Thursday, August 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 3 2017

I ordered my Mystique Suit at

The Suit is shaded and makes a great figure.

The Suit is custom Made and arrived after two weeks.

For the fabric I order the normal options

I ordered the option "Hands Detachable" because I wanted to be able to put down the gloves.

The Fabric has a powerful colour and a light shiny surface.

Although the fabric isn't that thick, you didn't feel naked.

The fabric is super elastic what makes it easy to put it on.

As the Costume arrived I first take a look at the internal seam. They are very well done and sturdy.

It´s Heroes Time always used a Invisible Zippers for their Costumes so you never see the Zipper.

Hope this Review helps you :)

For more infomation >> Heros Timo Mystique Cosplay Review - Duration: 1:49.


"Meine Tochter ist überall dabei" - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> "Meine Tochter ist überall dabei" - Duration: 3:44.


Samsung Galaxy Note 5 WATER TEST! Don't drop your Note 5 in WATER - Duration: 0:46.

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 WATER TEST! Don't drop your Note 5 in WATER

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 WATER TEST! Don't drop your Note 5 in WATER

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy Note 5 WATER TEST! Don't drop your Note 5 in WATER - Duration: 0:46.


#Open - Facebook marketplace : on en pense quoi ? - Duration: 2:03.

Hello and welcome in this new #OPEN capsule

Today, my topic will not be Amazon

Who nevertheless announced to us that in less than 10 years

they would take out a translator to understand the language of our pets

But that's not my topic ...

My topic is Facebook ...

Why Facebook?

Because, last night, appeared in discretion, a little more icon in my Facebook application

Which looks like a cake staggered with creaming on it ...

When you click on it, you get to the Facebook marketplace

So they had launched it last year in the United States ...

The review had been a bit harsh because ...

Some "shady" merchants were selling non-legal things ...

So I get the impression that they made a slightly shy or very discreet launch in Canada for their marketplace ...

Except that there are several interesting features, and several aspects ...

Facebook does not take commission on the sales that will be made ...

The other interesting aspect is that it replaces or completes a Kijiji

in the sense that it is Mr and Mrs Everybody who can sell on the marketplace of Facebook ...

We take a picture, we put a description, a price, and then it's over!

And we can also geo-locate according to our home ...

So, it lacks the aspects of "rating" ...

from notes that one gives to a seller ...

But Facebook assumes that you have access to the Facebook profile of the person selling

So there is no need to have a rating associated with that seller there ...

So, there are several aspects that I find interesting ...

But I'd like to hear or read your opinion about it on our social networks ...

I can not wait to read you ...

Thank you

For more infomation >> #Open - Facebook marketplace : on en pense quoi ? - Duration: 2:03.





TankiOnline Game XP #23 Desert Storm BoOoM #Friendly - Duration: 9:51.

Do not forget to subscribe

Do not forget to Like

Do not forget to Like

Do not forget to Like

Do not forget to Like

For more infomation >> TankiOnline Game XP #23 Desert Storm BoOoM #Friendly - Duration: 9:51.


Favoritism In The Church | Poor Vs Rich - Duration: 4:28.

