Heads up, Cap.
German Special Forces, approaching from the south.
Do you know me?
You're Steve.
I read about you in a museum.
They've set the perimeter.
I know you're nervous,
and you have plenty of reason to be.
But you're lying.
I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that any more.
They're entering the building.
Well, the people who think you did are coming here now.
And they're not planning on taking you alive.
That's smart.
Good strategy.
They're on the roof. I'm compromised.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
- It always ends in a fight.
- I don't know.
Breach! Breach! Breach!
Buck, stop!
You're gonna kill someone.
I'm not gonna kill anyone.
Suspect has broken containment!
He's headed down the east stairwell!
For more infomation >> Bucky's First Appearance 'BUCHAREST' Scene | Captain America: Civil War (2016) Movie CLIP 4K - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
THE BEST BUILD FOR TALON | COOLING -45% MINUTES 20 | League Of Leguends - Duration: 5:47.
Hi ,hello friends
Welcome to a new video
My name is TEMRICH
I'm going to kill this one
a new BUILD ok
barrier with TALON
I have not played for a long time
with my main TALON ,master's degree 7
Since beta
Samsung White Skin
we are with
With the jungle
he is my friend jungle
come on
We have already reached
to good
what happened
wtf what happened
ok ,my jungle
jajaja my jungle
is my jungle (papa)
what did you want
what did you want
what did you want
is my jungle friend
You see, I already have the
the barrier
So any little thing
jaja in your face
in your face *****
At that time active barrier
in your face
I´m talon friend
Finally the emotion was on
I knew something must have happened, friends.
But look at those North Korean tactics
Here comes the VEIGAR
jo jo nonono
je no no
Do not tell me, ok it's mastery 6
VEIGAR hoped he would throw me
To kill me
It was all planned
I have to sell my boots, my friend.
The aim was that
I do not think I'll get more lethality
Because, because, before we had 180 and now we have
162 thanks to these boots
Ok, that's why we should buy them
Then I was not going to serve the video
we bought lethality
and we go
And we got away with everything
we know that
The ghost for us is like tp ok, so
It's okay if we spend it
160 ok
It's like having it in 3 seconds , friend
Ok, lower the GNAR
They killed the rat "#! # Cockroach
All go go go
to good
to good x2
Evelyn is there
our q
We left
oh wtf , I´m in the air
good ok , going to house
We have to protect the bot line
They killed her, good, good
We bought this from here.
Although this serves us a lot
which gives us
It gives us lethality
This better
By the speed of movement that provides us
It's a mess . friend
It's a mess
I reach 600 speed of movement
I run faster than these
And that I do not have the yellow boots
44 seconds of cooling
de 90 y más
That's a complete disaster
♫ the Cockroach
♫ the Cockroach
♫ He can not walk anymore
♫ Because he is lacking
♫ Because he is lacking
♫ a leg
But the cockroach flies
I will not waste it there the e
to good , there is GNAR
It's the sugunawa
It's the sugunawa
Scared me
I do not think he wants to kill me, does he?
I did not believe it
Now no one escapes , friend
lie lie
I chase you to the ends of the earth
fu - fuck
aa good , good
no no no no friend no no no
good , ok , gg friends
Good friends, if you liked the video
give him like
Subscribe and see the build you carry
It was very broken
A lot of cooling reduction
Good friends, even a new video
Les signes précurseurs du cancer de sein que les femmes ne prennent pas au sérieux - Duration: 6:23.
f**k it therapie faisons le point ....rien à foutre rien à battre - Duration: 10:28.
【驚愕】<小林麻耶>市川海老蔵宅に同居で再婚状態?お泊まり報道? - Duration: 5:41.
Issawa Simohamed Belmehdi à Golf Palace d'agadir - Duration: 1:55.
Priscille - You're the girl - Duration: 4:08.
You're the girl
with the beautiful smile,
You're the girl
with the broken life.
They would say you're different just because
you have something they don't.
But you don't have to listen,
these words do not count.
Don't let them say you are nothing,
Cause in someone's eyes you're everything.
So please put down the razor,
In this fight, you're not alone anymore.
You're tired
of facing life,
So death has found
home in you, inside.
But you can't let them define who you are,
They don't know 'bout how precious you are
And their words cut as deep as a knife,
But you have to be stronger than that.
Don't let them say
you are nothing,
Cause in someone's eyes you're everything.
So please put down the razor,
In this fight, you're not alone anymore.
I know you feel worthless,
I know you hate yourself.
