High five, so
I welcome you to a new video
and today we're going to Energylandia!
I expect a lot from it,
so we will see.
That's queue,
until there.
it has been very nice here.
We are going to eat margherita.
(Eating sound)
I hope you liked this vlog.
We have been to...
It is almost new...
fun park in Poland, approximately 3 hours from Ružomberok (Small city in Slovakia)
Quite near to Slovak border, next to Krakow.
It is really great fun park
and I enjoyed the visit.
The link of Energylandia website is in the description below.
High five!
For more infomation >> Vlog from Energylandia, (watch out for your phone) Poland - Zator - Duration: 7:44.-------------------------------------------
MCPE 1.2 RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED by a community manager for Minecraft PE - Duration: 1:42.
Kaanksha Short Film - Duration: 11:23.
Hey Surya, how is your dad?
He is alright now
Where is Chandu bro?
Ravi where is Chandu?
How would I know, he came with you right?
From station he told he will go with you
What are you talking? He left to home after dropping me!
But he has messaged me that he will be going with you
No he didn't come along with me!
He didn't come with you, nor he is at home! Then where did he go?
Call and let all our friends know, let us also go and search for him
Who are you?
Hello, I'm Venkat, Surya right?
Oh yeah, but who are you?
Hey Venkat come in!
Hey Surya, he is Venkat and I met him recently
Oh okay, sorry Venkat! Please come in
Ravi, why is Surya so sad?
Come here I'll tell you
Surya Venkat is saying that let's go to the police, what would you say?
Yeah that's a good idea, come let's go and complain
You stay here, Giri is not feeling well. We both will go and give the complaint
Hmm okay!
Any information regarding him?
No bro, nothing. I still wonder where did he go!
So what shall we do now?
We have registered a complaint yesterday, even the police is searching for him
Two days back a boy from our neighborhood was missing, later we go to know that it was sucide
But that was because of his family problems
What are you talking bro, nothing like that would happen
Okay, I'll call you back
What happen?
I'm asking you people, what happen?
By the time you receive this letter, I will no long be with you people
I thought to commit sucide without letting you know, but you people should know about this
I loved a girl, but she was not in my fate! I was not lucky to get her in my life
Please don't try to find me, you will not even find my dead body
I will not disclose the name of that girl, I don't want you people to trouble her
I hope you people will be well settled in your life, Regards your CHANDU!
Why were you silent when you picked the call?
When did you call?
Call you just before, I was asking you about the box and you become silent all of a sudden!
Hey where is the money man! I clearly told Chandu that day but he didn't listen to me
Hello? HELLO?
Where the hell is Chandu!
Tell me, tell me where is Chandu?
I'll tell you, I'll tell you
Why did you ask us to come here bro?
I got to know where Chandu is!
Oh really? Where!
Where is Chandu! What did you do to him?
What did we do? We didn't do anything!
You don't know anything right?
Even now you don't know anything? No we don't!
Tell me!
When you went to your village, we were returning back home that night, and then...
The movie was not at all good!
Hey, what is it?
I think someone has lost it!
Lucky we saw it, or else someone else would have took it! Let's divide it into ratios
What are you talking?
Here is the bill, let's return it to the shop owner!
What are you talking? Why shall we give it back?
Chandu let's consider this as a good opportunity, our life's would be settled easily!
What are you talking, I won't agree with you! Give me the box I will go and return it back
Get up!
Get up!
He's dead! Now what?
What how! It's all over now, he is dead!
Nothing happened, let us hide the body and then the money is all ours!
I think we are doing wrong! Definitely, but we have no other option left!
We didn't do it intentionally, it happened by mistake
To cover that mistake, we plotted a story that he was missing
We messaged you from his mobile
We thought that you would complain to the police, so we made you believe that we have already complained
And on the same day, we also wrote the sucide letter to make your believe in our story!
Even after doing all this, we got caught by you! We are sorry
We didn't do it intentionally
We will give you the share in money, what do you say!
Share? In which would you give me the share? In the crime which you have committed?
We did it because we were greedy for money
Money Money Money!
What do you have in money! Now I will give you how much ever money you want, could you get him back?
Are you people understanding what did you even do? How can you kill your friend for money!
He cared for us like our Mother!
Always remember one thing, you need money to live, but never live for money!
What would greedy people like you understand, just go away, don't even show me your face!
In this young generation, a person do not even have the value which money has!
Relationships doesn't have the value which assets have!
For all the people who love money more than relationships, we would like to tell you that relationships are permanent, but not money!
서울 다세대 주택에서 40대 여성 숨진 채 발견..."타살 가능성" - Duration: 0:53.
