One time, Princess Lieu Hang walked around the Earth
She met a little elf
- I know you follow the Mother Goddess religion
Why did you choose it?
What are the strengths of this religion?
- I am a strong believer because I love the Saints
There are many good points about this religion
- Oh, really? Tell me
- There are about five points
First, the leading figure of the religion is one of the four Immotals of Vietnam
I love her very much
- Oh, really?
- She represents the desire for happiness of citizens
Second, all the Saints are heroes of the country
They are born and raised like regular people
- Oh, you are so...
- The Saints are rather close to poor people like us
- Really?
- Third, like other religions
it directs people to be good and stay away from evils
The Saints have appropriate punishments
so that people can correct their mistakes
- You are quite subtle
- Fourth, this religion helps people achieve happiness in this life
without waiting till the afterlife
I like it so much
- Oh!
- Fifth, this religion respects others
if they share the same purposes and fight against the evils
I can only think of five points
Please forgive me
- Good. I will reward.
For more infomation >> Thánh Mẫu Liễu Hạnh vi hành trần gian - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 5:02.-------------------------------------------
A Bright Blue Tiny House By Nomad Tiny Homes | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 4:25.
Gyoza full of vegetables♪ ~How to make crispy thin wing ~ たっぷり野菜の餃子♪ - Duration: 5:09.
Gyoza(餃子) with beer(ビール) is Japanese culture(文化).
I suddenly got a craving to eat gyoza by this board.
Gyoza full of vegetables♪ ~How to make crispy thin wing ~
This time, I am going to make gyoza with plenty of vegetables. It's simple, so you can eat a lot of gyoza.
And I fry gyoza with thin wing to make it crispy. It's very tasty, so please try it yourself.
Prepare gyoza fillings.
200 g of ground pork.
1 tbsp of soy sauce.
1 tbsp of mirin.
2 tbsp of Shaoxing wine.(or sake)
1 tbsp of sesame oil.
1 tsp of cayenne pepper powder.
Knead them until it becomes sticky.
Like this.
Prepare vegetables.
Mince 300 g of cabbage.
1/4 bundle(30g) of Chinese chive.
Mince 100 g of onion roughly.
80 g of white leek.
2 cloves of garlic.
15 g of ginger.
Gross weight of vegetable is 540 g.
Combine with pork and mix lightly.
Wrap with cling film.
Let rest in the fridge.(at least 1 hours)
Wrap the fillings with gyoza skin.
This time, I use store-bought gyoza skin.
Spread about 15 g of fillings onto gyoza skin.
Press the fillings lightly to remove the air.
If you don't completely close the skin, the juices will come out.
This time, I make 5 gathers.
Shape gyoza like a crescent moon.
Like this.
Wrap with cling film.
You can make about 50 piece of gyoza by this recipe.
If you don't fry gyoza within an hour, sprinkle some flour over the tray in advance.
How to freeze gyoza.
Put a baking sheet on the tray and arrange the gyoza.
Wrap with cling film and put into a plastic bag.
Put in the freezer.
After 3 hours.
Frozen gyoza is done.
Fry the gyoza and make sauce.
Place 1 tbsp of oil onto unheated pan.
Arrange the gyoza and cook over medium heat.
Grate some daikon radish.
Sprinkle 2 pinch of flour.
Pour 100 ml of boiling water onto the gyoza equally.
Cover with a lid and turn the heat high.
Cook for 3 minutes.
Squeeze moisture from grated daikon radish.
Put some homemade Ponzu.
Put more Ponzu if desired.
Ponzu mixed with grated daikon radish called "Oroshi Ponzu" is done.
Sprinkle some pepper.
Put some vinegar and simple vinegar sauce is done.
Next, make soy sauce and vinegar sauce. 3 tbsp of vinegar.
2 tbsp of soy sauce.
2 tsp of mirin.
Put some homemade Rayu(chili oil) and Sujyoyu sauce is done..
Put some homemade Rayu(chili oil) and Sujyoyu sauce is done..
Pour some sesame oil.
Let the remaining moisture evaporate and fry it until crispy.
Put the pan on a wet kitchen cloth and place small dish.
Drain excess oil but be careful not to get burn.
Dish up to the plate.
It's ready to eat♪
Of course, I'll have beer with gyoza!
Look! Gyoza are cooked very crispy!
First, enjoy with Sujyoyu sauce.
Next, enjoy with simple vinegar sauce.
Very good!
It really hit the spot!
What I recommend the most is Oroshi Ponzu and Oba leaves.
It is most delicious combination for me.
Put more Rayu.
Please Subscibe Soon!
