I agree that she is my mother
She has only given birth to me..
She has the right on me
But scolding me for just talking about birth control
Isn't my body mine?
Do I have no right on my own body?
I am not a baby machine.
I cannot keep bearing children like instant like a machine.
I have my own life, and I should have my own choice.
What does this mean?
But, what can she too do? She too is tied.
What can I expect from anyone when my own mother cannot understand me.
I guess, no one understood even her pain ever.
Then, how could she even support me when our society is itself in this way...
Getting to 18 years is like a government age.
They start keep worrying about the marriage of a girl before she is born itself.
We want a grandson. We want a grand daughter.
We want this. We want that.
The Groom's family wants dowry.
Husband wants beauty in woman.
Tired of hearing who wants what all from me.
But did anyone ever ask me of what would I want?
When I can care about myself first, only then can i care about others. Right?
Birth control is bad for my body...
But, I think that is a myth.
Even after having good educated people in our society, these kinds of myths are still revolving around??
My own mom believes it.
This is just so absurd.
This is so pity.
May it be that I am not hopeless, but this kind of mentality of the society is definitely hopeless.
How can there be development when I do not have a choice of my own?
That means - I have no EQUALITY...
Just get graduated from a normal college.
Become a perfect house wife material.
Marriage at 25 years.
After that, having baby in one year.
And more babies.
And more and more babies.
Am I a baby machine?
How would you too know?
You are not a GIRL right.
Everything is in this way for me. Just because I am a GIRL.
A girl should do this. A girl should do that. A girl cannot do certain things.....etc
My Foot!
Well, what kind of a difference would it make to anyone either?
I am just a Girl.
One day I just have to leave everyone and go to someone's house getting married.
By the way, my mom always used to tell me: DONT TALK TO STRANGERS, THEY ARE VERY BAD....
They can be dangerous.
And then one day, I am married to one.
And I have to sleep with them.
How amazing is our society!!!
How they make our situations adverse and worse...
As if, there is no logic in anything at all. Everything is just culture.
Culture should be there. I accept it.
It should be followed. I accept it.
But what wrong is there is wrong..
Taking the name of Culture and hiding these kinds of major issues for women is not right.
Atleast not for me...
I will never force my daughter....
to do anything that she is not comfortable with.
Even if, it is her husband.
For more infomation >> A Frustrated Woman Views to Indian Society | AVAC Entertainments - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Playthrough: Avalon Code - Part 50 - Duration: 11:50.
Last time we completed our exploration on the Western Desert and we're now on the way back home...
...We should probably be concerned about Olly and her weapon of mass destruction, but either everyone trusts Ellie to take care of that, or they've forgotten about it...
...Before returning, I decide to make the Assassin Dagger (Rapier Metalize) after all; its power is up there with the Common Kaleila Sword...
...and it can be swung a little bit faster. I still don't use it much; after playing a bit with some rocks in Grana Plains, I get back to Rhoan, at about 5:40
Hmmm... It sounds like Nanai knew about what happened to Yumil. Should we trust her?
Makes sense. Now we're given the option to give Nanai the Shaman's Pendant; I don't know for sure what happens if we don't...
...maybe we just don't get to see any further events with her. Anyway, in a scene afterwards we see things are slowly getting worse...
...with the earthquakes and Locusts, but the people aren't so worried about it to forget about the local tournament...
...We learn more about that from Vis, of all people, at about 7:05
Side note: pay particular attention to the 6-day thing. Starting from now, every time Yumil will go home and Rest, a day will pass...
...and the game will remind you how many days are left before the tournament. There are things you can only do before the tournament starts...
...So if you need Yumil to Rest often you might want to use alternative ways. Vis also mentions the chance of him getting a lover: let me elaborate on that...
...Relationships with the Heroines (Heroes with Tia) can be built anytime in the game, but there are 2 things that make it important to concentrate your efforts now...
...1) Before Chapter 5 ends, you have a single chance to get a special scene with Yumil and his lover; miss it and you won't be able to see it anymore...
...2) After Chapter 5 ends, it'll be a long while before you'll be able to resume your relationship-linked side-quests...
...So you might want to get the most out of this Chapter. As you can see, Anwar's now in town as well: I speculate the reason for that is...
...You see, that lover scene I mentioned is possible only with the Heroines/Heroes that are available in Chapter 5; for Yumil there are...
...Fana, Sylphy, Dorothea, and Nanai, out of the 5 Heroines in the game, while for Tia there would've only been Rex and Duran...
...My guess is that they had to throw in at least another character to make things more fair for Tia players, which is why Anwar's here...
...I'll talk more about this whole thing in the next few videos. Summing up what happens in the rest of this segment...
...Romaioni here has a special Item for sale now, for 5000 Mystic Jewels; it's a Wings Metalize called Custom Booster...
...It's too expensive for me now; I buy the Rune Blade Metalize, but forget to actually use it. We get another gift from Kamui...
...for showing him 20 or more Flowers: the Master's Sash, a Metalize for an Accessory we don't have yet. Subtitles end here
Kā nomainīt VOLVO XC90 priekšējās balstiekārtas atsperes PAMĀCĪBA | AUTODOC - Duration: 15:23.
Use a torx №Т40 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №13
Using a special tool take out the spring
Use a torx №Т50 and a combination spanner №21
Use a special wrench
Ben Brode - ARTHAS - Duration: 5:12.
Well met!