アニメ | 妖怪ウォッチ | アニメ の最新・人気情報を - Duration: 1:55.
Johnny Hallyday atteint d'un cancer du poumon, sa chimiothérapie - Duration: 2:21.
Fani Fayard médaillés d'or - Duration: 22:52.
Frage und Antwort Stream! | Pixelshooter bauen! - Duration: 2:05:06.
you want to what - Duration: 0:06.
You wanna f*** me?
[LIVE] PAINT - Hintergrundmusik optimieren - Duration: 1:35:42.
شرح طلب من الاخت Ritsuka Chan AMV ~ الوصف !!! - Duration: 5:26.
Minecraft Mapmaking Live: PIXELSHOOTER! | Halbzwilling - Duration: 1:17:28.
Minecraft Mapmaking Live: PIXELSHOOTER! | Halbzwilling - Duration: 1:15:57.
Bath to attract the love - Duration: 7:02.
Video Hi today I'll tell you as a bath is to attract love, makes
recently published a video explaining how to take a bath to attract money and
Many comments have asked me to do also one to attract love, well,
Today it is the turn to love bath, this bath you can attract love
do both in the shower or bath, as you see come to you, the ingredients
you'll need to make this bath are; some olive oil and some salt
fine, plus you'll need basil, it can be fresh or may be well dried basil
It is a good conductor for communication between two people, fosters dialogue and
a cordial communication and also avoids discussions, ie, basil will prevent
you have conflicts with your partner and if you do not have a partner that will promote good
communication with other people so that there will come a relationship, the
Cinnamon should not miss love and sticks, cinnamon sticks should be, you'll
provide sweetness, attraction, cinnamon is an aphrodisiac or sexual attraction is also
will enhance the and orange, orange and orange can be dry or may be the
peel of an orange, these three ingredients the need to use the orange also
fosters love attracts love, the method for doing this is; in a container with a liter
about water you put to boil and when the water breaks you have to boil
add a handful of basil, a handful of basil if basil is dried, if the
Fresh basil is a posy of basil, cinnamon two branches, two because it will symbolize
the person you want to attract or will symbolize you and your partner, so let's stick
in cinnamon symbol two orange what would be the bark of an orange, all
So when breaks to boil the water you add, and turn off the fire, caps and let all
That repose, if you've seen the video where I explain how the bathroom is done to attract
the money if not here's information on the card can see how it's done, you
then what you see when you finish watching this you look like is to attract money and
I explain in that video before a bath to attract us we have to do
a previous bath to eliminate negative energy and while they are resting all
herbs in water in a bowl prepare some olive oil with a handful
salt and leave it there section, as they have since reposed all herbs inside
you Cuélas water and throw in a jar or in a container and you go to the bathroom,
the shower, the tub with your bowl with salt and oil and your infusion jar
you've made these three herbs, one thing remains of herbs that have been in the
Strainer not go throwing away, the need to return to nature, is
say, if you have a plant in your house you can put on the ground floor
If you have a garden you can bury in the garden, and also tell; in your house
because this is where you want it to flourish then that love, we go with what we have prepared
the bathroom, if you're going to do in a shower the method is as follows; with
the preparation you have oil with salt have to rub, you get inside
the shower, you have to rub the whole body from the soles of the feet up because
that preparation we have done to eliminate negative energy that we can have eye
; do not I'm talking about witchcraft if not negative as good energy; disappointments,
annoyances you have with your partner disappointment because you can not find love, then that
It is a negative energy that is going inside and then running costs much it out, then
that salt with oil will help that negative energy is gone, as I say;
It must be from the soles of the feet up and if your skin also allows
you can wear it on your face, once you have already rubbed arms, back,
breast, whole, entire body with this mixture you rinse and visualize this energy as
negative is going down the drain, you explained this step with salt and oil owe
to whether the bathroom then you'll do it in the shower as if in the bathtub,
Once you've had your water and have visualized that all this negative energy goes down the
you have to take a shower drain in the usual way that you do with your soap
use with that soap, showering and once you've taken a shower that you have prepared infusion
with these three herbs you the need to pour over but above from head
and you have to feel like you're going to fall in front, behind, on the sides and longer
this and then you dry preferably with white towels, what will you do in the bathtub
; Well, filled the tub of hot water, not warm hot water, hot water
and pour the content that you have prepared infusion into the water and in the water
you get if you have to endure a little heat water get into the water, you
stay as approximately twenty minutes for all the pores of your skin go
impregnating either the infusion of these three herbs and when water and feel
cold, and feel warm and you get out, about fifteen twenty
minutes is recommended to take this type of bath, when can you take these
bathrooms ?, as well the day of love is Friday represents the planet Venus, then;
Friday, every Friday, whether the full moon, either the new moon, either
the crescent moon, and the moon waning, but as long as it is Friday you can
Always do you want, good for if you want me to say as other types are made
bathing in the comments below and you tell me if you liked this video give me a like
and see you next week, a kiss.