Your tears destroy you pretty face,
And the pain cuts your wrists.
But we are here for you,
We will help you only if you let us to.
Don't let them say you are nothing,
Cause in someone's eyes you're everything.
So please put down the razor,
In this fight, you're not alone anymore.
Weeding Days - Style Wedding Proshow Producer | Free Download - Duration: 3:01.
the download link in the description
[Interview] Alex Bennett - Getting over things and focusing on what's important (S01E07) - Duration: 9:35.
Alexander C. Bennett has two PHDs in Human Studies and Sciences
from the University of Canterbury and Kyoto University.
He holds the ranks of 7th dan Kyoshi in Kendo, 5th dan in Iaido and Naginata,
3rd Dan in Jukendo and Tankendo.
He is professor at Kansai University of both Kendo and Japanese Culture and History,
vice-president of the International Naginata Federation, member of the international committee of the
All Japan Kendo Federation, director at the Japanese Academy of Budo, cofounder of the
Kendo World Magazine, and author of several books in English and Japanese.
I think it's really healthy to always be skeptical and, you know,
not in a negative way, but just to question everything and always ask, you know: "Why?"
"Why am I doing this?"
"Why am I doing this?"
"What am I after, here?"
Because there are times in Japan which is like...
It is like you say. They... You...
There's like, you know...
At work there's a lot of pressure to do things and you push yourself.
But the problem is, it's not always clear what the purpose is.
There's a lot of wasted effort in Japan, I believe.
And I think that one of the keys to my survival so far
is that I've been able to distance myself from the bullshit when I smell it.
There was a time when I couldn't do that, you know?
And there's also other things, you know ?
The longer you live here, you look back on what you used to be like in Japan,
and then there's words that I use like
"Geekas Nipponica" and "Japan droid" and things like that.
It's like, when you first come over here: "Oh Japan, so cool!"
"Everything's so cool about Japan!"
"Even the bad stuff is really cool!"
And then you get other people who, sort of, figure that: "Ah!"
"Because I'm in Japan, I must become Japanese!"
And you do everything you can to act, and behave, and speak, and be more Japanese than the Japanese.
And when people say to you: "Oh nihonjin, yori nihonjin rashii daro" (You're more Japanese than the Japanese)
and you're so "Uh!".
It's like a, you know, an affirmation that you have successfully assimilated
and you're one of everybody else in Japan, and this is great.
It's like...
I know this because I've been there, right?
And when I was younger it's like :"Oh well, I'm in Japan, I've got to try and be Japanese!".
After a while you realize that: "I'm not Japanese for God's sake!"
It was one thing that sort of woke me up to that.
It was a very timely, another very timely piece of advice.
I was hell-bent on trying to be as Japanese as possible
because that's what I thought you had to do to be accepted, you know, in Budo and…
And in Japan in general.
And when you start doing that, that means that, essentially, you're negating your true self
and your own, sort of, cultural background, and, you know, your moral outlook and...
You know there's always going to be conflict with certain things and so:
"Well, I'm in Japan so I've got to do it this way!" it's like... It can be very stressful.
It can be very stressful.
And I remember one day in Shubukan, actually, with Mitamura-sensei.
She's a legendary Naginata teacher.
And she was in her mid to late 70s at the time, and she said to me:
"Wow Alex, I can see that you're trying so hard."
"You know, you're doing your best to behave like a Japanese,
speak like a Japanese and you come to training and you're very diligent,
but just remember that you don't have to copy the bad things in Japan.
There must be some good things in New Zealand too, right?"
A very simple statement and it's like: "Yeah."
"What the hell am I doing?"
"I'll just be Alex Bennett making the best, you know, out of both worlds that I'm lucky enough to have, you know,
a part of me."
You know, talking about it now it's obviously really simple, right?
But when you're young and you're trying to make your way in Japan, you don't see it like that.
You miss that. And such...
Little bits of, you know, advice like that, that I've received, would, sort of, wake me up a little bit.
That managed, well... It has enabled me to just, when I need to, keep my distance.
Choose your battles, as it were.
Because once you lose sight of that, then it's a losing battle.
And it's really sad, you know?
All the time people become...
They come here with the best intentions to learn Budo and, you know, all the stuff
and then before long they…
They peter out.
They lose that enthusiasm, they lose that flame.
Everything becomes overshadowed by negativity, the stuff that just doesn't make sense:
the politics and, you know, all that sort of crap.
And you've got to remember, so: "Well what do I like to do?"
"I like going to the dojo and training, getting it on and..."