My name is Ben Brode I got a story to tell
Are you ready then come on and listen well
Many years ago there lived a Paladin
He was prince of the Alliance when our story begins
this ain't a happy story it's a little dark. This
ain't no summer day this ain't no walk in the park
You see this prince's name was Arthas, AKA the Lich King.
This is the story of how he became him.
It all started with a mysterious plague.
Only vague reports were all the Alliance scouts gave.
The King sent Arthas to go check out the rumor.
And he met up with his college buddy Jaina Proudmoore-a.
Arthas and Jaina yo they were on the case
they found some crates filled grain that were poison-laced.
Suspicious - they looked about
as something moved in the forest
Shadows emerged and Arthas yelled
"They're coming right for us!"
That's when the scourge attacked.
The defenses just cracked
And Arthas just snapped
He jumped in to act
But quickly got trapped
Ghouls at his front and ghouls at his back
Arthas looked up and through battle
saw a Necromancer's Shadow
It was Kel'Thuzad Arthas gave him a nod
And then he swept the ghouls away
and clawed his way towards KT and
punched that necromancer straight square in the teeth.
KT said, "Seek Mal'ganis where he makes his home
He controls the scourge from the city of Stratholme!
Those were the last words Kel'Thuzad said
Arthas killed that Necromancer with a blow to the head.
Then said, "Jaina, I demand that
you call the Silver Hand and
Uther will command them and
we will purge the damned then.
And Jaina said: "Yo Yo Yo ok I'll go.
I will go find Uther and I'll tell him what I know. Yo"
And she teleported away
There's wasn't much else to say
They had to go stop the plague
undead were coming this way.
Right then he arrived at Hearthglen
Looked down, saw plagued grain on the ground again.
Arthas took a deep breath then turned around
he was surrounded by the entire town.
"Wait a second," said Arthas, filling with dread
This plague doesn't just kill it turns you into UNDEAD."
The prince's stomach began to churn.
At that second townsfolk began to turn.
Twelve hours later, Arthas barely alive
His royal bodyguards well, they didn't survive.
The Undead had him on the ropes all outta hopes
Guess who showed up then?
You better check ya notes!
It was UTHER Arthas's Tutor
an incredible maneuver shoulda come sooner
He saved the day.
Poor Arthas would never be the same.
Something clicked in his brain.
And they heard him exclaim:
"STRATHOLME, Mal'Ganis is there.
He will pay for what he did today, I swear."
And then he left still covered in ichor, heading to Stratholme
all alone, and here is the kicker:
Empty crates lined the streets
the plague had been released pretty soon
the city would be an undead army of beasts
Arthas knew he couldn't let them become scourge
Turned around and shouted "Listen to my words!
There is only one way to emerge as victors!
We surge into the city and PURGE the villagers!"
Uther said: "Are you serious?
Your father would be furious!
You can't possibly consider this!
There must be some other way!"
Arthas said, "Not today.
There is no other way to save this town.
You betray the crown."
Uther said: "Fine then, do it alone.
I'm taking my army home."
Arthas started killing people in the night
they were sleeping? didn't matter he would kill'em on sight
Better to kill'em now before they turned to undead
so he burned the town down 'til the skies turned red.
Then he found Mal'Ganis in the wreckage
He was just seconds from wrecking him
When he said "wait I have a message"
Do you think you can get the best of me?
Then come to Northrend, Arthas! Fulfill your destiny!"
Yeah, he went up to Northrend
he would chase Mal'Ganis and do anything to avenge
the death of his people including doing things that sound a little evil
or at least are a little illegal.
But his campaign in Northrend didn't go very well
His army kept getting weaker. His soldiers fell.
It was bleak. They'd only been there for a week
but they were close to defeat. Arthas was willing to cheat.
There was a rumor of a sword full of ultimate power
But the inscription said that it would devour
the soul of any that touched it. It was called Frostmourne
Arthas tracked it down anyway because he'd sworn
to kill Mal'Ganis. It was worth any risk, including this.
So he lifted his fist and gave the sword a twist
It came out of the altar
Arthas did not falter
He ran back to his army where the undead all were.
Arthas tore through the undead forces
straight to Mal'Ganis of course
The dreadlord laughed "you think you're winning?
When you picked up that sword
you became a pawn of Lich King."
And Arthas knew it was true.
He was doomed, through and through.
I've damned everyone and everything I've ever loved
and I still feel no remorse.
A lot happened after that. He killed his father.
But I'm just not gonna bother to rap the rest. I guess I oughtta
tell you one last thing. He found the crown of the Lich King
he put it on his head and now it's time to sing…
Fiesta Latina 2017 - Wisin, J Balvin, Pitbull, Maluma, Anitta, CNCO - Reggaeton Summer Mix 2017 - Duration: 1:01:19.
Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
Going back to Mexico with PlayStation for Kid Brother + Witch Hunt on Cartel in Neighbourhood - Duration: 7:39.
Uncle Leonardo
Whats Up
Do you speak English?
i brought you something
Look inside
4, 5, 6
Come on
Play Station 3
check out which games it have
A lot of games
Are you happy?
Did you behave?
At Lilly I did
GTA 5!
Finally Found out XD
How long have you been you playing right now?
Since I woke up
The whole time standing like that?
He do have it!
How long are you playing right now?
Since you left
Almost 2 hours?
Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.8 TFSI Comfortline - Duration: 0:59.
Maluma, Nicky Jam, Carlos Vives, J Balvin, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, CNCO, Wisin - Reggaeton Mix 2017 - Duration: 1:02:42.
Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
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