For more infomation >> PHILIPPE COUTINHO - NOT FOR SALE | GOALS & SKILLS |HIGHLIGHTS - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
VW Polo - Duration: 0:51.
Opel Meriva - Duration: 1:05.
VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:07.
Opel Astra - Duration: 0:52.
Opel Astra - Duration: 0:48.
Opel Astra - Duration: 0:51.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:53.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:54.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:50.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:52.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:47.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:47.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:51.
Ultime notizie: Al Bano e Romina Power in tour: la scaletta del concerto | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:40.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:53.
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 0:44.
Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:08.
VW T6 California - Duration: 1:06.
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 0:42.
How To: Green Screen for Interpreted Videos ⎮ ASL Stew - Duration: 12:11.
[JI] Hello, I'm Jill.
This is ASL Stew.
(♪electronic music♪)
So today... I am filming in front of a green screen.
Now, this green screen is actually painted on the wall.
So what I am going to do is show you how to
use this green screen to make interpreted videos.
Kind of like what I showed you in my e-portfolio.
where I was standing there and I had the video in the background.
So I'm going to show you that scenario.
Obviously you need to have a green screen.
This one has a specific color,
which I can try to find the name of the color.
If I can, I'll leave it down below in the description
or something close to it.
But you can paint like I did which is a more permanent solution
because previously this was used as our filming room and that was it.
So we could paint it and it was cheap.
Now we are actually changing it to a nursery
so that means we're going to cover this up.
So I will have to purchase a green screen.
If I do buy one then I will go ahead
I will let you know maybe on ASL (Stew) Life and give you a review.
But, now I'm going to film this
and then I will use this and show you on the editing page what to do.
So now I'm going to transition to the editing screen with the bubble interpreter!
OK, so now I'm going to show you the editing part
of using the green screen for making interpreting videos.
Umm, now the video that I'm going to put up here in the corner
and what I'm saying are not going to coincide.
Just because I didn't actually record myself interpreting something,
but you'll get the point of what you do and what it looks like.
So, I set up a new project in Final Cut Pro (X).
So you just go into File, which you can't see what I'm clicking.
But you'll go into File, click New,
and then you'll click Event, you'll download your video,
and then once you have your event, you'll set up a new Project.
So I just set up a new project and here is the clip that I downloaded.
So just click and drag it into the screen.
I'll just show you here.
Then as you can see here, I do have audio.
So if you're doing what I normally do,
which is interpreting, and you want to use the audio from the video clip,
then you'll just double click on your trackpad,
detach the audio, click and hit the Delete key.
That gets rid of your audio.
But I'm going to delete this clip because we already have it here.
This is just the introduction.
The rest of this is where I would put the video.
So what I am going to do is
I'm just going to use one of my videos to demonstrate.
But you can take a video from online if it's public domain
or a video that you've made yourself
or that someone else has made that you can permission to use,
and download the video.
So I'm just gonna go into our most recent vlog
which is "So Much Paint!".
Which is on the ASL Stew Life channel if you haven't seen it.
I'm gonna take this clip because it has good lighting.
I'm just gonna take the whole clip
and I'm just gonna drag it and stick it ON TOP of the other clip.
So now let's go back to our video.
So as you can see, if I move the cursor,
you're only seeing the vlog video until
here we go we're seeing the green screen again.
So just put your cursor somewhere right in the middle of the video right here
and when I click on the video, you're going to notice there's this button here.
This is the Transform button.
So I'm going to click the video so it's yellow.
I'm going to click the Transform button
and then you're going to have these little dots.
So you can squish the video if you'd like.
I'm going to click Edit at the top and Undo that.
But what I'm going to do is click it in the corner,
click and drag it in to make it smaller.
OK, and then I'm gonna click and move it.
So normally when I film on a green screen,
I always make sure that I'm filming a little bit over here and off to the side.
That way I can make the video itself kind of...
let's say about this size.
Then I'm over here interpreting,
but this is just a demonstration so it doesn't matter how big the video is.
So I'm just gonna make it about yeah big. OK?
So now we have our video, the one that we'd be interpreting for
and the green screen of what we're interpreting for.
Now, normally you'd have to sync these together.
So I would go through and let's say I'm talking here
blah, blah, blah... you'd have to sync these two.
So you'd have to kind of take this clip and move it to about here
or to about here or whatever.
So you would have to sync the videos up
which really isn't that hard.
So you just go down here... so let's say it started saying
"Hi, my name is Jill..." and here it took me a minute,
I just kind of move my cursor until I'm ready
and then that's about that.