Salary Of Dance Plus Season 3 Judges 2017 | Per Day Salary Of Dance Plus Season 3 Judges - Duration: 2:15.
Salary Of Dance Plus Season 3 Judges 2017
Per Day Salary Of Dance Plus Season 3 Judges
MCPE 1.2 RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED by a community manager for Minecraft PE - Duration: 1:42.
테슬라 모델3 전기자동차의 돌풍을 시작? - 랭킹여행 - Duration: 4:27.
Model 3 is an electric car released at Tesla on March 31, 2016
It will cause wavelengths at the time of release, record 320,000 units of pre-order in one week, now waiting will exceed 400,000 people
Finally after waiting for many years, it was released on July 29, 2017
During the presentation, Eylon Mask released a comparative test video of side collision of Model 3 and Volvo S60
In the United States, Volvo is considered the safest car in the world
He introduces the advantage of Model 3 "Volvo is going to be the second safest car in the world"
We will introduce the price, specifications and domestic release date of Model 3 that many people expect.
1. Model 3 price
Price starts from basic 40 million won
Jerobek travels about 350 km with one charge and arrives in 5.6 seconds
A long distance model of 50 million won which added 10 million won to the basic form runs about 500 km and Jerobek is called 5.1 seconds
This mileage is subject to US EPA certification
You can completely add autonomous driving (10 million won) and premium package (5 million won) option here
The model 3 full option is about 65 million won, which is half the price compared with Tesla's top model
2. Design
In model 3, the roof of the vehicle is a long panoramic glass, but this gives a big open feeling as if it got on a helicopter
15 inch monitor around the indoor handle is designed simple at all
It also has a trunk on the front and there are more loading spaces than any internal size locomotive of the same size
Suppose that you have the greatest sense of space and driving performance compared to class cars
3. There is no key for model 3 car?
Tesla models S and X have provided smart keys in the form of small and cute cars
However, Model 3 supports NFC cards
Like when using buses and subways, you can open this door to the car and open the car's door
Or you can operate without a card with a smartphone application linked
4. Domestic release
Unfortunately we need it at the beginning of 2019 and we can see it in Korea
Korean model 3 selling price is around 50 million won ~ 80 million won
If you receive assistance of 20 million won subsidy here, you can purchase about 3 thousand to 6 thousand
Competition makers are planning to release various electric vehicle models in 2019 according to the release time
Can Model 3 answer to improvements and developments in the domestic automobile market in the future?
Shadow Of War Kumail Nanjiani As The Organizer Trailer - Duration: 1:49.
I am going to have your head i don't know
what I'll do with it when I have it but
I'll have it you wanted my blood but
instead you got your own blood
Oh that died almost as badly as you did
my character is in pork what's tough about
him is he wants to be badass and he
wants to be cool but he really
second-guessing himself and he
overthinks everything do you know what I
came up with this great deaths not like
I stayed up all night but now it's like
what if I say it and there's actually
not great I couldn't live with that he
writes his insult and then in a moment
he's not sure if they're good or or if
he can commit to them what sounds better
feel your life pay or crowded your blood
to a target no I hope me being in the
game doesn't ruin the game for me
because they really want to play it it's
gonna be tricky right because I'd be
like this that doesn't look like me but
he sounds like me so I don't want to
kill him
maybe I do want to kill him maybe I'll
just murder myself
I am going to put your head on a pike
which i think is another word for spear
they made it slightly different I'm not
sure but anyway it sounds better than
spear so yeah head on a pike
6 cose da fare quando avete paura che lei sia incinta - Duration: 4:18.
