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For more infomation >> Dr. Alla Brouk, MD Anti-Aging PRP Expert NY & NJ (646) 494-3572 - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Life as a Utber S.1 E.1 - Duration: 3:02.
Niana Will Guess Your Age | Niana Guerrero Age Challenge !!! - Duration: 2:51.
a passion d'Emmanuel Macron pour les cordons bleus inspire un artiste - Duration: 1:00.
Fat Cupcakes :D - Duration: 1:56:14.
a passion d'Emmanuel Macron pour les cordons bleus inspire un artiste - Duration: 1:00.
This Is the 2018 Honda Accord - Duration: 0:02.
The TRUTH About Multi-level Marketing (MLM) #Confessions - Duration: 24:22.
I have a confession to make I don't know if it's a confession
anymore...I've been outed in the comments section of my last video about MLM or
multi-level marketing I've been acting as a double agent been working at the
Russians before you judge have you ever been offered three beautiful women to
pee on you complimentary if you just do whatever
glad Amir says no so don't judge me and I went along with it and next thing I
know I'm compromising my integrity my morality and I'm making videos with the
pure intent of undermining the economics the companies of the United States of
America with the intent of obviously world domination and I'm sorry
I know that network marketing multi-level marketing companies are are
incredible they're they're really the companies that changed the world I mean
we hear all this in the news about about Google and Apple or going back in time
you know General Electric or Ford but these aren't the real companies that
change the world it's the companies that get people to sell crappy vitamins to
their friends and family and the companies that you know have like
financial services where just anyone can become a financial adviser and tell
their friends and families how to invest I mean those are the companies have
changed the world it's not the warren buffett's who actually learn about
finance and then lead great companies and share wisdom it's
it's the mum-and-pop who know nothing about the stock market and then join
some company where they get paid a commission every time they give
investment advice to their friends and family investment advice they are not
qualified to give and that is exactly what makes this dream so beautiful
because if you had to be qualified to give financial advice you have to
actually know how economics works or you know how the stock market functions then
not anyone could do it and if just not anyone can do it then where's the
American Dream in that and so I am so sad to say I'm embarrassed to admit that
I have been working undercover trying to to attack these these great companies
and centers of innovation in our world and I'm so sorry
so sorry
just kidding this video is 5 more reasons why you should never ever join
multi-level marketing and MLM network marketing or whatever name they're
calling it these days don't join let me go through ten five reasons why you
should not so to explain the first reason I need to break down actually
what multi-level marketing tends to be 99% of the time it involves a product or
collection of products like 20 different types of vitamins and selling that
product but in reality because the products tend to not be very good and
I'll talk about that later in the video the selling of the products isn't really
the best business model the way you really make money is recruiting other
people into the scheme or the company or whatever we want to call it so in order
to make money nine times out of 10 99 times out of 100 more like you need to
be recruiting other people to join it for you well let's focus on the product
let's say for example the product was actually good well then one part of
being in an MLM involve sales right and if you're good at sales then why would
you be selling like an MLM or low price vitamins or something like that when you
could be selling real estate cars insurance things where you can easily
make six figures if you're really good you work hard and you're selling a lot
if you're gonna be selling why pick a low value overpriced product when you're
not gonna make very much money on each sale now there's also the recruiting
element I'm going to talk about that in one at the later point so stick around
along those same lines make sure to stick around to the end of the video if
you enjoy laughing or being happy because I'm gonna go through some of the
best comments left on the past MLM video now the second reason not to join an MLM
is that you are dependent on this other company let's say this company goes out
of business after two years you're screwed
right and this happens a lot way more than you would think and so what you've
done let's say you actually have managed to succeed in an MLM right you've
hustled you've worked hard you've actually recruited tons of people 20 30
people you selling some vitamins or jugo juice or this not juco juice sorry
jugo juice I love you but like super juice or whatever that stupid stuff as
they sell you've done it all and you're actually making good money and then the
company goes out of business which happens again more than you would think
you now lose it all and you're starting from scratch
now there's a couple scenarios here you can say well my company has been in