So syncing them is not too hard.
So, as you can see here... (garbled audio)
there's audio on this top clip
and that's the audio that you want to use.
When you are recording yourself on the green screen part,
there's going to be audio on there because
you're normally listening to the video.
So make sure you take the audio off of the green screen video
and leave it on the original video. OK?
So I'll do that for now.
So now we still have this green screen
which we don't want as the background for our video.
So what I'm going to do is
I'm coming over here to the bottom right corner
and I have a little button here, it says Show or Hide The Effects Browser.
So let's say if it was clicked on this one, you're gonna click on this.
Then it's gonna say Video.
You're gonna go down to where it say Keying, K-E-Y-I-N-G, Keying.
There's two options.
I'm going to pick, just Keyer.
So there's Luma and there's Keyer. I'm going to take the Keyer.
As you can see, it shows a preview of what it's gonna look like.
So I'm going to click and drag it onto the green screen part of the video.
So now it takes away the green screen.
This right here, this static looking,
that's because I had a shadow when I was filming.
So be careful about that to avoid shadows,
but ours was just a quick demonstration. So that's why it is there.
So now I need to add a background
because I don't want to have a black background.
So I'm going to come up to the top left
and it has a little "T" button here.
It says Titles and Generators. I'm going to click that.
Go to the Generators and I have all of these options that you can pick.
So I want something pretty neutral.
So I'm going to pick the Organic background.
So it's going to look kind of like this.
Or you can just pick Paper...
you want something that's pretty neutral.
Pinstripes would be OK, even Retro,
but I'm going to pick the Organic.
We're going to click and we're going to drag it UNDER the green screen video.
So don't put it here. I'll show you what it looks like.
If you put it in between, it's going to....
cover up the green screen which we don't want.
So I'm going to take it and move it UNDER the green screen.
I'm going to drag it out so it matches our video.
As you can see, now I have a background behind me.
So I'll just let it play for a few seconds.
I'm just going to disable the umm... get rid of the audio here
just so that you don't hear background noise.
So this is what it's going to look like now.
So, as you can see, this is what it would look like
if you set up an interpreted video.
So you would have your main video playing here.
You would have yourself interpreting here.
Then you would have your background.
Again, you can change out this background.
If you wanted something that's darker,
click, hold, and Replace.
Then just drag it out
and then you have a different background.
As you can see, this one doesn't look good for interpreting
just because it's got all the dots on it.
If you wanted to, you could literally just have a black background.
If that's what you wanted.
Again, it's just gonna kind of depend on your preference,
but I didn't like it because it had the static.
So I'm going to go back to the Organic.
I feel that one had the best option for me.
So Replace and then just.... there you go!
So, that is pretty much what you do.
Then from there you can add on any effects you want to.
If you want to put a watermark on here, you can do that.
Umm... again, sync up your video
so that your video and your interpreting match.
You can make the interpreting video lag a little bit
to mimic more of a natural interpretation
OR you can, because it's pre-recorded,
you can take the interpreted video
and sync it so it's literally almost in real time with what the video is saying.
So it doesn't really look like an interpretation.
It looks more like somebody is signing and talking right at the same time.
So there's no lag.
Uh, talking and signing at the same time so there's no lag.
So, that's pretty much what you do.
I hope you guys have enjoyed this video.
If you have any other questions about what to do for the video...
like I said if you guys really want to see how to do this in iMovie,
let me know. That's a little bit trickier.
Final Cut Pro X is definitely worth it
if you do any sort of video editing.
It's a little bit expensive,
but you definitely get your "bang for your buck" as they say.
So, hope you guys have enjoyed this video.
If you have, please click LIKE.
Remember to subscribe and click the notification bell
so you get notified when new videos come out.
If you want to provide support for our channels,
you can so do by checking out our Patreon page
for a monthly donation with cool perks.
Or through Ko-fi for a one-time any amount donation.
We really appreciate all of your support.
I'll see you in the next video. Bye!
[JI] (sighs)
[JI] Oh my legs!
[JE] (laughs)
[JI] (laughs)
(♪chill electronic music♪)
Sonoma County Real Estate Market Update, May 2017 - Duration: 4:38.
The May real estate market numbers are in and we are in full swing of the peak buying
If you are curious as to what is happening in the Sonoma County real estate market? Stay tuned.
Paul Brelin Century 21 NorthBay Alliance
Hi, this is Paul Brelin of Century 21 NorthBay Alliance helping you to achieve your real estate dreams and goals.