"Sweating and screaming and yelling."
And then thinking about, you know, all the ways, that what I'm doing in the dojo,
philosophically speaking, can be useful in my daily life as well.
It's really easy to lose sight of what's important, and living in Japan it's a...
You know, people often have these ideas of the Japanese way of doing things is so brilliant and efficient,
but it's not.
You know, it's like anywhere.
Like everywhere in the world, you know, you have your good points and your bad points.
But in Japan it's...
I don't know.
I guess the biggest difference between coming from New Zealand and Japan is in New Zealand,
and this is obviously a total generalization, in New Zealand we would say:
"Oh nobody's done this before. Okay let's try it!"
But in Japan it's: "Nobody's done this before."
"Who's going to take this... We can't do this! We can't do this because..."
"What if it goes wrong? Who is going to take responsibility?" you know?
And that's the biggest conflict that I have in my work, when you try and do new things.
They just won't let you do it.
You're constantly banging your head up against a brick wall.
But doing Budo, training individually, that's exactly what you've got to do.
You're always looking for ways to do something a little bit differently, to improve,
just to develop your art.
And that's...
You know, the fact that I can live in Japan, it was because of Budo that I came to Japan and was living in Japan.
Now it's because of Budo that I can stay in Japan.
Do you, sort of, know...
Do you see what I mean?
It gives me that freedom now.
You know, there's always stuff going on, and it's always, you know, various things that happen in the dojo
but it's like, well, you know: "That's not important to me."
"This is important for me."
"This is my space."
"I'm creating my art."
And, you know: "If you don't want to help with that, bugger off."
In the next episode, we're starting the second part of the series by talking about the origins of Japanese Budo.
First topic is the creation of the Kodokan Judo by Jigoro Kano.
Modern Budo really, sort of, starts with Judo and Kano Jigoro.
He used to get bullied.
Teach these bullies a lesson.
If you think of it now, you think: "Wow it's ridiculous!" because he was only 22.
Part of the education system was modeled on the Western.
If you try to introduce martial arts into the school curriculum, which ones do you introduce?
Stay tuned.
You'll learn a lot about the history of Budo in the next episodes.
EasyJet Passenger Holding Baby PUNCHED By Nice Airport Worker!!! - Duration: 3:01.
Alice & Hatter | The Night We Met (Random Picker #01) - Duration: 2:00.
Massachusetts Domestic assault and battery charge: how long will it take to resolve the case? - Duration: 2:54.
This is Julie Gaudreau from DelSignore Law and today I'm going to discuss how long
a domestic assault battery case would take in court before resolution.
Before I start I would like to alert you to a banner on our screen.
You can click that get a free consultation and we'd be more than willing to discuss
a domestic case or any other questions that you might have.
So, how long will a domestic assault and battery case take in District Court?
Typically, unfortunately it takes quite a few days.
Domestic assault and battery cases are taken very seriously by the District Attorneys'
Even if the victim does not want to go forward and she's adament that she will not testify.
the District Attorneys Offices because there certainly are cases where the victim is in
serious danger.
They have policies in place to extend the case to not dismiss the case until it's
been scheduled for trial.
So that is typically what happens in a domestic case.
The District Attorney won't dismiss it at the arraignment or the pre-trial date.
They will want you to put it on for a trial date before they will even consider that.
Now, that means that you'll have to appear in court at the least 3 times or possibly
And on that trial date, the District Attorney will assess whether or not they have information
to go forward with the case.
If they don't if they don't have independent evidence such as a 911 or other witnesses,
then they'll talk to the victim to see if he has a privilege.
The types of privileges or the two main privileges that the District Attorney will accept and
allow the victim not to testify are Fitimen privilege which essentially means that they
were involved in altercation in some way and would incriminate themselves if they were
forced to testify.
Typically the District Attorney will allow them not to testify.
And the second privilege would be the Marital privilege.
Couples that are married have the privilege to refuse to testify against each other and
the District Attorney will accept that privilege as well.
So on the third or fourth date in court, if the alleged victim has a Fitimen privilege
against self incrimination or a marital privilege the District Attorney will typically dismiss
the case on that date.
So it is important to know that the domestic cases are quick cases but if there is a privilege
involved that there is no other independent evidence, you can hope for a dismissal at
the trial date.
So if you have other questions about your specific case, DelSignore Law handles domestics
throughout the State.
And again if you notice, if you want to click for a free consultation that banner is on
this video.
This is Julie Gaudreau and I'm looking forward talking to you.
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