business 30 years like there's some big MLMs that MLM again multi-level
marketing network marketing there are some big ones that have been around a
long time so ask yourself how well is it gonna go to pitch your friends and
family if you're selling a product that has been pitched into the 1970s where
you're like hey I have these new cosmetic products that people have been
selling for forty years and trying to recruit you and you've probably said no
a dozen times on the other hand you get the new and exciting company and they
come in and they're like hey there's no one else in your city that sells this
yet you can be rich and then six months later they've went bankrupt and you look
like an idiot because you've burned all your networks by trying to sell the
stupid thing to friends and family so not exactly a good scenario either way
they're now having made the last video I can predict some of the things people
will say in the comments and they will say well that can happen in any business
right a business can fail and you're screwed but it's different so let's say
you have a normal job and you work for a company and that company goes out of
business and you've been working as a commission only sales person Sally and
say cars and the car dealership goes out of business
well you've now developed a skill and a reputation where you can go to another
car dealer and you'll likely start at the same income you are at before and
you might lose a bit of your network because you're selling a different brand
of car and so your customers might not stay with you but you'll get back on
your feet pretty quick right you're not starting from scratch in network
marketing a big part of it is recruiting everyone you know and then having them
like pay up to you well if the business goes out or the company goes out of
business I should say how likely are your friends and family gonna be like a
ten remember that last time you recruited me for that stupid company
that went out of miss and I lost all that time and money
do you have another great you know suggestion we can do probably not gonna
happen on the other hand let's say you own a store that sells products so
instead of being like network marketing selling vitamins you open a vitamin
store and you carry different products what if one of those lines of products
goes out of business you're screwed right
no you just bring in other lines of products and most stores you're gonna
have multiple lines anyhow so maybe if one of your products like you're
carrying Dan's line of super-annoying guy vitamins and that goes out of
business because why wouldn't it then you might be in a little bit of trouble
for like a month and then you can find a replacement product and sales will be
fine and more than likely if the product or the company went out of business it
was a crappy product so it wasn't selling that well anyhow so in either
case whether you have a job or working for yourself in a legitimate business
you're not going to get screwed if the kind of master company goes under in
network marketing you will because you have no more products you get no more
commissions and in many cases if you watch the John Oliver video about this
you'll see that a lot of people end up buying a lot of stock and if the company
goes at a business you're in trouble with that as well now at this point it
if you watch the other video too you're thinking alright Dan like you're telling
me what not to do what should I do don't worry I'm planning on making a
video on alternatives to multi-level marketing and a whole thing on some
other ways to be an entrepreneur if you're looking to work for yourself I'm
working on a whole new video about that so be sure to subscribe to the channel
and you'll be the first to get that as well when I release it now the start of
the video I talked about if you are a salesperson you could make a lot more
money selling like real estate let's talk about the other part of multi-level
marketing which is recruiting hey Bob you want to be in a multi-level
marketing company no okay hey Cindy that's kind of thing right and if you
happen to be really good at recruiting like you're great at getting friends and
family to get involved and I had some comments in the last video where people
said like I make I made money with multi-level marketing I was really good
at recruiting or whatever it was do you know how much more money you
would make if you worked as a professional recruiter I just want to go
through some math with you generally if you are a professional recruiter like a
corporate headhunter you earn roughly it varies sometimes it's even more but
roughly three months salary for someone you place so think about that you
recruit someone and you put them in a job now that's probably easier than
recruiting someone to join multi-level marketing let's say it's the same
difficulty for the purposes of this video but I would guess it's actually
easier to recruit someone for a real job but either way when you recruit someone
for a job you earn three months of their salary so let's say someone is earning
$100,000 a year you would earn twenty five thousand dollars as the recruiter
who placed them with that company so if you happen to be really good at selling
you could be selling real estate and earn a lot more money than in an MLM if