2017 Jaguar F - Duration: 8:59.
"It never gets old
" That's what The Drive's Ben Preston says as the 575-horsepower Jaguar F-Type SVR Convertible shrieks down a nighttime Brooklyn pier in our Red Hook neighborhood
He's referring to the Jaguar's infamous aural assault, an exhaust medley that makes a Porsche 911 sound like a librarian with laryngitis in comparison
This first Jaguar from the Special Vehicle Operations unit brings the noise with a new exhaust system formed from titanium and Inconel
Crackling, keening and backfiring, the sound reverberates off the spotlit Ikea to our right, and the spookily abandoned, nearly century-old grain terminal to our left
The lowered, soft convertible top only amplifies the maelstrom of fuel that Jaguar likes to detonate downstream in the exhaust
Seriously, dude, let's get out of here before the cops show up
The Jaguar's supercharged V-8 soundtrack, boosted via a console switch that opens the exhaust flaps, is guaranteed to make driver and passenger giggle like schoolgirls
The F-Type's nakedly sexy styling, nearly five years after the car's debut, still holds onlookers in its sway
To keep that feeling fresh, Jaguar now offers nearly 20 F-type variants, between coupe and convertible; rear-wheel-drive or AWD, and a range of V-6 and V-8 engine choices, including this year's 400-hp, "400 Sport" V-6
This fall, an intriguing, turbocharged four-cylinder F-Type with 296 horsepower drops the price of entry to $60,895 for the coupe
Say what you will about a four-cylinder Jag
But for people who don't need 500 horses, the four-pot is still one pretty sports car for barely 60 grand, including a frisky 5
4-second dash to 60 mph, a 155-mph top speed and a slender 3,360-pound curb weight
(Alas, a manual transmission will still only be offered on the 340-hp V-6 version)
F-Type R brings its supercharged sonic boom to NYC's Park Avenue TunnelMy F-Type SVR ragtop, in overkilling contrast, started at $129,795, and topped $132,000 with options
Glass-half-empty, that's a lot of money for an F-Type
So top off that glass, then mention to your bar buds that this convertible will hit an impressive 195 mph, with the SVR Coupe reaching a supercar-like 200 mph
The dash to 60 mph takes 3
5 seconds, just 0
2 seconds behind a certain supercharged Yankee: the 650-hp Corvette Z06 Convertible
Now consider, say, the wonderful Porsche 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet, with a 420-horsepower inline six (versus the Jag's 575-horse V-8), a slower 0-60 sprint (at 3
8 to 4
2 seconds) and a 188-mph top speed
Comparably equipped, the Porsche will set you back at least $150,000
Sure, you could go nuts on a far-less-powerful Aston Martin V-8 Vantage Roadster, or a Maserati GranTurismo Convertible, but now you're past $150,000 just for stripper versions
Ditto for the one car I might covet most in this class: The 550-hp Mercedes AMG GT C Roadster is one beautiful brute, but it starts from $157,995, or $124,395 for the standard 469-hp GT Roadster
Bottom line, the Jaguar may not be your cup of British tea, but it's hardly overpriced in the context of its competitive set
Jaguar cools its stylish heels in ManhattanWhether the SVR is worth a $25,000 upgrade over the 550-horsepower F-Type R is the bigger question
I'll give that one a "no
" Nor is the SVR a true track-day warrior, in part due to the chunky, roughly-3,800-pound curb weight that plays hell on brakes after a handful of laps
(Optional carbon ceramic brakes help, but an experienced driving instructor told me the Jaguar's carbon binders still get spongy in a hurry)
Road courses also expose the shortcomings of the eight-speed, paddle-shifted automatic transmission, despite its now-speedier shifts: It's great on the street, including creamy takeoffs from a standing start
But on the track, the ZF unit is dusted by faster, smarter transmissions like Porsche's dual-clutch PDK
Looking good from any angleYet at Monticello Motor Club in upstate New York, the SVR did prove to be the most track-capable F-Type yet
The greasy oversteer displayed by most F-Types—entertaining to a point, but a consistent lap-time penalty—is largely tamed by the standard AWD system, which can divert torque to the front tires even before the rears begin to slip
Despite the AWD interventions, the SVR remains frisky and its attitude adjustable, qualities I've always enjoyed in the F-Type
The SVR version sheds more than 100 pounds and boosts its aerodynamic game compared with the R, including an active carbon-fiber rear wing (which is a bit too boy-racer for a Jag), and a revised front splitter and rear diffuser that trim drag by 7 percent and boost downforce by 15 percent
The F-Type's steering, always heroically quick, is even quicker
The front stabilizer bar is five percent softer (versus Type R), and the rear five percent stiffer, to further goose turn-in
New, adaptive Bilstein coil springs sense and react to the road surface at 500 times per second, and the SVR can also shuttle torque from side-to-side
What stays constant is the sinewy goodness of the all-aluminum chassis, and of course, that amazing 5
0-liter V-8 Departing Monticello, the Jaguar—ever the gentleman—reminded me that it saves its best for the street, even if it's parking at a posh restaurant or cobbled estate
This Jaguar is almost supercar fast, but by design it's still a comfortable, everyday sports car