. This channel will inform and educate you on
all things real estate in Sonoma County, including market updates like this one.
In this video, we'll be taking a look at
where May median home values went in Sonoma County and drill down to what home prices
are doing in your local area as well.
But before we do that let take a quick look
at interest rates.
Interest rates are staying at 2017 lows.
The fed just raised interest rates a quarter of a percent.
There is no need to freak out here.
The Fed rate hike only effects short term interest rates between banks and most likely
will not directly effect what buyers will pa for financing.
The last time the Fed raised interest rates, mortgage rates trended down.
So lets all take a breath and carry on. Ok, let's see how the market has done in
In Sonoma County as a whole we are seeing
median home prices trend up .5% month-over-month and 7.64% year-over-year.
As a reminder, median home prices are an indicator what price point the pool of buyers are most
interested in.
The average time it took to sell a home in
May was a brisk 47 days, down from 55 days in April.
A year ago in May, homes sold in average of 58 days, indicating that the hyper-sellers
market continues to intensify over time.
On average, homes got 100% of the seller's
asking price in May, down from 101% of the asking from in March.
"New listings" trended down 14% month-over-month
and down 28% year-over-year.
"Homes sold" trended up 19% month-over-month
and down 7% year-over-year.
Ok, let's see what is happening in your
local area.
Music please.
This wraps up my May Market update for Sonoma
Go ahead and subscribe if you like my videos and share them with anyone in Sonoma County
who cares about what is happening in the local real estate market.
I hope you use this information to make the
best decisions for yourself and your family going forward.
And remember, the agent you use, matters.
PHOTO EVIDENCE: John McCain Officially Joins The Dem Party – Is He a Traitor? | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:13.
Millions of Americans have been suffering high deductibles and premiums under Obamacare
for years.
They were counting on Senate Republicans to do the right thing and vote a repeal through,
but we have been BETRAYED!
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), long ago made himself an enemy of the American people.
Now he's officially joined the Democrats and Progressives.
Traitor John McCain just stabbed millions of American voters in the back.
He gave the decisive "no" vote that keeps Obamacare in place, reported The Daily Caller.
Afterward, the smiling McCain went and celebrated with the Democrats on the Senate floor–all
caught on camera!
For years, we've been fighting for the moment when a Republican House, Senate, and Presidency
could finally eliminate the monstrosity that is Obamacare.
It seemed like we were finally about to get it.
McCain, 80, is insufferable.
Old age has caught up with him.
He couldn't even come up with a good excuse for letting the American people down.
He cited "bipartisanship" as his reason for voting "no" on the "skinny" repeal
While the skinny repeal bill wasn't as comprehensive as the initial Obamacare repeal bill–which
McCain also voted against, it still removed some of the most burdensome measures of Obama's
signature policy.
For instance, it would have gotten rid of the individual mandate, with its disastrous
and immoral penalty.
It would also have eliminated the employer mandate for eight years and given states greater
flexibility, CNN reported.
It's what conservatives across the country want.
It's what Republican lawmakers promised on the campaign trail–but McCain was never
actually a conservative.
Remember, he loves calling himself a "maverick."
The word "maverick" seems to be code for "opportunist."
McCain plays both sides of the aisle.
He's not in it for the American people.
He's in it for himself.
If John McCain is such a fan of bipartisanship, why does he favor a program that was passed
without a single Republican vote?
If McCain really wanted bipartisanship, the sensible move would be to repeal Obamacare
(which is anything but a bipartisan law) and then work across the aisle in coming up with
a replacement.
We all know what's going on: John McCain is bought and paid for by the same globalist
interests as the Democrats.
Traitor McCain threw the election to Obama in 2008.
By doing that, he allowed the creation of Obamacare.
Now, he's preserved his baby.
All the years of complaining about the ACA was a sham; a lie.
McCain's vote to repeal while Obama was still in office was nothing but a ruse.
McCain never wanted to get rid of it.
He's the biggest enemy Americans have in the Senate, and he's the perfect example
of why we need term limits.
One has to wonder if he were forced to receive his cancer treatment through Obamacare, would
he have voted for a repeal then?
Should traitor John McCain be forced to use Obamacare himself?
Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below!
Sonoma County Real Estate Market Update & Home Market Forecast, June 2017 - Duration: 4:33.
Welcome to my June Sonoma County Real Estate Market update and home value forecast.
You don't want to miss this one. Stay tuned.