you happen to be really good at recruiting become a professional
recruiter and you can earn way more money than recruiting people into an MLM
as well as you're building a positive Network rather than being someone who's
like trying to push network marketing down your friends and family throat it's
a professional recruiter you're gonna build a huge network you're gonna know
people at tons of companies and if you ever want to change positions or do
something else you're gonna have a really powerful network instead of a
network that you burnt and ruin by doing network marketing so the fourth reason
to never join an MLM is that most of the time the products are going to be
overpriced this happens for a few reasons but one of which is the
compensation structure so in order to be paying out all these commissions to
their people and having the money to recruit and do all these events they
tend to be overpriced products if they were really great products that could
compete in the market they would probably be competing through other
channels right not always this isn't always the case and no I have not tried
every vitamin crystaled super juice whatever out there but in many cases the
products are not that good and that's why people focus on recruiting people
into the whole you know pyramid thing instead of actually just selling the
product so if you again if you're wanna be a sales person why not sell a better
product than something that people don't necessarily want to buy and with most of
these companies probably all of these companies
you need to actually pay to join so that sometime is a membership fee sometimes
it's pre buying product so you have to buy $500 worth of vitamins or something
in order to you know be the sales rep either way you're paying money up front
so if you're looking for like a side gig or a way to make some extra money do you
want to start with something where you're paying out a lot of money before
you even know if it legitimate if it's going to work for you anything like that
most real companies do not make you pay to get a job at least in the first and
second world right you know like hey I would like to work for your company how
much does it cost so think about that right if you have to pay to get involved
and I know people wrote in the last comments and I'm gonna actually get two
comments out for this and they were hilarious people wrote in the comments
about you know how they have succeeded and and the people who fail it's because
they don't know what it takes and that could be true right it could not be true
also but let's see it is true and you know only one in a hundred succeed
because the rest didn't have what it takes well if you don't have what it
takes do you want to be investing all this money and wasting it upfront and
and it's not just you know maybe five hundred dollars there's if you watch
some other videos about this sometimes people get in five ten twenty thousand
dollars in debt from buying products and investing in this kind of business
before they realize that it's never gonna work for them and same thing if
you do have what it takes right if you're one of the few who have so much
hustle like you call everyone you know you're working 12-hour days and all this
again you'd make way for money doing a legitimate business than you would do in
MLM so don't do MLM do the legit business and if you have what it takes
you'll be way more successful than than doing whatever random network marketing
thing it is and I have to say before I started filming this I tried to think
about kind of reasons when people should join multi-level marketing just to show
the other side and I thought about a few scenarios and none of them really make
sense there's always a better way to go no matter what it is if you're
stay-at-home parents and you're looking to earn a little bit of extra money you
could probably be doing freelance work on the side and earn more
if you are you know wanting to become an entrepreneur and you have no training
and then why not become an apprentice for a really successful entrepreneur and
learn from someone great rather than like your friend who just joined this
network marketing thing a week before really no matter what the scenario is I
have not been able to find one where I would advocate joining network marketing
so for all of you who sent me questioned like hey I'm thinking about joining this
company what do you think about it the answer is puke smiley always so you can
keep sending them to me and I'll keep replying with the puke smiley but I'm
not gonna say like well actually this one makes a lot of sense you should give
it a try now without further ado let's get into the comments from the last
video and some of my responses to criticisms questions and all kinds of
good stuff like that so let's get into a few of the comments from my last video I
want to start with one that was actually quite positive because of you I did not
get involved with world financial group thank you for this great video question
how does one become a legitimate life insurance agent this is why I made this
video is to try and save people World Financial Group almost recruited me
actually when I was out of school and I had started a recruiting company because
I thought that a lot of my friends were getting jobs like that weren't really up