Fan-fiction Saturdays - (Dora & Diego) - Duration: 7:41.
hey everybody Factory six and today we're going to do another sexy
fanfiction so get ready for it you know actually these are my fucking cousins
like they're Finding Nemo so yeah I thought that shit well you know what
fuck it no I'm just gonna do the whole thing with the glasses on it make me
cool and shit
door linger and cousin Diego's bedroom hey Diego I really want to show you
something but you have to close your eyes first Diego turned from his window
and made a crashing we'll look at door she looked like she was up to something
trust me she said softly you're going to like it
Diego closed his eyes and waited 30 seconds eagerly okay she said softly
open your eyes Diego's jaw dropped Dora had a new blade
wrong Dora what are you doing he asked door
smile Diego I'm just giving you a present don't you want to open it up
it's decorated with a lace and everything he said we hid who's getting
really fucking hot with this jacket on like I don't I don't know white decided
to wear a fucking jacket it's fucking hot in this room shit Diego looked away
from his beautiful 18 year old cousin glanced out the window and saw the
sunset and a rainbow of orange pink and purple
Denny look back at door and saw a gust of wind from the window and brush her
hair over her face Diggle step closer to his newly nude cousin and brushed her
hair away from the face she smiled her eyes the spark
then finally Diego giving it to doors forbidden desires Diego leaned in and
kissed it was a hazard kissed but Diego loosen up and kissed her right and his
members rolled up in front of her Dora pulled away other than its mark Can I
grab it Diego was shocked he said I heard
nervously geez door I've never done anything like that before
then Dora made a cute curious look at Diego she started laughing Diego are you
a virgin he looked slightly embarrassed yes then
then Dora put one hand on his member over his tan pants she crusted gently making his
heartbeat loud she put a hat on him with his chin and
made him look at her there's nothing to be ashamed of and don't be afraid
she then kiss he on the cheek and the whispered in his ear it won't hurt she
smiled then I went in for kiss once more again
it sucked his tongue into her mouth she massaged his tongue with hers
all Diego could think was God when do I breathe suddenly a big breath came out of
Diego's mouth and Dora laughed have you been holding your breath this
whole time Diego Papes pretty much
a goal of this fuck wrote this track sheet is fucking crazy like mixed-up
fucking words and shit she last against Austin Peay a goal of this her last was
arrogant yet fully Pollock is that what support / / / / fucking next mine I
don't know what they're shining their white like in some some stupid shit like
liking a panicle disc it like panel well what is this panic of a disco song who
fuck cares do you have a condom yes sweetly against
her chest actually I have like 50 in my rescue pack the blue moons brothers such
a whole box of magnums in there as a prank those filthy sons of bitches Oh
Maggie really packing I'm real big Heat thank you
yeah but Dora are you sure you actually want to go through with this
do you really want to have sex with your cousin
yeah don't you she asked
well what if you get pregnant he asked
Diego she said gigging
pregnancy is the last thing I'm worried about
oh shit
Dora trying to get some of that fucking dick oh my gosh she don't give two shits, like...
that's all I need to hear
he said and he slips pants
his what following his slip on the condom and door slides her hands of his
chaste virgin Diego shiver what the fuck man he was in heaven he could just hear
he could just here the heavenly chorus sing
Dora laid herself down on Diego's bed
Diego mouth watered as he watched Dora breast bounced up and down
what are you waiting for she asked without hesitation Diego was on top of Dora delicious body
body suddenly unsure again fuck me damn it what are you waiting for
she yelled at him Dora gasps ... gasps Dora gasps and moaned with pleasure
Diego was overcome with he forgot he was with Dora
he forgot who he was
he even forgot his name
only thing he could feel was his junk inside of something other than his hand
all of that stopped when Benny the bully came crashing through the doors
his face lite up red with anger
you whore you won't fuck me but you'll fuck your fuck your cousin
fuck you Dora
Benny no... no wait
she cried and hard to get....
she cried and try to get out from under.....
I can't speak fucking English today
she cried and tried to get out from underneath Diego
But Benny was already gone
holy shit
I don't even know what to say that is like ......
that wasn't really hardcore sex we were looking for but like
I don't know but
the only question is like
where the fuck is Benny
Thánh Mẫu Liễu Hạnh vi hành trần gian - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 5:02.
One time, Princess Lieu Hang walked around the Earth
She met a little elf
- I know you follow the Mother Goddess religion
Why did you choose it?
What are the strengths of this religion?
- I am a strong believer because I love the Saints
There are many good points about this religion
- Oh, really? Tell me
- There are about five points
First, the leading figure of the religion is one of the four Immotals of Vietnam
I love her very much
- Oh, really?
- She represents the desire for happiness of citizens
Second, all the Saints are heroes of the country
They are born and raised like regular people
- Oh, you are so...
- The Saints are rather close to poor people like us
- Really?
- Third, like other religions
it directs people to be good and stay away from evils
The Saints have appropriate punishments
so that people can correct their mistakes
- You are quite subtle
- Fourth, this religion helps people achieve happiness in this life
without waiting till the afterlife
I like it so much
- Oh!
- Fifth, this religion respects others
if they share the same purposes and fight against the evils
I can only think of five points
Please forgive me
- Good. I will reward.