Paul Brelin Century 21 NorthBay Alliance
Hey what's up ya all, this is Paul Brelin of Century 21 NorthBay Alliance helping you
to achieve your real estate dreams and goals.
This channel will inform and educate you on all things real estate in Sonoma County, including
market updates like this one.
In this video, we'll be taking a look at where median home values went in Sonoma County
last month and drill down to what home prices are doing in your local area as well.
In this mid-year update I've included Zillow's forecasts' for the year ahead.
First let take a quick look at interest rates.
Good news for buyers, interest rates are trending down and hovering around 2017 lows.
It is a misconception that some folks have out there that a Federal Reserve interest
rate hikes translates into higher interest rates for home buyers needing financing.
Ok, let's see how the market has done in June.
I've included median home prices as well as average home prices in these charts for
For this update, I'm primarily concerned with median home values.
In Sonoma County as a whole we are seeing median home prices trend up .63% month-over-month
and 12.85% year-over-year.
As a reminder, median home prices are an indicator what price point the buyers are most interested
On average, homes got 98% of the seller's asking price last month and is unchanged both
month-over-month and year-over-year.
On average it took 51 days to sell a home, up slightly month-over-month and flat year-over-year.
Home for Sale, Sold and Pending are all trending up month-over-month but curiously new listings
trended down 24.4% month-over-month which, if that trend continues, will further tighten
up an already tight supply of inventory which is sitting at 1.7 months.
In other words, if we stopped listing homes today, we would be sold out of homes in 1.7
This is knows as a hyper-sellers market.
Let's take a look at some of Zillow's trend forecasting charts.
According to the wizards at Zillow: Sonoma County home values have increased 7.3%
from a year ago and is expected to have a 1.8% rise over the coming year.
More geographically specific: Santa Rosa home values have increased 6.9%
year-over-year and is expected to rise 1.8% over the coming year.
Forestville home values have increased 9.9% year-over-year and is expected to rise 2.2%
over the coming year.
Healdsburg home values have increased 5.3% year-over-year and is expected to rise 1.7%
over the coming year.
Oakmont home values have increased 9.4% year-over-year and is expected to rise 1.6% over the coming
Penngrove home values have increased 6.5% year-over-year and is expected to rise 1.7%
over the coming year.
Petaluma home values have increased 8.3% year-over-year and is expected to rise 2% over the coming
Rohnert Park home values have increased 8.2% year-over-year and is expected to rise 2.2%
over the coming year.
Sebastopol home values have increased 7.8% year-over-year and is expected to rise 2.1%
over the coming year.
Sonoma home values have increased 3.1% year-over-year and is expected to rise 1.6% over the coming
Windsor home values have increased 5.9% year-over-year and is expected to rise 1.7% over the coming
This wraps up my May Market update for Sonoma County.
Go ahead and subscribe if you like my videos and share them with anyone in Sonoma County
who cares about what is happening in the local real estate market.
I hope you use this information to make the best decisions for yourself and your family
going forward.
And remember, the agent you use, matters.
[HD][VOSTFR] Primary - Hello (feat Lena Park) - Duration: 3:44.
Transgender Military Ban | Matt Karnuk - Duration: 4:32.
Hey, everyone it is Matt Karnuk um so right now
It's the morning well for me, and I was say good morning, but at the moment. It's not really feeling like quite
What I would call a good morning, and I will explain
Why in a moment
So I was originally planning to make a video talking about why I didn't upload
anything within like I think like the past week and
Um I actually stopped the Thursday after the last Wednesday
I uploaded and I do have a reason for it which I can't tell you guys the reason for that. It's a little bit
It's a little bit personal within my family, and there's just some things going on and it's just
It's been really emotional and it's been kinda stressful, and it's just something I need to get through and soon. I'm going to be moving out and
After that hopefully things will be a whole lot better. I just need to get myself into a different environment
It's been
because of that
It's been a struggle to do what I do because of I don't know like it's just
Sometimes I feel really motivated and then other times it just makes it so hard
but hopefully we'll be getting past that really soon, so
unfortunately today our
President Donald Trump
tweeted something that absolutely
boils my blood to the extreme and I
Thought I would talk about it because it
personally it's making me upset and I
have a very big opinion on this and I'm
I'm just not happy like it. Just's I woke up in a good mood
I saw that and then it went right back down so as usual. He's always always tweeting something okay, so in trump's tweets. He says
Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the us military our military
must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical cost and
disruption that the
Transgender in the military would entail thank you
Okay, first of all
Transgender people are not a burden in any type of way
And you saying that is going to make every single
