hi guys and welcome to another fishing video
Today I am with Nuno
Introduce yourself
Nuno: Hi I am Nuno
And Nuno's father
Gabriel: Hi, I am Gabriel
For the first time they went to try some Barbel with blackberry
Let's see if they're lucky.
what do you think?
They should not be too far
There are brambles
A good shadow
On some place they have to be
let´s try there
perfect cast
and fish on
the cast was perfect
near the bramble
and now...
we hook him, now let´s see if we can catch him
so many weeds
let´s see if I can get him
come here little fih
first fish of the day
here he is
but is the first
I mean, if we count on the bass I took at the beginning is the second
and let´s release
let´s take another?
Nuno do you see that bramble there?
Nuno: yes, near the shore
Cast there, near the shore
Nuno: I will try
now wait
now cast that little spot
Nuno: I see one
good luck
yes, that
you got him
Nuno: excited and panic words lololol
Repeat that yes part
This is so fun
Nuno: they are so strong
is good
Remove the hook for the release
that is small, when you get a big one...
fish on
is small
this here don´t have luck, no wood here
and done
is here
real small
very small
fight with him
don´t pull him
he is still there
so Nuno do you like Barbels?
that is bigger
now let´s catch one with the double size
that is good
is small
For more infomation >> He got is first Barbel - Ele apanhou o seu primeiro Barbo - Duration: 8:52.-------------------------------------------
MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili Leer/Panoramadak/Xenon - Duration: 1:02.
Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDi 150 pk S tronic S Line / B&O / panoramadak / 18" - uniek - - Duration: 0:58.
Koopappartement: Zwetstraat 37, 's-gravenhage - Duration: 0:55.
Three Little Kittens | Nursery Rhyme | Baby songs | Kids Rhymes | Farmees Videos - Duration: 41:03.
Look at the three little kittens
Three little kittens, they lost their mittens, and they began to cry!
"Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear,"
"Our mittens we have lost."
"What! Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens!"
"Then you shall have no pie."
Mee-ow, mee-ow!... "We shall have no pie!"
Three little kittens, they found their mittens, And they began to cry,
"Oh, mother dear, see here, see here, our mittens we have found."
"What! Found your mittens, You darling kittens!"
"Then you shall have some pie."
Mee-ow, mee-ow!... "We shall have some pie!"
Three little kittens put on their mittens, And soon ate up the pie,
"Oh, mother dear, we greatly fear, our mittens we have soiled."
"What, soiled your mittens, you naughty kittens!"
They began to sigh,
Mee-ow, mee-ow!... "Our mittens we have soiled!"
Three little kittens, they washed their mittens, And hung them out to dry,
"Oh, mother dear, Look here, look here, Our mittens we have washed.
"What, washed your mittens, you're such good kittens, I smell a rat close by."
Mee-ow, mee-ow!... "We smell a rat close by!"
The three little kittens are so funny!
http://cdn. primedia. za/primedia-broadcasting/image/upload/c_fill,h_289,q_70,w_463/k5mj9ipwt391ofixxbes.
TOKYO - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke with US President Donald Trump on Monday and agreed on the need for more action on North Korea just hours after the S Ambassador to the United Nations said Washington is done talking about North Korea.
Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the United Nations, said in a statement China must decide if it is willing to back imposing stronger UN sanctions on North Korea over Friday nights long-range missile test, the Norths second this month.
Any new UN Security Council resolution that does not significantly increase the international pressure on North Korea is of no value, Haley said, adding that Japan and South Korea also needed to do more.
Abe told reporters after his conversation with Trump that repeated efforts by the international community to find a peaceful solution to the North Korean issue had yet to bear fruit in the face of Pyongyangs unilateral escalation.
International society, including Russia and China, need to take this seriously and increase pressure, Abe said. He said Japan and the United States would take steps towards concrete action but did not give details.
Abe and Trump did not discuss military action against North Korea, nor what would constitute the crossing of a red line by Pyongyang, Deputy Chief Cabinet spokesman Koichi Hagiuda told reporters.
A White House statement after the phone call said the two leaders agreed that North Korea poses a grave and growing direct threat to the United States, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and other countries near and far.
It said Trump reaffirmed our ironclad commitment to defend Japan and South Korea from any attack, using the full range of United States capabilities. Japans Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the talk between Abe and Trump lasted for about 50 minutes.
The role that China can play is extremely important, he told a news conference.
Japan intends to call on those countries involved - including the UN, the United States and South Korea to start, but also China and Russia - to take on additional duties and actions to increase pressure, Suga said, declining to give details about what those steps might be.
MINI 1.4 One D - Duration: 0:53.
Влияет ли загруженность подростка на качество его питания? - Duration: 3:01.
Как запустить, открыть командную строку от имени администратора в Windows 10, 8 или 7 - Duration: 4:05.
