
What time was that?
I had to wait for one hour from 22:00.
I have to check in at a hotel after that.
I have begun to give up having a meal there.
But I thought a dish to go.
I bought a food this.
Steak restaurant foods can be brought to go.
It's also possible to bring a steak home at the restaurant.
But that isn't desirable.
That may be chili sauce.
This is a steak sandwich.
I bought this.
I bought a taco.
This isn't ketchup.
Chili sauce?
Salsa sauce?
I gave much salsa sauce a ride.
Please put salsa sauce on all tacos.
Is it okay to do so?
I eat tacos.
Very good.
Because it's takeout, it isn't crispy.
But that's the food texture of the good tortilla.
Just sayin'.
This is Naha.
This is JAL City Naha of the same inn as usual.
Steak sandwich.
Jack's has a hamburger and a cheeseburger.
But I chose a steak.
How do you like them apples?
I eat a steak now.
What happened?
Is that Jack's steak?
Is it apparent?
This is Jack's steak.
The cooking of beef is medium.
This is beef.
You eat this, too, please.
I have the experience which ate a taco.
It's very good, so please eat a steak.
A steak sandwich should be eaten.
I was surprised at its taste.
I can eat even if the restaurant is full.
It's best to eat at a restaurant, but.
I love it!
This is Jimami.
This was bought at a convenience store.
It overflows.
This is Jimami.
Is that necessary today?
This is Okinawa, so I drink an awamori.
This is strong.
Won't you eat a steak any more?
I don't eat that.
I also ate much too much.
We have come to Okinawa to eat.
Rare part of a steak.
The first bite.
Before I finished biting at meat, that was good already.
But it isn't suitable to eat a steak sandwich at a restaurant.
This is suitable for takeout.
I have finished eating a taco already.
Did you want to eat more that?
I think so, too.
That's dangerous.
I think that I ate too much when ordering tacos in the restaurant.
A steak is Maine at a restaurant.
So a taco is enough for one person.
But tonight the tacos are the main.
I was also interested in a fried chicken.
First night in Okinawa.
I couldn't eat a steak in Jack's.
But I'm overeating.
Because I came to eat in Okinawa.
You also ate ramen at Centraire.
That's a snack.
It's a snack, so even if ramen and a fried chicken are eaten, it's no problem.
This is still good.
I love it!
Jack's steak.
Why isn't there that near my house?
The Last.
It has disappeared.
I could not catch what you said.
It has disappeared finally.
I have finished eating.
I sleep for tomorrow.
Good night.
Volvo V70 2.4D Edition II bj. 2006, Leer+Navigatie+PDC+Etc... - Duration: 1:00.
Here's My Canada: My wish for Canada's future - Duration: 0:33.
My wish for Canada's future is to have
solar- powered cars. During the day, the
cars be plugged into a chord which would
lead to the top of the roof and into a
solar panel and the energy would be transferred into the
car and it would
charge throughout the day.
So if you ever wanted to drive during the day,
there's a solar panel on the car so it would run
on solar energy, but if you ever wanted
to drive at night, the car run on the previous energy
from the Sun charging the car.
I think solar powered cars would cut
down on the pollution and the depopulation of the
That is what I hope Canada's future
Here's My Canada: My home - Duration: 0:28.
Canada, the country I call home.
I am so proud of my country because we have so
many great things and people.
We are home to so many 'cause we have amazing
lands, lakes, oceans, mountains, forests and farms.
My family and I have seen so much of Canada's beauty.
We love exploring, doing our part as a Canadian to keep
our land clean, we need to keep our Lakes clean,
make sure our plant we have lots of trees and we need
to keep our farms strong.
Here's My Canada: My wish - Duration: 0:31.
Today, I would like to talk about the future of
women sports. I hope my speech will be inspiring to
young female athletes.
I love Canada because I have opportunities to favorite
sports I love.
I think women's sports should be as
recognized as men's.
There are many popular and famous sports
perks for men.
In the future, I hope there are people... I've noticed in my
community in Canada, they're encouraging
female athletes by offering many sponsorships
and grants, this makes me happy because I work hard
to be an athlete and my family supports me so I can
pursue my dreams.
Being an athlete makes me smart, strong and bold.
Here's My Canada: Proud to be a Canadian - Duration: 0:24.
Canada has beautiful lakes fresh fresh air rocky mountains and blue skies.
It is also a place that does not like bullying.
Canada treats people with respect.
It is a place where I feel safe and be myself.
Canada even has events to support anti-bullying
because of this I feel like I can make friends.
I can be myself and I feel safe.
I am proud to be a Canadian!
"Animatrix" - Comment l'Histoire sert à avertir le futur ? [VLOG SciFi] | The Flares - Duration: 7:35.
Brigitte Macron seule avec Rihanna sur le perron de l'Elysée : ce que l'image dit - Duration: 2:13.
The March of the Forgotten - The Adventure Zone Ep. 67 Animatic - Duration: 8:26.
Learning days of the week. Children learn Dutch Dutch through a video. Toddlers & Toddlers learn. - Duration: 2:16.
A week consists of seven days and the first day is Monday,
The second day of the week is Tuesday,
The third day of the week is Wednesday,
The fourth day of the week is Thursday
The fifth day of the week is Friday
The sixth day of the week is Saturday
The seventh day of the week is Sunday
Tuesday, Tuesday
Monday, Wednesday
Thursday, Thursday
Friday, Friday
Saturday, Saturday
Sunday, Sunday
and Sunday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday
Saturday and Sunday
8 Ball Pool Berlin Platz Gameplay With Medusa Cue !! + 100M Coins GIVEAWAY WINNER Announced ! - Duration: 3:25.
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