poor versus rich and what does the Bible say about favoritism well stick around

because today we're going to look at James chapter 2 and learn more about

favoritism in the church hey there my name is Wayne Riz and on this channel we

are walking the journey towards Jesus together you can subscribe to join our

community and get a new Bible study video every Thursday last week my

parents are watching the kiddos so my wife sign decided that we would take an

evening walk and while we were on our walk I needed to use the restroom now

oftentimes that can cause a problem but I was in luck because the lake we were

walking is the same length of our church is located on and I have a key and I

don't know if you notice about keys but keys can get you into places so I was

saved as I ran up to the door so the north end of the building I slowed down

because I saw a homeless man thinking that I decided to use his oars at the

other end of the building because I didn't want to disturb the manual

sleeping our church is a place where from time to time people will sleep I've

been able to see folks more church to reach out to them on multiple occasions

whether it's grabbing some snacks and some water from the kitchen and taking

it out to them and by any minted Church or just sitting with them for a few

minutes and having a conversation I've enjoyed being able to see people from

our church take time to treat people like people in James chapter 2 verses 1

through 4 it says my dear brothers and sisters how can you claim to have faith

in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others for

example suppose someone comes into your meeting dressed in fancy clothes and

expensive jewelry and another comes in who is poor and dressed in dirty clothes

did you give special attention and a good seat to the rich person but you say

to the poor one you can stand over there or I'll sit on the floor well doesn't

this discrimination show that your judgments are guided by evil motives

James greets them at the service section as one who cares about the people he is

writing to it's not just some random blog post on internet but James cares

about the folks he's writing to and he's teaching them about how a follower of

Christ should live now we could just read verse 1 here and be done don't show

favoritism it doesn't line up with the faith that you claim to have God doesn't

show favoritism all people were created an image of God

and Jesus Christ went to the cross to die for the sins of all there is no

difference between rich and poor in God's eyes God loves everyone there is

no room for favoritism in the church rich or poor we are called to love

people the word translated meeting in verse 2 refers to the synagogue this

passage is talking specifically about how followers of Jesus were treating

others in church this is a tale as all this time a song as old as rhyme for

thousands of years people have liked people who are like them and it is easy

to like people who are like us but God called us to love everyone James gives

this example and then he asks doesn't this show that your judgments are guided

by evil motives it is not my place to judge what you mean to God I can't look

at some of these clothes or how they act and decide whether or not they are

worthy of God's love because none of us without God's grace are worthy of God's

love Who am I to treat someone differently based on how they look or

how much money they have without even taking time to get to know them in verse

8 James says it is good when you obey the Royal law that is found in Scripture

love your neighbor as yourself love is right and favoritism is sin

thank you so much for checking out the video if you liked it you can smash that

thumbs up button and share it with your friends and go ahead and subscribe for

new video every Thursday let me leave you with this question you can answer in

the comments or discuss with a friend a parent or pastor does showing favoritism

put our focus on loving God I mean others or loving ourselves see

you later alligator

cares about who is who

there's no difference between BAE the Royal law something

to subscribe click on the circle on the left to check out a French channel click

on that circle on the right to watch a video that YouTube thinks you should

watch click that box in the middle and if you want to learn more about

supporting me on patreon you can click the circle underneath that

For more infomation >> Favoritism In The Church | Poor Vs Rich - Duration: 4:28.


It Turns Out – People Who Talk To Themselves Aren't Crazy, They're Actually Geniuses - Duration: 6:10.

It Turns Out � People Who Talk To Themselves Aren�t Crazy, They�re Actually Geniuses

�If I were my purple nail polish, where would I be hiding?

I say to myself as I am searching through my room.


There you are, you wedged yourself behind my dresser.�

I talk to myself often, I don�t mean just mean inside the privacy of my own home.

I talk to myself while I�m taking a stroll down the street, or when I�m in my office.

One of the times I�m most likely to talk to myself is if I�m shopping.

Thinking out loud helps me remember what I�m thinking about.

It helps me to stay on track.

It also makes people look at me as if they may need to restrain me soon.

Crazy people are the ones who talk to themselves, right?

They�re usually conversing with the voices in their heads.

If you�re yammering on to nobody in Shoprite, everyone is bound to think you�re a mental


I�m sure many people have seen me wandering down the streets of NYC and thought out loud

�I wish someone would paint that, it would be so much more appealing.

I�d paint it, if I had the time, I would paint the shit out of that thing!� Well,

the joke is on the judgmental people giving me a side-eye on the train.

Talking to yourself, it turns out, is a sign of genius.

The smartest people on earth talk to themselves.

Look at the inner monologues of the greatest thinkers.