Halo 3 – Believe : Museum (Live Action VOST) - Duration: 1:14.
Can you tell us what you remember about the battle ?
We'd been fighting for a while.
On the seventh day, we ran out of ammo.
We had to scavenge all we could from the weapons that had been left behind.
The pistols,
shotgun rounds,
a handful of grenades...
Do you remember where you were ?
When Master Chief armed his grenade,
I was in the back of an overturned Warthog, firing an M41.
How did you manage to keep it together ?
We knew Master Chief was still in the fight.
He gave us hope.
Video #5 (a): Breed Focus: The Pandikona Dog by Mr. Kodanda Ramu Reddy [Subtitles in English] - Duration: 7:04.
Hi, this is Ramu.
I am a native of Kurnool. I am a software professional in Bangalore. I work for HP.
This video is about Pandikona dogs.
We are trying to cover whatever information we could,
- to give more exposure to this breed.
First thing, I am not a dog breeder.
I just wanted to let you know because I don't want people calling me for dogs
I am just trying to bring awareness among people,
- about this wonderful breed.
Which has evolved naturally into very good and sturdy dogs.
These dogs are very strong, very loyal and very intelligent.
They are relatively immune to diseases that usually affect other dogs.
There is no selective breeding of these dogs.
In Pandikona, only a dominant male mates a female.
Hence, these dogs have evolved naturally.
These dogs come in a variety of different shades.
There is no particular pattern with skin coat shade,
- in Pandikona dogs.
One can see: a combination of black and white, pure black,
- completely white with patches of red or some other mixed colors; it can be of any shade.
These dogs have a very good and obvious bone structure, unlike other free-ranging dogs or pye-dogs.
These dogs are free-ranging. No dogs are tied at home.
Each dog has its own territory or boundary, and they roam freely in the village,
- and get into fights very frequently (with each other).
These dogs take their guarding duties very seriously.
And do not allow anyone to trespass in their territory without their master's presence.
They can coexist with other farm animals without any issues, but few dogs have more prey drive (than others).
Such dogs are given away to other villages.
Only quality and well-behaved dogs are kept in the village; like they should not bite people for no reason,
- and they should not kill other animals like sheep or hen.
Dogs which have all and only good qualities, stay (kept) in the village.
You will know the difference when you get to own a Pandikona dog.
To get a dog from Pandikona, you need to travel down to the village of Pandikona and get it from the villagers.
And it is not the practice in Pandikona to sell dogs for money.
They basically give dogs and pups to people in their farming circles and shepherding circles.
I have seen many dogs being picked up by police officers,
- and other government officials for guarding their farms and houses.
The reason that these dogs are strong and fierce is because, this terrain used to be home to leopards, jackals,
- wild boar and many other wild animals.
And these dogs were used to defend -
- against these leopards and mostly wild boar.
Since these villagers are traditionally cattle herders, these dogs were and still are,
- used effectively as shepherd and livestock guardian dogs.
I want to mention one more thing: you get to see markings on these Pandikona dogs.
These are made by the villagers, with hot iron to improve the immune system of dogs.
This is a very old practice that the villagers follow to keep their dogs healthy and strong.
I have witnessed many dogs crossing 14 to 15 years of age.
That shows how strong and healthy the dogs are in the village.
Most of the Pandikona dogs come to heat twice in a year, with a litter size of five to eight pups.
Now let us go to Pandikona and see these beautiful dogs.
I am Adhi Narayana from Pandikona village, Kurnool District.
Ever since my childhood,
- I have been keeping dogs.
The dogs from my village,
- are generally brave and fierce.
Next to our village is the forest, which is inhabited by Leopards, Wild Boar and
- Jackals.
We keep these dogs for guarding our homes and our farms, and mainly our livestock. When the sheep go into the forest for grazing,
- the dogs protect them from Jackals; deter and sometimes fight them to guard the sheep.
Pandikona dogs are of good height and build.
Overall, they can be termed as,
- medium-sized dogs.
And these are strong and powerful dogs. We have given some dogs and pups to different states and districts.
Police officials have taken Pandikona dogs for their homes.
Officials from the Collector's office have gotten pups from here, and pups have also been taken to other states.
Pandikona dogs are synonymous here for their strong sense of loyalty and strength.
This has garnered a notable reputation for the village.
These dogs are primarily work dogs and are raised for that purpose.
They accompany their masters or the bulls to the fields in the morning.
They remain there until dusk and return to their respective homes in the village after sunset on their own.
Both the pups you see here are from my village. As you can notice, they are strong and powerful for their age.
Both these pups are just over 2 months old. And both, are from the same old line,
- which our elders bred in their time. We have tried to preserve the same line by maintaining them.
There used to be a dog in every household in the village.
A very special thanks to Mr. Venkata Ramana Pasila for his original efforts to shine light on the Pandikona dogs.
End of Part 1
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