to their skill level and so I wanted to create a recruiting company where I
really figured out like what people would be good at and then help them get
that job which is kind of weirdly what I do now but with the entrepreneurship and
this woman was like so excited like yeah I'd love to hire you and then it turns
out she was just trying to enroll me in World Financial Group and like I wasted
hours making a presentation for them and stuff so what I like about this is
you're asking how do you become a legitimate life insurance agent because
like I said in the video if you're good at financial advising or you're really
into finance stock market or an insurance side of things then become an
independent insurance agent or stock broker or financial advisor and you'll
make way more money than you will doing it as part of world Financial Group
which is as bad as it sounds so one of the things that people in multi-level
marketing love to do is talk about all the successful people who promote
multi-level marketing so this comment is you might want to look at some of the
things that Tony and Richard Branson Robert Kiyosaki and
Kevin Harrington say about network marketing and MLM I'm more impressed
with what they say than someone I've never heard of talk about it first of
all never heard of me Dez area Wow that hurts my feelings so a
couple points here one is I think some of the quotes that are given to network
marketing or Mis quotes the same way this quotes attributed to Einstein that
he never really said and then people in network marketing put a quote with a
picture of like Richard Branson and or like he said this so that may be the
case but what I will say is everyone who talks about network marketing like these
famous people there either they own a network marketing company or
they're professional speakers and surprise-surprise network marketing
companies need to keep motivating their people cuz they're depressed and don't
like it maybe that's my opinion they pay for a lot of speakers so if you are a
motivational speaker you it's in your best interest to be Pro multi-level
marketing if you come out and say it's bad you might lose 30 or 50% of your
speaking gigs because these companies hire a lot of like personal development
gurus and that kind of thing what I said would say to this comment is have any of
these people made their fortune from MLM did Richard Branson get to where he is
starting an MLM or being in an MLM even not starting one that's a whole
different scheme but being in one none of them did they all made their money
different ways and now they say yeah mo I'm czar fine because either there are
people pleasers or they want speaking gigs or they're just kind of talking
like off the cuff randomly like maybe Richard Branson was that a speaking
event and someone asked like what do you think a network marketing is like sure
it's a good way to make some money I guess and then it becomes like Richard
Branson promotes network marketing there were a few comments that were amazing I
have to admit one of my favorite things now has become mine in my hammock
drinking some wine and replying to comment on this video
some are hilarious some are giuse off-base so a couple people make the
argument about companies and governments are also multi-level marketing so we
have here Ashley says network marketing is not bad you've just been approached
by the wrong people think about it most people's jobs are pyramid scheme you
have the CEO who gets a commissioned from all his employees but
what do they get only a certain amount per hour that's the ceiling they hit
that's not really so look up pyramid scheme just because you have a hierarchy
does it make something a pyramid scheme everything since the beginning of time
has a hierarchy where there's usually a leader and sub leaders and that kind of
thing that is not a pyramid scheme by definition a pyramid scheme is that you
only make money if you bring people under you to keep feeding the beast
right so if I have a company and I'm making money which happens to be the
case and then I hire employees that is not a pyramid scheme I am paying them up
front to do a certain job regardless of how much we make many companies lose
money they still pay their employees so regardless you're paying your employees
and yeah they're just not the same thing at all right the pyramid scheme means
you have to recruit others into the system that's not how companies work
there are many very successful companies that have ten employees and that's all
they have and there they all get paid well and they all make money that
argument doesn't add up police' shares here thanks so much for
sharing your story so many brainwashed robots commenting here hating on you for
talking the truth I made the mistake of joining our bond and ran after a month
it was so cold like no one actually is making money except for the leaders at
the top who have no morals and love soliciting people Lisa thank you for
commenting but as a member of a couple cults in my day I'm offended because
cult provide a lot of a lot more value than most multilevel marketing companies
do i kind of was I was in like a fraternity and stuff like that so it's a
it's a cult not really no I'm kidding just calm down people
Henry true comments this guy is a loser just because he couldn't succeed he is