Look at poetry, at history!

Albert Einstein talked to himself, he wasn�t an avid social butterfly when he was growing


He preferred to keep to himself. reports that he �used to repeat his sentences to himself softly.� Talking

to yourself makes your brain work more efficiently.

In a study printed in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, psychologists

Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupya hypothesized that talking to yourself was quite beneficial.

We�re all guilty of it, whether we admit it or not.

We might as well celebrate it and study the benefits.

In one experiment, Swigley and Lupya gave 20 people the name of an object (like a loaf

of bread or an apple), which they were told to find in the supermarket.

During the first set of trials, the participants were bound to silence.

In the second set, they were allowed to repeat the object�s name out loud as they looked

for it in the store.

According to Live Science, test subjects found the object with greater ease when they spoke

to themselves while searching.

Saying things out loud sparks the memory.

It solidifies the end game and makes it tangible.

However, talking to yourself helps you only when you know what you need to find.

Speaking the object�s name out loud is helpful only when you�re familiar with its appearance.

According to Lupyan� Speaking to yourself isn�t always helpful, if you don�t really

know what an object looks like, saying its name can have no effect or actually slow you


If, on the other hand, you know that bananas are yellow and have a particular shape, by

saying banana, you�re activating your brain to focus on these visual properties and help

you find them.

If you know what you need and verbalize its name, you will raise your chances of finding


Children learn best by talking to themselves, babies learn to speak by listening to grownups

and mimicking the sounds.

We need to hear our voices to learn how to use them.

According to Live Science, �self-directed speech can help guide children�s behavior,

with kids often taking themselves step-by-step through tasks such as tying their shoelaces,

as if reminding themselves to focus on the job at hand.� Think about all the munchkins

you know.

Haven�t you seen them talking to themselves while they play with a toy car or favorite

stuffed animal?

A toddler will remain better focused by talking through his problems.

If a small boy is playing with his toy cars, he might say, �The small car can fit through

this garage door, but the big truck is too big.� All while testing which of the cars

fit inside the toy garage.

By doing so, he remembers for the future how he solved the problem.

Talking through it helps the child make sense of the world.

Talking to yourself can help you organize your thoughts.

Hearing issues vocalized calms the nerves and then one can focus on the tasks at hand.

Psychologist Linda Sapadin believes talking out loud to yourself helps you validate important

and difficult decisions.

�It helps you clarify your thoughts, tend to what�s important and firm up any decisions

you�re contemplating.� Everyone knows the best way to solve a problem is to talk

it out.

Since it�s your problem, why not do it with yourself?

Talking to yourself helps you achieve your goals.

Making a list of goals and setting out to achieve them can be hard to do.

It can be overwhelming.

Talking yourself through those goals is a much steadier way to achieve them.

If you walk yourself through the process, each step will seem less difficult and more


Things will suddenly seem less impossible, and you�ll be less apprehensive about diving

into the problem.

As Sapadin puts it, �Saying your goals out loud focuses your attention, reinforces the

message, controls your runaway emotions and screens out distractions.� It puts things

in perspective and grounds you.

Talking to yourself means that you are self-reliant.

Like Albert Einstein, who �was highly gifted and acquired early in his life the ability

to exploit his talents,� people who talk to themselves are highly proficient and count

on only themselves to figure out what they need.

We �crazies� are the most efficient and intelligent of the bunch.

We take the time to listen to our inner voices, out loud and proud!

For more infomation >> It Turns Out – People Who Talk To Themselves Aren't Crazy, They're Actually Geniuses - Duration: 6:10.


Angel Olsen - Live

For more infomation >> Angel Olsen - Live





Samsung Galaxy Note 5 WATER TEST! Don't drop your Note 5 in WATER - Duration: 0:46.

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 WATER TEST! Don't drop your Note 5 in WATER

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 WATER TEST! Don't drop your Note 5 in WATER

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