Even that sound remains a mellow, high-dollar burble whenever you're not hammering the gas
And don't delude yourself by dismissing the Jaguar as some purebred puss; on public roads, the F-Type SVR will tussle with anything
'Vette Z06, Nissan GT-R, Porsches, you name it
Quilted leather is sweet, wonky infotainment system sourSlabs of soft leather, metal, and carbon fiber make the SVR interior acceptably luxurious, but some of the old bugaboos remain
Those include a squared-off shift lever that's never offered a pleasant handshake, and perfunctory analog gauges that might be fine for cheaper versions, but just look cheap at these prices
The brand's new TouchPro infotainment system is far zippier than Jaguar's previous Neanderthal unit, but it doesn't matter when the system is always tripping over its digital feet, including by ignoring touch commands
Brush the analog volume knob, and a big circular "volume" dial fills nearly the entire screen
That dial makes you wait a good five seconds before it disappears so you can perform another function, such as changing a radio station
Too often, the non-intuitive system leaves your finger dangling in the air, as you wonder what part of the screen you're supposed to touch
AWD and 20-inch Pirelli P Zeros give handling a boostFortunately, drivers will spend more time fingering the aluminum paddle shifters and gripping the steering wheel for dear life
I found myself wishing for a rear-drive version, but then thanking the AWD gods during a rainstorm that barely dented the SVR's ability to claw the pavement and leave other cars in its wake
It was fun to hammer the throttle and convert low-speed turns into high-speed exits, with zero concern over an unexpected pirouette
As ever, people fairly drooled and draped themselves over the F-Type, though there are always exceptions
As I prowled through Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood, an explosive backfire from the Jag made a pedestrian ahead nearly jump out of his shoes
"Slow down!" the man demanded, even though I was traveling just 15 mph
Relax, dude, I wanted to tell him, or run and hide if you must
But the F-Type SVR won't be ignored
Culinary trip with Jacob Jan Boerma to Andreas Caminada and Emmanuel Renaut - Duration: 5:00.
It is amazing to show our colleagues in Holland.
What our friends do across the borders. And how they run their business and find their creativity.
What is just great, is that with Emmanuel Renaut at Flacons de Sel...
...as with Schloss Schauenstein from Andreas Caminada...
...that we have two Dutch who have made it as souschefs in these kitchens.
What is more beautiful than that we have more of our young guys going abroad?
Really hones. That can only be when we show what happens here.
It is crazy if you go really early in the morning.
It is better to see the nature and the animals.
You feel the nature more in the morning.
What is better than to go on the lake and try to catch the elusive fera.
Really an exclusive fish you find nowhere else in the world.
It is incredible.
Stay there Jacob Jan and look at the professional.
Emmanuel wanted some fish the first time.
I said... no, I do not give you any fish.
First you have to come with me on the boat.
To learn about the fish.
And than buy some.
Emmanuel Renaut is a chef that is really one with the nature.
He calls it his supermarket of his kitchen. I think that is amazing.
We have been in the nature with him. We went fishing and looking for mushrooms.
He also makes really special water, which is found high in the mountains in the wild.
That are things that really fit this chef.
When you use still water from here...
...the taste is just totally different.
We can swim Jacob Jan.
Not today.
I call Andreas Caminada the rock star amongst the real chefs in Europe.
He is such a fighter. He fought here for 10 years.
With 3 men in the kitchen. To achieve his goal, 3 stars.
Look here. Here.
This is amazing.
We have great products here. Products which are unique, the stories are unique.
It just makes sense for us to integrate it in our menus.
It does not make sense to fly in products from South America or else, when you can find it here.
Perch. Yes, the color.
Yes, that is beautiful.
We have seen his personal vegetable gardens, to see...
...how easy it is to grow artichoke. Well I can tell you one thing...
...it is not easy at all.
I have actually forced him last year to grow artichoke.
And it was such a succes. We had a big succes with the artichoke.
You know. These things really inspire me, it is something...
...we often say. That these are the bases of our success.
Great bite. Yes, this quality we do not have in Holland.
The reason I am here, is because the cuisine really appeals to me.
Also the products really inspire me.
Fresh local products and fish from the region.
We are always working with techniques in the kitchen. Always working with flavors.
But sometimes you have to thing simple. And these chefs do that.
They use their environment, they use the nature.
And that is actually the bases of their success.
I do not want to see what happens only in Holland. I want to see what happens in the world.
That is why I left.
I am not going to call this a vacation. Because as you might know...
...it is working day and night. Actually we left last night from Megeve to here.
Arrived in the middle of the night.
You know... it is part of our life.
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