hating on everyone else what a loser thanks Henry tell me about it I heard a
rumor that this guy's a virgin too he lives with his parents and he basically
is just a chronic masturbator all day what a loser this dreams around the
world do this some other guy did EV says what business background do you have
that you can teach other people to Succeed in Business it can be considered
a scam to try to get people to subscribe to your page so you can
paid I don't know if that's what a scam is but okay you will try to get
companies to pay you for trying to capitalize on people's fear I don't
think that's how this works but okay you can also sell people information to
other people's informations to other companies as well almost every business
structure looks like a pyramid scheme again we need to differentiate between a
pyramid or a hierarchy and a pyramid scheme just because you have a hierarchy
or like a corporate ladder does not make something a pyramid scheme please just
Google scam pyramid scheme these sorts of words how our government looks like a
pyramid scheme okay fair point when you have pension plans they are kind of a
pyramid scheme because the younger people have to keep paying in or the
older people don't get any money so you could you could argue the pension plans
like government pension plans are kind of pyramid schemes it's fair now almost
every company in every industry has some kind of legal action against them bla
bla bla lots of people get sued this is my favorite part a pimp creates fear in
the prostitutes and then makes money off them what you are doing looks like the
same thing virtual pimp you are creating fear so
that you can profit not offering opportunity MLM is not for everyone the
truth is that you and everyone who has quit does not have what it takes to
succeed in network marketing I need to thank you
cadet because you have given me my new job title which is virtual pimp and that
is amazing thank you also please again dictionary pyramid
scheme just look up what it actually is please ok this comment was my complete
favorite and I actually just started laughing hysterically when I read it
some information you say is correct and right but not every company that authors
network marketing is the same rest of the modern companies even don't have any
product I joined a company that sold me in the participating preferred shares
and offered me a dividend very good reasonable dividend and beside that I
could get some Commission if I enroll two people but only if I want and it was
amazing what do you think of companies who offer this so
most multi-level marketing companies are essentially a pyramid scheme but they
try to cover it up by having or a Ponzi scheme but they try to cover it up by
having a product what you are describing ceruse is literally just a Ponzi scheme
which is amazing you're like no my my multi-level marketing company doesn't
waste time with a product it's just a Ponzi scheme oh that was amazing
call 7 0 108 9 3 2 6 3 4 joining a wonderful opportunity in the amway
marketing business please call them please join last but certainly not least
is a comment for a Mason I'm just gonna let you read it and have a good day
from watching who subscribed to the channel
like I've been hit thanks for sticking around here
How to Download More RAM - The Commercial - Duration: 3:08.
So many, right? From legit meme dealers too!
That's why downloadable RAM is great. Because it's good for people who don't have lots of money (subtitle note - console peasant confirmed?)
First Impressions: Genaray Crux 10" LED - Duration: 3:35.
- Hello, my name is Nicholas Pappagallo,
I'm a Lumix Luminary, and I'm here today
at Parkwood Studios to talk to you
about the Genaray Crux CR-10 B.
(light music)
Once again, it's a Genaray Crux CR-10 B LED,
and this light,
beyond being small and portable, is battery-operated.
So I'm gonna take this off the stand here,
show you a little bit about what I like
about this particular fixture here.
So look at how thin this actual lamp is,
so there's a unit on the back here,
and then all the LEDs actually come around here.
So we have 10 inches of light,
but instead of seeing the LEDs,
the LEDs are actually facing inwards,
and that gives you a nice diffusion panel here.
You don't have all those little diodes facing you.
Another thing about this, it is a bicolor light,
so you can actually change the light here,
I'm not gonna face it into the camera,
because I don't wanna mess that up,
but you can actually change the light here
from 5600K all the way down to 3000K there.
So I'm gonna turn this off so I'm
not shining it right into there.
This is a flicker-free fixture,
so for what we're using here,
we're using a different set of Generay lights,
you're not gonna get the flicker
in my shirt and everything for video production.
It's a great light for video,
and again, I could fit two of these in a suitcase
between my clothes,
and you really can make them very portable.
It uses a standard Sony battery,
so you can buy many of these for cheap after market,
and they just pop right on there like that.
So you have continuous lighting,
250 watt equivalent,
so you can really just get a few of these,
do great interviews,
shoot animals, it's not gonna freak animals
out the way strobe lights would.