Transgender child teen out there think this you're got like
what if you are part of the lGBTQ community in any way actually no way it really doesn't matter if you're
freaking human at this point
I hope you know that you're not just some
Problem to the world and just because you have this or that as part of your life. It does not make you a
everyone has things are a part of them that makes us different or make our lives harder or
Might make parts of our lives more expensive, or it might hold us down
Or I don't know like there's just there's all kinds of things out there, but it doesn't mean that. It's a problem
Transgender people have the right to be who they are no matter
What field is they decide to be in and does that matter what they're doing they have the right to be a part of it
and for
someone to
Take away all of this from a person is just wrong
It's bad enough that now school systems. Don't have to protect transgender
students, and
It's just I feel like that everything's being taken away from Transgender people right now
And is it honestly is making me really upset and we need to change this like immediately this video was probably all over the place
I'm just really emotional. I feel like a mess. I haven't made a video and
feel like a week, and I've been like trying to decide what to do next or what to say because it's just
It's just been crazy lately, honestly it really has been if you actually understood anything
I was trying to say in this video because I don't remember the past like five minutes at all
Please give a big thumbs up make sure to subscribe
I make videos every Wednesday and Thursday, and I'm going to do my best to keep up with that and
Somewhere around the end of august that should be everything should be fine. I promise everything will be okay, all right
Well, I will see you guys next time. I hope you enjoyed this and maybe you'll enjoy others
I don't know alright peace bye
[HD][VOSTFR] Primary - Mannequin (feat Beenzino et Suran) - Duration: 4:04.
ya azizu ka wazifa | ya Allah wazifa | ya azizu ka wazifa - Duration: 2:44.
Tiffany reveals the digital release date for Girls' Generation's new album 'Holiday Night' - Duration: 1:02.
Tiffany reveals the digital release date for Girls' Generation's new album 'Holiday Night'
Tiffany. Instagram.
The release date of the physical version of Girls Generations 6th album was revealed to be August 7 but there was no word on the release of the digital release date.
However, thanks to Tiffany, fans now know that they will be able to download the digital version starting on August 4.
Meanwhile, SM Entertainment confirmed that the physical album will be released on August 7 but stated that the release date of the digital album is still undecided.
Are you excited for the girls return? In the mean time, stay tuned for further updates! .
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" / "Blade Runner" - Badaptations (Chapter 3) - Duration: 20:02.
Hello, and welcome to Badaptations
[Record Scratch] Hi and welcome to . . . Cataptations [Laughter]
[Badaptations cover of "One More Kiss Dear"]
[Badaptations theme song still playing in background] This time we will be reviewing
*Blade Runner* the film, *Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?* the novel and . . .
there goes the cat.
We thought this would be timely as *Blade Runner 2049* is coming out this year
[Epic music, gun shots]
Um, I don't know if I'll be seeing that one. I don't have high hopes for it.
Stephanie: No, but if you see it and you absolutely love it, send us some kind of message (send us
a messenger pigeon) and let us know that it was awesome and something we should check out.
[Trailer for *Blade Runner 2049*] [woman's voice] "You bought a war"
[Harrison Ford]: "What do you want?"
We'll start off as we usually do with a really quick summary
So, I'm gonna talk about the film first. It was released in 1982; directed by Ridley Scott,
starring Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard, Sean Young as Rachael Rosen, and Daryl Hannah
as Pris. But, basically Rick Deckard is a bounty hunter and he is hired to kill replicants
(which is different from the book). But his job is to administer this empathy test which
is called the Voight-Kampff and if they fail then they're an android or . . . replicant
(sorry, that's gonna get confusing). If they fail the test they're a replicant and
it's okay for him to then kill them.
The reason there are replicants is that we're in a post apocalyptic, radioactive, like mess
of an America.
So, people have been given replicants as an incentive to go off-world so if any replicants have
gotten back to earth it's because they must have killed their masters.
But that's sort of the backdrop there. They're considered criminals, they're super strong,
and they're pretty intelligent.
One of the replicants is Roy Baty. And he's the leader. We also have Rachael Rosen who
we find out is a replicant with synthetic memory (so she didn't know she's a replicant).
And we also have Pris Stratton who's basically like a sex bot.
The film is about Rick hunting down all of the replicants and at the end he has his
final face-off with Roy Baty.
[Stephanie] The book, which was published in 1968, called *Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?*
was written by Philip K. Dick (who is a prolific science fiction novelist).
I have never read this book and I never saw the movie. And I just watched the movie and
read the book so that we could do this.
