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Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2017: Bob Rockwell & Peter Mandorf 1/2 - Duration: 22:14.
¿Existen mensajes ocultos en la Biblia? | Preguntas y Respuestas - Duration: 2:46.
NFL Fantasy Football | ESPN Top 5 Fantasy Options - Duration: 6:43.
ESPN fantasy football
l top five
I'm about to get you right
welcome to another
exciting episode of skill I'm your host King Coopa J and today we're going to
be talking about ESPN top five fantasy football player rankings now let's just
jump straight into it I'm a big-time ESPN Fantasy playing machine in a near
future I'm going to be posting links in the description to my ESPN Fantasy
League teams so you guys can come and sign up and play and have me kicking
butt out year and talk trash on this channel which would be great on some of
you guys probably you know tough like that you know you probably give Coop a
challenge but I have won several championships so anyway let's get it in
number one on ESPN top five fantasy list list they have Le'Veon Bell now my
number one is definitely David Johnson I feel like he's more durable I feel like
Le'Veon Bell has too many wolves he get injured
plus he has Antonio Brown we don't know about Big Ben so he kind of like drops
on my list but definitely David Johnson is my number one overall pick man he's
been getting in for the past two years there and I feel like he's just a
overall the best solid option if you had him last year you was probably winning
like a mug so definitely David Johnson is number
one off my board number two on ESPN top five fantasy list
they have David Johnson I have Antonio Brown now this is the situation since I
put David Johnson number one they put him at number two which he's definitely
not a number two he should be number one or everyone's board I have Antonio Brown
in number two now you're like King Coopa J why would you take Antonio Brown in
number two and you wouldn't take Le'Veon Bell at number one you're crazy
listen all right Antonio Brown is dangerous
he's a threat like he's out of this world
he his run after the catch is superb you know the dude is phenomenal even
without Big Ben I'm scared of this guy right so with that being said if you're
not taking David Johnson you need to take Antonio Brown trust me on this number
three on ESPN top five fantasy list they had Antonio Brown now again I have
Antonio Brown number two I feel like he needs to go as soon as possible you
don't want to face this guy they have them in number three which is too late
because somebody in the top two will pick this guy so you will suffer but
trust in the Coop you have my pick Julio Jones now if you don't get in
Antonio Brown you need to take Julio Jones this dude put up 300 yards in one game I
feel sorry for the guys who and women who had to face this guy last year
during that game luckily I didn't but that's not something I'm trying to see
so if you're not getting Antonio Brown you need to be making sure you're taking
Julio Jones alright because he's elite him in that run and had that connection
they both solid players they always in the top five like every single year
passing and touchdown receiving yards it's a solid option especially if you're
planning on taking Matt Ryan you want that combination all right number four on
ESPN top offensive list they have Ezekiel Elliott not my book I
have now you're going to be like wow I know Le'Veon Bell I have him at number
four he doesn't drop too far on my list but he does drop now this is why I won't
take Ezekiel Elliott right especially if you're like getting into fantasy right now and
your draft is like way before the season start so we don't know what's going on
with this guy we don't know if he's going to get suspended or not it's too
much stuff going on so I have to trust and Le'Veon Bell on this one to go ahead
and you got him at number four he's a solid option
hopefully he doesn't get hurt and just crush everybody because I don't plan on
picking them this year but again definitely and he's good for the top
five or five I really it really doesn't matter but I have them in number four I
think he's worth the pick there at that position now all of you guys probably
thinking I'm crazy you should be top three but it's just the way it is man dude
is just how it is sometimes alright moving on number five on ESPN top
five fantasy list they have Julio Jones which is excellent not okay my number five
pick I have Odell Beckham jr. why because I got Julio Jones number three
if you're not getting Antonio Brown you damn sure better get Julio and if
you ain't getting Julio you for damn sure better make sure you have Odell
Beckham on your team if you somewhere in them top five picks and your snake lot
whatever it is you better make sure one two and three those three receivers you
better have one of those guys on your team or you're going to have a really
really really rough season alright I don't have to say too much and I know
some of you guys are like over Brandon Marshall there Oh Sterning Shepherds is
there oh Eli aint the GOAT this that man shut up listen to me alright Brandon
Marshall is cool he never had a guy like Odell Beckham jr. there Odell Beckham
jr. never had a guy like Brandon Marshall even though he ain't - Brandon
Marshall like that we when he was with Fitzpatrick that year he had like 14
touchdowns and was like leading the NFL in offense when he was paired with
Eric Decker you know but again Odell Beckham jr. especially if you don't get
Julio especially if you don't get an Antonio Brown I can't stress it enough
you don't want to see those three guys week in week out they get it in you know
so there's ESPN top five here's my top five you be
the judge let me know what you think in the comments section if you're new to
this channel make sure you hit that like button definitely subscribe because
we're going to be doing a whole bunch of fantasy football talk see you next time
Sonic® | Bourbon BBQ Dunked Ultimate Chicken Sandwich Review! 🥃🐔 - Duration: 5:14.
hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for ya this time
headed over to Sonic America's drive-in because they've got a trio of all-new
dunked chicken sandwiches on the menu right now and given that I know you guys
saw the title to this review I think you know which one I'm going in on so let's
do just that yeah peep this out let me go for the bourbon bbq dunked
chicken sandwich please oh no just a sandwich by itself that's fine
you got it that's it great thank you so they've also got a
garlic parmesan as well as the classic Buffalo version of this sandwich and I
almost did get that garlic parmesan because I'm a fan of that but guys it is
the summertime so I had to do the bbq I mean wouldn't you hey how you doin'
hi welcome my name is blanca it was the ultimate dunked chicken the bbq one you got it it's gonna be $7.06
awesome thanks any condiments oh no just plenty of napkins please thanks
okay it's bbq sauce you got to have napkins right awesome thanks so much
have a good one alright is this gonna be a slam dunk in flavor let's peep this out
here we go with one of the latest here at Sonic America's drive-in the all-new
bourbon bbq ultimate chicken sandwich and right off the bat we've got
that shiny brioche bun which seems to be all the rage at most of the fast-food
places these days let's pop the top and see what we've got here a very drenched
looking chicken fillet guys and I have to say this is my first time having the
chicken here at Sonic and that is a pretty thick piece of meat that they
give you here it looks really good and it does look like it's coated pretty
well as you guys can see by the sauce on the very top of the bun as well as on
the fillet itself here underneath it it looks like we've got some of those deli
style pickles that are sticking out there along with some onions a generous
portion of both of those it looks like they're not too bad overall to add a
little bit of crunch a little bit of acidity I'm sure but really really a
thick piece of meat guys and I'm definitely done with the whole
summertime theme of this particular one but there you go it's the all-new
bourbon bbq ultimate chicken sandwich here at Sonic let's peep out
this flavor try the new dunked ultimate chicken sandwich this is how you Sonic
there's a nice little hint of barbecue sweetness in the air guys and I'm
absolutely diggin that on top of the look of the dark bbq sauce itself
not bad it's the bourbon bbq ultimate dunked
chicken sandwich here at Sonic hmm wow that is a rich and sweet bbq sauce as
I think you'd probably expect bourbon bbq sauce to be it's not really
like grit your teeth sweet but it'll definitely get you right in the very
back over here with the amount of sweetness that it's got I do like the
breading on the chicken itself but I do have to say the chicken on its own is a
little on the dry side but then again it is white meat but the bbq sauce is
helping in the moisture department and the pickles and the onions are adding
some nice snap let's keep going you really can't go wrong with some sweet
bbq sauce on a lightly breaded chicken breast guys it really goes very
very nicely here the bun though is a little on the smashed side so it's really
just holding things together it's not really fluffy it's decent but I'm glad
that it's doing its part because there's plenty of bbq sauce on this and the
pickles and the onions on the bottom again adding some nice crunch to it
overall it's just a very very tasty chicken sandwich even if the meat itself
is a little on the dry side but I'm still diggin' it you know I gotta say
for me personally I think the sandwich could benefit with a little bit more
tangy nice added to that bbq sauce maybe a little bit of spice even because
the sweetness although it's not crazy high it definitely feels a little
sweeter than normal for me and that's but again I really think a little bit
more tanginess a little bit more spiciness would have gone a long way to
really take this one up a notch considering the type of meat that it's
using I mean guys a thick chicken breast with some spicy barbecue sauce on top of
that I think that would have gone a long way
one more shot of a chicken breast on the inside guys they definitely don't skimp
on the amount of meat in the sandwich for sure but I do wish that it was just
a little bit juicier on its own but as it stands it is very very tasty because
of the thickness so I think you'll enjoy this if you've got a hearty appetite but
that's just my $.02 on one of these all new dunked ultimate chicken
sandwiches here at Sonic but what do you guys think does this one at least
look to deliver at least in the presentation of it and if you've had it
already what do you think of the overall flavor for what they're pushing with
this version of it drop those comments down below and definitely let me know
and that's for the overall score I'm going to have to give the bourbon
bbq ultimate dunked chicken sandwich here at Sonic America's drive-in a decent
7.5 out of 10 it's a good first outing over here at Sonic from my
first experience having one of their chicken sandwiches but I got to say the
sweetness of the bbq sauce needed just a little bit extra for me and the
price point guys I gotta tell you is definitely up there I mean a little over
$7.00 after-tax with no fries in a drink that's asking a lot
still it's a hearty chicken sandwich and if I was driving by a sonic with no other restaurants around
I might swing on by and get this one again and I emphasize the word might
just saying and those are my thoughts on this one as I close out another episode
of peep this out guys and like I always say I've got new content every single
week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review coming
real soon in the meantime stay frosty
man filming in-car food reviews and 100 plus
degree weather here on the west coast guys you gotta love it you know now
that I think about it maybe I'm glad this bbq sauce had no spice in it I
don't know if I could've endured it but I definitely would've tried 'cuz I
love you guys alright until next time I'll talk to you soon
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