MINI 1.4 One D - Duration: 0:53.
Yatağın Gazabı/Eski bir video - Duration: 1:27.
did somebody say boom - Duration: 0:06.
Did somebody say boom?
Season 1, Episode 1, Currahee - Duration: 1:13:13.
Inside His Dark Materials 1: Reading Philip Pullman - Duration: 9:10.
I thought we could start by talking about when you first came to the book
when did you when did you first read it? - So the first time I read the Northern
Lights I think I was 10 and I actually stole my copy from, I was around a family
friend's house and we and I just saw it this picture of this girl with something
shining in her hands with a bear standing behind her and I thought that
looks good so I literally just stole it from their house and it's not left my house since
Excellent, first stolen book!
I remember when I first came to it that one of the things that surprised me most was the bit
about the daemons and coming back to it that first scene I'd forgotten just how
strange it was, because it's really eerie and uncanny and I don't know did
you find the same thing?
I sort of had the opposite reaction to me it made
total sense and you know immediately started planning what my daemon would be
What would your daemon be?
See I'd love to say something cool like a snow leopard
or something but I think it's probably like either really clumsy
kitten that sort of never grows up or maybe an otter I'm actually out here
in the water and they look cute but they're actually quite fierce
Yeah, I think mine would probably be a fox - because I am I think
quite a scruffy person - No! - No, I am, I really am
So I think it would need to be something that
was a little- and I prefer being out in the countryside I'm not a city dweller
I think I would need to be something a little bit wild and scruffy
I think what surprised me about it though first coming to it was that the
something I think he does that's so clever is having a world that is so nearly our
own and isn't and I think it was one of those books that really struck me how
people think of fantasy as being far away fantasy and I know something that I
noticed in your books as well of having the fantasy sit so near to the reality
was is it something you feel with an influence when you were writing?
Oh hugely I mean the Northern Lights are probably the single biggest influence and
inspiration for my writing and I and yes that idea of fantasy not having to be
dragons and sort of these far-flung places, but actually places that we inhabit
but just tilted slightly to let that magic in something that really
appealed to me as a reader and continues to appeal to me as a reader as well as a writer
Yeah it definitely appeals to me to you and I think I'm though all these
moments where you just start to get comfortable and you feel as I know where
this world - you get your feet underneath you - and then suddenly something that just would
would throw you instantly and I think and I like the fact that all of the
adults around Lyra don't they respond to her very much
in their own adult world and she's having to enter into that that world
rather than the world seeming to change around here, to alter to her existences
she has to kind of fight her way into that world and I liked that.
Did you have any, which are your favorite scenes in the book, coming back to it?
That's a very hard question I know.
So, possibly my favorite scene
it is where it's a very final the very final pages possibly my favorite scene
of the whole series I mean that every time I read that final line my heart
just lifts and I'm just desperate to read the next book but before that I love Iorek
when they first meet him - yeah he's an amazing character - he's such an
amazing character and just the sadness of that scene and the intensity
of that scene and then the way that the connection kind of builds between him
and Lyra was possibly my favorite sort of relationship in the first book but
there are so many good scenes I'm just sort of flicking through them in my head
now and they're just it's impossible really to to narrow it down
they're just scene after scene of brilliance.
Yeah and I think, it's quite
a shocking book as well I mean I think right from that first scene when you
know you've got somebody trying to poison someone right the way through to
going back to the book I'd forgotten just how shocking the scene with the
cutting away the daemons is. The moment when Lyra's caught and you think that
her daemon is about to be torn away from her and it's utterly painful
I think it's that she meets a character called Tony and he's
asking for his Ratter and just reading that just coming to it cold if you sort
of pick up the book and open it on a random page it's just heartbreaking
and as someone who had a cat, a much-loved cat growing up the scenes
with all the daemons separated and when they're sort of ghost-like was just
heartbreaking and yeah incredibly sad.
And I think it's very brave thing to have
those kind of ideas even coming into it into a book like this
for children because that the idea of having a part of your
personality wrenched away from you it's a really bold concept.
It's a difficult concept even for an adult I think, and do you think that it
changed the way that children's writers operated afterwards
Do you think it opened some doors for people in terms of what they felt they could explore?
I mean I'm not kind of up-to-date with what came before
but I mean definitely for me as a writer it gives you permission to go to
those darker places and you do see sort of much darker themes emerging
and that children respond to those themes and that they're able to deal with that and
sort of and the way the Pullman sort of guides you through it, you know
there is always that comfort like she always has Pantalaimon and there with
her sort of comforting her and while they're scared she's never alone
I think it's the loneliness of the children without their demons that is so terrifying as
a child to read about but Lyra who we're seeing the world through always has that
companion so I think there's that comfort so I think yes it gives you
permission to be darker as long as there's hope
As well as that moment where you realize that you're getting to see inside someone's mind and
to see the split in someone's personality, and I think it's such a clever way of
getting to the heart of the fact that you can feel more than one thing at once
and think more than one thing at once and the way that you come
to know Lyra is essentially through one part of her personality talking to
another and I think just just thinking about that as a concept where that comes from...