The book still has most of the characters, but in different iterations. Rick Deckard
is still a bounty hunter, but instead of hunting replicants he's hunting androids or "andys"
are what they're called (kind of a demeaning term).
Rick has a wife who's not in the movie. Her name is Iran [Stephanie messes up pronunciation]
but it's spelled like the country (Iran).
And then there's another character who has a different name, his name is Johnny Isidore.
[Amy] I don't know if he's given a different name?
[Stephanie] He is. It's J. F. Sebastian
[*Blade Runner* film clip] [J.F Sebastian] "What's your name?" [Pris] "Pris."
[Sebastian] "Mine's J.F. Sebastian."
[Stephanie]: So Isidore brings up questions about intelligence and disability.
So there are "antheads" and "chickenheads" and those designations simply say what the
level of intelligence a person is and determines whether they can get out of this toxic environment
that's on earth and go and immigrate up to Mars where it's better apparently . . . but
not really better, and this is where the androids come in who are escaping from Mars and their
positions of servitude.
There are six that have escaped. I'm gonna name them because we talk about them and they're
different (the names are different) from the movie.
There is Roy Baty, there's Irmgard Baty (I will put that on the screen because I know
I'm pronouncing that wrong), and then there's Pris, Luba Luft . . . and . . . yeah, so there
are six that Rick has to hunt down and so he's also interacting with the Rosen Corporation,
because they designed these very complex androids who blend in seamlessly with society, to figure
out if his test, the Voight-Kampff, would actually work to suss them out rather than
accidently pointing out a human.
And so, Rachael Rosen is there, but she plays a very different role with Rick and the book
actually ends not with Rick interacting with Rachael as much (Rachael gets some good revenge
which we'll talk about at the end)
[Vintage film reel bleeping]
[full Badaptations cover of "One More Kiss Dear"]
[Stephanie] But it actually ends with Iran, Rick's wife, dealing with Rick's
kind of breakdown and his desire for an animal that has been kind of ripped away from him.
Animals are also a status symbol in society. So there are electric and real ("real")
animals because, like Amy said, they're extinct.
And so, this is a motivating factor in the book that really shows the reader why Rick
is going after androids even when he's starting to question the ethics and morality of
killing the androids.
And so he only has an electric sheep which is where the title come[s] from. But his electric
animals are very, very lifelike. They get sick, and they can almost die, and it's
almost to the point where you mistake real from fake.
[Amy] You talk about ersatz a lot which is supposedly inferior quality, but like really
hard to tell, and so that's the whole point with the androids; it's not just a book
about robots, it's more about humans and how we define what it is to be a human.
[Stephanie] In the book you have this very interesting spectrum where the androids (which
are almost human-like) have a lesser position in society and can be willingly killed versus
the animals (which are almost taking priority over humans.)
[Amy] Anyways, the book takes place in one day. He [Rick] has already retired three andys.
So he started out with Polokov, and then he finds Luba Luft.
[Stephanie] Luba in the book. In the movie she is Zhora and she does a sexual snake act-
[Amy] She's an exotic dancer- [Stephanie] And it's because of the snake
that Rick even finds her. So, the replicants in the movie are pretty sexualized.
[Amy] The *female* replicants. Especially since Luba Luft is, in the book, she is
an opera singer. So that's symbolic of high society.
Can androids dream? Is one of the questions he [Rick] asks and he says well, Luba must
have dreamt because she wanted to be an opera singer. So she came to earth so she could be that.
So she's very much high culture which plays against our expectations of androids. We think
that high culture is reserved for humans: not animals, not machines. We don't get
that in the film. They're just sex slaves.
It is commentary in a different way though, in saying that men create women replicants
only for sex.
The death scene of Zhora is she . . . she's only had time to put on this clear . . . [laughing]
who owns a clear plastic raincoat except for like Hannibal . . . but, she puts on this
clear plastic raincoat and so Rick shoots her out on the street and her
basically naked body is splayed out for everyone to see.
Rick Deckard realizes that there's a flaw in the Voight-Kampff [which] is that they don't
test empathy toward androids. Deckard realizes he's starting to empathize with, well, only
the female (the sexy) androids.
He kind of decides he's- after this he's not gonna retire andys anymore but of course
he's still got three left to kill.
