tow truck's
Tow truck for children
For more infomation >> Tow Truck's - Tow Truck for Children - Kids Truck Videos - Tom The Tow Truck's in Car City - Duration: 6:54.-------------------------------------------
TG1- Berlusconi possibile alleanza con Alfano per la sicilia -Meloni - Musumeci - Duration: 1:40.
Avec l'autosacrifice, les Mayas ont-il inventé le piercing ? - Duration: 3:48.
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Tennis et selfie : Le week-end surprise d'Emmanuel Macron au Touquet - Duration: 2:09.
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Dwayne Johnson, Gina Carano, Jason Statham... ces ex-sportifs devenus - Duration: 4:51.
Ep. 43 Shortcut from Lawn Hill to Sydney via Longreach and Parkes - Everywhere Together - Duration: 14:33.
Previously on Everywhere Together:
We hung out in Darwin,
visited the Litchfield National Park,
and swam in the Mataranka Hot Springs.
We are in the Miyumba Campground in Lawn Hill National Park.
We arrived yesterday during the dark.
It was around 8 o'clock when we got here.
We did a bit of river crossing during the night, which was quite interesting.
It was totally shallow, so nothing scary.
But still, during the night it's not ideal.
But when we woke up here,
we saw so many birds.
So, in the morning just sat there, looked at the birds,
Lots of finches, so that's good.
And we took a walk around, and realised that there are these little signs for each camp ground.
So, ours is emu.
Number 3 is emu.
There's a little bit of story about each of the cards, each of the animals at the camps.
They tell a story about how aboriginal people in this area ate those animals.
And also that emus for example are, so the dads are raising the little emus, not the mums.
So, yeah, it's pretty cool, it's a cool campground.
We are now driving up 50 kms north,
to the centre of the National Park.
Do a bit of walking there, and then probably head to Mount Isa in the afternoon.
We are in Lawn Hill National Park.
And we checked out the map and looked at the different walks that are available here.
And decided to do something different here.
So, we rented a canoe.
And we are slowly going upstream up to the falls where we're gonna have a bit of swim.
And enjoy this National Park from the water.
So, that's quite different, but it's great!
Lots of little waterfalls.
So, once you've arrived, you have to pull out the canoe.
There's a little ramp for that.
And you can just place it over there.
And give enough space for the rest of the people.
And now we can jump in!
We only rented it for an hour, so now we are heading back.
Now, we are going downstream, so it's a little bit faster.
Awesome! It was very good!
Did you enjoy it? Yeah, it was awesome!
Yeah! Thank you Ade for suggesting us to visit Lawn Hill!
It's a very nice park!
We just arrived at McKinlay just now. We left Mount Isa this morning.
And we are at the Walkabout Creek Hotel, which is famous from the Crocodile Dundee movie.
We arrived at Longreach yesterday evening. We found a really good camping spot near town.
Which is only like $3/night, so that's great for us.
We heard about this Outback Pioneers program here in Longreach.
They have different experiences, and unfortunately most of the stuff are already full.
So, instead what we are doing is we are attending the Tent Show,
which is a bit of like a comedy kind of thing at noon.
And we took a walk in the Station Shop,
and, yeah it's a really cool experience, if you plan to visit the Outback Queensland part of the country,
then make sure you check them out, because they offer really cool shows and experiences, here.
We are just arriving to the Tree of Knowledge in Barcaldine.
Barcal-deen? How do you say that?
I don't know. Yeah, I don't know.
Let's call it Barcal-deen.
So, yeah anyway we are arriving to the Tree of Knowledge.
Which was recommended by one of our viewers.
Okay, so, to put this monument in to perspective.
Here, under the Tree of Knowledge was where in 1891 the sheep shearers had started their strike,
and they had problems with their wages and the environment they were working in.
So, they started gathering and the whole movement started from here.
So, in 1992 Charles Seymour wrote the manifesto of the Queensland Labour Party,
which was based on these events, and the movement started from here.
So, this is where actually the Labour Party of Australia started from.
And in 1899, this party actually got elected and became the world's first Labour Government.
Hello everyone!
We are already in New South Wales!
We visited yesterday Lightning Ridge.
And during the last few days we covered a lot of kilometres.
We just travelled through Roma, and Ligthning Ridge and last night we stayed at Narrabri.
And now we are driving up to Mount Kaputar, and look at the Sawn Rock.
After that, we are heading to Parkes, and then to Sydney!
We're soon finishing the trip!
How do you feel about that Peter?
Finishing?! Already? No-no-no!
I heard about we are going another 2-3 months!
What have you learnt?
So, we are here at the Sawn Rocks now, and then we have to turn back to Narrabri,
and then take the Kaputar Road to do this little track.
And then we can get to the top of it.
Wow! I haven't thought that this would be this big!
Oh my god! It just looks amazing! Doesn't it?
Sawn Rocks was formed when basaltic lava flow cooled slowly and evenly,
allowing the crystals within the molten rock to align perfectly with each other.
These columns are pentagonals, they have 5 sides, and that's because of how it crystalised.
We spent the night in Narrabri,
and our host said on a nice and sunny day we can see 1/3 of New South Wales from here!
I think he was right!
We've arrived to the biggest optical telescope in Australia.
It's called Siding Spring Observatory.
Just taking a look at it closely before the Discovery Centre opens at 10 am.
I think we were early.
Look at this bird!
Emu looking at the sky!
So the guy here just told us that they are going to change the lens of the telescope.
If you think of the telescope as a camera, it's the lens that they are switching now.
We have finally arrived at our last destination before we go back to Sydney and finish our trip!
And this it the The Dish!
The Parkes Radio Telescope!
And this is The Dish!
Hey guys! Hey!
We have arrived back at Sydney!
And you can see the Opera House at the background!
Yeah, it was a long journey, we stayed in.. Where did we stay yesterday?
We stayed in Katoomba, Blue Mountains.
And just arrived back now.
So, we've been on the road for 323 days, which is 10 months and 3 weeks!
We covered, how many kms?
We've driven about 50 000 km, and just yeah, travelled around Australia. I'll show a map to you guys!
Thank you very much for coming with us through YouTube!
And even though we are ending our trip here,
and not posting any more weekly updates, it's not completely the end of everything.
and we'll hope to meet you guys again!
See you! Bye!
And give us a thumbs up! And don't forget to hit Subscribe!
See you! Soon!
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