It's genius as a writer, it's a brilliant device if you're going to
reduce it sort of the technicalities of how he does it, it's a brilliant way to
get into a character's head without sort of huge exposition it's an amazing idea.
And it means that you can have all this questioning of why she's making
decisions and that be completely natural,
you don't have to have her, as you say, explaining everything that she does
because there's someone else there saying 'Are you sure you want to do this
really reckless quite sort of crazy thing?!' And she's going, 'No, yeah, I'm definitely going to do it.'
I thought it was interesting as well, narratively, it struck me not I
don't think the first time I read it overtly but certainly coming back to it,
and I wondered if it did with you as well, that normally for children
if they start off as orphans which is effectively where Lyra starts then
finding their parents would be something that would be - happy!
- this brilliant thing and obviously for Lyra that's not and so she has
this very different arc of going through that stage of feeling that she's
found somewhere and belonging when she's with Mrs. Coulter and then
effectively ending almost an orphan again at the end but through choice -
And what a disappointment her parents turn out to be
for all their surface brilliance and they as individuals might be brilliant
but as parents they utterly bail!
And throughout this first book that she constantly has hope so when she sees
them together for the first time there's this sort of huge lifting and joyous sort of
the way that she sees them is so joyous together and then it's all torn
apart almost instantly and I think it's amazing to see such a flawed
relationship through a child's eyes I think he depicts it so tenderly and
fiercely as well it captures kind of the real opposition in their
relationship and yeah it's one of my favorite things about the book is just
that the way that he shows adults to be so flawed
and for the children to be seeing that clearly.
I think the the fact that he takes takes in so many locations as well on this I mean obviously we're
having this conversation in Oxford and and you live in Oxford so do you
feel as though you see Lyra coming round the corner when you walk around
because I mean Oxford is such a huge part of the book isn't it?
Yes and the college is obviously very evocative,
and yes, 'Lyra's Oxford', I loved that book and I was given a copy when I moved to Oxford and so
it's a very nice sort of guide, way to see the city.
It's great to talk to you about all that today and I can't wait til we meet up again to talk about characters.
Mettez ceci dans votre café. Après 2 gorgées, votre graisse abdominale commencera à disparaître - Duration: 6:32.
027: Fat Shaming (CC) - Duration: 8:45.
70 Dodge Charger Hot Wheels Fast and Furious Review and Detail - Duration: 8:13.
Welcome to Channel AToyZ
see again with Channel AToyZ..
for you all that new or get lost and found this AToyZ Channel
so let me quick explain.., this AToyZ is channel about Hot Wheels
and others toyz but mostly is about Hot Wheels
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okay then.. now we will talk about this.
that quite famous right now
70 Dodge Charger.. from Fast and Furious series
previously AToyZ review about this..
Bat Mobile
T-Rextroyer this is reg Treasure Hunt 2016
if you haven't see that both you can check the url link on detail
or you can check on AToyZ list video
okay lets back to our Dodge.
70 Dodge Charger...
okay like usually let see from the back
this is the part number
70 Dodge Charger..
this is..... ( not sure...)
... (still not sure.....)
not sure that this picture is an info that this hot wheels can go up and down..
because is infrequently i see detail picture here..
like this one.. we can't find another detail beside the name
they don't have this little more info
this is from Experimotors
form part 1/10...
and for license... this have Dodge..
and here have Universal Studio
from Fast and Furious Film
and matel also here
and now from the front
this is the part number
...4 / 265....
this is Fast and Furious Mark
1/10.... part
from Experimotors Series
this is just me or experimotors seris is new..?.. (maybe somebody can left info about experimotors on detail...)
this is the closer look..
this Dodge have black solid color
i think have good quality black color
and also have red mark at the back like the moview
for you already see the movie so will be familiar with this car
at the back have this.
Hemi... Mark
Dodge Charger...
and have red list for velg
open window..
and have two spare tire..
if i not mistake on JADA Version ( not really sure...)
for the back they have more option
they can change the back, not only spare tire
if i not mistake .. not sure about this...
this is from bottom
(let me find some focus....)
70 Dodge Charger...
Hot Wheels 2016..
so this is new parts
made on 2016
made in Malaysia
This is from bottom
and this is form the back
have two spare tire
this is from front
have gray color bumper
gray or silver...
this is from top
have hole as roof top.. (maybe)
you can see the chair from top here
This is detail looks
i think is enough for Review...
this 70 Dodge Charger...
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