[Stephanie] Rachael is, plays a role in the book in helping track these andys down but
it's very different because in the movie it's played up as this god awful romance
thing. In the book . . . [Amy] She actually is the one manipulating
him and sleeping with him
[Amy] In the film there's a rape scene. They try to play it off not as a rape scene,
but it's clearly. . . um Rick Deckard is . . . he throws Rachel up against a wall
[Stephanie] And he blocks her from getting out and she's trying to leave. He like blocks
the door.
[Amy] And the way that they try to justify it is that she can't feel emotion so she
can't act upon emotions even if she wanted to.
In the book Rachael is like a bounty hunter for the androids because when she goes to
Rick and they rent a hotel room she manipulates him into sleeping with her because she says
afterwards: No bounty hunter (except for one, Phil Resch) has been able to retire andys
after having slept with me.
So she's seeing to retire Rick as a bounty hunter.
[Stephanie] She knows she an android in the book. In the movie it's this sad, sad recognition.
She has like a little picture of her family that she brings to Rick and she's like See,
I, I, do have a family and I'm a person and I'm real; and then he breaks it to her
and she's sad and she can't handle it.
[Amy] We also don't have the whole Mercerism plot which sort of is this religion, pseudo
religion in the book where [Stephanie] If, like, LSD, Scientology, and
Christianity were mixed together in a pot and then baked in an oven, Mercerism would
come out.
[Amy] I guess the main point is that androids can't fuse with Mercer even the "chickenheads,"
the "specials," the people who have been deemed sub-intelligent humans, they can still
fuse with Mercer which proves that they're still human because they have empathy.
[Stephanie] And Deckard is actually just a step above being considered a "special."
So, Johnny Isidore is "chickenhead" level and so the names are indicating the size of the brain.
[Amy] Isidore is the special, but he actually has more empathy than Rick Deckard.
Isidore finds a spider, brings it in to show Pris who he's kind of like got a crush on.
And Pris is like do they need so many legs and Irmgard is like well, let's see what happens.
[Stephanie] So they cut the legs . . . it becomes a science experiment. It's an empathy
exam in this book.
[Amy] Pris and the Batys are saying like We're not treated like humans; meanwhile they're
mutilating this spider.
[Stephanie] So in the book Pris actually . . . again because it's a dystopic world . . . there
are a bunch of abandoned buildings and so Isidore lives by himself in this large, concrete
awful, decaying- it's called . . .
[Amy] Kippleized
[Stephanie] Kipple, yeah! So Isidore lives with a ton of kipple in this building and
so he's just been moving because he's figured out a way to combat it so he can live
in different spaces. And one day he notices that somebody else is there and it's Pris.
And when he first meets Pris she actually introduces herself as Rachael and the description
that's given to the reader reads as Rachael's description.
She has long, beautiful eyelashes and big eyes, so she is the Rachael model and she's
even using Rachael's name, but she's definitely not Rachael, she's Pris.
[Amy] In the film, she's like out on the streets and she's decided to cover herself
with trash (she's basically homeless) and Isidore finds her. I think he's . . .
I don't really know what he's doing but he builds little creatu- toys
[Stephanie] They're so creepy. [Amy] They are very creepy.
[Stephanie] It's the creepiest scene humanly possible. Besides making really creepy doll
things he also designs the replicants.
[Amy] Rick Deckard knows that Pris is hiding out in this apartment. So, he goes to find
Pris, she's disguised herself as a doll because of all those toys.
It's this amazing scene. There's a closeup on her eyes. I think eyes are a really important
[Stephanie] The replicant eyes glow, including the owl, which is a replicant. And then the
non replicant eyes don't glow, so Harrison Ford's eyes don't glow. So that's one
way you can tell if they're replicants or not.
[*Blade Runner* clip] music boxes playing, toy laughing
[Stephanie] She like tries to kill him with her vagina basically
[Amy] Yeah, yeah, she launches her vagina at his face.
[*Blade Runner clip] (Pris attacks Rick in the abandoned apartment)
Roy is the creature from Frankenstein; Frankenstein's monster. He meets his creator!
[*Blade Runner* clip] "I want more life, father."
[Amy] So one thing about the replicants and the androids is that they have a very limited
[Stephanie] They're [the humans] afraid that they're [the replicants] gonna become
empathetic and emotional if they let them go past a certain time. They wouldn't be
able to tell if they're replicants or not. In the book their motivation . . . the androids'
motivation is to come down and escape this really awful enslavement and in the movie
they just want that extra time is their big motivation.
[Amy] Tyrell gives this sort of bullshit explanation
[*Blade Runner* clip] [Tyrell] "You were made as well as we could make you." [Roy
Baty] "But not to last." [Tyrell] "The light that burns twice as bright burns half
as long, and you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy."