Wireless control, so again we're gonna turn it on here,
you have wireless control here
of four channels, so you can actually have four channels,
so what I can do, effectively with this,
is put this in the ceiling in my studio here,
and I can have one down low, which is my key light,
and I can control all the other ones.
I can dim them up to 100%, down to zero,
I can change the color temperature,
and all the rest will actually let this one command them,
so I have four banks of those that I can use.
The CRI of this is 95, so it's got a great CRI rating,
and the weight, best part about this!
2.5 pounds!
I can hold this with my pinky here.
With the bracket.
So, great light, 10 inches, bicolor,
everything you'd want in an LED,
there are a couple other different brand names of these,
I like this Genaray one, this is great,
I love this little panel here,
it's very easy to use,
there's not knobs I'm gonna break off,
this is battery and 110,
so inside this bag that they gave me,
so Genaray gives you a nice bag,
I have a battery charger, I get a little user manual,
which is great, it shows you how to use everything,
and then I have a portable bag,
so if I do wanna actually protect them a little more
than putting them in between t-shirts in my bag,
I can put them in this bag and it's going
to give me a little bit more,
there's foam in there and everything,
it's literally just a little bit more support,
and keep it from getting scratched up.
I hate beat-up gear.
I like my gear to be nice and clean.
So, once again, this is the Genaray CR 10B Crux Light,
it's an LED, I wanna thank B and H for sending it over.
Don't forget to watch our other videos,
and subscribe,
we're always putting new content out there on the web,
so let us know what you wanna hear,
leave a comment, and we'll see you at the next video.
HoodyJ - ADC is Dead M/V (XO TOUR Llif3 Cover) - Duration: 3:09.
HoodyJ Productions™ HoodyJ Productions™
HoodyJ Productions™ HoodyJ Productions™
HoodyJ Flame First Production
Video by Ex-Apprentice
I don't really care if you die
On the real you shoulda never tried
Shoulda saw it coming when you locked in xay (Ya)
adc skills make me want to cry
Push me to the edge
ADC is dead
Push me to the edge
Enemies are fed
Push me to the edge
all the flame is said
Push me to the edge
Blaming me no ganks, and try my best to tank
But im never given thanks
So you making me drop ranks
and I motherfuckin sank
Man it makes me wanna shank
Your ass don't even mention gangplank
ur memes are so dank dank
Boneless pizza ass motherfucking nigga
Ur gameplay just motherfuckin triggas
Feeding them like your their dinna
Just get yourself a fidget spinna
And deal with autism like a winna
Bringin out my inna flame
Always giving me the blame
Dickdrive suits ya better name
Your logic fuckin insane
Why can't you just play ur mains
Twitch tiltin giving us pain
Sike bitch man it's actually vayne
trolling on split push d cane
Mobafire fuckin main
Ally is then fuckin slain yeah
I dont really care if you die
On the real you shoulda never tried
Saw it coming when you locked in xay(ah)
Ya adc skills make me want to cry
ADC is dead
Push me to the edge
Enemies are fed ahh
Push me to the edge
all the flame is said yeah
All the flame is said yeah
Giving this bitch red, regardless if hes fed
Man he's weak af no shreddin
Dw ill give you credit
5 man bitched on reddit
That is right I said it
And dont motherfuckin forget it
Expectations never met it
Cuz christian man you have said it (not me)
"Dont gank me" man you dont get it
Doesnt matter you dont let it
feeding teams are useless
But ur worse you a susan
Stubborn ass a fuckin nuisance
So of course we end up losin
plus your flame is so amusin
The jungler it's you accusin
Which drug is it that you usin
Ironic aint it that the abused is abusin
JuicyJ said
ur the worst ur the worst Gold dodging ADC that's always gettting burst
I dont really care if you die
On the real you shoulda never tried
Shoulda saw it coming when you locked in xay(ah)
Your adc skills make me want to cry
Pushed me to the edge
All the flame is said
Christian you are dead
Once a fuckin gain
Done dealing with your shit
So I wrote this rap instead
So dont push me to the edge
HoodyJ Productions™
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