[Amy] The replicants are more intelligent, they're faster, they're stronger,
[Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" in background] so for some reason they have to
die faster too. [Music stops] And Roy kind of for a moment seems to like accept
that and then . . .
[*Blade Runner* clip] [Roy] "Nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for..."
(Music intensifies)
[Stephanie] It's like Daddy Issues the Movie
[*Blade Runner* clip] Vangelis's "One More Kiss, Dear" plays
[Amy] In any case Roy is the last one left other than Rachael. And there's this chase
throughout the house.
[Stephanie] He takes his clothes off and there's no reason
[Amy] There is no reason
[Stephanie] It's just gratuitous man porn
[Blade Runner clip] Roy: "I can see you!" *howls*
[Amy] Rick makes it to the roof, Roy sees him there, and Rick is now hanging off the
edge of the roof, but Roy pulls him back up.
[Blade Runner clip: Roy hoists Rick back onto the roof] [Cinematic synth music in the background]
We get *the* most iconic scene; *the* most
famous scene from the film which is the "Tears in the Rain" monologue.
[*Blade Runner* clip] [Roy] "I watched C-brams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."
[Amy] [it's] sort of a moment where the audience is supposed to, well, finds empathy with Roy,
right? [talking to Stephanie] You didn't find it?
[Stephanie] Oh my god, I hated this scene so much! This was like, ugh! Where the fuck
does a dove come from?
[Amy] Yeah, the dove is a bit like 80's films.
[Stephanie] *Where* does the dove come from!? Just gonna throw that out there. It like bashes
you over the head with the symbolism.
[Amy] Yeah, the symbolism is that he is like somehow started to become empathetic or something
because only humans are empathetic with animals.
[*Blade Runner* clip] rain and light music in background, no dialogue
[Amy] So, I think I know what you're gonna rate this film. What did you think?
[Stephanie] Before I get a bunch of hate mail because I know how iconic and beloved this
film is . . . I like sci-fi movies for the most part, I don't read a lot of sci-fi
like Amy because I don't study it, but, I mean . . . I loved Alien so, but this movie
I was just watching it and I kept thinking to myself How many times do I have to watch
it before I really fall in love with it? Uh, Harrison Ford is just playing Harrison Ford
and he hasn't stopped playing Harrison Ford since . . . Star Wars (so . . . I don't
know, maybe mix it up a little). This film seemed like a really weak, watered down, take
out some plots and stick it all together behind this beautiful, amazing scenery and so I can
appreciate the scenery and I think that is something that saves the film but the plot
itself . . . god, what, I don't . . . what, what was that? What did I watch? What did
I watch? Help me out, because I still am not like . . . write me a really long letter and tell me why I should
love the plot of this film and I will read it and I will re-watch it.
Badaptation just because it was, I didn't enjoy it as a film, it wasn't that enticing
or interesting, and it just did a really poor job with whatever source material Dick had,
it didn't take the interesting bits except that dystopic scenery.
[Amy] I mean I'm going back and forth because there's so much complexity that the book
has time to put in that the film just can't do. The reason I'm going to give it a more favorable
rating is one: just to be contrary, but two: it's because I think the film and all the
people who made the film were very conscious that they're not just doing a straight adaptation
so that makes it hard for us to grade it because it's not trying to be like the book. Like
it changed a lot of names, it changed the *name* of the film.
[Stephanie] Remember, you study sci-fi, so you have the whole weight of the science fiction
[Amy] Exactly, I'm gonna give it a Goodaptation because otherwise my advisor is gonna kill me in my sleep
Goodaptation, but with a lot of reservations
so, I mean, I think that rape scene is... I think if I watch it [the film] again I'm gonna have
to fast forward through it. I really like the costuming. I think that's iconic. Costuming
gives you a lot more commentary then even like the dialogue does.
So I mean, I think, yeah, I'm gonna give it a Goodaptations mainly based on how the film looks
which sounds bad - it sounds very shallow - but it has had such a big influence on science fiction.
So as always we really appreciate comments. Please like and subscribe to our channel.
[Magical sound effect]
[Stephanie] So thanks for joining us and if you have recommendations for future books,
let us know.
[Amy from behind the camera as if she is the cat]: Meow [Badaptations song begins playing]
[Stephanie] Amy's been turned into a cat
[Amy still voicing cat] Thanks for watching!
[Stephanie] Thank you!
He's happy.
[Badaptations cover of "And Dream of Sheep" by Kate Bush]
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